Local Paragraphs Miss Vour Paper? If the Capital Journal carrier fails to leave your copy please phone 22406 BEFORE 6 P.M. and a copy will be delivered to you. Benes to Speak Bohui A. Benes, author and lecturer, and former secretary to the late Dr. Edward Benes of Czechoslo vakia, will speak on the subject "European Politics" during Wednesday's luncheon of the Salem Rotary club. The speak er is a member of the staff of Willamette university's summer . school. Hollywood Lions Dr. Leslie Parrott, a youth worker for his church, whose calling has taken him to all of the states in the Union, Alaska and all Canadian provinces, will be guest speaker curing Wednesday's luncheon of the Hollywood Lions club. Terminal Listed Victor H. Switzer, 450 North Church street, has filed certificate of as sumed business name with the county clerk for Salem Ter minal company and travel bu reau. ' Distributor Files Certificate of assumed business name for Orange Distributing company has been filed with the county clerk by Donald M. Orange, Sa lem. Local Will Picnic The an nual picnic of the Central Ho well local of the Farmers Un ion will be held at the Silverton city park Sunday. The picnic will take the place of the usual July meeting. The local will fur nish coffee and ice cream and invites members of other locals to attend. Cavilee Given Fine Norman Cavilee, Independence, arrested by state police June 28, appeared in justice court at Woodburn Monday and was fined $150 and costs after pleading guilty to a charge of driving while intoxi cated. Lawyers Are Admitted Among the 22 attorneys of Ore gon and Washington admitted to practice in the U. S. district court of Oregon are Clifton W. Enfield, Salem and Fred W. Calef, Independence. Flights Are Scheduled In addition to a barbecue break fast at the Mill City airport Sunday, the Oregon Sportsmen Pilots plan several other flights during the 'summer. These are Astoria July 22 and 24; Lebanon July . 31; Newberg August 7; Tillamook August 20 and 21 and Joseph, for the Labor Day week-end. Reservations will be necessary for the flights to Til lamook and Joseph Myron Da vis, owner of the Mill City air port, and Ted Galbraith, man ager, will be official hosts for the flight this Sunday with breakfast .scheduled for 9 o'clock. Ex-Governor Fierce Improves Ex-Governor Walter M. Pierce, who has been confined ' to his bed as the result of illness for a period of time at his home in Eola, was reported Tuesday morning by Mrs. Pierce as being greatly improved. He is up and about again. Liberty Home Sold Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stevens have sold their property in the Liberty . district to Rev. and Mrs. Ellery Parrish, the new minister of the Liberty Church of Christ. The Stevenses have purchased a place on Candlewood drive in te Keizer district. Census Office Open The bu siness census office at the Mar ion hotel is open daily from 3 until 5 o'clock and is in charge of Mrs. Maxine Kent, one of the enumerators for the Salem dis-. trict. The federal census,' under the department of commerce, will require about two more weeks for completion. Outlaws Are Home Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Outlaw, 1735 North Fifth street, who have been in British Guinea for the past year, have returned to Salem. He is with an exploration company and has several months more with the company and expects to leave about the first of Au gust. Mrs. Outlaw will remain here until her husband returns. Wise Fined $75 Lawrence Wise, who broke and ran from a policeman who was endeavor ing to place him under arrest. was jailed Tuesday for 10 days and fined $50 on a disorderly conduct charge and ordered to pay an additional $25 for being drunk. Wise was one of three men' arrested Monday night by Salem police on disorderly con duct charges. Emmitt H. Henry, Rt. 9, was fined $20 while the third, Richard June Harling pleaded innocent to the charge Harling, however, was jailed for failure to pay a $50 fine for arunkeness. BORN The Capital Journal Welcomes the Following New Cltlreng: COOK To Ur. and Mm. David O. Conk (It a. Ltbertr, at the Salem Oeneral aoapital, a bor, Julr n. wist T Ur. ud Mrs. UW West, McMrnnTllle, it thi Salem Oeneral hot Vital, a bor, Julr 11. A.RRINOHER To Mr. ami Mrs. Henry rnninir iBettr Page), daughter of Ur. and Mm. Inui per nr n-ttn - nn - Oreal grandson of Un. Las Barr H Ml. AMtl, HOOD To Mr. and Un. Rarmond tx. wooormrn. a am, Uondar, Julr 11, at aalam Uamorlal hospital. Improving School