20 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, July 14, 1949 Only the Brave By PAUL EVAN LEHMAN Ch&Dter 31 His bodv was numb but he was telling hlmseU that he mustn'i tail now. He lav use a ueau i. lor a dozen seconds, then gath mrA hi .t.renfrt.h for & final effort. He started to crawl toward the office door. Outside he could heai Irotningnam caning w uicu w out- wtunri tVio hnil.1l Jeff stood in the middle of tht floor tightly bound hand and foot. He could not move without fall ing. Glenn was working on Con nie. He had tied her hands behind her and then, making her sit In a chair, nao oouna ner amuec. Now be was twistlna a scarf to moua a cnir. A.t he worked he ! talked. He had to talk. It would have been safer to kill them both : as he had outlined to Jeff, but that would leave his revenge un- llnished. He wanted Jeff to re ' allze how full this revenge had ' been. h. iri ti Connie. "Sorry : fcnvA e do this, but it can't be helped. I'll have to DUt you into i the closet wnere youu oe out ui . sight, and It would ae emoarrass lntr If vmi were to make a sound.' Jeff had no Illusions regarding their fate. With nimsen aeau, ' rupnn's safetv was assured. Dro- : Tided that Connie did not betray him. Glenn would shoot nis ios 1 ter brother, deliberately, callously, nrl claim that he had tried to es- cape. And with Jeff out of the r way nobody would know that Con nie, bound and gagged, had been stuffed In the closet behind the thick curtain. Nobody but Glenn. What he intended to do with her Jeff did not know. He might just Soceed to forget that she was ere. He glanced desperately about him. His gun lay on Glenn's desk, six feet away; he could reach It in two hops, but his hands were bound behind his back and long before he could use it Glenn would kill him. Perhaps Glenn had left it there to tempt mm. on tne iioor, three feet behind him, lay the gun Connie had dropped. If he fell backwards I Glenn finished tying the gag and Connie was helpless. Picking her up, he backed through tne entrance to the closet, his mock ing gaze on Jeff as though daring him to try for the gun on the desk. He came out almost im mediately and drew the curtain so that It covered the entrance. His gaze had not left Jeff even wnen bacKing into me closet, and be held a Derringer in his hand The front door latch rattled and both men turned their heads. They heard a shout and then the crash of a shot. Almost at once there was a second shot, then the slam of the door, the sound of two uncertain steDs and a heavy thud. Glenn glided to the door way and peered Into the reception room. He raised his gun, then low ered it. He turned back Into the room. "It's Slug Benjamin, and he's gne to his reward," he said. "Slug enjamln. Significant name. It's a wonder you didn't associate It with somebody else we both knew." "I did," said Jeff calmly. "With Benjamin Short, the man who Cave your father the fake alibi." Glenn started. "You know? Thought I'd surprise you. So he's been