8 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Saturday, July 16, 1949 Born of the Storm By SIDNEY B. CARTER IChaDter 1) It was a beautiful morning for a wedding, Priscllla stirred drows ily In her bed and turned over, trying to Keep irom waxing up. "Priscllla!" She heard her moth er's voice and knew that the pro cess of waking up could be delayed no longer. She would have to go downstairs and help with the prep arations for the wedding. That meant facing things. As long as she could remember, Priscllla had liked weddings per haps because she herself had longed so much to be a bride. She had Imagined herself walking slowly Be side Dennis to the stately strains of Lohengrin. How often in her daydreams she had followed every detail of the ceremonv! Today she would be part of a wedding, but not as a bride. Today and the thought gave her no pleasure she would be her sister's maid of honor. James, the bridegroom, was stock ily built and moonfaced, with a false smile and too-friendlv expression. Priscllla disliked him. However, he seemed to suit Lorraine and she was the one who was marrying him. Then, unaccountably and to her own surprise, she burst into ner vous tears. A moment later she had flung herself across the bed. She sobbed uncontrollably. Oh. Dennis, Dennis, why did you go away and leave me? Other men went away to war. but they came back. Lorraine's man came Dacn. Today Lorraine will be a bride while I . . . Dennis I Priscllla must have spoken the last anguished word aloud, for she looked up to see a startled expres sion on her mother's face as she stood In the doorway. "Why, Pris cllla," said Mrs. Hayden, her tone no more acid than usual, "you should be dressed. Lorraine Is." Lorraine would be. thought Priscllla. Lor raine is Mother's perfect daughter and on her wedding day she will be even more perfect, if possible, in Mother's eyes. "Really, Priscllla." exclaimed her mother in the voice reserved for her second daughter, "you're seven teen now. You're not a child any longer, or rather you shouldn't be. Now you get yourself dressed In five minutes or you'll hear from your father, Priscllla slipped the dress over her head and atooa in front 01 the long morror. She was tall and her figure filled out the dress In the right places. Her hair was a golden shade darker than the curls of her childhood and her eyes were a magnetic blue. She made a charm ing picture standing there, her full skirt swavlng slightly in the mild June breeze that came In at I the window, the sunlight spilling gold Into her thick, wavy hair. what's the matter with me? Why Isn't this 'my wedding day? As Priscllla iolned her father. Lorraine, and little Drusie at the top of the staircase, she heard the opening strains of "Oh. Promise . Me." That would be Nancy at the piano and. In a moment, Gertrude would begin to sing. And then her mother, standing among the guests grouped in the living room, would undoubtedly begin to cry over the loss of her favorite daughter, an Idiotic procedure. Priscllla thought, since James and Lorraine were go ing to live there. The girl In pink Is Priscllla. Oh, no, she's not the bride. Priscllla is the girl Dennis Drummond jilted. They were dancing