The re ccntly consolidated Pleasant Point school house will be mov ed from its present site to the Pringle school grounds where it will be added to the south side of the building with the Pringle building, now within the Salem school district, : receiving im provements during the summer. These- include a new pump house and a central heating plant. The Pringle Mothers' club recently donated $250 with which to purchase playground equipment. Building Permits R. C. Churchill, to reroof a one-story dwelling at 2160 Cadmus Court, $100. R. C. Churchill, to reroof a one-story dwelling at 2170 Cadmus Court, . $100. R. C. Churchill, to reroof a one-story dwelling at 2180 Cadmus Court, $100. Roberta Allport, to alter a one-story dwelling at '1215 Sa ginaw, $400. Mrs. D. H. Upjohn, to alter a two-story apartment house at 359 North Liberty, $500. E. E. Baker, to reroof a 1 -story dwelling at 580 South 19th, $46. Martha McMillan, to build a one-story dwelling at 593 Knapp, $4276. Martha Mc Millan, to build a one-story dwelling at 595 Knapp, $4276. Justus Eiselstein, to build a woodshed at 910 Cedar Way, $200. C. B. Roundhaug, to re roof a one-story dwelling at 395 South 18th, $125. Delta Gamma, to alter a two-story dormitory at 1610 Court, $18,000. H. C. Trowbridge, to build a garage at 2266 North Fifth, $1500. John Konkle, to alter a garage at 2035 North Fourth, $720. P. L. Bales, to repair a one-story dwelling at 150 West Hoyt, $100. John Wesely, to repair a one story dwelling at 1240 North 18th, $100. Robert Hamilton, to build a garage at 2485 Claude, $1400. Petitions Filed Liberally ligned petitions seeking: forma tion of the Llbertv . Sal Heights rural fire protection dis trict, covering a large area south of Salem have haim filarl wfth the county clerk and have been transmitted 10 me county asses sor to be nhpnlrpH as tn thatr jficiency. The law requires the petitions to oe signed Dy Z5 per cent or more nf hnlriera nf titia to property in the area whose names appear upon tne last as sessment roll, or holders of re corded contract of purchase of real property in the district. STOCKS IB tnr. .rmutr-n rrw' American Can Sltt Am Pow & Lt 10V4 Am Tel Tel lent Anaconda 37 Bendlx Aviation 29 W Beth Steel 25'i Boelna Airplane 18 Calif Peeking. Canadian paemo 1114 Cue J I 35V, Caterpillar 29Ti Shrrsler SB Comwlth ft Sou 4 Sons Vultee - i Continental Can 32tt Crown zellerbeeb 33H Ourtlaa Wrlsnt K Doualae Aircraft Dupont de Hera 47 General Slectrlo Sett General Pood 43 General Uotora Qoodrear Tire 39 Int Harvester 35 S Int Paper 47 Kenneeott 4B Ubbr UcH & t, ' Lon Bell "A- 184 Montgomery Ward 51 Nat Dalrr 13 '4 Nash Kelvlntaor 33 NY Oentral 10 Northern Panlfle 13 Pae Am Pish Pae Gaa a Elea 32 Pec Tel Ttl ttVi Penner J C 48 Radio Corp 10 Rayonler 34 Reronler Pfd - Reynold Uetal Richfield 38 Safeway Storea 33 Sear Roebuck 38 southern Paclfle 35 Standard Oil Co 80 Itudebaker Oorp 18 Sunshine Mining Transamerlca 10 Onion Oil Cal anion Paelft 77 United Airline 12 O a Steel 21 Warner Bros Pie r... 11 nrt'wnrf.h 48 Fire - Auto - Liability - Burg lary. Ken Potts Insurance Agen cy, 229 N. Liberty. 164 Beat the heat with an air cool er from Judson's. 184 Dance Wed. nite over Western Auto. Dick Johnson Orchestra. 164 By owner: Income property, 4 bedroom home and apt. Phone 25414 before 12 or after 6 p.m. 166 Donald Cook now managing Broadway Beauty Shop. 18 yrs. experienced hair styling and permanent waving. 166 ' Ralph Maddy, formerly con nected with the Stewart Realty Co., now with Ohmart & Calaba, Realtors, 477 Court St., Salem, Oregon. 164 Win a guest ticket to the El- slnore theatre, Raad the Capital Journal want ads. Road oiling. Call Tweedle 2-4151 days and 3-5769 eves. 167 Federally Insured Savings Current dividend 2V4. See FIRST Federal Savings FIRST 142 a Liberty. Ph. 3-4944. Win a guest tieket to the El slnore theatre. Read the Capital Journal want ads. 1Vi current rat on your wings. Salem Federal, 560 State St Salem's largest Savingi association. tor iLr) Q ' &- CDS"- Ss'-Ml - p South Liberty Street Animal Circus Need for a summer time circus was fulfilled by these youngsters on S Liberty street who staged their own animal show on Monday. First came the parade followed by two afternoon performances. Wallace Hug's dog became the spotted leopard, a neighbor hood parrot the great bald eagle. A megaphone borrowed from the Capital Journal was used to ballyhoo the show. Shown are Bobby Merritt, the clown; Sarah Cutshall, Patricia Whee lan, Martha Moore, Nancy