Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, July 16, 1949, Page 7, Image 7

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    y Nati onal Rotana Convention Opens in Salem Friday
Saiem entertains a national conven
tion next week, the 18th annual gather
irt for Rotana, national service organ
ization, to be here through Friday, Sat
urday and Sunday. More than 100 dele
gates are expected from the 12 clubs in
the organization.
Miss Vada L. Hill of the Salem club
Is the national president. Convention
headquarters are to be at the Marion
The convention starts out with a
luncheon meeting for the national board
at 1:30 p.m. Friday. Registration of
delegates gets under way at 6 p.m. Fri
day, followed by a western fun night at
8 o'clock in the hotel Marine room with
members of the McMlnnville club as
Events Listed
Saturday's events begin with a group
breakfast in the Marion Mirror room
at 7:45 o'clock, followed by formal open
ing of the convention at 8:30 o'clock. Be
tween 1 and 2 p.m. there will be a tour
of state buildings, the convention to re-
map- j& u
TALKING OVER plans for the Rotana convention is this group above, left to right:
Miss Juana Holmes, Mrs. Floyd Matthews, standing at left, Mrs. Alfred Laue, Mrs. LcRoy
Mittendorf, standing at right, and Mrs. Chester Pickens. (Jesten-Miller studio picture.)
k Goodman-Freres .
White, yellow and orchid blooms dec
( orated St. Joseph's Catholic church this
afternoon for the wedding of Miss Phyl
lis Marie Freres of Stayton and Marvin
Wayne Goodman of Coquille, the Rev.
Gerald Llnahen reading the service at 3
o'clock. The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore George Freres
of Stayton and Mr. Goodman is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Goodman of
Soloist for the wedding was Miss Edith
Fairham and Wayne Meusey was .at the
organ. Miss Patricia Burrell and Mrs.
Robert Evers lighted the tapers.
The bride was attractive In a white
nylon marquisette gown fashioned with
a lace Peter Pan collar and insets of the
lace in the bodice and at the hipline. The
dress had a row of buttons down the
front and a full skirt falling in a train.
The Illusion veil edged in lace was ar
ranged from a tiara of pleated lace. For
her flowers the bride carried a round
bouquet of white rosebuds, bouvardli
and sweet peas. Mr. Freres gave his
daughter in marriage.
Mrs. Floyd Booze, Jr., was honor at
tendant. Her gown was of pale yel
low marquisette designed with Peter
Pan collar, pleated bodice, cap sleeves
and full skirt. She wore a tiara of the ,
game material pleated, and gloves match
ing the sash of her dress. Her flowers
were orchid asters and sweet pea in a
round bouquet.
Miss Sara Ann Ohling and Mrs. John
McNlven were the bridesmaids. Their
Ti dresses were Identical to that of the
honor attendant, only in pale green,
and they also carried the bouquets of
orchid asters and sweet peas.
Carol Ann Freres in a pale yellow,
floor length frock, was the flower girl.
Henry Erocolini was best man for
Mr. Goodman and ushering were Wil
liam Reder, Harold Freres, Floyd Booze, .
The bride's mother wore a pale gray
ilk crepe grown with matching hat and
gray and white accessories and a cor
sage of orchids. The bridegroom's
mother was unable to attend because of
Reception at Sorority
The reception following was at the
Pi Beta Phi sorority house on the Wil
lamette university campus. Cutting the
cake were Miss Theresa Schulte and
Mrs. John W. Etzel. Mrs. Roxie For
ette and Mrs. Wendell P. Evers poured.
Assisting at the reception were Misses
Carolyn Carson, Artdyse Lane, Barbara
Miller, Avis Roberts, Janyce Faker and
Lois Mulcahy. Miss Maxine Meyers
had charge of the gifts. Master Larry
Freres had rAarge of the gu-st book and
pntcine the rrem rakr vrre Maryann,
Joy-" n! Wn'ty Frr es.
The bride wore an aqua and white
silk dress with bolero and white
accessories, and a corsage of baby or
cmc ir t-pvr-Vnr. Following a trio
t. "n " i ' t . "i- 'h be cou'e
will return to Salem for the summer.
This winter they will reside in Canby
I where Mr. Goodman is coaching. The
bride attended Stayton schools and was
graduated this year from Willametti
where she is a Pi "eta Phi. Mr. Good
man also is a Willamette graduate and
a member of Phi Delta Theta fraternity.
convene at 2:30 o'clock in the Hotel Mar
ine home.
The convention formal banquet comes
at 7 p.m. Saturday in the Mirror room
of the Marion.
Neva M. Elliott, Portland attorpey
and member of the Portland Quota club,
is to be the banquet speaker. Among
guests will be representatives from other
Sa'nm service clubs.
The national board meeting is dated
for 8 o'clock Sunday morning at the
Marion, and buses will leave at 8:30
a.m., to take the members and delegates
to a beach picnic at Surftides.
