18- It X 1 I Bl ILI 11 fit of lv 00 BY I Lll tul !' BY .-: he In KIN' fid ' t ' 14 ! MC ., l N tul bwi Fl ' Be hi m pii S7M Lll b 4 1 Itl i: La .. B .. It' t Bl . ch tu: :o . ol c 11 67 F5i he ' J. fm ir ti dl: ha ST o v n Ic ! Capital Edited by MARIAN 6 Capital Journal, Salem, i Miss Eggens ! Engaged, to ; Wed in Fall ; Latest of Salem girls to join the ranks of brides-elect is Miss Mavis Eggens. i Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. T H. Eggens, are announcing her j engagement to John Petty, son ; of Mrs. Maude Petty of Glad stone. ' The wedding is planned for , the late fall. i Miss Eggens has been attend fng Oregon State college where she is a member of Alpha Gam ma Delta sorority. Mr. Petty was graduated from University of Oregon in June and is a mem .'. ber of Theta Chi fraternity. Miss Kirkwood Is i Honored at Party Amity The Sisterhood of ; the Christian church honored Miss Jeannitte Kirkwood, bride ' elect of Lamar Aldridge, with a surprise miscellaneous show er in the social hall of the ; church July 7. The committee In charge, Mrs. Hugh Shields : Mrs. William F. Morse and Mrs. I S. Sorensen, went to the Kirk- home with an old-fashioned t black umbrella and a raincoat and informed the honoree that a shower was in prospect and asked her to don the raincoat . over her kitchen apron, and carry the umbrella to the ' church, where she found a room full of her friends to greet her. 1 Games were enjoyed, and Miss ; Kirkwood was instructed to ; search the rooms in the church ; for her packages. After that the gifts were ; opened. The hostesses served ' refreshments to 50 guests. Members of the troop of Girl Rangers of the church for whom : Miss Kirkwood . has been the leader, were among the guests. ; Out-of-town guests were Mrs. ; Jim Haley, San Francisco, Mrs. , Pat Johnston, Woodburn, Mrs. Ersel Kirkwood, Mrs. Leonard Jlickerson, Hopewell, Mrs. Wal ter Brog, Salem, Mrs. Dorothy Cunday, Seattle, Mrs. Robert Johnson also of Seattle, Mrs. ; Lynn Pierce, Oakland, Calif. ( The wedding will be an event of July 24 at 3 o'clock at the Christian church. . SALEM FRIENDS wiU be in- ; terested to learn that Mrs. John L. Hand has moved from Port- land to make her home in Baker, : hor former home. SOMETHING YOU'LL MMLMil&!l Bring the Kiddies, too .... Mohlgren's Women LOWRS FISCHKB Oregon, Thursday, July 14, 1949 CONGRATULATIONS are be ing extended to Mr. and Mrs. H. C. (Hub) Saalfeld upon the birth of their second son. The baby was born Wednesday morn ing at Salem General hospital. The older son is Richard. Grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Antoine DeJardin of Gervais and Mrs. Henry Saalfeld of Mt. Angel. Miss Jones Bride-Elect Announcement is made by Mr. and Mrs. Verne R. Jones of the engagement of their daughter, Miss Betty Lou Jones, to Charles Hunter, a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. E. Russell of Eld ridge, Calif. The wedding is planned for the early part of August as an afternoon ceremony in the gar den at tile Jones residence. Miss Jones was graduated from Salem high school and at tended university of Oregon medical school for two years, Mr. Hunter is a medical student at San Jose university, Nelson-McCraven Lebanon The home of Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Thompson of Sweet Home was the scene of an early morning wedding on July 5 when Miss Ruth Marian McCraven of Lebanon, was wed to Ernest Harold Nelson The vows were exchanged in a double ring ceremony before a white altar decorated with red rosos. Elder Cleo Thompson, pastor of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Lat ter Day Saints in Sweet Home officiated. The bride wore a gown of mist blue crepe with gray accessor ies and carried an orchid ribbon corsage on a white Bible. Her maid of honor was Miss Ruby Richardson. Orcn Lansbery of Lebanon was best man. The bride, a native of Texas, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Wilson of Grannis, Ark. She has been employed for the past two years in the Lebanon Community hospital. The bride groom, formerly of Minot, N.D., is the son ol Mrs. Mane Nelson of Lebanon. The couple are at home in their new residence on the Lebanon airport road. HOME FROM a trip to Los Angeles are Mr. and Mrs. John W. Kelly. They visited relatives I and friends there and made the trip by car. i Marks the GRAND of NEW BUFFET DIMMER WHERE YOU WILL GET All YOU CAN EAT AIR-CONDITIONED BUFFET SERVED DINNER