Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, July 14, 1949, Page 20, Image 20

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    Gatch fo Lead
Recall Action
Portland, Ore., July 14 U.R
Vice Adm. Thomas L. Gateh,
retired, will preside at a public
meeting tonight in the Portland
library to plan recall action
against Multnomah County She
riff Marion (Mike) Elliott.
Admiral Gatch will serve as
temporary chairman of the citi
zens' committee attempting to
unseat tiliott.
Wednesday afternoon Elliott
defended his administration. He
"I am proud of the fact that
with all the criticisms and char
ges that have been made against
me, no one has accused me of
dishonor or graft in police. I am
not a quitter. I do not intend to
Later in the afternoon, the
Oregon Association of Democra
tic Women passed a resolution
"approving the action of the
Multnomah county democratic
central committee in opposing
the recall ot Jsnerm Marion L,,
Salem LtveitooK Market
(By Vailej Packing Company)
Cutter cow . 18.00 to $11. GO
Fat Jalry cows .$10.00 to $13.08
Bulla $14.00 to $17.00
Calves, rood 4300-450 Ibs.t $17.00 to $10.00
Veal (150-300 lbs, good ,.$20.00 to $24.00
low price paw within $Se of Port
and prices (or eacb type Top. 110-235 itw
Portland Eastsfde Market
The Mason's first peach pluma from
the Yakima, Wash., district sold tor $2.00
a lus on the Portland EasUfde Farmers
Wholesale Produce market today.
Corn brought 70 cents a pound, or
$3.50 to $3.75 ft 25-lb. box.
Radishes moved at ti to 85 centa a
dozen bunches.
Onions aoid for 40 to SO cents a dnen
Gravenstein apples brouant 10 to 11 a
pound. Traosparents were $3,00 to $2,50 a
Blackcaps were $2.75 to $3.00 a flat. .
Red raspberries were $3,80 a Hat.
Portland Prodae
Butterfat Tentative, subject to tram
dlate change Premium quality maximum
to .38 to 1 percent acidity delivered is
Portland l-S4c ib. first quality ofl-Kc
lb second Quality 55-5Sc. Valley route
and country points 3e lew than first.
Batter Wholesale FOB bulk stibe to
wholesalers grade AA, 93 score, ttct
A 02 score, 60c; B, SO score, 67c lb.;
C, 80 score, 55c Above prices are strict
ly nominal
Cbeeae Selling price to Portland whole
sale Oregon srogies. 38-fco. Oregon t
lb loaf, 41tt-60tts: trlpiat Via law than
Eggs .Ta Wbeteealers) A trad large
60tt-6lHc; A medium, S3tt-56tt; grade
B, large, 49tt-52c.
Portland Dairy Market
Batter Price to retailers: Qrade AA
prints 68c; AA cartons 87o; A prints.
66c, A cartons, 67c; B prints, 63c
Etta Price to retailers: ajt large
aac; aa meatus, eoc; cemiieo a large,
63c; A large, 62c; AA medium, 60c; certi
fied A medium, 60c; A medium, 50c; car
tons 2c additional.
Cheese Price to retailers: Portland
Oregon singles m-5Qc, Oregon loaf, t
lb 43tt-S2tt triplet ifto leas than sin
gle!. Poultry-
Live Chickens So. 1 Quality FOB
plants, No. 1 broilers under 2H lbs. 37-360
id iryers ios, ai-asc; 3- joa, 33c
roasters lbs and over sac 10: lowi.
ueEhorns 4 lbs. and under, 31-ajc, over 4
lb. 23c; colored fowl, all weights, 2Se:
roosters, alt weights, t8-19c
Babbits Average to growers;' five whites,
4-5 lbs.. 19-310 lb.; 6-6 lbs. 17-18c lb.; col
ored 3 cents lower; old or heavy does, S
14c; dressed fryers to butchers, 65-57c
Portland Klseellaseeas
Cascara Bark Pry 124c lb., green 4c Ir
Wool Valley eoaraa and medium grades
ac Jb.
Mohair 35c Ib. on 13-month growth.
Hides Calves, 30s lb., according to
weight, kips 30c lb., beef s-9c lb. bulls
4-3o lb. Country buyers pay 3c less.
Not Quotations
Walnots Franquettes first quaiit um
bo. 3. 7c; large, 32.7c; medium. 2?.3e; sec
ond ciieHt? lumboa, 30.3o: .arte. 22.3s;
medium. 36.2c; baby 23.2c; f shri first
quality large, 30.7c; medium 36.3s; sec
ond quality larga 37.3c; medium 4.7:
Daoy 22.2c.
