14 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, July 15, 1949 IF I'M GOING TO BE VOUR T RELAX 'BO' KAV IN T ALL I'M INTERESTED IN IS THAT MODEL. I'D BETTER PUT ONjTHIS PICTURE. YOUR LACE GIMMICK ON YOUR BLOUSE 110- Only the Brave By PAUL EVAN LEHMAN STEVIE " FRIDAr P.M. 22 'KGW IK0C0 MM IK0IN J2 RADIO PROGRAMS Cs ' a i is n i fo dr er. M . M i id a B st ei v; ol bi B ol P C r: ti S' E b (Chapter 32) Boot thudded and men came rmhinc Into the room. Bill Proih ingham was in the front, and at the stent of Jeff his gun came m and steadied. "I'm helpless. Bill." Jeff told hln. Quickly. "And I'm not the man you want. There's your killer on tht Jloor. He tied ud Connie King ant put her in mat ciosei. ask ner. Fm a while things were quite confused: but when Connie's bonds were removed she flew to Jeff's fide and started working at the knots. He was sitting on tne iioor. Nobody tried to stop her, for she talked as she worked and what she bad to tell tnem neia uiem speu bound. 1 "It sure is wonderful how things turn out." said Jeb King. "I've seen it happen hundreds of times, Notn in' but storm clouds and grumblln' thunder and then the sun pops out and everything's bright ' again." The four of them were sitting oo the Crown gallery enjoying the nwuiiKJlbi iieu turn ixxio. a.iiik: Connie and Jeff. Jeb went on. "Yes. sir. it sure is wonderful. To think that Slug Benjamin, or Ben Short, who start ed the whole trouble fourteen years ago should be the one to wind it up." "For lust about six long seconds." said Jeff grimlv. "I thought he was not going to start winding in ume. He sure Daid off for the wrong . he did." "What makes me man is the thought of the years Jeff and his father spent trying to make some thing out of Olenn Gleason," put in Connie. "Just as Slug said, you can dress a polecat in silk and . sprinkle him with perfume and He's still a polecat." "It sure was a waste of time and effort." agreed Jeb. "But now that uie load's off Jeff's shoulders figure he'll go places in a hurry." He knocked the dottle from his pipe and got up. "Mrs. King, in case you don't know, it's mighty close to mid night. I'm coin' to turn in." "Gracious 1 Is it really that tote?" Mrs. King got up too and Jeb new tne door open lor ner. He turned for a last word. "Forget to tell you. Jeff, that the job of marshal's waitin' for you If you want it. But don't make up your mini rignt on; I mignt nave another Drooosltlon to talk over with you. Good night, kids. And Connie don't forget what I told you." For a while after thev had gone, Connie and Jeff sat in silence: then she moved her chair closer and her hand closed about his strong fin gers. The gloom hid the roses in Her cheeks. "Jeff." she whispered. "Dad's real ly interested in you. He likes you ever so mucn. But ne worries aoout you. too." "Worries? About me?" "TJh-huh.. He thinks it's a shame that a fine man like you Isn't married." Jeff laughed uneasily. "Who'd have a homelv old cuss like me?" "You're not homelv and you're not old! I think vou have the nicest eyes, and when you smile " She broke off abruptly. "Have you ever tried asking a girl to marry you? Somebody, I mean, that you really love?" "I never loved but one girl, Con nie: and she she's so far above "Oh-h-hl" Connie was quite sure of herself now. She crept a little closer to him. "So there has been a woman in