8 Capital Journal, Sftiem, Oregon, Thursday, July 14, 1949 SOME PRICES REBOUND Not All News Is Bad in Country's Business Outlook By SAM DAWSON New York, July 14 VP) There's still a lot of bounce in our economy. Today's news shows a number of things that have dropped, In price and output, and are now .on the rebound. It's t,iv a liltld bounce back so far, but it's pleasant reading. Demand has picked up for copper and lead, two items that droDDed fast and far sinces March. And prices are firming on the two important metals. Wheat prices are firmer pleasant news for farmers, un less they happen to be the ones whose crops were injured by disease and bad weather in June. It was this cut in the expected supply that strengthened prices. Rayon suits have been selling well this summer and some man ufacturers report they have sold out their considerable sup ply. Rayon prices have firmed. American Radiator & Stand ard Sanitary Corp. says it has reached the low point in sales and earnings, and looks for im provements from now on, and expects to reopen some of its Idle plants before Christmas. The Ansco division of General Aniline & Film Corp. has put its photographic paper plant back on a six-day week. It had been on a four-day schedule but de mand from the photo finishing dealers has Jumped and Ansco as "found it necessary to in crease our output." Some woolen mills found de mand for certain types of fab rics used by the women's wear trade so good that mills are booked solid into September and prices have gone up a lit tle. The New England Purchasing Agents association says 18 per cent of its 108 reporting firms found business better in June than In May. In May only nine per cent had found business bet- Owners Abandon Stranded Vessel Los Angeles, July 14 VP) The Greek Liberty freighter Ioannis G. Kulukundis, hard aground and breaking up on a sandbar 140 miles northwest of here has been abandoned by her owners to her cargo underwriters. The 422-foot vessel, with 9000 tons of bulk and sacked wheat aboard, has "broken her back' under constant pounding of waves and is leaking badly. She struck the sandbar Sunday in a heavy fog off point Arguello in the "graveyard of the Pacific. Her skipper, Capt. G. Mas- trominas, three other officers and one seaman remain aboard. Vessels of her type are valued at $500,000 and her cargo is worth $630,000. ter than in April. These may be little things, but they show how things that go down can go back up as condi tions straighten out. The copper trade believes fabricators' stocks declined last month by at least 30,000 tons. Some of these mills are taking annual vacations this month, but they are buying copper again for delivery in August when they expect to show a firm, if modest, gain in output. Scotch Dentist Makes $100,000 Edinburg, Scotland, July 14 (IP) A Scottish dentist has made 25,000 ($100,000) for 11 months' work under Britain's socialized medicine scheme. This was disclosed by Sir Wil liam Marshall, chairman of the Lanark county health service executive council, at a meeting of the dental estimates board yesterday. Under the national health service, dentists submit a bill to the government for each patient treated. The patient does not have to pay for treatment. The government pays the den tist according to the number of patients under his care and the kind of treatment given. Commenting on the case, Sir William said: "It is hard to be lieve that the patients received the painstaking, careful atten tion which we have a right to expect in our service." 