Filberts Jumbo, 30 BVi large. Its.
medium, 16c; small, 13c
Clifton Harold Basiek
Clifton Harold Busick at the residence
at 3010 North Church street, July 10. Sur
vived by wife, Mrs. Rosalie Busick of
Salem; a daughter, Mrs, Ramona Sparks
of Salem: two brothers, Orick Busick of
Dayton and Dale Busick ol Beimond, Io
wa; and a sister, Mrs. Clara BchmaSt of
Belmond. Services will be held in the chap
el at Mt. Crest Abbey Mausoleum Friday,
July 13, at 3 p.m. under the direction of
W, T. Rlsdon company. Entombment at
Mt. Crest Abbey Mausoleum,
Lillian K. Bettman
Lillian K. Bettman. late resident of
Breaks, Oregon, at a local hospital, July
11 at the as? of 64 years. Survived by a
brother. Sears W saner of San Francis
co. Private services were held at the
Howell-Edwards chapel Wednesday, July
Pfc. Albert H. Hansen
Pfc. Albert H. Hansen, late resident of
Detroit, Ore., on Leyte, P.I., Dec. a, 18.
Survived by a lather, Laurtti tfaasen of
Detroit; a sister, Mrs. Annie Ketchum of
Detroit, and a brother, Richard Hansen ot
Uetroit. Graveside services will be neid
at Belcrest Memorial park Saturday, Jiuy
16, at 1:30 p.m. with the Rev. George fi.
Williams officiating. Military services will
be conducted by the Veterans -f Foen
War. Direction the Cloush-Barrick com
pany. Mrs. Clara Sybil Hatsc!
Mrs. Clara Sybil Hamel, late resident of
3641 Brooks ave,f at a local hospital, July
13, at the age of 78 years. Survived by
three sons, Floyd R. Bamel of Seattle, Roy
W. Hamel of Alaska and Edward D. Ha
mel of Alsea; two brothers, William J.
Neuens and Edward H. Neuens, both of
Salem; IS grandchildren and one great
snnrtchlW RMvlrsa will be held at St.
Joseph's Catholic church, Friday, July
15, at a,m. wisn mwrraeni o!iv
Memorial park. Direction the Clough-Bar-rlck
comoanv. Recitation of the rosary
Thursday, July 14, at 8 p m.
Nlekolas Kockler
Nicholas Kockler, late resiaent 01 mi.
Migel, at local hospital July 13, at the
ase, of 86 years. Father of Mrs. Joe En
gelbeck of Melrose, Minn.. Walter Rockier
of Beneloft, Iowa, John B. Kockler of
Waits Park. Minn.. Paulus Kockler of St.
Claude, Minn., and Mrs. Christine Wlimes
of Armstrong, Iowa. Shipment has been
made to Mt. Angel by the Howell-Edwards
chapel for services ana interment.
Mm. IMt Marcftrei Chance
In this city, July 13, Mrs. Lida MBrgarei
Chance, lata resident of S08S Madison
street, at the age of 30 years. Wife of
K. j, cnance 01 satem; aaugnter 01 r.
and Mrs. Crary R. Maedonneil of Marsh
fteld. Mo.; and sister of Thomas Macdoa
neli of Marshfieid. Mo., and Mrs. Jean
Bell. Announcement of services later by
W. T, Rigdon company,
Maynard Mabry Bealy
At the residence at 507 Kn&ss street.
July 14, Maynard Mabry Healy, at the
age 01 sit years, uusoana 01 ur&ce t.
Healy of Salem: father of Mrs, Olga H.
Curtis of Salem; and grandfather of Dor
othy A. Curtis of Salem and Mrs. James
K. Bartlett of Salem. Member of Massa
pequa lodge No, 827, AF & AM In Ions
Island, K.Y. Announcement of services
later by W. T. Rigdon company.
Portland Livestock
Portland. Ore.. Jul? 14 SJ.F9 Livestock :
Cattle salable 200; holdover 60: calves
200; market extremely slow; few medium
and low eood 865 lb. fed steers 26.00: odd
common and mediums 20.00 to 32.00; few
grass steers unsold; heifers scarce; odd
cutters 16.00; no early action canner and
cutter cows; generally asking 11.00 to; oaa common Deer cows 14.00; gooa
sausage -amis 18.59; commons i&.w; prac
tically no esrlv sales calves or vealers.
