vMaie s income Increase 1 1 Euene, July 12 m For the first time in the state's history, the income for the past year passed the two billion dollar mark. An 11 per cent increase in Oregon income for 1948 is shown in figures of a report re leased last week by Paul W. Ellis, associated professor of eco nomics at the University of Ore gon. The report, prepared by Elfls for the Pacific coast intergov ernmental relations, gives de tailed estmates of Oregon in come for 1948 and shows new high levels for almost all classl fictions except manufacturing ficatoins except manufacturing are similar to those which the official department of commerce publications ordinarily prints in August. The full report will appear in a forthcoming issue of the Ore-, gon Business Review, publica tion of the University of Oregon bureau of business research. Men Collect $500 For Perilous Trip Yreka, Calif., July 12 u.R Merton Coates, 39, and Oscar Taylor, 41, collected $500 today for being the first men to navi gate the turbulent Klamath river from Yreka to the ocean. The two Indians sailed the treacherous 176-mile river in a fragile rowboat powered by a 10-horsenower outboard motor, They made 60 miles the first day, 45 the second and 70 miles on the third day of the trip. The last leg of the journey was ac complished despite a cracked engine head and numerous leaks in the boat. Two boats attempted the trip. The other entry of Loren and Vernon Myers of Klamath was forced out on the first day when the bottom of their boat was ripped by rocks. The prize money was donated by the Klamath water carnival, an event held each year to cele brate the opening of the salmon fishing season. Mounted Posse in Olympia Show The Oregon Mounted posse placed 21 horses in the show staged at Olympia, Wash, over the week-end and two of the owners placed first in two events. There was no riding competition. A. M. Minden's "Show Boy' placed first in the Palomino class while Tom Allen's "Otto's Lucky Number" rated tops in the stock horse divison. Com petition in both divisions was extremely close. The posse plana to take part m a Vancouver, B. C. show within the near future. Style Charts for Vacation Beards B3 MM Sunday Outing Ends In Tragedy Cleveland, Utah, July 12 U.R Henry J. Reynolds of Mt. Pleasant, Utah, his wife and their 18-month-old son went to Cleveland Reservoir in central Utah for a Sunday outing. While Reynolds was fishing, the wife put the son, Roger, in the back seat of the car for a nap and parked the auto in the shade. Mrs. Reynolds went to the bank of the reservoir to rest. As she turned to look at the car, she was horrified to see it rolling toward the reservoir. The brakes had slipped. Before Mrs. Reynolds could stop the car, it had plunged in to nine feet of water and sub merged. Reynolds dropped his fish pole and dove into the reservoir. He had to make four attempts before he could open the car door and bring out his son from the water-filled vehicle. But it was too late. Roger had drowned. AP Newsfeatures These bearded social lions lived long before the slogan "Shave-and-a-Haircut, Ten-Cents," got started. Beards of innumerable styles have been worn through the ages by kings, emperors, popes, generals and "the man in the street." There were the Belgrave, the Boulanger, the St. James, the Uncle Sam, the goatee, the mutton chops, the Parthian bush, the Etruscan curl and the Persian, laced with gold, among many others. Their hairy history has been written by a beardless Englishman, Reginald Reynolds, under the title "Beards" (Doubleday), and these illustrations are from the end papers of his book. Religious Play To Be Presented The modern religious play "If The Light Be Darkness" will be present at 8 o'clock Wednesday night at the First Presbyterian church under the direction of Henry Duffy. The drector is well known for his "Duffy Players" experience of the past 25 years. The cast includes Paula Foley, senior student at Humboldt State college who will enter the legal profession as an attorney; John Powers, who resigned as principal of Keno school in Kla math county to enter Princeton to study for the ministry; Alan Button, who holds a master's degree from the Universty of Oregon and plans to study for his doctorate in psychology at Stanford, and Ted Reeves from the Portland civic theater cast. New 3,000 horsepower air plane engines have . as much power as a big locomotive. UNDERGROUND LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEMS COMPLETE INSTALLATION FREE ESTIMATES f PLUMBING-HEATING Woodcraft Neighbors Note Special Events Silverton