8 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, July 13, 1949 Laundry Forum Scheduled Here With new low prices for au tomatic laundering equipment, a laundry as modern as present- day kitchens is now possible for every home. But even with your present equipment, the laundering job can be made easier and better by applying a few of the prac tical suggestions to be given the home makers that attend the "Laundry Forum" being spon sored by Ralph Johnson Appll ances. Two forums will be given, one at 2:30 on Thursday afternoon, July 14, and the other that eve ning at 8. The forums will be conducted by Miss Frances Alexander, re gional home service director for Bendix home appliances. Miss Alexander, who considers Ore gon home though she had head quarters in San Francisco, rep resents the Bendix Home Laun dry institute in the 11 western states. Mrs. Eva Cruzen, home serv ice director for the Bendix dis tributor in Oregon will assist with the meetings. Liberty Dedicates Church With Crowd Liberty About 300 persons attended the dedication services Sunday afternoon at the Liberty Christian Church of Christ. A loud speaker system accom modated persons .seated in the basement during the services, and many were turned away due to the seating capacity and the heat The collection was $651.35. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Sergeant of Santa Cruz, Calif., attended the services. Mr. Sergeant or ganized the Liberty church 12 years ago. Flower arrange' ments were sent by different organizations. Sunday school was held for the first time in the new building with an attend ance of 103 and during the morning worship 32 were con secreated to membership. British Leaders Would Trim Funds London, July 13 U.R) Finance ministers of the British common wealth countries began a con ference today to trim the em pire's dollar expenditures, es pecially American imports. They gathered first with Brit-. ish Prime Minister Clement R. Aitlce at 10 Downing street, then were scheduled to adjourn to the nearby British treasury building for a prolonged study of the empire's dollar snortage and ways to overcome it. The conference may last sev eral weeks, treasury sources said. British Chancellor of the Ex- chequer Sir Stafford Cripps is expected to submit some con crete suggestions for cutting down American Imports. He al so will fill in his commonwealth colleagues on his recent con versations with U. S. Secretary of the Treasury John W. Sny der. LEGAL NOTICE TO CBEDITOBS All peraona havlna clalmj aaalnat .ha eatata of Jonn CharlM Buralk. dectued. now pending In tht Circuit Court of the State of Oreaon In and for Marlon Coun ty. Probata Department, art hereby no tified to preaent the aame, duly verified ha required by law. to the underalaned. Dorothy Buralk, 2009 South Church Street, Salem, Oreaon, within alx (61 montha from the data of the flrat publi cation of thla notice. DOROTHY BURSIK, Admlnlatratrll of the Rntata of John Oharlea Buralk, Deceaaed. Data of flrat publication: June 3th. 1 June 30. July 6, IS, 20, 27 PROCLAMATION WHEHEA8, tha unregulated uae of car- tain foreat areaa la. In my Judament. i menace to life and property on account of the hlah fire haxard cauaed by an MEN'S - BOYS' - GIRLS' COMPOSITION HALF SOLES 98c Thursday and Friday Miller's Shoe Repair "Fast While You Walt or Shop Service" ROOFING Now Is the time to order that new roof before the busy summer season. Expert workmanship with the highest quolity material. Free estimates without obligation. McGilchrist & Sons 255 No. Commercial Street Salem Phone 38478 exceulvt amount of dabrU on tha (round ltfi by lofflni opcritlooj, naaa and old buriu. and WHEREAS, upon tht ahowln of Uit Mat Forciter, It appear to m to be naceuary to clou to unregulated uc the follow.ni areas deilinated aa : AREA NO. 6-P OREGON STATE BOARD OF FORESTRY. NORTHWEST OR BOON DISTRICT TILLAMOOK BURN AREA: Towruhlp 4 North, Rama I Weat: Thon parts of aec. 39, 30. 