Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, July 13, 1949, Page 11, Image 11

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international Recognition
tomes to Mounted Posse
f" The Oregon Mounted Posse, governor's guard of Salem, has
'j fceen honored by and accepted an invitation to be the feature
.1 Attraction at the big -spring horse show at Vancouver, B. C
OO an4 90.
II uijf to biiu ww.
This is the major show of western Canada and the fame of
the precision arm executed Dy
flie Salem group is rapidly
fringing it to international at
The show is sponsored by the
Southlands Riding club under
the backing of the Kinsman's
club. The Kinsman's club is a
national organization in Canada
that corresponds to our Rotary
or Kiwanis clubs here.
The group will travel with
their horses and trailers in a
caravan on Thursday, July 28,
under police convoy the entire
distance of approximately 400
miles in one oay, leaving eariy
iin the morning and arriving in
1 an estimated 12 'hours. The Ca
i nadian show committee has ap
8 propriated $1,000 to help defray
the expenses of the posse.
3 Members expecting to make
f;the trip are Captain Lee U. Eyer
y, First Lieutenant Walter Zo
'sel, Second Lieutenant Al Inglis,
..Second Lieutenant Jack Linde-
man, A. M. Minden, Holly Jack
son. Denver Young, Bert nil-
Areau, Elmer Lorence, Adolph
Heater, Ernie Henningson
Brant Farris, Ray Adams,
Thomas W. Allen, Alan Inglis,
:j. A. Inglis, Walter Leth, Fred
Scharf, Don Hansen, Fred An
unsen and Graham Sharkey.
.) The posse will be featured
.'with its drill in both perform
i'ances of the two-day show and
Swill remain over the following
'Sunday for special entertain
3ment. Governor McKay, who is
is member, has received a spe
ll cial invitation from the premier
7 but it is not known whether his
i official duties will allow him
i sufficient time to attend.
In preparation for the trip the
! group is purchasing new white
ghats and doing other things to
j Improve appearance and show
manship. Four horses will be
ft used as flag bearers and in addi
4 Uon to the captain and drillmas
Ster 16 horses will perform the
I Intricate drill. These 16 horses
I will be eight palomino and eight
fiorrels with excellent matching
4 tor size and color.
i The contrast of colors and the
, Intermingling in the various ma
il neuvers makes this drill one of
jthe most spectacular perform
ances of a mounted group in the
jicountry. Various changes and
:iimprovements have been effect
led this season and the speed
with which the dangerous
''threading the needle" is done
i at a dead run is breathtaking.
JOne man has been fatally in
Jiured and several have received
mnor injuries in this drill in
4f)ast years. Split second timing
wind precision on both the part
?f . c 4i I i : j
l tile iiuibc uiiu riuei is neces-
Jjry to avoid accident. Only the
fast week-end while the group
las performing as guests of
honor at the Olympia, Washing
Ion, Horse show a horse fal
tered and caused a pile up thatj
Dorena Earthworks
Safe From Floods
Eugene, July 13 W) Earth-
fill portions of the Dorena clam
breastwork have been raised to
the lowest concrete level of the
project aimed at curtailing flood
waters in the Eugene area.
Resident Project Engineer W
A. Schwarz, said there no long
er was any danger that a- flash
flood or prolonged high water
would wash out the earthworks.
He said the low concrete block
sector would permit run-off of
any unexpectedly high water be
fore the $14,000,000 project is
completed. The dam, scheduled
to be operating as a flood con
trol unit in the upper Willam
ette valley by November, will
take 1.1 feet off Eugene flood
250,000 Homeless
By Yangtze Flood
Shanghai, July 13 W The
mid-Yangtze flood has driven
250,000 persons from their
homes, reports from missionar
ies and river shippers indicated
Floods on the Yangtze Huang
Ho and smaller rivers in west
central and southwest China are
the worst in 20 years. In some
sectors they are described as the
worst in history.
threw Adolph Heater to the
ground with his horse rolling on
him, necessitating his removal
to a hospital. He luckily
emerged with no serious injury
except a bad shaking up and
some possibly cracked ribs. He
was able to return to Salem
with the group Sundav night.
The Oregon Mounted Posse in
addition to being the official
governor's guard is also official
representative of the Salem
Chamber of Commerce and is
bringing much publicity to Sa
lem and Oregon.
'Vince's Electric"
Vacuum Cleaner
On All Types
Household or Commercial
Also Waxers
Free Pick-up and Delivery
PHONE 3-9239
Public Works
Report Made
Totals of 1712 lineal feet of
sanitary sewers and 1262 feet
of storm drains were laid by
the city engineering department
during the month of June, says
City- Manager J. L. Franzen's
report to the city council.
