J. si ) Chiefs Upset Soloes' lid For Fourth on 5-4 Victory Salem, Oregon, Friday, July 15, 1949 Brillheart's Yackety-Yak Bring 'Raspberry Night' The unusual and extraordinary spectacle of Jim Brillheart, Spokane Indian manager, carrying a crate of luscious Oregon raspberries in one hand and a white flag in the other may .,1 he presented at Waters park Friday night between games of the twin bill with the Senators. The Salem Breakfast club has officially designed Friday evening's program at Waters park as "Raspberry night" In recognition of Manager Brillheart's somewhat unkind but pointed remarks during the .Indians' last appearance here. The principal Indian Chief alleged that Salem's franchise , should be moved elsewhere because of lack of attendance. Mud-Packed Finish the drive to the wire on a sloppy track at Monmouth park, Oceanport, N. J. Shrewsbury, Jockey S. Boulmetis up, came on to win while Shirley's Pride backed up to third place. (AP Wirephoto.) TRAPSHOOT TOURNEY- Medford Henry Niedermeyer of Med ford today held the class A ti tle in the 1949 Oregon state trapshooting tournament. Niedermeyer broke 197 birds in Thursday's opening events, then downed 25 straight in a shoot-off with W. E. Fisher of Wedderman. Ore., who also broke 197 In the regular round. Fisher smashed 24 of 25 in the hoot-off. Stanley Brock of Walla Walla, Wash., and Earl Colson, Jr., of Toppenish, Wash., each broke 199 but they were ineligible for the title because of their out-of-state status. Taking part in the opening round of the four-day meet at the Salem gun club were 171 shooters representing some 60 Oregon cities and several out-of-state entries. More were expect Crofoot Fans 16 To Win Hot Game Of Softie Loop Percy Crofoot struck out 16 batters Thursday night as his Randle Oil club edged Golden Pheasant 3-2 in a hotly contest ed City league game under the lights at Leslie field. Crofoot limited the birds to two hits. Armond Carrow homed for the winner in the fourth. Tied 1 to 1 at the end of seven innings, the Marine Reserve-O. P. & P. tilt was forfeited to the latter by Manager Jim Dimick who held that "Wimpy" Carver, Marine Ditcher had not been on the club roster the required length of time. Gordy McMor- ris gave the Papermakers their only score when he hit for the circuit in the sixth. He had doubled in an earlier inning. Maple Dairy took the Indus trial league tilt over Post Office, S-2 with Beech hitting a home run for the dairymen in the fifth. Hilfiker, dairy pitcner, struck out nine. Friday night's schedule: In dustrial league, 6:30. Teamsters vs. Warner Motors; City league: 8:00, Rock Wool vs. K. of C.J 9:00. 12th Street vs. Mootry's. Post or:icff ooo aoo o 2 2 a Maple Dairy 020 010 X 3 3 4 Meyers and Scott; Hllllker ana steiser. Marines 000 000 11 4 1 OPfcp 000 001 0 1 4 Carver snd Akers: Knight and Payne, Randle oil ooo 110 13 ' Ph...nt. ran nnn ft 2 1 Crofoot stid Enoch Mterx; MlUer snd waters, Wenger. Claude Harmon's five stroke 11 Shirley's Pride (on rail) and. Shrewsbury (left) fight it out in Man Nabs a Title ed to compete before the shoot over. Officials said they looked for contestants to total some 300. Class B winner Thursday was Frank Sandberg of Portland. He and E. Armstrong of Eugene tied with 196 each, but in the shoot-off Sandberg broke 24 of 25 while Armstrong broke 23 of 25. Class C honors went to Dr. J. M. Adams of Klamath Falls, who broke 196 out of 200. W a 1 1 Howard of Bend was a close sec