31 and II lylnr aouth of Suruct Htahway. Towruhlp 4 North, Rime 1 West: That part of sec. 3, ID, li, 13. ana H lyini aouth of the Bunaet Hlahway; that part of see. 4 lylnv aouth of the Suiuet Highway and east of the Nfha lem River: that part of ice. 7 lylnr south of the Nehalem River and east of tha Nehalem Elsie Highway; that part of sees. 8 and 9 lying south of tha Nehalem River: that part of sees. II and IB lying east of the Nehalem EUle Highway; sees. 14 to IT Incl., 30 tr 31 incl.. and 3 to 14 Incl. Township 4 North. Range I West: Those parts or sees. 34, as. 28. it ana 3ft lying south of the Nehalem -Elsie Highway, and all of see. 36. Township 3 North, Rinse 6 West: All of see. I to I inc.., ifl to n inci., and 37 to 34 Incl. Township 3 North, Ranae 7 West: All of township. Township 3 North, Ring 8 West: That part of towruhlp lying south of Nehalem-Elsie Highway, 'ownshlp I North, Ranae 9 West: That part of township lying south of Nehalem-Elsle Highway and north of Cook Creek Road. Township 2 North, Range 5 West: Sec. 31. rovnshlp 1 North, Rang West: All of township except sees. 1 and 12 and except that part lying between Wilson River and Wilson River Highway. Township 3 North, Ranges 1 and I West: All of township. Towruhlp t North, Range f Wait! flees. 1. 13, 13, 34 to 38 Incl., and It to 36 Incl. Township 1 North, Rang I West: Sees. 3 to 10 Incl., 11 to 33 Inc.., and 37 to 34 Incl. Township l North, Ranges I. T and I West: All except that part lying between Wil son River and Wilson River Highway. Township 1 North, Range 9 West: Bees. 1 to 4 Inch, 9 to If Incl.. 31 to 38 Incl., and 34 to Incl. Township 1 South, Rana 4 Wist: Sees. S to 8 Incl., 17 to 30 incl., and 3 to 33 Incl. Township 1 South, Rang I West: All of township. Township 1 South, Rang 7 West: All except that part lying between Wil son River and Wilson River Highway. Township 1 South, Rang I West: Sees. 3 and 3; all of sees. 1, 11, and 13 except that part lying between Wll son River and Wilson River Highway: that part of see. 10 lying nort of Wll son River Highway and that part lying aouth of Wilson River and cast of old CCC connecting road between Trask and Wilson River Highways: that part of sees. 13. 14. 15, 33. and 34 lying east . of old CCC connecting road between Trask and Wilson River Highways; and sec. 35 an 38. township 3 South. Rang I West: Bees. 5 to 8 Incl., 17 to 30 Incl., 39 to 33 incl. Township 3 South, Range I and 1 West All of township, f wnshlp 3 South. Rang I West: Sees. 1, 13. 13. 34, 35 and 38. Township 3 South, Rang t West: Sees. 5 and 8. Township 3 South, Rang 7 West: Sees. 1 to 4 incl. Township 3 South, Range I West: Sec. 1. Excepting all county roads. Permits to enter the above area may be obtained at th following places: tormt Orove Headquarters, Sec. 36, T. 1 N., R. 4 w. . HISTORIC MEDICAL HIGHLIGHTS NO. 42 605 FAILURES, For two years Paul Ehrlleh experimented with the powerful, arsenic-containing drug, Atoxyl, seeking tome modification of it which would kill the deadly corkscrew parasites, Trypano somas. 