J Of dr mi lir co! of on Yo vii s Con Pau thej for torn (iclt the T quel lent else offli ll 1& Capital Journal, Salem, classified AorumuiOt Peg Ub . i Per tine I timet Per Un I Uaei Per Line t month $3 06 Outside C &Am lie per Us P Mm. We; I time mm M times nun SI -30 No Refunds EX AD IKS to LmJ News Cet 0In To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES T OWNER: Lovely Fainnoaet Hill horn. Lir. na.. din, k.tehen nook, 3 Mrm, full basement, A Play rm. Dbi- 1970 John St. Pa. 3-8226. ' ST OWNER; Modern 3 bdrm- home. 0;3 heat, food location. Splendid bargain Inq'jlr 543 N. Church 8:. a 167' jYT OWNER: 3 bdrm. home. 1150 James - St. Keller. Pt- reduced. 1M krvowoOD panoramic vie home locat- idODOiitot Kingwood's highest points. : room. Hutment, atomiie ot, ; acre. For appointment phone owner. ; 1-8363. Price 113.500. 7' f iisco I Modern t bdrm. hem with utility & ( iui ai 540 Norway- Inquire at 7.1 I No. Winter after 1 p.m. Ph. 2-4835 af- ( tcr 7 p-m. i OWNED LEAVING, Saennce 3 bdnn. home I Falnnoant Hill doe to Lesiie. Bu to BaJtL Basement. tirepla.ee, o-l floor tar- j But. Corner tot $5950. Ph 3-3605 1595 ; Saginaw St. j WALNUT PARK BY OWNER ! k1v new home. Pull basement. Fire place to basement A living rm. Lane wt Plenty shrub A rowers Over 1,400 ft floor space. Beside garage. Immed pas. Prlct low. 3-3734. For appointment Ph $87M. NICE clean 3 bdrm. home In city. Llrlnf room, dinette, kitchen- Excellent baaement, furnace, larre lot. OMR S REAL ESTATE 40 K. 13th Ph. 2-5041 al5a iMALL NEW house, bath, garage, paTtd itreet. Some fruit. $2900.00. 884 7tb St.. Independence. Ore 167 FOCB. BEDROOMS. Large LR, fireplace. D, den, reception hall; all hdwd fire., exceUent location. A bargain at 113.600. Larsen Home & Loan Co. atxelualre Lilting Personal Serrtce 184 B. Com'l Phone 3-8383 Eve. 3-7440 al' ; THREE BEDROOMS Tar ltrlnc roam, dlnlntf room, fire place, hdwd. floora throughout, lovely kitchen & nook, nut treea and land acaped. S30 Ellnola St. off Center. al04 I BD. EM. modern home 18200. down par ment 11450. Balance on OI loan. 1435 - . rge Bt.. Woodburn Blue 352. a!71 ITEW MODERN 4 room house, garage, chicken house & l1 acres. Also furni ture for sale. On highway 7 miles east of Stay ton. Contact Mrs. J. Lingasa, Uehama. or write Ella Key. 2423 B E YamhllL Portland, Ore. a 165 Owner Living in California - BACRIPICE NEW 4 BEDROOM HOME .Tile kitchen, bath upatalr and down. Hardwood floora throughout. Pull plas tered basement it plaatered Karaite. Lot . of storage apace. Terraced back yard. Coat over 118.000 to build. Will sell for . $14,900. Term. Would consider cheaper , houae or car In trade. For more lnlor matlon Inquire at eleven Used Cars. . 678 S. 12th St., Salem. alBO FOR SALE BV OWNER: New 2 bdrm home. FH. term. 1600 down. Phone 3-3880. 642 Blller. al8B $7080. NEW modern 2 bdrm. home close In . East. 11.000 down. Balance FHA. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS IN B. High St. Ph. 3421. Eve. 2-5581 aiefl' BY OWNER; 2 Bdrm. home. Priced for quick aale. 822 N. 17th St. a 168 $5.1.V). A nice home for couple. LlTlng rm.. dining rm., bedroom, kitchen, bath, baaement, furnace. OMER'B REAL ESTATE 480 H. 13th Ph. 2-5091 185 NICE NEW 3 BR. home. hdw. fir., in. and ffj., bulft-ln breakfast bar, large lot. Win go FHA. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS 484 Court ' Phong 3-4707 Eve. 2-4773, 2-7283 164 NEARLY new bungalow, In. . hardwood floors, fireplace. and w., A really nice home with year round creek at back of lot Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS 484 Court Phone 3-4707 Eve. 1-4773, 2-7283 al4 Gur . SAVE MONEY 4 bdrm., tasmt.. f place. ( yr. old. Large native tree. View. Quiet secluded loca tion. Fine for young children. Just out alde city limit. Near large store and . bus line. For bargain aee owner. 3260 .8. Commercial St. a!64 FOR RALE OR LEA8R BY OWNERS - Convenient for buslnejui and residence or home can be rrmoved 8 rm., full baaement 41 by 100 lot. Handy to Sear New Shopping Center, on state - Highway 99E. 575 N. Capitol St. Phone ' 3-4540 for appointment. al74 BY OWNER, 3 bdrm. house, modern, elec. heat. Insul. Llnol ft ruga Included. Large pump houae. 11500.00 dn. Bal. 39.25 mo. Total price 14500. Ph. 3-1376. 1050 Dleti Ave. Kelr.cr. a 168 0100, CLEAN modern 3 bdrm. home. Hdwd. floora, fireplace. Large yard with fruit "trees. Approx. 5 mile North. Term. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 163 8. High St. Ph. 3-4121. Eve. 2-5561 - al6 73M. VERY good 3 brTrm.' Bub"home E Nice living room, kitchrn. hath, 'j A. OMER'S REAL EflTATK 480 N. 13th Ph. 2-5091 al65 MM. CLEAN plastered 2 bdrm. home. Unfinished upstair North. Biwrnent. .Venetian blinds. Large lot. Immediate .. poaieaslon. 11100 down. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS . Ml (. Rich t. Ph. S till. Sve. 3-SS91 ! Kg, HOME, well built, plastered Inter ior, oil circulating heat, large living room, kitchen, nook, large bath. Plenty W built-in. Screened back porch, gar age, Insulated fruit houae, hi acre lot. 30 bearing fruit and nut tree, grapes. berrlM, nice shrubs. 1 blk. to city and school buses and excel, shopping cn ter 18800. Ph. 3-83 IB. al69 TAKE TRAILER lfE. .round 12500 a part pymnt on this Snarly new 1 bdrm home on dble lot tut. Price 16750. Balance payable 135 per month. Also would consider good truck or car. SMALL TRAILER HSE. Aa part pymnt on unfinished but liv able 2 bdrm home In city on ocre. - City water, elec. wtr. Mr- wired for range. Price 13150. M DOWN and 150 per month inc. 8 lnt buys Vila nearly new 3 bdrm home at edge ef city. North. Price 18300. 40 ACRE FARM Located close In east, All cleared. Two prlnga for Irrigation. Older t rm. plastered hae. Barn, price 111,000. Con alder good home around same price in exchange. i (Open Eve Till 8:00) COLBAT1I LAND CO. 1683 Center St. Ph. 2-45S2 al65a FOR SALE . Going to Europe and must sacrifice my 1947 Chevrolet convertible. Make me an offer. Low mileage, extras. Excel lent condition. Ph. 3-7370 164 FOB BALE OR TRADE 4 rm. mod. home. 3 acre. Deep well. Will take 1 ton late model truck on trade or priced for fjoia sals, IS3W. Ph. Gervals 1-83. t.169 Oregon, Tuesday, July 12, 1949! Win a Guest Ticket to See "The Fountain Head" AT WARNERS ELSIN0RE THEATRE HERE ABE THE RULES: Read the Capital Journal Want Ads and find the title of this picture coming soon to Salem. Clip out the want aa In which the picture title appears and ac company it with a simple state ment of 25 words or less on "Why I Read The Capital Jour nal Want Ads," with your name and mailing address, and deliver or mail to the Capitol Theater boxoffice. Contestants will be Judged on sincerity and originality. The THREE best statements received each day will each re ceive a pair of guest tickets to see "The Fountain Head'" com ing soon to the Elslnore theater. All entries become the proper ty of the Capital Journal, and decision of the judges is final FOR SALE HOUSEi ENGLEW00D DISTRICT 18.000 3 -bed room home. 12 year old. Living room, dining room, kitchen and bath, basement, fireplace, hdw. and fir floora. Corner lot, paring In. Lot of ah rub and nice lawn. CIom to ahopplng center and school. Bua by door. Can or aee Andy HaWoraen. Oftlce 3-S20 Home 1-7163 McKILLOP REAL ESTATE REALTORS New Location Center and High DANGER If you are afraid to live In a beau tiful S B. R. home located high In South Salem on 4 Acres with wonderful view don't aak to aee thi place. Could be subdivided If you don't want thi much ground. Owner would like to trade for a amaller home. Would also make Ideal location for convaleacent home. K la tin. BURT PICHA Realtors 37, K. Hleh St. OIHce 1-3SU Eve: 3-530 or 3-7B51 ATTRACTIVE BUYS 5 ROOM HOME. Large living room. Basement; sawdust furnace; garage. Cls.se to bua, store and Englewood School. Price 16350. FURNISHED 6 room home practically new. 3 large at. Large living room. LEO N. CHILDS, INC., REALTORS Price 18750. 344 State St. Evenlnga call: Ph. 2-3663 3-4007 or 3-8789 al66 OWNER LEAVING MUST SELL 13,400 Nice clean little home, living room, dinette, kitchen, bath, one bed room upstair, stove and furniture go with sale. Oood location, paved street. Nice building site on front of lot. Let me show you this. Call or See Andy Halvorsen Office 3-8820 Home J-7163 McKILLOP REAL ESTATE REALTORS New LocationCenter and High a!66' BY OWNER 3 rm. modern garage house, partially finished, Venetian blind. Lot 48x100, Oood Investment property. Reas onable. 435 So. 71st. al66 TWO SALEM HOUSES TO BE MOVED OR WRECKED. 945 AND 976 CHEMEKETA ST.. BIDDING FORM AVAILABLE 503 STATE OFFICE BLDG., OREGON STATE HIWAY DEPT. a 164 BEDROOM home near Capitol a dlaT Newly finished, unfudn. or partly. Inq. at 320 Oregon Bldg. In a.m. a 175 BY OWNER: 4 room house. Lot size 80 X 168 ft. on Hiway 222. Good well. Close to school Se churches. Price 12000, Some term. Write Box 63, Lyons. a 169 HOLLYWOOD New 5 rm.. fireplace, hardwood floors thruout. Large utility rm., garage. 19400 New 3 bdrm. Garage. FHA. Price 17.900. General Real Estate 256 Center Ph. 3-3289. al65 Looking for a Home? 3 BDRM. Picture window home on Can- delarla. Only 114.500. Terms. LOVELY 2 bdrm. home on North Winter is4oo. neoo down. 3 BDRM. home Englewood. 110.750. This "Is a buy. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church. Ph. 2-7642. Eve. 2-0126. a!64 FOR SALE LOTS NKAR OI.EN Ck. Dr 360 It.W BROADWAY 50x130 $906 MI.VKRTON Rd. Nire frontage Business or residence property. Small barn 190$ KINGWOOtJ 1ITS. 173 ft. front. 11150 R. E. MEREDITH. Rlt. or B. M. MAKON 176 8. Commercial Ph, 3-8841 aal64 BY OWNER: Lot 60xll2rciosetopaved atreet and bus line, city water. 2 miles from downtown. 