Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, July 15, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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Edited by MARIAN
6 Capital Journal, Salem,
Set Picnic
About 40 attended the party
for Sojourners club Thursday
Announcement was made the
club picnic planned for this Sun
dav has been postponed until
July 24. It will be at Leslie
park, the dinner to be at 9 p.m.
Guests at yesterday's meeting
were Mrs. M. M. Basinger, Mrs.
Lewis Scott, Mrs. Walter Pierce,
Mrs. Charles E. Gray, and as an
out-of-town visitor, Miss Alice
Kistenmacher of Seattle.
Honors at cards went to Mrs.
Milo Taylor, Mrs. Gerald
Tucker, Mrs. Howard Sargent,
Mrs. Frank Ward.
Mrs. Thomas Bagan was chair
man for the afternoon. The cen
terpiece featured a beach scene,
with miniature sand boxes, lit
tle umbrellas and dolls.
Mrs. August Rigby is chair
man for the next party of the
Wedding July 3
Woodburn The wedding of
Miss Shirley Ann Stahl of Port
land, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Stahl of Mt. Angel, and
Ben Hans Johnson, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Ben H. Johnson of
Woodburn, was solemnized July
3 at the St. Agatha Catholic
church in Portland. The Rev.
(Jban Keber, OSB, officiated at
the rites.
The bride was given in mar
riage by her uncle. She wore
a white satin wedding gown
with seed pearl trim, the skirt
extending into a long train. Her
double fingertip length veil was
trimmed with lace and fell from
I crown of seed pearls, and she
carried a bouquet of stephanotis,
bouvardia, and sweet peas, cen
tered with an orchid.
Mrs. R. E. Secreto, sister of
the bride, was matron of hon
or; Mrs. Mary M. Morales and
Mrs. K. L. Snyder, also sisters
of the bride, were bridesmaids.
Sheldon Johnson was best
man for his brother and ushers
were Bernard Johnson, Ray
Matlock, Jack Stahl and Richard
A reception was held at the
Mallory hotel. Mrs. Ray Mat
lock and Mrs. Harold Homann
poured, assisted by Mrs. Jack
Stahl, Misses Dolores Rondeau,
-olleen Walter, Jackie Rue and
Margaret Hickey.
wir. ana Mrs. Johnson are
Slaking their home in Portland
t-uuit members were
Initiated by the Salem Eagles
luxiliary, No. 2081, Tuesday
evening. They include Mrs.
Tames Hagen, Mrs. Grace Mulli
gan, Miss Pauline Ochse, Miss
Marie Michalke.
Next initiation is to be July
16. The group recently draped
ts charter in memory of Mrs.
Cstelle Hugglns, who was a
nember of the local auxiliary.
OFF TO the beach have gone
Lit. and Mrs. Stuart Nelson and
laughters, who have been visit1
Ing from Alameda, Calif., with
Wr. and Mrs. Carl E. Nelson.
They will be at Neskowln sev-
tral weeks. This week-end the
Nelson family will gather at Nes-
towin, and with the Stuart Not
ions will be Mr. and Mrs. Carl
E. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. William
Ean of Portland, Reed Nelson of
Coos Bay, and John C. Nelson
One Bottle mokes
vrcr i
Oregon, Friday, July 15, 1949
SILVERTON A post-nuptial
shower honoring Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Miller (Mardonna Stam)
was planned among the mem
bers of the First Christian
church with Mrs. Del Harring
ton and Mrs. Guss Miles as host
esses. Entertainment featured the
playing of games and opening
the gifts.
The affair was held in the
parlors of the First Christian
Betrothal of
Pair Announced
Mr, and Mrs. Rollin Pope are
announcing the engagement of
their daughter, Miss Beryl Pope,
to Charles Mary, Jr., son of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Mary of Dallas.
The wedding is planned for
the early fall, no date being set.
Mr. Mary is a student at Wil
lamette university.
Wedding July 8
Silverton Mrs. Charles F.
Hanson is announcing the mar
riage of her daughter, Miss Mary
Anne Hanson, to Gene Holland,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Hol
land. The wedding was Fri
day evening at 8 o'clock in the
gardens of the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Hans Hagedorn, Rev. S. L.
Almlie reading the lines of the
double ring ceremony before an
improvised altar of cedars and
sweet peas. Mrs. Arthur Dahl
played the wedding marches and
Max Holland sang.