talking, has he?" "Plenty. Enough to hang you, Glenn." "Yes?" Glenn's face was unpleas ant. "We'll see about that." Outside the house they could hear BUI Frothlngham calling to his men. Glenn went on. "You know, Jeff. I've been looking forward to this ver since the night you hanged my father. You took an oath that night and so did I. And I'm keep ing mine just as well as you've kept yours. My oath was to make you and your father pay' for what you did. "I took every cent you offered me and asked for more; I drove you to sacrifices. I made you work. You went hungry, but I didn't. Keeping me In cash broke your father and helped kill him. I was (lad of it. It kept you from getting ahead; every time you showed signs of making progress I found I need ad more money, more clothes" he chuckled "or an office In Brls eoe." The voices of men were louder now, and boots clumped along the passageway leading from street to alley. R221 1 Si helps keep your throat ttioist V I lit fvf "You'd better hurrv." said Jeff, 'or you won't have time to finish." "I'm about through," said Glenn. Not oulte as detailed as I'd like m have made It. but it will have io do." "A killer and the son of a killer," dald Jeff calmlv. "I'm glad you spared me long enough to learn the truth." Flame kindled in Glenn's eyes and the Derringer whipped up. Jeff threw himself backwards, his fin gers tensing to clutch at the gun which lay on the rioor behind him. Foolish, of course; he was bound and he must roll over and fire wildly in Glenn's direction. But it was better to die trvlne than to stand like a docile steer while the Duuet crashed into his forehead. Kven as he was going down he knew that it was hopeless. He could see Glenn's burning eyes as they stabbed at him over the twin barrels, barrels which followed his movement, which In a split second would spit their lethal contents Into him. And then, through the doorway to the reception room, came an orange stab of flame and a thunder ous report. Glenn staggered side ways, almost knocked off his feet by the impact of the heavy .45 slug. The gun jumped from his hand and clattered to the floor. An other booming shot and he went down In a heap. Slug Benjamin, on his stomach and half through the doorway, stared at him with glar ing eyes: then the smoking six-gun dropped from his fingers and he went limp witn tne complete inert ness of death. (To be continued) 2534 SIZES 13 44 Cool Can Sleeves You'll look so cool, and feel so cool, a shower of compliments will come your wayl whenever you wear this frock. With this easv to make Dattern. it's &l snort cut to summertime charm. I no. 2934 is out in sizes 13, 14, 16,1 18. 30. 36. 38. 40. 42. 