8800. Very easy terms. I al6' LOTS with water on Silver ton" highway Why pay rent. Build your own home. 115 down, na per month. Ph. 3-3289. General Real Estate 255 Center Ph. 3-32B9. aal88 CHOICE VIEW LOTSON FAIRMOUNT HILL In the Fair-mount View Addition Priced at Only $2500 Each These choice view lots are all restricted and within the city limit with city facilities. Come in and let us show you the most exclusive building sites In Salem. LARSEN HOME & LOAN CO Exclusive Lutings Personal Service 164 S. Com'l Phone 3-9389 Eve. 3-7440 aa!89 VIEW LOT, 90x98, restricted. City water Opp. 645 Vista Ave. Ph. 3-4384. aa FOR SALE FARMS FOB KAI.K OR TRADE about 13S acres 11 mite from Salem In Polk Co. Would make a good dairy or stock farm. Mod ern houae. Barn 14 stanchions with drinking cup. Silo: large machine ahed: chicken house: granary. 3 aprinta; oak trees. Good road. Poaseaslon October 1. Price only 18500. Will consider trad ing for house ein Salem. For mora In formation call. LEO N. CHILDS, INC., REALTORS 344 State St. Ph 1-3663 3-6789 Evenings Call. Cwear Sederstrom. or K. N. Voorhe, 1-4007 FOR SALE HOUSES 0MHART & CALABA, REALTORS Want to Trade in a Trailer House? We have a rery attractive auourban 2 bedroom home, only 1 year otd, with oil beat and hardwood floor, hug lot. good location. Owner w;H uci In good trailer beuse (up to U&GOJj aa pin payment. Don't Miss This Buy A modern surburban 3 bedroom home complete with basement, furnace and fireplace. over acrea land, good chicken houae and barn excellent location owner haa Just reduced to 1900. for quick aale. Another Tempting Buy Fully Furnished Tea. tola 1 a good buy. H'a a modern room home with baaement. oil furnace, fireplace and hardwood floor, the lot ia extra large and the loca tion la fine If fully furnished, all you hare to do la bring your clotne. dishes, linen and. more In It a only 110.500. complete. Just Think Only $7950 For This A dandy 3 bedroom home with 3 bedrooms, oak floor, fireplace, oil floor furnace and garage, large lot if cute 11800. move you In. 0HMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court St. vt. Prion, 3-4&S1 2 POR SALE FARMS REDUCED! 33 A. all tillable E. of Woodburn. Mod. 5 rm. home, fair outbids. Pine 7 A. walnut grove. Include crop, hay in barn, tractor and equip., 6 good cow. 50 chicken for LOW 114.500. STR0UT REALTY M, 8. 1Kb 81. Ph. J-S3J3. bl4 3 GOOD FARMS 200 acrea Wil. it beaver dam aoll. Excel, bids., with or without crop. North. 133 ACRES POLK COUNTY 110 cult., good bldg., part Irrigated. Crop goes. 84 ACRES. HOWELL PRAIRIE All Wl aoll. Fair bldgs. Crop goes. Phone 2-6680. ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St bl66 FOR SALE ACREAGE HIGHWAY FRONTAGE 99E aouth 2 4 mile to Salem. 4 'a acre. 1 bedroom home, other bldgs. Garden, nice tree. 18500. Terms. Owner. Ph. 3-8110. Rt. 4. box 496. bb!67 16 ACRES Hurl Green Dut. 2 bdrm. home, bkro, fimllr fruit. Pull price, 113,900. General Real Estate J55 Onter Ph. 3-3189. bbieS' CHOICE SUBURBAN 1 mile E. of Kelzer achl. S acre with modern 3 HR home, Ven. blinds, dble. gar., chicken hse. Family orchard and large shaded lawn. City and achl. buasea. Am leaving state. Pom. In two week. Price reduced to 113.000. Owner, rt. 2. box 49F. Tel. 2-4238. bb!69 S ACRES NORTH E. IS mln. drive to down town Salem, new ground all cult., Wil. aoll. fruit t. ahade trees, dandy wtr. sr barn, men ahop, brooder houe, ga.. 4 br. plast. mod. home, hdw floo. auto oil fur. piped to all rm., din. - rm., nook, dan, all build's are under 8 yr. old. not often we get a place with good soli & builds both for thi re a, price of 113,500. No trade Ph. 2-6680. ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14 St. bbl68' REAL ESTATE SMALL PIANO, fine condition, reasonable. 1690 So. Cottage St. el 65 EXCLUSIVE DRIVE BUYS 34 Acre East of 600 Falrvlew Ave 14.000 795 Waldo Ave. Immediate posses sion 18,350 3360 Rawlin Ave. Only 155 per mo 11.400 Down 750 N. 16th (Completely modern) 110,500 740 Ben Lomond Dr. (Basement View 110,500 New Home Wallace Rd. 810 mile from bridge 11950 Down 530 Wild Wind Dr. (Calif Ranch Style) 13,350 Down SEE OR CALL Mattson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE Ph. 3-58.18 231 N. High Even Ph. 3-75342-7423 cl65' BEST BUYS NEW Today' special: Close in North EaM. Hardwood floors thruout, attached gar. 820 aq. ft. Intra, pou. Well worth 16500. Eve. Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. HOLLYWOOD 4 bdrm., fireplace, full basement. In good condition. Insulated, nice back yard. Several trees. Will take house In trade of about 17000 as part payment. Total price 110.500. Eve. Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. 11000 DOWN Almost new. Elec. heat. Very nice set ting. Now rented for 170 per month. To tal price only 17500. Eve. Ph. 3-0473 or 3-3558. 8 ACRES B room mod. home only 3 yrs. old. Chicken house, garage. 