vour life I Tell me about her. Jeff." "No. there hasn't been a girl. I Inean. there Is a girl Doggone It, Connie: what are you making me ay?" She laughed hanplly. "I don't ex actly know, darling, but it's some thing I've wanted to hear you say for ages and ages!" Darling! He looked down at her. a great joy welling up within him. Her head was tilted back and her lips were slightly parted and he read in her eves all the love and tenderness that was in her heart. With a low crv he gathered her to him. Hons later they were still on the gallery, but now they occupied Jeb's big chair and she was cud dled in the crook of his arm. He leaned back and sighed hap pily. "Connie, what was it your father told you not to forget?" R2842 w A She laughed delightedly and drew lis head down so that she could vhisper. "He said to me this evening, 'Con lie, you'll never break that mus--ang if you wait for him to come up to you and beg for sugar. You otta rope him and slap your brand on him before he has a chance to buck out of the loop.'" He kissed her shining hair. "Bless his heart. I reckon he was light. Ah. darling, the brand Is there: It's been there ever since that first dav on the Cougar road. And here's one mustang that never, never will buck out of the loon!" THE END Susbauer Tribesmen, Hold Annual Picnic ' Sublimity Members of the Susbauer relationship had their annual reunion at Pats Acres. About 50 members of the family were present. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. (Charles Bechtold and family of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bechtold and famllv of Port land, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Busbauer and family of Sublimity, Mr. and Mrs Harold llmlty, Mr. and Mrs, John Busbauer and family of Salem, Mr, and Mrs. E..A. Dlt ter and family of Sublimity. Mr. Oeoree Susbauer of Sublimity, Mr. and Mrs. Marry Zimmerman and lamllv of Port land, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Dltter and fam ily of Sublimity, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Owen and daughter of Sublimity, Mrs. Mary Klecker of Staylon, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Young and daughter of Salem, and Misses EdnB. Teresa, and Tlllle Dltter. all of Sublimity. PATTERN 2570 tai( Younir In Heart A little number that gets around to all the best places . . . deceptively simple, per fect in cut. witn tne prettiest necK- llne, brief sleeves and a graceful circular skirt. No. 2570 Is cut in sizes 10 12. 14. 16. 18 20. Size 16 requires bA yds. 35-in. fabric. Send 25c for PATTERN with Nsme, Address and Style Number. State Size desired. SUMMER Is tne tlmp for nrettv styles the Fashion Book the place to una them. Everything you need for that wonderful two weeks with nay. plus plenty of charming and wearable fashions for town, country home. The SUMMER FASHION BOOK brings you over 150 pattern designs for all ages and occasions, and all designed for easy dewing. Price Just 20 cents. Order your copy now. Address Capital Journal 652 Mis sion st.. Ban Francisco 5, Calif. PATTERV No. Bialz Baby Linens Getting the babv lo bed will be a clneh when his (or her) bed linens are decorated with tins nappy Denr design. Applique or embroider the chubby little fel low and work the daisies In simple stitches and delightful colors. Pattern Envelop No. KJ842 con tains