Hogs salable 200; market active, steady;
good and choice 180-330 lbs. 24.78; one
lot good 173 lbs. 24.25; few 250-270 lbs.
aa.oo to 22.75; good under 450 Ib. sows
17.00 to 18.00; fnnr IS.SOr havw wufshts
16.00: good and choice light feeders quot
able 34.00 to 35.00.
Sheep salable 300; holdover 450; market
siow; tew earjy sales about steady; gooa
and choice spring lambs 20.50 to 21.00;
one lot shorn springers 20.00; few medium
60 lb. feeders 17.00; good 70 lb. ewe and
wether feeders quotable to 18.00; good
light ewes 6.58 to 7.08; commons down
co 4.00.
Chtcaro Livestock
Chicago, July 14 fUSDA) Salable
ho?s 7.000; general market active and 50
cents higher; trade closed slow; top 23.00
lor several loads choice 150-210 lb.; bulk
170-240 lb. 22.25-23.00; 250-270 lb. 21.00-
32.00: few 280-300 lb. 18.75-20.75; heavier
weights scarce: odd lots uo to 350 lb.
down to around 17.75; good and choice
sowi under 340 lb. 17,00-18.50; few 18.751
350-375 lb. 15.75-16.75; 375-460 lb. 14.75-
1S.0Q; 400-450 lb, 13.50-15.00; 475-558 lb.
12.00-13.50; odd head heavier sows as
low as 11.50.
Salable cattle 3,000; salable calves 460:
moderately active trade on most slaugh
ter classes; beef steers and heifers -strong
to 25 cents higher; instances up;
cuws uneven, averaging mostly steady;
bulls steady to 50 cents lower; veaiert
steady; good and choice fed steers 25.08
27.00; two loads choice 3,340-1,437 ib. at
latter price, top 28,25 for load hlfh
choice 1,184 lb.; most common to medi
um steers 18.50-24.75; choice heifers
scarce; bulk medium to good 22.80-38.00;
bulk common and medium beet cows 13.50
18.50; few good 18.08-30.00; canners and
cutters 12.50-16.00; medium and good sau
sage bulls 21.00-23.25; odd head 23 50;
veales 26.00 dawn.
Salable sheep 500; good and choice
weighty sprlns lambs firm; such rinds
mostly 26.00-26.58: latter price top but
quotable Miner; all other grades light
lambs weak to 50 cents lower; slaughter
ewes steady at 8.55 dosvn.
Salem Markets
Completed rreist report t Salem 'aft
ers for the gsidese a Capital
Jenrnal Readers. tRevlseJ dally 1.
etalt Feed Pnea
Ess Mash $5.10.
Babbit Pellets $40.
Dairy Feed $3.85.
Pcsltrv! b'tvms ontas Grade eole
ed hens, 34-27c; grade A Leghorn hens.
23 centa; Orade A colored fryers, three
lbs and up, I2-33& Orade A old roosters
15 cents.
Boring Prices Extra large AA, 60c;
isrge AA, 5c; large A. 57-60c; medium AA,
S4c; medium A, 52-5Sc; pullets 38-46c.
Wnoleiate Prices Egg wholesale price
6 to 7 cents abova these price above
Orade A generally quoted at 65c me
diums 61c
Premium, 63c, No t, lei Ho 1
68c (buying prices).
Batter Wholesale grada A, c; $
Bay Arthur Sles
Dayton Ray Arthur Sion, 58, died sud
denly at the McMlnnviUe hospital July
11. He was born to William and lla
Schafer Sion, Oct. 25, 1888, at Summer-
Tine, ore. He was marriea xa Anna us
wald Oct. 1, 1813 at LaOrande, Ore.,
who survives him. To this union were
born: one daughter, Mrs, William fMona
Olay) Hardley; and two sons, Xandis of
McMlnnviUe and Fairen Ray, who was
allied in action in World war 11 on &ey
1 1942, There is one grandson. Also sur
viving are three sisters: Mrs. Mildred
Fulliam, San Pedro, Calif.; Mrs. Theima
Lockwood, Campion, Calif.; Mm. Elsie
Daren, Chicaso, 211. Five brothers; Leigh
ton, of Portland; Irvin, Salem: Gaston,
Elgin; Chester, Hack City, Calif.; Verne,
Burbank, Calif. Sevices were held at
Macy's Memorial chapel Thursday at 2
o'clock. Interment in the Evergreen cemetery.
