I 10 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, July 14. 1949 JACK OF THE BEAN STOCK Stayton Beans to Be Sent To Boston's Mayor Curley By WILLIAM WARREN Talk about carrying coals to Newcastle a community in the Cascades of Oregon is about to bear beans to Boston. Stayton heart of the succotash belt here a bean field, there a corn patch, here a bean there a corn, everywhere a succotash is holding its annual bean festival late this month. Among the WlllUm WsrrtD new switcnes for f e s 1 1 vals dreamed up byf enterpr -i sing Manager Gene Malecki is the idea of having a Jack of the Beanstalk i n -stead of the ev er present festi val queen. And as soon as he is chosen, from a group of eight grinning and boisterous boys, he will hop a plane for Boston, bearing with him a case of famed Santiam beans to be presented to Major James N. Curly. Mayor Curly is going along with the gag and pitching it right back. He wired Malecki today saying Jack of the Bean stock will be met at the East Boston airport July 22 and ex tended the courtesy of the famed bean city of Massachusetts. Said Curly: "In return for the case of beans you propose giving us we will present Jack with a pot of the best beans in the world Boston baked beans." " Among the candidates - for Jack of the Beanstock is one true son of the bean fields. His father is a bean picker. So is his mother. And he plans to pitch in when he's old enough. Stayton is going all out to pay tribute to the bean, the tasty vegetable which constitutes one of the principal crops of the Santiam valley and conse quently one of the main sources of income for Stayton. Festivities will open July 26 and continue unrelenting through Sunday, June 30. In preparation for this vear's bean bust 15th in annual event building a large community hall, with a trussed roof to allow a large floor space for dancing. And nightly one of the feature attractions of the festival will be held on this dance floor the Santiam Bean ball. Of course, there'll be a carni val staged by the Browning Carnival Co. which opened in Stayton s"ome 40 years ago, as one of its first stands. And as an added attraction, there'll be a daily bean - hole bean feed with beans served free to the guests, courtesy of the Santiam No. 1 crop. What's a bean-hole bean feed? Well, you dig a trench some two feet deep or so. You line it with red hot coals. You place beans, beans, beans and more beans in five-gallon tins, along with plenty of bacon, suggestions of garlic and other seasonings, put the tins on the red hot coals, cover the whole batch with dirt. and let 'em stew in their own juice until they're ready for in take. Yes, they're getting ready to bow to the bean in a big way at Stayton come July 26. And as a fitting tribute to the succulent vegetable, they're going to send their emissary, not a queen, but a freckle-faced boy (all candidates have 'em), Jack of the Beanstock, probably his tory's first ambassador to bear beans to Boston, the land of the bean and the cod. Commies Aid Strikers Rome, July 14 (Pi The com munist controlled Italian Con federation of Labor today mes saged striking London dockwor kcrs that no Canadian ships would be unloaded in Italian ports. The message expressed "fraternal sympathy" for the London strikers, the Italian men of Stayton have been news agency Astra said. CAA Suspends Strato Airline Washington, July 14 ") The civil aeronautics administration today suspended the operating rights of Strato Freight, Inc. It operated the plane in which 10 persons were killed in Puerto Rico last month. CAA Administrator D. W. Rentzel accused the company of operating faulty equipment. He also asserted that it had repeat edly violated safety regulations. Rentzel suspended the oper ating rights under his emerg ency powers. At the same time, he filed a formal petition with the civil aeronautics board ask ing that Strato Freight's flying authority be permanently re voked. A C-46 operated by Strato Freight dove into the sea off San -Juan, Puerto Rico, June 7, shortly after a takeoff from Newark, N.J., via Miami. There were 81 persons aboard. Twenty-eight were res cued. The plane was being flown under charter to a travel agency. Rentzel said in his petition to the CAB that an inquiry dis closed the plane was flown June 5 from Newark to Miami with a cable flap (which coor dinates landing and takeoff con trols) in a frayed and weaken ed condition." Timber