18 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, July 15, 1949 i BEDfU Newly : t 328 fcT OWN X 18 II to acho term. JlV OWN", Ilv. nn full ba 1810 Jo hi OWN heat. I Inquire tlNGWO ed on c I room A acre 1-8363. owned! Palnno Buah. 1 Dace. C Baglnal UH-U y.. , t-iti ii..iMnMHM Mnaa aaaaa! ,0. OIJU8U . f i 7 Si A . tK T J - XrJd -jiab4 nil: fJU b il A tin, ii g?vmOT0i'i,S Don firs, J lea. X downt low loom ktore. 9! ? Mot Extra and 1 own ! jml 1 j&crlf P.H.A WAL'. mi . 01 Net On 'chen Immt on d Bo : Sm Move rougr ire, . C. iu 1 I be aide -po&sf 'Price - AU - 13! A tree lire beth Go Ms A k e: 780 140 VI New ' (r . HO 81 U.S. Army Trucks Pour Inlo Berlin A long line of vehicles, part of a 60-truck U.S. army convoy, stretches across the No Man's Land between British and Russian check points on the German autobahn at Helmstedt. A sudden relaxation in Soviet entry restrictions and inspections permitted the huge convoy to be cleared in less than a minute. At right a road sign gives instructions for Berlin travel and at left is a British check point. (AP Wlrephoto via radio from Berlin.) Nearly place li Plenty floor pons. 1 1-3734. SMALL : street. Indepei i BD. IU xnent I awrge Ownc 6ACRI Ttle k. Hardw tered t of at Cost o $14,000 house motion 678 8. For 8 home. 3-2BB0. . FOB Convei or hoi 1 bkuemi Br ats Hlchw 5-4540 BY OWJ heat. 1 pump Total Ave. I ) BR H lor, 0 room, of bui ko, I 30 bet oerrlet . school ter It OE 6 A -3 tcr 4a to n cluck SAN ANGELO MAYOR CLAIMS: Panic More to Fear Than Polio in Epidemic Editor's Note: Following Is the second in a series of dispatches by Paul F. Ellis, United Press science writer who Is in Texas investigating the infantile paralysis epidemic- at San Angelo, .Texas. By PAUL F. ELLIS United Press Science Writer San Angelo, Tex., (U.PJ Panic and hysteria are more to be feared than polio when the disease hits a community, Mayor E. A. Vautrain said today in a warning to other American cities and towns were epidemics may strike this summer. Vautrain, a typical tall Texan, said that during the outbreak of polio here demands poured on him to stop the epidemic. One woman, he said, threatened his life if he didn't do something about it. The mayor had some criticism of health authorities for not educating the public more fully about polio. Declaration that a polio epidemic existed touched off a wave of ingnt ana tear, he said. "The people should have been prepared for it," he said. On demand of hundreds of persons, city officials ordered a seven-day closing of schools, motion picture houses, churches and swimming pools. Vautrain said and some doc tors agree with him that the closings probably had no effect in checking spread of the dis ease, but did allay some of the fears. However, many folks got Jit tery again when the seven-day dosing period expired. New de mands for a closing were made. City officials then put the bans on a voluntary basis. As an example, Vautrain said not one ehlld showed up for Sunday chool at one large church, and few parents took their children to movies. He also pointed out that the closing of the swimming pools might have caused more polio rather than checked it. Follow ing the order closing the pools, ehildren and grown-ups flocked . to the Concho river near the elty and swam in water not nearly as sanitary as that in the pools. The mayor and doctors also recalled that some parents made treatment of polio patients more difficult by insisting on regu lar visiting hours. The Shannon Memorial hospl tal, which had upwards of 75 patients in one day, permitted parents to visit on three days a week for one hour periods. The clinic hospital, a small but well-equipped institution, allow d visits each day but only for a brief time. Doctors agreed that when nurses are trying to prevent severe muscle damage in polio cases it is best for parents to stay away until the child has been pulled through the acute stage. Once the confusion was elim inated here, and the fright and fear overcome, doctors and nur ses brought the situation under control, and San Angelo return ed to normal. Cascade Highway Group Has Election The Cascade Highway associ ation reelected Arthur C. Schae fer, Scio, president, at its annual business meeting at Mt. Angel Thursday. Other officers are Lawrence