16 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, July 13, 1949 Only the Brave By PAUL EVAN LEHMAN ' fihanter 30 Jeff walked rapidly, uncoracious a for once that Connie was o close to him. He followed the alley clear to the end of town, then cut - acrou to the one on me isr not. Down It he etrode, treading softly and easily to the rear of Glenn's " place. He nodded as he saw the , llgllt HI Mie Wlliuvw. w.c...., i If he had been In Briscoe, which . Jeff now doubted, had returned. - He passed Into the dark stable, - Connie going in after him. Be- hind them another stealthy figure " felt Its way along the alley but they were unaware of its pres ence. i Jeff knew where a lantern hung: he took It down and lighted It. The horse was In a stall munching - hay. Jeff spoke to the animal, i" then raised its left hind foot. ? The shoe was unbroken. He nut the foot down, stood for I a moment gazing about him, then i went to the saddle which straddled .. a rail at the oacK ol tne staoie. - He raised the leather skirt. Tied ' there was a worn horseshoe. Its end calk was missing. It was the ' shoe which had made the tell tale tracks. ."I reckon this tells the story," . he said to Connie, ana indicated ; the shoe. "Glenn didn't know about that broken calk until ' told him shortly before the gold - robbery. He saw at once how he J could use It to put the blame on ; Slug. Yes, It's clear now." ; "What are you going to do?1 t "Go inside and get him. It's got i to be done. You'd better stay ' here." "No, I'm going with you; I must ' see it mrougn to tne ena. f "Connie, you mustn't. It'll be ; hard, caring for him as you do.' i Her voice was quiet and level, ; "But I don't care lor him. i never have." "But he said !" "Can vou believe anything he : ever said nowy" He looked at her Intently and ; he returned his gaze without . flinching; then he drew a deep . breath and started for the house. And as he did so, Glenn Glea- son got quickly from his knees ' where he had been looking through ! the crack beneath the window shade, glanced aulcklv about him, : then crossed the kitchen and went , Into his office. The door was unlocked and they ' opened it ana went into tne kitcn 1 en. Glenn was not there but : they could see a line of light be neath the office door, Jeff slipped the bolt In the door behind him. . then twisted the key In the lock , and removed It. Glenn must be given on opportunity to escape. ' They opened the office door " and entered the room. Glenn was ; not In sight. , A lighted lamp stood on the desk , and Jeff walked over to look at the papers scattered near It. Con - nle followed him. She said. "Per haps we can find something In v the desk; something that will " , A quiet voice interrupted her. "stand where vou are, both of you." Connie gave an exclamation and .' turned. Jeff knew better than to disregard the order: every muscle stiffened but he remained stand ing where he was. leaning on the , desk. In the corner behind the desk was a closet with a heavy curtain. This curtain had been thrust aside " and Connie saw Glenn standing ,. there, two Derringer pistols In his hands, One of them was pointed ... at her. the other was within three leet of Jeff's back. t( "So you finally found the broken shoe." said Glenn tightly. "That's too bad for both of you. Now you'll do exactly as I tell you. If you don't, I'll most certainly kill you. ,. You first, Jeff, with my gun; then .