Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, July 13, 1949, Page 14, Image 14

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    14 Capital Journal, Salem, tie., Wednesday, July 13, 1949
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Fiftf hnf Mis Gillian Schassen of The Dalles approaches
I II Jl JIIVI the ba jut be(ore teeing off Wednesday morn
inf in the women's folf tournament at the Salem Golf club.
Portland yoman Favored
In State Golf Meet Here
Mrs. Walter Nagle of the Alderwood Country club, Portland
was considered the favorite as more than 100 feminine golfers
opened their annual tournament over the Salem Golf club course
Wednesday morning. Mrs. Na-
gel teed off with Mrs. Harold
Olinger of Salem and Mrs. Har
ry Stepp of Riverside, Portland
at 0:05. The tournament is a
match vs. par affair with con
tenders teeing off in threesomes
every five minutes.
The reilAtrtntj Included:
a.m. MIm LIUlin Schiuen, The
Dalles; Mra. E. F. Oh or m ley, Portland.
Mm. Fred Bprnedt. 8alem. 9:05 Mr.
'Welter NrbcI, Alderwood; Mrji. HitrMd
dinner, Stlem: Mre. Harry Steyp, R!v
fralde, B;10 Mrj. Frank. Flek. Aider-
wood; Mm. Don Braeeth, Owngoi Mr.
Jama Haley, Salem, 0:15 Mm. R. I.
MecLamthlin.' Balem; Mf. A. O. Now
elj. Portland; Mr. Ray Hunt, Portland.
11:30 Mm. John HelUel, Balem: Mrs Dave
Gold, CM wen o; Mr. M. h. Veetcli, Rlvr
lde. t :2b Mrs, Iven Marble, Salem; Mm.
Jack airt.ner. Alderwood; Mm. Rlctiird
Griibtui. Portland.
9:30 Mr. Joe Blelier, Salem; Mm. Joe
T. Pltfkett. Portland; Mm. John BiMftmnn,
Eugene. B:S5 Mr. 8. W. Starr, Sulem;
Mm. David Evens, Eugene; Mm, H. B.
Er.klea. Oaweio. 9:40 Mm. Ralph Hamil
ton, Salem; Mm. Wide Derr, Bitten?: Mm. i
C. R. Pranken, Oaweio, :Mn, W'.iner
Brown, Salem: Mra. Kenneth Burton, Ru
Mlde: Mm. Ken. Hlrona, Eugene. B.,'0
Mm. Richard h. Borat, Portland; Mia.
Tom Dooley. Portland: Mm. Klnc Cny,
Portland. 1:55 Mm. T. J. Binder. River
side; Mm. Glenn St e vena. Salem; Mrs
Clarence Urey, Eugene.
10:00 MM. Maurice Springer. Fugene;
Mm. R. J. Nlchola, Aatorla; Mm Mcrv
Hemenway, Alderwood. 10:05 Mm. E. S.
. McClaln, Oaweio: Mm. A. B. William.
Riverside; Mm. W. Wlntler. Eugene, id: 10
-Mw, Ralph Neubert. Rlverntde; Mrs.
Harry Stearns, Roseburg; Mm.. Robeit
Stevens, Columbia; 10:15 Mm. William
Oarnett. Riverside: Mm, chandler Bronr
Salem; Mm. Rupert Kennedy, The Dai'.. .
10:30 Mm. Don Hartley. Riverside; Mrs.
L. E. McCllntork, Raiebure; Mm. Elmer I
Rfibens, The Dalles. 10:2 Mrs. Stuart
Thede. Salem; Mrs. Harry Don Ivan, Al
derwood; Mm. John Moor. Riverside; Mrs
William McCracken, Eugene.
Tenth Te
9:00 a.m. Mrs. Ralph Stearns, Colum
bia; Mm. J. H. Thompson, Snlem; Mrs.