ond with 195. Class D winner was M. C. Hig gins of Albany with 191. A temperature of 96.3 degrees Thursday failed to daunt the trapshoot fans. Scores for the day's workout were generally better than had been expected. Schooner Cut Off Race Time Honolulu, July 15 W Dick Rheem's 98-foot schooner Morning Star of Los Angeles sailed by Diamond Head last night for a new unofficial record for the biennial yacht race from San Pedro, Calif. It shattered the old mark by nearly two days. Sails taut before a spanking trade wind, the speedy schoon er crossed the finish line at 8:13 p.m. (Honolulu time). It completed the 2,225 nautical mile run in 10 days, 10 hours, 13 minutes. The present record, which stands until the Morning Star's time is made official, is 12 days, 2 hours, 48 minutes. It was set in 1926 by the Invader. Another yacht, the Mariner, sped from Santa Barbara to Diamond Head in 11 days, 11 hours, 46 minutes in 1923 but her course was much shorter than that of the Morning Star. . The Morning Star still may not win the race. The other 22 yachts which left San Pedro at noon on July 4 all have time allowances. Several may beat the Morning Star on cor rected times. Indian Nine Invades Waters Park Friday for Weekenders There's no doubt about it now; the Salem Senators are still in the second division. The question of whether the Solons or the Wenatchee club occupied the fourth spot in the Western International circuit (somewhat doubtful honor in any event) was settled Thursday night when the Chiefs edged the local hopes 5-4 before 1098 per spiring fans. The series ended with Salem winning two out of the three contests. The Spokane Indians come back to Waters park Friday night at 7 o'clock for their final series of the season. The pro gram calls lor two games Fri day evening, a single one Satur day night and the customary twin billing Sunday afternoon at 6. The engagement promises to be as hot as the mercury in a downtown drugstore ther mometer since Manager Jim Brillheart of the Indians will be given the raspberry figuratively and literally Friday night be tween tilts. But to get back to the affairs of Thursday night. The Chiefs won the affair by the simple ex pedient of building up a five run advantage in the early in nings and then hanging grimly on as the Solons tried to come from behind. They almost suc ceeded at that but Bill Caplin ger, winning chucker, who wav ered in the late frames struck out Bob Cherry to retire the side with the winning run on second base. Mel Wasley, crippled by vir tue of a pulled tendon in his heel, returned to the lineup in his old position in left field and promptly took-up where he left off with a home run over the right field wall. The blow, in the eighth, scored Bud Peterson ahead. Wasley still limps and it may be several days before he returns to normal. Fredericks, a bit unsteady in the early innings, was nicked for three hits and as many runs in the first although an infield error figured in the scoring. Three singles were good for an other Chief rally in the third and they added their fifth in the fifth after Hal Rhyne had led off with a walk. Clint Cam By BILL WARREN Th top SO acorers embracing all clasa ej Thursday Included the iollowLis: 197 W. E. Flxher, Wedderburn, Ore., and H. Niedermeyer, Medford. 195 Prank Sanberr, Portland; T. M. Bennett, Wallowa; J. M. Adam.";, Klamath Falls, and E. Armstrong-, Euacne, 196 Dean Olrard, Independence; Bay Glasa, Eugene; O. H. Christiansen, Till aniook: Emerson Brlckley, Eugene; C. H. McCready, Portland; Walt Howard, Bend, and Gordon Corrum, Eugene. 