together in the living room ... no one else was around . . . thev were in a world apart ... he so handsome In his lieutenant's uniform . . . she with her bright hair against his shouder , . . sweet music sending them. . . . Suddenly the radio was snapped off. Dennis had released her. Pris cllla looked uo at him In surprise. "We're not going to dance any more," he said, and his voice was riot gentle, the way sne naa re- Precious Pets Embroider baby bibs, pajamas, dresses, caps as well u nursery linens and curtains with these adorable little animals. Sim ple stitches and lovely colorings make this pleasant needlework and if you are inclined to decorate nurs ery furniture, use the transfers as a painting guide. Pattern Envelope No. R2660 con- ROOM AND BOARD T-iV JS .JU.l-SS.-t jC'iSKsWSofXiy LL ci,FtammnlvK I I WHAT "MOVIE MEM II UCV PALMCB OONT LET A 1 r t mm u kfsa pronto rwir-vK- . n W IT CANT BE WR? if A PORPOISE IN THESE WATERS "SO 7 MAYBE ITS V A HALF-SUNKEN I ) BARREL OR. J f N. TANK jS f I 1 "Ss'a'w with sudden clarity, DiM f)M M 3i2KEH M tMUJ U-7t then, the lines around his mouth. -r v4SrSr;lll V5&rTC?3tfTs3$S HMWi Wl WlKKKrH f II y They were lines of pain. Poor Den- 0 1 yCf iffll' Vtffi Ui&M lMmMd& A ' m gei iuu use oi nis nana again. - --T" "si; r -fr"' -rmm I V TrmkHMm7VMWI E3nLNffir3R5 T 7B But he was sneaking to her. She '-TljS?! I YftTOM!gL iSB-r fffg3B3RI . j LLfjLl could not believe what she heard. 1 BaTri'Tfll WrI f. I " VCKfli ' I" ' " M,ilijjXL -J I "Priscllla. you're only seventeen. ni "l I I I l? f t Kin . 'A fcrf TAirii B' Jl 1iLJfT?3PirnBr:31l Brr You're sweet and young and I would i 1 i n 1 i 1 I 1 i i rn if i, 1 1 not have you any other way." His .nJlrfiI? ??ISf5)l nnr, r"l fi a3 e I rT voice was tortured. "But ... well. i fa (SOlS lsr lrJ) 7fc3 IO,'Ji:E f there are some things I can't ex- JVv cPa yui, 1 PX -ii HIKE - plain to you . . . You've never killed , , , r- . 1 srC' yf e TODAY. anybody ... and I have. I've got to X'Jr-p & sy V. ' l hEnBY'S get over this feeling of guilt I have N I ur Jv"x JL hV-" A V HiKiNS iL about It. No matter how I reasoned " I J uifiS I I A i A V A K- 'rj CLUB r I never seemed to get used to it." c G'4 f bV "tSP 10-MILE 1 ( I L ' vTlr I Ji LZJ 1 '1 Priscllla listened with her heart. J f WW ik HIKE $3 Ji7 Vp L J c She wanted so much to help him, N XC ' L-i TODAY.' I f I V , y but the fear she had been repres- TW? Sfc . LDKI AJr l risaf r"UlftOPODlST JL sing came forward with intensity. " kJf ( TT "NPYsAKJ t-JTr A CHIBC I CHIKOKPPI A Shecould not. she knew, help him Y j J-f 'cluJ j V 7 7 "Dennis I" Her voice broke. "Can't I I L ) JL I help you? What good will It tJJ I lX Zj I do for you to go away from me?" I tX" LTa j 7-11 KyJjtvi rrr O '"""' T YEAH, FUNJABHSOEPV f I EO YOU BELIEVE TorolTflrSTMe? K&6fl , fc-S 'NaYP d SHE ONIV I GREAT GODFREY! I THIS GUY THOUGHTJ FOR UTTLE M0NYSO fe BWf IN SPflNKlNGl HOW 1 I MUST BE DRESMING- M V.f, J?rt) S BLEW A J I CANT BELIEVE ( YOU CALLED, I I NEEDED A jk Yj2y THOUGHT TO BEFOUL T Kf) CO Yfiy UKE rr? eUT I ENJOY rr- i t.tS "l CAMTSIT "1 I r ,N SPITE OP FA.LLIM IN fTHE MUD! 1 WONDER IP Tl BV SUM,1M SOIM'TO ririSl I mm r 1 Wa s I o,ES 'IrJiil? that wet muo om wilburs) i-tuatmud couloa. dome SI fimd-outsructnebb I ti tew M' T TJ?uL2?SaJ tor vesterdav i feel 7 IH-?mebbe TrrsebT M 6ITS PAJD FER curiim'J r KlPmS VI A aa S to AWPPER AS A WOOD-r- -vCUREY POvVERS '. 