E. Spraker, Stayton, re-elected secretary-treasurer. Kleven meeting have been held and maps published show ing the proposed north and south highway skirting the Cas cades and parallel to the Paci fic highway. Two meetings have also been held with R. H. Bal- dock, state highway engineer with another to be held in the near future when directors will discuss the project with him. The association will hold its next meeting August 15 at Lebanon. Four Shots Fired at Anti-KKK Attorneys Atlanta, July 15 W) A flam ing cross was set off in the yard and four bullets were fired last night into a residence occupied by two young attorneys who fil ed an Injunction suit against the Ku Klux Klan. One of the attorneys, Hal A Irvin telephoned newsmen to re port the cross burning and gun. fire. Irvin explained that he was spending the night with the oth er attorney, Samuel D. Johnson During the afternoon, he said, he hed received a telephone threat that "You 11 be sorry you filed that suit." The U. S. Census Bureau is using 4500 enumerators to con duct the nationwide Census of Business now under way. TH ROTJGiTTTTESE rRtAtriPASS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AND DETERMINED fBROOM BRIGADERS IN HAWAII M'K I Mtfiimwtmmmmmmmmmmumimmmmmmmtmmmit minimi Cat 'Burglar7 Finally Caught New York, July 15 Of) A slim, 30-year-old man described by police as "the damndest cat burglar this town ever knew, finally was in custody today, A woman's screams at the sight of his shoeless feet coming through her 12th floor hotel room window were credited by police with bringing to an end a string of 60 robberies with more than $50,000 loot. The alleged burglar, identi fied by police as Raymond Jud son Carter, was seized yester day at a lobby elevator entrance in the fashionable Hotel Plaza. A lew minutes earlier, a wo man resident of a 12th floor room saw a pair of stockinged feet coming into her room from a narrow outside ledge. When the woman screamed police said, the man leaped six feet through the air to another ledge and clambered through a window. Police said Carter operated by picking a hotel for a burglary and getting a room there. Then, he would take off his shoes, crawl along a ledge to a window and enter a room. Watering Warning Issued for Albany ' Albany, July 15 Albany Fire Chief Don Hayne warned Al bany residents Thursday that should the general fire alarm be sounded, all non-essential use of water should be immediately stopped in order that pressure at the fire hydrants can be kept up by the Mountain States Power company water plant here. Hayne cited a city ordinance that imposes up to a $20 fine or 10 days in jail for those us ing water unnecessarily. He warned that all lawn and garden irrigation, in areas served by the water system, should be halted In case of a general alarm. Wednesday, Max Brown, a wa ter system foreman, said the local plant pumped 4,890,000 gallons of water to Albany cus tomers. This figure, he said is extremely high. However h continued, this total could be in creased In case of a serious fire, by throwing in reserve pumps! 'Vince's Electric" Vacuum Cleaner SALES SERVICE REPAIRS RENTALS On All Types Household or Commercial Also Waxers ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED Free Pick-up and Delivery PHONE 3-9239 Elliott Recall Petitions Out Portland, July 15 W) The re call petitions against Marion L. (Mike) Elliott were on the streets today. The movement to oust the Multnomah county sheriff was launched in a public meeting last night in which the petitions were handed out and Vice Ad miral Thomas L. Gatch (retired) was elected to head the recall committee. Scores packed the main meet ing room of the Portland library to elect Gatch and hear 15 speakers urge the recall. The most frequently voiced objec tion to Elliott was his admitted misrepresentation about his ed ucation and war record. Officials of both the republi can and democratic parties spoke against Elliott, a democrat who was elected last fall. Elliott previously asserted the recall attempt was motivated by politics, and said his opponents had no serious charge to lay against him. He also feuded with Portland newspapers, accusing them of attempting to "boss" his office. His opponents accused him of inepititude in office