194 Mark Slddal. Astoria. 193 Harold Stone. Tillamook; E. M. Comdlt, Tillamook; Earnest Pat ton. La Combe; Lloyd Tern pie ton, Albany; George Jantter, Medford; Mrs. Ruth Ray, Eu gene; Cal Ray, Eugene; L, 8, Jordan, Ore gon City; G. W. Boyd, Valaetz; R. W. Nusom, Qulncey; Clarence Townaend, Sa lem; G. L. Bronson, Grants Pass; George Cornish, Southerlln; Clyde Pox, Morrill ; E. G. Wlnstanler, Eugene, and Richard Baxter, Eugene. 192 John Werrlne, Independence: Glen Bailey, La Combe; Earl Elliott, Mbany; William Jantzer, Grants Pass: J. H. Cow cher, Burns; E. J. Rearing, Portland, and H. C. Patton, Portland. 191 Harry Hanson, Eugene; Bob Kiile, Eugene; T. G. HUdibrand, Sale,-n; Roy Hartman, Independence; John Porbis, Tll 1 amook, M. O. Chose, Albany, and George ?lum, Tillamook. Two Days to Hawaii WIL Standings 9 Br th Associated Press) W L Pet. Yakima 60 Vancouver 52 Spokane 48 Wena tehee 42 29 .674 34 .605 41 .539 48 .467 Salem 40 48 .455 Victoria 39 Bremerton 40 49 .443 51 .440 Tacoma 36 57 .387 Results Thursday Bremerton 11. Tacoma S. Wenatchee 5, Salem 4. Victoria 12. Vancouver 10 (10) Innings). Spokane 11. Yakima 9. eron moved him to third with a base blow and the champion WIL batter scored a moment later while the Senators were engaged in a double killing. The Solons got one of the runs back in the fifth after two had been retired. Wayne Peterson dropped a blooper back of Has kell and went the balance of the way on Marty Krug's double that bounced over Dick Faber's head. Wasley's homer was good for two more in the eighth. Salem came into the ninth trailing by two runs with the lower end of the batting order. Swede" Carlson struck out and Cal Mclrvin, pinch hitting for Jim Foster who had taken over the mound chores in the eighth promptly grounded a single to the right of second. Wayne Peterson worked Caplinger for a base on balls and Krug ad vanced them with a single to right field. Bud Peterson pop ped out to Dick Meyers at short for the second out and Cherry ended the rally by swinging vig orously for a third strike. Spokane edged Yakima 11-9 in 10 innings, and the Victoria Athletics topped Vancouver 12-10 in an extra frame affair. John Marshall racked up his loth win of the season as the Bremerton Tars whacked Ta coma 11-3. Official Box Wenatchee ! 8alem I H O A 2 4 B H O A 0 W.Peirsn,2 1 Krug. 1 0 B.Petrsn.ss 0 Cherry.cl 1 Wasley.lf 0 Buckley.rf 0 Hedingtn,3 1 Carlson.o 0 Fredrcks.p 0 Olsen Poster.p Mclrvin. Warner.ci Haskell, 2 Rhyne, 1 Cameron, If Bryant, 3 3 14 1 pesut, e Faber, rf Meyers.ss Capllngr.p Wlnter.ll Total in I Total 3 10 2 Ran for Cameron Jn 6th. Batted for Fredericks in 7th. Bated for Foster in 9th. Wenatcr.es .101 100 000 S I I) Salem 000 010 0214 10 1 Pitcher Ip Ab R H Er Bo Bb Caplinger 9 36 10 4 4 9 4 Frederick 7 26 8 S 4 2 6 Foster 2 0 0 0 10 Mlt by pitcher: Cameron. Left on bases: Wenatchee 9; Salem 9. Errors: Hedlngton. Home runs: wasley. Two base hits: Rhyne, Krug. Runs batted in: Rhyne, Pesut, Cap linger, Krug 2, Wasley 2. Sacrifice: Cap linger. Stolen bases: Warner, Krug, Dou ble plays: Hedlngton to w, Peterson to Krug. Meyers to Rhyne. Time 1:30. um pires: McCullough and Nenezlch. Atten dance 1098. Bremerton 010 400 60011 14 Tacoma 011 000 01O 3 12 4 Marshall and Ronnlng; Fortler. Johnson (9) and Sheets. Vancouver 000 002 Ml 0 10 18 1 Victoria 101 602 