hot-iron transfer for 2 de signs. I mensurcs approximately 314 bv 11 Inches; 1 approximately 3'i by 20 Inches: color chart, stitch Illus trations and emDrolclerlng and fin ishing directions. To obtain tne Daittrn send 20c IN COINS giving pattern number. vour name, address and tone num ber to Peggv Roberts. Capita) Jour nal, 828 Mission Street, San Fran cisco 3. Calif. -A3 t'Ji K PELAX ( WITH A ) . GOOD BOOK ( A FROM Vfl Henrietta's Ir" LEMDING A UIBRAPV jfpcii If 8 GAP,MXJN3 Lorg YSf5 such aA VOU INFUglffTE ME W SMART SNOOPER! I I TELL ME WHERE YOU 00 IPOK FOR ITl I f HEV.WHAT m HOW MANV STROKES DID YDU TAKE ON THAT HULC,rr jy.eR- EIGHT! I fMrM"MM"""M"7 .""i.nKi C j . "af yyj sy yjy w HAVEN'T SI6NED ANVTMIN6 I'M LJ EXCUSE ME, TEX, BUT THAT FELLOW A AN OFFER FOR THE HERE TO OFFER TWENTV TIMES yaj MARKLE IS WAITINS TC 6IVE ME ICANVON? FB5M A MAN THAT PRICE.' CRYSTAL PICTURES FIVE THOUSAND FOR THE CANTON . NAMED MARLET A WANTS TO BUILD A STUDIO X , hex .justN J?y. A MINUTE, (Ttftfl BUSTER! Jfa TOONAUO W jy Kj. ouch's I MR5.W0RTH..$) HES TERRIBLY g'ooOO EVENING, i t l IT WM SUCK A I I DAD IN A ywORKEDUP THE fER WEy ( BEAUTIFUL DAY I WENT I V-j 4 ' IS A GOOD SOUND I fi WHISTLE"-MY I THWINGI-ONE- WE CAME TO ( SCT ME OUTA V LOOK OER YOUR V THIS DAMPNESS.N LOT AND AM BY JMV RHEUM ATI! WILL SUPPED INTO A BS WORSEN EVER. .7 Neabew- HAMILTON FATBACK OLLS OKI GREGG SHERW0O0 VHO IS NOBOEJ BUT THE CUTEST BLONDE . IN MEW YORK7- V3' FO'SHCXJriW' THE.T BALLOOKI IfmSE CUM MAH WEO.':'' V .IGASP. W r took W fTiStJ H0W MAKV strokes k V. DID OH THIS ONEr VOU GOT A LICENSE. V. T' ADVERTISE OISLTHH ) 1 HERE. TOO UP A HOT PS-VA&AIN I 1 I'M TELLING YOU HOW I STARTED AS A FAT, LOUDMOUTH AND BECAME. WHAT I AM TODAY NEXT YOU TAKt WHATS RUSTY VOU WPLL OO&SONE, IT'S A T?EAI DOS I II llll JTfl ' I I I I TOOK Vv DID YOU TAKt f 3 frOUR Igg 17 jr-" SHOP' mm Cm P -WELL WRAP AND SIVE VOL) BATH ANDVOOU IS THAT1 z I 1 :7 I Bi HES BE YOUR OLD SELF OOOr r yt f m f A BUT.YOO ARtXT BECAUSE I'VE l.l&T&Nirtca REALIZED HOW RtPULSIVE YOU TO ME-T-YOU AREKTTEVEN ARE. HAMILTON -THAT IS-COM LOOKlrM AT PARED TO A 1 REAL, MAN LIKE THAT STATUE, HOLE OH no you don't! NOVV IT'S My TURN TO ASK VOL) FIRST! THE MATTER, 60LLY, Ml?. MILES. I 7 WHAT DO THINK THOSE TWO SEE f MOVIE MEN ARE STEALINS MR. PALMER'S STATION WA60N SM-....a VHY?f STATUEf JZ7 "(HO-j) Mr: 5-M Fullon Uwis, Jr. W.msu's Sunt Ebrlha tuck Cart Hsihi ' Fr.nk Hsmliinm SanBr SKa Bbrtbra laaab Tba Lltlla Shaw 0 Fsnlns ParaSa Ntwa Ilai Orasar Sanaa l Pralrla Carmen Catallara H. y. Kaltanbarn Spert Paaa Larry LaSnar 6'M Ted Draka Elaht br Candle Ulbt a Knox Mannlna :1 Ted Drake Eljht br Sllrtr Colombia Featara M Adr. ol Champ.. Pmi.lt. at Plana News Chat Haulier Musle glmer Petersen Plshcaeler Nbwi " 7 "0 Gabriel HeatteT" Webster Sari Pat O'Brien J radwF ' Northweet News Webeter Sare Tane Time ? Broadwar rishlm, Flantlni Mr Oaed Wile Bandstand J Broadwar- i ! Flshlnr, Hnntlna- Mr Good fflfa Daiout Dope This Ie Broadwar 1 Ji :0O Old Barber Shop Dr. I Q Prottdlr Wa Ball Plarhonee I W 15 Thfa Masle Dr. I Q . Prondlr Wa Ball Plarhenaa I O's0 Cleea Kid Bill Stem Time Was Chleaaoana wtt5 Cleea Kid Khrthm Tina Bandstand Chleaaoana 9'0 Straiihl Arraw Sapper Clab Bandstand Warld Tanliht :S Stralibt Arraw News al Warld Newe Three Sons 0 Masle T B A Daroat Depa SI. Loala Oparn Its Musle T B A Baseball St. Loala Opera W:00 Newe Nawa Baseball Fire Star Final IS Select Laeal Newt Sports Pace Pinal Baseball Sports Spolllchl :30 Newe Bit Town Baseball fB Danea Mqsla Bli Town Baseball Ufa Danea aaa:00 Fultan Lewie, Jr. Sam Barea BasabaU Serenade I I .5 Bb r'' 8how w Mneenai Baseball iron at the Warld I I :8 Bob Poola Shew Wax Maeeam Track ltM Urcheetra !fl Musle War. Mnscnm Track ltw Orchestra :00 Sltn OH Slsn Off 1:00 A.M., Sim Silent " SATURDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. 