The bride was given in mar
riage by her brother. Robert
Hanson. Her sister, Miss Karla
Hanson was the bride's only at
Edgad Norton was best man
for Mr. Holland.
At the reception at the Hage
dorn home, Miss Mabel Hanson
sister of the bride, cut the cake,
Mrs. Dennis Butell of Salem
and Mrs. Kenneth Erb of Albany
poured. In charge of the gift
table were Miss Dorothea Pye
of Salem and Mrs. John Van
Epps of Lebanon.
Mr. and Mrs. Holland plan to
make their home in Silverton
At Installation
Mrs. Pauline Richard was In
stalled as commander of the lo
cal Disabled American Veterans
auxiliary in Portland, Monday
night by Mrs. Josephine Jeths,
national commander from Chi
cago. Others Installed were Mrs.
Stuart Johns, senior vice com
mander; Mrs. Dennis Steven
son, junior vice commander;
Mrs. Eva Bennett, treasurer:
Mrs. Verne Ostrander, adjutant;
Mrs. William Richards, chap
lain; Mrs. Fanny Bard, sergeant-at-arms;
Mrs. Blaine Martin, as
sistant conductress; Mrs. Alma
Hatfield, historian; Mrs. Jessie
Zumwalt, patriotic instructor.
The auxiliary attended the
school of Instruction, banquet,
hospital visit and installation.
This coming Monday nleht.
they will be guests of Oregon
City unit.
Delegates elected to national
convention are Mrs. Verne
Ostrander, Mrs. Eva Bennett,
Mrs. Stuart Johns. Mrs. Goldie
Kyle; Alternates, Mrs. Jav
Harnsberger, Mrs. Pouline Rich
ard, Mrs. Arthur Pickering and
Mrs. Jean Samuel. Convention
will be in Cleveland, Ohio. A
gift was given to all the officers
and chairman by the outgoing
The taste
the P"te
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Zonta Meets
At Picnic
Zonta club met last evening
for a no-host picnic supper at
the home of Miss Maxine Buren,
27 attending.
At the business meeting fol
lowing the supper the club vot
ed to hold one meeting down
town as a luncheon and pro
gram gathering each month on
the second Thursday of each
month will be at homes of mem
bers as the business session.
Announcement was made the
July 28 meeting will be at the
home of Miss Lena Belle Tar
tar with Mrs. Theodore Madsen,
Jr. and Mrs. Phil Brownell as
Attending last evening's meet
ing were Mrs. Frank J. Burke,
Mrs. M. Theodore Madsen, Jr.,
and her daughter, Carolyn; Mrs.
John R. Clearwater, Mrs. R. W.
Land, Miss Nellie Schwab, Mrs.
Harry W. Scott, Mrs. L. F. Sarff
and daughter, Lucia; Miss Mary
Larson, Mrs. Walter Musgrave,
Miss Mabel Savage, Mrs. Harry
L. Miller, Mrs. Lelace Ellis, Miss
Genevieve Morgan, Mrs. Mabel
Clock, Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom
Mrs. Naomi Massee, Mrs. Lydia
Wootten, Mrs. I. N. Bacon, Mrs.
Herbert Winkler, Miss Kathryn
Carthew, Mrs. A. J. Arehart,
Dr. Lucille Fortner, Mrs. Rob
ert M. Fischer, Jr., Mrs. Paul
Rockenfeller, and Miss Buren
Aid Program
Woodburn An interesting
meeting of the Presbyterian Aid
society was held in the church
Wednesday afternoon with Mrs.
Harris Nelson, vice president.
in charge, in the absence of the
president, Miss Martha Black
Mrs. E. Kay Fenton led the
devotional service followed by
roll call and a business session.
An impromptu program was
enjoyed with each member pres
ent telling of the most embarr
assing moment of her life.
Mrs. George Rogers and Mrs.
Harris Nelson volunteered to
decorate the church for the next
month. The closing prayer was
given By Mrs. James Morrison.
Refreshments were served by
the hostess committee, Mrs.
Fenton and Miss Rowena Cole.
SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs.
J. H, Remington are announcing
we marriage of their daughter.
Charlotte, to Floyd V. Martin,
son of Mr. and Mrs, Harold Mar
tin of Sweet Home, Saturday,
in a quiet ceremony at the
Methodist parsonage home in
Vancouver, Wash. Close rela
tives and friends attended the
wedding. The couple plan to
make their home at Sweet
PEDEE Miss Helen Birchell,
daughter of Mrs. M. Birchell,
Pedee, and Ernest Bowman, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bow
man, Philomath, were married
July 1 at the home of the Men
nonite Brethren minister, Rev.
