1 Cat a c is : j . n e ior dr enl Me Ms idc a Be ste er va of bo; Bo of pn Cu wi ' ris to stc Be tei be be V th B J: tr fa m in tr VI oi S. q 24 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, July 14, 1949 East Salem Youths Are Given Party by Relatives . East Salem, July 14 At the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Brandt "on East Garden road about 60 relatives and friends from Portland, .Albany and Silverton and Salem met for a picnic dinner in honor -of their two sons. Glen, who was married juiy a ai Keno, Nev., El ..to Maralyn Anderson of Salem and Pvt. James Brandt, who is jiume uu luuuugn irom Aiiania, Ilia. He ielt by plane Wednes- day morning for Seattle and from there sails for Kobe, Japan. He Is a mechanic in the army ordnance and will be in the Bay shops there. Mrs. Lester Purcell and Mrs. Louis Purcell were hostesses for a shower Tuesday night at the Charles Norton home on East Garden road in honor of their sister, Mrs. Francis O'Conner. Invited guests were Mrs. H. C. Engle, Mrs. Kenneth O'Conner, Mrs. Kenneth Purcell, Mrs. Har old Norton, Mrs. Roy Watkins, Mrs. Ed Ferrill, Mrs. Jake Wag ner, Mrs. Graccn Gerard, Mrs. Jake Ackerman, Mrs. Grace Un derwood, Mrs. Dale Martin, Mrs. Virgil Ellis, Miss Alvera Purcell, Miss Vera Ellis and Mrs. Norton, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Yost and family of Swegle community nave returned from a vacation trip of several days spent at iong Beach, Wash. Mrs. Estclla Hoeye of Es mond, South Dakota, is a guest in the Charles Salter home on Swegle Road this week. William Damery of Fruitland community accompanied friends on a week-end trio to Madras. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Welty B! Farm Phone Bill Passes House v Washington, July 14 W) Leg station desiened to make mod rn telephone service available to more than half the nation's farm homes went to the senate Hoday with the overwhelming tacking of the house. . It was passed by the house yesterday by a vote of 282 to 109. Most of the opposition came from city members rescnt iul over lack of support from 4arm state congressmen for the administration's housing bill. - The legislation would allow the rural electrification admin istration to operate in the tel ephone field in the same man ner that it now operates in the Jield of rural electricity, subject to approval by state regulatory Jodies. The REA could make loans to telephone companies, or to co operatives formed to provide telephone service, with' existing companies, having priority for Jhe first six months. West Salem Bus Fares May Jump ' The West Salem Bus compa ny, operated by Robert E. Cov ert, has filed application with the public utilities commissioner for a permit to increase rates. The application will be given a hearing Tuesday, July 26, at the West Salem City hall, start ing at 10 a.m. .The buses run between their terminal point at State and Commercial streets in Salem i and their terminal point at Kingwood and Edgewater In West Salem. Present fare are, one way for 8 cents or one token, and four tokens for 30 cents. - The requested rates are, one way for 10 cents, and four to kens for 35 cents. Tan Neckline' Is Introduced By DOROTHY ROE New York, July 14 (IP) The battle of the neckline goes on apace in fall fashions currently being previewed for the nation's press. Designers vie for the most daring decolletage, and one of the newest and most startling is known variously as the "fan neckline," crumb catcher, bal cony and shelf. It consists of a bodice flaring upward and out ward from the waist, with no apparent means of support. It is calculated to arouse the oppo site sex, who are doomed to the disappointment of finding that a bra arrangement behind the "fan" makes it all modest, after all. Jo Copeland, known for her sophisticated after-five costumes, employs the crumb-catcher sil houette to distinct advantage on a striped green surah