44. Size lit requires yas. 35-rn. faorlc, or 3 yds. 3B-ln. Send 25c for PATTERN with Name, Address and Style Number. State Size desired. SUMMER Is the time for pretty styles the Fashion Bnnlc thn rln to mm uiem. averytning you needl for that wonderful two weeks with nay. plus olentv nf charming nnHl wearable fashions for town, country. iiume. ine OUblMtt f'ASHlUN BOOK brings you over 150 pattern designs for all ages and occasions, and all designed for easy sewing. Price Just 20 cents. Order your copy I1UW, Address Capital Journal 552 Mls slon St.. San Francisco 5, Calif. PATTERN No. R2211 Honey Bear Set Embroider these gay dancing bears on a simple-to-1 sew sacque and decorate with matching booties with dainty little flower spravs. Easv outline stitch embroidery Is fast and fascinating worn Hna tne set mases an out-oi-i this-world gift for a new or expect-1 ant motner. Pattern Envelope No. R3211 con tains hot-iron transfers for de signs and embroidery: stitch Illu strations, coior chart and sewing i instructions. To obtain the pattern lenij joe in coins giving pattern number. your name, address and cone num-1 ber to Peggy Roberts. Capital Jour nal. 828 Mission Street. San Fran- Cisco 3. Cam, SB SUPPOSE I WAS INTERESTED IN THIS SHUTTEP-CLICKING JOB.1 BALDY--VVHATD I USE FOR A CAMERA? WHEN 1 LEFT MV LAST ADDRESS. ALL THEV GAVE WE WAS THIS SUIT AMU ICN BUU(5.' ; ( ,Jt,iw...,. I aVy -4 Aoeif5o f ; n C"""""?"" . ruKE a epeaoL arm not" W but now, wiu-MxT'AiQueP fl iS V BUT, AMMG ALL THGY J TC NOT MAQC 1 THfiTCPENS A GflfiAGE DOOR- VES-Wg W BLOW YOUR WHISTLE. COLONEL-I HVENT I tJ.u R I ww you to oo ia ( rrjuCTHiTs 1 or a WHisrrjx -mar makes know 1 I or must we tbke spr the whistle-- fl BLOW MXW MAtS 1 A CERTM1 NOTE- I A TOY DOG JUMP OUT OF ( THOTv I 1 JJ AVW FROM YOU? I HJD IT-1 HID I ft :'5 Brji, WHIgu'6" N J a toy dooHouse- 11 IL ' 1 rrgojaa Jj M f VOL) WEREWT fTD RUTWER SUFFER TUAKl A. ITS LIKE A MABSW SIMCE flOOK rT) 0M (SOSTOBBORM VY YOUR PRICE.S,RUOVy(? WILBUR STARTED EXCAVAXW6 A OUT' ) 1 J :30 , . VOOD TAKE THE, 1 MGBBi A: .MOTUIMG COULO EVER BE ! M T l5UILT "ERE NOW. jN ''j .-frjk .'jiE?a-.-. I.a S.M.-rJ, lTl- t VO'LL (HASP? HATE ME. CVCRVrHINGHAOPEigsl r7''r7NOTeoTTol f-BUT SH-EHOHE GLAD AH fa I FO' THIS, MISTAH GRANITE.- TO HE.'.'-IOU'LL UXMSO OOrfT JMOOT'TySHOOT YOU. THAT I'M JJ HAlNT IN MORE SHOES. ,V BUT, AH'M AFtERD THET- J RIDKUUOO& WITHOUT AH HAINT IS- WOT WTtMTIOM . NOT S MlSTUH GRANITE'.'-- , I -BEFO' LONQ--M-MAH rVA HUD THAT IU BE nCNEO.'Tj KM .'f I'M GOING TO AFRAID. J AH WOULDN'T HAVE S'llrJ$' NICK'S GONNA SNAP J I THE LAUGHIMGSTOCK "S-r rSSl Iff TO CUT THAT HOPE I'M )TH' NCRVK.T , x I Vi IN TJOr V OF THE SCULPTORS'- J K 'WirV BULLET WILLIMSAV . r-te- id N X)Vl fe I r I .Ldf 1 1 V llJXi r J XI 1 . . k I' M . .'. .' .....A K J ISC THIS IS THfc WDR5T One nOKC WISCCKMCrV tU I Ut- - IMMI LILll I ILL 3MUW V A ri-r ONE Ur I Hfcbfc CLU COURSE IVE EVER I ' - you ABOUT My GOLF AMD I'LL YOU IF I CAN HITVOUOM V MIGHT V. BOUHD TO BE THE T'l,, M w. PLAYEOONI y j--" HIT YOU OVER THE HEAD WITH THE HEAD WITH THE W AT THAT; VJ" RIGHT ONE-1 ffUSSi T , -c WJ'.WUiLT . . .qtS'.