Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, July 12, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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Edited by MARIAN
6 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, July 12, 1949
. Portlander
Will Marry
Salem Man
Announcement comes from
Portland of the engagement of
Miss Ann Hite, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas H. Hite of that
city, to Anders L. Evers of Sa
lem, son of Mrs. Anders J. Kvers
of New York City.
The news was revealed at a
party for which Miss Hite en
tertained at her home to honor
Miss Barbara Borrevik of Reeds
port, whose marriage to Roger
Wiley of Bremerton, well known
University of Oregon athlete,
will be solemnized August 14.
Miss Hite is a graduate of Uni
versity of Oregon and a member
of Delta Gamma sorority. Mr.
Evers is a graduate of Univer
sity of Oklahoma and is a mem
ber of Beta Theta Pi.
Salemite Wed
Recently in Eugene
A recent wedding in Eugene
was that of Miss Irene Clemens
of that city and Murray M. Scho
field, son of Mrs. B. M. Scho-
field of Salem and the late Mr
Schofield. The bride Is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George
R. Clemens of Eugene.
The marriage was solemnized
In the First Congregational
church In Eugene, June 20
Given In marriage by her fa
ther, the bride wore a gown
of white marquisette over satin,
fashioned with fitted bodice and
sweetheart neckline, knife-
pleated ruffling making the col
lar and continuing in a double
row down the skirt and around
the train. The bride wore a full
length veil, lace edged and held
In place with a tiara of pearlized
orange blossoms. Her bouquet
was of white baby orchids and
tephanotis centered with white
Mrs. Kenneth Carter in pale
blue taffeta was the matron of
honor. Four year old Elizabeth
Herbert of Sumner, Wash., was
flower girl.
Stanley C. Schofield was best
man for his brother and ushers
were Allen McNown of Hollis-
ter, Calif., and Wesley Robison
of Portland.
The reception following was
In the Wheeler room of the
The couple will be at home in
Portland this coming year. The
bride, a graduate of the Uni
versity of Oregon in June, is to
teach in Portland this winter.
Mr. Schofield, who also finished
at the Eugene campus this June,
will be In the University of Ore
gon Dental school in Portland.
Among out-of-town guests at
the wedding were the bride
groom's mother, Mrs. B. M.
Schofield, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley
Schofield, Miss Betty Schofield
and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Morgan,
all of Salem.
alie Cline, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Monroe Cline, was hon
ored at a bridal shower given
by Miss Margaret Mills at her
home. Miss Cline will be mar
ried July 30. An informal eve
ning was spent in playing games
and opening gifts. Refreshments
were served by the hostess. In
vltations to the shower were
sent to Mrs. Roy Jeffery of Hos-
kins, Mrs. Robert Swanson of
Salem, Mrs. John Agard Jr., of
Monmouth, Miss Naomi Staple
ton of Portland, Misses Romona
Moffitt, Rosabel Whalen, Lucy
Turner, Phyllis Craven, Joy
Swalm, Jean Swaim, Mary De
Forest, Shirley Klassen, Bettty
Ann Cline, Mrs. Carl Weston
and Mrs. Earl Starks Jr., all of
Today's Menu
Bummer Luncheon
(Br Associated Press)
Cream of oreen Pea Boup
Tomato and cottage cheese BurprlM
Hot Roll!
Chocolate Puddlni Bererage
Tomato and Cheese Surprise
Ingredients: 2 medium-size
tomatoes, 1 cup creamed cottage
cheese, V cup broken walnut
meats, 2 tablespoons chopped
chutney (liquid and fruit), 8
large lettuce leaves or cups,
French olive oil dressing.
Method: Wash tomatoes under
cold running water, dry, and cut
in half lengthwise removing stem
part also. Cut the center out of
each half with a small sharp
knife, cone-fashion, and set
aside. Put the cottage cheese
In a small bowl and add the
walnut meats (these should be
broken with the fingers into
pieces and not finely chopped)
and the chutney; mix well. To
aerve, place two lettuce leaves
or cups that have been washed
and dried on each individual
salad plate; put the tomato half
in the center and fill each with
a quarter cup of the cottage
cheese mixture; place the toma
to cone at the side of the plate
between the lettuce leaves.