Ellen Basktn Carter
Mill City Funeral services were heid
in the Mill City Christian church Wednes
day afternoon for Ellen Baskin Carter,
77, who died July 3 at her home In Leba
non. Officiating was Rev, A. C, Bates of
Silverton. Pail bearers Included: Glen
Sheiton, Jack Johnson, John Swan, Floyd
Shepherd, Philo Potter and X. E, Plymale.
Interment was mads in the Fairview
cemetery. Born 3872 In Michigan, she
came to Oregon 47 years ago. Married
May, 1880, to Fred Carter, who preceded
her in death two years ago. She was a
charter member of the Mill City Chris
tian church. Surviving are five dauih
tera: Mrs. Panny Brown of Moundavilie,
if. Va,; Mrs, Bessie Yoeman of Los An
geles, Calif.; Mrs, Rosa Kauffman of
Portland; Mrs, Evelyn Billings of Yam
hill; Mrs. Alma Plymale of Lebanon, One
son, Edwin Crater of Sweet Home. Thir
teen grandchildren. Eight great grand
children. One brother, Arthur Baskin of
Washington stats. Five children are deceased.
Mnry Elisabeth Phillip
Aurora Mrs. Mary EUsbeth Phillips,
76, resident of route I, Aurora for the last
two years, diced Friday after a long ill
ness. Born August 14, 1872, at Pitch Inn,
Ohio, she moved to Nape, Calif,, in 1038
from Los Angeies, ana vo ureson
1046. Before movinc to the Aurora com
munity she had lived In Woodburn. Sur
vivors include tna widower, Jftcn r.
Phillips; a aon, W. H. Phillips, Riverside,
Calif,, a daughter, Mrs. Marls Brown,
Nana. Calif., three brothers, W. H.
Phillies. Silverton. Bert Phillips. Delhi,
ait.. and John P&illins, Los Anceles; a
sister, Mrs. R. h, Boan, Broadacres, and
two grandchildren. Funeral services were
Monday afternoon in the Canby Funeral
Home. Burial was In Belle Pass! cemetery
Notice la hereby given that the tfsder-
signed has filed his Final Account in the
County Clerks Office of Marion County,
Oregon, and that Monday, on the i5
day of August, 1948, at 10 a.m in the
Circuit Court Room of said County, at Sa
lem, Oregon, has bees appointed by sals
Court for the hearing of objection there
to and the settlement thereof,
Administrator of in Estate
of Laura B. Ernst, dec,
Attorney for.. Administrator,
Roos Bldg.,
Oregon City. Oregon.
333 Pairs round Road Phsoa S-84S4
1045 HARLEY Davidson 74. Side ear Tan,
Winter shield, lap apron, leg guards,
spare wheel and tire. Cushion sprocket,
has less than 4000. Can see at 73$
Madison St. Salem iHoase In rear after
5:33 p.m. oa
USED TKACTOB TIRES, popular tlitt,
,5.80 find bp. Montomtry Ward ie Co.
Ba!tt. eilll
MODEL aluminum, insulated trailer,
sleeps 4, to trade as down payment on
small, modern, neat home, reasonable.
Prefer east or south. F. H, Norman,
1740 Oxford, S. of Paulus Cannery. U7C
LATE 4? UNIVERSAL house trailer. 3 rms
Perm. bed. Sleeps 4, Excel, condition.
Lois of built ins, etc. The best buy
in town for (1288. 486 N. 19th between
Center & Chemeketa Phone 3-8287. US6
$ CASH $
$25 to $500
Car loans up to 1600
Coma in or prion
Hollywood Finance Ca
iSSt Fairgrounds Road
Across street from bank
No Parking problems
Phone 37333 Lie N M36S-S381
Floyd Kenyon, Mar.
Lie 8-138 and U-l
156 S. Oommereia St. Tel. J-S1M t'
Special rates and terms
on iaraei loans
ions and 'short Urn
138 53i"h Commercial St Phone 3-iSl
fOCB OWN TERMS of repayment within
reason Cash for Real Batata Contracts
and Second Mortgues.
381 Pioneer Trnst Bldg Ph. 3-7261 r
Your Way and Fast
And again a loan from Personal for
that mush needed trip,
$25 to $500 on Auto
UP to 1386 on Salary-Furniture
Take up to 30 months to repay
Bon't borrow unnecessarily, but If a
loan solves a problem, phone or com
in today.
