Over 90 Boys From 11 Troops ;ln Training at Camp Pioneer More than 90 boys,' representing 11 troops, are at Camp Pioneer, official outing center for Cascade area, Boy Scouts of America. The group went to the camp, located in the Cascades above Marion ForkB Sunday and will return after a week s stay.t A second consignment vulf- Visitinr at Liberty ' Liberty Paul Kaming re turned home Monday from Boy- den Iowa, where he has been visiting friends and relatives His grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Kaminga accompanied him. They will visit for several weeks at take over the facilities next Sunday. Boys in camp include: Troop 6, Salem: Bob Lenge, Charles Kloos, John Brennan, Richard Aufrance, Keith Sch midt, Leslie Rittenhouse, Robert Tharalson, Carl Maxwell, Mich ael Skaling, Dennis Fox, Bob Cowan. Troop 10, Salem: Vernon Fer ris, Jon Miller, Alfred Arnold, John O'Brien, Clifford Jensen, Ronald Shaw, Roger Morley, Gordon Morris. Troop 61, Silverton: Teddy Sweger, Buddy Groak, Keith Cooley, Kirby Brown, Richard Brekke, Donald Wilch, Johnny JMulvihill, Larry Brown, Lowell Brown, Jr. Troop 14, Grand Ronde: Al bert Johnson, Larry Anderson, Peter- Murphy, Murch White, Norris Merrill, George Branton, Gordon MacPherson, Bently Aronson. Troop 49, Mill City: Richard Kanoff, Tommy Kanoff, John Taylor, Richard Varbeck, Thad Roberts, Arnold Webb, Jerry Maxwell, Hugh Hampton, Char r les Golden, Charles Howe, Her v bert Hampton, Jimmy Caudle. Troop 56, Mt. Angel: Joseph Reiter, Robert Frank, Lawrence Etner, Jerry Vanslow, Jerry Schwab, Marvin Susee. Troop 1, Salem: Gary Rich, Ed Robertson, Dick Powers, Ed die Whitlaw, Jim Darby, Merle Griebenow, David Riches, Bill Heinlein. Troop 42, Middle Grove: Leo nard Hammer, Weldon Cham berlain, Delbert Bottens, Jack Wikoff, Edwin Stahl. Troop 22, Albany: James Mar gason, Ted Hansock, Jay Bunch, Arlen Samard, Pete Wilfret, Richard Levins, Allen Samard, Dean Taylor, Roger Peer, Har old Daniels, Roger Vorderstras ce, Chuck Slocum, John Wilber, Jerald Westbrook. Troop 19, Salem: Edwin Keech, Dick Colgan, Jimmy Lawrence, Donald Blankenship. Troop 16, Salem: Donald Stolp, Mark Bliven, Adrian Bliven, Bill Kennedy, Darwin Whitney, Don Pearl, Don Am r ort, Gussy Harris. S. P. to Pay West Stayton Road County Engineer Hedda Swart has advised the county court he has been approached by a Southern Pacific engineer in regard to oiling the road run ning south from the West Stay ton depot at the expense of the railroad company and property owners. It is a dead end and is not a county road. The county court has agreed to have the work done when its crew is in that neighborhood under agreement that the South ern Pacific guarantee the cost. In addition, as it is too late for the county to put a prime coat on it, it will be necessary for the company to have the prim ing done by a private contractor and if this is done the county will undertake to do the work and bill the railroad company for the cost. Boys Burned on Vessel Orcas, Wash., July 13 (U.PJ Eight youths who were Durned when a flash fire broke out on the YMCA chartered 33-foot vessel, The Eagle, near here, were recovering today. Youngstown Steel Kitchens Fret Estimates Expert Installation fffPlUMBING-HEA TING TlowijoaKnowi Tbi Biwweri to everyday Insurance problem Br SID BOISE QUESTION: Recently we suffered ft (Ira lou which tu pttd by our In surance company. Now a friend telle me that my Insurance policy expired wttb the settlement and I must take ou a new policy. Ii this truef ANSWER: No entirely unless the In surance company paid you the full amount of the policy. When an In surance company payi you for a fire loss, it deducts the amount paid you from the amount of the policy. Thus, U you had ten thousand dollar policy and the company paid you five thousand dollars, you would atlll have five thousand dollars in insurance. However, you should see your tnaur anca aient about having your policy chanted to live you adequate protec tion again. H you'll addreu your own Insurance questlona to this office, we'll try to five you the correct answers and there will be eharre or obllsallon ( any kind. 1 1 mimiAwcr n . Chatck man. Will amnnliai Geairal af Aatriea C'. Hygiene Film At Monmouth Oregon College of Education Monmouth, July 12 Students and visitors crowded Campbell hall auditorium at the college Tuesday to see and hear a dem onstration of the social hy giene motion picture, "Human Growth," part of an all-day conference sponsored by the Brown Trust of Portland. Curtis Avery, director of the Brown Trust's activities, outlin ed the program and Lester Beck of the trust staff conducted a demonstration session with chil dren of the campus elementary school as "audience" while the real audience viewed the pro ceedings from further back in the auditorium. , The afternoon session featur ed a- panel discussion on all phases of sex hygiene with Dr. Adolph Weinzirl, head of the preventive medicine and public health department of the Uni versity of Oregon Medical school, as featured speaker. The conference closed with the sum mary session at which problems connected with use of the movie and other material supplied by the trust was discussed by all attending. vARnm&i When you need a new roof buy from a reliable concern CONSULT WITH US: As your local J-M Dealer we can give you complete service at the right price. The safety of your home de pends on your roof. That's why, in considering roof re pairs, or re-roofing, it is im portant to deal with a reliable concern. 