Dorman Finds State Travel Cost for 2 Years Too High With out-of-state travel by heads of state departments total ing $292,582 from July 1, 1947, to April 30, 1949, Budget Direc tor Harry S. Dorman Saturday announced that such travel must , be materially reduced. Instructions to all state departments were issued by Dor- man requiring that all travel t - . ,1 i i r. .. . iciiucau IJJflUC III MIC luiiuc, I wo Amateur Hours Planned Stayton Ten entries have been received for the amateur program of the Santiam Bean Festival here the last week in July. Arrangements have been completed through the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph com pany for the hook-up for broad casting the program from the festival grounds Thursday eve ning, July 28, between 8:30 and 9 p.m There will be two amateur programs this year, the first scheduled for Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock when winners will be selected. Frizes will be awarded to winners following their second appearance Thurs day evening at which time win ners will have an opportunity to broadcast over radio KSLM through arranged hookup, Popularity of the amateur pro grams made it necessary to have two evening programs this year, Attractive prizes will be offered again this year for winners in the two divisions. The first will be for contentants up to 12 years of age; and the second, 13 years and older. The programs this year will other than emergency ones, , must be submitted to the budget department at least 15 days prior to the time before the pro posed trip is to start. This, Dor , man, said, would give his de partment an opportunity af making a thorough investigation 'on the necessity of the propos ed travel. The board of higher education led the list of state agencies in travel during the past two years, 'its travel bill totaling $100,557. "I have talked with Dr. Paul C. Packer, chancellor of the board of higher education who has assured me that every effort will be made to reduce the travel by agency" said Dorman. Extensive Check Made For several months the bud get department has been check ing on the amount of money expended by state departments in out-of-state travel. '.'I have found by our survey that in most departments the out-of-state travel has been more I than is justified." said Dorman. ' A rigid check on all requests for travel will be made from here on." Dorman said that he had found that in some departments travel was made before a re quest was filed. In the future, such travel claims will not oe allowed, he said, with the result that the person making the trip will be obligated to pay for it personally. Heavy Spenders Listed State departments expending In excess of $5,000 for out-of-state travel during the two year period included: Department of ''agriculture, $9,026.45; depart ment of education, $6,808.16; state board of health, $17,557.56; highway department, $9,603.44; (Oregon liquor control commis sion, $6,837.26; state parole Iboard, $11,138.02; public utili ties commissioner, $13,322.69; secretary of state, $6,459.28; audit division of secretary of ulntA rxftlnn ISO 191 DO. n nij ..n winic uuuc, fo,itfi,uA, aim un employment compensation com jmission, $9,411.19. I- Dorman declared that he had ifound travel expenditures by come departments had been jus tified but added that the ten dency to travel at state expense has "grown like Topsy" and must be curtailed. Trial Duslinq Hods prove successful ; Independence, July 16 Ac- representative of the California Spray company of Portland, sev eral trial dustings of Vapatone No. 66 in eastern, southern and northern districts of the Inde pendence hop areas have been applied with much apparent suc cess as a dual dust which will control aphids and red spiders. This is good news to the hop growers because to date satis factory red spider control has been difficult to obtain. Al though the common mildew is practically nil in this year's crop so far, much red spider an ap hid has been reported. These trial dustings have had the personal supervision of Gor don Black. Vapatone No. 66 may be secured at any time at the warehouse of the Independence nop growers. t 'v When You f , i, Think of r , LIFE It. t - I ntu rones fj It Think of NEW YORK LIFE And when you think of New York Life think of Walt Wadhams SPECIAL AGENT. 