Small, Elizabeth Dowd, ballet, and Dennis Ermel, show barker. California Crash (Continued from Page 11 White said the fighting pas sengers swore they were going to continue their fight after they got on land. Twenty-five minutes later the report of the plane crash was received by Van Nuys police. Find 18 Still Alive The first two bodies identi fied were those of Joe Freeman, Los Angeles, and Frank Con way, Albany, NY. Freeman's bo dy was thrown 50 feet from the fuselage. Eighteen persons, still alive but badly mangled, were taken from the wreckage. The arm and leg of one woman fell off after she had been placed on a stretcher. By the time rescuers reached the spot, four miles from Santa Susanna pass highway, five per sons had fought their way from the burning debris to a fire equipment road 300 yards away. One girl in this group had lost a foot. It had been torn off at the ankle. Most of the injured were tak en to Newhall hospital. The plane apparently scraped the side of a 200-foot hill in a box canyon with a wingtip and then pancaked 'and caught fire. Salem Is Selected The 1950 convention of the Oregon State Rural Mail Carriers' association will be held in Salem, it was decided at the closing meeting in Eugene. Lloyd Ferrall, Grants Pass, was named president to succeed Luther D. Cook, Salem. Leave Salem General Dis missed from the Salem General hospital with recently born in fants are Mrs. C. S. Smith and daughter, 940 East Rural; Mrs. Carl D. Billing and daughter, Route 9, Box 692 and Mrs. Leo Elser and daughter, Route 4, Box 716. To Extend Lines Portland General Electric company has been granted a permit by the county court to extend its pole lines on county road , 728 from its junction with market road 26 to county road 725 and to county road 629 easterly on county road 728. Going to reroof? Our estimates are free. Willamette Valley Roof Co., 30 Lana Ave. Ph. 3-9604. 164 Don't throw away window shade rollers. Phone Reinholdt & Lewis, 2-3639 and have them recovered at a worth while saving. 164 Quick service! New glasses in one day, made to prescription of your optometrist by Semler Optical Offices State and Com. mercial, Ph. 33311. Easy credit. 164 Painting and decorating. Ph. 3-7552. 181 Ralph Maddy, formerly con nected with the Stewart Realty Co., now with Ohmart & Calaba, Realtors, 477 Court St., Salem, Oregon. 164' Phone 22406 before 6 p.m. If you miss your Capital Journal. Ralph Maddy, formerly con nected with the Stewart Realty Co., now with Ohmart & Calaba, Realtors, 477 Court St., Salem, Oregon. 164 Get your frozen food locker now at the Marvin Lewis Cold Storage. West end of the bridge. 165" FUCHSIAS: Se- them .In bloom. 180 varieties. Mrs. F. E. Ward, 4380 Cherry Ave. 168 Win a guest ticket to the El- sinora theatre. Read the Capital Journal want ads. 45 Perish (Continued from Page 1) Two winners of the Pulitzer prize for news reporting were among those killed. They were H, R. Knickerbocker of radio sta tion WOR, New York, and S. Burton Heath of NEA (the Newspaper Enterprise associa tion). American Newsmen The American reporters list ed as dead by the American con sulate: Nat A. Barrows, Chicago Daily News. James Branyon, Houston (Tex.) Post. Fred Colvig, Denver Post (formerly of Medford and Port land). Miss Elsie Dick, Mutual Broadcasting system. Tom Falco, Business Week magazine. Charles Gratke, foreign edi tor of the Christian Science Monitor, Boston (formerly of Astoria, Ore.). S. Burton Heath (Home, Dar- ien. Conn.). Bertram D. Hulen, New York Times. H. R. Knickerbocker. Vincent Mahoney, San Fran cisco, Chronicle. George Moorad, Portland Ore- gonian and Station KGW. William H. Newton, Scripps- Howard Newspaper Alliance. John Werkley, Time Maga zine. Two Americans Left Party Two Americans originally In the party Mrs. Dorothy Bran don of the New York Herald Tribune, and William R. Math ews, Tucson, Ariz., publisher had decided not to return aboard the ill-fated Constellation. Mathews said on his arrival at Manilla that Mrs. Brandon had refused to fly on the KLM aircraft because she feared it would be sabotaged. He quoted her as saying the plane would be "sabotaged as sure as you live." No evidence that the plane was sabotaged has been uncovered thus far. The Constellation was en route from Batavia to The Neth erlands. Law Exams Taken There were 138 law school graduates, a record number, taking the an nual bar examinations in the legislative chambers here to day. Three of them were wom en. Those who pass will be admitted to