- Connie with yours." With a motion of his foot Qlenn pushed a coll of rope from the " closet. "Tie his hands behind him. And be sure to make a good job of it." "Do Just as he says,' advised Jeff, and crossed his wrists behind his back to make it easv for her. She bent over slowly, her eyes never leaving Glenn's face, and found the rope. With trembling fingers she wound an end around Jeff's wrists and tied a hard knot. Outside In the alley, Slug Ben jamin had heard the alarm sound and he knew that they had dlscov ered Jeff's escape. He glanced about him worriedly, knowing that if he was to escape he must make his break now. He started for the stable and the horse he knew was there, only to check himself ab ruptly. "I'll be darned If I do! I'll fin. lsh that chore and to hell with emi" He stepped to the back window and looked beneatvi the drawn shade. The kitchen was empty but the door to the office was ajar and there was light In the room. He tried the door. It was locked. The bell had stODDed rineincr and he could hear the shouts of the mob as It surged along the street. There were men coming he ran to the passageway beside the building and sped along it to wie street, tie slid around a cor ner, keeping close to the build ing, and Inched tn the front Annr With a hand extended behind him ne iouna tne Knot). A man came running diagonally across the street toward him. It was mil "rotmngham. "Hold up therel We got you, Tylerl" The door was unlocked. Slug MuBiicu ib open ana stariea oacK lng across the threshold. Bill fired and he stumbled, still cllnffincr is, the door. He pulled himself about ana tnea to close It. Another shot and he rocked to the impact of the bullet. He fell against the door ana it closed under his weight. He found the bolt and shot it. then started for the inner room. He took two stumbling steps and Weill, aown. (To be continued) 2488 SIZES 12 40 Pick This for Cotton This little dress makes friends at first alnnpA and no wonder: buttoned shoulders basque fitting and a pleasing swing w uie siurt. -rne wnoie wing adds up to simplicity itseii in cut, and Is easy to Iron, No. 2488 Is cut In sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. 36. 38. 40. Size 16 renulres only 3 yds. 35-ln. fabric with 3!4 yds. rlckrack. SUMMER Is the time for pretty styles the Fashion Book the place tu una uiem. uverytmng you neea for that wonderful two weeks with pay, plus plenty of charming and wearable fashions for town, countrv home. The SUMMER FASHION BOOK brings you over 150 pattern designs for all ages and occasions, ana an aesignea ior easy sewing. Price Just 20 cents. Order your copy now. Address Canltnl .Tnurnnl ML slon St., San Francisco 6, Calif. Miss Twinkle Tom Thin Holloht. ful ballerina dolly will dance her way into any little girl's heart. Measuring 20-lnches high, she Is elegantly dressed in sequin-dotted satin and net from tip to toes. Beau tiful blonde hair and realistically embroidered features add the per- iect imisnea toucne. Pattern Envelone No. con. tains hot-Iron transfer for doll and emoroiaering directions for features; material requirements and com plete sewing and finishing Instruc tions. To obtain trie pattern send Me IN COINS giving pattern number. your name, address and tone num ber to Peggy Roberts. Capital Jour nal. 828 Mission Street. San Fran cisco 3 Calif. a r-- 1 , . . . . I I BO KAY" 1 5IDEA, ANYHOW 71 