1" acre or ber ries. Near small town. Will exchange for Salem property. Total price 17500. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. 3 ACRES Very close In north. Attractive setting. fclec. heat. Bus at front door. Owner leaving city. Total price only 18SO0. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3030 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7820 or 2-4596 Cl66 NELSON NEWS GOOD AS NEW COTTAGE 140O0 Comb. LR DR, kit., bdrm., lull bath, elec. heat, wired for range, elec. wtr. htr. 4 blk to btu.ft school, lot 50x100. OOOD HOUSE PRICED RIOHT Very ubstantlal 3 bdrm. home, llv. rm.. din. rm., hdwd. firs.. V. blind, f'place., basement with L. trays, sawdust lur nac. elec. W. htr.. wired for range, gar. I blk to Chemeketa bus, paved st. Fenced yard, garden, lawn, lot 50x100. 19000. Immed. POA5. INDEPENDENCE HOME 18000 Liv. rm., dm. rm., kit., bdrm.. all on one floor. L. Irays. oil furnace, home is Insulated it ha.s hdwd. firs. elec. W. Mr.. att. gar., lot 60x150 with garden, lawn A shrubbery. Property In shipshape. A REAL PARM 363 acres. 350 ac. cult., some under irri gation. Crop now growing are bean, wheat, oat A buckwheat, balance in timber ft pasture. Some woven wire fenc ed. Lee. barn, chicken hse., dble. gar.. Mod. 3 rm. home. 150,000, easy term on NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Personal Service by Mn Who Specialise 702 N. High St. Ph. 3-4622. cl66 ONLY $2950 Near Hopmere. North. acre A older k nse. Needs some remodeling. Lge. trees. ONLY $3250 In isoo blk. on S. 13th Bt. Business lot A 20x30 bldg. Has water A lite. ONLY $3500 Oood close tn location. 3 BR home. Mod ern. In good condition. B. Isherwood, Realtor 3007 N. Capitol St. Office Ph. 3-3863. Eve. 3-3147 or 3-8816 el65 ONLY $1100 Nearly completed garage house on lot 7ftxl79. Kelzer, Septic tank installed. Thi l g steal. Term. $9950 Consider your kiddies. Radiant heat guarantees warm floors even on the col de-it days. Large living rm.. Dining rm., kitchen, bath, 2 fin bedroom, gar. Lot 65x150. FHA term. This 1 the best buy in Salem. Chas. Hudkins & Son Over 37 Years tn Salem 250 N. High St. Phone 3-4129. 185 FOR TOUR SAVINGS investment buy a first mortgage on real estate, Salem A vicinity. Examine security yourself Amount 1500 to several thousand don lara. ne mvestore 5 We make all col lections for you If desired STATE FINANCE CO, 151 8. Blgb IFOR SALE HOUSES Phone 2-4111 or S-4I1I - 5t . . I-1U1 l-llll SO REAL ESTATE Sale er Trade Beaut, new 115,000 beach noin all utlt. Alao 140 acre ranch fam ily orchard. 40 cleared, fenced, Hm crised timber Ph. 2-1071. clf4 WILL TAKE CAR 2 bdrm. unfinLahed home with furni ture, grand location. Owner leaving town. Full price. 84300. i,4 ACRE $5500 2 bdrm. modern home. Bu by door. Cnlx house. Nice yard. 11000 down, bal ance term. Can Mr. North or Mr. He:nx. RAWLINS REALTY Hollywood Dlt. Open eve. until I Ph. 2-4684. Ere. 2-5757 - 3-7138. cl65 FOR SALE BY R. A. McFARLANE REAL ESTATE BROKER A fine 7 acre place well Improved with 6 rm. he., chicken hse. for 200 hens, good barn with 6 stanchions, well water ed & the best of fence. 3 mile Zat ft North. Priced to sell by owner. Most see to appreciate. Call 3-8733 or 2115 State 8t. Other bargain include buslne proper ty, oil station, city residence 8e large St small farm. R. A. McFARLANE BROKER 2115 STATE ST. PH. 3-6732 WANTED REAL ESTATE WE ARE in need 01 good bouse to sell in or near Salem If you wlab to list your property for sale aee GRABENHORST BEOS. REALTORS 134 8 Liberty St. Phone 3-3471 c WANTED FROM OWNER: 3 or 4 bdrm. home, south. Must be nice. Ph. 33289. General Real Estate cal64 NOTICE! If your property la for sale. rent or exchange, list tt with a have all kind of cub buyers STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 8 HIgb St We EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE modem 3 bd. rm ' house on Fairmont Hill for home near Catholic school.- Ph. 3-4963. cbl65 SELL OR TRADE: lfc Acre suburban tract, best of land, partly Irrigated. Lorely 5 rm. home. 15x31 lr. rm., 2 spacious bdrms., 3 fireplaces, full base ment, party rm.. nice lawn and shrub bery, city bua at door. 312.650. Small down payment. Would accept mortgage as part payment. R. E. Meredith Rlt. or B. M. Mason, 176 6. Commercial. Ph. 3-8841. cbl64' 81800 EQUITY tn 2 bedroom modem home In Turner for 27 ft. or larger house trailer. Balance 12380 at 135 per month. See Clou at 640 Hood, Salem. ebl68 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ONE OP THE BEST grocery store In Sa lem. Good residential and business district- Grcs 1150.000. Block at inventory. Box No. 290 Capital Journal. cdl64 FOR LEASE by major oil company: Service station in Salem. Borne experienced de sirable. Will require approximately 11300. Write Capital Journal box 355. Cdl65 SERVICE station for lease with Inven tory and equipment Hollywood district United Petroleum Call EAst 1106. Port land. Ask for Mr Moore or Mr Syke cd OUT OF TOWN PROPERTY Albany Investment Property. By Owner Building 1 block long, li block wide. Concrete and Brick Construction, 'a block from center business district. 