y ifCSf ft - -I Last Rites Father Richard Harnett, Cathuhc priest, gives , the last rites to one of the victims of the crash of a C-46 airliner on Santa Susanna pass, near Chatsworth, Calif. Victim's panama hat can be seen at left. (Acme Telephoto) Hospital Drive Captains Listed Forty-seven of the 50 captains who will help wage the Salem hospital development campaign were appointed at a meeting of the leaders held at the Cham ber of Commerce Tuesday night. Appointed for the men's divi sion, to work with Co-Chairmen Coburn Grabenhorst and Char les Edwards were: Howard Wicklund, Conrad Paulson, C. R. Lindstrom, Harvey Muyskens, Ursul Wolfer, Henry Torbend, John E. Taylor, Oscar Specht, Robert Smith, Don Lutz, John Kolb, lee Ohmart, Robert Gregg, Neil Carter, Floyd Coburn, Jack Hay, Walter Snyder, Everett De- Weese, Robert Morse, Dave Hoss, Robert Aiken and James Clark. Captains for the women's di vision, under the leadership of Mrs. Ralph Moody and Mrs. Chandler Brown, are: Besse E. Brown, and Mesdames Robert White, C. J. Hamilton, Glen Stevens, Tom Dunham, Bert Walker, Mark Astrup, Bjarne Erickson, Victor Gibson, Edwin Graham, Ivan Hill, J. Norman Champagne, Roy Mink, Richard DeCamp, Marvin Van Cleave, Hunt Clark, Grant Rogers, Henry Meyer, A. T. King, Arthur Erickson, Louis Lorenz, A. H. fVilson and Peery Buren. Alfred Loucks is general chair man, and commanders of the choose your So many new, exciting designs to choose from in this season's Eaton collection! Make your own deeply personal choice, certain of Eaton's quality ond correctness, knowing it will be moderately priced. Vy Eaton's Contempo ,? Fine Letter Paper Inspired by Modern Danish Handicrafts 24 Club Size Single Sheets with Design; It Plain Second Page Sheets; 24 Tissue-Lined Envelopes, $2.00 the Box. men's division, previously an nounced, are Arthur Bates, Mar vin B. Clatterbuck, Verne Mc Mullen, Harold Phillippe, and Berton Selberg. Women s divi sion commanders are Mrs. Ward Davis, Mrs. Don Burke, Mrs, Arthur Roethlin, Mrs. Ralph Schlesinger, and Mrs. Robert Wulf. The 1949 football season will find Yale playing Connecticut, Fordham, Columbia, Cornell, Holy Cross, Dartmouth, Brown, Princeton and Harvard in that order. YOUNGSTOWN KITCHENS! Free Estimates Phone 2-5643 Pumilite - West Salem Flood Control Projects Urged Washington, July 13 (U.B The chief of army engineers says that flood control works put in operation from 1938 to the beginning of this year at a cost of $483,000,000 already have prevented damage that would have exceeded $500,000,000. Maj. Gen. Lewis A. Pick told a senate public works subcom mittee late yesterday that these projects, still "in the very early part of life . . . have already paid out the amount invested in them." And, he said, they will continue to earn profits. He also called attention to the life-saving aspects of (he flood control projects, in addition to the monetary return. Pick testified on an omnibus bill authorizing a new group of flood control and navigation projects which is expected to arrive from the house shortly. He said that projects already authorized, but for which no appropriations have been made, plus new authorization contain ed in the omnibus bill, repre sent a "valuable backlog for use in the event the postwar level of production and employment should decline." Freed from Jail fo Attend Funeral Rites Kingsville, Texas, July 13 OT) Ascension Garza, freed from jail for the funeral of two of his three-month-old daughters, faces the prospect today of finishing a two-year sentence growing from a trafifc accident. The first triplet, Delma, died Monday of infant diarrhea. Then Thelma died of the same illness. The third triplet was re ported in poor condition. Garza was jailed when he didn't carry out the provisions of a suspended sentence and $200 fine given him April 13 by County Judge Tom Brookshire. First President Of Eire Passes Dublin, Ireland, July 13 VP) Dr. Douglas Hyde, 88, first president of Eire, died last night. A scholar and poet, Hyde was chosen president by acclamation and took the oath of office June 25, 1938. A Protestant, he head ed a predominantly Catholic na tion. Ill health forced him to an nounce his retirement as his seven-year term drew to a close. He was succeeded by Sean O' Kelly after the presidential elec tion of June, 1945. Power Blackout in Western Washington Seattle, July 13 (P) A 13 minute slump in electric power over a wide area of western Washington yesterday afternoon was blamed on the northwest power pool's felling apart in three places. Elevators stalled, telephone and teletype communications were disrupted, the Fremont bridge was left m the air and industrial motors slowed down or were stopped. City transit buses were stalled, some for as long as 18 minutes. The breakdown came at 3:05 p.m. The trouble started at Bon neville's midway station near Hanford. IE) CASH LOANS Auto or Personal $100t.