Personal Finance Co.
y-t StfiU, Km 135
Phon, 2-UGt o. ft. Allen, Mir.
Lio. aua-M-
183 S dmrch
Parkin Plant,
Ph. 3-34S? . Lie Ke H-iit S-IS .
see o ron
i to 46 Tear, and Ko Commtafos
Leo N. Childs, Inc.
344 Stat, St Phos, 3-JS8S f
Aurar Caroline Faber. axed 81. of
St. Paul Ore,, died Sunday. Mother of
Mrs, Louise Hansen, Harry and Eimer
Faber, Napavlne, Wash., sister of Bertha
Endlcott, Sapavme, aus iiamnert, van-i-miver
Wash.. Rame? Lambert. St. Paul
Ore., Sd Lambert, Molalla, ore. Rosary
Tuesday at the Hodaon Mortuary chapel.
Newberg. Mass wexinesnay, a. m.
Paul' Catholic church, St. Paul, Ore.
There are about 27 different
kinds of stainless steel in com
mon use.
National Forest Timber for Sale
nr., .itctirm bids will be received by
the Forest supervisor, ew res vub
Building, Eugene, Oregon, beginning at
3 -08 p.m., Pacific Standard Time, August
IS, 1848, for all the live timber marked or
designated for cutting and all merchant
able dead timber located on an area em
bracing about 147 acres within portions
nf nvtiAnt 1 tl. is. la. 21. T. SS.. E
7E., W,M., (imsurveyedi, and surveyed
Section 3, i. V O., I t . mir
tenbush River Watershed, Willamette Na-
( nmi rnrtn. tj rest on. ntawu w az ,
750,000 feet B.M., more or less, of Doug-
iM-flr. 3&O.Q0Q feet B.M., more or less. 01
western redcedar, 10,008 feet B.M., more
or less, of western white ptne, and 440,
000 feet B.M., more or less, of western
hemlock and otner species 01 sawnmoer,
faldx accomnanfed bv the reoulred
payment received by me roresi ouprvisor
prior to 3:00 p.m.. Pacific Standard Time,
AtitTtist IS. 1949. will be considered the
equivalent of an oral bid and posted for
the information of ail bidders. No bid will
be considered wmen is .ess man per
M feet for Dousles-fir, S2.00 per. M feet
tnr wtrn redcedar. 16.15 Dfr M feet for
western white pine, ana M.50 per m reei
for western nemioc ana otner species.
In addition to the prices bid for stump
age, a cooperative deposit of S0.1S per M
ft B M to be osed br the Forest Serv
ice for paying a part of tse cost of slash
disposal. g5.00Q.OO to be applied on the
purchase price, refunded, or retained In
part as liquidated damages, according to
the conditions of sale, must accompany
each sealed bid and must be shown to
be In the possession of oral bidders as a
Qualification for auction bidding. If an
oral bid is declared to be high at the
closing or tne auction, tne oicaer must
Immediately make the required payment
and confirm the bid by submitting it in
writing on a Forest Seirtee bid form. The
riffht to releet any and all bids Is re
served. Before bids are submitted, full in
formation concerning the timber, the con
ditions of tale and the submission of bids
should be obtained irom tne rorest sup
ervisor, Eugene, Oregon, or the District
Ranger, uetroit, uregon.
LEAVING FOR Texas July 18, wish couple
10 snare expenses ana neip onve con
tact Charles V. Holland. Mehama. xlSS
AS makes need mtenlnet gold, rented,
repaired ftoen 428 Court Phone -tlll
Dressmaking & alt. 380 State St, 0188
ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair service
Free estimates. Trade-ins accepted on
new applianeta. Vioce's Cteetiis Phone
3-9239 157 8 Liberty St 0
Spence's Home Appliance Repair. "Sett
ing to Sell But Service." Phont 3-4883.
Prompt. olSS
rtawnmower sharpening and repairing.
Dexters. PS 58855
Authorised Warranty Repair Station
for ah makes of Auto Radios Morrow
Radio Co.. 185 S. Liberty Ph. 1-8888. o
At roar door lawnmower aharpecjsg
Drtr the lwnmowr mas Ph. 58S3J
Fireplaces, chimneys
Pa. 35883.
block laying.
Capital Saddle Phon 3-455
Towing service day phon 3-8288 Kigftt
3-1804, 333 Center. 9
Mike Panek 278 3 Coat. Ph. 1-5181.