2 railroad tidings adjacent. 3 year lease 1355 a month. Write PO Box 83. Phone 5-F-5 Shedd. Ore. cdl65 GROCERY STORES 16850 Walk-In Cooler, well equl., for cutting meat, good flxt., pkg. beer He, located In Salem on busy st. Down town location 125.000 good clean stock dandy fixtures, cash busL grow 1200.000 yr. Owner retiring Ph 26680 for appt. ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14 St. cdl66 For Sale or Lease SERVICE STATION & CAFE AT AUMSVILLE On Main Rd. to Detroit Dam PRICED TO SELL Owner at 765 S. High St. cdl64 SMALL DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT Oood business for man and wife. 1750 solMy Tuesday. Call 2-0278. cdl64 FURNITURE FOR Sale"'"" UNPAINTED furniture, closeout WOODROW S. 450 Center St PRACTICALLY NEW 9 ft. Mont. Ward refrigerator. Also studio couch. Ph. 2-5806. dl64 LEAVING MI ST SELL all furniture. Dav enport, swing rockers, chairs, bed. crome dinette set. electric range, stand tables, how. mower, tools, fruit Jars. aisiiM, ana eie. uut sen immediately. Rt. 5. Box 114 on Garden road near swegel school. Phone 2-8225. dl66 WINE DAVENPORT and Chair. Ph. 2-6862 dl64 wantVdTGITnTture'''" HIGHEST PRICIS paid. Phone Olenn at Woodr? Auction Manet Ph 3-5110 da FURNITURE A Household Item wanted. Ph. 3-8558. TRADER LOUIE 3055 Portland Road da!67 AUCTIONS FURNITURE & LIVESTOCK AUCTION WED. JULY 13, AT 10 All. A 1 P M. S) 1948 deluxe Montgomery Ward elec. ranee. S6 ft 1947 plbson refrigerator. Twin bed complete. :Bendlz automatic washer. Walnut desk and chair. :5 piece breakfast set. Electric beverage cooler or deep freezer. M. W. ft. refrigerator. ) Maroon davenport and chair. Swivel office chair. Porch swing. m New Western Holly gas ranges. 8) Crown sewing machine. 3 ft. Sewell kerosene refrlg. Beds, spring A mattresses. M)c. garden tool, trailers. Oliver "60" tractor. 1 bottom 18 Inch Oliver plow, like new. loo Parmenter red fryers, rab bits, calves A veals, weaner A feeder pig. Cow, heifrrs. A bulls. LANE SUDTELL, Auct. Sales Yard IS Mite Eat of Salem on Sllverton Road "TO BUY OR SELL CALL 3-6098" dd!64 To Place Classified Ads Phont 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES GRABENH0RST SPECIALS SELL OR TRADE Owner win take 11.000 down and 175 per mo. or a late model car in good condition, a small Income property or a lot. He ha a Lne 2 odrms. home, les than 2 yr. old lir. rm. d:n. rm. kitchen, fireplace, fa basme, ba'.h, garage, oil furnace, lge. lot. CALL PETER GEISER 780 N. HTH STREET 1 bdrm. fine home thruout. Ixe. deep lot with room for 3 rej:ont:al courts. In front, home complete with new modern furniture. 16.300 CALL ROY FERRIS NEW 3 BDRM. HOME Located Et. on Ige. lot fruit trees, lawn tt shrub In. 1440 sq. ft., of real llrabie floor space, auto forced-air oil heat, 3 Ige. bdrm. hdwd. fir, thruout. This 1 for a: at a reduced price of 111.800. CALL EARL WEST GRABENH0RST BROS. REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 3-2171 Evening it Sunday call Earl WtU 2-1232 Roy Ferrl 2-8010 Peter Oelser 2-2471 Ben Rolaen 2-2471 AUCTIONS FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE AUCTION TUE., JULY 12 8 P. M. SHARP OLENWOOD BALLROOM 5 MILES N. OF SALEM ON 95E FURNITURE it APPLIANCES FROM 5 CONCIGNERS f) New Desk Mode Electric Sewing Machine Hoover Vacuum j) Apartment Washer 8" Belt Sander & 'b Horse Motor 74 Speedmattc Saw V Electric Drill O. E. Electric Oven it Grin 30 Gallon Water Heater. Electric Remington 13 Gauge Shot Gun Model No. 10. G. E. Motor & Compressor 50 lb. Ice Box Treadle Sewing Machine A-l Kitchen Cabinet Automatic. Record Player Table Radio Bed Complete Maple Chest Maplee Vanity g4 Pc. Walnut Bed Suite Floral Daveno 13x15 Asm In : ter Rug 1 Wheel Trailer Suitcase A Occasional Table S3 Single Sleigh Bed Complete Dozen of Other Item GLENN WOODEY Auctioneer Ph 3-5110 pay cash or sells on Commission dd!64' PIANO UPRIGHT. Mahogany case. Sell at Auction to-nlte Glen wood Ball room. 500 yards North of Chemawa Four Corners on 93E. ddl64 FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE AUCTION Tuesday, July 12. 8 p.m., Glenwood Ball room, 5 mile north of Salem on Port land highway. Sea Monday' list includ ing elec. sewing machine, appliances, shotgun, tools, furniture of ail kinds. GLEN WOODRY, Auctioneer ddl64 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK GENTLE SORREL mare. Good home es sential. Pn. 34280. C165' LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer. e u. Mcwanamn. 1137 s. 25. Ph. 3-8147. eaI79 ggJyjJ"J'frrrr"r,,,JJJJJ" WING'S RABITRY need fryer rabbits. Top price. 