Former Stale Engineer Dies Portland, July IS W) John H. Lewis, 71, former state legis lator and state engineer, died In a hospital here Tuesday after a month's illness. A lawyer as well as an engi neer, he was educated at Wil lamett university, Stanford and Cornell, He was state engineer for 14 years, and also served as engineer for the federal gov ernment. In World War II, he was as sociated with the Portland hous ing authority. . Lewis was ac tive until his illness began a month ago. Funeral services will be held here Thursday. The chain armor worn by Knights in the Crusades was fashioned of drawn wire. LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that by an order of the Circuit Court of tha Stats of Oregon for the County of Marlon, In Probate, duly made and entered on the thirtieth day of June. 1949. I have been duly appointed aa executor of the last will and testament and eatate of MATTIE O. SHIPLEY, deceased, and that I have duly qualified aa auch executor. All per sona havlns claims asalnat xald estate hereby are required to present them, with proper vouchers, to me at 314 Pioneer Trust Building, Salem, Oregon, within six months after the date of the first pub lication of this notice. Dated and first published the sixth day of July, 1949. J. E. LAW, Executor aforesaid Allan O. Carson and Wallace P. Carson, Attorneys for Executor , July 8, 13, 30, 27 Aug. I. PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, the unregulated use of cer tain forest areas Is, In my Judgment, a menace to life and property due to an excessive amount of Inflammable debris oft. nn thH around by lotting operations. windstorms, and fires In past years, and WHEREAS, upon the showing of the State Forester, it appears to me to dc necessary to close to unregulated use the following area designated as: AREA NO. 10-P KLAMATH ASSOCIA TION Oreen Springs Area: All land In Ts. 39. 40 and 41. Rs. 4, B and 6 E., between the Moon Prairie Road and Jenny Creek on the west and the Klamath River, and the tt of T, n r. 8 E.. excent the right of war of Ashland-Klamath Falls highway and the Copco Road from White Star to the California State line. Permits to enter the above area may be obtained at the following pleees: Klamath Forest Protectlee Aas'n. Junc tion of the Weed-Ashland Highways, Klamath Falls Lincoln Guard Station, Lincoln Wyhaeuser Camp No. 4 AREA No. 11-P KLAMATH ASSOCIA TION Yawkey Tract: All lands in th tract known as the Yawkey Tract in Ts 12 and II S-. Rs. 7 and 7ttE. east of Anna Greek and Wood River, except the right of way of The Dalles-OaJlfornla highway. Permits to enter the above area may be obtained at the following place: ' Klamath Forest Protectlce Aas'n, Junc tion of the Weed-Ashland Highways, Klamath Falls AREA No. 12-P KLAMATH AS8A0XA TION Yamsay Mt. Area: AU lands Included In area bounded br a line beginning at a point at the NE corner of the NEK of Sec. , T. 31 6., R. 11 K., thence south 1 mile, east V mile, south 2V miles, east mile, south Ctt miles, east M. mile, and south 2 miles to Che south township line of T. 32 B., R. 11 E.i thenoe east along said line 10 miles, north 2 miles, east 2 miles and north 10 miles to the NW corner of Sec. 4, T. 31 S R. 13 E.i thence west 2 miles, louth 1 mile, west 8 miles, north mile, west 1 mile, north mile and west 2 tiiles to the point of beginning. Permit to enter the above area mar be tbtalned at the following places: Klamath Forest Protectlce Asi'n., Junc tion of the Weed-Ashland Highways, Klamath Falls, Indian Aienoy Fire Warden, Klamath Agenoy AREA No. 13 -P KLAMATH ASSOOIA TION Horseglades (Camp S) Area: Ts. 33 and 34 S R. 14 K.: that part of T. 36 S.. R. 14 E., north and west of North Fork Sprague River: those part of Ts. 33, 34, and 35 8., R. 15 K., west of Sycan River, Oreen Mountain drift fence and North Fork Sprague River; and that part of Section 3, T. 36 S., R. 14 E., north of North rork Sprague River; excepting the road from the Ivorr Pine Mill to Weyer haeuser Camp No. 8 and the Paisley road running along the north aide of the North Fork of Sprague River. Permits