Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, July 15, 1949, Page 8, Image 8

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8 Capital Journal, Salem,
Camo Meeting
For Advent isfs
Pastor A. J. Gordon, local
minister of the Johnson Me
morial Seventh Day Adventist
church at Hood and Summer
streets, will represent his church
at the annual statewide camp
meeting which will be held at
Gladstone, near Portland, July
14 to 24. A large number of
local members plan to attend
Church services will be sus
pended for the two weekends
of the encampment. Pastor uor
don, together with about 40
other ministers, has already
moved to the grounds and is
busy pitching the more than
1000 tents which will house ap
proximately 5,000 persons,
Te Adventist denomination is
one of the largest church groups
in Oregon with nearly 13,000
members and over 100 churches.
The Gladstone camp with its 73
acres of grounds, has about 600
modern cabins and total hous
ing accommodations for 7,000.
The estimated weekend attend
ance will be about 15,000 in
cluding many from Idaho, Wash
ington, and California, and visit
ors from other denominations.
The program will include a
full schedule of devotional stud
ies and special features.
Yoodburn Announces
Church Campaign
Woodburn Rev. Arthur Go-
ble of the Foursquare Gospel
church has announced plans for
the construction of a new
church in Woodburn within the
coming year. The new structure
will be on the Cummmgs tract
just west of the present church.
A total of $1305 was subscrib
ed during the service last Sun
day plus a number of pledges.
Action was started immediately
to purchase the lJ4 acre tract.
A building committee is to be
selected to handle the details of
the program.
Christian E. Lincoln and Doud Bts.
Don Priest, pastor. S. 8. 10, Service 11.
C.E. 7. Evening service 8.
Assembly of God Second and Lincoln
8ta. Lester Gibson, pastor, S. 8. 9:46.
Preaching 11 and 7:45. Y. P. 6:46,
Free Methodist Young and Oaten SU.
Mrs. Rozella B. Douglas, pits tor. S. S.
9:45. Preaching 11 and 7:45.
Foursquare 1197 E, Lincoln St. Arthur
Goble, pastor. 8. B. 9:46. Worship 11
a. m. and 7:45. Y. P. 6:4b.
First Presbyterian Garfield and Third
Bts. Earl K. Fenton, pastor. B. fi. 9:45
a. m. Dlvlntt worship 11 and 1:30. Y. P.
6:30. t
Church of Jesus Christ of L.
I.O.O.F. hall, Sunday school 10.
ment meeting 11:30.
D. S
The Reorganised Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints Corner of Second
and Garfield. George Omans, pastor.
Church school 10 a. m. Preaching 11.
Zlons League 7. Lecture itudy 8,
Bethe! Presbyterian 3 miles east on
Union school road. Sari K. Fenton. pas
tor. Worship 10, fl. 8. 10:45.
Church ef God Third and Grant Bti,
Raymond W, Hood, pastor. Church
school 10. Worship 11 and 8. Y. P. 7.
It. Mary's Mission (Eptsoopal) K. Lin
coln St. at Cupid's Court. William Van
ileter. Vicar, Holy Communion 8:30,
Blbla Baptist Grande Hall, Settlemler
and Harrison. Earl Baker, pastor. 8. 8.
9:45, Worship service 11 and 7:45. Y. P,
Immanuel Lutheran Harvin N. Chris
tensen, pastor, Doud and Oswald Bts.
Sunday school 10. Worship service 1 1.
Luther League at 7:30.
OerTats Presbyterian Ernest Tremblay,
pastor, B. S. 10. Worship 11. C. E, 7:30.
Methodist City Library. Ormal B.
Trick, pastor. Church school 11. Wor
ship 11.
St. Lukc'a Catholic V. L. Morfenbeler,
pastor. Harrison between 3rd and 4th.
Bunday services 6. 8:30 and 10:30. Bene
diction after 10:30 mass Sundays,
Nldaros Lutheran (Monitor) Bervlces
:30. S. B. 10:4i..
Stayton Churches
baptist Rev. Wlliard Buckner, pastor
Sunday school, 10. Morning worship, 11
Tralnini hour, 7:15, Evening service, 8.
Church of Christ Olyds Freoman, pas
to.. Alble achool, 10. Worship service, 11
Youth Fellowship, 8:30. Evening worship,
Church of Christ L. M. 1d. mtnlMer
Bible study, 10. Morning worship, 11, Eve
ning worship, 6.
Methodist John Morante, pastor. Bible
school, 10. Worship aervlca, II, Youth Fel
lowAhlp, 6:30, Evening worship, 8.