G. H. Jantzen at Dallas. The
bride wore a pink afternoon
dress, with white accessories.
Mrs. Mary Snowden and Miss
Alma Birchell were the attend
ants. They will make their
home on the William Condron
for El Paso, Texas, to visit with
cousins. Col. and Mrs. Norman
Anderson. The Andersons re
cently returned from Korea. Go
ing with Miss Holt as far as Den
ver were Mr. and Mrs. Brown E.
Sisson, who are to visit at Ray,
Colo. Miss Holt will fly from
Denver to El Paso. She will be
gone several weeks.
f. i noM Mlift
& j beflin xpzpJ I
fj .howln, Yj I,
j j your yar -j!Sj2j
1 i ft
MILKMAID double-beauty
Paiteurlied sweat cream and vegetable
olli to lubricat and lofton . . . t-strogenic hormonal
to reus your skin's youthful freshness . , .
Wonderful, wonderful beauty combination found
only In MILKMAID . , . 3.50 and 5.00, plus tax
trem) m
Wed at June Ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Current
(Wilma Jean Grimm) were married June 24 at the home of
the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Grimm, in Salem. Mr.
Current is the son of Mrs. Maude Current of Puposky, Minn.
Elder A. N. Dugger of Turner officiated at the ceremony.
(Bishop-Moderne studio picture)
The long - planned "Teen
Treks" sponsored by the Salem
YWCA as part of its camping
program begin next week, the
first one for a four-day jaunt
to start Monday.
Thirty high school and junior
high girls will go on this first
trip into the Metolius and cen
tral Oregon country. They are
making the trip by bus. Miss
Jean Carrico is the camp direc
or, Mrs. George Hewitt is su
pervising the outdoor cooking
and Miss Ruth Watts is to go
with the group as a life guard.
Short hikes to various in
teresting spots en route, swim
ming and boating at lake stops,
and outdoor cooking as well as
camping out at night are some
of the highlights on the trek.
The girls will take the South
Santiam route and will 'camp
their first night at Clear Lake.
On Tuesday, through the lunch
period, they will be the guests
at the Tamarack camp for girls
through the cooperation of Miss
Donna Gill, director there. Tues
day night will be spent in the
Bend area with visits to the lava
caves and the Bend rock gardens
slated and a jaunt to Elk lake
Wednesday. The group is due
to return to Salem Thursday
evening. The route home eith
er will bring them over the Mc
Kenzie or Willamette highways,
plans being subject to change as
the trek progresses.
EXPECTED to arrive this
week-end from Glendale. Calif.,
are Mr. and Mrs. Harry S.
Schenk and family, former resi
dents of Salem. They will be
guests at the Wendell Webb
Today's Menu
(By Associated Presil
Sunday Breakfast
Sliced Bananas in Orange Juice
Double-boiler Scrambled Eggs
with Bacon
Prune Nut Bread Beverage
(Receipt for Starred Dish Fol
Prune Nut Bread
Ingredients: 2 tablespoons
shortening, 1 cup sugar, 1 egg
(well beaten), Yt cup prune
liquid, 1 cup sour milk or but
termilk, 1 cup sifted all-purpose
flour. 6 teaspoons baking
powder, Vi teaspoon baking
soda, teaspoon salt, 2 cups
whole wheat flour, 2 cups
chopped pitted cooked prunes,
Vi cup chopped unblanched al
Method: Cream shortening
with sugar and blend in well
beaten egg. Mix with prune
liquid and sour milk or butter
milk. Sift all-purpose flour,
nry mt " "
1 IL "I
Start Monday
baking powder, baking soda,
and salt together. Mix well with
whole wheat flour and stir vig
orously into creamed mixture,
adding prunes and almonds.
Pour into greased loaf pan.
Bake in moderately slow (325
F.) oven about 1 hour.
It is easy to SLIM and TRIM your figure while you play!
. Makes you inches slimmer on the beach or in the ballroom!
Puts you in shape quickly too, for it has new and revolu
tionary figure-slimming ways. Seamless, no stitches, bone
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the all-occasion girdle for office or under your bathing suit
and sport clothes. Perfect for that sleek evening figure.
You'll fall in love with this invisible Playtex Panty Girdle!
