10- JA Ca: g a c is ) A n e fnr dre enl Ms Me ide a Be ste er va as of bo- Bo of pri Cu wi ris to stc Be tei be be wi th B( 14 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday. July 14, 1949 Four Corners Friends Make Surprise Birthday Visit Four Comers, July 14 Mrs. J. T. McFadden, 4080 Durbin ave nue, was given a surprise birthday anniversary party by her husband, J. T. McFadden, friends and neighbors. Coming to ex tend congratulations were Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Deen and Richard Deen, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Batlerton, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cham- ber, Connie Chambers, Mr. land Mrs. Ray Gardner, Thomas Boys With Toy Pistols Rob Safe Elmira, N.Y., July 14 UP Clerks in a department store or fice just laughed when two 12-year-old boys and an 11-year-old girl waved toy pistols at them and announced a stickup. But $465.09 the children had hidden in a field wasn't play money. Police quoted the kids as saying they took most of it from an open safe after the chuckling clerks had resumed typing and filing. The clerks hadn't missed the money. Police said the youngsters, picked up for questioning yes terday about another theft, led them to the field, where the money was found in three wallets. Authorities held the trio as juvenile delinquents. Visit Lodge Members Lafayette About 18 members of the Rebekah lodge here, drove to McMinnville, to spend the evening with Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hembree and family, who recently moved from Lafayette Mrs. Hembree, her daughter, Mrs. Mary Davies, and mother, Mrs. Mary J. Hembree are all members of Banner lodge. Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mayer, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Har ris, Hclenc and Dale Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thulin, Shirley Thulin, Mr. and Mrs. R. P, Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Shipman, Billy Shipman, Mr and Mrs. Walter Beck, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Davis, James, Bruce and Dick Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Robins, Alice and David Robins. Mrs. C. C. Morris, 3736 Mahrt avenue, spent a week at Pendle ton with Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ful lerton, getting acquainted with her first grandchild, Betty Lou ise Fullerton. To. Mrs. J. T. McFadden, 4080 Durbin avenue, go felicitations upon the birth of her first grand child, William Nordmark III, born to Mr. and Mrs. William Nordmark, Jr. of Covington, Kentucky. The little boy was born June 20. Dale Harris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Harris, Durbin ave nue, is attending the summer YMCA camp at Silver Creek falls. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon France, Kenneth and Dewey France, 590 South Elma avenue, left Sunday for Kamloops, Canada, where they will visit friends for two weeks. A visitor in the Edward Wal ker home, 652 South Lancaster drive, this week was his brother-in-law, Jack McKay of Cal- John W. Kellv f m w New Position The stale tax commission hir ed a publicity man today the first in its history. The commission announced that John W, Kelly, secretars of the state postwar readjust ment and development commis slon for the past six years, h. been appointed as public tela tlons advisor for the commis slon. The postwar commission wa abolished by the legislature effective two weeks ago. Kelly is a former Portland newspaper man and Washington corrcspon dent. Mill City Cub Scouts To Picnic in Park Mill City The July Cub Scout pack meeting will be held in the city park Thursday eve ning. A pot-luck supper will br served at 6:30 o'clock for par ents and cubs. Following will be presentation of advancement awards by George Ditter, Cub Scout Master and Harold Klicw er, committee chairman. Each of the five committeemen are plan ning one game for the cubs to play as entertainment for the evening. gary, Alberta, Canada. Richard Fullerton, son of Mrs. C. C. Morris, 3735 Mahrt ave nue, is spending the summer at Echo, Oregon. Sherrill White and Joyce Brant were joint hostesses at an afternoon amateur show In the yard of the White residence Tuesday. R e f r e s hments were served to Twlla Rickman, Linda Stone, Kay Herman, Kenny Brant, Arlen White. Priced "Kash and Karry"-Less Cash More Carry You could not select better or more economical place to do your shopping. Come in this week and take advantage of our specials. These prices good Thurs., Fri. and Sat. only. Freshly Ground Hamburger ib. 33c EASTERN OREGON HEREFORD BEEF A,"" c"f . Blade Cut ROAST Rump ib. 39 Milk Fed Veal Roast m,. 