Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, July 16, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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    ALEM Art association members
have arranged an interesting event
for Sunday, July 31, a "fuchsia
tea" to be given at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert E. Shinn on North Sum
mer. The affair will be between 4 and 8
o'clock. The Shlnn gardens are known
for their beautiful fuchsias.
Mrs. Lester Barr is general chairman
for the tea and Miss Elizabeth Lord is
president of the association.
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By Marian Lowry Fischer
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BRIDE AT A CEREMONY solemnized July 10
Dessa Lee Holmes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
of Mr, and Mrs. L. A. Schcclar. (Jcstcn-Mlllcr
Weddings in Governors' Families
Almost Tradition for Capital
Stellar event on next week's calendar and one spotlighting the capital
in Oregon social news for the week-end will be the wedding of Miss Marylou
McKay, the younger daughter of Governor and Mrs, Douglas McKay, and
Lester D, Green, son of Lester M. Green of Eugene.
The ceremony is arranged for 8 o'clock next Saturday evening, July 23, .
in the First Presbyterian church with a large reception following at the Jerri's
avenue residence of the McKays.
Past Weddings Recalled
A wedding in the family of the governor is becoming almost a tradition
In Oregon, the Green-McKay ceremony to be the fourth in recent years for
the state's first families.
The last wedding for a member of the family of a governor here was
that of Dr. William Earl Snell, son of Mrs. Earl Snell and the late Governor
Earl Snell, and the former Marylee Fry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J.
Fry, Jr., of Salem. The ceremony was solemnized March 25, 1944 as one
of that season's outstanding social event in the capital. The younger Snells
now live in Portland.
A June bride was the former Martha Sprague, daughter of former Gov
ernor and Mrs. Charles A. Sprague, who was married to Dr. Melvin T. Hur
ley, June 14, 1941 during the administration of the bride's father as chief
executive. The Hurleys are visiting now in the capital as guests at the
Sprague home, the family moving from Boston, Mass., to Richmond, Calif.,
to make their home. An early summer service Salem remembers the wed
ding as a very beautiful one.
The marriage of Samuel Martin to Ellen G. Bowman of Portland was
solemnized February 1, 1937, during the administration of his father, the
late General Charles H. Martin as governor. The wedding was in Portland.
The date will be long remembered in the capital because it coincided with
the time one of Oregon's most severe snow storms descended on the western
part of the state, making travel difficult for the bridal party and guests.
Plan Rehearsal Friday
The Green-McKay wedding next Saturday will be attended by many out-of-town
guests, friends coming from all parts of the state.
On Friday evening of next week, Governor and Mrs. McKay are to
entertain at a buffet dinner at their home to honor their daughter and Mr.
Green. The dinner will follow the wedding rehearsal, which is set for 5
o'clock. The dinner will be for members of the wedding party.
Among out-of-town relatives to assist ot the wedding recep!on will be
Mrs. J. W. Frater, Portland, mother of Governor McKay; Mrs. J-'-n Cheet
hairi, aunt of the bride, Portland, and Misses Jane and Mary Cheothrm;
Mrs. Roy Radke, Portland, a cousin; Mr5. Clarn Buchanan, Eitumclaw, Wash.,
and Mrs. Fenton Ford, Eugene, aunts of Mr. Green.
A garden wedding will be that of Miss
Janice Myers and Lloyd Vernon Lewis
of Eugene who are to be married Sunday
afternoon at 2 o'clock at Terrace Farm,
country home of the bride-elect's par
ents. Dr. and Mrs. Burton A. Myers.
The ceremony will take place on the
lower terrace In a setting of varied gar
den flowers. A trellis of white gladiolus
es and ivy will form the background
with two smaller trellises off to cither
side. The Rev. Chester W. Hamblin, pas
tor of the First Presbyterian church, is
to perform the service.
Preceding the ceremony, Mrs. Harris
Lietz and Mrs. Ralph Myers, the latter
an aunt of the bride, from Ontario, Cnllf.
are to play incidental music. Mrs. Lietz
will sing, accompanied by Mrs. James
Teed, who also is to play hte wedding
To be given In marriage by her father,
Miss Myers will wear a ballerina length
white dress made with a long eyelet bod
ice and a full skirt of organdy. The dress
has short sleeves and the slightly drop
ped shoulder effect. The bride will wear
a large picture hat of white horsehair
with ruffle edging, and her flowers
be a bouquet ot white carnations and
small white rosebuds with an orchid In
the center.