Manley Roblnxon, Snlem. 9:05 Mrs. Claude
Johns, Salem: Mm. Jnme.i Clark, The
Dalles; Mrs. Virgil drum, Columbia. 9:10
Mm. Robert Herrnl, Snlem: Mrs, Sam
Cox. Aldrrwood; Mrs. Ray Finch, Port
land. 9:1ft Mm. Kenneth Potts, Ua!m:
Mrs. Frank Stenger, Riverside; Mrs. K O.
Reiner, Oswego. 9:20 Mrs. G. A. Peters,
Eugene; Mm. R. L. Stevenson, rtlverslde;
Mrs. Our Hlxson, Eugene. 9:25 Mrs.
Robert Martin, Riverside; Mrs. E. Roth,
Salem; Mrs. L. B. Bwlgart, Eugene, 0:30
Mrs. Roland Davis, PorMnnd; Mrs. Ralph
Loinax, Rlveralde; Mrs. H, F. McKee, The
Dalles. 9:35 Mrs. W. T. Wnterman. Sa
lem; Mrs. Wendall Wood. Eugene; Mrs.
John FJvnn, Oswego. 9:40 Mrs. Stephen
Fouoheck, The Dalles; Mm. Dick Strife,
Etmene; Mrs. Roylston Bridges, Roseburg,
9:45 Mrs. A. W. Stein, Eugene; Mm. Max
Flanery, Salem; MM. V. Bitchhole, Oswego;
9 40 Mrs. M, G. Howard, Eugene; Mrs.
L. L. Monnhnn. Riverside; Mrs. Walter
Thorn, Portlnnd. 9:55 Mm. Tattff Char-
neaky, Eunene; Mm. Leon Perry, Salem;
Mra. Florence Woods, Portland. 10:00
Mrs. R. S. Dornbcrger, Portland; Mrs. L. S,
Axland, Eugene; Mrs. Reynolds Allan, Sa
lem. 10:0S Mrs. Mervln Vater, Eugene.
Mrs. Elmer Huston. Riverside: Mrs. E.
Stearns. Oswego. 10:10 Mrs. Kd Dwyer.
Oswego: MM. Paul Hemphill, Eugene; Mrs.
Kirk, The Dalles. 10:15 Mrs. El
mer Kramer, Hood River; Mrs. C. A,
kin. Portland; Mrs. A. J. Anderson. Et.
xene. 10:20 Mrs. Glen Dickson, Riverside,
mm. wmium vinton. Oaweito; Dorotn
Ford. Eugene. 10:25 Mrs. F. Roadman.
Eugene: Mm. Harry Norcross. Riverside;
io:3ii mm, John R. Wood. Salem: Mr.
William Anderson, Oswego; Mrs, Jo.epn
Brlody, Riverside.
For Extra Beauty
Less Maintenance
Pumilitc - West Salem
Your Choice!
Modern Kenmore
Vacuum Cleaner
Vhlt through your houiehold
tasks with this dependabia Kan
more vacuum cleaner. V H.P.
motor. Ssalod ball bearings.
Chemically treated brown duit
proof, moleskin bag. 3-position
friction type handle. Rubber
mounted brush. See It at Searsl
Kenmore Vacuum
Compact Tank Type
A beautyl New Kenmore tank type cleaner with full set of attach
ments clean, rvgi, draperies, upholstery, dustt woodwork. Power-
v.. ,i . mviw quicmy ana easily aoes the job for you.
run 7i n.r. motor quickly and easily d
Shrine Stars to Aim at
Tough Off ensive Records
Portland, July 13 The Oregon All-Stars and Portland All
Stara, when they clash here at Multnomah stadium August 27,
will aim at some tough offensive records established in last year's
first annual Shriners' hospital all-football game.
Some of the figures recorded in the opening classic may be on
the books for years to come as
mis game Deiween graauaiealth, .,. nrn..-rfl, ,
high school seniors develops
through the years.
