Monmouth Boy Shoots Himself Douglas MeCauley, 18, for mer Monmouth boy, is barely holding his own at the Salem General hospital with his condi tion reported as "very poor." MeCauley was hospitalized Mon pollce at Monmouth, from two his head and between the eyes. He was rushed to the hospital here by ambulance. Until recently he lived in Monmouth, moving to a farm near Airlie where he lived with his step-father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Williams. Two years ago he had a nar row escape from death in a mo torcycle accident just north of Monmouth. Winners in Elks Bridge Tournament Winners in the weekly dupli cate bridge tournament of the Salem Elks Bridge club included Mrs. C. F. Foulger, Mrs. Arthur Binegar and Mrs. Ellis H. Jones. Others awarded rating points were Mrs. Lucetta McCoskrie and Mrs. Ray Jenkins of Corval lis, Mrs. Ellen Gabriel and Mrs. George Henderson, Mrs. Walter M. Cline and Mrs. - Edward E. Roth, Mrs. John Bone and Mrs. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, July 12. 19497 school girl companions of Mc Cauley's, the shooting occurred while the trio sat in a parked automobile. MeCauley, the girls said, pointed a small calibre rifle at his head and dared them to pull the trigger, which they refused. "We thought he was only fool ing," the girls told the officer. Then the youth ejected several cartridges from the magazine of the rifle and re-loaded it, plac ing the stock between his legs, barrel upwards. The cartridge was fired with the bullet striking MeCauley in C. B. Bentson, Oliver Huston and Mrs. J. M. Bishop. Two Portland teams failed to place. In the July master point tour nament Mrs. Mabel Jones Can non and Ellis H. Jones won their third successive master point play in Portland, Corvallis and Salem while Mrs. Lenore Park and Leonard Kremen were east-west winners. Others gain ing points were Mrs. Ward Gra ham, Walter M. Cline, W. E. Kimsey, Mrs. Dewey Howell, Mrs. C. F. Fougler and Mrs. John M. Pugh and Mrs. R. D. Harris of Shedd. Weekly tournaments will con tinue on Monday evenings. throughout the summer, Chair man W. E. Kimsey announced, and the August master point will be held either August 2 or 3. day night with a gun shot The American Museum of Na wound in the head, said by po lice, to be self-inflicted. According to the story learn Some 1,500 tons of steel wire were sold annually for, hoop skirts when they were the fashion in 1860-70. ' tural History, New York, houses the largest study collection of birds in the world, numbering ed by Frank Graber, chief of 750,000 specimens. ""'0 , ) It-fi ' 7 7 Constructive Loans, No Money for Speculation E. C. Sam mons, president of the United States National' Bank of Port land with their 39th branch opening in West Salem, discusses policy with Rex Gibson, manager. Mr. Sammons, principal speaker at a West Salem banquet to commemorate the oc casion, stated his institution had ample funds available for . constructive loans, none for speculation. Sammons Outlines Policy Of West Salem Bank f E. C. Sammons, president of the United States National Bank of Portland, principal speaker at a West Salem banquet held Mon day evening to commemorate the opening of a branch bank in this community, stressed the "high concept of service" maintained by his institution and emphasized that ample funds were available "for construction loans, none for speculation. Oregon, the speaker pointed out, was among the top 10 states of the nation in respect to per capita income. Salem's popula tion had increased 40 percent in less than 10 years, from 30,773 in 1940 to a closely calculated 52,800 in 1948. In West Salem growth had been even more pro nounced, from 1491 in 1940 to an estimated 2800 in 1949. History Of banking in Salem began in 1868 upon founding of the Ladd & Bush bank. United State National bank of Salem opened November 11, 1904 with a staff of two. One of these, Dave Eyre, is now in an executive po sition with the Ladd & Bush branch in Salem. E. W. Hazard is dead. When Walter Musgrave, mayor of West Salem, approached Mr, Sammons less than three years ago relative to establishing a branch bank in his community the locality had no hardware store, dress shop, drug store radio station, furniture store or bank. Nor was there then a doc tor or a dentist. Recent indus trial growth and population in creases have justified these new acquisitions in civic develop ment. Mr. Sammons spoke of the part his institution hoped to play in assisting farmers finance the harvest, development and delivery df crops. Potential hydro-electric power in the Col umbia and Willamette basing, he pointed