The housing project is ad vancing rapidly now with five of the houses to be completed and ready to live in within two weeks. All of the 21 houses which are entirely different in About kn ) z i : rz jl a . uQm rruriuing nrsTMiu, Yrtncf rurfmn Hnc Prnnrocc Mill City, July 14 There now is first aid quarters located at the Detroit damsite with a male nurse in charge. One ambulance is kept at the site and eventually Consolidated Builder's Incorpor ated plans to have one other ambulance added and kept there for emergencies. Workers at the dam reported- that the ambulance recently made the trip from the site to a Salem hospital in less than an hour when one of the C.B.I, em ploys was critically injured on the skull from flying rock blast ed from the diversion tunnel. First aid quarters are at present in a temporary building while a permanent location (until dam is completed) is constructed. Structural work on the C.B.I, main office building and ma chine shop which is being built at the damsite is progressing rapidly and head engineer, Vin cent Palmer, states that the office building would be com pleted and ready for occupancy the latter part of August, how ever, the date for completion of the machine shop is as yet in definite. . Diversion tunnel for the North Santiam river is expected to be ready the latter part of Septem ber. Workmen gained about j 100 feet on the upstream portal I last week and work was started tin the downstream portal the completion of the two portals the Shae Construction company, sub-contractors, will be enabled to start excavation of the 1400 foot tunnel from both ends Chief engineer, H. H. Hoberts from the East has been in the Mill City office for several weeks. M.C.P. Jam Jelly PECTIN exterior appearance are expect ed to be completed by Septem ber 1. Light fixtures were to be put in this week and sanding was to be started on the floors the first of this week. A good many loads of gravel have been hauled for the streets at the project. Legion Groups Picnic Lafayette Dayton and La fayette posts of the American Legion and their auxiliaries met in the Yamhill River Locks park for a pot-luck dinner. 100 people attended. 'Aviation Day' For Mill City Mill City It will be "Avia tion Day" in Mill City Sunday with more than 150 planes of visiting pilots expected to ar rive at Davis airport that day for the event. The Mill City Chamber of Commerce will act as hosts to the visitors and guests at the airport for the breakfast, featuring barbecued made by Shorty Stark, of Sil- beef sandwiches, corn on the cob and coffee. Following there will be an award of prizes (furnished by Mill City business concerns) for the best and worst landings, youngest and oldest pilots and a number of others which has not been decided upon. The public is invited to the morning affair, however, and the air show is scheduled for 2 p. m. at the Davis field. Among the events on the pro gram for the afternoon show in cludes a parachute jump to be verton, an Army parachute in structor during the war. Cap tain Hammons and Lt. Moerls, of the 2nd Inf. Division, Fort Lewis, Wash., will pilot two helicopters from wnicn is ex pected some unusual and spec tacular flying. Committees appointed for Aviation Day include: Serving breakfast Harold Khewer, George Veteto, J. C. Kimmel MEVER PAY MORE? 7(J&tf ACCEPI IESS7 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, July 14, 1949 11 Charles Wolverton, Don Jenkins, Lowell Stiffler, Carl Kelly and George Steffy; Program adver tising Forest Baker and Albert Toman. Among those selling iiifll tickets around town are: Mr. Charles Wolverton, Mrs. Arthur Kerr, Wayne Kerr, Kenneth Chance and Glenn Roberts. Nothing Pay Monthly VENETIAN BLINDS And Shades We also wash, retape, pain I and realal your old Venetian blind. ELMER, The Blind Man Call anytime for Fret Estimates