111 1 PEOPLE AT HIS HOTEL.WOULDWT SrWWr JSmA H ( liitfwfli o72.a2 bLPECKER! y r1 UlE BE S0R6 IF 1 SOT CURED rr E 2fS 1" Backed Wrapped Pinafore A not listening i?-when THAT'S K suppose?-I've 1 I the more repulsive. I drill, a cold chisel, 1 in-law pinafore like this is pretty enough to me but iffb I can just A K been going around I I YOU get- and speaking 1 I and A sledse- trouble, to wear for a sun dress as well as i you havent 1 Y look at J STATUE.':', ) with fvoo so J I of vou GETTiwg5-;' I hammer.1:' teh?- . kitchen capers. And there's noth- u even vfl k A REAL it isn't J long, Hamilton I'd 1 I why dont JftjLJM , ) lng like looking your best when you LOOKED LJK t MAN.V ) 'even V TORGOttEN WHATyl I you i OtT JY Cl3 (( come out of the kitchen. ' AT ME.'.' IT I kr- ALIVE.' A RSAL- masi 11 LOST? (TtyjVj" No. 2011 Is cut in sizes 12, 14, L MtfUP-n 1 j , VJi'J ' VVi-TjStX-I VTV- c5 W f I 16. 18, 20, 38, 38. 40. 42, 44 and 46. Z. I Ctj K5!, ( 1 -rfa7 H?0?A f vCV 'K.V ... I Size 18 requires 5K yds. 35-in. WLffrpTKk SVf 31 iy T J?mj5) SI Send 25c for PATTERN with R1,J& I n H-jF SJ) MVtKK II VAlr f i N.-.me, Address and Style Number. B M 2 X!lVvv7V ft v C..C-W. i TlK7iilS---J - f ALy I I State S,e desired. N WMSSL dS&ffl lWl i SUMMER is the time for pretty e ri KrM S& 4 i LiiW f r6Gv -'-! "7 kY13'' J7 7TOli X? iLA-K J J-K. I styles the Fashion Book the place e ?-V IT ff iVfjcT 1 UVSVVS; K V ) ' rvirA ) vvSj! Jv7lW V VV- Hr3J to find them. Everything you need D tLM I J ivl t2S JwIVV RTV ' 'vAWll 1 Urrf'un fOl for that wonderful f two weeks with '5m V-. V VOvllt J--Wi homcnblVhehlSUliMERWFAS V'1, YAfi r trCiVft'-A rg?'!gWftffftfliXl BOOK brings you over 150 pattern . , , ,JjU1. , Wr'W ',. 1 n n w . I 1 designs for all ages and occasions, you SAy I MADE VJs53fl SAY, THIS IS AN Vk i THOUGHT SO! A 1,000? Iv 1 AM THE S ( O.K., O.K., WERE GOIN .' ) and all designed for easy sewing. a ddfttV nPivE" THE M EXCLUSIVE GOLFCOURSE.' K L w,....- RFpN ). -SW PRESIDENT V.. but THIS IS A Price just 20 cents. Order your copy M J M AREYOU rSUFiSSN0v5 A HK OFA ? Address Capital Journal 552 Mis- t which ONE DO "ER!. .P3"" AND TEAt:, VOU?gET0UTI J10X, slon St.. San Francisco 5, Calif. ' you MEAN? J YOU HIT 1 LBf MEMBERS?) J UP THE GREENS' JSrZZ W 4TJ, CtWew MEMBERSrM : : T -U JS THE tmJiV "Zikssti MEMBERS PAY AafKf WWTCT VKXgRANDPA! IfMi taliis hot-iron transfers for 35 de signs, mrfusurinK from 2 to 4 Inches; embroiderinR instructions, stitch Illustrations and color sug gestions. To obtain trio pattern send 20c IN COINS KlvinR pattern number, your name, address and zone num ber to PeRCT Roberts. Capital Jour nal. 828 Mission Street. San Fran cisco 3 Calif. . . . Bv Gene Ahern i fSSCrT K -,''tt; LA-JUN?W-'l iP rlKMSsV ,J TAKING OFF lOO FOR COMMISSION TO THE EARL AND $35 TO UNCLE BERT AND ROBIN. STILL LEAVES Mb UVbK ? 