I 8 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, July 12, 1949 FASHION OUTLOOK: Skirts to Go Higher in Fall, But Prices Will Be Lower By DOROTHY ROE (Associated Press Fashion Kdllor) New York, July 12 VP) Prices will be lower and skirts higher next fall. That was the main impression gathered Monday by more than 100 fashion editors gathered for the opening of the New York dress institute's 13th semi annual press week, at which leading -designers preview tne next sea son s styles. Strictl) cosmopolitan was the opening show of the week, a "round-the-world" collection de signed by Tina Leser, whose prankish and often revealing sportswear makes fashion head lines each season. Recently returned from a global honeymoon trip, the far sighted Tina picked up a few style ideas in each country she visited. Her wrap - around "kimono coat" in vivid red fleece, was, of course, inspired by Japan. Her copper embroidered eve ning skirts by India, her braid- trimmed tunic suit by France. And, of course, she added a liberal sprinkling of Japanese pajamas and exotic cocktail dresses which Tina tagged "near east." Christian Dior, the French man accused as "father of the new look," intrigued the visiting editors with a handsome, swish and strictly French - looking group of styles, most predomin ant silhouette of which was the bloused-back suit. Most of his skirts are slim sometimes slit and sometimes equipped with floating panels to add motion and fullness to the sheath beneath. Though he makes his crea tions with such American titles as "Washington square" and Chevy Chase," the collection has a highly Parisian flavor. He shows velvet blouses with tweed suits, likes bulky, belted jackets on casual rough wool suits, button." back his coat la pels, and uses buttons with a lavish hand on practically everything. Many untrimmed wool dress maker suits are accompanied by small fur a scots and matching muffs about the size and shape of a sofa pillow. Silverton Tax Levy Up Silverton, July 2 A tax levy of $23,521, of which $12,- 354 is outside the six per cent limitation, will be asked of Sil verton with the city council Monday night approving a bud get of $115,595. Mayor C. H Welby urged care in the purch ase of any materials needed at present. The council spent con siderable time discussing the new parking meters which will go into operation Monday. Double Duty The neckline of this copper moire cocktail dress by Herbert Sondheim may be flipped open or shut, simulating a demurely high collar or revealing an expanse of chest. This fall fashion was one of those shown In New York's current fall fashion pre views. (AP Wirephoto.) Officials Deny Seeking Favors State Industrial Accident Commissioners L. O. Arens and Paul Gurske denied today that they asked the board of control for permission to drive state au tomobiles without having the of ficial state seals on the sides of the cars. They said that the letter re questing that permission was ent to the board by someone else in the accident commission office, and that Arens and Gurske had no knowledge of it. The board turned thumbs down on the idea, ruling that all state cars, except those used by police agencies, should be clearly identified in order to curb their use for private purposes. HMU1W.J ilinupwmilll HIM II1..PJIU j!ijihiiij,.iih, nwraiin Designs, old and new Model at left shows a gown of 1840 loaned by Brooklyn Museum to Dress Designers Show in New York. Right is Fran Scott's 1949 version of pattern. State Planning Group Formed The newly created state capitol planning commission held its organizatonal meeting Monday and named a committee of four to study future expansion of state capitol buildings. Judge Robert W. Sawyer of Bend was elected chairman of the commission and Paul Wal lace of Salem was chosen vice chairman. Dr. George W. Glee son of the Oregon State College Engineering school was named secretary. C. A. McClure, sec retary of the Salem long range planning commission was named executive secretary of the group. Herman Brookman of Port land will head the committee of four to study capitol expansion Sawyer said that powers of the commission, which was ere ated by the 1949 legislature, are mostly advisory. It is authoriz ed to confer with city planning commissions, the state board of control and other groups about expansion of the capitol area. Although no action on the subject was taken at Monday's meeting, commission members indicated they believe steps should be taken