y Couple Wed at Mr. Angel Will Make Home in Salem Mt. Angel At an outstandingly beautiful wedding held In St. Mary's Catholic church in Mt. Angel, Miss Ora Mae Koch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Koch of Monitor, was married to Joseph Meyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Meyer of Salem, Saturday morning at 9:30 o'clock. Rev. Vincent Koppert, O. S. B. read the double ring service and officiated at the nuptials high mass at the high altar dec orated with baskets and bou quets of all white gladioluses, as was the sanctuary where the couple knelt for the ceremony. Miss Helen Keber presided at the pipe organ for the proces sional and recessional marches and accompanied the St. Mary's choir, and the Misses Euselle Bauman and Pauline Saalfeld who sang before and after the ceremony. The bride came down the aisle with her father, who gave her in marriage. Her wedding gown was of white satin fash ioned with fitted bodice, deep yoke of nylon marquisette with four tiers of ruffles of French lace at the low shoulder line and topping the long sleeves, with full skirt ending in a long train, i She wore a double veil of illu sion edged with tiered French lace to match her gown and it . was held in place with a peariiz tTed coronet, and she carried a 1 colonial bouquet of white car nations centered with a wh ' orchid and satin. She wore u three-strand pearl necklace, which by tradition is worn by all the brides in the Meyer fam ily. Standing as maid of honor was her cousin, Miss Caroline Zuber wearing a lime green marquisette gown which was studded in gold. She carried a colonial bouquet of varigated sweet peas with yellow satin streamers. Bridesmaids were the Misses Arlene Zuber and Clara Baune, all of Woodburn. They wore gowns of yellow marquisette studded with gold made identi cally to that of the maid of honor's. They carried varigated colored sweetpeas in colonial bouquets tied with lime green satin streamers. All the atten dants wore Mary Stuart hats made of the same material to match each gown. Tiny Lois Henkes and Rose mary Koch, cousins of the bride, were the flower girls. They were dressed in lime green marqui sette. Their headdresses were bandeaux of yellow flowers. John Meyer was best man for his brother and the groomsmen were William Hassenbacher and Alfred Hunt all of Salem. Ushers were David Lovclk, Law Today's Menu' (Bjr Associated Press) The Bride Cooks Dinner B Associated Press) Aatipasto French Bread and Butter Spaghetti with Italian Tomato sauce Tosaed oreen Salad Fresh Feara Cheese Beverage Spaghetti with Italian Tomato Sauce Ingredients: 8 tablespoons sal ad or olive oil, 2 medium-size onions (thinly sliced), 1 small garlic clove (peeled, crushed and diced), 2 cups canned toma toes (pulp and juice), V tea spoon sugar, y teaspoon salt (about), freshly ground pepper (to taste), y teaspoon oregano, eight-ounce package spaghet ti, grated Parmesan cheese. Method: Heat oil in skillet and add onions and garlic; cook over low heat, stirring frequent ly, for about 5 minutes. Add to matoes, sugar, salt, pepper, and oregano; cover and continue cooking over low heat for about Vi hour. Cook spaghetti ac cording to directions on pack age; drain. Put spaghetti in large soup plates or on plates, pour a portion of hot sauce over It and serve with- grated Par mesan cheese. 3 servings. i , MOST ATTRACTIVE CHILD" CONTEST Open to All Children Over 5 Months and Under 7 Years of Age $50.00 IN CASH PRIZES ' 15 Valuable Merchandise Prixes It costs you nothing to enter your children! Appointment not necessary but come soon! Winners to be chosen by popular vote. All photographs will be displayed at Ken-nell-EUis Studio at end of contest! "THERE ARE NO STRINGS TO THIS CONTEST" rence Welsner and Nick Weiss also of Salem. Mrs. Tony Koch, mother of bride, was dressed in an after noon dress of aqua crepe, with which she wore white accessor ies, and a corsage of white car nations and sweet peas. Mrs. Meyer, mother of the bride groom, wore a pink ensemble with white accessories and a cor sage of varigated sweet peas with white carnations. Immediately following the ceremony a buffet breakfast and reception was held in the St. Mary's dining hall, Mt. Angel, for about 200 guests. Mrs. James Hall of Salem sister of the bridegroom, cut the cake; Mrs: Lester Schroeder oi Salem presided at the punch bowl; Mrs. Joe Henkes of Mil waukie poured and Mrs. August Hunt of Woodburn assisted with the serving. Miss Toddy Jell of Mt. Angel passed the guest book. Mrs. Ken neth Hunt of Salem sang severa selections at the reception. The young couple left for a wedding trip to Crater Lake the same day. For going away the bride wore a gray suit with white accessories and her white orchid corsage. They will reside in Salem. Silverton