-Ty I LARGER . U NA.THEHEA01 -p-r' JjysTvm till vou Vhwtthw ue, , , cc rrtt AvTN HEAR AB0UT W I WE'RE ON A SPOT, BLAND715,? HE'S O0T ERS WAITlNtS V TATE KNOWS HIM - WEa.BY GEORfie.' IT GCOP AOVBH-WBE J bSibSb rVoo tiOT TATE m V SOTTC' FOR PALMER TO SIGN ANYHOW, WE CANT N Lf!Vv 4 ARR'TATV6ETOffi?ERE' TWASRBMBNT0P SWlel ! ,-r--TNO t' think MTrTlrr'S TrrtS n PCH3SONE IT.' COMPLETELY T-TTT I PAID TWO fli V I " SHOT.ANO I'VE ONLY HAO r I jST WHOLE '(T" rmfTTO TKj '' W Li -4 fim..iw..ri If 11 t I ittBi n ki i-. .... . 1 r i I I 1 asB-rr.., ;i .... .T7! UHl THINti.MKV WKIH' I "iC T NO WHAT VOU 1 TVU Vt NtvtK UIVtN Mll R tlANLt T MJlUKt 5ftri, WIIH H!J, ?S I CAN RCCAll THAT JUNI0II WA NEEDED cOMPltTELV FAIL TOGRAP 10 Bt ANYTHING BUT JUNIOR! IN BOTH ' DARLING.'- -iHt PROBABLY HAS HIM JfRJC I AT THE OFFKt .ANDTHtY HAVEN'T tEN jp AprcwvvOOD 15 THAT ' PERSONAL AND BU5INE5i MATTERS, vou PURRING' LET'S GO TELl THEM THE Etjv- tA HIM ALL DAY!. .FOR A SON. S ..iui i.A,;Cn 'uau I TREAT HIM AS A i - -! ' GLAD TIDINGS' WriTJ COME DOWN THE lNfTT RAD I'IIU..FF I MClD Tn IT T KiPPD OUPTHtWfi riAiwTV Awn nPMf-ATF 1 1HALL, STEVE I" 1VE J-BELONG THE GUY WHO USED TO TO TRY THIS OUT ON-COME HEREBO" KAY J GOT A GOOD BOX A TO YOU J OWN IT IS DEAD HE HAD AN f j zTT IN MY COriM i 7 imti ipari e nnF .."i rvKf V a .-x. -r-nrr cr3 ' jongue'1 aT I I A. 111 aV 'St . wist r K l..f II A " WVjn .mA .sur, jmm i i . si i -tm ir r i j stk r-hi i i t v viv vj . i f RADIO PROGRAMS THURSDAY P.M. 1 'KSLM Jm 'KGW qIKOCO r'KOIN cS r :0fl Fntta Lewis, Jr., Wtrnts'i Sccrtl Ebrtbm Baneh Curt Mst :1ft Frank Hemlnrwar Sanny Site Rbrthm Bacb LHtl Sbow ll:M Pautoi Parsdt Newi Blm Croibr Montis of Prairies V M Newt Blebard Hwhntit Sport Pi trry LgBaaer m M B-Bar-B Htncb String Screaftdt - Candle Llfbt and Knox Mannini . 1I6 B-Bsr-B Baneb String Baranad 8Ur Bandi on Farad f Adv. ol Cbamp. Srmpbonr Salutt Ntwt Chet Huntley V :4ft Muile Elmer Peterion B1U 8tera Newi 7:00 Gabriel Htatter Nelioo Bddr Pat O'Brien Eicipa lift North wert Newt Nelson Eddr Tan Tina Escape :S0 Wefteoatt James A Pamela Top Band Crime Pbotog. :ift Rambler James A Pamela Tap Band Crime Pbotog. S:00 Medicine Drama Fred Waring Here's t VeU First Mgbter :tft Muiie Hons Fred Waring Time Was First Winter -:M Morgan Manner Dragnet Gnast Star Tell It Again :ft Morgan Mannar Dragnet Qwett Star Tell It Again y. :W Hop Along Cassldr Supper Ciab Bandstand World Toslgbt Ll):15 Hop Along Cassfdy News of Wort Newa Herman Quintet :30 Coast Snrver Silent Partner Dagont Dope Mr. Keen Coast Survey 9 lent Tartner Baseball Mr. Keen A M News Newa " Baseball FIt Star Final D:1A Select Local News Sports Page Final Baseball Orchestra ill'30 Ncw Uands ( Land Baseball Let's Dane itft Musle Band Wagon Baseball Let's Paoee an 00 Fallon Lewis, Jr. Sam Hayea Baseball Serenade I tfl Bob Poote Sbow Wax Hnseum BasebaU ' Von A tbe Wart 1 :S0 Bob Poole Sbow Wax Museum Track 1490 Orchestra ' 'M Musle Wax Museam Track 9Q Orchestra 12:00 Sign Off Sign Off Sign Off Silent FRIDAY 6 A.M. (News Hodge Podge Dawn Patrol Hodge Podge Northwest Newg News KOCO Kioek March Timv Hodge Podge KOCO Kiock Dawn Patrol Farm Time Tex Bitter Dawn Patrol Farm Time New A Sports Dawn