000 312 17 1 (10 Innings) Anderson, Gunnerson (7). Hedgeeock 18) and Sheeley; Vucurevich, Blankenshlp !7 and Day. Spokane 023 000 400 211 14 0 Yakima 000 203 112 0 9 16 0 110 Innings) Werbowskf, Babbitt 6). Conant 9) and Parks: Swelger, Sporer (7), Powell (9) and Tornay, Ortelg 110. OREGON TIDES Correct for Newport High Low July II 1:47 a.m. 7 8 10:64 a.m. -0.3 6:28 p.m. 6.9 11:12 p.m. 8.4 July 16 4:36 a.m. 7.2 11:36 a.m. 0.2 6:08 p.m. 7.0 July 17 5:J0 a m 6.6 0:10 a.m. 3.2 6:63 p.m. 7.2 12:18 p.m. 0.8 July 18 6:31 a.m. 6.1 1:10 a.m. 2.9 7:37 P.m. 7.3 1:04 p.m. 1.3 July 19 7:38 a.m. 6.8 2:10 a.m. 3.4 8:21 p.m. 7.5 1:52 p.m. 1.8 July 20 8:49 a.m. 5.6 3:08 a.m. 1.8 9:04 p.m. 7.7 2:43 p.m. 2.3 ' WE HAD BETTER TRADE 1W$ JALLOPY IN ON A GOOD USED CAR A7 Fish Bulletin Says McKenzie Prospects Good Water conditions on the Mc Kenzie and its tributaries are re ported excellent by the state game commission in its weekly fishing bulletin. Fair results have been recorded in those streams. Prospects are good for week-end angling on the main stem while Clear Lake has pro duced some good sized fish. In Clatsop county angling has improved with nice catches of sea-run cutthroat being caught in the lower Necanicum river. Other streams remain only fair. Conditions "remain very slow in all Tillamook rivers, except the lower Trask above McKin ley Landing where several good catches of cutthroat have been taken on troll. However pros pects are lebeled "only fair." The upper Umpqua is reported low and clear with trout plenti ful and light leader essential. Some steelhead being taken and tremendous stone fly hatches reported. Lake conditions: Odell trolling fair to poor, fly fishing fair; Crescent and Timpanagas fair Davis, dry fly fishing poor, wet fly good to fair; Summit, some catches on eastern brook and rainbow up to five pounds; Opal, Fawn, Midnight and Gold, good. Upper Deschutes and tribu taries good to excellent. Stars' Pitcher Slams Own Win; Bevos Score (By the Associated Press) Pitcher Jack Salveson of the Hollywood Stars has a sure-fire formula for winning his own ball game. The formula slam a homer with the bases loaded. Salveson did just that Thursday night in the 10th inning at Sacramento as the Stars walloped the Solons 9 to 5. It ended an eight-game winning streak for the sizzling Solons. In other Thursday night Pa cific coast league play, Port-1 land's busy Beavers beat the hapless Los Angeles Angels 4 to 2; San Diego outslugged Oak land 13 to 11 and San Francisco beat Seattle 4 to 1. i Roy Helser pitched a six-hit-ter to enable the Beavers to make it two straight over the cellar-dwelling Angels. He whiffed nine. The Padres staved off a ninth inning rally by the Oaks to en able Dick Barrett to cnalK up his eighth win of the season. The win shoved the Padres into fourth place in the standings. Con Dempsey won his tenth game as against nine losses in the Seals' victory. It ended the Rainiers' winning streak under their new acting manager at one. Friday schedule: Hollywood (Pinky Woods 13-6) at Sacramento (Ken Hol combe 11-5). Portland (Hal Haltzman 11-6) at Los Angeles (Bryan Stephen 1-1) Oakland (Charley Schanz 13-9 )at San Francisco (Steve Nagy 10-10). All night games. Portland Los Aneelex BHOA BHOA Marnnei r.t 4 2 10 Terfligr.2 2 0 ! Shupe, 1 S I l d Mauro.ci a o z o Thorn a 3 Lazor, If Brovla, rf Mullen, 2 Oladd, c Austin, M HelMr, p & 0 0 1 Sturgeon, 4 1 ' 5 13 0 Maddern.lf 3 .1 1 4 10 0 Ostrwskl.3 i 2 0 0 113 2 Anderan.rl 4 B J 4 2 9 1 Moran, 1 4 3 1 a ft a o Novotney.c 3 0 1 3 10 1 McLLsh, p 0 0 0 0 Gable, p 3 1 1 1 GIojmop 10 0 0 Watklns.p 0 0 0 0 Biirbrlnk.' 