practice law. The examinations are conducted by the state bar, under the super vision of the state supreme court. Market Name Filed Certifi cate of assumed business name for Farm Fresh Market, route 2, Portland highway, handling groceries, fresh fruits and vege tables, has been filed with the county clerk by Anna Takaya ma, route 1, Brooks. SALEM COURT NEWS Circuit Court Mennl Oil Co.. Int., v Frank ind Mry WlUon, compUInt for t715 nd Intarut and for foreclosure of morttata en propertr In Detroit with request for ap oolntment of a reeelver. The complaint states that there la a dwelinla house tin the propertr, Mveral cabin and a the ater. L. O. and Helen Prescott v William Hedrlck. complaint to collect 11171 and 1300 and Interest alleced due plaintiffs from defendant. Ruby L. Brlsbln and Walter Brlsbtn vs. C. J. Montaa and others, applica tion for trial. Lovena vs John R. Denbo, divorce com plaint alletea cruel and Inhuman treat ment, asks plaintiff be given custody of af child with ISO a month for It support household toods. half Interest In an auto mobile and that defendant be directed to pay certain medical Indebtedness. Mar ried April 10, ll, In Salem. Myrtle Beaaeman vs Loren White, Ray A. Yuri and Prank Pack, damase action on trial before a iurr In Judge Oeorgg R. Duncan's court. Damages of I12.S00 plus medical and hospital servlc eoatg are asked growing out of an accident near West Salem in Polk county. This 1 the third trial arising from th accident of four damage actions, two of them tried In Polk county having been con solidated In on trial. The other ease was tried In circuit court here recently. Control Board (Continued from Page 1) The resolution directs that a study be made of the present Oregon tax study and that of other states; investigate new sources of taxation; correlate tax rates on income, in heritance and gift taxes; study advisability of placing all funds in the gen eral fund without earmarking and report to the board by July 1, 1950. A suggestion by Secretary of State Earl Newbry that the board order an investigation of expenditures of state depart ments to determine where bud get cuts can be made was adopt ed by the board. Roy Mills, secretary of the board was directed to check on all departments operating under the board of control and Bud get Director Harry Dorman was ordered to report on all- other departments. McKay to Call Heads ine present budget was drawn in the fall of 1948 when commodity prices were at a peak," Newbry said. "Since that time these prices have de clined and I believe that by checking the budgets of all de partments a large saving can be effected." Governor McKay said that some time this month he plans to call in the heads of the de partments under his jurisdictipn to discuss trimming expendi tures. , I think there is a lot of op portunity of cutting down spening by state 'departments, the governor said. Payments to contractors for work performed in June to the following contractors was order ed by the board: Sound Con struction company, $116,941.46 for work on the new state office building; Western Engineering company, $18,538.50 on air con ditioning work in the state capi tol; $1,816.40 to W. R. Ransom & Sons for work on steam line at Hillcrest school and $583 for work on the superintendent's residence at the state blind school. Award of bids for X-ray equipment for Oregon State col lege was held up pending inves tigation of a request by the col lege officials to give the award to the second highest bidder. Westinghouse Electric company was low with $15,463. bid and the Picker X-ray Corporation, second low with a bid of $16, 154. ' Hearing Postponed Hearing on petition to vacate certain streets and alleys in Sunnyside Fruit farms No. 10 which has been scheduled for Tuesday morning was continued by the county court to August 14, at 9:30 standard time, due to ab sence from the state of some interested property owners. NSF Check Charged Martin Geiger, 3205 Portland road, has been booked at the sheriff's of fice on a Linn county warrant charging passing a check with insufficient funds in the bank. Ball was set at $1000 which was posted and Geiger's release granted. Probate Court Joseph K. Neal estate valued at 11000. Shirley Neal Phtpps named executrix and W. O. Grant, John Johnson and Myrtle N. Shelley appraisers. Lucy Agnes Hayre estate. Ray Moore. Arthur Plant and Claire Hammang ap praisers. Mary Ithel Lorenc estate, order d! charging Theodore Fisher as executor and closing estate. Ludvlk