cocktail dress guaranteed to break the ice at any gathering. This designer also shows a sleek collection of slim city suits, with dressmaker touches such as velvet trim, brad bind ing, rows of small pearl buttons and such. Skirts are slim and jackets generally longer. Miss Copeland likes contrasting apron panels on dark afternoon gowns, of Swegle road are spending his vacation at Seaside this week. Si IS It Exchange Club Told Of Hospital Drive " Eaton Franklin, director of the Salem hospital develop ment program, and Al Loucks, who heads the general fund raising division of the drive, outlined the need for the cam paign Wednesday for members of the Salem Exchange club. Loucks detailed the history of the development of the two hospitals in Salem and ended his remarks by citing the crowd ed conditions of both institu tions. Franklin, a hospital drive ex pert, also explained that Salem Institutions were crammed be yond state health regulations. He pointed out that the per capita contribution needed In Salem would be smaller than in other northwest ..communities to make the drive a success. Aircraft Factory Wage Hearing Set Portland, July 14 A hearing to consider raising the present SO cents an hour minimum wage now prevailing in the aircraft manufacturing industry on gov ernment contracts let under the Walsh-Healey public contracts act, is scheduled to open in in Washington, D.C. on July 26, it was announced here today by Madison R. Smith, field office supervisor of the wage and hour and public contracts divisions, U.S. department of labor in Oregon. : The hearing will also consid er employment of learners or app rentices at subminimum rates, and a proposed redefini tion of the industry to provide more clarity, he added. Funds Distributed The department of state dis tributed $1,342,078 today to counties and cities. The counties got $1,235,699 in highway reve nues, while $69,765 went to counties and cities from liquor revenues. The amusement de vice tax contributed $36,613.59. It DUE TO HEAVY SUMMER DEMAND OLYMPIA BEER OFTEN HARD TO FIND. SHOP EARLY!) ft rant iKwiM co, ow.. ti I. k Attention Men and Young Men Never Before, Since 1934 Have These Most Precious FABRIC 2-PLY IUU7o wool GENUINE GABARDINE SUITS Been obtainable at Miraculous low PpJk PRICE Guaranteed Regular $55 to $65 values It's no wonder many men are buying two and three of these suits at a time. We still have an excellent selec tion to choose from: Single and double breasted models, sizes 34 to 44, regulars, longs and shorts. Light-pastel colors, also more conservative solid colors. Blues, greys, tans, teals and dark brown. Don't delay if you want one of these most wanted gabardine suits. NOW YOU CAN BUY 2 Pants Suits For less than the regular price of one-pant suits Sharkskins, Tickweaves, Serges, Whipcord and many other 100 all wool smooth hard finished worsteds. Single and double breast ed models, all sizes. Regular $50 to $60 1 -Pants Suits Now with c a-i.. vi ssniy 3950 -2- Pairs of Pants Remember the Extra Pair, 'Doubles the Wear' Are You Vacation Bound? Then See These Wonder Values r- Sport Coats, Slacks, Pants At 25 to 50 Reductions You'll find it pays, always, to buy your clothes at J. J.'s, Salem's Quality Clothiers for Men ond Young Men Open Fri Nite 'til 9 o'clock J. J. Clothes Shop 387 STATE ST. t Doors West of Liberty Next to lUrtnmn's Jewelry Store goes In for elaborate side drapes on her more formal, designs. Ben Reig concentrates on sleeve interest for fall, introduc ing the "mercury wing" sil houette, which is a flaring lapel arrangement stitched into the sleeve seam. He shows also the mousquetaire sleeve, which is buttoned from wrist to elbow and suggests the long mousque taire glove. The Boston Museum of Fine Arts' collection of Chinese and Japanese sculpture is the most important outside of Tokyo. Don't Let Money Slip Through YOUR FINGERS! Yes ... It takes money i to make