10 0 0 TotnU 35 12 37 5 Total 33 9 27 14 Popped out for Gablej In 1th. Popped out for Watkliu In 9th. Portland 210 001 000 4 Hltfl 330 313 01113 Lou Anielej 000 100 001 2 Hit oi2 aoo 001 6 Loslnr pitcher: McLLsh. Pitcher: Ip Ab R H Er Bb So Helser 33 3 fl 3 3 McLish 5 2 3 3 10 Gable 6 23 a 7 a 3 3 WatklnA 3 7 0 2 0 1 0 Error: Oatrowskl, Gable. Runa: Mar quez, Shupe, Mullen, Oatrowakl 3. Left on The average litter of the strip ed skunk is five to six young. Thouaanda now chew ateak. laugh, talk almost aa if they didn't hart falac teeth I Tbey use 8TAZB, amazinc new craam t..in a handy tube. ITAZB aeala edgea TIOHTI Helpa keep out food particle. Get 35 STAZB. Money-back guarantee. STAZE MOLM PIATES TNffTOL LMOO NIMRODS NOT! Game Men Outline Rules The Oregon state game com mission went into a huddle re cently and came up with what are expected to be the rules and regulations for the hunting sea son. The commission will re convene July 23, make what changes are deemed necessary, and then proceed to make them binding. As tentatively outlined there will be a limited season on pheasants in the Willamette val ley, or Area I as it is classified. The season will open at noon October 21 and run through Oc tober 26 with a bag limit of two cock pheasants a day and not more than six during the entire five and a half days. In Area II, which includes Josephine and Jackson counties in southern Oregon and all territory east of the Cascades except Umatilla county, the season will be from noon, October 21 through the 30th. Three cocks a day and not more than nine during the entire shooting period consti tutes the bag limit. Four cocks per day and not more than 13 during the entire season from October 21 through November 9, constitutes the pro gram in Malheur county. In the so-called "Summer Lake Pheas ant study area," there will be two open periods for firing: PCL Standings (By the Associated Pre&si W L Pet. W L Pet. Hollywood 08 43 .813 Seattle 56 65 .505 Sacramnto 58 51 .523 Portland S3 55 .481 Oakland 58 53 .514 SnFrnutr.o 4R 61 .440 San Ditto 56 54 .509 LosAnsela 45 64 .413 Reaulta Thurnday Hollywood 9, Sacramento 5. (10 Inn inn) San DleKO 13, Oakland 11, San FrancUco 4, Seattle 1. Portland 4, Loa Anaelea 2. bases: Portland 10; Lu Anaelea 7. Two base hits: Marques, Shupe, Stunieon. Home runa: Oatrowjikl 2. SH: Austin 2. RBI: Shupe 2, Brovla, Martuez, Oatrow akt 2. DP: Terwilleaer to Moran; Stur geon to Tedwllllger to Moran. Time 2:07. Umpire: Deever, Sngeln, and Doran. At tendance 2857. The Uneacorea: Seattle 001 000 0(10- -1 1 1 San Franclaco 100 100 02x 4 6 2 Fletcher, Hofman (7) and Grasao, War ran (7); Dempaey and Jarvis. Oakland 000 003 04411 10 a San Dletto 000 (10)02 lOx 13 18 1 Candlnl, Tata 4t and Kerr; Barrett, Mooty (9) and Rltchey. Hollywood 0(10 000 122 49 11 2 Sacramento 010 100 210 05 12 2 Ramsdel, Salveaon (9) and Un.ier; Gil lespie, Conner (9), Dao (9) and Ralmondl. Albany Stadium Work Progresses Albany, July 15 Work is progressing on the baseball and football stands, and the playing fields of the Memorial Stadium this week, despite the shortage of cash and material reserves, Art Kirkland, special labor co ordinator announced in a prog ress report issued Thursday. Stadium workers are now in the process of installing seats in the baseball stand, and work