Adolph Ask estate, first annua report of Mae Frances Ask, administra trix. Otto A. Klett aetata order authorising payment of bills contracted In connec tion with rebuilding the track at Holly wood bowl. Police Court Disorderly conduct: Lawrence Wise, fined 150 and sentenced to 10 days In lall; Emmitt Hayte Henry. Rt. 9, fined 120: Richard June Harling. pleaded In nocent, trial set, fined ISO and committed for failure to pay fine on drunk charge. Marriage Licenses Harold Olenn Robinson, 2(1, tabulator operator, route 3. and Mary pnyuis uur n, 20, clerk, both Sslam. Ronald Carroll McDonald, 22, refrig eration, and Beryl Ma Davy, 19, clerk, both Salem. Democrats Call Caucus Washington, July 12 tF All house democrats were called to a caucus late today in a drive by administration leaders to bring order into congressional confusion over farm legislation. The party mass meeting will consider a bill from the house agriculture committee. This bill, while repealing the Aiken bill enacted by the republican-con trolled 80th congress, would per mit only a three-crop trial run next year for the Truman ad ministration's farm subsidy plan. New Group Formed A new club, organized for girls who work in homes, was formed at a meeting at the YWCA last eve ning. Mrs. Katherine B. Hughes will serve as volunteer adviser and Miss Jean Carrico, program director for girls at the YW, will work with the group, too. Meet ings are slated for the second and fourth Monday evenings of each month at 7:30 o'clock at the YW. All girls interested in the group arc invited to the meetings. In conjunction with the meeting last evening the group gathered around the open fireplace in the garden for their refreshments. Bounties Raised The county court Tuedsay issued an order raising by 50 cents bounties to be paid on bobcat, wildcat or lynx, upping the total from $2 to $2.50. The reason for this is that it permits the trapper to match for the state bounty of a like amount. The order resumes the old bounties of $3 on male coyotes or coyote pups; $4 on female coyotes; $2.50 on black, gray or timber wolf or pup and $10 on mountain lion, panther or cougar. Babies Taken Home Mrs Carroll Sharpe and infant son, were dismissed from Salem Me morial hospital Monday to their home, 1830 North 24lh street, and Mrs. Ralph Boardrow, route 2, box 180, took her newborn daughter home. Gravel Needed Report to the county court states that on the south end of county road 552 as result of last year's freezing gravel is badly needed. The road is east of Woodburn, a stub end off the Seeley road. May Paint Bridge County Commissioner Ed Rogers report ed to the county court Tuesday he is securing estimates on the cost of painting the long bridge on the million-dollar highway which was redecked last year and on which a paving surface was laid this week. While it is a 1650 foot bridge he said the cost of the job would not be ex cessive. Couple Get License irank C. Andersen and Claire L. Sch warzin, both of Woodburn, have been issued a marriage license at Vancouver, Wash. 'rm. m I- A i hXA'I ( ' ' U', , r - lAitfM'wthe biggest half year in Utile baker history ! You get more for your money In a Studebaker - Studebaker Is the style star ot all today's cars Studebaker stands out In thrift and solid value e Stop In now and see the many fine features of the '49 Studebakers White iflewsll lire end wheel trim disos optional at extra eolt on all Studebaker land Cruiser BONESTEELE SALES & SERVICE SALEM, OREGON Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, July 12, 1949 5 MILITARY MEN AND VETERANS Tuesday, July Vt rmrd battalion. 413U1 imantry regiment, Army Reserves at Army Reserve quonset hut. ns-un APU-Type-r, Army k- serves. at Army Reserve quonset huts. Meetlne of Militarv law class orie- inallv scheduled tor this date and changed to Thursday, July 14, and consolidated with Thursday's class. Wednesday. Julr IS Volunteer Naval Air Reserve unit at Naval and Marine Corps Reserve tralmnsr center. Thursday. July 14 Miutarv law class ac Willamette university law school. Subject: Moot Trial. Instructor: Mai. Charles Jens. Company O. l2nd Infantry regi ment, Oregon National Guard, at Salem armory. organized Naval Reserve surface unit at Naval and Marlnt Corps Reserve training center. Friday. July 19 Organized Seabee Reserve unit at Naval and Marine Corps Reserve training center. Peterson Aids with Training Aviation Chief Ordnanceman F. I. Peterson. USN. son of Ivan H. Peterson of 1091 Sixth street, West Salem, Is