LI-."''? n' ' ' ? ? 'V ' j lfl.ii.lfHiWJ.Ill I Hill 1 If"""? 11 In it all there was one bright spot the Yankee Clipper. But then, this is a guy who makes a habit out of trans forming the startling into a com monplace occurence. It was only two weeks ago that after missing half of the season he came back to the New York Yankees. It is typical of Joe that in two weeks he made a team which some players never make in a lifetime and then proved himself by winning the ball game. Joe sat out the late innings. He was tired, able only to climb wearily out of his uniform as he listened to the late innings on the radio in the American league dressing room. What did he have to say? "It's just swell to be playing again." 'TflkPC tfl thp Air Cardinal Red Schoendienst of the Na i I UIWJ IV III Mil t!onal ieague sHdes int0 geCond base and 1 is out as Athletics' Eddie Joost, American league shortstop, ! . takes to the air in an effort to compute a double play on . ', Pee Wee Reese, Reese was safe on a fielder's choice when' Chicago's Cass Michael, American league second baseman gobbled up his grounder. Joost's throw to first base was too late. Play came in fourth inning of All-Star game held at Ebbets field,- Brooklyn, N. Y. The American All-Stars won 11 to 7. (AP Wirephoto) sDiWlaggio Provides Only Thrill in All-Star Game New York, July 13 (U.R) The National league moaned today about Eddie Joost's "screwball single" and their record five errors which blew the All-Star game but in the final analysis what actually broke their hearts and the game wide open was baseball's big guy. That's right Old Joltin' Joe DiMaggio. They call Joe, if you will for give factual reporting, by the t descriptive title of "Big Dago" around the . ball parks. There's nothing disrespectful or racial Involved. . When ball players say it, it sounds like an acco lade. It is. This is the guy who is ,the game's one real "pro.'-- They say of a lot of them that they are ball players', ballplayers. There really is only one, the hawk-faced Italian guy from San Francisco whose every move spells class in capital letters. Big Joe'got two for four yes terday as the American leaguers! again belted over the National leaguers, 11 to 7. One was double and he knocked in three runs. Actually they are cold figures which do callous injus tice to a very warm tale. The Americans were in front by a slim 6 to 5 margin when the rangy clipper stepped up in the sixth. Two of his mates were aboard and he rammed them home with a sizzling liner which bounced recklessly against the center field wall. When it was ended, those were the winning runs in a rath er drab, listless ball game mar red by a fall of rain, errors and National league apathy. LEGAL NOTICE OT INTENTION TO IMPROVE NORTH TWENTY-SECOND STREET FROM BREYMAN STREET TO SOUTH ERLY TERMINUS OP TWENTY -SECOND STREET Notice hereby Is given that the common council of the city of Salem. Oregon. deems It necessary and expedient and hereby declares Its purpose and Intention to Improve North Twenty-second street from the south line of Breyman street to th southerly terminus of Twenty-second street, in the City of Salem, Marlon Coun ty. Oreson. at the expense of trie abutting and adjacent property, by bringing said portion oi Miia street to tne estaonsnea grade, constructing cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said street with a'a Inch asplialtic concrete pavement 30 feefwide. In accordance with the plan and specifications therefor which were adopted by the common council July n, 1949. which are now on file in the office of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part Hereof. The common council hereby declares its purpose and Intention to make the above described Improvement by and through the street Improvement department. Bv Order -or. the Common Council July 1, 1949. ALFRED MUNDT, City Recorder Date oi iirst publication hereof, is July is, 1949 July II, 14. IB, 16, 18, 19, 30, SI, 23 and 26, 1849. flammable debris left An the ground by logging operations, and fires In put years, and, whereas, upon the showing of the State Forester, it