The bride's attendants will be In pas
tel frocks, all ballerina length. Miss
Jeanne Myers, twin sister of the bride
Is to wear a lavendar marquisette dress
fashioned similarly to that of the bride
and with short sleeves and a fllled-in
yoke. She will wear a marquisette hat
matching her dress and she will carry
a bouquet of white blooms.
Mrs. Gerald Robison and Mrs. Harold
Gardner " are to be bridesmaids. Their
was Mrs. Donald F., the former
Everett Holmes. Mr, Schcclar Is the son
studio picture.)
dresses are fashioned similarly to that
of the maid of honor, Mrs. Robison to be
In pink, Mrs. Gardner in green. They will
wear hats matching their dresses and
each will carry a horsehair hat, the rib
bon.! looped over an arm and each hat
filled with flowers.
Little Miss Sharon McNall will be
flower girl. She will wear a yellow frock
and will carry a basket of flowers.
Wilbur Haskins of Merrill, Ore., is
to be best man.
Among out-of-town guests for the
wedding will be Mr. Lewis' parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Paul D. Lewis of Merrill, Ore.,
his grandmother, Mrs. Effie M. Tolle,
and his aunt, Miss Gertrude Tolle, the
latter two of Klamath Falls.
The reception following also will be on
the terrace. The bride's table will be set
with a white net cloth over blue, the
corners looped up wilh carnations. The
wedding cake will be in the center.
Mrs. George Croisan and Mrs. Abncr
Wilson, of Seattle, will cut the cake. Miss
Minnie Just and Miss Gertrude Tolle are
to pour. Mrs. Ralph Myers of Ontario,
Calif., and Mrs. Homer Davis of Orange,
Calif., botli aunts of the bride, will as
sist at the table. Serving will be Miss
Mariann Croisan, Miss Jeanne Busick,
Mrs. Kenneth Prince, Miss Barbara
Pates, Miss Margaret Moritz. Mrs. Wil
liam Dunn. Mrs. Harris Lietz and Mrs.
Ribert Siddoway, the latter of Portland,
will preside at the punch table. Miss
Grace Shields is to have charge of the
gi'Cyt book. Miss Anita linger and Miss
Marilyn Hjort are to have charge of
the gifts table.
For traveling the bride is to wear
a light weight navy blue suit with gray
and white hat, navy and white acces
sories, and the orchid from her bridal
After August 15 the couple will be at
home at 1790 Ferry street, Eugene.
N anticipated event for a large
group is the benefit garden party
to be sponsored by the Junior
guild of St. Paul's Episcopal church next
Thursday afternoon, July 21, In the gar
dens at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Homer
H. Smith.
Bridge will be played, starting at 2
o'clock, and tea will be served at 4
o'clock. Friends are Invited either to
come for the bridge and tea, or to call
at the tea hour at 4 o'clock. Reserva
tions may be made with any one of the
following committee members in charge:
Mrs. Homer Goulet. Sr., general
chairman: Mr?. Homr H. Smith, Mrs.
W. H. Lytic Mrs. J. N. Chambers, Mrs.
W. Carlton Smith. Mrs. Eugene I. Foster,
Mr. .7 R. LenPrell.
ArrsnRinf the tea table will be Mrs.
Donald C. Roberts, Mrs. Lester Barr,
Mrs. Louis Lachmund.
Pouring will be Mr?. George H. Swift,
Mrs. Paul Gemmell, Mrs. J. R. Langrell
and Mrs. Homer H. Smith.
Among out-of-town guests will be
Miss Ruby Archambeau, Mrs. T. J. An
ders. Mrs. Hugh Williamson and Mrs.
L. C. Newland, all of Portland. In an
other group from Portland will be Mrs.
C-eoree A. White, Mrs. A. J. Tourtellotte
and Mrs. H. C. Patton, all of Portland.