10 seconds to suds It fresh and dainlyl
10 seconds to pat it dryt
2nd Floor
Come in, telephone or mail the handy coupon
Ploytox PloylM Playttx
"Ponty"Girdlw 3.50 "Panty" Glrdlw living Girdlw
D.erlplio .,, Wh E!j (with gnrton) 3.95 (with fl0rt.) 3.95
'"" W"" Rtg. ToT Blin Whito Pink Hi Whito Pink
Etro Smoll Wain 23" to 25" Hipi 32" lo 36"
Smoll Woitt 16" to 28" Hipi 35" to 39"
Medium Woist 29" to 31" Hip 38" to 42"
torflt Woiit 32" to 34" Hipi41"to45"r I I
I I Ploytex living Girdlts with garters) Extra-lorfl sltt, 4.95 Wafct 36" to 40" HIdi 44" to 48" Color
!;For Durdens
j A reception tn honor the Rev.
Is I Charles Durden, who recently
T resigned as pastor of Calvary
Baptist church, and Mrs. Dur-
fSden is planned by the church
congregation for the evening of
July 24.
There will be a ' service at
7:30 o'clock, followed by the
reception. The event not only
honors Dr. Durden for his work
with the local congregation but
for his 43 years as a minister.
The Durdens will be leaving
around the first of August, plan
ning to make their home on the
Fuhr officiated at the double
ring ceremony Saturday after
noon at 3 o'clock at the Trinity
Lutheran church when Miss
Frances Mork of Sweet Home
and Chester Warner of Lebanon
exchanged their marriage vows.
Mrs. Harlan Moe played the
wedding marches and Mrs. L.
Sommers of Lebanon sang. At
tendants were a brother-in-law
and sister of the bride, Mr. and
Mrs. John R. Wilgenson of Leb
anon. A reception followed the
4 V 0 m "i
I I .s f ."fie
v V
90th Birthday
Mrs. J. H. Philips observed
her 90th birthday, Friday.
In observance of the day her
daughter, Mrs. Paul H. Acton
entertained informally at tea
this afternoon, inviting about
30 friends of Mrs. Philips to
call. Pink and white flowers
were used in decorating.
Mrs. Phjlips has lived in Sa
lem for 20 years.
Hill Woman's club will hold its
annual picnic for the members
and their families at the Sil
verton City park on Sunday,
July 17, with the luncheon at
1 o'clock. Mrs. W. M. Tate
and Mrs. Henry Peters are on
the committee in charge of the
coffee and tables. Mrs. Helen
Stromsmoe and Mrs. Ernest
Speed are in charge of the ice
SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs.
D. N. Iverson, Portland, for
merly of Silverton, are an
nouncing the marriage of their
daughter, Miss Colleen Bowman,
to James B. Howe, Seattle, in
the English Lutheran church in
Seattle, May 27. Mr. and Mrs.
Howe plan to make their home in
In slim silvery tubes. Blossom
Pink, Heavenly Blue, Gardenia
White. Sizes: extra-small, small,
medium and large.
Olktr Phylix GirJlnt
(with garters) .... $3.95
(with garters) .... $3.95
Extra large (with garters) $4.95
Mrs. Waltz Is
Feted at Party
Mrs. Merle Waltz was honor
ed guest at a party and shower
for which Mrs. Charles L. Sher
man entertained at her home on
Wednesday evening.
In the group were Mrs. Waltz,
Mrs. Frank Gerdon, Mrs. Tom
Lynch, Mrs. Richard Christ
phier, Mrs. Blanch Clow, Mrs.
Bettye Hutton, Miss Virginia
Hales, Miss Irene McFee, Mrs.
Meletta Leat, Miss Wanda Skin
ner, Miss Mildred Storsley, Miss '
Margaret Lapschies and the'
An informal evening was en
joyed, followed by late refresh- ,
SILVERTON Miss ' Gerry
Lee Casey, daughter of Mrs. L. ;
L. Deatherage of Eminence, Mo.,
was married to Frank Dederick
Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank ;
Dederick, Silverton, in an eve- ,
ning double ring ceremony read
by Rev. Ben F. Browning at the
Methodist church, Friday. At
tendants were Miss Sybel Gil
bert and Robert Barnes, relaV
tives of the bridegroom. On' '
their return from a wedding
trip to the Oregon beaches, the
young couple will be at home
in Silverton.
lt4f by InMraaUaaal Lattz Corporattafl