Assembly of God Rev. Melvln fltock-W--11,
pastor. Sunday school, 10. Morning
strrlee, u. Young people's meeting, 8:45.
Svenlni evangelistic aarvloe 7:45.
Immaculate Conception Catholle Rv.
Kith. Jonas, pastor. Sunday services:
Uu 6, 7:30 and 9:80 a.m.
t. Partlek's Catholle (Lyons) Father
Leander Schneider, pastor. Winter sched
ule, 1st, and and Sth Sundays, mn.w
10:80 a.ra.i Ird and 4th Sunday mass at
8:80 a.m.
Oor Lady of Lourdes (Jordan) Father
Leander fitvhnclder, pastor. Winter sched
ule, lit, 2nd and Sth Sundays, msu 8:30
a.m.t 3rd and 4th Sundays, mass 10:30
Baptist Bruce Wakeman, pastor. Sun
day achool 10, morning worship 11, Youth
Fellowship 7, evening service 8.
Charch of Christ Wm. F. Morse, min
ister. Bible school 10, morning worship
11, Junior meeting 7, Young People's meet
ing 1. evening services 8,
Methodist ehureh Rev. Fremont Faul.
pastor. Sunday school 10, morning wor
ship 11, Junior Fellowship 6, Youth Fel
lowship 1,
Assembly ef God William N. Reach?,
pastor. Bunday school 0:45, morning wor
ahlp 11, children's service 7:30, evening
service 8.
Youth Rally Slated
Woodburn A Youth for
Chrjst rally will be held Satur
day night, July 16 at 8 o'clock
in the Full Gospel church here
with Willis Geyer in charge. No
admittance charge is made for
the rallies but an offering is tak
en to help carry on the work.
People of all ages are invited to
Oregon, Friday, July 15, 1949
a(em 3 C liurcli
(J a I vary I'hnpe. Full Ooipel. 1143 N,
Liberty St.. near Belmont street. Pujtors:
Rev. Claude C. & Mary W. Bell. Bervlces
Sunday school, in. Hunaay morning wor-
3li ip, 11. Biinaay evening service, 7:45.
Klmwood Bible Church 113ft Elm St
Albrrt Fartenrecht. pastor, Bible; school.
0:45. Morning worship, 10:45. Youth
roups meet, 8:46. Missionary service,
First Christian Chureh HJnh f.nd Center
streets. Duley Strain, minister. Walter
Naff, associate minister. Church school
9:46. Morning worship and communion.
iu:ou. sermon, mines mat Miner mosi
Dudley Strain; solo, "Come Yo Blessed"
by Scott. Olorla Stone, soprano. Youth
groups, 6:30. Evening worship, 7:45, ser
mon, "The Folly of Unbelief," Dudley
Court Street Christian Church 17th
and Court streets. W. H. Lyman, minister.
Bible school assembly, 9:46. Morning wor
ship and Communion, 10:B0. sermon. "Re
deeming tne rime." routn nour, 7.
Evening worship, 8.
St. Mark E, Lutheran Church 343 N.
Church St. Rev. M. A. Oetzendaner, D. D.
and Rev. John Baglien, pastors. Sunday
school, B:4S, Morning worship service,
11, sermon topic; "From Plight to Peace
Thru Prayer."
Wesleyan Methodist Church Iflth and
Mill strcftta. A. Glenn Yates, pastor.
Sunday school 10. Morning service, 11.
w.y.f.s., e;4&. Evening Evangelistic ser
vice, cju, upmarKs: uuest spe alters,
morning Rev, Frank Betzer, Albany, Ore.,
evening, Rev. Dale Mudget, Salem.
First Spiritualist 248 N. Commercial.
services at 7:.10. Circle at 6:30. Rev. Chas
Cooley, speaker.
Flrit Methodist Church Churrh Ind
Slate. Church school. 9:4fi. Morning
worship, 11. Sermon by the pastor: "Sum
mer Religion." All church picnic at 1 at
uusn s pasture.
Jason Lee Memorial Methodist church
Winter at Jefferson Bts, Louis C
Kirby, D. D., pastor. Bunday school ai
0:45. Morn Ins service at II. sermon
"The Hour of Great Decision": solo: "The
Wayside Cross," W. S. Blggerstnff. Eve
ning service, 7:30, sermon: "The Great
Preacher of the Early Church."
First Churrh of God Hood and N. Cot'
Ibrc. O. W. Clemens, pastor. Church
school, 9:45, Mrs. Clemens, supt. Morning
worship, 11, topic: "Living a Spiritual
Life." Youth Fellowship, 7. Lavelle Bishop,
president. Evening worship. 7:45, topic
"Our Riches Through Christ's Poverty."