KNOW. BALDY DOMT GVE MB THAT MISHMASH1 OKAY STICK ABOUND..ONI V--DONT f,FT n 1 LEFT YOU DOWN IN THE CAJM8UT WE'LL GET A YOU KNOW THE BOSS CAN FIX A LOT TOO CHUMMY WITH HIM OR SOMEBODYIL I SVSWaWv . , v v-Ec-x-zjf TICKET ,F we dont bigger raps than a parkin wind up wearin'a flat corsage 7 T JiOO0XO'frlM0VE""ANI) VOuVE T,CKET -THE REAL REASON YOuX. OF LILIES m i i. r c I -2.XQ SOQ K6OT TH FOLLOWED ME " yrSS' rivrii gx viw JgimAsm " nr- wears pants J fc7JlM iP0(i:;;3 S-s'fr :K(9JwM imr- wwmSsST ?K$dmi. mjj i k--wmtMfsm m&nmwi wtsm i, i ear i h m YKz&m m i-v- . i x . ti.l" i it iM -nr i i ii r ' v vl 7-i3 i -i jm t; . I t -21 1 r T If t ...... I O V prr www hkc iw irm i mHr n 1 i M M g I wwn Yyu'- mm YEAH f 1 II U is I THEY cau. xrr "Wormy I hush-hebe 1 I sou tq the ektrance gee! whotan I II i am empowerbb all right loue- 1 ll rVso K I TO WAB TH- HUHDRH MUJOH I A LIEUTENANT I I TO THE CCVE WHERE HONOR-SO THEY 111 TO USE EORCE- I DROP TH' UN ! I 9 'u Dl EOUOS 801 SHOULD IwrrHACCmlL I 1 VOU WILL OPEN TH6 ( SEND A SECOND L0UC I I W J J II M :00 ODFl 0 WILBURS ONLY I I WELL-HE OUGUTA AT LEAST f I I'D SOSTTA UE TO LOOK ftVL DRIVE Y OKM-)- mEn f I WORPTVlSTHAT KEEP UP HIS PAYMENTS-A J OVER TWAT LOT AS1M -BUT 1 j NttU TcvER.)lVl SORKVtS-1 ViiS T CCTAil.S Btm tJ ,-rOUSS THIS RWEUMATIZ OP MIME 'MAYBE WE FOR WILBUR .HPS A T 4 JUT LOT BECAUSE BV DOW CHARITY IS MAK1M' ME OLD BEFORE CAW WORK SO DUMB THAT 1 "TTob H SZ.lXiQfFS, Tinfflll)r-- S Vl W TIME 50METMIM6 ALWAYS KIMDA Q i 50DD THINS r LOoTTrSOUSTANT FVTsTT AH HOPES M4 s. JT JK. AT THAT STATUE. OPTICAL $Zt&FQc aC '-Ml S NECK HOLDS OUTT JTJ ' ir'nr innnrr-m") 11 i irinn" - , I fKjKcr r c" ef it smaps in two- x J L -3 ITS NECK SECMS TO TONK DOESN'T I VTt&SrVJrS jtc&$Zg-& IT'LL. BE (ZPH.') CURTAINS ) ' "I 1 1 .xbrm n Y SEVEN. EIGHT, NINE, V. 1 JEFF, YOUR TROUBLE IS I MUTT, I WAS ) V VtXJ'LL. V WHATCSHA MEAH? IN NINE KwEU-'M0' IN I M TEN, MISSED AOAINJ J VOU PON'T ADDRESS fWgftfPs POLITE TO NEVER V LAST YEAR I HOLEsWaBOOTSIXTEEH ,. - y -tf&rrne ball. tT.''-. the gosh learn 1 made a perfect -took a U TNN VTP6RLV'V, TJARN THING I LfUI THIRTY-SIX ON , LITTLETI M T -?Lj"'oiy,MR. ToOK.PAm HERE AReT' RUSTY.' JEEPERS.' OH, PADDY I'M V 1 B iuim niaviullMTTV rwA WLME8, y TEX ANP BILL THEY I LOOK WHO'S WTM SO 6L4D YOURS 23 VZ k I R NOW, LOCK, RUSTY ANP PATTy-DONT TUCT AnT UEffP ' V TUPM rr'C DADDY uepe - ?k I " SAY ANVTHIN6.' JUST PLAY DUMB rfl 1THEM FTeWBOy. HERE. Jffy ' o ' . . ' . .. t II THERtlT,BtBt,BASy! kl AND llFrt BEGINNING J (Cl Si21ir BUT MV SON CAN 5I0N THE )J ME'U HAVE ANOTHER HEART M ..rj. KV MY BELOVEDSMAIL Ifxai 1 CONTKACI, UA5HBLANK HE5 u n.wnin mw ur, i fN IV in.,pl i mZ!MJ 1 tu, niiuirMiiTntcc...w,, I MK UOETU '. . UK I ACT OKIE I J RADIO PROGRAMS KSLM 1IH I una WIDNISDAY P.M. koco KGW 5:00 riltM Lawli, It. Wmu'i lrl brlh neh Curt Mumf .it Fnk BtBlnnru Oo lun Ilia hrlli Bulk Mr. Inlornlloa M Faillni rsrilt Cb'ak run, Ntwi Bin! Crab Bonn ct PralrU : Carmu CavaUalr H. T. EallMbara tpart ria Larrr Lagaar :00 Ted DraTa brahaalra Candla Llfbl and Knai Mannlni la Tad Draka Orchaalra SIlTar Banda an Parada u Ad. af Cha. Haaalal CaaklalU Nawa Cbat Bantlar :U Mttale llmar falanen Troplcana Nawa ":00 Gabrlal Baattar Haarr Harlan Pal O'Brtaa UwliobB Caaaert :1ft Nortbwaal Nawa Hanrr Mariaa Bandatand . Lawlaaba Canaan ias Hnala Baoald Calaaaa Bandaland Lawlaaba Canearl :4ft Haala Beaald Ca)aa Dageat Papa LawUohn Cencart :00 7aait