Dribble a little French olive oil
dressing over each salad. 4
Talk Convention
Convention plans were talked
over when Rotana club mem
bers met last evening at the
home of Mrs. Herbert Miller.
The national Rotana conven
tion will be held in Salem, open
ing July 22. Miss Vada L. Hill
of the Salem club is the national
Rotana president.
Announcement was made
Neva Elliott, Portland attorney,
will be the speaker for the con
vention's Saturday night ban
quet, July 23.
Luncheon Party
Given Tuesday
Twenty-five guests attended
the attractively arranged lunch
eon party for which Mrs. E. J.
Scellars, Mrs. W. I. Needham and
Mrs. U. Scott Page entertained
today at Silver Creek Falls lodge
to honor Miss Margaret Jane
Cooley, bride-elect of John Phil
ip Maulding of Tillamook.
A gift in her crystal set was
presented Miss Cooley. Her
wedding will be an event of
August 6.
Out-of-town guests at the
luncheon included Mrs. James
Maulding of Tillamook, mother
of Mr. Maulding, and Mrs. Mel
vin T. Hurley of Richmond, Cal.,
who with her family is visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles A. Sprague.
Riches Reunion
Event of Sunday
The 20th annual reunion for
the George P. S. Riches and
Charles Riches families was
held Sunday at the Elden Mul
key place on Silver Creek Falls
road. Frank A. Riches of Buena,
Wash, is the 1949 president and
T. J. Riches of Salem will be the
1950 president of the clan.
Attending the Sunday event
were: From Silverton, Mr. and
Mrs. C. A. Given, Mr. and Mrs,
Ralph Mulkey, Lloyd Mulkey,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Mulkey,
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Warnock,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nelson,
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nelson
and Elsie, Mrs. Sophia Moores,
Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Given, Mr
and Mrs. Harry Riches and Ray
mond, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore
Riches and Mary Jane, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Riches, Bobby and
Nancy, Winifred and Lois
Riches, Mr. and Mrs. Elden
Mulkey, Maurice Mulkey, Mr.
and Mrs. W. E. Parrish, Merle
Damewood, Mrs. Helen Paget,
Mrs. Leslie Lowery, Randy
Lowery,. Mrs. Willis Dunnigan
and Kent; from Salem, Mr. and
Mrs. George H. Riches, Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd T. Riches, Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Chambers, Mr. and
Mrs. Lynn Furbush, Tom Riches
and Susan Gale Riches, Miss
Betty Montgomery, Robert L.
Riches, John W. Riches; from
Tillamook, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
Parrish; from Stayton, Susan
THE ANNUAL picnic for
former residents of Benson
county, North Dakota, is to be
staged next Sunday, July 17, at
(junger parK, the dinner to be
at 12:30 o'clock. The coffee and
ice cream will be furnished. In
case of rain the event will be
in Mayflower hall.
Joseph ff. 0'Shay New Owner
Of Standard Cleaners
Mr. Joseph H. O'Shay is now owner of the Standard Cleaners
and Dyers at 362 North Commerc"!, the finest in dry clean
ing for over 36 years. Mr. O'SViy, it was announced,
started operation last Friday, to give you even better, more
expert care ana service.
The new owner started as
an apprentice under the guid
ance of former owner O. F.
Franklin 26 years ago. That
is your guarantee of the best!
That's expert "know-howl"
Here are but a few of
the many standard
k Prompt Pickup Service
8-Hour Service
k Expert Dry Cleaning
Dial 3-8779 "For Better
362 North
FT- ,
if - h , .
I i " I i 1
Church Ceremony The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis
L. Bach (Lila Lee Stevens) was solemnized July 2 in St.
Joseph's Catholic church. The bride is the daughter of Mrs.