Out-of-town visi tors as guests of relatives at tending a meeting of the Ameri can Legion auxiliary, Delbert Reeves unit No. 7, were a sis ter of Mrs. Jake Kaufman, Mrs. Elizabeth Bach of Forest City, N. C; a brother-in-law and sis ter of the installed president, Mrs. C. E. Higinbotham, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kelly (Margaret Serfling) of Riverview near Scio; a daughter of Mrs. Higin botham, Mrs. V. Manners (Bet ty Higinbotham), and son, Leon ard, of Astoria; Mrs. Arthur An derson of Stockton, sister of the junior past president, Mrs. George Towe; and a large group of members of the Stayton unit accompanying the installation team, including Judge George uuncan and Mrs. Duncan. KAILES Mid-Summer CLEARANCE Don't miss the wonderful bargains now offered during our , Clearance Sale! ' Drastic reductions because we need room : for new fall stocks! Buy now and save! CLEARANCE WOMEN'S COATS Values to $54.50 Women' Coats reduced to $29.95 Values to $44.50 Women's Coat reduced to $24.95 Values to $39.95 Women's Shorties reduced to $25.00 CLEARANCE WOMEN'S SUITS Values to $54.50 Women's Suits reduced to $35.00 Values to $44.50 Woman's Suits reduced to $24.95 CLEARANCE WOMEN'S DRESSES One Group Vol. to $12.95 Dresses reduced to $8.95 Values to $3.98 Women's Skirts reduced to. . .$2.98 Values to $7.95 Women's Skirts reduced to. . .$5.98 Values to 86.95 Women's SWIM SUITS One and 2-pc, styles 2.98 Other Women's Swim Suits reduced $3.98 ,8 $8.95 All Soles Final No Refunds No Exchanges, Please KAILES 320 Court Street Pa rents Your Invitation To Enter Your Children in the Kennell-Ellis Studios GERVAIS Mr. and Mrs. Chris L. Jorgensen and Carl at tended the wedding of Lawrence M. Jorgensen and Miss Violet Korota of Los Gatos, Calif., at the home of Mrs. Frances Wat kins, June 30. The double ring ceremony was performed by Rev. Wellington Chew of the Oak Lake Baptist church at 11 o clock before immediate rela tives. The bride was attended by Miss Beverly Pearson of Sequim, Wash., and Carl Jorgensen, brother of the bridegroom was best man. Rosalyn Craig of Enumclaw, Wash., was flower girl. The couple left for a brief trip to Canada and will reside in Seattle where Mr. Jorg ensen is employed by the Boe ing Aircraft corporation. . . Prinslow-Ertelt Mt. Angel Invitations are in the mail for the wedding of Miss Jeanne Ertelt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ertelt, and Char les (Chuck) Prinslow of Salem, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Prinslow, Sr., of Woodburn. The ceremony will take place at St. Mary's church Mt. Angel on Saturday morning at 9:30 o'clock, July 23. THE SOUTH SALEM Wom en's Christian Temperance Un ion will hold an all-day meet ing Friday at the country home of Mrs. V. E. Burson. A no-host luncheon will be held at noon. Mrs. Bessie Cooper will lead the devotional service. This is the annual institute meeting and the work of the different de partments will be featured with emphasis on child welfare, citi zenship, legislation, and visual education. Cars will leave Les lie church at 10 a.m. WOODBURN The 38th an nual reunion and picnic of the Roelofson clan will be held at the Settlemier park at Wood burn Sunday, July 17. All de scendants of Lawrence and Mary Roelofson are invited. The picnic dinner will be serv ed at 1 p.m. and those attend ing are asked to bring lunch and table service. The clan will furnish coffee and sugar. Mrs. Margaret Hall Foster is secre tary. GERVAIS Mrs. James Bell of Los Angeles is visiting her sister, Mrs. Brentford J. Mil ler. Values to $8.95 Women's SWIM SUITS Greatly reduced . . . 3.98 LADIES' APPAREL Salem, Oregon -This is A FREE SITTING TO EACH ENTRANT You May Enter More Than One Child Kennell-Ellis ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHERS 420 Oregon Building Salem Johnson-Robertson Rites Recent Event in Portland At a double ring ceremony solemnized the evening of Fi.-ay, July 1, at 8 o'clock in the Central Presbyterian church, Port land, Miss Virginia Jean Robertson, daughter of Mrs. Arnold Robertson of Portland, was married to Melvin L. Johnson, son of Mrs. Laura Johnson of Salem. the rites. Baskets of white del- phiniums, stock and gladioluses and lighted tapers in candela brums decorated the church for the service. George Blakeslee was solo ist for the wedding. Given in marriage by her uncle, Ansel Crow, the bride wore a handsome gown of Chan tilly lace fashioned with net yoke, satin trim scallops fall ing from a satin bustle-bow around the gown and a long train. The veil of illusion, lace trimmed, fell from a wreath of braided illusion and orange blossoms. With her dress the bride wore a single strand of pearls. Her bouquet was a cascade one of stephanotis cen tered with a white orchid. Sister Attends Mrs. Lyle Prater was matron of honor for her sister. Her gown was of mauve taffeta large bow gathering up the front of the dress. She carried a fan shaped bouquet of gold carna tions and begonias and wore a TIMELY VALUES For SUMMER HERE ARE GARBAGE CAN VALUES YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO OVERLOOK NOW A "20 Gal. Can Made of a Heavy Gauge Galvanixed Sheet Metal with SNUGLY FITTING LID FOR ONLY 199 And 32 Gal. Size for 279 PROTECT NOW Against Flies and Insects! Galvanized SCREEN is available in choice of widths. Standard 14-mesh 20 gauge. 