3UO PROFIT FR.CVW THE SALE OF MY CORERS"" ENOUGH TO ASSURE ME OF A VACATION-- mi-WHATA VArONDERFUL VAORLD IT IS PRETTY I your giddy girl friend Tokay; steve 1 dya think beaver'u. I maybe but s 'BoK, md bia, b tm m uAsSSS MOVED A LITTLE, BALOY MEET ME IN THE GIVE HIM A JOB ? DONT GET TOO waiching-cyes brimming tnih tears-ZZiM ' BUT YOU CAN TELL VOUR CORNER BAR ITS frrmr-'ATTACHeD TO : " r lli 1 1 OCwJ T BOSS THIS ISA FREE AROUND MIDNIGHT 'IwJtl SL'-JiRHIM REMEMBER . '-2 mill - TRIAL PACKAGE OF Y I MAY HAVE HIM . HfrflT vl&fS BEAVERS C3SAfe!lF af life' ) 6 WHAT I CAN DO WITH ME r-Zt,-. fi.3 W'iLJ PHOTOGRAPHERS TWW)jCL Tm liif v with a SS5rrTcV; rwuliHa! Wm i lSGP RADIO PROGRAMS SATURDAY rM. 'KSLM IKGW 5:M Drlvin Pl.jtaonie VnlTeriltr The-tr.l Round Up Time Trtnurj. Show :lt Frink Heminrwar UnWeriltr Theatre Sound Up Time Treeeury Show : Smoke Rime Bands of Land Curiam Cain Danaer Ahead 14S Smoke Rinn Band! of land Curtain Cain Orcheilra 6:H Hawaii Calte Bands of Land Candlplilht and Red Barber :1ft Hawaii Callr Band! or Land Silver Orcheitra :S0 Greeorr Hood Here'a to Veti Newi Oreheatra lit Greaorr Hood Elmer Peterson Troploana Wewa 7:99 Musle Hit Parade Orlver'e Flarhoue Muilo for Tou :1B rabernacle Echo Hit Parade Bandstand Musle for Too :Sa Comedy Playhouse T B A Bandstand Mueie Memarle i Comedy Playhouse T B A Dugout Pope Dick Haymea 8 M Take s Number Dick Powell Baseball Slna It Alain I Take a Number Dick Powell Baseball Sine II Aiala :3u Volee of Truth Grand Ola Opry Baseball Slni- It Ai-ala :5 Voice of Truth Grand Ole Opry Baseball Slnr It Ayaln 9!ffl0 Life Beelne at Rn Vie Damone Show Baseball Vauana Menre :IS Life Bcfina at 80 Vie Damone Show Baeeball Vauebji MoarM :S0 Meet the Press T B A Baseball lene Antry 'B Meet the Preia T B A Baseball Genu Antry m g !00 News Dlree, Playhouse News Flye blar Final II:1S It's tha Top Dlreo. Playhouse Danelnc Party Gene Bustera nff:sO News T B A Danelnc Party Ganc Bustera 'eft Musle T B A Danclna Party Jantsen Beach mm M Open House Wax Museum Danclna Party Jantsen Beaeh 1 I :1B Open House Wax Museum Danelnc Party Serenade i I ISO Open House Wax Museum Dancinx Party Orchestra u t4B Open House Wax Museum Danclna Party Orchestra U:0 Slcn Off Slca Oft Slta Off sTra-Off SUNDAY "0 Newa Newa , ill Story Order Bless, Oeealit " ISO Cameos af Musle Blcce, Oranlat Itft Catueoe of Musle Trinity Choir 8:00 Muslo Bible Hichlichte Deep Blrsr Beye Church at tha Alt III Mus e Bible Blchllchta Newe Church at tha All :30 Musle Chureh In Home Fellowehlp Tolea Church af tha Air d Cent. Lutheran church In Home FeUowshlp Tolea Church at tha All 9:00 1st Baptist Ch. News Chapel at Air Newa ... :1S 1st Baptist Ch. - Morn. Serenade Clark Dannie Howard amlth I ISO Voice of Prophecy j0ha Dae'a Are Maria Heal Gallery Gossip lU Voice of Prophecy Musle Are Maria Boui Newi ' a 100 K,dl Bible Class News Chureh In Wild. Invitation f:15 Radio Bible Class sllyer SI rinse Orcan Loft la Learn las lln:0 Lutheraa Hour Eternal Llcht Sacred Heart People'e Platform ' w: Lutheran Hour Eternal Llcht Wayne Kin. People'! Platform aj an 100 Newa Glenn SHelley First Baptist Ch, Sail Laka Taber. I 1 :1S Orchestra Glenn Shelley First Baptist Ch, Sail Lake Taber. N.!!!,Jt. Cblcaco Bound Fleet Baptist Ch, Treaa. Bandstand n: Milt Herlh Trio Table First Baptist Oh. Treas. Bandstand aaB.:00 Tone Tapcstrlee News Serenade far Chorallere I "1:15 Tone Tapestries Dayld Rose Oroh. Strlnce Churallera 8Z:!' Sunday raTorlteB T B A News Made In Masle Mto0 Canary Pet flhow T B A Guy Lombardo Newa J?"