among those navy men presently engaged in training per sonnel in let aircraft operations with navy Jet lighter squadron No. 52 of the aircraft carrier USS Val ley Forge, temporarily based at the .Naval Air station, san Diego, caul XROTC Men Train Two Salem men are among the over 2.000 student officers from 52 colleges throughout the United States. A participating In the am phibious training exercises being held this month at Little Creek. Va. The Salein.NROTC midshipmen are Willard Gurnea Libbv. a stu dent at Oregon State college and me son oi mt. ana Mrs. ti. w, Libbv of route 0. box 152. Salem: and Charles William Hunter, stu dent at the university of washing ton and son ot Mr. and Mrs, John W. Hunter of 1149 Ruge street, West Salem. Airmen Promoted Two of the men stationed at Sa lem's Naval Air Facility have re cently received word of their pro motions to chiefs. The two. James E. Brown, promoted Irom yeoman, first class, to chief yeoman, and KoDert 1j. uant promoted from hospital corps man first class, to a chief hospital corps man, came to Salem with the original group of station keepers sent here from Sand Point naval air station In April, and both are reserves on active duty. Brown's home is in Carlsbad. N. M., and Dant comes irom Seattle. Critique of Summer Training MemDers oi tne wutn Quartermas ters and 369th engineers. Army Re serves, at their regular meeting Monday night held a critlaue of summer training led by Lt. Col. iomer jjyon, jr., it. uoi, ueorge Haroer ana lji. victor uirxson. A school was held In army ad ministration and Capt. Richard Reynolds read a list of points ac cumulated by each man in the two units toward retirement. Lt. Col. Oeorge Spaur. command er of the engineers announced that as soon as a lew more non-commis sioned officers had been obtained for the two units the groups would hold weekiv meetings. Lt. Col. Lyon of the Quartermasters stated that he had room in his unit for a master sergeant and sergeants, first class. TUB Studebaker buying wave that's sweeping the country grew to huge proportions the past few weeks. By the end of June, so many people had bought new Studebakers that the biggest half year in all Studebaker history was recorded. What's more to the point, America's preference for Studebaker styling, performance, operating economy and value keeps on increasing steadily, weer: by week. A vision of loveliness Inside and outside, the 1949 Studebaker brings thrift that counts, new handling ease and riding comfort into motoring. rinai nr models. em a 'a - lbJ& Group Named (Continued from Page 1) The street repair tax fund. raised by a special levy, will be $51,600, and the special fire tax fund, raised by taxation, is also $51,600. To be raised, also by special taxation, to pay sal aries and provide equipment for additional officers and em ployes of the fire department, is the sum of $77,400. The special park tax fund is $25,800, and the special tax for bond and in terest sinking fund is placed at $39,826.13. The total raised by both regu lar and special taxation is $572, 320.2S. Camp Adair Group Meets Officers of the Camp Adair as sociation were re-elected at the annual reunion and picnic held at Helmick park near Mon mouth. Many of those who for merly lived in the army area now live north of Salem and approximately 75 of these in the Unionvale and Fairview com munities. Officers re-elected were Mrs. Clifford Hassler, Mon mouth, president; Mrs. Edwin Rutschman, Unionvale, vice pre sident; Mrs. Edwin Flishman, Monmouth, secretary-treasurer. and Mrs. Edward Lehman, Amity, historian. Interclub Meeting Sponsor ed by the Pensinula club of Portland, an interclub Kiwanis meeting is to be held at the state school for boys near Woodburn at 6:30 Wednesday evening. The Salem and North Salem clubs will be represented. Shakespeare Festival Gov ernor and Mrs. Douglas McKay sent word today that they will attend the annual Oregon Shakespearean festival here Aug. 2. Secretary of State Earl T. Newbry also said he would attend the three-week program. Douglas Fairbanks Knighted King George VI presented film actor Douglas Fairbanks with the insignia of a Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire (KBE) today. May Haul Logs Log hauling permit has been issued by the county court to H. E. Penrod, 125 Abrams avenue. Clearance SALE! High Quality Prints Sheers Cottons Suits and Coats Gilmore's Dress Shop 439 Court St. Upstairs' Blanche H. Wilson, Owner Studs baktf Command Cnvrtlbl M. J. BAUGHN DETROIT, OREGON