6:00 Newt Hodn Fades , Nwi :16 Dawn Patrol Bods Podvt KOIN KIsek :80 NW Farm Newi Nwi KOCO Kloek KOIN Sleek :4S March Time Hodta fodgt KOCO Kleck KOIN Kloek I wm :0 Dawo Patrol Now Hear Tbla Tu Klttar Kola Kloek " ;15 Dawn Patrol Now Hear Tbla Newe Newa :30 Dawn Patral Tbo Old Bonn Farm Hkl. Sep. Newa B Ntwt Newe Extemlop Service Comnmer Newa 8:00 Newe Hind Hannera Seleaee Exonrilon Hueie for Tow :IS Breakfart Oant Mind Manner Popnlar Varletlea Mmlo for Ton :S0 Breakfait Ganf Jerry Marlowe Weatern Melodlea Green Lama Top rradee 8am Hayea - Weitern Melodlea Green Lama I :0' Barralo Counter Ted Warinr Show Haven of Beat Newa - U 16 Newa Ted Warinr Bhow Haven of Beat Let'a Pretend I . J :S0 Son of Ploneert Ed MeConnell Mono Wltbost Junior Mite 'M Muale Ed MeConnell ffordi Junior Mlu WiOO Nortbweit Newa Newa Crelo of Son Tbeatre of Today i2 Mna,e - pBb,le "lfB e,t Bon Theatre ef Today 30 Pastor'a Call Oreheitra Bhapeody tn Grand Central :4S Muilc Oreheitra Bhythm Station H- 5JBW1 Farm-Home Hoar Saturday Serenade Start Over on GkrdeB Gold Farm-Home Honr Saturday Serenade Hollywood :30 Klwanli Choir Mary Lee Taylor Saturday Serenade Give and Take . Klwanla Choir Mary Lee Taylor Saturday Serenade Give and Take J g : Top Tradea Tonne Orea oniana At the Opera Newa " I m 18 New Toum Oreronlani At the Opera Driver's Playbona) It' J 00- PUtter Joek Newa -vs ft Suorta Meet the Miaana :" Doe. Platter Joek Beport on Europe fed Dale Preienta Meet the Minna 1:00 Doc, Platter Joek Mueleana Bevlew In County Fair " ;lft Doc, Platter Joek Muateana Bhythm County Fair :t0 Northweet Newa Muaieana Bevlew In Bhythm Danea Oreh. l4 Bob Eberly Show Muaieana Bevlew In Bhythm Dance Oroh. 2!!? SUnirliU In fa? !?! !!!! Newepaper f Air .18 Hayrlda Blta ef Hlta Sat. Matinee v.-..,... nl . !!i rJf" .. Contraet. M.m.r, Theater Ch J Bin. 8 lore Conlrasta Memoir Theater sit. It Chan 3:00 Veterana Prrrm Beraan'a Oreh. Chln-TJp Corner ' :II l".'1 8t,r Beraen'e Oreh. Chln-Up Comer T,, SO Alrforce Meado'broek Or. Chln-Up Comer wVr for rooth 2 'r'orce Mcado'brook Or. Chln-Pp Comer w 4:00 Bob Poole Show Newe Little Bit of Jasi Griffin Barcroft U Bob Pool. Shaw do... Sl.r Lull. Bit of J.aa S SSiS :SJ March Tim. University The.tr. Sp.t ..,. S. Si. N,w' TJnlTcrellr Theatre Spotllte on Music John Pair 1CV Friday P. M 5:00, Squirrel Caret IXtaA 5:30, Yukon Challcnrei :M, Keeplntr np With Sport!, 6:15, Home Edi tion News: 6:30, Modern Bonaneeii 1:00, Edwin C. Hill; 7:15, Elmer Darin 7:80, The Sheriff! 8:00, Bernle Greent 6:80, Tonr FBI i 9:00, Pat Hant :S0, 'Neath Weetern Sklen 10:00, Bichfleld Reporter! 10:15, Intermcixo; 10:80, Concert Hoart 11:80, Memos to Tomorrow) 18:00, Xtra Hoari 1:00, Sign Off. 1CV Saturday A.M. 6:00, Dawn Down IXl-A beatl 7:00, Ronnd-up Boyij 7:15, Time Tempo! 