8 C Sq. Ft. WIRE FLY SWATTERS For Safety and convenience 10c 2c You Can't Go Wrong Aluminum ppi Filler yffiri Funnel I Dr. Mark Talney officiated at matching spray in her hair. Bridesmaids were Mrs. O. L. Abbott, Miss Arlene Gaither and Miss Marion Victor, all Al pha Xi Delta sorority sisters of the bride at Oregon State col lege. They all wore nile green taffeta gowns designed similar ly to that of the matron of hon or. Their flowers were salmon carnations and tuberous be gonias arranged in fan-shape and they wore sprays of the same flowers in their hair. Don Barkley of Salem was best man. Ushers were Don Hall, Jim Hilliard and John Dinkle, Jr., all Phi Kappa Psi fraternity brothers of the bride groom at Oregon State. Terry Prater, nephew of the bride, was the ring bearer. Preceding the service, Don Hall and Jim Hilliard lighted the candles. For the wedding, the bride's mother wore a gray gown with matching hat and corsage of baby orchids. The bridegroom's BEAUTIFY and PRESERVE Your ROOF By Using CASCADE Shingle Stain Now Available in Pleasing Colors 700 Gal. In 5 Gal. Container GARDEN HOSE 50 ft. Black Rubber Hose 3-ply " diameter Factory Coupled, 5.25 NOW Unfinished Kitchen Step Stools From carefully selected material. Built for com fort and security. 1.95 TRY A Soil Soaker For deep soaking. There's no soil washing No water waste But the water is applied just where you want it. Several lengths to suit your need, 18 ft. length 1.98 30 ft. length. 3.19 50 ft. length 4.89 rri GEORGE E. Allen 236 N. COMMERCIAL ST. SALEM, OREGON mother wore a gown in ashes of roses with matching learner ana baby orchids in her hair and a corsage of the orchids. At Reception The reception was at the church. Mrs. Alfred Erickson of Prineville and Mrs. Herman Bergner of Salem, both sisters of the bridegroom, poured. Two other sisters of his, Mrs. Glen Dolan of Portland and Mrs. George Fletcher of Salem, as sisted, the former serving the cake and Mrs. Fletcher presid-i ing at the punch bowl. Miss Louise Ratio and Miss Shirley Helzer assisted with the guest book and with the gifts. For traveling the bride wore a watermelon red suit with navy blue accessories and the or chid corsage from her bridal bouquet. T Following a wedding trip to Vancouver Island, Canada, the couple will be at home in Port land. Federation Event ! Dayton The Yamhill County Federation of Women's clubs will hold its annual picnic at the LaFayette Locks on Thurs day, July 14, at 1 o'clock. This is to be a no-host lunch eon and all women of the coun ty are invited. Coffee will be served. Power King TABLE . SAW WITH Tilting Arbor 7-Inch Blade Ball Bearing k 214" Cutting Depth NOW 3950 Side Extensions Available NORTHERN QUEEN WATER HEATER Mode by COLLINS 42 Gal. Cap. Double Element S. 11395 NOW 7950 Coleman Gasoline CAMP STOVES Available in five models. All furnish instant lighting Hot flame Pressure feed. Folding wind shields. Quart fuel capacity on smaller models. All fold compactly for carrying. Prices Are 995 and up Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., if3 "In Portland . . . they call it the "Friday Surprise" ... and in Salem . . . it's "Thrifty Thurs day"... A "Red Hot"... one day Special . . . with Surprises and Bargains for you . . . BATISTES" Blouses in cotton batiste . . . . . long sleeves or short .... all sizes .... for "THRIFTY THURSDAY" only . Panties Two bar flicot in pant or brief style. . . White . . . tearose . blue . . . maise. A Thrifty Thursday Special. 39c it Cottons . . sunbacks . . . . . classics large sizes . . 7.95 .... a group of frilly types . . long on . Values to Nylons 51 gauge 15 denier stockings in current shade lightly irregular . . . from a famous line of hosiery for "Thrifty Thurs-. day." 99c DRESSES Sparkling new cottons in vivid colors .... a large group of better sunbacks from a house you will readily recognize .... all for the day at IE M Wednesday, July 13, 1949 7 279 BRAS Famous Mar-Gro bras in several different styles . , . colors, of nile . . . orchid . . . white just for Thrifty Thursday. 99c DRESSES" 3" Play Shoes White casuals and play shoes In elk leather ... in linens . . values to 6.95 and just for Thrifty Thurs day. 299 5" 234 North Liberty in Salem 1