laraar Tba Bli larr Baaaball Lawlaaba Canaert :lt Caaat Sonar Tba Bid Starr Baacball Lawlaaba Caaeait M Cliea Kid Cartala Tiaia Baaaball Mnala Hall 4I Clico Kid Cartala Tlma Baaaball Maila Hall 9:00 Wbal'i Iba Nana ftaaaar Clab Baaaball Warld Tonliht IS al Ibat daai Nawa al W.rid Baaaball Orabaatra :80 Varlalr Tina Arabia Aadrawa tteaaball Dr. Cbrllllaa M Varlalr Tlma Arabia Aadrawa Baaabul Dr. Cbriallaa Nawa Db'ak r'alar Nawa Baaaball Flya Star Pinal :1S Salaot Laaal Nawa Iparla Paia Final Nawa Bound Up Nlihl Bailor :80 Newt Mr. Dial. Atlarnar Baaaball Saminar :4B Mmla Mr. Plat. Atlornar Baaaball You M gaearltr ajaj :00 Fallon Lawla, Jr. Sam Haraa, Bp, Baaaball Saranada 11:1ft Bob Paala Show Wax Haaaam Baaaball Toa Iba Warld I 1 :80 Bob Poola Bbow Was Maiaam Track 14M Orobcalra M Mailo Wa Maaeam Trick I1W Nawa 18:00 Sim OH glra Oft glrn Oil Sllant THURSDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. StWB Dawn Patrol NorthwMt Ntwi March Tim Dawn Patrol Dawn Patrol Dawn Patrol New. Ncwa Breakfast Gang Broakfait Gang Top rradei Barcaln Conntrr Afornlnr Special Som ol Ploneei Muilo Northwtit Ntwi Rat- Smith Paslor't CaP Charllt Bpifak Nowi Bennlt ffalkor Willi Onanalltlaa Waltt Birmado Top Tradta Newi QaeB for Da? Quean for Day Ladlei Flrat Ladlci Flrat Northwest Nowa Bob Gberir Show Tell Nelfhbon Johnaoo Family Orran Rovirlaa Bini Sinn Acatnit tho Ston Aralmt, tho Storm Muile Muilo Say It With Mailo Sar It With Muilo Sonrt of Timea Newa Hodso Podia Hodxa Podtt Knoui, Newi Hodga Podco Farm Tlma Farm Tint Tho Old Bonn Kneasa w. Newi Smooth Music Smooth Hnilfl Rtd'ri P'rv. Sato Sam Barei Western Melodies Wiatera Melodies Tho Stan Sins iChreh In Wildwd Tba Second Can The Second Cap Jack Bereh Kneais w. Newi Tommy Doner Tommy Donor Tommy Dorsey Tommy Dorsey lopes Oreh. Lopes Oreh, Today's Chlldrta Lor a Lawton Doable r Nolhlnc Doablo 'r Nothlni Kneass w. Newa Llfhl f World Life Cn Be Batlfl Road of Ufa Pep. Youni Fain. Bicbt la Ha'p'ness BaoksUia Wile Stella Dallas Lortose Jon os In Wlddtr BrwB When Qtrl Haflaa Portia Faces Life Jail Plain Bill Front Pv. Farrell Woleonw Travelor Weleomo TniTtlir Aunt Mary Wt Lot Loarn KOCO Block KOCO Klock Tex Bitter News ft Sparta Top O' Mornlaa News Haven af Best Haven of Rest Without Words John Co. Thomas Coffee Cap Northwest Report Concert Miniature Concert Miniature Glass Was Glass Was Glass Was Glass Was Hollywood Maslo Hollywood Hasio News Ted Data Presents Mac's Melodlea Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodlea Mac's Melodies Mae's Melodlea Mao's Melodlea Mae's Melodies Maa'a Melodies Mae's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mac's Melodlea Mae's Melodies i'a Pas Philosopher Spotlit on Music Spotlit on Muile Newi KOIN Klock KOIN Kloek KOIN Klock KOIN Klook Newi Newa Fred Beck Consumer News Art Bakar Robert Q. Lawla Robert Q. Lewis ' Featurs f ton News Grand Slam Bosemary Wendy Warren Aunt Jenny Helen Trent Our Gal Sunday Bit Slater Ma Perkins Young Dr. Malone Guldlna- Llsht News Coma Get It Norah Drake Makea Vou Tlsk 3nd Mn. Burton Perry Mason Pat O'Brien Show Atr-flo Newspaper of Air Newspaper of Air Winner Take All Tunefully Xours Newa Meet the Missus Meet the Missus Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey DIAL LISTINGS. KSX, 1190; KOAC, 650 It? CY Wednesday P.M. B:00, Squirrel IXC A cage i 5:30, Sky Klnti S:0O, Keep Ins Up With Sports; 6:1S. Homo Edition Newit 6: SO, Modern Romances. 