7:45, Adventures In Re neareht 8:00, Deep River Born 8:15, Mar tin Acronskn 8:30, Home Demonstration Arentt 8:45, Frankle Carl; 9:00, Johnny Olsen Get Togetheri 9:30, Toyland Tunest 10:00, Stan ot Tomorrow, 11:00, Glrle' Corpit 11:30, American Parmert 19:00, Treasury Band Showt 1?:80, Fasolnatlnr Rhythm i 1:00, Ballad Boxi 1:15, Herse Racesi 1:80, Band Boxi 1:00, Tea and Crumpets, 8:00, 101 Raneh Boyst 8:80, Meet the Band, 4:00, Junior Junction I 4:80, Jazxy Concert, 'Herd Passes Test Grand Island Harry King of the University ot British Colum bia, at Vancouver, B.C. of Amer ican Jersey Cattle club at a re cent classification held here passed on 15 cows at the Frank across l. Disfigure 4. Exclamation 7. Greek letter 12. Be under ob ligation IS. Exist 14. Devastation 15. Chance 86. Play on worda 87. Purpose 39. Limb 40. Father of Enoa 48. Second legal hearing 46. Mountain ridge 16. Obese 4S. Region 18. Land meaaurei 49. Thrifty Rodent 53. Arabian shrub 21. Pertinent 23. Bristle 27. Hawaiian wreath 28. Pigpen 30. Help 31. City In Missouri 34. Longs 54. Lubricated 55. Number 66. Biblical king 67. Silly 68. Scarlet 69. Lair DOWN x 1. Indian millet ? I I3 s V t r is f v a ts. WiTl I? 9, : ZJKL n XL 3 32 -WmVi is 37 Mil wJj, 1 , W, , Kj So SI IS ROOM AND BOARD W BUT WHY D YUH WANNA , SM& JEly "BP I A SOUND H P OJIT SEULIN' YER CORERS Lilf'l ECONOMIC REASON. W NOW? YUH STILU MJkp FOR STOPPING NOW GOT 4O0 Of" 'EM, AN irMm Wl .WITH THE RECIPE . J VITH YER. IDEA FOR . J OF THE 'WEENEE-PO, MAKIN' DA "WEENEe-PO? KKfl I THEY'LL SELL i YER. CORERS NWAS Mm ) ANY TIME, AND I U. BEIN' SNAPPED BP LIKE . RtWi. SAVE THEM fOK. . H.rxSx.JJ&$MmviiA WW fChr FHdar P.M. 6:00, On the IxVaMV Upbeat! 6:60, 550 Sports Clubi 6:00, News 6:15, Dinner Melodies! 6:80, Masle ef CsechosloTakla; 7:15, Events Farm Henri 8:00, Research Report! 8:15, Here's to Teteranst 8:80, Great Sonni 8:45, Loners' Fire Weather Forecast! 9:09, Maslo That Endures i 9:45, Lift Up Thy Volee; 10:00, Adventoree la Researehi 10:15, Serenade i 10:45, News. 11:00, Sin OH. (KOAO Standard Tim) iffSkf Ifttarday A.M. 10:00, Newii INVMW 10:15, Espeelally for Women 11:00, The Concert Hall! 18:00, News) 18:15, Noon Farm Houit 1:00, Ride 'em Cowboy l 1:80, Tolee of the Armyi 1.45, Melody Lanei 8:00, Musle of the Masters I 8:80, Selenee News! 8:46, This Is Sooth Afrlcal . 4:00, Driver's Playhouse, 4:15, Bonn at a the West; 4:45, Children's Theatre. Flnnicum farm. Every head of cattle on. the farm is high rating registered Jersey cattle. Good progress is being made in erec tion of the new large modern dairy barn being erected there, tlRlllNHBlNlOl Solution of Yetterday't Puzzl t. Cogrnlzant S. Driving away 4. Ctfltern 6. Fragrance 6. Egrets 7. In this way 8. Drags 9. Night before 10. Weight 11. Law " 17. Mixture ot whiting and linseed oil 19. Beholds 22. Endorsement on a passport 14. Set aside or speclflo use 26. Metal 26. Helps to tht salesman 29. Period of time SL Goddess of tbe harvest 12. Owing S3. Ventilated 86. Operatio solo 38. Shooting star 41,' Port 43. Shade of Drown 44. Depart 45. Silk fabrle 47. Pleasure Journey 49. Hawaiian food 60. Japanese measure 61. Palm leaf 62. Spread for arying Bv Gene Ahem P A MflE F T CPP ' S A O N aIIM g RCHAN TS TOT E3llA R Ttpg A S A p 1 Zffs n ' pPat e te NflR A SPQlJ ME S O SOP A L MllTlR. S S HPA ST U R A G eQ A l I N Q T 0 M E Do D R E NTHMA T EPl R E C A tQh A T e O QR A L. A NOS A R P AGA T E D ec 5 I cfNlsifp O T