Capital Women Edited by MARIAN LOWRT FISCHEB 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, July 13, 1949 Miss Lingo, Mr. Chalmers Recently Wed Miss Donna Norton Lingo was married June 27 to Donald James Chalmers of Salem in University Baptist church in Coral Gables, Fla. They ex changed vows and rings at 7:30 p.m. before the Dr. Ladislau Biro upon a chancel beautifully decked with palms, gladioluses and candelabrums. The bride, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William L. Lingo, Coral Gables, was given in mar riage by Mr. Lingo. Miss Thorn- asina West was maid of honor and Miss Dorothy Diehl was bridesmaid. Robert Alexander Chalmers of Portland, Ore., was best man for his brother. Ushers were Mr. Russell and William Norton. Mrs. Floyd Reid loist, sang. Miss Jean Rosco played nuptial music. The bride's gown was tradi tional white satin fashioned with a lace yoke set off with a Peter Pan collar, fitted bodice lrtfig sleeves tapering into points at the wrist and a full skirt ex tending into a chapel train. A tiara of lace with lilies of the, vallf y held a fingertip length veil of alencon lace in place The bride's bouquet was made of white orchids and feathered car nations which she carried on a white Bible. The attendants wore identical blue marquisette gowns and carried nosegay bou quets of gladioluses, rosebuds, and carnations. The double ring candlelight ceremony was used. Mrs. Lingo chose for the oc casion a dusty rose lace and crepe dress with gold acces sories. She wore an orchid cor sage of pale mauve color. A reception followed the serv ice at the bride's home in Coral Gables. Assisting Mrs. Lingo were Mrs. J. Forrest Diehl, Mrs. Amos Johnson, Mrs. William Peek, Mrs. DeCarr Hosford and Mrs. Edward Kimpton under the direction of Mrs. Roy Dupre. The brides attended the Coral Gables elementary school and Ponce de Leon high school, mov ing to Oregon she attended Ore gon State college where she is now a senior. She is a member of Delta Zeta sorority. She was elected to Phi Kappa Phi, na tional honorary fraternity, and Sigma Delta Pi, Spanish honor ary, also Mortar Board, senior women's honorary. Donald Chalmers, the son of Mrs. Margaret Chalmers, Port land, Ore., was graduated in in dustrial engineering from Ore gon State college in June. He Asked to Picnic Members of the Dallas Busi ness and Professional Women's club have invited members of the Salem group for a picnic next Monday evening. The supper will be a no-host one in the Dallas City park at 6:30 o'clock. ' 2 Entertain For Sister Among hostesses of the week are Mrs. James R. Humphrey and Mrs. Charles Clarke, who are to entertain at two lunch eons at the Humphrey home to honor their sister, Mrs. Myron H. Soupene, visitor from Gales burg, 111. One party will be Thursday, the other on Saturday. Twenty four are bidden each day. Bridge will follow the lunch eons. On Saturday, July 23, Mrs. Humphrey and Mrs. Clarke are to entertain at an informal tea to honor Mrs Soupene, guests being invited after 3 o'clock. Blackwell-Bush The marriage of Miss June Bush, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peterson of Albany, to Lynn Blackwell, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Blackwell of Sum mit, Ore., was solemnized Fri day evening, July 8, at a simple service conducted at 5:30 o'clock in the St. Mark Lutheran church by the pastor, the Rev. M. A Getzendaner. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Stull at tended the couple. The bride wore a light blue traveling suit with while hat and accessories and a corsage of orchids. The couple will be at home at Summit. WOODBURN Mrs. Margaret Hall Foster, instructor in home economics at the Oregon City high school and daughter of Mrs. J. J. Hall of Woodburn, re cently returned from San Fran Cisco where she attended the na tional home economics conven tion. She is taking special work at Oregon State college during the summer. served five years in the navy in the southwest Pacific. Immediately following the re ception the couple left for their