I Legion Auxiliary Installs Officers at Silverton Event Silverton Among the distinguished American Legion auxi liary guests present for the installation of officers of Delbert Reeves unit No. 7, were past department president of the state of Oregon, Mrs. Jack Eakin of Dallas, Mrs. Robert S. Kreason, Dallas, president, of district No. 2, and Mrs. Marion Miller, Scio, past president of district No. 2. Mrs. Kreason was me instal ling officer, assisted by the Stayton team d i re c t e d by the. Stayton Team directed by Mrs. Mabel Senz, Scio, unit president, and conducted by Mrs. Matt Beaver as acting sergeant at arms. Grace Kiersy served as team first vice presi dent; Mrs. Leonard Titus as second vice president; Mrs. Wil liam Fair, historian; Mrs. Alice Kiersy, treasurer; Mrs. Norma Wells, chaplain; Mrs. Mabel Knight, assisting sergeant-at-arms; and Mrs. Betty Ward, junior past president, compos ing the Stayton installing team in the formal ceremonial of in ducting the recently elected of ficers of the Silverton Delbert Reeves unit No. 7 Mrs. C. E. Higinbotham was installed as president. Her as sistaing officers for the year areto be: first vice president, Mrs. Wesley Grogan; sec ond vice president, Mrs. Mayo Robison; secretary, Mrs. Frank ,Porter; membership secretary, ' Mrs. Ralph Francis; treasurer, Mrs. George Towe; historian, Mrs. Roscoe Reeves; sergeant at arms, Mrs. Fred Evans; chap lain, Mrs. Bruce Billings; presi dent, Mrs. George Towe. Mrs. Higinbotham submitted her list of committee chairmen appointments to include: on Americanism, Mrs. Larry Car penter; child welfare, Mrs. Har ry Kuch; constitution, legisla tion, publicity, public relations, Mrs. Clifton Dickerson and Mrs. F. M. Powell; community ser vice, Mrs. John Demas; poppy. Mrs. Charles Morey, poppy pos ter, Mrs. Ernest Ekman; past president's parley, Mrs. Arthur Gottenberg; on the rehabilita tion commission, Mrs. A. J. Mc Cannel, one year, Mrs. William Sherman for two years, and Mrs Ernest Starr for three years junior activities chairman, Phyllis Greenfield; membership Mrs. Wesley Grogan; music and Pan Americanism, Mrs. Oscar Edlund; girls state, Mrs. Ros coe Reeves; national security, Mrs. W. Miethka Miss Jeanell Gottenberg ap peared in two readings follow ing the installation ceremonies. The kitchen and serving com mittee under direction of Mrs. Wesley Grogan during the so cial hour for more than 150 guests included: Mrs. Olus An- Today's Menu (By Associated Press) Luncheon Ideas Cream of Asparagus Boup Friday Luncheon Salad Brownies with Vanilla Ice Cream Toast Sticks Buttered Rolls Beverage Friday Luncheon Salad Ingredients: 1 household size package lemon-flavored gelatin, 1 k cups hot water, 1 cup cubed avocado, Vi cup diced cucumber, cup finely shredded carrot, Vt cup lemon juice, cup flaked canned seafood, 8 thick slices peeled tomato, lettuce, salt, cup mayonnaise. Method: Dissolve gelatin in hot water and chill until thick but not firm. To prepare calavo cut into halves and remove seed and skin; cut fruit into cubes Add to cucumber, carrot, lem on juice and seafood and mix , lightly into chilled gelatin. Turn Into pan and chill until firm. Place one slice of tomato on each of eight lettuce-garnished salad plates and sprinkle with salt. Cut gelatin into squares and place one on each tomato. Garnish with mayon naise. Makes 8 servings. derson, Mrs. Thomas Blundell and Mrs. N. Webb The annual picnic will be ob served in a supper and program at the Silverton city park, to be definitely planned at the sec ond meeting July 25, Monday. A full delegation and their alternates to the August State convention to meet in Salem have been previously announc ed. Miss Sweeney Wed In Sunday Rites Dayton In a candlelight ceremony at the First Christian church, McMinnville, on Sunday afternoon, July 10, at four o'clock, Miss Phyllis Marie Sweeney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. Brooks Sweeney, was married to Francis M. Trusty, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis- Trusty, Portland. Rev. Grant C. Cole, McMinn ville, read the double ring cere mony, in the church which was decorated with candlelabrums, baskets of pink and white glad ioluses, blue hydrangas and baby breath. Mrs. Grant Cole, played the wedding music, and Malcolm Wilson, Brooksville, Maine, sang. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was gowned in organdy over satin with a veil of net held in place by an orange blossom crown. She carried a bouquet of pink roses, Mrs. Carlton G. Fangar, Portland, sister of the bride was the matron of honor. She was gowned in aqua marquis ette, and carried a nosegay of salmon pink sweetpeas. The bridesmaids were high school and college friends. Mrs. Hollis C. Mast, Myrtle Point, dressed in pink marquisette, and carrying a nosegay of light-pink sweet- peas, Miss Dorothy Engelbart, Salem who wore yellow mar quisette and carried a nosegay of lavendar sweetpeas, Mrs. Edwin Jones, Canby, who wore blue marquisette, and carried a nosegay of pink sweetpeas. Miss Christian Trapalis and Miss Yvonne Hiattt, both of Rose burg, lighted the tapers. Little Miss Betty McFarlane was the flower girl. . . Best man was the bride groom's brother, Lyle Trusty. The ushers were the bride groom's fraternity brothers, Kenneth Hasler, William Guyer, and Robert DeShazer. - The bride's mother wore a blue crepe afternoon dress, and the bridegroom's mother wore an aqua linen afternoon dress, each wearing a gardenia ana pink carnation corsage. The reception was held in the Mrs. Schultz i s Entertained Mrs. William Schultz of Mc- Cook, Neb., visitor here, was honored at a salad luncheon for which Mrs. Clinton Standish en tertained Wednesday at her home. Mrs. Schultz and son, Billy, arrived last week to spend two . weeks here. They formerly resided in Salem. Following the luncheon bridge was in play. Guests included Mrs. Schultz, Mrs. Daniel Hay of Portland, Mrs. Ira Fitts, Mrs. J. Irvine Caplinger, Mrs. Arthur Bmegar, Mrs. Charles Foulger, Mrs. Gregory Lancaster, Mrs. A. A. Hager, Mrs. Elmore Hill, Mrs. Roy Mink, Mrs. John Fick- lin, Mrs. Tom Wolgamott. Mrs. Schultz is to be a special guest this evening when Mrs. Ira Fitts entertains her bridge club. HOME FROM a month's visit in Oklahoma is Mrs. Vincent W Baronovich. She visited her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Cowl ing, in Chickasha, Okla., and while there visited with many former college friends from Oklahoma College for Women at Chickasha. During one week the college friends entertained at a series of parties for Mrs Baronovich. In return, Mrs. Baronovich also entertained at a bridge party for her friends and gave as prizes Oregon myrtlewood gifts. On Friday of this week, Mrs. Baronovich will leave for Seattle to attend the second summmer session at University of Washington, planning to be gone six weeks. Leave on Trip Mrs. John Powell of Turner and Mrs. Frank Brownell left today by plane for Minneapolis, going by way of Seattle. In Minnesota both will visit rela tives and Mrs. Brownell is to attend a reunion of her relatives in Minneapolis. Mrs. Powell will go on to Detroit to get a new car and the women will drive west, planning to be home some time in August. Engagement Is Announced Mr. and Mrs. Reubin R. Hil fiker announced the engage ment of their daughter, Miss Arlyne Hilfiker, to Leland F. Fish of Emporia, Kansas, at a recent picnic in the gardens of their suburban home. The table was covered with a white linen table cloth and the centerpiece was a giant fire cracker with red streamers to which were attached small fire crackers. The fuses were tiny scrolly bearing the names of Arlyne and Leland. Red and white sweet peas completed the arrangement. Those attending were Misses Lorna and Jodie Johannaber, Willeta Hersh, Shirlee Reimann, Beverly Gustafson, Donna Whit ley, Donna (Jump, Lola Koer ner, Yvorme Casselman, Rosalie Dutoit, Carol Hilfiker, Mrs. Carl Gustafson, Mrs. O. V. Bodie, Michael Hilfiker and Mr. and Mrs. Hilfiker. The wedding is planned for early September. Children Baptized Baptismal services for Rich ard William and Christy Louise, children of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam L. Phillips, Jr., were held this afternoon at the home of their paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William L. Phillips, Sr. on West Lefelle. Dr. Chester Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, July 14, 1949 7 W. Hamblin, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, conducted the service at 2:30 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Al W. Loucks were godparents. Following the serv ice a small reception was held. Also present for the baptismal were the maternal grandparents of the children, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Polk. Good quality,' For sale six days a week. Special Bargains every Friday and