Patrol Tbe Old Sengs Top ' Morning New News Newa New Smooth Musle Western Melodies Breakfast Gang Smooth Moile Western Melodies Music Bidera of Sags Stars Sing Top Trades Sam Hayes Chnreh In Wild Bargain Counter Second Cup Melody Time Morning Special Second Cup Melody Time Sons ol Pioneer J Bercta Without Words Musle News J. Chas. Thomas Northwest News Hostess House Coffee Cup Kate Smith Sings Hostess House Northwest Reports Pastor1! Cali Tommy Dorsey Concert Miniature Wiles Waits Tommy Dorsey Concert Miniature New Lopes Oroh. Glass Wax Gospel Singers Lopes Oreh. Glass Wax Perry Come Today's Children Gl Wax Waits Serenade Lora Lagton Glass Wax Top Trades Double or Nothing Hollywood Musle News Double r Nothing Hollywood Musle Queen for a Day News News Queen for a Day Light sf World Ted Dale Presents Ladies First Life beautiful Mao's Melodies Ladies First Boad tf Life Mao' Melodic Northwest - News Pepper Young Mao's Melodies Bob Eberly Show Happiness Mac's Melodies Tell Neighbors Backstage Wife Mae' Melodies Johnson Family Stella Dallas Mae's Melodies Organ Reyerles Lorena Jones Mao's Melodies Bing Sings Wldder Brawn Mae's Melodies Against the Storm A Girl Marries Mac's Melodies Against the Storm Portia Faees Llfs Mae' Melodies Musle Just Plain ttllt Mae's Melodies Novelties on Par. Front Page Parrcll Mae's Melodies Say It With Musie Welcome Travrler Women's Pass Say It With Musie Welcome Traveler Philosopher Songs of Onr Aunt Mary Spotlit en Musle News We Lore A Learn Spottlte en Music DIAL LISTINGS: REX. 1190: KOAC, 550 if fY Thursday P.M. 8:00, Banlrrel F. L. cage; 5:30, Johnny Lnjacki 6:00, Keeping Up with Sportst 6:15. Home Edi tion News 6:30, Modern Romances! 1:00, Kowtn Hint T.ia, Elmer Davis; 7:90, Name the Movie i 8:00, Counterspy t 8:30, Treasury Band Showi 6:00, Theatre lI.S.A.t 9:30, Damon Bunyon Theatre ( 10:00, Richfield Reporter; 10:15, Intermeisot 10:30, Concert Houri 11:30, Memos to To morrow) 12:00, Xtra Honri 1:00 Sign Off. W PV A.M. 6, Early Birdi 6:46, L.V Dirt Farmer; 7, Lawsen MsCalli 7:15, Bob Johnaoni 7:30, Bob Haseni 7:45, Farm Newsi 8:00, Myrt and Marge t i:15, Martin Agronskyi 8:30, Zeke Manners i 8:45, Easy Acest 8:00, Breakfast Cinbi 10, News; 10:15, Stars of Today i 10:30, Kay Kyser's Kolleget 11, Ted Malonei 11:15, Ga len Drake) 11:80, True Ssem lt:M. Bet ty Crockert 12:16, Newsi lt:SO. Baakhasei 18:45, Nancy Craig) 1:00, Northwest erners; 1:30, Kay West) X:00, Breakfast In Hollywood i 8:30, Talk Your War Oat of It) Take Swimming Lessons Hubbard A number of Hub bard boys and girls 'are taking advantage of the swimming les sons being given at the Wood burn swimming pool. Robin and Jackie Berkey, Doris Ann and ACROSS L Card ram 4. Salamanders 5. Italian city 12. South Ameri can Indian 13. Storekeepers 15. Plane handles 17. Parched with heat 18, Like lit. Mine entrance 20. Cut 21. Corroded 22. Number 23. Grate 24. Rubber trees 25. Bone 26. Symbol of victory 27. Volrantc rock 33. Grating ground 10. Bring Into line 12. Largs