10 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, July 13, 1949 FOUR MARRIAGES FOR KENTUCKIAN Fondness for Bobby-Sox Brides Gives Him Troubles Detroit, July 13 W) A fondness for bobby-sox brides has 12-year-old Earl Conners in trouble. After four marriages all to 14-year-old-girls the balding Kentuckian is in Wayne county jail. But this doesn't mean a thing to his latest wife. Fatlma, still 14. She stood right up in court Monday and said: ,"I love my Earlie and I won't say a thing against him. bo there. I'll just wait until I'm 16 and we can be man and wife and happy again." Conners pleaded guilty to contributing to a minor's delin quency. Then, as he left the courtroom, he was arrested again on a charge of being $2,210 behind in his alimony to wife No. 2. He admitted taking Fatima Hussan to Liberty, Ky., and marrying her on her 14th birth day last Nov. 15. At first, he was charged with enticing a minor into marriage. But when plump Fatima re fused to testify against him, the charge was reduced. Conners, a resident of Somer set, Ky., told Detective Lt. James Shanahan that one of his girl brides died and two divorced him. Lt. Shanahan is seeking the divorce decree of Anna Lee Calhoun, bride No. 3, and the death certificate of Edith Mc Klim, wife No. 1. Wife No. 2 was Flora Conners. Fatima's father, Komar Hus san, 56, a plaintiff, was present in court. "Give him what's coming," Hussan shouted, shaking his fist at his son-in-law. Husband of Four 14-Year Girls Jailed Detroit, July 13 OP) Balding Earl Conners may have a year in jail in which to reflect on his romances with 14-year-old girls The Kentuckian, 42, who mar ried four girls of 14, got the year's sentence yesterday in a back alimony case involving wife No. 1. Circuit Judge Ira W. Jayne ordered Conners to pay half the $2,200 due Flora Montie "im mediately" or do penance behind bars. Conners also faces sentencing on a charge of contributing to the delinquency of 14-year-old Fatimaa Hussan, his latest bride Two of the four girls divorced him. The third died. Actually, Conners said, he has been married six times. The other brides were 15 and 30. Divorces followed. Movie Folks Marry Portofino, Italy, July 13 UP) The mayor of Portofino announc ed actress Jennifer Jones and movie producer David Selznlck were married aboard the yacht "Manona " today. Ty Cobb and Rogers Hornsby were the only major leaguers to bat over .400 three times. ''HiilJl Squelch that squint! It harms your vision . , . causes wrinkles. For outdoor comfort have your eyes fitted with sun glasses scientifically ground to filter out harm ful rays. Pleasing styles and prices. Sun's Fun With Prescription Glasses Optometrists AT RORINR OPTICAL " OS I Dr. E. E. Boring Dr. Sam Hughes 383 Court Dignified Credit Phone 3-6S0S .aillllltlllllillllllMlllMa.iMiii.M.niw.mnnLi..M.anjgmrmnin Dividend Checks Will Move 200,000 Daily Washington, July 13 OP) ; Dividend checks from nation al service life insurance proba bly will start going out at the rate of 200,000 a day next Jan uary, the veterans administra tion said today. Carl R. Gray, Jr., veterans ad ministrator, said the complicat ed preparation procedure makes payments this year impossible. Gray's letter replied to pub lished charges that the dividend is being delayed until an elec tion year for political reasons. The veterans administration is going to pay a $2,800,000,000 special dividend on about 20, 000,000 policies held by 16,000, 000 world war II veterans and servicemen. Individual pay ments will vary widely depend ing upon the type and size of of policy and the length it has been in effect. LEGAL PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, the unremitted lue of cer tain arts 1, in my Judgment, a menace to life and property on account of the high fire hazard earned br abnormal amount of Inflammable debrla on the ground from logging operations and bettle-kllled timber, and WHERAS, upon the ahowlna of the State Forester, It appears to me to be necemsary to close to unregulated uae the following area designated u: AREA jNo, 14-P OREOONSTATE BOARD ur njiins i iti, ufcN i ttAL ukcuun DISTRICT Prlnevllle Area: Beginning on Old Dry Creek Road at the loutheaat corner of Bee. S, T. 14 B., R. td E.; thence north 4 mllM alonz the State protection boundary to the north east corner or see. 2B, T. 13 R. 18 E.; thence west 8 mllea alone the State pro tection boundary to the Jefferson -Crook county line, aouthWMt corner Bee. 19, T. 13 8.. R. 15 E.i thence north 4 mllea and enst 4 mile along the county line to the t Prinvliie-OHzzlr Road: thence north- weeterly along the Prineviiie-arisziy Koac to the town of drizzly; thenc eaaterly along the Willow Creek to the Coon Crer't rtoad; thenc northeasterly along the Coon Crrek Road to the range line between IS K. and IS