FAITH TABERNACLE N. 6th at Gaines.
Max Wyatt, pastor, Sunday school, 10.
Worship service, 11, sermon by the pastor,
"The Church of the Latter Rain." Eve
ning Evangelistic Sermon topic: "Double
Portion Days."
hft Reortanlxed Church of Jnus Christ
or Latter Day Saints Comer North 17th
and Chemeketa 8ts. Elder Chas H. Anher,
pastor. Church school, 10. Preaching serv-
11. Wlllinm swain speaKing. zions
league, 6:30. Bible study, 7:30.
Central Church of Christ Chemeketa
at Cottage, M. C. Cuthbertson, minister.
Bible school, 9:45. Preaching and worship,
iu:4o and a. suoject: 10:10, ine win oi
God." 8, "Our Bible and How to Use It."
Christ Lutheran State street at I8th.
, R, Schulz, pastor. Divine worship, 8:46
mul ll. Sunriny school a 9:50. Arnold
Wlttrock, student pastor, speaker.
Grace Lutheran (ELO Luther S. Bor-
nen. nu.Htor. WorshlDDing in sngiewooci
school, North 19th And Nebraska streets.
Divine worship at 11.
First Baptist Marlon at Llherty. Dr,
Llovd T. Anderson, nastor, Rev. C. E.
uricKWCCim, ussocinio pnsior, ounony
school. 0:45. Morn Ine worship. U. "Seven
Principles of Bplrltual Guidance." Dr. An
derson. Youth iirouns. 6:45. Evening evan
gelistic service, 8. "The Parable of the
Mustard Beod Tree,"
II albert Memorial Baptist One mile
norm oi underpass on Hignway uh-k. uev.
C. E. Brlckwedol. pastor. Sunday school.
9:45. Morning worship, 11. "The Antl-
Chr 1st nm the Last World Government,
Rev. Brickwcdel, Baptist Youth league,
0:30, Evening evangelistic service, 7:30.
"Jesus, the Son of Man."
Ralem II rich In Community Non-deno-
ml Liberty road at Madrona ave
nue, itev, ''. c. Brown, pastor. Sunday
school at 10, Preaching services, 11.
First Churoh of Christ. Scientist Liber
ty and Chemeketa Sta, Sunday school at
li, Morning service at ll. Hermon sub
ject; "Life." Nursery for children up to
3 years of age provided during the morn
ing service. No Sunday evening service
during July and August.
.Icniih Nantfl Pentecostal 1175 Lewis St.
Ronald V. Slttser, pastor. Sunday school,
Mornintr worship, ll, Evening evan
gelistic, 7:45.
Bethany Evansrllcal A Reformed Mar
lon and Capitol Sta. Rev, Russell Mayer,
pastor. Sunday school, 10. Morning wor
ship, 11, Evening worship, 8.
Leslie Methodist S. Commercial at My
ers. G. Wesley Turner, pastor. Sunday
school, 9:45 a.m. Morning service, 11. Ser
mon subject: "In Tune With Ood." Youth
Fellowship at 6:30 p.m. Evening service,
7:30. Union service at Calvary Baptist
church. Film: "It's the Brain That
Counts" and "Palestine."
Truth Center 202 N. Cottaae. Evening
service, 8 o'clock Tuesday, July 19. Sub
ject: "Prosperity." Library 13 noon to 3.
Central Lutheran Gaines and N. Canl-
tol. G. B. Rundstrom, pastor. Junior ner-
Ice, 10. Morning worship, 11. Junior lea
gue, 6:30. Evening service, 7:46.
First Evanselical United Brethren
Where Marlon crosses Summer. Rev. Wil
mer N. Brown, pastor. Sunday school,
9:45. Morning service, 11. Sermon sub
ject: "The World's Best Seller." Fvenlnr
service, fl. sermon subject: "An Unpaid
Bill." Messages by Rev. Leslie Parrott.
West Si1 em Methodist Third and
Gerth. O. Leonard Jones, minister, Church
school, 9:45. Worship, 11. Sermon: "Find
ing God." Youth Fellowship, 6:30.
Institute of Rellsloui Science Salem
Woman's club, 460 North Cottage street.
uev. wuiiam nyron Charles. "How to
Develop Strong Fath," U. "How to Use
the Science of Mind," 9. (Part 31 "This
Power Arts Independently of Existing
First Presbyterian Chemeketa at Win
ter, cheater W. Hamblln, pastor. John
Ooortrnbcrtfer. assistant pastor. Church
school, :45. Morning worship. 10:55. "Out
rrum ana ai me Hear. Youth Fellowship,
Mill City Churches
Preibyterlan Dr. David
minister, Sunday school,
services 11,
Christian Thomas Courtney, Jr., min
ister, Bible school, 0:45. Morning wor
ship, ll. Christian Endeavor hour. 8:30.