Phone 3-7328 1453 Ruge St. West Salem We give S&H Green Stamps i Hill mm"1 ra i i mJtancy Values Galore in Our Grocery Section! WANT STREAK-FREE BLUING? Rain Drops dissolves instantly right in your suds! Never streaks or spots . , . you need no separate bluing rinse of any kind. I'M SI On voif't You can EAT AND ENJOY SUN VALLEY BREAD ... the answer to 'diet blues." Low in calories (less than 50 to the slice) yet high in muscle building proteins. And flavor! just try it toasted it's a new taste thrill. At your favorite food store. f WITHOUT I SHORTENING OR ) 'ftksi 10W IN CALORIES HIGH IN ENERGY RT VOUR FAVORITE f 00D STORE Fresh EGGS' Grade A Small 50c Grade A Medium 63 C 'Grade A Large" DOZEN Safeway takes special care to bring you eggs that taste as fresh as though right from the nest. All Safeway eggs are kept under constant refrigeration during the short time it takes from nest to you. Jell-Well Desserts Tillamook Cheese Your choice of flavors. American MAES 4 pkgs. 25c 65' 15c NO. 2V2 Lend a touch of tempting color to your menus with these vine-ripened tomatoes. Gar denside brand tomatoes are picked ripe and packed right. Price is reduced from Safe way's originally low shelf price. Cherub Evaporated Milk Pork and Beans Dennison Brand Can Nii-Made Mayonnaise Fairoey PEAS Pint Jar No. 303 Can 35' 2for2gc Sugar Belle Peas go well with any main dish. Put away several cans now while the price i . . .... - . is rcauceq. v.neaper man you coma can tnem yourself. Columbia Dill Pickles 20' White Satin Sugar sack 87' Grapefruit Juice ... . 29c CORNED-BEEF 39c Swift's finest corned beef. The cooking is all taken care of all you have to do is eat it up. It makes a tasty sandwich, too . . . ever try it that way? v Yl THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Put a "snap" into breakfast these mornings with this flavorful product of the finest ydung porkers. Yes, this is fancy grade bacon not too fat to fry away arid not too lean to be tough . . . but, just the right quality to please the most particular bacon critics. Buy what you need at this low price no limit! Use it to glam morize casserole dishes, strip it over a sizzling beefsteak, etc. Thit is bacon at its very best. Don't miss itl Tall Can QC 10c Assorted Lunch Meats SMOKED HAMS Sugar Cured Picnics Famous Brands Half or Whol. Short Shanks ,49e 59e 45c Here's Seme "VEAL VALUES" at Safeway! Veal Shoulder Roast Leg or Small 1 Veal Rump Veal Loin Moulder Veal Roast 1 Chops 1 steaks FRESH-SKINLESS WIENERS and BOLOGNA WASTE-FREE PAN-MADY FISH! Rock Cod 29' Salmon ... lb. 69c Halibut .... lb. 49c PURE PORK SAUSAGE Country style LI. MASON JARS R,g. Dox. Pints 85 DoI. Qu.rhl.05 Doi. $119 WIDE MOUTH JARS $1 05 KERR ECONOMY JAR CAPS KERR REGULAR JAR LIDS n9. of Doi.25e Pig. of Do..1 1 e JAR RUBBERS R.g. Maion and Ideal, Pig. 5 M.C.P. POWDERED PECTIN JELS-RITE LIQUID PECTIN 31,-ei. pltt. 12' 8-01. bottl 12e AIRWAY COFFEE LB. 3 Lbs. 40 79 NOB HILL COFFEE Mi. 3 Lbs. 45 89c EDWARDS COFFEE LB. '. Lbs. 5l 1.01 CANTERBURY BLACK TEA lt.Bag Pl, 18 SODA CRACKERS lul, UUn. 1Lb. M,.49c YELLOW CORN MEAL M.mB), lC)1, Wh. fk, 21 IhOii4 3 Can, 9 ooch Dog Food! 25c Playfair Dog Food 3 cans 25 e Delrich Margarine Z COLOR PAK Spry Shortening All Short. ning 3-LB. Can 83 e Snowdrift Shortening Mad. by Hi Wesson Oil P.opL 83 3-LB. Can 1 45e XT Prices in this ad are effective through Saturday We reserve the right to limit quantities WATCDiiCI rKlC Sweet Mcatcd Lb. 412C CANTALOUPES Vine-ripcncd Lb. 9c Field-Grown Tomatoes Lb. 19c ZUCCHINI SQUASH Lb. 9c SUNKIST LEMONS lull of Juice Lb. 25c 12 -LB. FLAT m Golden r!p cots now ready for canning! Price is right get yours early! GREEN BEANS Stringless Lb. 15c GREEN CABBAGE Local Crop Lb. 5c GOLDEN CORN Sweet-Tender Lb. 14c CRISP LETTUCE Solid Heads Lb. 5c NEW POTATOES 10-Lb. 49c U. S. No. 1 ORANGES S lb. bag 35c