Sam Baker of Corvallis, who
scored four touchdowns and 24
points for Oregon, has the rec
ord that most grid observers feel
will withstand assault the long
est time. Another is the mark
of five conversions held by Jer
ry Mitchell of Ashland, who was
successful in each attempt as the
upstate team whipped Portland
35 to 13.
Two others that may be a long
time in being erased are the
ount of 56 yards by Pat Duff of
jrant and the pass interception
return of 90 yards by Baker.
Many of the others are sure
fall in this year's tilt. The
caches have been permitted to
employ any style of offense.
9oth Erie Waldorf of the Port
land team and Mel Ingram of
Oregon , have announced that
they plan to vary their attacks,
mixing both T-formation and
single wingback. They may em
ploy different units for each
The advance ticket sale for
which go td the Portland unit
of the Shriners hospital for
crippled children, has opened.
Out-of-town patrons may secure
reservations by writing to game
headquarters in Parlor B of the
Portland hotel.
Following is a list of game
ijongMt run from Jcrlmmaie Bam
Baker, OorvallU, 31 yardj. Longest kick
off return Don Muller, Commerce. 26
yard. Lonaeit punt Pat Duff, Grant, 26
yaida, Moat complete paseea Don Fuller.
Commerce, 7 85 yard), Longest Scor
'na play John Ferrell, Orant. to Dave
Powell, Washlnaton, 47 yards. Most points
scored Sam Baker, Corvallis, 24 (4 touch
downs). Most conversions Jerry Mitchell,
Ashland. 5. Lonaeat pass interception re
turn Sam Baker, Corvallis, 90 yards.
Lonaeat punt return Pat Duff, Orant, 15
yards. Most total yardaae Sam Baker,
Corvallis, B9 yards. Most first downs
'ortland. 14. Most team yardnae from
scrimmage Oregon. 1S.1. Most team yard-
aae from passing Portland, 147. Most to
tal team yardaae Portland, 238.
Lumberjacks Top
Realtors in B
League Highlight
West Salem Lumber remain
ed undefeated in division B,
Salem junior ' baseball league
competition as the result of
Tuesday evening's series of
three games. The lumbermen
blanked Salem Realtors, 4 to 1,
in a well played contest that saw
the losers turn in two double
Mayflower Milk thumped
Salem Heights, 14 to 3, as the
losers were charged with nine
errors. Extra base hits included
triples by Bill Rahe and Steve
Merchant for the losers and Don
Cohan's triple and doubles ty
Larry Martin and Bob Strayer
for the milkers.
The Keizer Merchants blank
ed Salem Laundry, 4-0. Don
Gearren pitched four hit ball for
the winner.
Realtors 000 100 01 3 1
8. Lumber 000 400 X 4 3
Pierce and Pate; Rice and Winters.
Mayflower ....402 114 314 IS 3
Salem H 100 001 0 3 6
Pauley and Beebee; Merchant and But
ler. Balem Laundry 000 000 o 0 4 3
K. Merchants 301 000 X 4 7 1
Kins and Wtneaar; Oearren and Thlrs-sen.
Babe Ruth struck out 1,330
times during his major league
career. He hit 714 home runs.
In Containers, Ready for Immediate Planting
At Our Nursery on Pacific Highway,
8 Miles North on Portland Highway
(Our Town Salesyard Is Closed for the Summer)
Al Williams lost a two to one
fall decision to Sugi Hyamaki in
the principal event of the week
ly mat show at the armory Tues
day night. Hyamaki took the
first and third falls.
George Dusette beat . Buc
Weaver in one of the preliminai.
ies while Yaqul Kid and, B
McEuin went to a draw,' ei
contender getting a fall. '
for instance
Just one of the many delectable flavor!
available, in Arden "FLAVOR-FRESH"
packages,. . . at your nearest Arden
dealer. I i
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Knight Pearcy Nursery I FwU SLii IKmm?
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