605 of tha resulting compounds failed. In the 606th there was magic. If" destroyed every Trypanosoma in infected mica and restored them to health almost at once. Noting tha similarity between Trypanosomas and the bacteria causing Syphillis, Ehrlich suc cessfully tried his compound on tha latter and found the first known effective cure for Syphillis. rot ouisfNif fr COKNfKI COW a COMMfKOAl 3-91 MIDICAI CfNTlH HUNCH aaao oalaa melt iWw a-ais, t optratt atom HERE'S WELCOME NEWS! NOW AVAILABLE THE ORIGINAL ANCIENT AGE 5 YEAR OLD FINEST STRAIGHT KENTUCKY BOURBON It's all Kentucky,,, It's lull five years old.,. It's straight... It's bourbon.,, It's the whiskey with age In Its flavor! It's the Ancient Age you knew before... and which you can now get again! WHIT'S BEHIND THIS ANCIENT A6E? ANCIENT AGE Straight KENTUCKY Boiir- bon Whiskey has behind it the largest stock of aged and aging Kentucky whiskies in the world assuring tonlinuing high quality, availability and abiolutt uniformity. POPULARITY OF ANCIENT AGE The real truth about the popularity of Ancient Age throughout the nation is based on two important facts. First, Ancient Age is all Straight Whiskey . . , every single drop. Second, this Straight Whiskey is Kentucky Bourbon . . . every single drop . . . distilled, matured and bottled in the Commonwealth of Ken tucky, by Kentucky craftsmen. From this high standard, Ancient Age will never deviate. WHY FIVE YEARS OLD? Ancient Age doesn't just "happen" to be 5 years old. It is five years old be cause the famous old Kentucky distillers who make it, believe that Straight Ken tucky Bourbon Whiskey, should be at least five years old to reach maturity of flavor, richness and bouquet ... all the qualities that have made this type of whiskey so famous. MAKE THIS TEST You have read the facts about Ancient Age. Now put these facts to the acid test of your own taste. Buy a single bottle of Ancient Age Straight Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey. Try it in a high-ball, in a cocktail and sip it thoughtfully, "neat". Roll it under your tongue. Savor it as it slips so gently down your throat. Notice what a refreshingly different taste lingers in your mouth, setting your delicate taste glands to "watering". AS TO PRICE Then, compare the price of Ancient Age with the price of any and all other Bourbons. But when you do, be sure you compare like with like. Compared fairly, you'll find that Ancient Age is your best buy. Then, we sincerely believe, you, too, will come back for Ancient Age again and again. You, too, IIU1M1 ItUIIII will join the millions who have come back to the old standard of honest values ... for the old flavor-favorite of all 5-year-old Straight Kentucky Bour bons . . . Ancient Age! THE STRAIGHT WHISKEY DISTILLING CO. OF AMERICA itfTratTIAMOtt'd' sty (I 4.75 45 quart 3.00 Ftnt Henry Rleraon, Bale, See. 1 T. 4 H., R. 1 W. Rcabera Camp. Sec. , T. 1 K . R. I W. Owl Camp, Sec 26. T. 2 N.. R. W. Nehalem Guard Station, Sec. SI, T. t n., n. io w. Salmonberry Ouard Station, Bet. 10, T. S N.. R. S W. Tillamook Ouard Station, Sec. 21, T. 1 8.. R. t W, Jewell Ouard Station, Sec. 13, T. 1 N., R. 7 W. Bald Mountain Lookout, Sec. , T. t 8., R. 0 W. Tra-tk Ouard Station, See. 35, T. 1 S., John Walker, Carlton, See. 31, T. I 8., NOW.' THEREFORE, I. DOUGLAS Mo KAY, Oovernor of the State of Oreaon by virtue of the authority venter In me under the provision of Section 107-210. Ore ao Complied Laws Annotated, a amend ed by Chapter 2M, Oregon Law. 1945, do hereby proclaim the unregulated use of the Above described' areaa to ba un lawful and that said areaa shall be sub- Mjwinj Service ACROSS TOWN OR ACROSS THI NATION Whether you're moving in town or to a distant city, we offer the finest in worry-free moving serv ice. Our local storage and mov ing facilities are unexcelled. And. as representatives for Allied Van Lines we can place at your disposal the know-how of the world's largest long-distance moving organization. Allied's expert packers, handlers and drivers safeguard your posses sions every step of the way. Call us for estimates. Red Star Transfer Liberty A Belmont Ph. 3-8111 AaiNT rot m J act to entry enhr throush permit te be issued by tha StaU roraatar, or a lire warden, under