578 Rosa St Salem, Oregon Phone 17930 "If mi Ilka n aD mi Walt" DANCE TONITE CRYSTAL GARDENS l Old Tim and Modern Music by Pop Edwards Admission 60s Including tax Not Guilty Plea Made by Eagles Pleas of innocent were en tered in the Silverton justice court Friday by Lawrence Brown, attorney for the direct ors of the Salem aerie of Eagles, charged with illegal possession of gambling equipment. All are at liberty under their own recog nizance and trial will be set later. Named in the charge are Em ory Sanders, Wayne Seipe, L. A. Hamilton, A. D. Friesen and An dy C. Burk, former Marion coun ty sheriff. The charge followed a raid last week by city and county officials. The raiding party seized 15 slot machines and a variety of other gambling equipment. Houston Named Treasurer Oregon City, July 16 (fl Paul W. Houston, former state representative, will become county treasurer August 1. He will succeed L. L. McFarlane, who resigned to become post master here. Houston, a farmer and civil engineer, was appointed by the county court yesterday. take place on the Bean Festival grounds where a special stage and seating are being planned. Non-competitive numbers and band music will intersperse the closing of each program. In order to appear on Thurs day's show, one must be a win ner or runner-up on the first eve ning. Those planning to compete should contact Edw. J. Bell and register. Four Corners People Have Guests From California Four Corners, July 16 Vacation time brings many visitors to enjoy the scenic beauty of Oregon while renewing old friend ships and visiting relatives. While Four Corners residents take this time to visit "back home." This week Mr. and Mrs. Rex Nicholson, 4045 Mahrt avenue are hosts to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campbell, Gary,. Nadine and Marlene Campbell of Piedmont, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Ack- erman and three children, Di ane, Bobby and Jackie and Gary Ackerman of San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smith, 440 South Lancaster drive, have as their house guests for an in definite stay their sister-in-law and son, Mrs. George Hemeon and George Hemeon, jr., of Na naimo, Vancouver Island, B. C. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Minor of San Diego, Calif., are travel ing in Oregon this summer. They are living in Mrs. Laura Donnelley's trailer houst at 255 Lancaster drive, while in Four Corners. Mrs. J. E. Webster, 420 South Lancaster drive, is visiting for a month in Detroit, Mich. Mrs. Frank Crozier, 3920 East State street, is spending her va cation at Farthest-out-camp, at Camp Weyth, Cascade Locks, Oregon. Mrs. Morris Stewart, secre tary of the Four Corners Home extension unit, has returned to her home on Waller street, from the Salem Memorial hospital. Three local boys, Jim Stew art, Sonny Walker, Lee Gente- Modern Dance EVERY SAT. NITE at the Cottonwood's 7 Miles East of Albany on Highway 20 MUSIC BY "URS" WOLFER AND HIS ORCHESTRA Featuring Ray Cummingi, Vocalist Dancing 9:30 to 1:00 man, all past members of the Four Corners championship baseball team, have played on the American Legion team this season. Hemorrhoids . (Piles) Fistula Fissure. Prolapse and oth sr Rectal Oisor-jers- corrected the easy, convenient way. No hospitaliz ation, quick relief Dr. E. Reynolds Clinic Naturo-Rctal . Specialist 1144 Center St., Salem, On. Ph. 39(60 FREE PARKING Independence Hop Fiesta In Hands of Local Group Independence Plans for the Hop Fiesta are beginning to take shape and Independence will be the scene for many gala events from August 31 through September 3, according to C. R. Lamb, president of Hop Bowl, Inc., who is chairman of the celebration. A tentative schedule was formulated at a meeting of the com' mittea chairmen. A kick-off S show headed by R. W. Craven will launch the events August 31. Although the plans are in complete, Craven stated that it will "start the fiesta with a bang". September 1 at 4 p.m. is scheduled a kiddies' beauty con test to select the queen of the