HOUR ONLY 5:00 to 8:30 P.M. DOWNTOWN ON Farewell Tea Wednesday Hostesses Wednesday after noon at a charmingly arranged informal tea were Mrs. Theron Hoover and her mother, Mrs John H. Wharton, the affair be ing at the Hoover home. The tea honored Mrs. Hugh H. Earle. Mr. and Mrs. Earle are moving to Portland the first of August to make their home. Guests were invited between 3 and 5 o'clock. Mrs. R. H. Baldock and Miss Beryl Holt poured during the first hour and Mrs. Walter Socolofsky and Mrs. Ralph E. Moody the second hour. Assist ing in the dining room were Mrs. Ward Davis, Mrs. Jack Eyerly, daughter of Mrs. Earle; Mrs. Edwin Keech and Mrs Clarence Hamilton. The tea table was set with an embroid ered cloth, begonias being ar ranged around a silver candela brum on a mirror for the cen terpiece. Pink, blue and orchid flowers were arranged around the rooms. Out-of-town guests at the tea included Mrs. Earle's daughter, Mrs. Emil V. Nelson of Oswego, Mrs. Wesley H. Egger and Mrs John H. Van Dyne, both of Port land. Anniversary Event A garden party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Low ell A. Spagle in honor of their 25th wedding anniversary Sun day. Arrangements for dinner were made by Mrs. Leslie Pack ard and Miss Barbara Spagle, Gifts were received from the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Packard of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Spagle of Wood- burn, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Spagle and Judy and Larry of Woodburn, Mrs. O. H. Miller of Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Spagle and Karen and Ronnie and K. C. of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Packard and Judy and Stevie of Lebanon, Mrs. F. Brown of Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Spagle and Lowell Jr. and Barbara of Salem. WORD has come of the birth of a son, Peter Adr!n Brinker hoff, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Brinkerhoff of Napa, Calif. on Tuesday, July 12. Grandpar ents are Mrs. Byron B. Herrick of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Brinkerhoff of Philadelphia. Also greeting the new baby are an older brother, David Thomas, and a sister, Christine Anne. The paternal grandparents were to arrive Thursday from Philadelphia for a month's visit with the Brink- crhoffs and Mrs. Herrick is planning to go south later this month to visit at her daughter's home. REALLY APPRECIATE! Night OPENING for those tinder 10 .... 44c Restaurant STATE STREET Couple Wed Here Mr. and Mrs. James W. Moser were married June 25 in St. Joseph's Catholic church here. The bride is the former Virginia Mary Hales, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Hales, and Mr. Moser is the son of Mr. and Mrs. August J. Moser of Cincinnati, Ohio. (McEwan studio picture) Mrs. Scott Is Feted at Tea Mrs. Lewis Scott, who has come to saiem to mane ner home, was honored at an infor mal tea for which Mrs. Philip W. Allison was hostess Wednes day afternoon at her Fairmount Hill home. Mrs. Scott is the for mer Jean Sersanous. About 30 were invited to greet Mrs. Scott. Among the guests was her mother, Mrs. A. F. Sersanous of Portland, for merly of Salem. Mrs. O. K. DeWitt poured and asked to assist at the tea were Mrs. Paul A. Lardon and Mrs. Wallace Bonesteele. Wagner-Cornell Lebanon The marriage of Miss Kathryn Cornell, daughter of Mrs. Kathryn Stout of Al bany, to Arval Allen Wagner, solemnized on Friday evening, July 1 at the country home of the bridegroom s parents near Lebanon. Candelabra, urns and baskets of pink and white gladi oluses provided a background for the service. Dr. John B. Houser, pastor of the First Bap tist church, read the service. The bride wore an afternoon gown of green crepe and her flowers were gladioluses and stephanotis. She was given in marriage by her brother, Char les Cornell of Albany. Maid of honor was Miss Lorna M. Wagner, sister of the bride groom, who wore a pink linen frock and corsage of sweet peas and rosebuds. Maynard Kirkelie was best man. At the wedding reception, four aunts of the bridegroom assisted: Mrs. Vernon Austin of Eugene, who cut the cake; Mrs. Rosa Wagner, Junction City, presiding at the punch bowl; Mrs. Fred Simpson of Eugene, who held the guest book, and Mrs. Carl Simpson, Portland, in charge of the gift table. The couple will make their home on route 2, Lebanon, where they are building a new home. A Dress ONE GROUP Dresses Values