, Group Flans Aviation Day Pictured here as they watch a plane in the air over McNary field are representatives from the various local groups that met Tuesday at McNary field to plan Salem Aviation day, set for August 28. Reading from left to right they are: Bob Chapman of Salem Air Service; Eugene Wiscarson, aircraft repair service; Evelyn Whitmaker of the state board of aeronautics office; Airport Manager Charles Barclay (pointing at the plane);, Clemens Fischer, Capital Air Service; Lt. Comdr. Wallace Hug, officer in charge of the Salem Naval Air Facility; and Leo (Ace) Demers of Ace's Flying Service. , Salem Aviation Day Will Demonstrate Skill, Safety Not a thrill-giver with dare-devils performing in the air but a display and demonstration of what the average person can do in the aviation world if he wants to fly. That is the plan for Salem's Aviation day set for Sunday, Au gust 28, at a meeting held at McNary field Tuesday afternoon. Displays, demonstrations and- races of various kinds are to ing her for the event end 2 p.m. beginning of the program, ln- eluding demonstrations and races. Displays will be on ex hibit all day to permit the pub lic to view them, and no admis sion charge will be made for any of the exhibits or for the show. Named to committees at the meeting were! registration and hospitality, Airport Manager Charles Barclay, Art Joseph and Evelyn Whitmaker from the state board of aeronautics of fice; Invitations, Evelyn Whit maker, and state board of aero. nautics; shortfleld landing, Don Morris; handicap race, Leo (Ace) Demers; closed, CQurse race, Wallace Tower and Lt, Comdr. Wallace Hug; agricul tural flying demonstration, Ace Demers; bombing from small planes Mac McLaughlin; plane parking, Dale and Bryce Wiscar, son; prizes, Art Joseph and Clemens Fischer; free rides, Clemens Fischer; and fire and accidents, Lt, Cmdr. Hug. Salem Invited to participate In Aviation day will be plane deal-1 ers selling the type of plane used by the average person; airlines; the forest patrol; Oregon Sports men Pilots; Flying Farmers; Ninety-Ninersj CAP; NAA; Ore gon National Guard; and Air craft Owners and Pilots associa tion. Committees Named The program as tentatively set up Tuesday would include registration of the flying visit ors from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.; breakfast from 11 a.m. to 1 p,m.j sight-seeing tour 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. of the city for visitors fly- Dayton Civic Club Discusses Rodeo Dayton The Dayton Civic club met for a picnic supper in the city park, with 35 members and guests present. Plans were made regarding a float for the parade and a food stand to be located in the park as of last year, during the two days of the rodeo. The annual report of the library was read. Mrs. J. R, Nuttbrock donated a flag to the club. Hostesses were: Mesdames Stewart, Fish, Wil lert, M. Thorton, Tribbett. be featured, and 300 free rides in planes of local operators will be given away. Aviation day will not be all local, either, for Invitations are being sent to a number of flying groups and persons from out of town promi nent in aviation. For the farmers raising crops needing dusting or spraying Leo (Ace)Demers will arrange a dis play in his hangar on the west side of the field, and in addi tion to the display he will give a demonstration of dusting with a formation of his planes. Will Stress Safety Safety will be stressed all through the show with demon strations planned by the state board of aeronautics. . The op eration of the CAA tower here will be explained in connection. not only with safety operations on the field, but flying in gen eral. The Salem Naval Air Facility on the east side of the field will be open for Inspection by the public and United Air Lines will have its office open for in spection. UAL also plans to have one of its four-engine planes here for exhibit and other airlines will be asked to take part in the event. Among the groups away from Clearance SALE! High Quality Prints Sheers Cottons Suits and Coats Gilmore's Dress Shop 439 Court St. - Upstairs Blanohe H. Wilson, Owner MUST BE SOLD We Must Make Room for New Stock! m i-i i mi u i w "i Look at These Sensational Values! Come in Tomorrow and Make TERRIFIC SAVINGS now at these ridiculous low prices! 1 r t) 4 :- i -3 rroelich-o0?"" OF" ffU I ill 1 I0o. H it one SHAD" i TABLE LAMPS 5VJ70 LIGHTS nuns iv ft. Your F W0' 30 4 rotten,'00'" Up W fixtures off- Dia. 3-9412 SALEM LIGHTING & APPLIANCE 236 North High Salem Lighting Does It Again! Look for the Green Tag and SAVE!! This Is the First of Our Great Semi-Annual Green Tog Sales! Open 'til Nine Friday Evening r; l j AMO No Refunds Easy Terms UlOl J-V X Tag Sale Friday. July 15 to July 21 SALEM LIGHTING & APPLIANCE 236 North High Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, July 14, 1949 S RECORD VALUES COATS Our Entire Stock of Coats Reduced to Three Low Prices Values to 45.00 NOW 24 Values, to 55.00 NOW 00 00 Values to 79,95 .NOW 29 3900 HOSIERY SPECIAL Values to 1.65 99c FORMALS Values to 19.95 1000 Values to 22.95 1 00 12c Values to 24.95 14oo Values to 29.00 :oo 16' SUITS 1 Group Values to 29.95 NOW 1 Group Values to 39.95 NOW 1 Group Values to 49.95 NOW 1 Group Values to 59.95 NOW 34 1500 2400 2goo 00 SLACKS Values to 8.98 599 SHORTS Values to 5.98 399 SWIM SUITS 1 Group Values to 12.95 399 DRESSES 1 Group Values to 12.98. .NOW 1 Group Values to 16.98 NOW 1 Group Values to 22.95. . . . 1 Group Values to 19.95 . . NOW 1 Group Values to 24.95 .... 499 y99 NOW 1 2 1400 NOW 16 BETTER LINGERIE Look at Clic famous name lingerie included In this event Itliytlim, Colony Club, Trillium, Yolande, Lady Duf( and Vanity Fair Lace trims and plains . . . nylon, rayon ercpe and rayon satin! SLIPS Formerly sold for 3.98 NOW 2.99 Were regularly 4.98 NOW 3.49 Regularly sold at 5.98 NOW 3.99 Exception value even at 7.98 NOW 5.49 Finest quality, regularly 14.95 NOW 8.99 GOWNS Good buys at 5.98 NOW 3.99 Regularly sell at 8.98 NOW 5.99 Formerly sold at 12.98 NOW 7.99 Lovely gowns, 14.98 value NOW 8.99 Highest quality, regularly 17.98 NOW 10.99 BLOUSES Yolandes, Mode De Paris, Malson France Values to 0 99 6.98 ...... NOW 3 Values to A 99 7.98 NOW t Values to P99 8.98 NOW D Values to iT 99 10.98 NOW O Values to 99 12.98 NOW PURSES 98 1 Group, values "1 to 2.98 . . . NOW I 1 Group, values C00 to 16.98. . .NOW D HANKIES 1 Group, values r)P to 75c . . .NOWX3C 1 Group, values QP to 1.50 . .NOW 03C GLOVES ' 1 Group Values to 1.98 29c PEDAL PUSHERS Values to 5.98. . . .NOW 399 Millinery Vl OFF Court and Liberty SORRY, NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS ALL SALES FINAL SAIEM