out, amounts to 20 mil lion' kilowatt hours of electric energy of the equivalent of 40 Bonneville dams. . -Miss Welma Jean Farquharson Piano Instructor At W. U. Named Appointment of Miss Wilma Jean Farquharson as instructor in piano and theory at Willa mette university has been an nounced by President G. Her bert Smith and dean of music, Melvin Geist. Miss Farquharson holds both a bachelor of music and master of science degree from the University of Michigan where she majored in piano with minors work -. done in music, theory. She held the Oliver Dil lon scholarship In music In 1945 and '46 and received a teaching fellowship at the University of Michigan in 1947 and '48. She is a member of the music honor ary, Mu Phi Epsiion which has a chapter on the Willamette campus. , In' addition, to Miss Farquhar son'i accomplishments with piano, she excells in violin and viola. She will begin her duties in September. Amity Standard Sold Amity, July , 12 (P The weekly Amity Standard has been sold by the H. J. Richter estate to Jack Stamper, New berg newspaperman. It will be operated by Harold Saunders, also a Newberg newspaperman.! About 250 tons of wire can be drawn through a tungsten car bide die before it must be re- The delta of the Rhone river was the granary of Rome's legions in Gual, but later was given over to stock raising. (Advertisement) Druggists' Prescription For Relief of Itch When your skin Is Irritated with pimples, red blotches and other skin blemishes from ex ternal causes, you're crazy with itching torture, try Sanitone Ointment. Etching stops prompt ly. Smarting disappears imme diately. Sanitone Ointment is also wonderful for itching feet, cracks between toes and Ath lete's foot. For Sale a Willett's Capital Drag Store State at Liberty Phone 3-3118 Half Price for the First Time! Dorothy Gray Daintiness Cream Deodorant Tests prove this deodorant promises rou greater protection. Checks perspiration and perspiration odor instantly and effectively. . Antiseptic, non-irritating to skin; harmless .to fabrics. Stays creamy , . . does not dry mil in inr. So nrHp.r a larirp snrmlv nnrl aavm fl Regular l Size! I M rfs. H Limited Timet I ' Capital Drug Store State & Liberty Salem A ' Sun. Mon. Taes. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. PRICES 1 J I Effective 11 ' 1 , All Week! II 1 i i i i i Seave GOGuy dby if A weed All prices are always low at SAFEVJAY Consider the convenience of shopping any day of the week and still -getting the lowest prices. You can at Safeway. You see, Safeway's prices are low every day on every item. A simple comparison will prove this for you. Take the prices listed below, tor example. They have been taken at random from the hundreds of values on our shelves. They are typical examples of the way we price everything. Compare them item for item with what others are asking. Then compare the total. See the kind of savings you may expect at "Safeway, no matter what days of the week you do your shopping. " We Reserve Right to Limit Pwk& eans DENNISON'S No. 1 can 10c Pill Pickles Columbia No. ZVi can 20c ugar IPeas S 225c Lima leans -vr 10c Canned Pears 25 c PBEtiflfetta: l- 37c Cherub Milk 10c Other Milk - 2 23c Pure Cane mm Stock Up for Canning 10 lb sack 87c 25 lb. sack : . . $2.19 100 lb. sack . . $8.59 SOAP SAVINGS RINSO,DUZ,OXYDOL, f f f7 4 IVORY SNOW, U 1 I L (J IVORY FLAKES, I f LUX FLAKES ( I 11 J Regular Pkg. AmmZJ GIANT SIZE PKG. '. Wfl OXYDOL lit Crisco, Spry SNOWDRIFT Shortening CAN r 1J;IH.iftnfl'1MMIJM Lvsciovs frvlt with "ricjht-from-ih- tree goodness, Plenty new 'at SAFEWAY CERTO 1QC For All Canning Needs BOTTLE V PAROWAX LB. PKG SURE JELL PKG 13 Lb. (0)(5C Flat (OT7 Fancy Hand Packed and Faced 19c 12c Kerr Fruit Jars Mouth - Pts. 81c Kerr Fruit Jars Bei. . 97c Kerr Economy Jars QtJ!. 1.19 Kerr Regular Lids D0z... 11c KERR Wide Mouth Lids do, 17c KERR Economy Caps Doz 23c Kerr Reg. Rubbers pkff... 5c TOMATOES No. 1 quality IC Field Ripened . . Lb. OC POTATOES U. S. No. 1 Grade White Shafter. 10 .b. 49c CABBAGE Firm, Crisp I" Solid head LB. Jt CANTALOUPES Sweet Pink Meated Q Melon LB. OC Shredded Wheat n 17c CHEERIOS Breakfast of Championi 12-oz. pkg. 22c WHEAT. ES Delicioui Oats Cereal PKG. 16C Guaranteed tender, juicy every time or money back. Leg OB Veal Koasi Genuine Veal. Makes a Delicious Meaty Roast. Lots of Lean lb. 45c PURE GROUND BEEF Ground Fresh Daily LB. 35c VEAL Rump Roast LB. 49 c Shoulder Roast ... .LB. 49c Small Loin Chops . .LB. 69 C Shoulder Steaks . . .LB. 49c FRANKFURTERS 39c Guaranteed Quality Pound PLENTY OF FREE PARKING At All Salom Store Open 'Til 8 P.M. at 1420 State Street 2120 N. Fairground