E. C. Smith of Salem and Kenneth G. Stevens of Vista, Calif.,
and Mr. Bach is the son of Mrs. Joseph Bach of Salem. (Ken-nell-EUis
studio photo)
Wades Plan
Dinner Event
Mr. and Mrs. Francis T. Wade
are to be hosts Thursday eve
ning at a 7 o'clock dinner in the
Arnercan Legion club to honor
their daughter. Miss Corinne
Wade, and her fiance Richard
H. Kuhn of Portland.
A group of 24 will be at the
party. The dinner precedes the
rehearsal for the Kuhn-Wade
wedding which is to take place
Friday evening.
Wedding in South
Mt. Angel Of interest to his
many friends in Oregon is the
announcement of the marriage
in St. Edward's Catholic church,
San Francisco, of Robert Diehl,
son of Mr. and Mrs. John Diehl
of Mt. Angel, to Miss Sally
Spencer of San Francisco, Mon
day, June 27, with Rev. Father
Harrington officiating.
Miss Jeanette Stadler of San
Francisco was the bride's only
attendant and Ralph Oswald of
Redwood City, Calif., was best
man for Mr. Diehl.
The young couple spent a
week at Yosemite Park, Calif.,
and expect to come to Mt. Angel
for a visit in a month.
MORE THAN ISO attended
the picnic given for members of
Chadwlck chapter, Order of
Eastern Star, Sunday, in the
Dallas City park. In charge of
arrangements were the worthy
matron, Mrs. D. M. Eby, and
the worthy patron, Jason Friz
zell. The picnic was the last ac
tivity for the season for the
chapter which will resume
meetings in September.
MRS. O. L. SCOTT has Invlt
ed the Neighbors of Woodcraft
Thimble club to meet with her
at her home, 1360 South Lib
erty, Thursday, a no-host picnic
luncheon to be served at 12:15
And too, Standard Cleaners
are installing a brand-new
dry cleaning unit worth
$5,000 to give you even faster,
more dependable service than
ever before! So investigate
try Standard cleaning ser
vice now . . . todayl Be assur
ed of quality work alwaysl
Appeorancej" Dial 3-8779
Birthday Event
Gary Lynn Lunda, son of
Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Lunda, ob
served his fourth birthday, Mon
day, with a party at his home.
Young guests attending were
Deral Burright, II, Vance Eilert,
Johnny Sanford, Danny White,
Richard Obrist, Melvin Omeg,
Norman Kremer and David
Mrs. Deral Burright, Mrs.
William Obrist, Mrs. Vincent
Kremer and Mrs. Melvin Cleve
land assisted Mrs. Lunda.
WOODBURN The annual
picnic for members of Chapter
J. of the P. E. O. Sisterhood
and families will be held Thurs
day, July 14, at Settlemier park,
which will be the closing event
of the group for the summer
season. The picnic dinner will be
served at 7 o clock and the en
tertainment committee in charge
includes Mrs. N. F. Tyler, Mrs.
Lee Withers, Miss Gladys
Adams. Mrs. Estella Kerns. Mrs.
Nellie Muir and Mrs. George
A. Landon, Members are re
minded to bring warm clothing
which is to be shipped to a fam-
ly in Holland.
left this week-end for Calgary,
Alberta, Canada, to visit rela
tives and former neighbors
there and at her old home, Dids-
bury, Just north of Calgary. She
will be gone until late August.
Brushes made of pure hog
bristles are almost worth their
weight in gold these days. Due
to continuing chaos in China,
they are hard to obtain, paint
manufacturers report.