Brake and wheel aligning specialists.
Remodel, repair that home now. Terms.
So down payment. Phon 3-4fS3, o
Alt Bros. Also houses raised. Sew
foundations. Phone 25908. el3
Dean RobSason.
Ph. 3-8537 or 3-4308.
Light crawler dozing. Ph. 3-3328. clS
Bulldozing, levellns, road bldg., clear
Ins, teeth for brush, Virstl Huskey, 1818
Fairview Ave, Ph. 3-3148, Salem. 0188
fnstam delivery of sew RCA cash
register A! maxe sold, rented, r-oa!-ed
Roen 4S8 Court Pb t-tllt o
For expert guaranteed satisfaction new
or repair of foundation, sidewalks,
driveways, patios, curbs, walla, etc CsS
3-4850, o
Furnac chimneys vacuum cleaned.
Ensiey, 77i S. 2ist. Ph. 3-7118. o!8J
Homes planned & designed by an ex
perienced architectural draftsman: Hour
iy basis. 3238 Mill or Ph. 3-4083. e!88
Vine Electric for electrical wiring
contracting repairing Ut Liberty
Pb 3-8338
Cockroach. Moth Exterminator Service
Ph. 3-3058. Lee Cross, 1888 PsarL I3
Breuhauoff lot flower Dial 3-817 0
3 R Watkins Co products Pre 6.
-ivery 1717 Center Ph. 3-&38. o
f Doerfler ti Sons. Ornamentals, 188
8 Lancaster Or at 4 Cor Ph 3-1333 o
Sharpened, guaranteed service. Kew
power and hand mowers. Call Harry
W. Scott, 147 So. Com? fit a-Ul
Spanish and Hawaiian Ouitar Mandois,
Banlo, etc. 1833 Coart St, Ph. 3-7588.
Practicai Nurses, day-ntsht Ph. J5072
Sesk chairs, files and flSns supplies,
safec, duplicators and supplies, desk
lamps, typewriter stands, brief 03
?tre Wlr Raeordsra, Roa M Court
Ext Painting & Int. Dee,
seasonable rates, ra. s-4SS3. 019a
Jfstrom's are equipped to do tost
painUog Phon 3-3433 e
Jerry Johnson. Ph. 3-4831.
Expert Paperhanging and pfistiss, H.
. Woodworth. Ph, 3-5888. Pre eat. 175
Phone 3-4380 or 3-8584.
Call 33808 for your Painting & Paper
hanglng. Attractive rates. e!7S
Painting and paperhansins. Free sti
mate. Ph. 3-8813. 857 Shipping. oiss
Fainting A paperhanztsg Dos Lsscro.
Ph. 3S523. 157
Picture framing Sutchaoxi Pa4nt Bit
Ftsher, 844 S. Com'L Ph. 3-3218.
Phliip W. Belike. Ph. S-1
U W. Caudle. Ph. i-ti
Valley Sand & Oram Ca Si sand It
fill din Eiearatlsg im ho7el St eats
Tractor sooop A trucks tor dirt ojavlci
Ph. office 34003, res. 314. o
Salem Saw Wrka. Ph, 3-"i
. mi n. stn.
Eeciris Roto-Rooter EiclutlT Patent
Rkmt 4ht9 Btel Cutting Bade
Clean Sewers r Drains. Settle Taa
Cleanad Raa, P& tSSt at 3448
Care taken with l&wss. mileage
charge. Call collect Todd Septic Task
Service. 35 State, Phon 3-073. e
Mike's Septic Servic. Tasks slaaned.
Rota Rooter Service en Seven. 1878
mm Sl W. Salem, Fh, 8-8488, 3-5337.
X F. HameL Septic tank cleaned.
Electric machin serric ca sewer and
drain lines. Guaranteed work. 1142-Sih
St., West Salem, Ph, 3-7404, 37i
Smith Corona, Retninzios Ra?si, Under
wood portables Ail makes sed maehlses
Repairs and rent Ra, 45S Csart. o.
'ocaf i Distance Traaf9r storate
Bum oils, coal it briqueta. Tracks to
Portland daily, Axent for Bekina House
hold sooda movei to anywher in SS
or Canada. Larmsr Transfer 3i Storace
Ph 3-3131
Mad & Saiem Free est Phone 33328
Kimer the Blind- man
Venetian blinds made te erder as low
as J 4. 59 a blind. Phon Sears 3-818! for
free estimate. $188
Salem Venetian Blinds sutde ta order tt
refinfshed Retnhoidt & Lewis 3-JS39
F?f astimats, T, PJJLLMAS Ph. 3-55,
Fred WymoT. St. 3. Esx ill. Ph. 3-5135.