Mrs. O. L. Donnelly is general con
vention chairman. Miss Lorena Jack is
president of the Salem club. Other
committee chairmen working on plans
for the convention include the follow
ing Salem Rotanas:
Chairmen Busy
Mrs. Grant Farris, accommodations;
Mrs. S. L. Auman, finance; Mips Hill,
printing; Mrs. Alfred Laue, convention
hall; Mrs. Herbert Miller, hostesses;
MONG mid-summer brides will
be Miss Mary Massee, who is an
nouncing plans for the wedding.
Ker marriage to James Struck of Park
dale will be solemnized the afternoon
of Sunday, July 31, at 4 o'clock in the
First Congregational church, the Rev.
Vernon Zornes of the Clear Lake Evan
gelical church officiating.
Candle lighters will be Mrs. Eric
Carlson and Mrs. John Ward, the latter
of Portland. Soloists for the wedding
will be Mrs. T. C. Mason and Hal M.
Mrs. Homer Davis of Gervais is to be
matron of honor for her sister. There
will be four bridesmaids, all Alpha Phi
sorority sisters of the bride-elect at Ore
gon State college. They include Miss
Vlrlee Kuhn of Dundee, Miss Joann
Agan of Portland, Miss Gwen Hammers
ley of Tillamook, Miss Marolyn Rigby.
Little Miss Dianne Smith, niece of the
bride-elect, is to be flower girl.
David Dormeyer of Sacramento,
Calif., is to be best man. Ushering will
be Donald Samuel of Hood River, Don
ald Meyer of Portland, Truman Massee,
brother of the bride-elect, and Dan
Struck, brother of Mr. Struck.
The reception following also will be
in the church.
Miss Massee is the daughter of Mrs.
Frank A. Massee of Salem, Mr. Struck
the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Struck
of Parkdale.
Capital Unit No. 9, American Legion
auxiliary, is to meet in regular session
at 8 p.m. Monday in the Salem Woman's
club. There will be an initiation, an in
formal program and a social. Past presi
dents will conduct the initiation.
Members of Calvary Baptist church
congregation are sponsoring a reception
the evening of Sunday, July 24, to honor
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Durden. Dr. Dur
den recently resigned as pastor of the
church and is retiring, he and Mrs. Dur
den to leave in early August for the
coast to make their home.
There will be a service at 7:30 o'clock
in the church, followed by the recep
tion. The event not only honors Dr.
Durden for his services with the local
church but for his 43 years' work as a
Invitations have been sent to Baptist
leaders throughout the state, as well as
to national Baptist officers with whom
Dr. Durden has worked and to those of
other pastorates served by Dr. Durden,
A large group of members from the
Salem Business and Professional Wo
men's club will be motoring to Dallas
Monday evening for a no-host picnic
being arranged by the Dallas club in the
Dallas City park, The supper is to be
at 6 30 o'clock. In case of rain the sup
per will be in the City hall. Each one
atiendine is to take her own supper and
table service.
Salem Central WCTU is holding ita
annual mid-summer picnic on the lawn
at the Eugene Prescott home, 1064 Oak
street, Tuesday, July 19 at 12:30 p.m.
Each member is to take her basket of
lunch and table service, coffee is to be
Mrs. Auman, registration; Mrs. Chester
Pickens, correspondence; Mrs. Miller,
flowers; Mrs. Laue, publicity; Miss
Juana Holmes, reservations; McMinn
ville club and Mrs. LeRoy Mittendorf of
Salem club, Friday night fun program;
Miss Jack, Saturday banquet; Mrs.
Auman, Saturday breakfast; Mrs. Henry
Mattson, Sunday picnic.
National officers and board members
expecting to attend include: Miss Hill
of Salem as president; Miss Helen Mac
Quarrie of Bozeman, Mont., as first vice
president; Mrs. Jerry Dunn of Spokane,
second vice president; Mrs. Grant Far
ris -f Salem as secretary; Mrs. Agnes
Sheridan of Butte, Mont., treasurer; Miss
Mary Adalinc Cook, Billings, Mont.;
Miss Katherine Murphy, Butte, Mont.,
Mrs. Flossie Chisholm, Great Falls,
Mont.. Miss Rilla Best, Helena, Mont.,
Miss Hattiebelle Ogilbee, Portland, Mrs.
Nell Hoyal, Anaconda, .Mont., all board
members; Miss Charlotte Frecborg of
Spokane, editor of Rotanan, national
furnished. Mrs, W. A. Barkus, county
president, will give the devotional
thought and announcement of the
county convention, while Mrs. Ruth
Tooze, state WCTU president, will be on
hand to tell of WCTU work, including
the coming national convention and
Oregon state convention.
Mrs. L, V. Reed and Mrs. W. i. x-uole
will entertain circles 1 and 4 of the First
Presbyterian church next Wednesday
for a no-host picnic luncheon at 1 o'clock
at their home, 2455 South Commercial.
Mrs. Charles Wilson is leader of circle
1 and Mrs. Robert Hutcheon is leader .
of circle 4. Each one attending is to
take her own table service.
Women's Division Organizes for
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NEXT TUESDAY launches a big job for
handle the residential solicitation for the
00-chalrmen sod their five commanders art
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FOUR OTHERS busy with details to entertain the Rotana convention are these four
above, left to right: Mrs. Fannie Douglas, Mrs. Jack Brown, Mrc, Waldo Baker and Mri.