3985 State St. 109F5. ebl77 PETS TROPICAL FISH several kinds. Ph. 2-7321. Rt 5, box 483 on the McClay rd. 3 mile from Lancaster Dr. Visitor welcome. eel 67 COCKER PUPS, purebred S10 it 315. 1745 aaer at. rn. J-6286. ecl65 BEAUTIFUL Cocker puppie. after 3:30 p.m. 1363 Ruxe ecl64 FREE PUPPIES. 8 ml. out Sllverton rd. Just beyond Pudding River bridge. Sign "Free Pups." ec!64 FUEL Summer Special Buy your winter fuel now and save. Good screneed sawdust .84.00 unit Good clean block wood 18.00 load Dry slab for furnace 86.50 load Drv edging for cook atovr . aa no inH Oregon Fuel Co. - Phone 35533 eel69 West Salem Fuel Co. 16 IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD. 16-IN CLEAN - NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Salem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater St., West Salem ee Oak Wood nights. 3 slie Phone Judd 2-3129 eel64 PHILLIPS BROS. Old fir, oak Ph. 68F22. TR1-CITY FUEt Fresh cut sawdust Prompt delivery Ph 27442 We give S it H Green Stamps Ore en 16 In. mill wood e OLD GROWTH FIR 114 cord. Ph. : mo weebraska Ave. CALL HIGHWAY PUEL FOR Dle.el and Stove Oil. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends A Block Wood Pb 36444 FOR SULEPOULTRY RED FRYERS, "all" SizesT Rt. 7. box 43IT McCain Ave, off Sllverton Rd. a 164 NEW HAMPSHIRE chick every" ThurV day Ph. 2-2861. Lees Hatchery f PRODUCE RASPBERRIES, Frlgaard' Fruit Stand. mi. w. K.emcr School. Ph. 24262. ff!71 CHOICE Royal Ann for canning. 2c U pick. Sign 1 ml. E. Lancaster dr. on Auburn rd. ff 164 TILTON APRICOTS from The DalTe 31.49 ureen Appie Market. 2 miles N. on 99. fnM. WE WILL have our tree ripe Tilton aprl- imra jne uaues on or eoout July 14. Puritan Cider Work. West Salem. ff!68 HELP WANTED 3 ROOM furnished house, country. Rent ire m exchange for house work and yard work. Wood A water furnished. Middle aged couple preferred. Write box 343 Capital Journal. fi64 BEAN PICKERS register now. Start pick ing around 22nd. 1 mile N.E. of Keizer. Rt. 3 box 40B. Frank Torey. gl86 3e BEANPICKERS, 10 minute from Be. inn. 01 an aooui zvin, rnone register. W. J. Bishop, 3-8137. gi89 MAN OR woman to drive bus to A from pean yard A pick Dean during the day. beginning about lt of Aug. Write Lowell Brown. Rt. 1, Turner. g!64 HELP WANTED MALE MEN WANTED! To cut wood. Ph. J-M51 or e.1 tt in W.J! Hort fit. During buAlntjji hr,. I1M.' HERE IS the opportunity of a life time ior men wno can quality. Experience unnecessary. We train you free. Earn S3O0 to 8400 while learning. Applv at once. 439 Court. Room 101. gal66 EXPERIENCED Oardner-caretaker want ed. Reasonable salary, attractive liv ing quarters for two. All utilities furn ished. Give references and qualifica tions. Write box 343 Capital Journal. gal65 Journal Want Ads Pay IFOR SALE HOUSES HELP WANTED FEMALE WHY WORRY about layoffs and under pay? You may be just the person we are looting lor to direct our silver pro gram among sponsored girls aud wo men, in this full time, steady career, which requires a car. you are really paid wnat you are worth on a percent age basis. National advertising and na tional sponsors, plus the gulldance o! skilled Advisers, can build the kund of secure profitable future that you want Don't postpone your future any longer, W rite today to L. Boreman. Empire uraii corporation, Newarc, New York a''e- gal65' GIRL TO do part time light housework Ph. 2-6752. 1335 N. 4th. gbl66 WOMAN OR GIRL for housework. 695 N Liberty. Call morning. gbl69 WANTED HOUSEKEEPER MIDDLE AGE PREFERRED. 2 SMALL GIRLS. VICINITY OF SUNNY VIEW OR LAN CASTER DR. PH. 2-0912 gbI66 WANTED: Beauty operator. Ph. 3-6327. gbl64 NEAT ATTRACTIVE girl for usherett. --feyi- la P"01. Grand Theatre. gb!65 WANTED SALESMAN WANTED: Experienced tire saleman. Por uuisiue souciiaiioa. state fully experi ence, age and etc. Write Capital Jour nal Box 356. ggl69' MEN READ CAREFULLY I want to talk to 28 men who are really ambitious in securing a position that w;ii give them an opportunity of mak ing money. IT DOESN'T MATTER what your past work ha been: all we ak Is that you will be willing to study and learn a we teach you our work It will be neceasary that you be willing to get along on 150 to 160 per week for the first 4-6 week while learning. YOU MUST BE ABLE ' to give the names of three people who will vouch for your hone-sty and integri ty, and you must be bondable. We prefer men who are married or those with some responsibility. I would like to talk to men wno are mechanically inclined -u now a gooo tiling when they see It. A car is essential. If you are honest and of good charac ter, a willing worker and neat in ap pearance and can think on your feet come to 757 Center St. either 10 a m' or 8 p.m. Wed. it Thur. Write box 284 Capital Journal. ggl66 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency Ph. 2-1488. gf WANTED POSITIONS Bulldozing & Grubbing Contract or by the hour. L. C. Mitchell Ph. 3-5337. ixise EXP. AUTO & house painting. Free esti- ". ru. J-JTJ li. hl74 BARTENDER, steady, go anywhere, mix ed dr;nk or beer. Capital Journal Box CARPENTER WK. New. Repair. Ph. 2-2093. hl87 PLASTERING. PATCHWORK and chim ney building. Ph. 2-4389. Free estimates hl87 CARPENTER, A-l. fat. Ph. 2-8825. hl77' PUMICE BLOCK expert. Ph. 2-8825. h!77' TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. In, op. Work guar. W. H. McAllls ter. 