honeymoon, taking them through various scenic places to Ore gon. The bride wore a navy blue gabardine suit with navy accessories. They will be at home In Sa lem, where Mr. Chalmers is em ployed by the Oregon state high way department. Party for Miss Olson Miss Marilee Olson, bride- elect of Dale Morgan, will be feted at a shower and dessert given in her honor Sunday eve ning, July 17, by Miss Geri Bowles at her home in Portland. The couple graduated from Wil lamette university in June. Included in the guest list are the bridal party and Portland and Salem members of the col lege set. Among Salemites ex tended invitations are the Misses Prudence Craig, Beverly Briggs, Sally Smith, Diane Proc tor, M a x i n e Meyers, Mary Louise Lee, Barbara Miller, Avis Roberts, Lois Mulcahy, Addyse Lane, Edith Fairham, and Mrs. Robert Scott, Mrs. Herbert Lu cas, and Mrs. Dale McLellan. Family Reunion Mrs. Minnie Stolk entertained Sunday for members of her fami ly and friends at a reunion event. Six of her eight chil dren attended, as well as grand children and great - grandchil dren and several friends. Henry stolk of Yakima and Mrs. Mar garet Jones of Salem were two of Mrs. Stolk's family unable to attend the reunion. The gathering was an all-day one and there were games and singing and a picnic dinner. Attending were Mr. and Mrs Henry Priem, Mrs. Mary Maur er of Corvallis, Mr. and Mrs Fred Stolk and Daniel Theo dore, Mr. and Mrs. George Ben son and Marilyn, Mr. and Mrs Will Stolk and Carol and Gloria Mrs. Anna Miles and Bruce and Pat of Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs Dean Pemberton, Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. King and Mrs. Stolk. Hostess Today Hostess Wednesday afternoon was Mrs. Frederick J. Brennan, who entertain at luncheon in the garden for members of her sew ing club. A special guest was Mrs. John W. Hansell, Jr., of McMinnville, who is visiting iicr parents, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Gibson. In the group were Mrs. Hansell, Mrs. Gibson, Mrs. Charles E. Wagner. Mrs. Gene Vandeneynde, Mrs. Adam En- gel, Mrs. Leo N. Childs, Mrs. Arthur D. Hay, Mrs. W. Frank Crawford, Mrs. T. J. Brabec, Mrs. Brennan. MR. AND MRS. Paul A. Lar- don returned last week-end from a trip to California. Mrs. Lardon had gone south in June, visiting at San Francisco and Burlin- game. Mr. Lardon joined her later and they flew to Los An geles. They also visited in Yo- semitc, at Tahoe and at Reno before returning home. HOME from a plane trip to Yellowstone National park are Dr. and Mrs. A. D. Woodmansee and daughter, Anne. They tour ed the scenic places in the Yel lowstone for three days. Recent Bride The mar riage of Miss Kenneth Dwight Slover, the former Leota Mae Asher, was solemnized in early June. The bride is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hunter Asher of Salem and Mr. Slover is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Slover, Wood burn. (McEwan studio photo) adillac Jan Jhuys a f , If you were to ask the owner of I 1949 Cadillac why he bought his car, he would doubtless find it difficult to put into words the way he feels about "the Standard of the World". He would probably tell you that he bought his car becaust it's a Cadillac. Of course if you wanted to ask him specific questions, he could give you much specific information. Did he buy hit Cadillac or per ormancef Why, surely he bought h for performance for the 1949Cadillac is powered by a great new V-8 engine, so smooth and effortless that only a demonstration can tell the story of its superiority. Bid he buy it or comfort? Yes for a ride so quiet and restful and easy that every mile is a joy and a relaxation. Did he buy it or safety? He certainly did! He has such confidence in the steady steering, the quick acceleration and the powerful hydraulic brakes that his peace of mind is worth the pur chase price! Did he buy it or long lft and durability? There can be no doubt of it. For he knows that many individual Cmliltacs have covered the high, ways for over half a million miles and are still in active service! Did he buy it or f Why, of course he didl And he bought it for a lot of other reasons: for beauty, for distinction, for quality, for background, for char acter, for craftsmanship, as well as for engineering. He bought it, you see, because it's s . . . Cadillac. And that is the reason why von should buy onefor Cadillac's superiority lies not in any ont thing but in the whole of its sub stance. Why not come in for a ride that's a revelation? Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. 510 N. Commercial St. k Salem, Oregon VFW Auxiliary's Meeting Reported Mrs. John Morton and Miss Cornelia Ctrayer were initiated at a regular meeting of Marion auxiliary, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Monday evening. Mrs. Joe Hornnefer gave a re port on rehabilitation work be ing done Mrs. Leon Hansen thanked the members giving more than 100 hours in assist ing the Cherryland Festival with the sale of festival buttons. It was voted to send The Ore gon Beacon paper to all shut in members. Mrs. Arvin Stray er thanked the auxiliary for the gift presented to her as depart ment senior vice president. The Widows club will meet at the home of Mrs. Alice Sie wert, 364 Hood st., Tuesday, July 19 at 8 p. m. Th? auxiliary will join the post for a picnic to be held Au gust 14. Betrothal Told Announcement is made by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lang of the engagement of their daughter, Miss JoAnn Lang, to Hugh Hickerson, son of Mr. and Mrs Claude Hickerson of Dallas. No plans are announced for the wedding. LEAVING Tuesday to spend a few days vacation at the Cir cle M ranch on the Metolius were Miss Echo Yeater, Mrs. Mary Thomas and daughter, Susan, and Miss Elite Schroe der. They plan to return Sunday. Dance Club Has Election New president for the Monday Night Dance club is Claude Johns. Elections were reported following the annual summer picnic for the group in the gar dens at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Fitzmaurice. Mr. Johns will succeed David Came ron in the office. Duane Gibson was elected vice president and R. M. Kelley secretary. Directors are: Robert G. Brady and Dr. Grover Bel linger. Thirty-five couples attended last evening's picnic. The club will resume its schedule of dance parties in October. ... Lodges Install At Joint Program Salem Rebekah lodge No. 1 held the last meeting of the term, Monday evening, with Mrs. Lloyd Pepper presiding. Activities announced includ ed:. Salem F. L. club, No. 14, meeting Thursday at 8 p. m. at the home of Miss Loraine Vick. 2090 Ferry , with Miss Dessie McClay as assisting hostess. Social evening of Willamette encampment, No. 2, postponed until July 22 at the IOOF temple. The annual Past Noble Grands picnic, Tuesday at 6 p m. at the home of Mrs. Glenn Arams, Rt. 1, Box 121, Salem. Immediately following the lodge meeting more than 200 Rebekah's Odd Fellows and friends witnessed the Joint in stallation ceremonies of Salem Rebekah lodge, and Chemeketa lodge, in rooms decorated with baskets of hydrangeas, holly hocks, Queen Anne's lace,, and sweet peas. Installing officers included District deputy president, Mrs. W. J. Beard; district deputy grand master, Lloyd Wood; deputy grand marshals, Miss Hazel Price, and Ray Webb; deputy grand wardens, Mrs. Robert Henderson, and Marion Curry; deputy grand secretaries, Mrs. Gustav Erikson, and Jim Smith; deputy grand treasurers, Mrs. Charles McElroy, and Wil liam Beard; deputy grand chap lains, Mrs. Roy Bremmer, and William Gardner; deputy grand inside guardians, Mrs. Ralph Hornadaj, and Clarence Kim ble; deputy grand musician, Mrs. Walter Larson; right scene supporter, Mrs. N. R. Thorn quist; and left scene eupporter, Mrs. Gavin Hill. New Officers Installed The newly installed officers include: Noble grands, Mrs. Jus tina Kildee, and Arthur Girod; vice grands, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Applegate; secretaries, Mrs. Clem Ohlsen, and Joe Maddison; treasurer, Mrs. Howard Hun- saker, and Chris Sumpter; war dens, Mrs. Theo