."1 . . T B Woa, M"10 CBS Symphony :1 Voice of Army T B A Words A Muslo CBS Symphony :S0 Mystery Hall Who Said That Words Musle CBS Symphony i Mystery Hall Who Said That Words a Musle CBS Symphony 7:00 House of Mystery Llylnt In 1949 Sammy Kayo CBS Symphony US House of Mystery Llylnc In 1940 Sammy Kaye CBS Symphony 130 True Detective News Sunday Musle Orchestra Su True Detective T B A Sunday Music Orchestra 3100 Under Arrest Musle of Masters Warwick Theetre My Serenade :1 Under Arrest Musle of Masters Warwick Theatre Newe :S0 Mr. Flx-ll Hollywood Calls Sunday Serenade Symphonette ' Conxress Report Hollywood Calls Sunday Serenade Symphonette 4:00 Roy Rocera Hollywood Calls Donald Stewart Family Hour .30 Roy Rocera Hollywood Calls Donald Stewart Family Hour :15 Nick Carter Surprise Serenade Donald Stewart Youra Truly Nick Carter Surprise Serenade Donald Stewart Yours Truly 5:00 Music for Sunday Voice Events Dallas Ministerial Hit Parade !j Musle for Sunday Voice a Events Land of Free Hit Parade E" ?'!' Orchestra Music for America Call the Police r" cl"'1" Orchestra Music for America Call the Police 6.T A'i"i n Mtd'" !!" S"?ou" Baseball Rocky Jordan :lo tlon Board Star Playhouse Baseball Rocky Jordan : Z 2l 5"h"' B,,:.H News' N"" NBC Symphony Baseball Ocorce Fisher 7:00 Charmer i Del NBC Symphony B,b,n Earn Vacation H ?i"rT." ?h S'mh,?' Ba coa Earn Vacail 52 M H. ill I.J Bandstand Our Miss Brook. i" Family .heatre Musle News Round Up Our Miss Brook. 8:00 Murder by Expert Take or Leave It Baseball Life With Lul.l :1 Murder by Expert Take or Leave II Baseball Life With Lulcl :30 Medical Hllltes Horace Heidi Baba nll p.d L45 H""mest New, Horace Held! Baseball Hit Parade 9:00 Twenty Questions News Baseball Philip Marlowe :!2 TI1'' .Q,,e"," S""n Baseball Philip Marlowe :30 Walter Winohell Symphony Hour Baseball The Whistler "5 Lanny Rosa Symphony Hour Baseball The Whistler 1 A :.0 N"" Symphony Hour Sunday Reverie Five Star Final If 1.5 Mu,ta n.?".. "i " Sunday Reverie Sam Spade a 1 : M"lo ,".0.', H Sunday Reverie Sam Spade News Cathollo Hour Sunday Reverie St. Francis Hour J. ,0" Slcn Off New. Slcn Off Serenade L i! w"" Mu",,m Orchestra " U M Wax Museum Orchestra Sim Off iuTnOlf Familyt fi:15, Let Freedom Rlnx 5:30, Dixieland! 0:00, Here', to Vets; 6:1S, Home Edition Newsi 0:30, Modern Ro mances! 7:00, Musical Etchings! 7:30, John ny Thompson: 7:45, Bert Andrews: 8:00, Lone Rancer; 8:30, The Eye! 9:00, Break the Bank! 9:30, Pat Novak for Hire; 10:00, Newst 10:15, Some Like It Hot! 11:30, Bev erly Hill. Orch.; 13:00, Extra Houri 1:00, Slcn Off. IX TV Sunday A.M. 7:00, Morninr Mel odle.i 8:00, Fine Art. Quartet! R:30, Music Time) 9:00, Revival Hour! IMOO, Parade of Hits! 10:30, Voice of Prophecy! 11:00, James Roosevelt; 11:15, Romance of the Hlehways: 11:30, National Vespers! 13:00, Constnat Invader) 13:15, Guest Start 12:30, Piano Playhouse! 1:00, Editor at Home; 1:15, Society Newsi 1:30, Hour of Faith; 2:00, Opera Album; 2:30, Message of Israel! 