Tracts Fail To Attract Bidders Portland, July 14 W) Eleven Oregon & California timber tracts failed to attract any com petitive bids in a sale in which the agency sold 4,563,000 feet of timber for $34,980.65. High bidders on 10 parcels sold included R. B. Bohlman Estacada; Monroe Lumber com nanv. Eugene; Hildeburg Lum ber company, Drain; Puckett & Scherer, Klamath Falls; Gil christ Timber company, Gil christ. Best bids by species, per 1000 feet, were Douglas fir, $6.48; sal vage Douglas fir, $2.05; hem lock, $2.71; western red cedar, $2.30; white fir, $2.61; Port Or ford cedar, $15.06; sugar pine, $21.66; Ponderosa pine, $14.37. New Dallas Home Damaged by Fire Dallas, July 14 The William Millar rpniripnee on River drive was heavily damaged by fire Wednesday night with most ol the furniture ruined. The place was completed tnree montns ago. The Millers were absent when the flames were seen by Richard Anderson, night dis patcher at the state forestry dis- PEM-JEHi Saved .,y. , ..Ml.. I I ! Ml I I II I I II I I f mmm r ' PI- : fwout illwramrtr. -mjmmm)mmmmmmmmmmmmImmmmmml AMERICA'S FINEST JELLY MAKER MGGEST LHTTLE MARKET HKf TOWN WHERE YOUR DOLLAR GETS TIME AND A HALF P'cn'c IjRv JW,BaC0B 14 FrYers sw.,P,.miu, IO Squares UO Large $11 49 SSti- We..S.d, U i RedS MT U 1 lb. Liver Bot, j n t i ib. Boon - sllMd flp Beef n ssLSfwa, AQe Bacon OC Roas,s vaX Govt. Inspected Liver Armour's Ib. Young, tender, Ib. Steaks r Aged n Short Ribs Boneless Round f ' l VI f of Beef 1 VJ f ond Loin Ib. Year Old Leon Ib. GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES LEMONS SUNKIST Doz. 35c WHITE Shafter . 10 lbs. SPUDS 45c SWEET CORN 5 eor 29c HOT MASTER BREAD EVERY DAY, 4 P.M. PRINTED FLOUR SACKS, FAST COLORS . . 3 FOR $1.00 MARSHMALLOWS KRISPY CRACKERS I MARGARINE si f" Sunshine 1 Ib. Box A 15c 75c 19c,b Doymacks fc Mayflower HINES HONEY SALAD DRESSINGS MISSION MACARONI 89c 45c. 32c 5 " p"' IGA 2Va Ib. Pkg. IGA Store 15), 10)1 roadway Qroeery IGA Store BROADWAY AND MARKET STREETS trict office, who gave the alarm. The Dallas volunteer fire de partment and tank trucks from the forestry department con trolled the flames which did the most damage to the upper por tion of the house. Miller is a carpenter with the state department in Dallas. The family has two children. 41st Division Reunion Portland, July 14 W Veter ans of the 41st (Sunset) division will hold a reunion here tomor- row with sessions at the armory Plump 'n' juicy and all meat! Teat bow pood, plump and Juicy Artnpur Frmnlriurtari are I They're tnede fresh every day in Portland lessoned juii the way you like 'em here in Oregon. Artnoui Frankfurter! are mil-meat, too nothing but fin beef and pork and seasoningl Portland-made to Oregon's taste U. S. GOVERNMENT INSPECTED Frankfurters a leader in America's finest line of sausage J Ate em fWt, KftlOWr's NEvV IMPROVED 9RWl flAKES your "good mornin&'habit! M-m! Kellogg's improved 40 Brsn Flakes are tastier, crisperl Supply whole -grain vitamins, minerals, and extra bulk. Many diets need this to help prevent constipation. Delicious way to encourage "good morning" habits. Get the whole family eating Kellong't Bran Flakes in the white, red and green box. Made hSe genuine Kellogg way .MOTHER KNOWS swift's prem ' iy?TSmXtlM t ; DOLE'S LUNCHEON J jg jjjg nIPPLE SWIFT'NING 50-poUND 3YYin nirV3 i KITCHEN QUEEN RAC 3 Pound y- J FLOUR BAtj I ,N i $ SO Keeps Without Refrigeration. . s PRETTY PRINT 11 llpjj 2 -23c '" nkeF 95c SWIFT'S STRAINED MEATS ffffP'jT-J,'faff7ff For Babies 6 'Varieties to Choose From "THe"mEAT MGE" jL TmmmmmmBS CANNED tJKfi Sr MILK Ta, 2 for 23c i rfffsuyi 1 r 2Qr CANNED MILK ARMOUR'S - NESTLES Tall cans. 2 for 21c rACrtC M J B- - H,LLS - FOLGER'S - S&W -VsiVrrCC CHASE & SANBORN GOLD. WEST 1 Ib. 53c 2 lbs. H.05 GARDEN No 303 PEAS 3 can. 29C GARDEN a m PORK and BEANS m 15C NALLEY'S TANG SALAD DRESSING 45C DUZ-OXYDOL Large Six TIDE-DREFT IVORY FLAKES jC t CALIFORNIA Large Whit and WHITE RICE RED BEANS , 2 lbs. 10 lbs. 2 lbs. 10 lbs. 27c $1.29 27c 1.29 RIB ROAST Ib. SWIFT'S T-BONE STEAKS Ib. 52c SWIFT'S IJ IT II M. B mm gm RIB STEAKS lb 49c SWIFT'S SLICED BACONS b. I9c GROUND BEEF , b 35c NOTE" ALL OUR MEAT IS U. S. INSPECTED PRODUCE DEPARTMENT YAKIMA New Potatoes Lsi ,10 lb. 29c NO. 1 MOORPARK , APRICOTS ni., b. 1.25 WIN ESAP APPLES Combination Fancy and Extra Fancy Wrapped $1.99 Bushel SHERIDAN BUTTER Grade "A" Open Sundays 8 A.M. Till 6:30 P.M.