Wacken and Lu ther Melton; conductors, Mrs. Gregory Schmidt and Harold Young; inside guardians, Mrs. Fred Barker and Ray Finch; outside guardians, Mrs. Lloyd Wood and Lloyd Hockett; right supporters to the noble grands, Mrs. Fred Shafer and William Beard: left supporter to the noble grands, Mrs. Virgil Park er and Rav Webb; chaplains Miss Hazel Price and Willis Ha les; musicians, Mrs. J. I. Teed and Barker Cornforth; right supporters to the vice grands, Mrs. M. W. Ready and George Bean; left supporters to the vice erands. Mrs. Lawrence Mcl-iure, and Fred Painter; past noble grands, Mrs. Lloyd Pepper, and Ernie Finch; and lor cneme keta lodge only, right scene sup porter, Gregory Schmidt; left scene supporter, Ralph Myers, The staff of grand officers of Mrs. W. J. Beard wore corsages of hand crocheted flowers, while the new officers of Sa lem Rebekah lodge carried nose eavs of mixed summer flowers. A brief program featured Miss Beulah Graham of the Salem Civic Players the Rebekah drill team under the direction of Mrs. Clarence Townsend, and a tri bute to the past noble grand by Salem F. L. club, No. 14. Light refreshments and a reception concluded the evening's events. LEAVING Tuesday for the east were Mr. and Mrs. Merrill D. Ohling who left by plane for Chicago and Detroit. From De troit they will drive to New York City where they will at tend the Lions International convention, Mr. Ohling. being district governor for Lions in this section of Oregon. They plan to visit at Bangor, Maine and at Quebec before returning west, and will be home in early August. ovart try iJ7i aa lip ilp nim ,m v mm m m m " m sr. mm iv . .m9m-mtmmmMm - 42: A -L at our expense Introductory Size and Regular 39 Size 4 SVSk5 Find out for yourself why more men and women use Arrid than any other deodorant! See what this cream deodorant does for you! 1. Instantly stops perspiration 1 to 3 days. Acts safely. 2. Does not rot dresses or men's shirts. 3. Removes odor from perspiration on contact. 4. Doea not Irritate skin. Antiseptic. Preferred by 117,000 nurses. 5. A pure, white, stainless vanishing cream, Arrid with the amazing new ingredient, Creamogen, will not dry out in the jar. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY BACK! Use small jar first. If you don't igret Arrid ti id every way the finest unto deodorant you've ever used, keep small jar as a free gift Return large jar to Carter Products, lac. New York. N. Y.. for full refund. Don't be half-safe -Bo Arrld-safo Use Arrid to bo sure I SEE THE AMAZING NEW ECONOMAT SEE THE AMAZING NEW ECONOMAT SEE THE AMAZING NEW ECONOMAT Come One, Come All to the ..-a. AO B END IK Laundry Forum THURSDAY July 14 1949, at 2:30 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Free Door Prizes No Obligation to Buy N LEARN 'SEE 'HEAR How to make washday fun-day How to get the most put of your washer conventional or automatic! What soap to use and when. What about water softener bleach? Lace curtains, pillows and dirty overalls all washed in the same machine automatically! Helpful household hints by the hundreds! at Elalph Johmsom Alliances 'Salem's Finest Appliance Store" s 355 Center St. Phone 3-3139 (Among the Nylons) M. GOING SOMEWHERE? . . . like a Honeymoon? Carter's Matching Gown and Negligee are for just such an occasion . . nylon peignoir with scroll spaghetti motif i . . full gathered sleeves Effective? The Gown, 32-38 is 14.95; The Negligee, same sizes. 29.95. BRA-VO! Here's a sensible, comfortable, flattering BEAUTEE-FIT HOLLY WOOD BRA. Cups A-B-C. 32 to 38 and just 3.50! BR1EF-LY . . . Luxite makes these beautiful dutiful Garter Briefs in Luxeez for Johnson's. Nylon and necessarily Nice . . . 2.S0. NOTHING CAN HAPPEN to keep this Pedigree Fabric Slip from staying lovely. Woven Nylon Crepe, it's heat-set-shrunk. Sizes 32-40, 5.08. ALL THESE NYLONS, NATURALLY, WHERE EVERYTHING IN FASHION'S at a mm SEE THE AMAZING NEW ECONOMAT SEE THE AMAZING NEW ECONOMAT SEE THE AMAZING NEW ECONOMAT Store for LadifS SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE IS ON NOW, REMEMBER