3:00, This Chanclnc Book Club Members Seat New Officers Independence Members o f the Delphinium Book club en joyed a pot luck lunch recently tht gardens of Mrs. Walter Smith, Incoming president of the group. The new officers for 1940-50 were installed by Mrs. Ruth Eb bert of Monmouth, and included Mrs. Walter Smith, president; Miss Jane Dale of Monmouth, vice-presi dent; Mrs. Grace Swope, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. ACROSS L Spring beer 6. Author of "Fables In Slang" L In Hinduism. a god 12. Black 13. Sesame 14. Former czar 16. Round roof 16. Malt liquor 17. Waistcoat 15. Leaf of a calyx 20. Offlclaln In certain games 22. Assumption 24. Swiss riVM 26. Witness 27. Femlnln name SL Reduces metal from or 33. Cotton fabrle 35. Conceal 26. Fall behind 37. Animal of th deer family 13. Headlike In form .2. Part of m fortification ib. Dwarf animals 48. Medicinal plant 49. Beverage 51 Be uusuccesi- 62. Third O.S. Vice-President 63. Government lev? 64. Fatigue 65. Closing word of a prayer 6(t. Native metal 67. Having little speed 23 4567 S f lO 77 !lLlJl!La' mm , WmwA 'm 3S 1 wk -I 1 j 1 1 iH i ssikoco r IKOIN TO 0B8 lfAf Saturday P.M 0:00, On the" lvMV, Upbeat; 5:50, 550 Sports Club! 00, News; 6:15, Look at Australia; 8:30, London Letter: 6:43, Holland Today and Tomorrow: 7:00, Llcht Opera Tonlcht; 8:45, Loexers' Fire Weather Forecast; 9:00, Dance Parade; 10:45, Newst 11:00, Slcn Off. World; 8:15, Sonc Salesman; 8:80, Sunday With You; 4:00, Muslo Moods; 4:30, Betty Clarki 4:45, Honeydreamerst 6:00, Stop the Music! 6:00, Little Herman: 6:30, Think Fast: 7:00, Walter Wlnchell; 7:15, Louella Parsons; 7:30, Go for the House; 8:00, Jimmle Fidleri 8:15, Ted Malonei 8:30, Dick Toddf 8:45, Roadside Chapel; 9:00, Drew Pearson; 9:15, Monday Mornlnc Headlines; 9:30, Walter Wnchell; 9:45, Intermezzo; 10:00, Richfield Reporter; 10:15, Drew Pearson; 10:30, Jantsen Beaeh Orch.; 11:00, Nocturne; 11:30, Claremont Orch.; 12:00, Xtra Hour; 1:00, slcn Off. Erma Cooper, librarian; Mrs. Fred Gillette of Mnnmnnth. rnr- respondent for Monmouth; and Mrs. Chester Sloper, correspon dent for Independence. Park Proves Popular Silverton Checked record of visiting guests at the Silver Fall area reported by O. J. Shaw, supervisor, were 28,800 durirfi the Fourth holiday period. As sisting at the recreational area are the Shaw family, the M. C. Fergusons, the Sanford Chilsons, ana the Arthur Phelps family. A RflB A HflT H E T A 53 E R eh A V O C 9Ll O R plo L E N T a 3B(m o uts EfSii R B e VjA N TJOlsfE T A C-E IHl i 3d(a i o O D R 6 s aBy e a r n s Mn0amHa r mC s E iii5 At. s CSSTa R E T EDA R t A PJRJO ViDEN Ifl i A T J l e Dflo n ee V J N A N Er E DlJp E N Solution of Yesterday's Puzzl down L Garden divisions 2. Musical in strument 2- Likened 4. Work with the handa 6. Luzon natlv 6. Thin 7. Gum resia 8. Guessed 9. Always 10. Flower con. talner 11. Insects 19. Unable to find the way 21. Italian river 23. Footlike part 24. Kind of wood 25. Friend: iaw 28. Wooden pin used In ship building M. The palmyra palm 30. Request 32. Reading desk 33. Entangle 34. Edible seaweed 36 Pertaining to a line 29. Three -toed sloth 10 Tropical animal 41 Cluster 42. Polish cake 43. Astringent salt 44. Painful to to touch 46 Beginner: variant ti Ktllrft SO. Lumbal tunn tool if' i