continuing on the concrete piers for the football arena mm.. Jm October 21 through November 9 and December 19 through January 7. Bag limits of four pheasants of either sex per day and not more than 12 during the entire season will be in effect. The commission provides for an open season on antelope Au gust 20-25 on a basis of 1000 permits and a bag limit of one adult buck having horns longer than the ears. The open area includes those portions of Lake, Harney and Malheur counties east of U.S. highway 395 and south of U.S. highway 20. The open season on black tail and mule deer is October 1-20, inclusive and in Douglas county only for white tail deer. In both instances the bag limit is one deer having not less than forked antlers. The Tillamook burn area (in Tillamook county) will be thrown open to archery deer hunting September 17-28, inclu sive with a bag limit of one deer of either sex. The open area: Beginning at the junction of Jordan Creek road with the Wil son river highway No. 6, thence up the Jordan Creek road to the summit, thence north along stratton sso. i.uck strike. n o. possehi 4W c..u v i- i 440. M. Hartwell 480, M. Jones 448, L. the South Fork of Wilson riverjones 481. ;s s-' "' Jjjfe: '"i Marines Deadly For the second time, Commissioned WO Mark W. Billing of Detroit is the all-around target shooting champion of the Marine Corps, following the matches held recently at Quantico, Va. With Marine marksmen from posts and stations throughout the world firing with pistol and rifle, Billing posted the second highest aggregate score ever fired. For the feat he was awarded the coveted Lauchhelmer trophy, an honor he also won in 1940. Bill fired 556 of a possible 600 in rifle competition and scored 554 with the pistol. The Lauchheimer trophy was placed In competition in 1821 by the family of the late Brig. Gen. Charles H. Lauchheimer. TS Stanley J. Millar of Kelso, Wash., and Camp Pendleton, Calif., was tops with the rifle, scoring 568 of a possible 600. ' 4 1 .actwto' l Old&wlish M&. DUNHILLll1 Boots 6 Shoes YBool7sset I pjpjgaBffffBjgjgajBBfffjBjjBB aVHBflpjBa road to the old McNamer camp on the Wilson river highway No. 6, thence southwesterly along the Wilson river highway No. 6 to the Jordan Creek road, the point of beginning. Open season on elk in west ern Oregon extends from Octo ber 25 through November 3 for that portion of Oregon, with the exception of Washington and Tillamook counties west of U.S. highway No. 97. In eastern Oregon the season is October 25 November 20, inclusive. CAPITOL ALLEYS MIXED DOI'RLFS LEAdl'E Ann Gibba scored the hinh game of 219 while Jim Mllford recorded the tap jwrlra of 517. The Strike Splits team checked In a 3018 series. Strike-Splits 12) Clirif MS, Ann Gihbs M3, McDowell 407. Alphaheats (1 ,M. Mll ford 3 S3, Jim Mllford 587, B. Reese- 355, T. Her 343. Rclimoos (2) Crawford 5flfl, Clark 43V K. Whitworth 453, Cherrltmlon 458. Allry Catsx tl. L, Albrlch 3!4, Joe Albrlch 550. Dot Olney 408, J. Olney 472. S lifts & A Mi 10) P. Gardner 357, J. Far rex 387, E. Gardner 31.1, W. Gardner 398. Greaiy Four 3i H. Olodt 364, Hen demon 563, J, Boyee 408, C. Boyce 555. Mud Dauber 10) B. Lawless 338, N. Lawless 457, E. Willard 367. P. Willard 401, Grin-some Foursome 3 B. Muel haupt 471, Olney Jr. 534, Thompson 418, Morey 501. Cyclone (at OAlund 503, Ctwman 40(1, margin of victory in the 1948 176 N. Liberty Masters golf tourney is the lar gest in the history of the com petition.