appears to me to be necessary to close to unregulated use the following area designated as: AREA No. 1-P OREGON STATE BOARD OF FORESTRY. SOUTHWEST OREGON DISTRICT AREA No. 1 Jenny Creek Dead Indian Creek: Starting at the Junction of Jenny Creek and the California State Line, running northerly up Jenny Creek to the North west corner of Section 23, T. 39 S R., 4 E thence East to the Northeast Corner of Section 23, thenc Northeast along road to Jackson -Klamath County line, thence North on County line to Northeast Corner of Section 1. T. 31 S., R. 4 E., thence West to Northwest corner of Section 1, T. S.. R. 2 E.. thence South to Dead Indian Road In Southwest corner of Sec tion 24, T. 36 &., R. 2 E., thence South west along Dead Indian Road to South west Corner of Section 23. T. 38 S., R. '.. thence South to Southwest Corner Section 34, T. 39 S., R. 2 E., thence West to old Highway No. 99 In Northeast Cor ner of Seotion 5, T. 40 8., R, 2 E., thence Southeast along Highway No. 99 to Cali fornia State Line, thence East along State line to point of beginning. AH state and county roads and the area Immediately surrounding Hyatt Lake will remain open. Permits to enter the above area may be obtained at the following places: State Forest Patrol Headquarters, Med ford Ashland Guard Station, Ashland Lincoln Guard Station, Lincoln Moon Prairie Guard Station, Moon Prairie AREA No. 3 -P OREGON STATE BOARD OF FORESTRY, SOUTHWEST OREGON DISTRICT AREA No. 2 Prospect-Butte Falls: Starting at the Southeast corner of Section 24. T. 34 8., R. 3 E., and running due North to the Northeast corner of Section 12, T. 32 8., R. 3 E thence West long- North line of Section 12, thence North on East line of Section 11, thence West on North line of Section 11, thence North on East line of Section 3, thence West on North line of Section 3 to Mill Creek, all In T. 32 S., R. 3 E., thence South along Mill Creek to California Oregon Power Company Canal In Section 11, T. 32 S R. 3 E., thence West along Canal to School mam Creek to Its inter section with North line of Section 26, T. 32 S., R. 'i E., thence West on Section Line to H Corner between Sections 22 tnd 27. T. 32 6.. R. 2 E.. thence South along Ulrlch road to Crater Lake High way, thence Northeast along Highway to Nortneast Corner of Section 11. T. S.. R. 2 E., thence South to Southwest Corner of Section 34, T. 34 8.. K. S thence due East to starting point. All state and county roads will re main open. The area between the North Side of the Crater Lake Highway and the South bank of the Rogue River will re naln open. Permits to enter the above area may be obtained at the following places: State Forest Patrol Headquarters, Med (ord Butte Falls Guard Station, Bute Falls Prospect Guard Station, Prospect Trait Guard Station, Trail AREA No. 3-POREGON STATE BOARD OF FORESTRY. SOUTHWEST OREGON DISTRICT AREA No. 3, Little Grayback Wlllianui Creek: St a rtlng at the Southwest Corner of Section 31, T. 39 8., R. w., ana running Northeast along Sucker Creek to the mouth of Orayback Creek, thence along Grayback Creek to the Southeast Corner of Section 3fi. T. 39 S R. W., thence East to the Southeast Corner of Section 36, T. 39 S.. R. 6 W., thence North to the Northeast Corner of Section 24, T. 39 8.. R. 5 W., thence West to the Southwest Corner of Section 18, T. 39 8., R. 5. W t'.-ancs North to the Northeast Corner of Section 1. T. 38 8., R. W., thence west to th Northwest Corner of Section T. 38 S., R. 6 W thence South to the Southwest Corner of Section 31, t. 39 a., R. 8 W., to the point or beginning. I The Oregon Caves Highway will re- ' main open and permits will not be re quired at the Cedar Forest Camp. Permits to enter the above area may be obtained at the following places: Grants Pass Headquarters, Grants Pass Oliver Sargent, Selma Williams Creek Guard Station, Provolt Thompson Creek Guard Station, Apple gate NOW. THEREFORE, I, Douglas McKay, Governor of the State of Oregon, by vir tue of the authority vested In me under the provisions of Section 107-210, Oregon Complied Laws Annotated, as amended by Chapter 252. Oregon Laws, 