Makes Your
Kicnara nuanur
,.d cr.m
Yell Your hair li easier to comb and
set when you shampoo It with this
wonderfully smooth liquid creme..i
containing hist enough powdered egg
to make It kind and toothing, exrra
gentlel It beauty-bathes your tresses
to shining cleanliness, free of loose
dandruff ... makes them gleam with
extra glory, shimmer with new radtancel
And . . . Richard Hudnut Shampoo It the
perfect prelude to a Richard Hudnut
Home PormanentI
Tfff OUISfNtfftir COtNMi
iMtlfblMnM -.
ttrotCAi cewrn mancm
um iai mill ibwMMp
Shower for
Miss Hobble
Miss Marjorie Ann Hobble,
who is to be wed next Monday
evening, July 18, to Gilbert C.
Ward, will be honored at a par
ty and shower to be given this
evening by Mrs. Neal Warrick,
Mrs. Neil Boehmer and Mrs.
Dale Each at the Warrick home.
The evenng will be spent in
formally with games and cards
and a late luncheon will be serv
ed. The guests will fete Miss
Hobble with a linen shower.
Attending the party will be
Miss Hobble, her mother, Mrs.
Roy Blanchard; Mr. Ward's
mother, Mrs. Gilbert Ward; Mrs.
James Loder, Mrs. Richard Vin
cent, Mrs. Robert Shearer, Mrs.
J. W. Noonchester, Miss Delores
Hougham, Miss Gloria Hough-
um, Miss Faye McPhee, Miss
Carolee Ward, Miss Connie
Cross, Miss Betty Boice and the
three hostesses.
The Ward-Hobble wedding
will be in the First Baptist
church next Monday evening.
At Home to
Fete McCalls
Newcomers being welcomed
in Salem are Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Lawson McCall, who
arrived last week and are at
home at 780 North Winter. Mr.
McCall recently was named pri
vate secretary to Governor
Douglas McKay. In the McCall
family are two sons, Thomas
Lawson McCall, Jr., and Samuel
Walker McCall.
On Friday evening, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Heltzel will en
tertain for the McCalls, inviting
a large group of friends to call
between 8:30 and 10:30 o'clock
at their South High street home.
Assisting the hosts will be
Mr. and Mrs. John Heltzel, Mr.
and Mrs. James Walton, Mr. and
Mrs. Werner Brown and Mr.
and Mrs. Stewart Johnson.
Engagement Told
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Keuscher
announce the engagement of
their daughter, Miss Patricia
June Keuscher, to Joe Daniels
son of Mrs. Rachael Daniels of
Provo, Utah.
No date is set for the wedding.
HOME from a 10-day trip to
Campbell River, British Colum
bia, Canada, are Mrs. A. B. See
ley and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Seeley. While at Campbell River
they visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Richardson, brother-in-law and
sister of A. B. Seeley.
..MEMBERS of the Woman's
Society for World Service,
Englewood church, will meet at
the home of Mrs. Floyd Query,
1615 Nebraska, Thursday, des
sert to be at 1:15 p. m. Mrs.
Ben Hall is leader for the pro
gram. In making a white sauce melt
the fat in a saucepan, then re
move from the heat before add
ing the flour. Now add cold milk
gradually, with the saucepan
stall off the heat, stirring as
you do so. After all the milk
his been added continue to stir
well until there are no more
lumps. A whisk is excellent to
use for the stirring, but if you
do not have one use a wooden
spoon. A half teaspoon of salt
is usually plenty for two cups
of the sauce.
Mtare! Hudiwl
II 1
cperatt m cm
J. -wH I
Wed In June Among June weddings was that of Mr. and
Mrs. Piatt Hart Bliss (Helen Colleen MadsenJ. The bride is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor S. Madsen of Hillsboro,
formerly of Silverton, and several Silverton relatives assisted
at the reception.
Windom-Miller Wedding
At Lebanon on Saturday
Mt. Angel At a 10:00 o'clock
St. Edward s Catholic church at
daughter of Thomas A. Miller of
Miller of Mt. Angel, was married to Douglas W. Windom, son
of Clarence Windom of Paisley and Mrs. Florence Windom Hughes
of Corvallis.