01 ReScfesSdt & Lew& ?h s
Aa t.'lsdow Cittetr Windsvs, wais
woodwork cJiEJ Floor craned,
waxed and polished. Ph 3-3337 347
Court L&"do& Gs&ertssa 3d Matter
Atkins A Cross. Ph, 3-3874 cr 3-817$.
Wood sawing. Ph. 3-1575,
West Sals? Faei Co Fh 3-453L
I.O.O-F meets ever? Wed
nesday aight Visitors wei-
Sealed propsssU Is? Jareisfemt all
maierials and cossBtreciieeK a Sewer Pro
ject wUi he received at the of& of Eh
City Recorder, Citjr Hali, 3&si, Orecos.
ssiii i:00 p. m. an WedKesdsy, Assist 3,
i$49, and will fee pufeiici? ojjened at 1:38
p. m. on the same dais o? the CStr
Manager at his ottise.
This praises incudes t&t toiJowint
approximate ssniiti si mstrlBls, in
133 L. T, 73 Seissrced Consret
Pipe Intercepting Swr
i.844 L F. &&" HeSnf5fi4 Case re is Pip
Inierceptiae Se?eer
7.77S L. F. 85" Setnforcid Caneret P1j
feterceptiai; Sewer
I.S-3S L, F, 8" Concrete Sssiiary Srwer
359 L. F. 10' Concrete Sanitary Sewer
245 L F. 13" Coserete Ssnitary Sewer
159 L. F. 15" Caserete: S&sitagy Sewer
Cspiisl Jmifsals Sslem, Oregon Tfeara Inly I4f 1945 ti
!7 3cnhse
Fias Sptitttzi-ttzsii x&4 oihst daes-
spseisd t tfes z?Sll:t the City En
finesr se c&pj-r say he cfctii5d hi
qitaillied proapestive hidder npea a de
posit of 318.83, which mount will he r
itnd?4 in case dsscaeasts are retarn
ed,. hat sthtrise vili h retained,
Atteatiss $i &ii-4?r is directed to Ses
sion 88-153, C C, Lv A, profl&lns for
Ait pto&oct&U jziv&l h bp sa ?alr
hlani Jsrra fsrsithsdl -itit the apecif
clloa mmt i? cjapnJd hy
sf-riitied ?h$k i&t a tmffissi 4aM to
or txcerdas ?5at t&ti at the
zottl tits. A lOO" Corpora 5 sartir
bond wig fee repaired to suarsotee the
faithfa perfersetams ot th contract la
sher ish ?jaass is aeh aaas as
asay he nesesscr? to ?ratct ih Clif
araiast loss ar dtms ay ttttost oi i&
$mUs to pectin oz ??aperiy,
Ths rixhi it ttsszufi icj th CHy t&
rsiset sj oj H feid, t txx& iht
Alfred Mssdt
Cit7 Secepder
Sealed v!M he reeetTed hf th
Board ef Sir5s fee Cnt&s HUh
$ch&&! SiiJi5t Ko, 5, iSxtiost Ceuatji
Grsgas, Sot crtis iitmt caectisa
miiii xa& canstruatsan oi a mm iSJfc
School Burning ar t$& disiriet
ei StssJ Lecises
idj PssiiB lEJE5a Pru
Water 3?stsm
Ce Well far demsatia water aapptr
Slds JS h reserved at the oiiict e?
the Disiiici Cr?5?;J Srtd Sthooi
Bttitdinc essEtr, Orexan, aniil
8:36 p.m. St3Jdrd TJjjs, Meada?, aij
t8. 1545, at hih Urn ihty wiii he taea
and tisxs a?s as4 shlifly wad
slcnd, Froali received lilt? t&j
time -wiU Est fee sasided. Frco&i&lt
tuhmiitti jiJtTJim io p ss, on inn
data ma? h ttzti is i&t C5rt oi h
Soatd, at Box 84, Si Tamer, Ore-
Eseh propojS most be made oat on
ram $h$ sSji ife arSUtect. frvSsf
isk S, Eey, S8S Ssrife i5th Street. Siitm
is P?s?a fcaiiiirts saay is sets. t&
Biddj ii xpiie4 ss attach i& Zsit
tSaas of aS esinment nsentSoasd is his
Ths Board of Director mm
8 vesjMdi iJi SlneJr feeisissa a to 4h
ier 5? ifefif saaSraiEt, bjf tfes
ii sKfcS tts&e&acf es the
sunt eSfersS JS x3ti&iisl? in tzzx&i
fij'ifsm;ji rsher tfea is xX-ii sri
si 3$&&&tS&,
Th Satra reserve Hit Tight tss reeei
asy w a hSdt jsasliitd, or so
ar2t ?s?v--s 3? gsiao ot tstr ifS
Sy a?i ol Hit 3&s& af rseSe? of
the Vaina Hi$& hooi fftrSct its t
Muloa Ccuaiy, Csegsn, June 3.