1945. do hereby proclaim the unregulated use of the above described areas to be unlawful tnd that said areas shall be subject to entry only through permit to be Issued by the State Forester, or a fire warden, under which permit entrant shall comply with nny and all of the following retirements- (1) To refrain from smaklng except In places designated as safe In said permit. (2) To build no open fires except in places designated as safe in said permit, (3) To have as a part or his or her equipment when using campflres, except when traveling as a pedes trian andor camping at imporved, designated and posted campgrounds, tools as specified by the forester suitable for extinguishing fires. This proclamation 'shall be effective from and after the 15th day of July, 1949, and shall temaln in full force and effect until the 31st day of December, 1949. Done at the Capitol In Salem. Oregon. tnlg 12th da yof July. 1949. Douglas McKay Governor ATTEST: Earl T. Newbry Secretary of State 165 PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, the unregulated use of cer tain forest areas Is, In my Judgment, a menace to life and property due to ex cessive amounts of dry grass and In. I PLUMBING I :J: CONTRACTING ! Featuring Cran . and Standard Fixturei Call 3-8555 Salem Heating & Sheet Metal Co. 1085 Broadway FREE ESTIMATES YOU'LL BE SURPRISED When you find out how much there is to do at our resort, without high prices. Hot mineral water for drinking and bath treatments, excellent massages. Swimming - Dancing - Hiking - Fishing - Hories Big Bonfire and Radio Every Evening HOTEL CABINS TENTHOUSES STORE AND MARKET Open Until October 1st Road from Oetroit to Bruckman's Open 1:00 to 2:00 p. m. and 5:00 T. m. to 7:45 a. m., DST Monday thru Saturdays and all day Sunday and Holiday! ' For Reservations and Price List Phone Detroit 871 Write: BRUCKMAN'S BREITENBUSH SPRINGS Breitenbush, Oregon Preferred by more users than the next two makes combined! PANETELA Till Gool Cigar The Country Needed PANETELA Also ivillable In dandy i packs NET! 5 PANETELA Distributed by McDonald Candy Company, Portland Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, July 13, 1949 15 Now Available Mf. Angel em THIS IS OUR BEST f For many months this fine, natural cheddar has been aging slowly, properly, in the immense cold rooms of this 36year-old creamery. Now, just right for fating and enjoying, Rose Valley Cheese is ready for you: Aged and mellowed to bring out full-flavored goodness. Pasteurized to retain all the health advantages of the rich, whole milk from which it's made. ASK YOUR GROCER OR ORDER 5-LB. BRICKS DIRECT Recipt Booklet New, appealing ways to serve cheese. Write for your eopy. Mr. Angel Cooperative Creamery, maktn of Rote Valley sweet cream butter. I MT. ANGEL CO-OP. CRIAMIRY Mt. Angel, Oregon Please send recipe booklet I Mamm I eity Again . . . NEW LOWER PRICES! Yes, it's true! Truck users are buying more Chevrolet trucks than the next two makes combined. What more convincing proof could there be that Chevrolet Advance-Design hvtk$ give more value I Come in and let us discuss your truck requirements! Awnf ta MmI Mdal kii.ll ngltha. M AfwrM, January hVtft" AprU, 14. ADVANCE-DESIGN TRUCKS Quality attfits new low SAIJE price FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY FAMOUS ffi(fafi FULL SIZE FULL WEIGHT FULL STRENGTH Come in-Compare all these General Tire Quality Features L0WG MILEAGE EXTRA STREHGTH DOUBLE GRIP TREAD SAFETY TRACTION EASY RIDING COMFORT mm A rf-Jf, V 7 I 2UENEKAL fefime tftdsntee FAMOUS MAKES NEW CAR TAKE OFFS Tradad in on newGenral Super Squeegees. Some driven a few blocks, some a few miles. Yours now af sensational savings. Also guaranteed used tires. UP rt0 OFF NEW Hi! 'TO Wo TIRE PRICES & USE OUR EASY TAKE TILL FALL TO PAYI I 6 35c32)GE) (JUST? BARGAIN SPARES I : ! and used tubes; Just what you need in an emergency. Plenty of them here with plenty of miles left In them. FROM too iiilljijiji; State Tire Service DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. North Commercial St. Phone 2-2459 State and Cottage Sts. Salem, Oregon