Sanitary sewers laid were:
M3 feet of eight-inch line on
Argyle drive between Boice and
Candalaria; 372 feet of eight
inch on Sunrise between Boice
and Candalaria; 2S0 feet of
eight-inch on Mountain View
drive between Hansen and Can
dalaria; 262 feet of six-inch on
Mountain View drive between
Hansen and Candalaria; 28S feet
of eight-inch on Doughton be
tween Boice and Candalaria.
Storm drains: 230 feet of
eight-inch on Waller between
SP right of way and 14th; 282
feet of 15-inch on Johnston be
tween Waller and Kines; 390
feet of eight-inch on 14th be
tween Church and Maple; 360
feet of 15-inch on Maple be
tween Johnson and Locust.
The street improvement de
partment reports the following
Curbs Hansen avenue, from
Argyle drive to Doughton: Boice
street, from South Commercial
to Fairmount; Union, between
North Capitol and 12th; Marion,
between North Capitol and
Pavement, 2 -inch asphal
tic concrete Hansen avenue,
between Liberty road and
Doughton; McGilchrist, between '
South High and South Commer
cial; West Nob Hill, between
Jerris and Fawk.
Pavement, 7-inch Portland
cement Both sides of Union,
between North Capitol and
North 12th; both sides of Mar
ion, between North Capitol and
North 12th.
Grading McGilchrist, from
West Nob Hill to South 'Com
mercial; Hansen, from Liberty
road to Doughton; Boice, from
South Commercial to Fair
mount; West Nob Hill, from Jer
ris of Fawk; Lee, from 13th to
the SP right of way.
Man Killed in Collision
Issaquah, Wash., July 13 U.R
Ortho Wiley, 56, Quinccy,
Wash., was killed and his wife
and seven grandchildren were
Injured today when his car side
swiped an inland petroleum
tanker with trailer five miles
east of here.
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, July 13, 1949 XI
Most rural mail' boxes are
made of galvanized sheet steel.
LWe Big Feather Sty,?:
Don't :ced hraket on travott,
Ketdum plenty on car.
J take car to Pontiac dealer or
" 60S-
by factory-trained
Pontiac Mechanics Mat.rlal Ixtro
660 Kl. Liberty Ph.2-4113
'We Pickup & Deliver"
T 11 11 T IllA- I II IX
I K 1 I
Guaranteed 5 Years...
Garden Hose
Reg. $5.95
Priced to Save
Money Now!
Stands 450-lbs. Pressure -
Easy to Clean and Coil
Three Vulcanized Layers
Tight-Fitting Brass Couplings
Your "best buy" in garden hose? Guaranteed quality at
unbeatable savingsl Standard-size brass couplings tighten
easily! Smooth, flexible rubber that's easy to clean and coil!
Stands nine times average city water pressure! Get yourt
today at Sears!
L"-jJJ 50 ft.
186 proof. Blended whiskey. 30 straight
whiskey. 70 grain neutral spirits. Hiram
Walker it Sons Inc.. Peoria, Illinois.
e Fir
E R & SON.--
longer life! lower price! Save 2 ways with SEARS
rnaPTSMBH lawn mower
iJ--'W,W'"'.f j.,-...-
5 Blades
16" Cut
Alloy steel blades ttoy sharper longer -
Precision ball bearings make mowing easier
Heavy semi-pneumatic tire roll smoother
Here's a double savings for you! Expensive, precision-fit parte
insure longer life, less repairing! And Sears low, low price means
extra savings right off the bat. Alloy steel blades with 16 in,
cut; ball bearing action; semi-pneumatic tires; dust-proof oilers;
hardwood handle! It's the mower for you, at the price you want
'H)-m ' pay- So ge' yours today . . . and save 2 ways!
Deluxe Garden Cart
Extra Strong, Heavy Duly Type
Reg S.95 7 Aft
Holds 3 cu. It
WHk rvggMj, Mm) coMtracKoii, rvtt.
r. lb in ftrMv or body, graywHMia
A ror aMm cart Sm M
Grass Catcher
Fits Hand Mowers 1,59
Sturdy white canvas lidst curd
to an ample aluminum bottom. Eoiy
to attach and to remove for empty
ing. Fill 16 to 18-ln. hand mowers.
Power Lawn Mower
?ew-.107-50. 99.50
Easy to use. Just raise handle to
start) lower to slop. Sears exclusive
magic control. 5 steel blades. Red
enamel with sliver trim.
Power Lawn Mower
Rec. 137.50
Electric Mower
Craftsman havy duty machin
for big lawns, itales. 1 H.P. Brtggi
and Straffon nglrwj s mi-pneumatic
tlrij oil itMlj full 21 -In. cut
Reff, 97.50
Equipped with Vt H. P. lctrk
molorj starts easily, operates quiet
ly. Semi -pneumatic tires, 18-tndt
Cut. 100-ft heavy-duty cord.
pvatax BflBS 484 State Stre? Phone 3-9191