book tS. Hypothetic! fore 15. Hire 16. Companion 37. Wrath 18. Domestic animal 89. Detest 40. Spoken 41. Article 42. Hindu garment 43. Marble 44. Rulings 47. Small round mark 48. Ireland 3LJp WL J 5 W 9 41 H 1 1 1 h ROOM AND BOARD IP I DOIT MEAN TO D!P MV QM. IN pfP AND IF OU DOiV YOUR. RIDE ON TME POND OF MIND, I'LL PULL BACK PROSP1R.ITY BUT VOU HAVE tl THE COVERS OM YOUR. A GOOD THING IN YOUR. CORERS MEMORY REMEMBER ANDTHE'WEENEE-PO'RECfPE' Yl ro&tS SO WHY SELL ALL THE CORERS Wlfff S.f V NOW? SAVE A FEW HUNDRED I rAW Pav rr raSc TO SELL LATER WHEN THERE'S Vl KfcOW V. NOTHING IN YOUR POCKETS J TO 4:45 P.M. News KOIN Kioek KOIN Kioek KOIN Kiock KOIN Kiock News News Fred Seek Consumer News Art Baker Robert Lewis Robert Lewis Vocal Varieties News t Grand Slam . f ivosemary Wendy Warren Aunt Jenny , . Helen Trent' Our Gal Sunday Big Sister Ma Perkins Young Dr. Melon Guiding .Light News Come St Get It Norah Drake Brighter lny 2nd Mrs. Burton Perry Mason Br is lit & Light Air-fto Newspaper of Air Newspaper of Air Winner Take AH Tunefully Your News Meet the Missus Meet the Missus Arthur Godfrey Arttwr Godfrey trthnr Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey IHAf Thursday P.M. 5:00, On the IVWJnVrf Upbeat) 5:50, 550 Sports Clubi 6:00, Newsi 6:15, Dinner Melodies; 6:30, 'Round the Campflrej 7:15, Evening Farm Hourt 8:00, You and Your Security 8:15, Great Songs) 8:45, Loggers' Fire Weather Forecast, News) B:00, Musle That Endures ( 9:45, Lift UP Thy Volcei 10:00, Excur sions In Science) 10:15, Serenade) 10:45. News) 11:00, Sign Off, KOAC 10:00, 1 a. t 4:46 p.aiv The Newsi 10:15, K peclally for Women i 11:00, The Concert Hall; it: 00, Newsi 12:15, Noon Farm Hour i 1:00. Ride 'en Cowboyt t:15, Variety) 1:30, Melody Lanei 2:00, Caval cade In Dramai z:45. Memory Book ( Music: 8:00, News. 8:00, Sarvrti. F..k.rt SiSO, Biid. ssS Groomi 4:00, Weleom. TrftTclcm 4:30, Art Ltnklettsr. , Johnnie Friend, Bonnie Bridge, 1 Bobby Wimar, Eddie Sherman, Wallace and Clifford Downs, John, Carl and Wayne Van Lieu, Joe Kelly and Garland Courter are among those receiving in struction. T A P fl A T QU Eft P 1 u RE Up e NjAulrs E A N 6 "TlHjE RpiR AJtIt A N 6 a sIeBr A soh let! I iF A M BT?n A W Ell A CTHOTH E R R E Til ff EjlSiT E V E A8 AT EBO T Ofl E T 1 Ik P7 T Q g Slgl 5ass(E E Wll AjL E IE AR 5 E NB A P UP M B UTT PflV E R 6 E fN E O L A1a R I E Sy6 U K Solution of Veiterday't Puzzlo' 49. Son of Beth 50. Before DOWN L Tuber 1. Positive elec tric poles 8. Of the morning 4. Type measure . 6. Symbol Cor iron 6. Conversion 7. Stock certifi cates 8. Tablet 9. At horn 10. Common wealths 1L Value for tax purposes 14. False fruit of the dog roe 15. And: French 20. Sodium chlorid 21. Winss 23. Demolish 24. Press M 27, Not wfid zs. wail quart 2D. Repetition 30. Arched passag 31. Throw at quoits 38. Eloquent speaker 34. Obliterate 36. Feminine nam 37. Decree of the sultan 39. Owns 40. King of Bashaa 42. Transgression - 43. Donkey 45. 101 46. Negative 7-' Bv Gene Ahern