Kvonlng worship, 7:45.
Catholle Rev. Mai, pastor,
services 9.
Free Melhodlil Donald w.nn. it-
Sunday school, 10. Morning service, ll!
r-vening worship, 7:30.
Community Rev. Wayne Watklni, pas-
tor. Sunday school in Mnmin.
ihlp, a. Evening servlcee. 7:30.
Monitor Community Full Gospel ehureh
Monitor. Oreom.. nv anrt m-. t
Schilling, pastors. Sunday school. 10
Morning service, 11. Young People', 7.
Bvenlng service, 8,
Talbot Community eharrh Talk
Rev. R. Ronera Irwin n..iA o' "
school, 10. Loren Hoven. aunt. fi.....
'ri .iMrV Ii!vlnfl W0hiP 11. rmon:
'Salvation bv Fath nr h th. wnP,.
the Law?" Young People's Service t
Mn. Roberta Flnlav. dlr.i-tnr
Service, 8. Message: "Purposeful Run
ning. Evangelists at Hubbard
Hubbard The Henderson
quartet, musical evangelists,
will conduct services In the Hub
bard Gospel church beKinnine
July 17, 7:30 p.m. and continu
ing every night except Mondav
and Saturday nights. The Pub
lic is cordially Invited.
'Drive In' Church The Rev. Norman L. Hammer, pastor
of the Emmanuel Lutheran church in North Hollywood, Calif.,
moved his pulpit and organ into the parking lot and opened
the first drive-in church. The 36-year-old parson said that
a lot of people like to go to the beach or the mountains on
Sunday and that if they can come to church in their old clothes
that a lot more would attend. The initial experiment brought
out 54 cars holding some 160 members of the congregation.
(AP Wirephoto)
Mill City Church
Convention Host
Mill City Santiam district
Sunday school convention was
held in Mill City at the Chris
tian church with an estimated
attendance of 150 Sunday school
Following the basket lunch
there was an opening song test
led by Rev. and Mrs. Frank Fer
rin of Aumsville. Afternoon de
votions were led by Fred de
Vrics of Pratum. Musical num
bers were offered by the Mill
City Rangers, Aumsville Metho
dist Sunday school, Mill City
Christian and Presbyterian Sun
day schools. Banners for attend
ance were presented to Aums
ville Methodist and Stayton Me
thodist Sunday schools.
Election of officers for the en
suing year resulted as follows:
Glen Shelton, of Mill City, pre
sident; Sigrin Grimstad of Mill
City, secretary; Miss Alice Smith
of Mill City, children's chair
man. Rev. O. A. Jewell of Ly
ons Methodist church was the
afternoon speaker.
The next meeting scheduled
for October 2 will be held in
Stayton at the Assembly of God
Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter
Day Nalnts (Mormon) K. P. Hall, Oak
and Mill. Sunday school, 10. Evening
service, 7.
Christian Solenee Sunday school,
Service, 11.
St. Paul's Catholle Father John J.
Walsh. Dastor. Bunday masses. 6 and 10
weekdays, 6.
Assembly of Ood Berrel H. Scott, pas-
r. Sunday school. B:. Divine wor
ship, 11. Young People's society, 6:45.
Evangelistic, 6.
Churoh of Ood Rev. K. K. Nix. pastor.
Sunday school, 10. Worship hour, 11.
Evening service, 8.
Seventh Day Adventist Elder A. D.
Chllson, Balam, and Harold Johnson, local
elder, In charge. Snbbath school, Satur
day, b:ju. Morning worship. ll, Saturday.
Sunday evening evangelistic service.
Ma roil am and Molalla Concresatlont.
Methodist Rex Kendall, pastor . Joint
pastorate. Forenoon services at Marquam,
afternoon at Molalla.
Calvarv Lutheran Jamos A. Tofle. nas.
tor. Sunday school and Bible class, 10
n.. Mils Olna Johnson, sunt. Mornlna
worship, 11, sermon theme; "The Family
Christian and Missionary Alllanee Gar-
don T. Brut void, pastor. Sunday school,
classes for all ages, 10 a. m Oscar
Satrum, supt. Morning worship, 11. ser
mon by pastor. No afternoon or evening
service, Canby Camp meeting service.
First Christian Church Arthur rhorlen
Bates, minister. Bible school, 0:45 a. m
M. B. Ford. supt. Communion and ser
mon, 11 a. m., subject: "The Breakinn of
Bread." Senior Christian Endeavor, 7.