to enter the above area may be obtained at the following places: Forest Supervisor's Mflce and District Grazier's office, Lake view Silver Lake, Paisley, and Bly Ranger Stations Currier Camp, Doff Lake, and Dairy Creek Quard Stations Klamath Forest Protective Association offices, Klamath Falls and Bly Forest Service office, Shevlln NOW, THEREFORE, I, Douglas McKay, Governor of the State of Oregon, by virtue of the authority vested In me under, the provisions of Sections 107-210, Oregon Compiled Laws Annotated, as amended by Chayter 252, Oregon Laws, 1945, do hereby proclaim the unregulated use of the above described areas to be unlawful and that said areas shall be subject to entry only through permit to be ussued by the State Forester, or a fire warden, under which permit entrant shall comply with any and all of the following requirements: ll) To refrain from smaklng except In places designated as safe In said permit, (2) To build no open fires except In places designated as safe In said permit. (3) To have as a part of his or her equipment when using campflrea, except when traveling as a pedes trian andor camping at Improved, designated and posted campgrounds, tools as specified by the forester suitable for extinguishing fires, - This proclamation shall be effective from and after the 15th day of July, 1949, and shall remain In full force and effect until the 31st day of December, 1949. Done at the Capitol in Salem, Oregon, this I2tb day of July. 1949. Douglas McKay Governor ATTEST: Earl T. Newbrr Secretary of State 185 Mystifies Police Police of Burbank, Calif., were puzzled when they picked up Carl Moody on suspicion of passing worthless checks. He has no hands. But he was jailed a few minutes later when he demonstrated (above) how he writes with a pen in his mouth. (AP Wirephoto.) GRAND OPENING Special MOSQUITO REPELLENT Genuine G.I. unconditionally guaranteed to keep away mosquito s. "t Bottles 25c Air Conditioning BOYD "BIG WIND" BABBITT Portland Western Union Manager Dies Portland, Ore., July 13 (U.R) Lemuel J. Miller, 59, superin tendent of the Western Union Telegraph company in Portland, died late Monday in a Portland hospital. Miller had been Portland manager of the Western Union since 1943. He had worked in the telegraph service since 1915 when he joined the Postal Tele graps company in San Francis co and Seattle. He was made general man ager of the west coast division of Postal Telegraph in 1939 and occupied that position until the company was merged with Western Union. Walker Promoted in 1 Highway Department J. Douglas Walker, present district maintenance superinten dent with the state highway de partment In Burns, will be pro moted to the position of assist ant right-of-way engineer in the legal department In Salem this week, according to a report from the highway personnel depart ment. Walker, as assistant to For rest Cooper, right-of-way engi neer, will have the supervision of right-of-way agents in the ne gotiation and acquisition of property for use by the high way department. The promotion was made as a result of civil service examin ation, Walker being selected from among the candidates cer tified by the state civil service commission. Walker received his engineer ing training at the University of Colorado and has worked for the highway department since Four Corners Carnival Will Last Three Days The annual Four Corners car nival, sponsored by the Com munity Center association, will be a three-day affair this year beginning Friday. . Participating groups include the home extension unit of Rickey Garden club, Auburn Women's club, Firemen's auxili- 1919. He has held a variety of positions including chairman, transitman, resident engineer, and district maintenance superintendent. ary, Rod and Gun club, Busi nessmen's club, Teen Canteen ers, Firemen and Community Center. The carnival attraction will open Friday evening at 7 o'clock, Saturday afternoon at 3 and Sunday afternoon at 1. They will Include rides for chil dren and adults, concessions, a free show each night, free prizes and free parking on the