SjcSk, CteA
'ii'Ali he&tet S tvt& that ih esssja
sesjsca sf Sse eiy of Sales. Csss
des3 H isrctsssr? nd estpedJesi x&i
nereby d?ca?3 3tj parpoae and tstentloa:
i inaprss Nanh Tventr-second atree
tssasi the se Srsnsas tr4 t
3 ft tzniktzk? i?s;is5a ot Tv&ty-aradL
strut, tit Cilj of SaSess, iSittzz Cas
ift Ortaa, i 5Se fx&nt oS the afesti&s
n4 4j:;asi rssriy, h? nsfisf
aarifes oi wi tifti in th estahgs&edi
I rde, srsetJE wasent esacret essr
3id ?&i?is of i ?4 trsei
54 fei2& 5hase tSSSSOSS PVS3H3&
JS itii is. aMiR iih
and ipisiiiziiisas ihrefar which wer
adopted! fey the fflHsmsn caascii J3il? ii,
588, vbizix naw on tilt t t3
ts say raa?4r &d irhstJi sy Ss
iaerssa ? jiErt her.
Tae as5H5as eeseS hrroy dcelex
pas s4 tesiis t ssafc the
deaerifeedi Jjssji?&sast hy ad hsk
the itreei: &&??&t33b iprtssst,
s ic satse Cesseg F
i, 5848, .
Cats a? JiraJ paiJcjJ&a hereof it
13. 14, 23, 13, it, if, M, ai. a aad 3.
JO ij ''m Pointing my house with
7,,.rr loTr''asti"9' lowe-cost
f!?- S25 ' At Sears ONLY
i --i
I Tousfc, 'aW e" 1 lfcA' ' 0nce yu sfer-Mixed hou5e pomt, you'll
tion cover compit"? 1 3?"' i1 ogree it's the best looking, Songesf point
I . . 1 . fifSlOir "lip5f' f money con toy! it's rich in linseed att ... thus giv-
1 Gl !-ar1BS' 1 l&rZ 'mtl in9 y o srsooth, even finish; it praetieaHy clean
1 .mooth, dut-fre i 1UUfl, &tfT itSeff; 0wf if resfets wear or weaker, sMng you
I . , , 1 4 ----lTni id U i ; ?; o tough, protective coat of beauty for years to
1 1 ;? JILX ITS ' come! Vls?t SeQ today. Let a courteous point
I Reaiitt wear or weather! I t s5?: - ( t soiesmon give you trained odvice on pointing your
I 1 H -'HlH " 5 j house with Sears money-saving Moster-Mixed
I . Selling for ?ypiiS 1 V' I "
1 J 1 ? Crortjmos 2J4-SaI. Pib Tonfc with Pressure Gauge, 23 50
Capacitor . Craftsman Sprayer V
y-i-, K 1 High Gloss Finish
lYlOrOr Complete with h.p. Motor , ,
- rtkit v Mter-Mixl rsr Beaair
Aa f?llst sprayer, .ltlt alemt
Bsts aiisr pitntf ttittit and
safety valre. Hcadies J5-Jfe
Now Seilltir 129 59
...St, i SaL -r
Oar & asxlfy is fin a wss,a
Sear 1 prteeJ
Whife Utility Paint
Lasts Lo?iEr, Ivosk BiiT
5 Gallons ssly , , , 1 645
ot iiitiit, a$s, JfsB-?i5eSBf
w sy rfac. At
Sear .
Pyre Turpentine
rrt t kfI Sfcs
jsaissfsf sf?ff ?f?x a(ip js f
ih3afl3rsj, P?3?4 tat ? at ?n,
t$&dfajwaa Sll 484 State Street
Phone 3-9191