Evening service, 8, educational hour In
answering Bible questions, pastor In
TrlnltT Lutheran M -I K TPnhr nednr
Sunday school and Bible classes. 10. Di
vine worship, 11, sermon subject: "A Good
Foundation." Special music. Luther
League, Sunday, July 34, 7:30 p. m.
Immanuel Lutheran 8. L, Almlle, pas
or, Sunday school and Bible classes, 10
. m. Divine worship, 11. sermon:
Launch tun out Into th rwn i.mvi.r
Lengue, 7:30, discussion subject: "Cross
ing the Red "c".
Methodist Ben F Rrnvninv mini.u.
Sunday school, 9:45, Norman Naeitelt
supt.. classes for all age groups. Morn
ing worship, 11 a. m., sermon by pastor.
Ladles vocal choral group In special num-
uci. iwrs. nonain Asooe, accomnan st.
Pllrrlm lInllnfBn c m.nn ,.,..
Sunday school, 0:45, James Oraham
supt., Virginia Alger, assistant. Sermon
by pastor. 11. Young People meet, 7.
H.aiiHciioiic, wrmon, o.
Honor Mrs. Scolt
Silverton Out-of-town visi
tors included among the guests
of Mrs, Norman Eastman and
Mrs. L. C. Eastman in entertain
ing in compliment to Mrs. Peggy
facott this week, were Mrs.
Gladys Irish of Eugene, Mrs.'
H. M. Turtletaub of Portland
and Mrs. Sam Grauman of Los
Choose the right sun glosses at the beginning of the
Summer . . . and give your eyes the protection they
need from dangerous sun rays. Stunning frame styles.
Sun Glasses
(.. 5'rl
Dr. it, E. Boring
Modern Styles
383 Court
Dallas Churches
Evangelical Mennonlte Brethren A. P.
Toews, pastor. Sunday school. 0:45
Morning worship, 11. Last morning ser
vice In old church building, Sermon, "A
New Campaign." Sunday evening ser
vice, 7:30. Commemorative program on
mstoricai significance oi tne oia emu
First Christian Kenneth Johnston, pas
tor, Bible school, 9:45. Morning worship,
11. Robs J. Orlffeth, president of North
west Christian college, will speak. Com
munion service. Fellowship hour, 6:30.
Christian Endeavor, 7. Evening Evangel
istic service, 8.
First Presbyterian Earl William Ben
bow, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45. Morn
tug worship, 11, Sermon, "Twins Not
First Methodist Clark 6. Enz. nastor.
Second unified family service, 10. Ser
mon, "Man the Pumps."
Mennonlte Brethren O, H. Jantzen.
pastor. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning
worship, 11. Christian fellowship groups,
uospei service, 7:30.
Christian and Mlsslonarv Alliance A.
Hoenifich. pastor.. Sundav school. S:4f.
Morning worship. 11. Sermon. "Christ
for a Needy World." Evening service,
Salt Creek Baptist Emanuel Wolff.
pastor, Sunday school, 9:45. Morning
worship, 11. Evening gospel hour, 8.
Trinity Lutheran Karl Ufer. nastor.
Sunday school, 10, Divine service. 11.
Mennonlte Sunday school, 10.
worship, 11. Young People's
7:30. Evangelistic service, 8.
Evanrelleal United BrAthpun n wminm
Elmer, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45. Wor
ship, U. Youth fellowship, 7. Pre
prayer, 7:30. Evangelistic hour with Rev.
and Mrs. Clark Robb as guest speakers.
Apostolio Faith No services durin an.
nual camp meeting.
Bridgeport Sunday School H, Schmidt,
supt. Sunday school, 10.
Churoh of God Henry Loggan, pastor.
Sunday school, 9:45. Morning worship,
11. Young people's meeting, 6:46. Evan
gelistic service, 7:46.
Seventh Day Adventist Ralph Gladden,
pastor. Sabbath school, 9:46, Sermon 11.
Assembly of God L. Otis Trlplett, pas
tor. Sunday School. 0:4S. Mornlnr unr.
ship, 11. Vesper service, Christ Ambas
sadors and Junior church, 6:45. Evangel
istic meeting, 7:45.
Falls City Methodist Jam us W. Rnvir
pastor. Sunday school, 10. Morning wor
ship, 11.
Oak Grove chattel Fremont Taut mln.
Ister, Morning service, 9:45. Church fol
lows. Methodist Youth fellowship each
Sunday evening.
Free Methodist R. w Mrrncminir na..
tor. Sunday school, 9:45. Preaching, 11.
Evening service, 7:46.