money! ... so enjoy Salem Federal's bet ter rates. Put your money to work bv starting a reg ular savings account or investment today! Savings Federally -Insured I of u ? i Monmouth Youth Dies From Bullet Investigation i n circumstan ces that placed a bullet in the head of Douglas McCauley, 18, who was shot at Monmouth Monday night, Is being made Thursday by J. Paul Bollman, Polk county coroner, following the death of the youth at the Salem General hospital Wednes day afternoon. According to a story told po lice at Monmouth by two girl companions, McCauley had dar ed the girls to pull the trigger of the rifle while it was point ed at his head and then he plac ed the rifle between his knees and the cartridge exploded. The youth is survived by his step-father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Williams, Airlie. Woman Stabs Self Brushing Insect Silverton In a freak acci dent Mrs. Cora Dolan met with a deep cut on her hand, re quiring first aid and minor sur gery. Mrs. Dolan was doing some trimming of shrubbery in her gardens at the family home on A street. She noted an earwig making fast way across the back of her hand, and in attempting to "brush off" the insect with her kitchen butcher knife with which she was doing the trim ming, gave herself a deep cut, severing two blood vessels. Neighbors assisted Mrs. Dolan and called help. The American black bear has disappeared from most of the plains states. Your Prescription Store WHEN rOU THINK DRUGS THINK SCHAEFER "It fay:- to Trade at Schaefer's" 7599 Prescriptions Accurately Filled 7949 EVERYTHING FOR THE BABY vVe have o complete line of medical needs for babies. Let js fill your prescription. Special This Week Friday and Saturday CHERRY NUT SUNDAE 15c SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE The Original Yellow Front Drug And Candy Special Store in Salem 135 N. Com'l. St. Phone 3-5H7 or 2-9123 ATTENTION TRUCK BUYERS Now Available Many of the 235 Models of 1949 Dodge Job Rated Trucks ' for immediate delivery Including V2, Va and 1 ton Pickups or Cab and Chassis. Ideal for flat bed or stake. Also 1 Vi, 2, 2Vz and 3 ton units. Trucks to Fit Your Job. Stan Baker Motors High and Chemeketa Stt., Salem Phone 2-2468 1 ANOTHER SPECIAL PURCHASE!? mm mm m m m mm APPROVfOWATCrAJI I I I T mmm 1 1 Bfe."?! 1 n. j vvMt? (c nri A. S. U. APPROVED WATCHES are precision V J A If U V I M made for ACCURACY. Distinctively created ' ' V lJ for STYLE. Expertly designed for UTILITY. r-i -fc- . V fQ iP jMjii approved watch 13 Here Is a watch that yau can use and abuse because It's made to "take it." Waar it for work or for sports . . . regardless of what you're doing you'll always nave the correct time right at hand. Because here's a watch that has the finest precision workmanship sealed in. In fact, it's sealed so safely it takes a wrench to open the back. EXPANSION BAND INCLUDED! NO XTRA COST! n NO MONEY DOWN M A WEEK Here's a wafch for real "Ho Men." A Watch that .can fake the Rough and Tumble of very-day life and come up with the correct time ... all the time. And it has those extra features that youwant . . . Shock Proof, Water Tight, and Radium Dial. It's a real 17 JEWEL1 MOVEMENT, too. that's Anti-Mag-netic. It has fust about EVERYTHING that you could want in a watch . . . plus OUTSTANDING VALUE. Because while the regular price is $39.50, we ere featuring it at only $24.95... over 13 SAVING while our limited quantity lasts. MAIL ORDERS FILLED m Factory Distributor ELGIN WALTHAM GRUEN BULOVA LONGINE-WITTNAUR BENRUS HELBROS HAMILTON TAVANNE WATCHES Easy Payments 184 North Liberty 420 Court Street Phone 3-4129 SALEM'S LEADING GIFT HEADQUARTERS iKOWN"S JEWELRY M We tend m the S39.50 "Huff ind luff wte 01 5 veur special price of I enclose $1 end earee Si to pev betence SI weekly. Bj Cheroe to mr eccoent Q Money enclosed m New eccount Q Send CO.D. Address. CilT FO NEW ACCOUNTS Where w.ptwY How '"""T Hed eccewntv