to ban undesir able buildings and businesses adjacent to capitol buildings. When the planning group holds its next meeting here in August, It will consider plans for the proposed state highway commission building, estimated to cost about $1,300,000. It will rise near other capitol buildings. Other members of the plan ning commission include Eliza beth Lord and Milton L. Meyers, both of Salem, and Sidney W Little of the University of Ore gon School of Architecture, 3 Killed in Quake Tokyo, July 12 U.R)At least three Japanese were killed to day when a moderate earth quake shook U.S. atom-bombed city of Hiroshima, Kure and the southwest shores of Shikoku island. LookaTthe RODM TryThe RIDE compare tha VALUE iJfte i,,. ' "On mew fflflrff, Afll-f jsBSS?- averaxd 25.3 utiles per fallon,' . nASH Only Nash can tr.iilh.onlrc.r build this Value! &ti2!"L& built Unitized Body end frame, li'i on lolidt welded low lung unit. Expend! room . . adds 50 greater riftidity . . nda body queaki and ret t lea give you a bigger, ealer oar. Yet, look, try, compare the Nash Airftvte has set new standards by which automobile value must b measured. Look at tho room I Mere are seats so wide they can become Twin Beds ... in an interior a font longer than most . . . plus a 28-foot lug gage compartment. Try tho ride! You'll appreciate coil springs cushioning alt four wheels . . . the smoothness of Uni floJet Carburetion . . the freedom from wind noise you get with wheel enclosed streamlining. Compare the value I 1 lere is the only car with the Weather Bye . . . with economy of more than 25 miles per gallon in the Nnsh "600" at average highway speed. . . with Unitized Body-and-frama . with curved undivided windshield on all models . , with Cockpit Control, See your Nash dealer for a demon stratum of a Nash Airflyte "600' or Ambassador. Look, try. com pare you'll buy Nash! t s QRtAT CARS UNCI llol No Malm, tMki NV(WriMMr CrtMiM, OMrU, Midkl MARION MOTORS 333 Center St. Bid on Dalles Bond Accepted Dallas, Ore., July 12 A joint bid by Blyth and company and the U.S. National bank, both of Portland, for $175,000 in bonds for the construction of a city water reservoir was approved Monday night by the city coun cil. Only the one bid was received. Previous sale to the state of Oregon at an interest rate of 2 percent and a premium of 85 cents per hundred dollars was invalidated on a technicali ty. The Portland offer carries an interest rate of 414 percent for 1950 through 1952 then 2 per cent through 1968, according to Lief Finseth, chairman of the water board. of Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. James Wiltsey and sons, George and Kerry of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Schroeder of Forest Grove, Mrs. Floyd Basset of Lyons, Mrs. Lily Lake, Mr, and Mrs. Edmund Davis and son, Edmund, and "T." Henness, a brother, who will celebrate his 95th birthday in September. Annilnmr hrniher! Eohriam Hen- ness who passed away last win ter would have been 1UU naa ne lived until October of this year. Steel pipes and tubes now are made in sizes ranging from hy podermic needles to pipes 150 inches or more in diameter. 86th Anniversary Of Birth Observed Gates Lincoln Henness was honored on the occasion of his 86th birthday anniversary, when a group of relatives and friends gathered at his home. The after noon was spent visiting and opening the gifts received. Refreshments were served to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Miller of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. George Murphy of Kelso, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ratzeburg and sons, Robert and Hal from Sa em, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Biever Hemorrhoids (Piles) Fistula Fissure. Prolapse and oth er Rectal Disor ders corrected the easy, convenient way. No hospitaliz ation, quick relief Dr. E. Reynolds Clinic Naturo-Rectal Specialist 1144 Center St.. Salem, Ore. Ph. 33460 FREE PARKING & X S&aaa SAVE! witn Block Construction Drive that Extra "Most Profitable Mile" to PUMILITE WEST SALEM or Phone 2-5643 "OUR REPUTATION is YOUR SECURITY" ' that's LARMER TRANSFER and STORAGE res? VAN LINES CO. FOR THE BEST IN HAULING i STORAGE i FUEL DlaI 3-3131 or see us at 889 N. Liberty NEW VALUE IN OREGON! That sensational Eastern whiskey buy... CARSTAIRS White Seal -a wum HNT The Man who Cares says CARSTAIRS BLENDED WHISKEY CARSTAIRS BROS. DISTILLING CO, INC., BALTIMORE, MD BLENDED WHISKEY, 86.8 PROOF, 72 GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS AT LAST! Science Solves Many "Bad Skin" Problems! Here's New Ti ,9&iti ant Sttemeei NEW SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH SHOWS HOW ENCA CHECKS GROWTH OF GERMS IN SKIN These technical facts are for those inter ested not only in what ENCA does, but how ENCA works and why it is so effective, YOUR SKIN. This scientifically accurate micrograph shows how a cross-section of your Bkin looks in the microscope : OORNEUtf SCALY-fWLjaJtiMLM.teairitf .SURFACE IgsSffraiPiW- VESSEL mthuscli Note the top surface of the skin is not smooth, but rough end scaly. "Germs" bacteria and fungi of externally caused akin troubles lodge In this scaly outer layer of the skin where they grow and multiply sometimes infecting the hair follicles, pores, sebaceous glands and tissues. THE "GERMS" pictured below are only a few of hundreds of different kinds occurring in skin troubles: I I I I SCIENTIFIC RELIEF for Pimples of ACNE 'TEEN-AGE' PIMPLES Scaly Rash of PSORIASIS Infected BLACKHEADS Externally Caused SKIN ITCH Smooth Skin RINGWORM RASH Pimples, Blisters of IMPETIGO 'ij, Bornlng, ItcWng of 'ATHLETE'S FOOT IMPORTANT NOTE: Sometime tntefeol tftiordert and dhooM etMM die trouble.. ENCA may afford temporary from lb eararnof iymfom ? tack ' .eternal diteatet bvt K cloimi for ENCA ort bod on tuch pottibiliW. ENCA ' it ptrely txttmal medication to rtlltvt txttrnally couttd tkin trotrbltt. A bow it a porttal nit or ma Mat t nit aiioraert tor which h tntraairy 4 fNCA it indicottd. Sensational Medical Research Discovery Relieves Externally Carised STAPHYLOCOCCUS PYOGENES o.uolly pr.i. nt in pimplM of oen. and acn.-lilt. I.iionl. STREPTOCOCCUS (Short Chaim) often oc curring in darmatitis, im paliqa, end pyooWrmo. STMPTOCOCCUS (Long Choini) frequently occurring in dermaritif. ond pyodanna faciale. I MI TIDTOILIEg Instantly Hides Ugly Blemishes I Checks Infectious Germ Growth I a Actually Helps Natural Healing! TRICHOPHYTON GYP. SEUM ond PUPUREUM fungi off.n pr.ient in io-all.d "othl.t.'sfoor." NEW3-ACTI0N WONDER CREAM with TYROTHRICIN "antibiotic" MICROSPORON UN- OSUM fungut found in .itr.rn.ly infactioui moorh.ikin ringworm. MICROSPORON AU DOUINI imoll ipoi. fungwl found in ring worm of globrows ikin. laboratory tcU pror ENCA (antly tr po germ by keratolytic action, safely thtck germ growth with Ita frermlcidal and fungicidal imrrodienU, then htlpi htal akin lnaioni prwent in rarfaot ikin diaordcr. Read what satisfied users say about ENCA: Thank you for In. ENCA Cream. I hav. been uaing It aa local therapy In nene canee and am finding It highly eatiafaetory." B. U GV "BNCA Cream worka Ilk. a rharm. . . . We tried eTerythlng for our son. Joe. but nothing dM any good until you fuggeeted ENCA Cream. . . . Thank you again, Doc tor." tin. W. W. "For several yara I hare used various recommended means in an attempt to remove facial blemishes and minor skin lesions, to no appre ciable success. However, through ENCA Cream I have succeeded be yond my expectatlona" Sir. . N. r. "Slnre sdoleseeaca Fa been troubled with acne. ... I decided to give ENCA Cream a try. After using it 1 have had the results I never before had : my skin is 100 better and the acn. has all but cleared." Airs. U. B. ACOMPLETELT NFW, scientific research development ENCA Is the result of thousands of clinical tests in the laboratories of a world-famous medical university hospital. It gives relief and comfort to "bad Bkin sufferers as never before! Your skin Joofcs better and ! better from the very moment you apply this amazing new S-action "wonder cream." ENCA'S flesh-tinted, non-oily. rton-sticky, cosmetic-type base in stantly masks blemishes and re lieves itching. then, ENCA'S "keratolytic" ac-. tion on the surface skin exposes germs for attack by germicidal and fungicidal ingredients. Bac teria and fungi are inhibited and natural healing begins. Only ENCA Cream, containing Tyrothricin in combination with other special medicinal ingredi ants, gives this special S-way ac tion to relieve symptoms of exter nally caused skin ailments. Get a jar of ENCA today I Ton ret results in one week or money backl 1 B9 MONEY BACK GUARANTEE , after one week's trial, you are not pleased mth actual results . . .if unsightly skin doss not look and feel bstter from the start . , . rsturn the partly used jar and purchase price mil be refunded cheer fully and without question. Kll U I Fred Meveg FRED MEYER DRUG 148 N. Liberty t Salem, Oregon