Saturday. GROCERIES GIFTS HAND TIED FISH FLIES CHIN-UP STORE 1275 North Church St. Phone 3-3018 OPEN 8 A.M. TO 7 P.M. FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP AUTO TRUCK FIRE Month after month our service, sav ing and customer satisfaction has proven itself. Let us take your insur ance in hand and you will be satisfied, too. BILL OSKO Phone 3-5661 L-irfs! 466 Court St. B'V; JKO Dist Mgr. church parlors; Miss Rose Marie Lorenzen played music during the reception hour. Mrs. Delia U'Ren, aunt of the bride cut the cake, assisted by Carol Co burn, and Barbara Rossner. Mrs. Carl Anderson served the ices and Mrs. Malcolm Wilson pour ed. Mrs. Arthur Dresselhous and Mrs. Earle Coburn had charge of the gifts. Mrs. Verle Saucy had charge of the guest book. Miss Darlene McFarlane caught the bridal bouquet. For traveling the bride wore a blue tailored suit with navy and white accessories. Following a trip to Canada the couple will make their home at Cottage Grove, where they will both teach in the high school there. Hurry.. Only 2 Days Left mm Sole Ends SoWdoY SIMPLEX 2-Speed Automatic Ironer Thais the finest ironer Simplex builds, equipped with every de luxe feature for highest ironing efficiency, speed, and ease of operation. 11-Nksj "Cmskmi" Tewtl AJJintaU Ironing Chstr . . . Set. Refurnish your bath- Designed for ironing. Up- room with these fluffy, lax- bolstered seat. Adjustable uriant, genaine Xudoo back rest for "solid" corn- Towels. 18 pieces, fort. 3 $17995 BUY NOW AND SAVE 17.95 Down, 7.56 Month You will find that day in and day out Erickson's Super-Market prices will help you keep your food costs within your budget. Thru careful buying and huge volume selling, coupled with resulting lower business costs, Erickson's are en abled to offer your food needs at prices that you like to pay. Let Erickson's save you money on your food buying. Prices Effective Friday, Saturday, Sunday VISIT THE FOUR CORNERS CARNIVAL McKinley Field, Top of Hill on East State Street July 15-16-17 --3 P. M. Rides for Children Games Fun! 12 OZ. CART. SEXTANT Grated, No. V can (Bumble bea Light Meat Solid Pack No. Vi can 39c' Salted 8 oz. can PARAWAX TUNAFISH (Bumble bea Light Me PLANTERS PEANUTS CATSUP vancamps 2 m mW W I Large 14 oz. bottles " CANNED SHRIMPS - A big value for salads and cocktails. VINEGAR bottles Dewey S'i oz. can Cider or White. GALLON JUG Golden Valley & Speas 10c 23c 39c 29c 25c 29c 49c PETER PAN PEANUT BUTTER Creamy or Crunchy 12 oz. can 33c SUNNY COAST JELL DESSERT All Flavors Finest Quality 4 pkgs. 25 c NESTLE'S MORSELS CHOC. TIDBITS 8 oz. pkg. 18c Large 17 oz. 3k Tram W nmim ,wv" Giant Pkg. 83c Lg. Pkg. 27c BORAXO Hand Chaner 16c Mi 25c 8 oz. can BORAX POWDER Twenty Mule Team 2 pbkS.27c 5 pkg.63c PARD DOG FOOD 3r.37c STRONGHEART Dog Food or Kit Cat Cat Food 3 229c SIMONIZE GLASS WAX Window Glaze Large VA 29c ZEE PAPER TOWELS 150 sheet roll for 27c CANNED PEACHES Stardee Freestones ft O C No. 2'2 cam ... can 0 JC BARTLETT PEARS Triumph in Syrup 10j" No. 2'icon VC APRICOTS 19c Naturmade, halves in tyrup No. 2Vi cans SWEETPEAS Mountain Meadow No. 303 cans .... NEW POTATOES Del Monte P No. 2 can Am for XJC CREAM STYLE CORN Mission no. JOJ cans .... mf cans ASPARAGUS SPEARS Fancy Walla Walla, No. 303 cam. ASPARAGUS CENTER CUT Garden Grown No. JdJ cans Mm cam 3 con, 29c 33c 31c 2, an. 29C ORANGE MARMALADE 17 Wellman, 1 lb. jar I C VEAL LOAF, Swift Premium, reg. can . HORMEL PIGS FEET Pint jar 27c 33c BEEF STEW Dinty Moore by Q Hormels, large 24 oz. can. 3 C SPAGHETTI & MEAT BALLS, Dinty Moore, eJQ Large 24 oz. can faC CANNING APRICOTS From The Dalles 1.39 30 lb. pear box. WATERMELON Klondikes or Striped. . .lb. 3c CORN, fresh ears Young and tender. ... for 33c POTATOES 50 bag 1.29 Yakima No. 2't. DANISH SQUASH Delicious baked 2 19c POTATOES California Shafteri 10 , 39c win BOILING BEEF,b 18c Lean tender short ribs and brisket POT ROASTS .b 35c . Blade or arms cuts PRIME RIB ROASTS ,b 39c RABBITS .b 55c Young Fryers 2 to 2'i lb. average CHICKENS each 1.49 Large colored fryers freih dressed SLICED BACON 2 u 89c Valley pack standard brand all center slices JOWL BACON Trimmed Squares LB. 19c SLICED BACON ENDS 2 35c (1 lb. pkg., 19c ) LOCKER SUPPLIES SEALRITE Quart Carton GV For Frozen Food DOZ. mt 7C Pint Cartons By Nestrita doz. 39 C Folding Cartons, 12 oz 2 doz. 23 C PLIOFILM CHICKEN BAGS A 0 Hold whole chicken for freezing for ArfC 3720 East State 3060 Portland Road a, iMeae. hhmih