E.; thence north along ..t Rang line to Little Willow Creek, north weat corner Sec. 18, T. 11 B., R. IS E.: thence cut along the section line to Trout Greek Road; thence aoutheaaterly along the Trout Creek Road to the mouth of Foley Creek, aouthweat Corner Sec. 33, T. 11 B.. R. 17 E.i thenc eaat along the section line to the ranse line, 18 E. and 19 X., on West Stevenson Mountain; thence southeasterly along the ridse across Stevenson Lookout to the head of the Cherry Creek Trail; thence south along the section line to the Ochoco Na tional Forest and Central Oregon Stave District Boundary; tnence west 13 miles along the boundary to the northwest corner Sec. 5, T. 12 B.. R. IT E.; thence south along the protection boundary of the Ochoco National Forest and Central Oregon State District to the southwest corner of Sec. 31, T. 13 8., R. 17 E.; thence east 13 miles along the township line to Marks Creek Road, northeast corner Sec. 1, T. 14 S., R. 18 E.: thence south 9 miles along the range line to the northeast corner Bee. 24,' T. 15 B., R. 18 E.; thence east S miles along section line across Oerow Butte to the northeut corner Sec. 24, T. 15 B.. R. 19 E.; thence south three mllea to the southeast corner Sec. 3ff, T, 15 8., R, W E.; thence west 4 miles along the township line across Horse Heaven Creek to the northeast oorner Bee. 5.. T, 16 B., R. IB E.i thence south one mile along the section line to the southeast corner Sec. S, T. IS 8., R. 19 E.i thence west 8 miles along the sec tion line to the southwest corner Bee. 4, T. 18 8., R. 18 E.; thence north one mile along the section line to the northeast corner Sec. 4, T. IS S., R. 18 E.; thence west 3 miles a Ions the township line to the southwest corner Sec. 31, T. 15 B., R. 18 E.; thence north three miles along range line to Lawson Creek, northwest corner Sec. 19, T. 15 S., R. 18 E.; thence past 2 miles along section line to the southwest corner Sec. 16, T. IS 8., R. 18 E.; thence north 7 miles along section line to the northeast corner Sec. 17, T. 14 S., R. 18 E ; thence west 12 miles along sec tion line to beginning point on Old Dry Cieek Road, southeast corner Sec. 8, T. 14 8.. R. 16 E Permits to enter the above area may oftali'ed at the following places: Prlnevllle Guard Station, Prlnevllle A hart ho. 15-P OREGON 8TATE BOARD OP FORESTRY. CENTRAL OREGON DISTRICT Ki run a Area: Beginning at the town of Klnzua In Sec. 2, T. 7 S., R. 22 E.t thence in a southwesterly direction along the Blodsoe Creek road to the Straw Fork road; thence west along the Straw Fork road to the John Day highway; thence In a southeasterly direction along the John Day highway to the Wlnlock County road; thence in an easterly direction along the Wlnlock County road to the Alder Creek road: thence In a north easterly direction along the Alder Creek road to the Umatilla National Forest boundary between Bee. 23 and Bee. 28, T 7 8., R. 24 E.; thence In a westerly direc tion along the Umatilla National Forest boundary and continuing along the Uma tilla National Forest Boundary to the point where said boundary crosses the old Monument-Heppner road between Bee. 23 and Sec. 36, T. 8., R. 36 E.; thence in a northerly direction along the old Monument-Heppner road to the Junction of the Parker's Mill road: thence In a torthwesterly direction along the Parker's Mill road to the Spray-Heppner highway; thence xouth alone the Spray-Heppner ilahway to the township line between Sec. 38, T. 5 B., R. 36 E.; and See. 9, T. 6 8., R. 36 X.; thence west along the township line to the northwest comer of Sec. 1. T. I 8., R. 24 X.; thence due south along section lines three (3) miles to the southwest corner of Bee. 13, T. S a., R. 24 X.; thence due west along sec tion lines approximately nine and one half (9'4) miles to the Cones Mill road; thence In a southeasterly direction along the Cones Mill road to the Oxhead Ridge road; thence In a southerly direction along the Oxhead Ridge road to the Camp 5 road; thence in a westerly direc tion along the Camp 5 road to the town of Klnsua In Sec. 3, T. 7 B R, 22 E.. the point of beginning, with the exception of the Camp 5 road from Kinaua to Kln zua Oamp No. 5, Permits to enter the above area may be obtained at the following places; Fire Warden's Office, Klnzua, Oregon Klnzua Pine Mills Oo. Office, Kinaua, Oregon Klnzua Woods Camp No. 5 Lone rock Store, Lonerock, Oregon Chapln Creek Guard Station AREA No. 18-P OREGON STATE BOARD OF FORESTRY. CENTRAL OREGON lhstrict Brooks -Bcanlon Area: Beginning at the Junction of the rumalo Creek Road and the Brooks Scanlon Camp Road in Bee. 33, T. 17 B., R. 11 E.; thence in a northwesterly di rection along the Brooks-Sc anion Camp Road to the eounty road approximately 2 miles south of the town of Sisters; thence In a southwesterly direction along the county