10-Tear Guarantee Nothing Down and Up to Three Sears to Pay MATHIS BROS. ROOFING CO. 164 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-4642 the Henry Kaminga home on Rt Jane are planning to return toll Hoyden with tnem for a visit. The vogue for hoop skirts was in full swing between 1860 and 1870. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, July 13, 19498 r" how llllllllllilllllll FINAL L1C3ITEDS Direct, Through Schedules No Local Stops Air-Condi tioned Super-Coaches Space Reserved No Extra Fare Daily from Salem No Transfers En Route 'Fast-Thru" LIMITEDS to Portland. 'Fast-Thru" LIMITEDS to San Francisco. "Fast-Thru" LIMITEDS to Los Angeles. Plus! 2 THROUGH schedules to RENO via Klamath Falls . . . with direct connections to Salt Lake City and points East ... to Las Va gas, Phoenix and points South. There Are NO LOWER Fares! Portland SI. 05 San Francisco .... 9.75 Los Angeles 13.90 Reno 9.35 Salt Lake City .... 1 6.65 Phoenix 20.75 Chicago 41.25 Plm Feder.l T.s Buy Round Trip Tickets . . . Save 20 on Return Trip! See your friendly agent for complete Information about other frequent, convenient service from Salem. SCHLESIKGER & (0. 100 All Wool Gabardine CLEM COATS M3CO By Rothmoor! Leeds! Printzess! Rosenblum! V. H. SWITZER 450 N. Church Phone 2242S OPEN HOUSE . YOU ARE INVITED To attend the Grand Opening of our New Building 4155 Silverton Road Featuring CASH and FAIRBANKS FARM EQUIPMENT FREE GIFTS We have arranged to give several worthwhile gifts. Just sign your name, nothing to buy. The drawing will be made in the evening but you do not have to be present to win. LOTSOF ENTERTAINMENT 10 A.M. -7 P.M. TWO SHOWS 10 A.M. -7 P.M. "5,000 YEARS ?N FARMING" In full color Also Comedy film on SAFETY showing hundreds of accidents that happen on farms. It will put you on the alert. SEE the new hydrolic lifts for CASE and two new pumps by FAIRBANKS for farm and home use. And hundreds of pieces of other farm equipment. um, 1 Group Values to . . . 39.50! NOW . . 1500 1 Group Values to . . . 49.50! NOW . . 1 Group-Values to . . . 59.50! NOW . . 29oo 1 Group Values to' . . . 79.50! NOW . . 39 100 All Wool Gabardine NOW . . SUDTS By Rothmoor! Leeds! Printzess! Rosenblum! 3400 NOW . . 3900 NOW . . 4900 (Values in This Group Were to 59.50) (Values in This Group Were to 69.50) (Values in This Group Were to 89.50) DRESSES minium naaf Cotton Chambray Sunbacks, LSreSSeS Values to 9.98 .NOW 5.99 h.acco. Cotton Chambray Stonecutter f. QQ LTB&aeS Seersuckers, values to 10.98 NOW O.jr 7.99 n..... Cotton Chambray Linen LreSSeS Values to 12.98 .NOW hwArrMr Large Size and Half Size Cottons " 7 QQ IvreSSeS Values to 12.98 NOW ' rtvaerat Pastel Crepes, Bemberg Sheers, Linen J?1 1 CIO IVreSSeS Shantung. Values to 22.95 . . NOW t By Francis Dexter H.nrrnr Bemberg Sheers, Pastel Crepes, Cable 1 C f f ISreSSeS Knit. Values to 24.95 NOW IW.VU If.! By Kimberly 100 All Wool, )0 ft lnir sVreSSeS hand finished. Val. to 45.00, NOW'.VU Vanity Fair NYLONS Reg. 1.65 and 1.95 NOW 99 C Pair BLOUSES 1 Group . . . Sheers . . . Crepes . . . Cottons . . . Nylons . . . Values to 10.98. 499 599 ...... - &)rJ C Irish linen, handmade imports, regular to 1.00, now"vi 49- SCHLESINGER & CO. All Sales Final . . . No Exchanges or Refunds! 409 Court Salem's Retail Packing Plant 351 State Street "Now I Know, And Now I Shop the Midget," said a Salem Housewife. "There are some things that you have to find out for yourself. Several of my friends told me that Midget prices were lower, but I was a "Doubting Thomas." Now I know, because I have actually compared quality and price to find out for myself." BEEF ROASTS Tender Cuts of Young Beef LB. 35c BEEF STEAKS , 40' NO LIMITS. BUY ALL YOU WANT FOR YOUR LOCKER OR DEEP FREEZER. ..TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE WONDERFUL VALUES. ANY SIZE CUTS. FRESH PURE PORK PURE PORK GROUND BEEF SAUSAGE LITTLE LINKS 38 lb. . 40c lb. 45' lb; Prepared from fresh cuts of inspected meats. USELESS TO PAY MORE-RISKY TO PAY LESS MILK FED PICNIC YOUNG PIG VEAL STEAK PORK ROAST PORK STEAK 5Qc,b. 4Qc.b. 49' ib. TASTY LUNCH COLD CUTS LONG BOLOGNA 39c LUNCH MEATS .b 45c LIVER SAUSAGE .. 35c SMALL FRANKS ib 39c WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD, IT'S SO