to 10.95 2 for moo QIIDDIDDDDD Here is value itself! In the most astonishing assort- 2 ment of dresses ever offered! These are all lucky purchase dresses PLUS OUR REGULAR STOCK! n D D n All marked down for a REAL SALE! a a a DoiDDIDIIDDPDDDnDDDDDIDDDDDDDIDaDll 2f.r$15. MATERIALS Sheers Prints Bembergs Rayons o NO REFUNDS Invitations Are Received Invitations were received Wednesday to the marriage of Miss Margaret Jane Cooley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Herbert Cooley, to John Phillip Maulding, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Maulding of Tillamook. The ceremony will be solemn ized the evening of Saturday, August 6, at 8:30 o'clock in St. Paul's -Episcopal church. Immediately following the church service there will be a reception in the gardens at the North Summer street residence of the Cooleys. LEBANON Members of the Spiritualist Sunflower club of Salem, met at the home of Mrs. Thomas Gazeley, in Lebanon re cently, the occasion combining a picnic and business meeting of the group. A no-host dinner was served picnic style at noon. The outdoor tables were dec orated with daisies and petunias. The club meeting was held in the Gazeley home The devo tions were led by Mrs. Gazeley. Instruction was given by Mrs. Mary A. Mann. Mrs Myrtle Bruijn also contributed to this portion of the program. Music for the afternoon was furnished by recordings. Members pres ent from Salem were: Mrs. Myr tle E. Bruijn, Mrs. Florence P. Mann, Mrs. Earah E. Vrooman, Mrs. Elvera H. Cervenka, Mrs. Amy Pierpoint, Mrs. Zana Mon zingo; Mrs. Anna Simmers, Mrs. Mary A. Mann, Mrs. Elvera Event of Great Importance! PURCHASE i DRESSES 2fW$!5. -iValues to $14.95ci j) for $ SALE STARTS FRIDAY, 10:00 1 0 UULTU U I 460 State Street IBIlHBaiHBiHaB New Amaranth Group A special meeting of a pro posed Amaranth group to be called Cherry court, was neia at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen M. Slentz, Monday eve nine. The occasion was a no-host dinner and social evening at tended by Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert S. Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Canfield, Mr. and Mrs.' Howard Jenks. Dr. and Mrs. R. Lee Wood, Mr. and Mrs. James W. Tindall, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weidner, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Mc Cauley, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dilatush, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gunther, Verlie Ellis of Oswe go, and Mrs. James Manning, grand royal matron of Oregon Another meeting is. called on August 8 at 8 p.m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle McCauley, 1930 Market street, for further discussion. Initiation of the new court will be held at the Salem Ma sonic temple on the evening of i August 20. FEDEE Miss Helen Burbank, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. N. Burbank, Pedee, and Robert Spinney of Kings Valley, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Spinney, were united in marriage June 23 at the home of the Baptist minister, Rev. Edward B. Hart, Beard, Mrs. Maude Harms and Mrs. Florence Zeller. Lebanon women present were Mrs. Algia Snider, Mrs. Dons Brooks and Mrs. Minnie Gazeley. j, a 0 if N NO MissMassee To Be Feted Miss Mary Massee, who is to be married July 31 to James Struck of Parkdale, will be hon ored at a party and shower for which Miss Joan Schwabbauer will be hostess next Wednesday evening. The affair will be at the Sch wabbauer home and the hostess will be assisted by her mother, Mrs. Delbert Schwabbauer. A dozen friends have been invited. For McKays Governor and Mrs. Douglas McKay will be in Portland Fri day evening to be honored guests at a party at the Oregon Press club. OAK POINT The Polk coun ty Federation of Rural Women's club announces its annual picnic will be held Wednesday, July 20, at Brush college picnic grounds. Dinner will be at 1 p. m. Each woman is to bring table service and a basket din ner. A program will follow the dinner. at Corvallis. The bride wore a white suit with pink accessories. Her corsage was of white carna- tions and pink rosebuds. Their attendants were Miss Vivian Burbank, sister of the bride, and Claire Cotter, brother-in-law of the bridegroom. After a short honeymoon at the coast, they will be at home at King's Valley. ONE GROUP Dresses Values to 5.95 2fi or $500 1 a a n a TYPES Street Dress Sun Dresses Play Dresses A.M. EXCHANGES