They will be guests of Mrs. White's
daughter, Mrs. George Emigh, Jr., for
luncheon preceding the party.
Wednesday brings the usual golf day
for the Salem Women's Golf association,
play starting at 9 a.m.
For the Friday event, postponed two
days because of the Oregon Women's
Golf association tournament here, Mrs.
R. M. Walker of Independence was a
guest. Prizes for low putts went to Mrs.
R. I. MacLaughlin, class A; Mrs. Kate
Bell, class B; Mrs. Homer Goulet, Jr.,
class C; Mrs. Ingvald Johnson, class D..
Mrs. L. J. Spady was honored at a
surprise shower given this past week at
the home of her mother, Mrs. W. E.
Burks, Miss Betty Seder and Mrs. John
Erler being the hostesses.
Attending the party were Mrs. Spady,
Mrs. Guy Irwin, Mrs. Byron Londberg,
Mrs. Cecil Gum, Mrs. Abbie Larsen,
Mrs. L. G. Spady of Dallas, Mrs. Gordon
Winchcomb, Mrs. Melvin Spady of Dal
las, Mrs. Karl Plautz, Mrs. Lawrence
Bcckner, Mrs. W. E. Burks, Jr. of Port
land, Mrs. Gene Pickrell, Mrs. Bernard
Koehlcr, Miss Chukke Brokke, and the
two hostesses.
A picnic for members and families Is
planned by the Sojourners club in Les
lie park for Sunday, July 24, the dinner
to be at S o'clock.
On the committee are Mrs. Roger
Webb as chairman; Mrs. Ira Goddard,
Mrs. C. L. Neal, Mrs.. Roy Todd, Mrs.
Russell Forrest, Mrs. B. J. Cleary. Res
ervations may be made with any one
of the commHtee.
McCall Family Welcomed Among
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AMONG NEWCOMERS belnr wrlromrd to Salem are Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lawsnn McCall and sons, Thomas
1jsoii McCall, Jr., and Samuel Walker McCall. Mr. McCall recently was named private ser.otaiy to Governor
Douglas McKay and the family moved here from Portland, laldnr a residence at ifio North Winter. Mr.;. McCall
and sons are pictured here. Last evening, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heltiel entertained at an at home for the McCalls.
(Jesten-MJUer studlt picture
rRS. JAMES R. Humphrey and
Mrs. Charles Clarke will be host
- esses for an informal tea next
Saturday afternoon at the Fairmount
Hill home of Mrs. Humphrey, guests
being invited to call after 3 o'clock. The
affair honors Mrs. Myron H. Soupene
of Galesburg, 111., sister of the two host
esses, who is visiting here for a time.
Mr. Soupene also came' west but is re
turning to Illinois this week-end.
Honoring Miss Norma Stewart, who
is to be wed July 27 to Bruce Peterson,
Mrs. Irene Monoghan and Miss Joyce
King were hostesses this week at a mis
cellaneous shower at the home of Mrs.
At the party were Miss Stewart, Mrs.
Ralph Ransom, Mrs. Dorothy Ransom,
Miss Betty Montgomery, Miss Billie
Ruth Pierce, Mrs. Edgar A. Lloyd, Mrs.
E. R. Monoghan, Mrs. R. K. Hood, Mrs.
H. F. Peterson, Mrs. R. O. Bowman,
Mrs. Betty Kunz, Miss Thelma Walroth,
Mrs M. C. Cox, Mrs. Tom Wood, and
the two hostesses.
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AMONG COMMITTEE members working to entertain for the national Rotana clubs'
convention, opening in Salem next Friday, are these four above, left to right Mrs.
Carlton Wasson, Mrs. O. L. Donnelly, who is general chairman for the convention; Miss
Vada L. Hill, national president of Rotana; and Mrs, Herbert Miller, standing. (Jes ten
Miller studio picture.)
Tea to Honor Two Brides-Elect
Of special note on the social calendar
for the new week will be the tea for
which Mrs. David Eason and Mrs.
George Rossman are to entertain on
Tuesday afternoon in compliment to
Miss Phyllis Schnell, who is to be wed
in early September to Robert Strebig,
and Miss Margaret Jane Cooley, who is
to be married August 6 to John Phillip
Maulding of Tillamoox.