43c Tender Skinless WIENERS ib 39c Eaitern Oregon Hereford T Bones n,. ... 59c EASTERN OREGON HEREFORD SHORT RIBS, 33c Fresh Country Sausage ib. 33c EASTERN OREGON HEREFORD RIB STEAK Tender . . . . Ib. 49c Swift's Sugar Cured Sliced Baco n,t49c Eastern Oregon Hereford Round Steak ib. 59c 69c Eastern Oregon Hereford Cube Steaks u. EASTERN OREGON HEREFORD BEEF CUBES 49c QJR Eastern Oregon Hereford young and tender. You can't beat this price! 5EEF Buy one now' ib. 35c BASINGER'S FOOD MARKET In the University Shopping Center 1288 State Street APRICOTS For Canning By the Lug No. 1 Grade from The Dalles LB. 5c CARROTS Bunch 5c JUICE ORANGES Ch 1c SPUDS Ne0wiWhlu iolh,35c GREEN PEPPERS ... 20c Vine Ripened Cantaloupe Ice Cold Watermelons SALMON 39c fcB Sea North .1 Ib. Tall Cans ' NAPKINS zPwhlt iQc VINEGAR pQu,:aBrtcld" 15c SUGAR ,,, 87c CATSUP 2 not ,25c Cigaretres a"B"nd' 1.45 NUCOA 2,b8,57c SHORTENING E. 83c BREAD BUTTER Sliced Whit lVi Ib. loaf. Rose Valley Grade A , . . .lb. 19c "67c MILK Armour's Tall Cam Limit 6 Cam each 10c Prices Effective Thurs. -Fri. -Sat. July 14-15-16 Shop and Save at BASINGER'S 13th & STATE STS. STOP SHOP KBim COMMUNITY A Rapidly Growing Community Shopping Center, Offering You QUALITY MERCHANDISE AND SERVICE AT REASONABLE PRICES Located Out Front Street Just 5 Minutes from Downtown Salem LOTS OF FREE PARKING OPEN UNTIL 8 P.M. 4990 Rive Phone 2-8230 keizer mm iMEMET Save Every Day - Shop the Easy Way These Prices Effective Friday -Saturday -Monday LOTS OF FREE PARKING OPEN UNTIL 8 P.M. Pit If -Till I 16 bag.... 21c HUNT'S FRUIT COCKTAIL No. 1 tall can 1 7C PARAWAX lb. 18c M.C.P. PECTIN P,te. 10c JELL-E PECTIN 2 ,or 25c Garden Fresh Vegetables SNOBOY Canning APRICOTS ARE HERE y $1.69 FRESH CORN 6 ear, 39c LOCAL CELERY LARGE BUNCH 15c CROOKNECK tr 3 j Or Summer SQUASH Lb,. Vegetables by Frank, Jr. r on'-"--, wmn M5M GREEN VALLEY ICECREAM - Qf. 25 lbs. $79 33c SALAD DRESSING MIRACLE WHIP pt. 29c BULK VINEGAR In your con tainer, gal. 39c GARDEN PORK & BEANS No. 2'j 'tin 17c CARNATION CORN FLAKES 8 ox. Pkg. 10c WONDER FOOD MARSHMALL0WS p!?,. 25c NOTHING WASHES LIKE SOAP AND THERE'S NO SOAP LIKE ta,Am -WWHITEI tB w ---- - - iuin LARGE 55c 27c SCOTCHISCLEANSER PkK.19c cirnnA mwic Toilet Soap . 3, r 23c WHITE KING Jot6' bars 19c C & H CANE SUGAR 25 " $2.25 VEGETABLE SHORTENING CRISCO 3 LBS. 83c SUNSHINE KRISPY J m CRACKERS 2nAjC DOLES CRUSHED PINEAPPLE No. 2 tin 29c NATURE SWEET fc 4 PEACHES tin' 2 for JC KEIZER ffff MARKET SWIFT'S ORIOLE SLICED JJfc BACON lb 49C PURE GROUND mm BEEF lb 45C PURE . A LARD 2 lbs lit SWIFT'S READY TO EAT ft ft PICNIC HAM lb59C MEAT 'OSCAR PHILLIPS' r? K3 r .1 I - a q towards a Drakeley Sam Snow Sez EDWARDS DRAKELEY have the cold spot at Keizer Frozen Food Lockers Meat cut, double wrapped, locker-ready, quick frozen, Sc per lb. Fhone 1-1164 N. River Rd. SPECIALTY BAKERY Phone 2-6339 We Bake A Complete Line of PIES CAKES - PASTRIES HOT BREAD Daily at 9:30 A. M. Our every attention given to decorated birthday and wed ding cakes. Plenty of Free Parking Space at KEIZER SHOPPING CENTER McDERMOTT VARIETY ANNOUNCING REOPENING Entirely New Merchandise Old & New Customers Welcome FREE PARKING 4945 North River Road Ladies' Apparel and Infants Wear A new itore with new merchandise for a new community GOID1KS DRESS SHOP WM N.rlb lit M. rfc. t-siui Opts 1 U 1 FrM FtrhlM JCVVVVWVVVVXVVVVW I IRIS I 1 FOUNTAIN I 2 $ 5 Lunches Dinners Soft Drinks g We specialize In S Homemade Pies Grade 'A' Restaurant $ Keizer Korners Phone 2-4373 Al's Radio Clinic GUARANTEED SERVICE (f It'i Fixable, We Can Fix It Radiol and Small Appliances KEIZER FEED & SEED CO. Presents Larro Farm-Tested Feeds And Albers Quality Controlled Feeds Ph. 23279 We Deliver Also Hay Grain Concentrates Seed Fertilizers Sundries And Pittsburgh Paints INTERIOR EXTERIOR FLOOR PAINT & VARNISH Come in and see these qual ity lines of merchandise Our prices are right. The Real Corner of Keizer KEIZER Korner Store . W. H. "HUGH" SHATTUC. OWNER KEIZER BEAUTY SALON PHONE 2-3276 For Your Spring Feather Cut Cold Wave $10 up. 4951 North River Rd. Keizer Cleaners 4954 No. River Rd. Telephone 2-7108 for Pickup ana Delivery service. h'b--h:e.h TTTTT TTTM .T.T.I M TTTrrrr CLEANING and PRESSING WATERPROOFING ALTERATIONS and REPAIRS Keizer Hardware & Appliance Is Showing A Special Plastic Garden Hose 50 ft. lengths at 5.40 Also Stocking . Galvanized Water Pipe & Fittings From Vi in to 1 Vi inch , Check Our Prices on These Heavy Duty Wheel Borrows Light Wheelborrows Lawn Carts & Mowers Electric Appliances KEIZER HDW. AND APPLIANCE CO. Phone 24350 4964 N Rivet Rd.