St. Thomas Kolsoonal Cvril P. Warm-v
pastor. Church school, 10. Morning
prayer, 11. Holy Baptism, 12:30.
Falls City Christian Chart. Vnrw
pastor. SundBy school. 10. Morning
worship, ll. Christian Endeavor, 6:30.
Church of Jesus Christ of n.
Saints Elder Miller. Sunday school, 10
Sacrament meeting, 11.
Falls City Free Methodist Ollhur t .in Vin
son, pastor. Sunday school, 10. Morning
service, 11, Young people's meeting 7:30.
evangelistic service, 8.
First Baptist Sundav ichnnl o-ak
Morning worship, ll. Training union." 7.
Evening worship, 8.
St. Philips Catholle Father H W.rm.n
pastor. Mass, 10:16.
Churoh ef Christ Bible studv. 1fl rnm.
munlon, 11. Evening study, 6:30.
Eola Sundav Sehanl Rnnrla irhflnl
Bermon, 11. '
Union Mission Baotlst Hnrmnnv im
munity. W. A. Heard, pastor. Sunday
school, 10. Sermon. 11.
Rlckreall Sundav School J. N. Thl..
ten, supt. Sunday school, 8:30.
Falls City Seventh Day Adventist
Ralph Gladden, pastor. Sabbath school.
0:30. Preaching, ll.
Christian Science Sunday school, 8:45.
Service. 11.
Amity Churches
Baptist Bruca nastor. Hun.
day school. 10. Mornln, wonhlo. 11, Mrs.
nuuiew niKemin, speaxer. Youth Fl.
lowshlp, 7. Evening s.rvlea. I, Mrs. Wak.
man, speaxer.
Church or Christ Rev. Wm. F. More,
minister. Blbl. school, to. Mornln. wor
ship, 11. Junior meetlna. 7. Vmm.
i.vUk.v .iicckjiii, i, evening service, s.
Methodist Rev. Fremont Faul. nastor.
Sunday school. 10. Mornlnr worship, 11,
Junior Fellowship, a. Youth Fellowship, .1 Ood William M. Bearhv.
pastor. Sunday school, 9:49. Morning, ii. miiaren. meetinil, 7:30.
Evening service, 8.
Dr. Sam Hughes
Phon 3-650
- ,m--
Two Dallas Families
Have Surprise Visit
Dallas Two Dallas families
had occasion to recall the old
saying, "It's a small world," on
July 3.
Good friends, neighbors and
members of the same church, the
A. L. Coote family and the Raw
son Chapin family met without
pre-arrangement or any idea of
seeing each other at the Statue
of Liberty in New York harbor
on that date, according to a card
received from Mr. and Mrs.
Chapin by friends here.
Both families are on eastern
trips to visit relatives. The
Chapins are centering their va
cation at Philadelphia, Pa., and
the Cootes are spending most of
their time at Flushing Mead
ows, N. Y.
While boarding an excursion
boat for the trip to the main
land from the Statue of Liber-
yt, the Chapins noted familiar
faces in the line of. passengers
getting off. They instantly rec
ognized the Cootes, who also
saw them. Because of the press
of the crowd, however, the two
families had time only to look
mutually surprised and speak
before moving on.
Mansfield Leaving
Silverton Pastorate
Silverton Rev. Carl Mans
field of the pastorate of the Pil
grim Holiness church in South
Water street, Mrs. Mansfield and
their guests, the Alger sisters
plan to move to Canby as soon
as they have completed their
new home there.
Rev. Mansfield who has been
with the local congregation for
several years, will leave the
pastoral work here within three
weeks, the Rev. D. C. Olson from
the middle west will succeed
Rev. Mansfield who plans to en
ter state evangelistic work for
his church.
Missionary to
Speak Sunday
Miss Paulina Fotte, mission
ary from China recently re
turned to this country from the
Orient, will speak during 7:45
p.m. service of Kingwood Bible
church Sunday. Miss Fotte who
has served as a missionary for
a number of terms was forced
to flee from communist-held ter
ritory. Meetings Transferred
Woodburn The Woodburn
Methodist church has trans
ferred its meeting place from
tne high school auditorium to
the basement of the local city
library until the new church
building, now under - way, is
completed. The first meeting at
the library will be held this
Sunday, July 17, with Sunday
school at 10 a.m. and worship
service at 11 o'clock.
Long Sugar
Specially Priced
Saturday Only
Assorted chocolate and vanilla
Single layer
Ideal for lunches, picnics, parties
Approximately 60 to a pound
136 North Commercial
Santiam Rebekahs
Install Officers v
Mill City Mrs. Dean Jack
son was Installed as Noble
Grand of Santiam Rebekah
Lodge No. 166 of Mill City for
the next ensuing six months.