Rev. Father Carl Wachter of-
ficiated in a setting of spring
blossoms. Given In marriage by
her father, the bride wore a
geranium colored suit and her
corsage of white carnations was
carried on a white prayer book.
Miss Eleanor Miller was her
sister's maid of honor and she
wore a blue suit. Her flowers
were pink carnations. Henry
A. Kaczenskl attended the bride
groom as best man, and Ed
Meyer was usher.
The bride's mother wore a
gray suit, and the bridegroom's
mother a silk spring dress. Both
wore corsages of double gar
denias. Toni Smith played the organ
music for the wedding.
A reception in the church
basement followed the cere
mony. Mrs. William Doshas,
aunt of the bride, and Mrs. Joe
Thornton, sister of the bride,
cut ices and did the serving.
Members of the Court Mother
Frances Cabrini of Catholic
Daughters of America arranged
the decorations.
Following a wedding trip to
Seaside, the young couple will
reside in Sweet Home.
Those attending from here
were Mrs. Mary Miller, mother
Here's a Real Money-Saving
17.95 Down
Saturday morning ceremony in
Lebanon, Miss Clara M. Miller,
Sweet Home and Mrs. Mary P.
of the bride, and her three
sisters, Mrs. Clara Hessel, Miss
Doris Hausinger, Mr. and Mrs.
William K. Doshas and a niece,
Miss Betty Lou Hessel.
4 -
THE PAST Matrons (roup
has postponed its picnic sched
uled for Friday evening of this
week until some time in Au
gust. After you's used fat for fry
ing you may clarify it by heat
ing several slices of raw potato
in it. Allow it to cool a bit, then
strain it through several layers
of cheesecloth placed in a
"Teen-Age" Pimples?
If you have "tried everything" to relieve unsightly lurfice
skin disorders with no sticceis leirn about the new Section
"wonder formula" of ENCA CREAM . . . developed in the
research laboratories of great medical university. See out
ad on Page 8
Fred Meyer Drug
lor lO Pay
Towel Set
Adjwtfabte "
lrenin Chair
Designed for
ironing. Up
holsterer sett.
Adjustable back
rest for "solid"
your bathroom
with these fluffy,
luxuriant, gemone
"Cannon" Towels.
18 pieces.
-$17 995
Wedding Day 1
Is Announced
The engagement and forth
coming marriage of Miss Lois
Siddall, daughter 01 Mr. and
Mrs. James W. Siddall of Dallas,
to Robert Miller, son of Dr. and
Mrs. Horace G. Miller of Salem,
were announced recently at a
picnic held at the Miller Magic
Mountain farm.
The wedding is planned for
September 3. The ceremony
will be solemnized in the First
Congregational church with Dr.
Seth R. Huntington officiating.
Guests for the announcement
picnic were members of the
Young Adult fellowship of the
First Congregational church.
Additional guests Included Dr.
and Mrs. Seth R. Huntington,
Miss Virginia Miller, Miss
Virginia Miller, Miss Emma
Siddall, Miss Sally Stinnette,
Mr. and Mrs. Siddall and Dr.
and Mrs. Miller.
The bride-elect Is a graduate
of the Good Samaritan hospital
school of nursing. Mr. Miller is
attending Willamette university.
Cheese is an excellent addi
tion to make to scrambled eggs
both from the point of view
of nutrition and flavor. Cook
the eggs in a double boiler andV"
stir in grated American cheese
or a little creamed cottage
cheese just before serving.
You Con Get Your
45 RPM
Player Attachment
Downstairs Oregon Bldg.
State and High 3-8632
starts tomorrow
Automatic Ironer
This is the
finest ironer
S i m d 1 e x
tmtldi, equipped with
every deluxe feature for
highest ironing effici
encjr, speed, and ease of
Here's a chance to inefce
sizeable saving oa the pew
chase of a Simplex Auto
matic Ironer. We are iodad
ing the "right-height" chair
and the 18-piece "Cannon"
COST orer-end-ebore the
regular price of the ironer.
m m
Per Month
t e
servings. ..