$1000 COAUWLERCIAJL CREDIT FLAJrV INCORPORATKDi Salem Agency: 460 N. Church St Tel. 34168 as.. I'J Burns Fatal to Salem Woman Mrs. R. J. Chance, 30, of 1065 Madison street, died at Salem General hospital at 3:30 a.m. Wednesday from burns suffered in a home canning acci dent Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Chance was enveloped in flames when a kettle of par affin on the kitchen range exploded. With her clothing on fire she ran to the front door of her apartment, and neighbors has tily wrapped her in blankets and bedding and also a rug that she had seized as she ran from the apartment. First aid was called and took her to the hospital. The worst burns were on her body, arms and legs. Mrs. Chance was able to de scribe the accident. She said she was giving her attention to another dish and had momen tarily forgotten about the par affin. It exploded when she lifted the lid, flashed and cov ered her with the hot wax. Mr. and Mrs. Chance were married about eight months ago. The husband is employed by .Hogg Bcos., and at the time of me acciaem was at me coast on business for the firm. Firemen were called to the apartment whe.i fire started in a waste paper basket but did no further damage. Old Aae Bill fo Go to Voters (By United Press) The referendum drive to block the 1949 legislature's old age pension bill was reported over the top Wednesday. Drive Chairman Joe E. Dunne said 16,981 certified names have been obtained about 1000 more than needed to refer the measure to the voters at the general election in No vember, 1950. Dunne said the petitions will be filed in Salem tomorrow. Meanwhile, two other refer endum movements were in doubt. Lee Stidd, Jr., leader of the attempt to halt the legislature's anti-daylight saving law, esti mated his campaign was only 200 names short of its goal of 15,926. The deadline, as set by law, for all three petitions is Friday. W. J. Smith, head of the ref- The statp flnwpr nf TTlnriHn tc the orange blossom. ClOSDMG OUT itorewide Clearance ALL SMALL GOODS AND ACCESSORIES 1 1 Record Cabinets and Albums, 13 Regular Price! rlXIVL Piano Accordions New Band Instruments Reg. $ 95.00 295.00 485.00 675.00 Now $ 55.00 100.00 295.00 495.00 695.00 995.00 12 Bass Regular Italian 120 Bass Regular Used . . 120 Bass Regular Italian 120 Bass Regular Italian 120 American Made 1000.00 120 American Made .1500.00 Many Used Accordions Radios and Phonographs Reg. Now Portable with Battery 29.50 $ 9.95 Portable with Battery 59.50 29.50 Portable Phono-Combination 89.50 34.00 Table Model Radios Yi price Pianos Reg. Now Spinets 895.00 $595.00 Grands 1625.00 995.00 Used Uprights and Players $75.00 up Miscellaneous 'Public Address Systems $85.00 up Intercommunication Systems, Six Stations, two-way $150.00 Wurlitzer Electric Organ Reg. $3800.00 Now $2750.00 Used Pipe Organ $1990.00 Harmonicas lOo up Musical Tops 10c up All Popular Sheet Music 10c copy Now $ 39.50 65.00 59.50 75.00 125.00 89.50 295.00 118.50 125.00 85.00 150.00 Reg. Trumpets with Case ......$ 75.00 Trombones with Case .... 96.50 Clarinet Silver Plated . . . 125.00 Flutes Silver with Case . . 129.00 Piccolos Silver 190.00 Wood Clarinets with Case 175.00 French Horns Double . . . 395.00 French Horns Single 212.00 Baritones 225.00 Cornets 159.00 Saxophones 275.00 Guitars Reg. Electric Spanish Outfits . . .$ 82.60 Electric Spanish Outfits .... 87.00 Electric Hawaiian Outfits . . 99.50 Standard Guitars 39.50 Standard Spanish . . .$20 to $250.00 Other String Instruments - Reg. Now Violins $10 to $1000 Vi price Banjos 49.50 25.00 Ukeleles $4.50 to $22.50 Yi price Recorders Reg. Now Disc with Radio $193.00 $ 99.50 Music Boxes $2.50 Now 29.50 41.50 45.00 9.95 price ALL STANDARD MUSIC BOOKS nn"C AND TEACHING MATERIAL l2 Y KILE 10,000 Vocal and Piano Pieces, 2 for 5c Hundreds of Used Band Instruments MUST CLEAR BY JULY 23rd! HURRY WHILE THESE PRICES LAST! Two Sets of Office Equipment, Cash Registers, Fixtures, Lathes, Buffers, Grinders, Compressors, Etc. Jaquitth nAusic Co. SUGAR L NEW HOME-CANNING RECIPES SET OF FILE-SIZE CARDS with 12 new tested recipes for jams, preserves, conserves . . . plus rules for successful canning. Write today to Camf H Sugar, 215 Market Street, San Francisco, Calif., Dept. 44 BE SURE IT'S PURE CANE SUGAR. ..BE SURE WITH C""'H Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, July 13, 1949 9 erendum drive to halt construc tion of a dam in the Rogue river' above the mouth of Big Butte creek, said the prospects of his campaign looked "very, verv bad." "We sent out more than 2200 petitions, but we haven't had the results we expected." Smith said. "We may get a deluge at tne last minute, but if we don't get them right away, we are go ing to lose." TONIGHT, 8:00 P.M. IF THE LIGHT BE DARKNESS A 3-Act Play By Phyllis Benbow Bcardsley A Courageous, Modern Drama for the Church First Presbyterian Church Chemeketa at Winter THE PUBLIC IS INVITED HAPPY IS THE HOUSE THAT HATH WITHIN ITS WALL'S AW EXTRA BATH SWAP For Things You Need SEE TRADER LOUIE 3055 Portland Road - Phone 3-8558 foif" JULY SALE Budget-Balancing 24-HOUR SOFA BED SUITE The talk of the town and no wonder! As a living room suite it's big and it's beautiful and the biggest dollar's worth of furniture you'll find in a long, long while. The smart modern sofa gives not even a small hint that it conceals a DOUBLE BED tHat opens at a flick of the wrist! Matching lounge chair completes the rich living room group. Pay 10 Down! 24 Months to Pay! 'fa' Sofa opens out to comfortably sleep two persons. Has in nersprlng construc tion for regular bed rest. Large bedding com partment easily takes care of pillows, blankets and linens without extra steps or closet crowding. ot-little down on a big bill '' FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty 136 S. High Salem, Ore. Phone -34641