which permit entrant shall comply with any end all ef the followlnc requirement!: it) To rafral from smoklns eieept hi places deslinated as safe In said . permit. (1) To build no open fires except In places deslinated as safe In said permit. (I) To hart as a part of his or her equipment when uslnf campflres, except when travellm as a pedes trian andor eamplnr at Improved. designated and posted cam pi rounds, tools as specified by the forester suitable for exUmulshlnf fires. This proclamation shall , be effective from and after the 16th day of July, 1949, and shall remain la full force and effect until the 31st day of December. 1949. Done at the Capitol In Salem, Oreion this 12th day of July. 1949. Douglas McKay Governor ATTEST: . Earl T. Newbry Secretary of State Our New Phone Number 27001 LEE BROS. FURNITURE REFINISHING CO. 4020 East State SL Journal Want Ads Pay a ease ? HOME PAK CASES of Blitz Weinlard I Of Beer. ..twelve bottles or twolvt cans... J 15 O sre i convenient package for picnickers, Gs&?-jf weekenders or sportsmen. Also availablt w wa.iniiirtM in cases of 24 stubbies or ctni, lip lirn WflNHARD COMPANY, PORTLAND, OMOOhI Distributed by Gideon Stolz Co. MAKES A BUSINESS OF BICYCIINO Thousands of Seaside's annual vacationists ride rented bicycles enthusiastically as a beach pastime. Energetic Gordon Shaw in 1933 foresaw this popularity; decided to serve the public's fancy. He quit law school and started his South Prom Bike Shop near the Lewis and Clark turn-around. Business grew slowly, but today Shaw must hire assistants to help meet demands for bikes, tandems, tricycles and baby strollers. Shaw, active Seaside Chamber of Commerce official, also finds time to operate his large "Prom" apartment building. He's a long-time customer of First National's Seaside affiliate, the Clatsop County Bank. nun N nttf. uuiij ut iiiiiuiM 04.. mauni, it,. f OREGON TOGETHERN. M In all parts of Oregon people are working to better themselves a flnH in rhp nrnrptt tttpn nur state ffrnwins. We introduce some of them here. In each case they've made effective use of the constructive I services of our First National Group banking offices. "''""a? I We believe that by helping individuals' toward prosperity, we help build II f&a Hf"f"V XlC 1 Oregon family by family, farm by farm, business by business. Whether Ifi ' 'i vStC Vl V your financial needs are large or small, come in and. talk over your III fW rir situation with us. "Let's Build On go Together." , fX : Sl SALEM BRANCH M PIRST national bank JMWX r-v rirl.r "IVX XS kj4. TURNING JUNIPERS INTO DOLLARS In 1930, Vearl and Elsie Lehrman of Bend began making novelties from Central Oregon's juniper trees. With a gift lathe, powered by their washing machine motor, Lehrman turned out colorfully grained items of his own design. Today their Western Juniper Novelty Co. is in a new building, with living quarters, modern shop and display room. They have mas tered the individualistic wood, learned the public's souvenir tastes and developed far-flung sales out lets. "Ours is a product typical of Oregon which First National helped us develop," Lehrman says. MEET JIM THOMPSON, STAR FARMER Jim Thompson of Salem wis Star Farmer of America in 1942. In high school he ran a 120-acre ranch, starting by purchasing SO acres. Sheep, hogs and cows brought him profits. A prized memento of his Future Farmer of Amercia title is his Oregon Bankers' Association trophy. After FFA days Jim raised beef cattle. Now he's developing an orchard and seed crop ranch in Salem's Waldo Hills district Jim's wife is his schoolgirl sweetheart, Eunice Johnson and there are Donna, 6, and Dickie, 3. Says this topnotch farmer: "I especially appreciate the help First National gave me as a youngster."