Others Installed were: Car
man Stafford, vice grand; Ber
tha Baltimore, secretary; Hazel
Nelson, treasurer. Appointive
officers: Mabel Veteto, Warden;
Julia B a s e 1 1 , conductor;
Frances Merrill, chaplain, Ruby
Brlsbln, musician; A 1 u r a
Chance, RSNG.; Ida Fleetwood,
L S N G.; Blanche Syverson,
RSVG.; Laurel Brown, LSVG.;
Margaret Liberty, 1 n a 1 d e
guardian; Alma Thomas, out
side guardian and Eva Duffy,
flag bearer.
In charge of installation cere
monies was Alura Chance, Dis
trict Deputy President, assisted
by her staff of installing officers
Ruby Brlsbin, deputy mar-
shall; deputy warden, Vera Hath
away; deputy secretary and
treasurer, Ida Fleetwood.
The retiring Noble Grand,
Wilma Stewart, presented gift
remembrances to her out-going
officers and the lodge presentea
a gift of crystal to her. Mrs
Maude McKitrick, of Parkdale,
a former resident here, received
re-instatement in the Mill City
Miss Marlene Wilson
Given Birthday Party
Oak Point Miss Marlene
Wilson was the honored guest
at a surprise wiener roast and
swimming party at the Dallas
park given by her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. H. Wilson. The oc
casion was her birthday anni
versary. Mrs. Z. Bartel pre
sented her with a large cake.
Guests were Marlene, Romel
le and Raymond Wilson, Mar
vin and Jerry Bartel, YaVonne
and Wayne Scranton, Ronna
Hardman, Don and Robert
Webb, Randy and Hershel Mc
Caslin, Mr. and' Mrs. Kenneth
MeCaslin and Mr. and Mrs.
Younger Group Guest
At Gottenberg Home
, Silverton Miss Jeanell Got
tenberg assisted by Miss Betty
DePeel, planned a house-warming
party for 17 members of the
younger group, in the opening
of the recently completed base
ment game room in the Oak
street home of the parents of
Miss Gottenberg, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Gottenberg.
Present for the social eve
ning were the Misses Joyce
and Janice Herigstad, Floyd
Simpson, Miss Margie Leonard,
Miss Patty Megonigal, Miss
Raggy Storruste, Miss Martha
Storruste, Miss Delores DePeel,
Lowell Brown, Jr., Marvin Jahn,
Doug Jahn, Robbie Scarth, Har
old Watts, Bob Johnson and the
hostesses, Miss Jeanell Gotten
berg and Miss Betty DePeel.
Garden Club Meets
Dayton The Dayton Garden
club met at the home of Mrs.
Sina Christensen, with Mrs.
Lena Willard as co-hostess. The
topic was house plants and there
was an open discussion. The
next meeting will be with Mrs.
Lynn Williams, president, and
each one is to bring a specimen
flower for judging among the
Byers Guests at Service
Woodburn Rev. and Mrs,
Fred Byers will be in charge of
the services Sunday at the Full
Gospel church, according to the
pastor, Rev. Lester Gibson. Sun
day school is at 9:45 a.m., morn
ing service at 11 a.m., evening
service at 7:45 p.m. Midweek
prayer service Wednesday at
7:45 p.m.
" llllj
mm m
Salem, Oregon
East Salem Club Women
Will UM Fnmilv Pirnir
YY III iwim J
East Salem, July 15 The July meeting of the Swegle Woman's
club was held Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Charles
Nnr-trin nn Ent Garden road. Mrs. Kenneth Purcell and Mrs.
Lester Purcell assisted Mrs. Norton
Present were Mrs. Louis Newman, Mrs. Ralph nein, mrs.
Clifford Yost, Mrs. Ralph Beck-
er, Mrs. William Damery, Mrs.
John Swanson,. Mrs. Helen En
loe, Mrs. Charles Bottorff, Mrs.
E. E. Brandt, Mrs. Charles A.
Sal, Mrs. Albert Pay, and Mrs.
William Hartley.
Only a short business meet
ing was conducted by the pres
ident with the definite date for
the August family picnic set for
the second Sunday at Silver
Creek Falls.
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Johns
entertained with an outdoor tur
key dinner Saturday evening at
tHeir home on Monroe avenue
in honor of Arthur Stowell who
is leaving for Adak, Alaska,
Sunday for another year's, work
there. This will be the third
year for this work. In attend
ance for the dinner were Mr.
and Mrs. John French: Mr. and
Mrs. Wilfred Wilier and son,
Freddy; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gol-
dale and son, Edward M. Paul,
who Is home on furlough after
spending two years in China,
Guam, and Frankfurt, Germany,
and will return to duty on the
24th to Baltimore, Md.; Mrs.
