! s '. ' Junior Detents Title Billy Boag, 14-year-old cowboy from Lakeside, rode in 1948 Dayton Buckeroo. Billy won 1949 Oregon Junior cowboy, championship, and is expected ' ride again in the 1949 Dayton Buckeroo against senior cow hands. The Dayton event is set lor July 23 and 24 with performances in the afternoon of each day. Krug Opposes Sale of Public Power to Private Utilities Washington, July 15 UP) Secretary of the Interior Krug states that he is opposed to letting Columbia river valley voters select the directors who would administer a proposed Columbia Valley administration. In reply to a question by Rep. McDonough (R-Calif.), Krug told the house public works ; committee: j "It is of paramount Impor tance that the president and congress retain control of n pro gram requiring such large fed eral experditures." Krug said he believes three directors would be enough and "the three best qualified men in the country" should be chosen without regard to where they live. The bill to set up a CVA -would require two of the direc tors to be residents of the area. Under cross examination on his testimony supporting a CVA. Krug told the committee: 1. He opposes sale of public power to private utility com panies at any federal dam be cause it could give a private utility company a monopoly over power distribution. 2. He does not want the pro posed CVA to have power of condemnation of private power companies. 3. He does not favor retail Bale of power by the govern ment. 4. Municipalities and coopera tives who distribute public pow er can not build transmission lines to the government dams and the government should con struct the backbone transmis sion systems. 5. . The Hoover commission recommendation for a depart ment of public works to con solidate the work of the army engineers and reclamation bur eau would be an improvement over the present river basin de velopment system but should not be used in the Pacfic north west in place of a CVA. 6. The CVA should report dir ectly to the president until such time as creation of other region al river agencies makes it an impossible burden for the presi dent to handle. Then, he said, a cabinet officer may have to be named to handle river auth orities. 7. He wants to "keep politics out of the CVA" and " would n't care if all the directors are republicans." Brannan Drops Wheat Quotas Washington, July 15 (P) Sec retary of Agriculture Brannan said today that plans for invok ing marketing quotas on the 1950 wheat crop have been dropped. But he said acreage allot ments which are less restric tive in their effect on production will be imposed on growers in a move to get a downward ad justment in the grain crop from high war and postwar levels. The 1950 national arceage al lotment was set at 68,900,000 acres. This is a reduction of about 14,000,000 acres, or about 17 per cent, from the record 83,100,000 acres planted to this year's crop. Overtime Racket Kit by Congress Washington, July 15 UP) Congress sent to President Tru man today legislation saying overtime pay should be based on regular wages instead of so called premium pay. The meas ure kills some 26,000 claims workers have pending for back pay. Capitol Hill action was com pleted when the house, by a standing vote of 207 to 52, ac cepted senate amendments to the so-called "overtime on over time" bill. Some opponents shouted "rob bery" and "grand larceny." Estimates of the amount of back pay claims involved ran as high as $300,000,000. This fig ure was given by Rep. McCon nell (R., Pa.). The senate amendments made the bill much broader than the one originally passed by the house. The 15 pennants won by the New York Yankees since they won their first on in 1921 make up a major league record total I PJMBING CCNTRAfTING Featuring Crane p and Standard Fixtures Call 3-8555 Salem Heating & Sheet Metal Co. 1085 Broadway J FREE ESTIMATES !: Court House 1 Plans Studied Tentative approval was given to floor plans of the proposed new courthouse building at a three-hour session of the court house building commission Thursday afternoon which will permit Pietro Belluschi, archi tect to prepare a mass drawing of the interior when it will finally be decided whether the building will proceed on a de sign with the upper floors cut in or be switched over to a cube shaped structure which is favor ed by some. The architect pointed out that the building as now planned with the cutbacks in the upper stories is preferable for lighting and air conditioning and that additions could be made more economically to such a building than to the other type. Much of the time of the meet ing was taken discussing various minor alterations and it is con sidered now, in a general way, that the interior plans are about perfected in case the present de sign of the building is retained New Appointment for Capt. Thomas Massey Capt. Thomas J. Massey, U. S army recruiter, who came to Sa Iem in February of 1946 to be gin a tour of duty a the recruit ing station here, which was broken only by temporary duty in Medford last spring as com- mander of -that station", this week received word of his ap pointment as plans and training officer at the Portland mam army and air force recruiting station. The captain, an army man since April 6, 1922, and station ed at Camp Adair for a time during the war with the replace ment depot there, m his new position will make inspection trips not only to Salem, Oregon City, Vancouver and McMinn ville, but into eastern Oregon and Washington. Capita! Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, Ju!y 15, 1943 3 Last of Chimney Sweeps Wmdlesham, England, July is (-- The last of the boy chim ney sweeps of Charles Dickens' England is dead. Joseph Lawrence died in hi: Surrey cottage. He was 104 and reportedly the second oldest man in the country. As a bov he climbed flues stark naked to clean them with a handbrush, Our New Phone Number 27001 LEE BROS. FURNITURE REFINISHING CO. 4020 East State St. State Employes Schedule Picnic The first "annual festival" of the Oregon State Employes as sociation for members and their wives in the Salem area will be held at Shampoeg state park. August 21, according to decision reached by the planning com mittee of the organization. The festival program will in elude a picnic, varied entertain ment and speakers of prominence in state affairs. $$ MONEY $$ FHA W lVi Real Estate Loans Farm or City Personal and Auto Loans State Finance Co. 153 S. High St Lie. S21 3-522? I PJP J om 1 n n u a t v (ut (rri f f QCDXQ& 1 riNO WO o .) 176 N. Liberty ... , 177 north liberty $'e Give and Redeem S&H Green Stamp "Revelation" Nylons 1 POfr rillii ii .w""' "ass--"'- , , at a tremendous savmi HtiioHj $1.65 pair NOW 89c pair Smartest sltades of s" Ttlrrier season Sheer . . , sheerer , . sheerest , . . these rae the sheerest, most shadow like nylons you cgn buyt 51 -gauge, 15-deniers, every pair clear first quality, thrilimgly low priced? Sizes include 8 H to 1 0 , in glowing sum mer shades. "Revelation" Daytime Sheers, also at the same low price of just g$C pair. Hosiery, main Hoot Clearance of Girls Coats Entire stock of girls' coats reduced to a sensationally low price for quick clearance! Tweeds, coverts, belted, swing, neat trims a won derful assortment from which to choose. Ail sizes from 1 to 14. $25.00 Values .... now $10.88 $17.00 Values .... now $ 8.88 $12.00 Values .... now $ 6.88 $11.00 Values .... now $ 5.88 $10.00 Values .... now $ 4.88 All coats from regular stock expertly tailored, beautifully styled coats at a fraction of their regular value! Buy today while selections are complete. Ladies Summer Sportswear Specials BLUE DENIM ' Mc nBMIki B SKIRT I PUSHERS SH0RTS SKIRTS BL0USE SUfTS ftft 488 288 I 37 TwC '1 ' C!orfut Peasarrf sfy'a T and 2 piece sry!es ' S J J Mm 9 995 vaue t 4.95 volue . , , , Square donee ond - Faded blue and dork FW Mue peosorf style 7 A . 1 IM . We Give and Redeem S&H Green Stamps til north lil.ertr