celebration. Harold Mellinger and R. H. Morgan are co-chair men of the event and did not disclose the age requirements for the contestants. Applications will be called for later. At 5 p.m. Thursday will be a horse show in the Independence Hop Bowl, followed by the main parade. All business houses, hop growers, and anyone else may enter the parade and are asked to submit applications to R. W. Craven, chairman of the parade. A street dance is plan ned for that night, headed by John Pfaff, Dee and Dick Tay lor. ' Friday, September 2, at 6 p.m. will see a kiddies parade- with Maurice Dodson as chairman. An old fashioned square dance will follow. Saturday night, September 3, will be a big finale dance with a popular band. There is no paid manager, but C. R. Lamb, president of the Hop Bowl, Inc., and Roy Morris, secretary, will act as managers. weexiy pupnc meetings are scheduled for each Tuesday noon at the Busy Bee cafe to hear reports, suggestions, and make further plans. Lamb asked that anyone with ideas, help, or sug gestions please attend the meet ings or contact him. ' Other committee heads include Marshall Powell, finance, and William Darling and Harry Day, street decorations. Canning Operations Running Full Blast Lebanon, July 16 Canning operations are hitting a high mark at the Lebanon Packing company plant with the change over from raspberries and black caps to the larger varieties of caneberries. The blackcaps have been of high quality all season, announ ces Bruce Spencer, company executive, with all growers turning in bumper size fruit. The current hot weather has terminated the picking earlier than anticipated, with the late berries drying on the vines be fore maturing. Cherries were also abruptly ended with a heavy infestation of worms appearing in local crops, as well as elsewhere in state cherry areas. Earliest cherry pickings were excellent, both for size and quantity. Spen cer said. Tomatoes will follow the cur rent berry processing about mid August if present weather con ditions continue. Summer beet crops will also be ready for pro cessing about the same time. Spencer announced a full prune canning operation would follow the tomato and beet operations. Gervais Miss Roseann Birn is working as a nurses' aide at the Salem Memorial hospital OLD TIME DANCE Every Saturday Night Over Western Auto 259 Court St. Join the crowd and have a good time. Music By BEN'S ORCHESTRA , PUBLIC DANCE Admission 60c, Inc. Tax Journal Want Ads Pay DANCING TONITE Ellsworth Takes Truman to Task Washington, July 16 Rep. Harris Ellsworth (R-Ore) today criticized comments by P r e s i dent Truman at his news con ference Thursday when he de fended Federal Judge Samuel Kaufman s conduct of the Alger Hiss trial in New York. Mr. Truman had said he did not consider it a very good idea to attempt to discredit the judi ciary. Some members of con gress have suggested a congres sional investigation of the jur- Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Saturday, Julyl6,1949 3 ist's conduct. "I am shocked," Ellsworth said in a statement, "at Presi dent Truman s statpment to the effect that members of congress who have asked for an investi gation of Judge Kaufman's con duct in the Hiss case were at tempting to discredit the judi ciary. "The president should know that the constitution itself places upon congress the duty of estab lishing courts and of disciplining those judges who are guilty of improper conduct. "If discredit has been brought upon the judiciary, it was done by Judge Kaufman and hjs ac tions, and not by members ol congress. "The assertion of the presi dent is, of course, consistent with his red-herring state ments . . ." Garden Club Meets Jefferson, July 16 The Jef ferson Friendly Garden club will meet at the Frank Rehfeld home in North Jefferson Mon day night for their regular meet ing with a pot-luck supper at 1 o'clock, each bringing a covered dish and table service for thenw selves and their families. to Wayne Strachan's Music VFW HALL Hood and Church Sts. Enjoy the Best Dance Floor in Salem j, ili ; i " p""""! jr""! vi r N3 ZtSH - , lis x" a e f -w v. ' Smiling Loran Edlund the plant superintendent out at Curly's Dairy. The