1:00, Id win C. Illllt 7:10. Elmer Davlst 7:80, Stan in the Nlrhtrt 8:00, Lone Ranter, 8:80, Amateur Hour; 9:30, One for tht Book, 10:00, Richfield Reporter; 10:15, Intertnei sot 10:30, Concert Hourt 11:00, Concert Hour; 11:30, Memos to Tomorrow; 12:00, Xtra Hour; 1:00, Sin Off, lCV Thursday A.M. 4:00, Early Bird; lCA 7:00, News; 7:15, Band Bos; 7:80, Bob Haien Show; 7:45, Tlma Tempos; 8:00, The Stan Sinn 8:15, Martin Agronskyi 8:30, Zeke Manners; 8:45, Troplcanat 9(00, Breakfast Clubt 10:00, News, 10:15, Stan of Today; 10:30, Kay Kyser'a Kotlegej 11:00, Ted Malone; 11:15, Galon Drake; 11:80, My True Story. 1OAtT Wednesday P.M. 5:00, On tho lVMVrf Upbeat; 5:50, 150 Sports Club; :M,News; 6:15, Dinner Melodise; :, Headlines In Chemistry I 4:4, Guest Start 7:00. Farm en' Union; 7:15, Branlnf Farm Hour; 8:00, Artistry In Clasiles; 8:80, Vet erans' Newa Berlew; 8:45, Loggers' Fin Weather Forecast; 9:00, Musle That En dures i 9:45, Lift Up Thy Voice) 10: 00, Adventures In Research; 10:15, Sennadtl 10:45, News; 11:00, Sign Off. IffOAP Thun. A.M. 10, News; 10:15, IxVMW for Women; 11:00, Concert Hall; 12:00, Newai 12:15, Noon Farm Hourt 1:00, Rido'em Cowboy; 1:15, Variety Time; 1:80, Melody Lane; tsOO, Cavalcade of Dramai 2:15, Memory Book of Muslo; 8:00, News. Church Class Meets Falls City The Loyal Wo men's class met at the Christian church for the July meeting. Business and devotionals were in charge of Miss Carrie Gram--' ling. The time was spent in visiting. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Richard Paul and Mrs. Ethel Guthridge. .u,.tT 'lDlnTpyA CI El SI ACROSS L Opsn a calk 4. Uoxlean corn meal much I. Suitable IL American Indian It. Clear 40. uperrisora of publi cations 12. Scotch chemist 41. Span of horses io. rtorei II. Pertaining to punishment 14. Hugo wavo 15. Lower 17. Wicker atom 19. Facility 20. Kind of moss 22. Ventilates 23. Tools for en larging openings 26. Reverence 29. Part of a Play 80. Net the same 14. Withdraw 16. Stow In a ship's hold 87. Moderate 47. On tho aids away from tho wind 61. Ascended 61. Assurance of manner 66. Cover 66. Edge 68. Late: comb. form 69. Meadow CO. First sign of the sodlaa IL firearm DOWN L Air S. Open court P A T glP A tfifclgoM oInIeIsIIs pyUr e nt Solution of Yesterday's Puzzlo I. Favorites 4, Copy K. Sloping bank of earth I. Forward 7. Big 7 12 3 UH 5 I 17 8. WMfl yo ft ao" a 3f 5y IPIPIP 55 P IfP Vrwt 1 1 Ht 7-3 , Highest not of Guldo'a scale I. Town In California 10. Fruit 11. Brown 16. Pronoun 18. Flavor 2L Norwegian county 24. Having organs of hearing 26. Moving me chanical part 26. Southern constellation IT. Spider's trap 28. Greek letter 31. Domestic (owl 12. Preceding night 18. Steep 35. Articles 86. Packing S8. Inhabitant oft BUflll 41. Interior 42, One of the Ce.pi , Verdo Islandt 48. High 44. New Tork state canal 46. Italian opera 48. Lengthy 49. Australian bird: variant 50. Very black 52. Feminine nam 54. Footlike part 57. New England state: abbr. ROOM AND BOARD Bv Gene Ahern So'far'on the sale of your corer.s is pretty THICK GRAVY -UM- AH -I'M ON A FINANCIAL LIMP' AND WOULD you LOAN ME 550 AS A SORT ME TO LEAN ON? L SAYS-I'M NOT THAT l AI-LUtN I' AWV'" HAVE TO PAY A SALES TAX .ON EACH CORER- ANDAN INCOME TAX LATER- TUCNJ TUPBC'I TUP EARL'S COAMISSION ' AND, AH, FLB-B" SPUT-T-C ' LUCJK..NUW 1 LAN LOAN YOU, AH, $ 15 $5 MORE THAN ROBIN FIGURED ON GETTING - . . n. ..... 'S