John Goldale; Victor Johns and
Mr. and Mrs. Johns.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bon-
dreau from Seattle, Wash., ar
rived in Salem Sunday for a
visit at the Arthur Stowell home
on Monroe avenue for a few
days. Mrs. Bondreau is a sister
of Mr. Stowell and dinners
have been given at both the
Stowell and Johns homes this
week in their honor.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Good
year of Fostoria, Ohio, arrived
in Salem Wednesday for a va
cation visit in the home of Mr.
and Mrs. William Hartley on
Lancaster drive.
Zena Sunday School
Plans Annual Picnic
Zena Geraldine Palke gave
object lessons at Zena Sunday
school and played for singing
led by Jack Quiring, superin
Announced was the Sunday
school picnic scheduled for Sun
day, July 17 at the R. C. Shep-
ard farm with no-host picnic
dinner and which will be pre
ceded by brief Sunday school and
preaching by Rev. Oliver M.
Thomas who with his wife and
daughters, Jean, Joy and Mary
are here from Brazil, South
Joy and Mary will sing in
Portugese and Rev. Thomas will
show Brazilian curios, and ko
dachrome slides.
D-VISTA GARDENS, Salem's Only Begonia Specialist and
Your Begonia Headquarters has a beautiful display of Be
gonias and Fuschias now. We can furnish plants in all price
ranges, and your complete satisfaction is assured. Gorgeous
Begonias in all their matchless colors, of reds, pinks, yel
lows, salmons, and a host of others in full bloom. Beautiful
hanging basket complete for only $3.00. Mixed baskets at
only $2.50 complete.
Do your Begionias and Fuschias need a plant food? See us
I before you buy. You will save money.
3225 D St.
Look Right!
Feel Right!
.f lb. Capital Dm. Star.
It is said that posture reflects
health, but it works the other
way around, too. If you make
it a point to keep a good carriage,
walking, standing and sitting you
Just feel better.
So good posture not only im
proves your health it gives you
a feeling of well being, it
makes you more alert in both
body and mind. Most posture
faults are easily corrected.
With a little conscious effort you
can establish better posture hab
its in about a week's time.
This la th. mth .f s.rlss f E4I
t.rle! advertisement! .....Tint- In thle
paper aaeh weak.
Capital DrugStore
State b Liberty Phone 3-3113
in serving a 1 o'clock luncheon.
Stephen Champ
Families Gather
Gates Descendents of Laura
A. and Stephen H. Champ held
a family reunion at the Stayton
park. It was voted to make the
gathering an annual affair.
Officers elected were presi
dent, Mrs. Milbourne Rombo;
vice president, Mrs. Leonard
Zuber; secretary-treasurer, Mrs.
Eldon Champ.
Present were Mr. and Mr.. L7l. Shel
ton, Dwlcht and Maryn, Mr. and Mrs.
Eldon Champ, Oene, Duane and Marvin,
Mr. and Mr.. Byron Champ. Donna and
Wanda, all from Stayton: Mr. and Mrs.
Dal. Champ and Kenneth from Menem. :
Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne Rambo, Laura
Jo and O.oria and Mr. and Mr.. Riley
Ohamp of Oat., Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Zuber and Roy from Portland; MfKt. and
Mr.. Frank Smith, Nanoy and Dayl.
from Cheyenne. Wyo.. end Mr. .nd Mrs.
Ted and Kitty from Unledwood,
Church Society Meets
Falls City The Missionary
Society of the Free Methodist
church held its July meeting
at the church. The meeting was
in charge of their president, Mrs.
uubert Johnson. Devotional
were led by Mrs. Jessie Moyer,
Mrs. Henna Harrington ana
Mrs. Ann Sorenson. The pro
gram was in charge of Miss
Alice Johnson. Those attend
ing were Mrs. Gilbert Johnson,
Mrs. Katherine Page, Mrs. Ber
tha Harrington, Mrs. Jessie
Moyer, Mrs. Phoebe Ward, Mrs.
Louise Trueax and children,
Miss Alice Johnson and Mrs.
Vernon Murphy.
Guests Fowler Home
Unionvale Hubert Shirley
and sister, Miss Lina Shirley of
Longview, Wash., were guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence L.
Fowler Wednesday They were
schoolmates at a rural schol in
Richardson, Neb., more than 60
years ago.
Invites You
Two Warship Service!
Every Sunday
8:45 a m. 11 a m.
Sunday School 9:50 a m.
C R.
Salem, Oregon