machine is the new pasteurizer that processes 4,000 quarts an hour. Edlund and his fellow workers at Curly's Dairy are now getting their Sundays off, just like ordinary people, all because of the cooper ation of customers who are willing to accept a double order on Saturday and store the milk ' for one day in their own refrigerator. It's mighty nice to spend Sunday with our family and friends," says Loran. (Adv). WHEREVER you moy roam ... on land, sea or foam . . . this vacation be sure you include your Capital Journal Hear! Hear! Hear! Here at Sloper Hall In Independence, Ore. JOE LANE and His Western Dance Gang Celebrating the 3rd year at the tame location. Record crowds every Saturday night. For a nite of fun you won't forget come on down to Inde pendence. Pass Out Privilege - Sponsored by American Legion Post 33 THE SALEM SUPPER CLUB Is Proud to Have Secured FRANCES CONGER The Lovely and Talented Entertainer For a Short Engagement Formerly at The Actor's Club - Portland Cushman Lounge - Hollywood DON'T MISS Her Charming Voice and Exceptional Performance At the Piano and Solovox 6B EH m I ma DANCE SATURDAY NIGHT Aumsville Pavilion Music by The New Wonder Valley Boy In Aumsville 10 Miles S. E. of Salem 9:30-12:30 DST LI WW WWW DANCE To the Music of Lee and the Melody Ramblers ALBANY ARMORY Saturday, July 16 ) (Formerly playing at Moose Hall in Albany) Admission 65c, inc. tax. Semi-Modern ' At-i . My BROTHER CHARLES Ii a sucker. The restaurant won't sup port ui both, to I sea to Chuck, "You are 14 yean younger than I am better look ing got more personality and a better dish wuher and potato peeler than I ever was, (even In my prime), now don't you think you could handle this restaurant without me." Chuck swelled up with pride after those compliments and fell for the deal, hook, line and sinker; he said, "You're darned tootln' I can run it; you get out of here and I'll show our customers some REAL SERVICE." I hope he sells a lot of STEVENSON'S Royal Fish & Chips Outside of getting stuck for a little dish washing evenings I can now devote my time to my REAL ESTATE job. I've already got some good TAVERN BUYS a couple of good SERVICE STATIONS and some swell FARMS. Come in and see me at LARSEN HOME & LOAN CO., 164 S. Com'l St. Gotta start making sales or get canned. So Long until next Saturday. CLAUDE Stevenson's Restaurant 2535 Portland Road Phone 2-9004 MINNEAPOLIS LAKE LOUISE ALL SURPLUS LIGHTING FIXTURES MUST BE SOLD We Must Make Room for New Stock! Come in Today and Make TERRIFIC SAVINGS now at these ridiculous low prices! KENT RECESSED LIGHTS FLUORESCENTS YE" 40 All Type, W0f RECS J W MHssssVMslMsslsMVsMsiVsMHssssMIMlsssssssssWMHlssB FOB KITCHEN. BEDROOM AH ;st.o 40 1 50 Hall Fixtures LIVING-DINING ROOM I Sale end TrJ?h Fixtures Up to July 23rd rV Susanne tff So Hurr'" Cooper . j . nOT. But now whll. at list price . Lavery WV Ooff! the ltt"" Look for the Green Tag and SAVE!! This Is the First of Our Great Semi-Annuol Green Tag Sales! I Open 'til Nina Friday Evening p I j 0MO . No Refunds Easy Terms UIOI J-7IZ Tag Sale Friday, July IS to July 23 J SALEM LIGHTING & APPLIANCE 236 North High ''PASo' I ! B MIAMI IE BROWNSVILLE TIA JUANA II 1 I II II X II 1 V Saletn'i Lending NtwipapH l Sjvi COLLEGE PORT g LOS ANGELES PEEKSKILL j& Hill r. TIMBERLINE I 'I I 8 CASPERS. MORRISON lm SI - . i 1 GREEN RIVER ' VANCOUVER Vl . . 1 II . t-slSZaWl n l CALDWELL 1 BEAR LAKE Z I BOISE . S " " DENVER I f cincAGo ... AND STILL KEEP ADVISED I V, jSr KALAMAZOO OF THE HAPPENINGS AT I? Jf COLUMBUS jSS&Sx l I DETROIT HOME US With Your Favorite Jil Capital Journal Feature tSsSjL' I I I Mary Worth, Orphan An- Local news; keep In touch ! W nie- Mutt and Jeff and with the home town. y others. J M Fearless and timely edi- Drew Pearson, the na- I fe e torials on local, state and tion's foremost columnist. I national happenings. B, g( Sports news. Crossword puzzle. 1 And All for 25c per Week! i li i " 1 m'lm I From (date) to (date) i CIRCULATION DEPT. CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Oregon Send me the Capital Journal while I'm on my vacation. From (date) to (date). AT (Vacation Address) NAME HOME ADDRESS CITY STATE ,1 L J