grounds. Fred Smith is president of the sponsoring association and the carnival lot is on McKinney field on East State street. Proceeds from the venture will be used in making improve ments on the community hall Seattle Concern Low On Bid for Boilers Washington,. July 13 (U.R) The veterans administration said Tuesday Fraser's Boiler Service, Inc., of Seattle was low with a bid of $105,075 for a con tract to install new boilers and heating equipment in the Vet erans hospital at Portland, Ore. Bids were open today and a contract will be awarded dur ing the next 30 days, the VA said, for new boiler equipment in the 412-bed general medi cal and surgical hospital. An additional 155-bed tuberculosis Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, July 13, 194917 section will be built there, but The world production of crude the boiler equipment Is for the petroleum in 1946 was 2,750, old plant. 190,000 barrels of 42 gallons CONGRATULATION Only CASCADE MERCANTILE Could Offer Outside White Qf 3.50 R PAINTING DEPT. BOYD "Turpentine" BABBITT Best of Luck Cascade Merc on your Grand Opening Cups and Saucers Popular Blue Willow design, cup and saucer only 35c com plete. 3 set. 1.00 Building Maintenance by Boyd "Suds" Babbitt BEST WISHES CASCADE MERCANTILE for a truly GRAND OPENING And How Could You Mill When You Offer WHIPCORD TROUSERS Green, long-wearing, good-looking. A terrific value at only pair 3.49 It's Two Years too Late ...But Boyd "Van Winkle" Babbitt says "Let Her Rip' .a Inferior Decorating by BOYD "Firechief" BABBITT Inferior decorating by the hour, month, yard or inch. CONGRATULATIONS CASCADE MERCANTILE on your GRAND OPENING SPECIALS PLIERS 6" combination, slip joint New, top quality. Pair JLyC CRESCENT WRENCHES 6" 89c Brand new, polished head. GENERAL CONTRACTOR BOYD "Glad Hand" BABBITT GOOD LUCK! That's What You Have When You BUY DDT BOMBS 395 At last we have located these, Extra Large Size, 5 lb. will last the ordi- pQr nary house at least a year, even if j you spray every week. Only . , . at CASCADE MERCANTILE GRAND OPENING EXTERMINATING BY Boyd "Giant Killer" Babbitt An 1 1 1 11 v V7I I Genuine Air JT I Corps Pilot I M Not New... Not Modern... the Same Old Store, the Same Old Door . . . Only We're Opening It Wider so You Can All Get These SENSATIONAL BARGAINS Sun Glasses Genuine U. S. Air Force Pilots. Ground and polished lens. Heavy frame Pearl sweat bar. With case. Pair, with V4i Csrs RAZOR Pkg. BLADES V S Air ... MA I IKcSS POCKET COMBS in- VVXV for... IV. WS Rubber BOATS One man size, large enough for two kids. SPECIAL 1 j m aim sis-ijhj b r 1 V-': ..... n m 1 -mmmrm jk Practically Jndestruct- C Vs" 1 1 m If f a 'Wr I' jfl ible. An excellent buy. 1! USJJrl II If j (wlfe il fttil I Camp Kit J95 17 pieces Nest Into one kettle Ideal for camping complet Pocket Sharpening Stones 9c SVM IIUUIIIIJ POOLS i Large size, made of vinylite. Ideal for the kids. Will last years. ONLY eioc SLEEPING BAGS S Lawn CHAIRS The popular U S. N. bunk frame chair. Will last for years. Only $6.95 CAPS Authentic, heavy chlno water repellent fabric. A good looking and serviceable cap. New. 75c Several models to choose from. For in stance: 100 wool bag, zipper opening. head flap, water repellent cover. Only rr" wr $1295 11-Piece Electrician's Friend Especially designed tor ser vicing radios, household appliances, and other elec trical repair Jobs. Shock proof spinner handle. A S3. 70 value. In tool box for only $2.95 w RUBBER BOOTS Genuine converse light weight sport boot, light green color. First quality, brand new. Pair Only. 795 CAMP COTS Genuine U. S. Army. Hardwood frames. Heavy duck cover. New, slightly soiled from handling. FRICTION TAP 29c Large V lb, roll B V m oomorc oa. MpMUIMt-' rOM -THAT OWKH. A. wn MOK WHO. 75 e CAMP STOVES Genuine Coleman. Two burners. Folds up into convenient package. Absolutely safe, hot fire! Only 995 9x9 UMBRELLA TENT Complete with floor, roll-up win dow, mosquito door, poles, pins, etc. New. ATTEND THIS GREAT SALE CASCADE MERCANTILE ' No. Church & Fairgrounds Rd. 3450 All sizes of wall tents in stock