The tea will be at the home of Mrs.
Eason, a large group of friends being
bidden to call between 3 and 5:30 oclock.
Greeting guests at the door will be
Mrs, Roger Schnell and Mrs. Richard
L. Cooley.
Receiving with the two hostesses and
Misses Schnell and Cooley will be the
mothers of the two honorees, Mrs. P.
Newcomers Here
H. Schnell and Mrs. Ralph H. Cooley,
Assisting about the living room will
be Mrs. Paul Van Scoy of Jefferson,
Mrs. A. A. Schramm, Mrs. R. H. Bal
dock, Mrs. Silas Gaiser, Mrs. Walter A.
Barsch, Mrs. George S. Rossman.
Mrs. Eugene I. Foster, Mrs. Arthur
A. Rogers, Mrs. E. M. Page and Mrs.
W. W. Baum are to pour.
Assisting with the serving will be
friends invited by the two honorees, in?
eluding Miss Shirley Lukins, Misses Bar- '
bara and Gloria McClintock, Miss Mary
lou McKay, Miss Marjorie Tate, Misi
Charlotte Alexander, Miss Joanne Fitz
maurice. Weather permitting, the tea table ii
to be arranged In the garden.
Among partiea next week for bridea
elect will be the kitchen shower and
informal evening for which Miss Joan
Schwabbauer will entertain on Wednes
day evening to honor Miss Mary Massee,
bride-elect of James Struck of Parkdale.
The party will be at the Schwabbauer
residence, Mrs. Delbert Schwabbauer
assisting her daughter. A late supper
will be served.
In the group will be Miss Massee, her
mother,, Mrs. Frank A. Massee, Mrs.
Homer Davis, Miss Mary Elizabeth
Reinhart, Miss Nancy Farrar, Miss
Mona Davis, Miss Velma Davis, Miss
Jean Doolittle, Miss Carmen Roth, Mrs.
Shirley LaMunyon and the two host
esses. ' . ,
Mrs. Harry V. Collins Is to be hostess
next Friday for a luncheon at her home
complimenting Miss Margaret Jane
Cooley, bride-elect of John Phillip
Maulding of Tillamook. The group will
fete Miss Cooley with a kitchen shower.
Miss Josephine Haury, bride-elect of
Lyle Knower, will be honored at a
party and miscellaneous shower for
which Mrs. J. P. Smart and her daughter-in-law,
Mrs. James S. Smart, will
entertain at the J. P. Smart home at
Zena next Tuesday evening. !
In the group will be Miss Haury, Mrs.
Gilbert Haury, Miss Aeline Haury, Mrs.
William E. Knower, Mrs. Frank Farmer,
Mrs. Robert Farmer, Mrs. Ernest Let
teken of Dallas, Mrs. Lloyd Crabb, Mrs.
Robert Adams, Mrs. Clifford Boehmer,
Mrs. Ammon Grice, Mrs. Howard Blank
ley, Mrs. Glenn Southwick Mrs. Albert
Bouffleur, Mrs. William Ashby, Mrs.
Robert Ashby, Mrs. Claude Ashby, Mrs.
Fred Muller. Mrs. J. S. Rowland. Mrs.
Donald Rowland, Mrs. Adrian Withers,
Mrs. William Schwartz, Mrs. Helen Gor
man, Mrs. Russell Hicks, Mrs. Arthur
Bone. Mrs. Ross Clarke, Mrs. Leon Flux
and the two hostesses.
Justice and Mrs. Harry H. Belt have
been on the coast with friends at Pacific
City for a few days.
Among University of Oregon students
attending the picnic given this past week
at Jantzen beach in Portland by the uni
versity women students were Misses
Jane Carson, Josephine Caughell. Crv
stal Huntinston, Irene McLeod and f'c y
Jo Brannon. Miss Jean Armstrong en
tertained at her Portland home to honor
the group preceding the Jantzen beach
event. Also going from Salem to the
p:cnic were Misses Katie Siegmund and
Allie Lou Ohling. The picnic honored
girls who were graduated this year from
high schools of Portland and vicinity.