2 Killed as Train Hits Pickup Truck Baring, Wash., July 14 U.R Two men were killed yesterday when a speeding Northern Pa cific passenger train plowed into their pickup truck at a grade crossing here. The dead are Robert Foye, 23, Monroe, Wash., and Edwin L. Olson, 56, North Bend, Wash. They were operators of the Lin da Olson Logging company of Baring. Joint Fleet Maneuvers Tokyo, July 14 VP) The U.S. fifth airforce and British fleet units began joint training exer cises in the Tokyo bay area to day. The maneuvers, similar to those conducted last summer, will continue through Saturday. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, July 14, 1949 9 f. yxx .mm. AAtX"'"& Miller's July Clearance! 81x109 Pequot Muslin Sheets 2.49 72x108 Pequot Muslin Sheets 2.69 63x108 Pequot Muslin Sheets 2.49 42x36 Pequot Muslin Cases 1.20 81x108 Percale Sheets . . 4.95 42x36 Percale Cases, pair . 2.00 Discontinued Patterns in High Grade Bath Towels, Less Yz Special Bargain Table of Children's Wear . choice $1.00 2.59 $3.49 $9.50 JUST ARRIVED! NEWEST CARD TABLES FOR YOUR LAWN PARTIES See These New Ones! $495 and $595 MILLER'S MAIN FLOOR MILLER'S JULY JEWELRY CLEARANCE Shop Miller's Jewelry Department for iiist the right "Ear- 1 rings," "Pins," "Necklaces," "Beads" and "Bracelets," for your h favorite costume. OUR SPECIAL PURCHASE of 69c BEAUTIFUL SAMPLE JEWELRY OFFERS AN AMAZING VARIETY AT FABULOUS PRICES One Group Earrings to $3.95 Lovely Selection of Pins, rhinestone, metal, pearl 69c First Pearls in many popular colors . . . 69c Bracelets, regular $1.95 up 69c Necklaces, regular $1.95 up . . . . 69c Other lovely pieces drastically reduced from $1.49 Jewelry Dept., Main Floor Variety of patterns. Regular $3.50, now White Organdie Tie-Back Curtains I Regular $4.75, now ; t : Ruffled Curtains Wide style dotted, eggshell tint. Extra fine .quality. 84" length, 86" width. Reg. $14, now Denim Sports Togs Coats . . . jackets . . . pedal pushers . . .skirts . . . sun dresses . . . shorts . . . wescots, etc. $ Q5 Reg. to $6.50, now J 2nd floor Pure Silk Printed Crepes Regular $3.98 yard, now yard Remnants! Rayon ... Wool In dress lengths or for skirts and children's clothes. Buy now and save Z $1.95 PRICE All-Wool Suitings In plain or novelty wools. Now i LESS 59c Heirloom Prints In fine cottons. Reg. 98c yard. Now, yard .... All Line Chinese Handkerchiefs 3 for $1.00 Earrings Choice of several hundred. To $1.95, now AO Also at this low price . . . pins, necklaces, etc. 07C Women's Sport Togs $7 QC Shorts, skirts, bras . . . Reg. $18, now Needlepoint . . . New! sluwok 75c,98c,$1.19 $1.89 Girls' All Wool Coats , $10 05 Regular to $19.50, now Girls' All Wool Plaid Skirts $ Q5 Regular $5.95, now tJ7J DOWNSTAIRS Refrigerator Dishes Fire King refrigerator dishes 49c Tableware Stainless steel tableware. Colored handles Drip Coffee-Makers Fdur-up drip coffee-makers, and teapots J of porcelain 2 Water Jugs - Bean Pots Porcelain water jugs and bean pots . . Aluminum Wares Drip style coffee m lators and covered kc Flour Sifter Drip style coffee makers, sauce pans, perco lators and covered kettles Choice Plastic Flour Sifter. Self measuring. Reversible , 25c Price Price $1.00 $1.98 Covered Refrigerator Dishes Covered Refrigerator Dishes, 5x7 inches . 25c tit JUST 50 CASUALS, AFTERNOON, DINNER AND ! MATERNITY DRESSES IN THIS QUICK CLEARANCE! Values to $29.95 :L YOUR CHOICE A clearance of high quality dresses of na tional fame brands ! Frocks you'd be happy to own at regular prices are now slashed to less than one third! Colors you'll need for now and later . . . Blue . . . Rose . . . Black . . . Green . Aqua, etc. Sizes 9 to 15 and 10 to 40. Second Floor, Dress Sections 700 Pairs Red Cross and Penaljo Regular $9.95, $10.95, $12.95 -WHITE! -BROWN! -RED! -BLACK! -BLUE! -GREEN! Sizes 4s to 10s. A to C ? Our greatest shoe clearance of the year! Two of the best known brands at a big saving in price! RED CROSS and PENAUO broken lines will be priced at $6.80 pair . . . play and dress shoes in straps, pumps, ties, wedgie. etc r- i. x:.