Mrs. Mabel Talbot, correspondent, is announcing two district sessions of the Neighbors of Woodcraft. At the Dallas city, park, Sun day, July 17, the district 21 family picnic will be held. The district pep meeting will be at Salem Friday, July 22, with Silver Bell Circle as hostess group. Polio Hits Idaho Boise, Idaho, July 12 () The polio incidence in the state of Idaho approached the epidemic stage today with the report to the state public health depart ment of seven new cases, bring ing the year's total to 71. Use Organic Fertilizer The Right Way to . Rebuild Soil - Free of Weed Seeds Odorless $5.00 Bulk 1 ton $10.00 2 tons 17.50 Free delivery anywhere in Salem Area Phone 3-8127 After 5PM Phone 24397 I POPULARITY CAUSES SCARCITY! TsOMETIMEsT OLYMPIA BEER IS I HARD TO FIND. SUGGEST Y0U SHOP EARLY. tYMM IKWMC Otrmpia. Wisk.. U. S. A. NOl'LHEBUILTM Certified Rebuilt Maytag Washer bear this seal . . . your assurance of skilled workmanship and genuine Maytag parts. Tested . . . Approved Guaranteed ! ! 1 Square Aluminum Model 80 Maytag CQ50 Only 3 Very Good Grey Enameled, All-Aluminum XtQSO Square Tub Maytags, dependable 1 Maytag 80, adjustable legs, new wringer, rolls, hinged lid. Perfect 0 7 2 Top Quality Maytags. Fast washing 7Q50 square aluminum tub, tension spring wringer. . ' ' 1 AQ50 Round Porcelain Tub, large rolls ' 2 Round Porcelain Tub Maytags, large fiQ50 balloon wringer rolls. Bargains at O 7 r iinn vih WIUAKETTl milt'S tlADIKC APPLIANCE I I0MC FOIHISHEII I I 5ALEM OREGON CITY J Preliminary Hearing Asked By Quartet Silverton Preliminary hear ing, asked for by four young men, will be held today at the city hall court rooms. The charges preferred against each is "Contributing to the delin quency of minors involving 16-year-old girls." The young men are listed as Earl Knothe, Richard Bailer, Wilbur Tennes and Ray Carrington. The hear ing Is under tne direction ot Judge Alf. O. Nelson of the local justice court. FOR FRUSTRATED PADEREWSKIS Eddie Duchin Teaches 'Silent' Piano Lessons New York W.R) Eddie Duchin, the "magic fingers of radio," has opened a studio here to teach frustrated Paderewskis piano technique quickly and . . . silently. Duchin's system, called Audiscope, employs a plastic keyboard on which pupils follow an electrical device built into the teach er's piano. This device projects' the image of keys, notes, chords, and finger positions on an il luminated panel. The students finger their si lent keyboards in accordance with the visual signals and in a matter of minutes can play a "silent" rhapsody with both hands. The students also learn to write, arrange and transpose melodies. They learn keyboard harmony and sight reading; scales, chords and inversion. Audioscope, with its lighted keyboard device, enables the student to grasp the impression much faster and retain it longer. A minimum of practice is needed. No piano is required. Just lug the plastic keyboard home and serenade friends and neighbors. No noise, no complaints. An accomplished pianist and orchestra leader, Duchin main tained that many people would learn to play the piano of they were given a chance to do so quickly and painlessly. Duch in currently is filling one o his frequent engagements with his orchestra on the Starlight Roof of the Hotel Waldorf-Astoria. "This new system puts an end to needless practicing and drill ing on tedious exercises," Duch in said. "Furthermore, any normal person can learn to play a sim ple melody in one lesson. After a few lessons he can play a variety of popular, classical and semi - classical pieces, without long hours of 'ragging the scales'." Audioscope, developed by the U.S. Army rehabilitation pro- "Athlete's Foot?" Burning itch of athlete's foot, srnoolh-skin ringworm and other difficult "fungus" type of externally caused surface skin infections are relieved with the new 3-action "wonder formula" of ENCA CREAM developed in the research laboratories of a great medical university I See our ad on Page 8 Fred Meyer Drug Capital Journal, Salem, Orejion, Tuesday, July 12, 1949 9 gram, was used at the Walter Reed Hospital to teach more than 2,000 convalescing GI's to play the piano. After additional research and perfecting, Duchin presented this new method to the public at his New York studio, the first of a projected chain through out the United States and Canada. Gays Start Vacation Woodburn Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cay left Monday in their car for a trip to Seattle and points north. At Port Orchard they will visit Mrs. Gay's sister and expect to be away until next Sunday. Hoop skirts