George Bagnall. (Jeaten-Miller studio photo.)
Miss Wade Bride Friday Evening
An all-white setting was arranged. for
the wedding of Miss Corinne Wade and
Richard H. Kuhn last evening in the
First Congregational church. White
gladioluses and larkspur, and lighted
candles at the altar made up the dec
orations. Dr. Seth R. Huntington, pastor
of the church, read the vows at 8:30
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Francis T. Wade of Salem and Mr.
Kuhn is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
V. Kuhn of Portland.
For the music, Mrs. Robert Dawes
(Jean Sechrist) of Eugene sang and
Jean Hobson Rich was at the organ.
Lighting the tapers were Mrs. Stanley .
Kinne of Corvallis and Miss Louise
Lister of Portland. Both wore white
faille frocks that had blue satin sashes
with bows in the back, and both wore
white blooms in their hair.
An imported lace over white satin was
the wedding gown worn by the bride.
It was designed with round collar em
broidered with white pearl beading.
The cap sleeves and the long lace mitts
worn by the bride also had the white
pearl beading for trim. The dress but
toned down the front and the full skirt,
gathered at the waist, fell in a train.
The fingertip veil of illusion was arrang
ed from a bonnet-shaped headdress with
lilies of the valley at either side. For
her flowers the bride carried a bouquet
of American Beauty roses, bouvardia
and stephanotis. Mr. Wade gave his
daughter in marriage.
a large group of Salem women who will
Salem Hospital Development program. The
picture hers at a recent work meeting.
Pink and blue were the colors for
the gowns of the bride's attendants.
Mrs. Harold Gardner (Jeanne Demytt)
as matron of honor wore pink net. The
dress was made with a three-tiered skirt
and a stole around the shoulders. Mrs.
Gardner wore a pink net headband with
pink sweet peas and bouvardia and she
carried a round bouquet of the sweet
peas and bouvardia encircled with pink
Miss Patricia Vicsko, Mrs. Reed Voll
stedt (Maryana Bollinger) of Albany
and Mrs. John Spease of Corvallis were
the bridesmaids. All wore net gowns
identical to that of the matron of honor.
Miss Viesko and Mrs. Spease were in
blue, Mrs. Vollstedt in pink. Each one's
headband and the netting around her
bouquet matched her dress in color.
Acting as best man was James Meece,
Jr., of Portland. Ushering were Hay
don Fisk, Edward Locke and John
O'Brien, all of Portland, and Fred
Zwahlen of Beaverton.
Mrs. Wade wore a gown of aqua sheer
crepe for the wedding. With it she
wore a nylon net hat in the same color,
gold accessories and corsage of orchids.
The bridegroom's mother wore a light
blue gown with blue net hat, pink acces
sories and corsage of orchids.
The reception was given at the Chi
Omega sorority house. At the door was
Miss Joan Wade of Portland, cousin of
the bride. Miss Kathleen Hug passed
the guest book. Inviting guests into the
dining room were Mrs. William C. Dyer,
Hospital Development Program
1 A
Loft to right, sratrri, are Mrs. Ralph Krhlciingrr. Mrs. Arthur Rocthlin. both com
manders; Mrs. C'hnndler Brown, co-chairman, Mrs. Ralph K. .Moody, co-chairman; Mrs.
Donald Burke, a commander. Standing. Mrs. Robert F. Wull, at left, and MrsK Ward
Davit, both commanders, (Jeiten-Miller studio picture.)
Sr., and Mrs. Harry U. Miller.
Pouring were Mrs. Charles W. Heim
of Redmond, great aunt of the bride;
Mrs. Wallace S. Wharton, Mrs. Lester
S. Wade of Portland, an aunt of the
bride, and Mrs. Rex Kimmell.
Serving the cake were Mrs. George
Alexander, Mrs. Maurice Lynch of Red
mond, Mrs. George W. Neuner and Mrs.
Lyle Ashcroft, the latter of Portland.
Assisting with the serving in the dining
room were Mrs. John H. Johnson, Miss
Barbara Crawford, Miss June Young,
Miss Janice Myers, Miss Jeanne Myers,
Mrs. James Meece, Jr. of Portland, Miss
Virginia Palmer, Miss Shirley Brown,
both of Portland, Miss Mabel Pontius of
Albany, Miss Ruth Mellbye of Silverton.
The bride's table was set with a white
organdy cloth over blue satin, garlands
of smilax festooning the cloth. The
wedding cake was the centerpiece,
smilax and bouvardia around its base.
At either side of the cake were small
arrangements of bouvardia and the sil
ver candelabrums.
For her going away costume the bride
wore a navy blue suit with navy hat
trimmed in pink lilacs, pink blouse and
gloves and navy accessories. Pinned to
the suit was a corsage of orchids.
The couple will be at home in Oregon
City after July 25.
Several Salem friends have received
invitations for a party to be given Tues
day evening for Miss Barbara King, for
mer Salem resident, who is to be mar
ried August 12 to Donald Crouch in
Portland. Misses Jean Armstrong and
Elizabeth Weinzirl are to be hostesses
for the party at the home of the former
in Portland.
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