-J - i i vume ue imeu in u uuiy lumiunuuie snoe tot summer wear, Miller's Main Floor mm mm umt Odds and Ends in Women's Sport Togs Famous brand shorts for va cation wear . . . brands you'll like because they fit smartly . . . they come in your favor ite colors and white. Be sure to see these if you want reg ular $4.50 values for only $1.98! 2ND FLOOR $ 1 98 i II FAMOUS BRAND BLOUSES We can't tell you the brand because these are slight irregulars of your favorite blouses . . . extra fine quality rayon crepes in tailored and dressy styles. White, dustry rose, aqua, sunshine and some prints. Sizes 32 to 38. $298 1 Clearance of Men's SPORT SHIRTS FAMOUS BRANDS Best known brands in this clearance of all odds, etc. Regular to $7.25 values! Gabardines, twills, broad cloths, in popular sports styles with convertible col lars . . . double flap pockets . . . some with saddle stitching trims. All the wanted shades. 14 to 17. REG. TO $7.25 $395 4-DRAWER CHESTS $98 I MNFLOOR These four-drawer chests are excellent for your accessories such as hosiery, gloves, hand kies, costume jewelry, and other small articles. Wall paper designs. if p RUFFLED fa J CURTAINS f AJI A11 odds and end ru'fled t A ISa curtains must be cleared! Also Kg 1 yardage, panels! White, ivory 1 K mmm I and colors. Cretonnes, mar- l KX Jr J f quisettes, roughtex and home- . KB Rj m X spuns. Refurnish your windows la jj M J I now and save! IQ $ x jOPF D0WNSTAIRS J Famous Brand NYLON PANTIES " Reg. $3.00, $3.50! A X WHITE mm mm PINK BLUE BLACK NAVY AQUA Sizes A, 5, 6, 7,8, 9,10 9 Briefs Leg Styles Tailored to fit and wear! Made of best quality Du Pont nylon, a fabric of almost unbelievable wear. Washes and dries in a jif fy! Please don't confuse these with regular priced inexpensive nylons, these famous brands would cost $3.00 to $3.50 if it were not for tiny irregular flaws. All sizes from smallest to largest. 2ND FLOOR J 1 itde doling wppfij . innerbelt yL-j, When prices are down on famous brands . . . nationally advertised merchandise you know . . . both quality and price, it's a saving worthwhile! You know there's no "funny business" of making it up cheap just to juggle the price. v Demand the well known label ... it pays and pays! National "Nemo" Week Brings Low Prices on Your Favorite Foundation! JJfr NEMO SENSATION, NEMO MAGIC "V", NEMO WONDERLIFT Regular $12so Nemos .... $10 Regular $10 Nemos $895 Regular $895 Nemos. .... $695 Nemo sends us this sale of Nemo Foundations as their con tribution to lower prices! It is a clearance of Nemo's most popular numbers including the famous "Innerbelt" many women have worn for years! Visible beauty . . . invisible comfort will be yours in a Nemo whether its a girdle or all in one style of garment .'. . Plan to shop this sale early ... Our expert corsetiere will give you the garment and fit you require. i I MILLER'S Second Floor Some Famous "PLAYTEX" Superfoam PILLOWS... Damaged in Our Remodeling Operations Regularly $995 -NOW It is unfortunate for us that these Playtex superfoam pillows were damaged in our remodeling operations . . . but it is a big bargain for you! There are about 40 pairs in the lot. New cases will make them as good as new again! Others with less damage to sell for . . . . . $7.95 Regularly $9.95 and $10.95 Downstairs Bedding Dept. 5 AND Just 20 Esmond Blankets 25 Wool, 25 Rayon, 50 Cotton Regular $6.98 value! Blue, Cedar Buy now ond tave! $495 15 Denier SUPER-SHEER! FIRST QUALITY! Sunglow Naive Beige Aperitif 89t 3 Pairs $2.50 8'2 TO IO2 Sheerest of sheers! 15 deniers with full fash ioned leg and seam-free foot! . All are first quality ... all are perfect fitting! It's your opportunity to select a few pairs for your dressy wear ... for your vacation resort wear . . . dine and dance Stock up now and save! r 1 1 ,.v, ;,w..4; tau.