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496 h!75 PAP'TING. Inside or out. mates. Phone 2-5518. Free ejtl h!67 WOULD LIKE to train Into a permanent position a receptionist it assistant In a dental office or for an optometrist Phone 2-1626. hl67 INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 3-6796 hl75- HOUSE WORK by hr. Ph. 29901 before hl79 a.m. OMENT WORK wanted. Ph. 2-4850. h- CHILD CARE. 183 S. 18th. Ph 3-6876. hill- TYPING In my home. Neat work guaran- teed. Call 3-3911 day or eve. hl70 STENO. 7 yrs. exp. wishes part-time em- Plorment. Ph. 2-5759. h!66 WILL CARE for children tn my home From b to 5 daily. Ph. 2-0515. hl78 Mimeographing-Typing POES 685 North 16th, Phone 3-3643 h!81 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. scrv ice. Former phone opr. Ph 3-5072. h!78 BABY SITTER. Ph. 2-0580 hl66 PAINTING & DEC. Expert color harmonizing Ph 3-7552 h!66 CHILD CASE. 1180 Shipping Ph 3-9924 h!65 STEEL CLOTHESLINE Pots, r.lltnss In stock & mde to order. 114$ N. Liberty. hl90 WANT HE. WORK. Ph. 1-4717 Ittr S. M74 RESORTS WHY NOT have your famllv cool A com fortable at the beach? Handy deluxe apts. Reasonable weekly rates. Ph. De Lake 3503 for reservation. Sea Air Court. ha 175 Spend Your Vacation At Breeze Hill Apt. Ocean front, plate glass windows. Strictly modern, elec tric refrigerator, etc. You'll enjoy your lacatlon just a little more at Breeze Hlil. Write Mr. and Mrs, Fred Hogue Box 58 Taft. Ore. hal65 EDUCATION DIESEL is going place. Come along! Pre pare for this good pay trade now. We win personally interview mechanically inclined men. Full information furnish ed no obligation. Write Utilities Diesel Training. Registrar 2531 Shef field. Chicago 14. hhl64 GRAB THIS opportunity. Auto Body Fender Repair Shop are busy: pay hinh wage. Trained men are needed: have your own shop when experienced. Re liable .school offers practical training In few houra weekly. Write Auto-Crafts Training, Registrar, 2533 Sheffield. Chi cago 14. hhI64 FOR RENT ROOMS HOLLYWOOD rm. 2035 McCoy Phone Jkl73 ROOMS: Ladles only. Kitchen privilege. 520 Statesman St. Jkl67 GROUND FLOOR sleeping room with kit chen privileges, on bus line. To em ployed person or persons. Ph. 2-3928 from 6 am. to u. jkl65 SLEEPING rooms for men. 383 "n. 14th JklM FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BRAND NEW SINGER ' ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINES rom $89.50 up. Budget terms. Liberal allowance for your present model. Com plete course in Home Dressmaking given wthout charge with the purchase of each new Singer. Come in and select ' j ours now or call for appointment in your home. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 130 N. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon. Phone 3-3S12 FOR RENT ROOMS WELL FURS, sleeping rm. Close to. HA:C water. Men only. 737 Center. Jkl65 SLEEPING RM. Near bath. 1157 X. Capi tol on bu line. Jkl66 BEDROOM WITH little sitting room for t.ie price of one room. Near new Capitol St. Shopping Center. Garage. Ph. 34562. I1M' SLEEPING RM. Prlv. ent. On 2 bu line. Near coffee shop. Ph. 3-9076. kl65 FOR RENT APARTMENTS NICELY FUNEN. Apt. All elec. furn. 365 S. 16th. Utilities JP164' CLEAN FURN. apt. 118 Ruge. W. Salem. JP164- MOD. UNFURN. 3 rm. apt. Kitchenette & priT. oam. bus service. 1310 Madison. Jpl68' L'NFURN. 3 RM. apt. Close In. 386 Bellevue. Jpl64 MOD. FURN. Apt. for 2 adults only. Lights, garbage service, hot z cold wa ter. 135 per month. Inquire rear apt. 824 N. Front St, Jpl65 BDRM. large unfurn. apt. Elec. stove included. Auto, oil heat. Private bath. 1437 N. 4th. Jpl69 MOD. 3 rm. furn. apt. 643 Union. Jpl64' RM. upstairs apt. unfurn. Ph, 34896. 1P185- I RM. furn. apt. Adult. Ph. 38626. West aaiem. JpI68 3 RM. furn. apt. to employed couple or aingie near tstate House. 400 t. 13th. JP165 RM. furn. apt. Kitchenette. 140 Wil Hams Ave. Ph. 2-7546. p 1 68. 3 RM. APT. Shower, refrigerator. Adult only 1130 Madison. jpl64 J RM. FURNISHED cottage & garage. Hayerllle dlst. 125. C. E. Andresen. Rt. 1 box 175 jPi64' t FURN. APTS. for rent. Ph. 3-7034. 640 N. commercial. Jpl64 1 BDRM. unfurn. pt. Adult. Ph. 3-6853. JP164 UNFURN. DUPLEX Apt. 145. Including wa-.er s lignLS. 3 rm. and bath. 1870 N. Cottage. jpl64 3 RM. APT. PriT. bath. Frlgidalre. 