road to Che Deschutes National Forest boundary In Sec. 6, T, 16 8., R. 10 E.; thence south along the Deschutes Some like 'em BIG (FOR IIO LOADS) M MJ-Wmfww m JO. lira iM W.OO-M. O.V.W.M, V.SOO Sa. O.T.W. r 17,000 1 rWVi ft. U.'WJi a.v.w. 4JO0 t CU. nl fw tmm, V- m to. ffew hMrWklOT 3 Some like 'em SMALL (FOR SMALL LOADS) 3 - gfl H HI M M BE1 KM ! We have a Ford lor you...wriafever you haul Whatever you haul, wherever you haul it, we've got the right kind of truck for your work. Fords truck everything! Here's whyl First, each individual Ford Truck can do more kinds of jobs. That's because it is Bonus Built with extra strength to give it a wider work range. Second, we offer over 139 different Ford Truck models. These, multiplied by scores of chassis options, give a job cover age practically without limit. That's what's back of our contention that the loading dock hasn't been built which has strained to a load that Ford Trucks can't pull. Come in a nd get the facts from us on wide Ford job coverage. Check on the scores of exclusive Ford Truck features available in no other truck builtl ' HWMMO 1 -EI oesm... t?tfnfrrfni Bong- Prtltrnmai BUIT STRONG Jt TO LAST LONG P USINO t ATIST MOISTRATION BATA ON 1,444,000 TRUCK. UN INIUIANCI IXPIITI PIOVI PORO TRUCKS IAST IONOIRI VALLEY MOTOR COMPANY Center and N. Liberty Sts. Phone 3-3147 EVERYTHING For A Fireplace PUMILITE-West Salem Phone 25643 National Forest boundary to Tumilo Creek Road; thence in an eaaterly direc tion along the Tumalo Creek Road to the point of beginning. Permits to enter the above area nay be obtained at the following places: Brooks-Bcanlon Lumber Company, Band Broolcs-Bcanlon i Woods Camp, Bisters Tumalo Butte Lookout, Bee. 14, T IT 17 8 R 11 E D strict Warden's Office, Sisters NOW, THEREFORE, I, Douglass McKay, Governor of the State of Oregon, by virtue of the authority vester in me under the provisions of Sections 107-310, Oregon Compiled Laws Annotated, as amended by Chapter 353, Oregon Laws, 1945, do hereby proclaim the unregulated use of the above described areas to be unlawful and that said areas shall be subject to entry only through permit to h Issued by the State Forester, or a fire warden, under which permit entran aaall comply with any and all of the following requirements: (1) To refrain from smoking except In places designated as safe In said permit. (J) To build no open fires except In places designated as safe In said permit. (3) To have as a part of bis or her equipment when using campfires. except when traveling as a pedes trian andor camping at Improved, designated and posted campgrounds, tools as specified by the forester suitable for extinguishing fires. This proclamation shall be effective from and after the 16th day of July, 1949, and shall remain In full force and effect until the 91st day of December, 1949. -t fca rr.ndAi in Salem. Oregon :hls 13th day of July. 1949. ATTEST: Earl T. Newbry Secretary of state Douglas McKay Governor INSURANCE AUTO At TRnCK SWn9l FIRK See Bill Osko MS Court St. Ph. 3-8661 OLD Jmtiuchf IVhiskey r-A Blend Gentleman's Whiskey from Kentucty "FOR GENERATIONS A GREAT KENTUCKY FAVORITE" National Dirtillera Producla Corporation, New York 86 Proof 65 Grain Neutral Spirits ft Warm Weather SPECIALS BOYS DEPARTMENT SWIM TRUNKS 49c 1.19 Boxer and fitted types wools and cotton gabardines, variety of colors to choose from. Sizes 4 to 18. Volu.i to $3.50 T-SHIRTS Bright stripes in many colors, just right for a warm summer day. Sizes, small, medium and large. Values to $1.50 79c SUN SUITS Candy stripes in red, green, brown and blue. Also some OIj solids. Sanforized. Sizes 1 to 8. iti TV C Voluos to $2.95 SPORT SHIRTS Short sleeved sports shirts in plain and fancy patterns. A wide variety to choose from. Sanfor ized of course. Sizes 6 to 14. Voluti to $2.95 1.00 Washable Slack Suit 1.39 Two tone suits with short pants and sports shirt. Sanforized. A real buy. Sizes 5 to 8. Values to $3.10 SHORT PANTS Sturdy, cool short pants of cot ton gabardine. Suspenders. Browns and blues. Sanforized. Sizes, medium only. Values to $3.95 79c SLACK SUITS Contrasting sports shirt and long pants. Sanforized cotton. Sizes 5 to 10. Values to $6.50 1.79 SUMMER CAPS White and navy sailors and bill cotton. Values to $1.39 59c DOWNSTAIRS SHOE DPARTMENT BOYS SHOES All odds and ends, no full runs. All shoes from our regular stock. Plain toes, caps, moccasin toe. Heavy sole and light. Come in and look them over and see for yourself the wonderful values. Sizes 1 to 6, A to D widths. Values to $7.95 MENS SHOES All odds and ends, all from our regular stock. Plain toes, moc casin toes, cap toes. Some lug soles, too. Size 6 to 12, A to D widths. Values to $10.95 595 Come Early Sale Starts Thursday 9 a.m. f-QOTHlNC yMWlENMlLLS STORE he Sorry No Refunds or Exchanges