once were sup ported by whalebone, which was expensive. MEET THE LAWN CHAMP Lai WEED & FEED Double action for one price this dry compound destroys broad-leaved weeds as it feeds the grass to richer color and thicker growth. Harmless to lawns, including bentgrass, when put on at economical rate specified. Easily applied with a Scotts Spreader. Handy Shaker Box - $1.00 Urge Box, trati 2500 tq ft 13.50 rtrt ScStti. SPREADERS - piovld. quick, aty lawn application,, rub ber tired $10.85 and JI7.50. Fill In voids left by dying weedl with tScs&& triple cleaned feed. I lb 3,000,000 leedi $1.43. F. A. Doerf ler & Sons Nursery 150 N. Lancaster Drive at 4 Corners Phone 1-1322 NOW! Dental Science Reveals a Startling Discovery in the Fight Against Tooth Decay PROOF THAT BRUSHING TEETH RIGHT AFTER EATING IS THE SAFE, EFFECTIVE WAY TO STOP will Colgate Dental Cream X-RAYS SHOW HOW PROPER USE OF COLGATE'S HELPS STOP TOOTH DECAY! ff , Jif , j Eminent dental authorities supervised 2 groups of college men and women for over a year. One group always brushed their teeth with Colgate's right after eating. The other group followed usual dental care. X-rays were taken at regular intervals. The average of the group using Colgate Dental Cream as directed was a startling reduction in number of cavities far lest tooth decay! The other group developed new cavities at a much higher ratel Regular visits to your dentist are necessary for com plete dental care. No home method can help everyone; nor can it stop all tooth decay or help cavities already started! The Most Important News in Dental History! Exhaustive Research on Hundreds of People by Eminent Dental Authorities Proves How Using Colgate Dental Cream Helps Stop Tooth Decay Before It Starts! NOW dental science oilers scientific prooj that brushing teeth with Colgate Dental Cream right after eating is an effective, safe way to help prevent new cav ities, greatly reduco tooth decay! More than a year's con tinuous research hundreds of case histories makes this the most important news in dental history! For now the same tooth paste you use to clean your breath while you clean your teeth offers a safe, proved way to reduce tooth decay! Colgate's It Safe Not An Experimental Formula! Colgate Dental Cream has been proved to contain all the necessary ingredients including an exclusive pat ented ingredient for effec tive daily dental care. No risk of irritation to tissues and gums! TheColgate Dental Cream now at your dealer's is the same formula that was used in the tests. You can use Colgate's with confidence. And using it as directed is a safe, proved way to avoid needless cavities actually help stop tooth de-' cay at home! To The Dental Profession The research described here was conducted in lending dental clinics under the supervision of some of America's foremost den tal research authorities. A detailed report of the tests is now in preparation and will be available for your use and study in the near future. If you wish a copy, send your request on your own professional letter head to Colgate, Jersey City 2, N.J. These studies represent the most exhaustive evidence ever offered to the dental profession of actual reduction of cavities. They present scientific proof that always brushing teeth right - after eating is one of the most effective ways yet known to help stop tooth decay before it starts. And Colgate Dental Cream is the only dentifrice that can prove the statements reported here. NO CHANGE IN FLAVOR, FOAM, OR CLEANSING ACTION! Millions know that Colgate Dental Cream cleans their breath while it cleans their teeth. That its wonderful wake-up flavor is preferred over all other dentifrices tested. That no other toothpaste docH a bettor job of clean, ing teeth. And there has been no change in Colgnte's famous flavor its mar velous foaming quality or its safe and thorough cleansing actionl Mothers! Children Love Colgate's Flavor! It's Easy to Start Them On The Colgate Way To Reduce Tooth Decay! 9 out of 10 children have one or more de cayed teeth by the time they enter school. So don't wait another day to start your children on Colgate Dental Cream. Teach them the importance of always brushing their teeth right after meals or snacks. They'll love Colgate's flavor so It's easy to get them to use Colgate's correctly, give thorn all the benefits of this safe, proved way to reduce tooth dccayl J - i THIM If ONLY ONI COIOATI DINTAL CKIAMI YOUt DEALIR HAS IT NOW IN THI SAMI FAMIUAt PACKAOI Always use Colgate's to Clean Your Breath While You Clean Your Teeth and HELP STOP TOOTH DECAY! Mjht ilur utiof