and asserted he was elected only because he represented that he had a col lege education and wartime ser vice in the marines. Elliott has admitted he had neither. Palomino Breeders Have Auxiliary Here The Palomino a breed, and not merely a color. That is the objective of the Palomino Horse association, which has formed an Oregon auxiliary with headquarters in Salem. Cecil Edwards of Salem Is president of the organization, which is interested in the rais ing and exhibition of Palominos. Several of the animals are own ed in this community. Monthly meetings of the aux iliary will be held. INSURANCE I AUTO a. TRUCK "Soying, FIRE 8ec Bill Osko MB Court St. Ph. 3-S661 I ALWAYS RECOMMEND Johns-Manvilk ASPHALT SHINGLES You get long life, fir protection and good looks when you choose J-M Asphalt Shingles. There are colors and styles to meet every choice. Ask for a free estimate. 10-Vear Guarantee Nothing Down and Up to Three Years to Pay MATHIS BROS. ROOFING CO. 164 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-4642 Br law E$dT Broom Brigade Members of the "Broom Brigade" start on their morning march picketing ILWU headquarters on pier 11 in Honolulu. Sign above door was put up by firm which allows broom brigade to use its premises for headquarters. The waterfront strike, which is slowly paralyzing Hawaiian business, is in it third month. (Acme Ttlephoto) Did You Know That . . . You Can Take an Option to P V When Renting TYPEWRITERS or 0J I ADDING MACHINES of KAY's? t Yes! Initial Rental Payment Applied Toward Purchase! New or Used Portables, Used Standards, New or Used Adding Machines NEW QUIET DELUXE Royal Portables ONLY Q50 Dow 1 Down Balance on Easy Terms Quiet Deluxe with Carrying Case We guarantee our prices on new portables are as low as any local store, chain or mail order house. ROYAL UNDERWOOD - CORONA PORTABLES Exclusive Representative for the Royal Standard KAY TYPEWRITER CO. "ACROSS FROM THE SENATOR HOTEL" 223 No. High Ph.3-8095 AT PENNEY'S Salem, Oregon 1 Shop Saturday and Save Yourself Plenty Shop Penney's Shop and Save with Confidence MEN'S J. C. PENNEY SUITS FIRST FOR STYLI FIRST FOR PRICE Come in and get a lift from a new fall suit. The styles and fabrics are endless in number. Shark skins, tick weaves, plains, fancy stripes and plaids. Single and double breasteds in colors meant for you at this outstanding low price. Shorts, regulars, longs. Main Floor New Low Prict WOMEN'S BETTER QUALITY GOWNS Smart Rayon Crepes Lovely Rayon Satins Rayon Jersey Knits All Priced to Clear Values Worth Much Mora Shop Early and Save MAIN FLOOR 277 377 BLANKET BUY OF YOUR LIFE 100 ALL WOOL 7 COLORS 72" x 84" Guaranteed Moth Proofed for 5 Years. Penney's price is low, of course! But the true measure of a blanket's worth is the wool that goes into it! That's why you get 3 lbs. of cozy-warm quality wool, seven of the loveliest, full-bodied col ors we could find! Yes, it's at Penney's. Blue Rosedust Aqua Yellow Gray Orchid Geranium Red goo New Low Price 100 ALL-W00L YARDAGE FINE FOR THAT FALL COAT SMART IRREDESCENT TWEEDS GAY, COLORFUL PLAID AN OUTSTANDING VALUE ALL PRICED TO CLEAR MEZZANINE goo YARD BUOYANT FEATHER BED PILLOWS MOTH-RESISTANT SANITIZED Better buy now at our low cash-and-carry price! You get 100 duck feather filling in 8-oz. floral and striped sateen ticking. 20"x26". They're Sanitized . . for clean, healthy sleep. They're moth-resistant, tool for j0 MEZZANINE WOMEN'S BETTER QUALITY SLIPS BEAUTIFUL RAYON CREPES WONDERFUL RAYON SATINS EASY TO WEAR NYLON ALL VALUES ARE OUTSTANDING PLAIN AND FANCY STYLES ALL VALUES WORTH MUCH MORE MAIN FLOOR TO STORE HOURS 9:30 TO 5:30 MONDAY THRU SATURDAY If you have a forced-air type furnace in your home, we can quickly replace those dirty filters and set your fan for summer cooling. mm THE TY Wjlgj URNACI TO V "'jjSl NOW!'" Air conditioning Is the an swer to hot lummer dayt. Stores will find added cus tomers, added efficiency and added profits by of fering cool comfort. f f " FOR STORES FOR HOMES Units are now available to home-makeri for at little as $37.50, with nothing down and up to thro years to pay. Every heme can now offer relief from the heat! Stop in and let us show your our complete lines of Air Conditioning Units. c JP IS E and Son 540 Hood St. Ph. 3-3603 i