588 N. Church. jpiee LARGE PARTLY Furn. haekeeuln rm in baement. Elec. heat. 450 Rosemont. we.t toaiem. Jp165' FOR RENT HOUSES NICE SUBURBAN house. Ph. 2-2374. Jml64 NEW 3 BDRM. Klnswood Height! view house. Ayto heat. Hdwd. tlrt. Range ft rerrig. ibs a mo. Ph. 2-4538. Jml64 BDRM. house, 160. Near Swegle school. Box 68. Jml64 NEW MOD. 3 Rm. Furn. hse. Set Furn. 3845 Portland Rd. Laundry JmlBfl Why Fatten the Landlord BUY A NEW HOME WITH RENT MON EY. 2 & 3 BDRMS., HDWD. FLRS. ELEC. WTR. HTR., GARAGE, CITY WA1EK, SEWER, PAVED ST. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church St. Ph. 2-7642. Re. 2-0138 Jm1 FURN. COTTAGE. 3315 Portland Rd. Jml71 ROOM AND BOARD RM. A BOARD. 629 N. Winter. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SPACE, excellent location, espe- ucsiraole ior aocior or dentist. worm L,ioerty. Phone2-J923 J164 RENT Singer electric sewing machine by month in your home. No extra charge fr-r dellTery St pickup of machine 16.00 per mo. Ph. 33512. jiee OFFICE spaces and desk spaces. Ph. 25692 r FOR RENT Location for physician, chlro t praetor, optometrist and denlst In new Post Office building la Delake, Oregon. A permanent population of 10,000 to be served, cilt at 627 E 14th St., McMinn vil!e for appointment Phone 135. J165 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS GROUND FLOOR rooms, suitable for of. ue or store, also alley warehouse with elevator. STATS FINANCE CO. Ph. 34121 V DRIVE truck ear Ph 2-9103 POWER TOOL rental ror home & in oustriai use Howser Bros Pb 1.3646 J' TRAILERS 12 00 per day Howser Bros 1410 S. 12th. West Salem J BUSINESS RM for rent. H. L. Stiff. J GOOD USED PIANOS H L. Stiff. FLOOR SANDER for rent Montgomery ward r TO DO a good lob rent a xood floor tann er We ell everything to complete the 10D HOWSER BROS Ph 3-3646 SKIL-TOOL rental service. Store. 4345 Sllverton Rd. Vally Farm J17S WANTED TO RENT t BDRM. unfurn. house by responsible couple with two children. Reasonable rent ana references. Ph. 20784. al65' WANTED TO rent by local business man: 4 or more bdrm. house with basement. Have 3 bdrm. south suburban mod. house. Would consider change of rental Ph- 3-3324. mitt. WANTED to rent or lease 3 bdrm. home Near school. Ph. 2-4083. Mr. Wood. Jal67 WANTED to Rent or lease. With option to buy. Small mod. house with acreage Capital Journal Box 292. Jal66 OR 3 BEDROOM House for 3 adults. Write Box 294 Capital Journal. jal66 COUPLE with small baby want 2-BR hse Ph. 2-4638 J a 166 DEPENDABLE couple urgently needs house in N. Salem. No children. No drinkers. Ph. 2-3743. Jal66 Local business man wishes to leae for one year or longer 6 or 6 rm. mod. unfurn. home. Must be south side of city. Ad ults. Might consider option to buy during lease if desirable. Cah 3-4016. Eve. 3-8313. jal66 3 BEDRM. unfurn. house. 2 responsible adult. No children. To occupy after July 15. Write Box 291, Capital Journal )al67 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Our big Collie dog. July 4. Swe gle DIM. E E. Brandt, Rt. 6, Box 431. Phone 3-1546. kl64 LOST IN Salem: Hamilton pocket watch Gold case. Initials on back. Reward Pau! Bollman. Dallas. Ph. 3286 collect. kl64 LOST: BROWN leather billfold possibly at Capitol Theatre. Finder keep cash and return Important personal papers. Paul Carter, 959 S. 13th. Phone 2532J. kl64 LOST Car keys In Post Office, w. Anderson Motor on keys. Reward, found Ph. 2-3887 or 3-3416. kl LOST: Red & white personality glasses. Reward. Call 3-8733. Ask for Bernlee k!64 MISCELLANEOUS SPENCER CORSETIERE. 5 Ph. 3-5072. N. Winter ml8S HAVE TOUR SINGER Sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer rtpresen ta' e. Ph 1-3513 for free pick up and delivery service on al' makes of ma chine. Pre- estimate given before work 1 started Singer Sevang Machine Co 131 N. OctaVL ga I FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1 HK. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY 8 EMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bldg. State A Commercial St. SALEM Phona 3-3311 LES SPRINGER, men' hatter. 484 Court. We close Saturday 12:30. ml83 NEED I nice playmate for my two chil dren between 2-5. Under constant sup ervision. 11.25 per day, further Informa tion 2-4630. ml63 BUILDING MATERIAL SPECIAL: Cedar siding, Vx8". Random length. C -grade. 185 thousand. Keith Brown, Front s Court St Salem. ma CEMENT MIXES for rent Ph. 3 -94 09. mat 89 HARDWOOD flooring, ah grade, from 195 thousand up. Keith Brown. Front & Court bu.. Salem. ma SAVE ON ROOFDfO Let Ward give yon complete Of STALLED price on your roofing need. Wide range of color. Call our outside salesman for free estimate. Phone 8-3191. MONTGOMERY WARD CO. SALEM. OREGON ma" REINFORCING STEEL! And BIok-Meh In . 0 S width. FuMILITE, West Salem. m164" ROCKLATH, PLASTER and Stucco mater ial, complete line, quality materials. PUMILTT.S. West Salem. ma!64a ALUMINUM ROOFING I ft. width in the following length! 11.74 ' 3 33 IV 3.90 3.48 Ak about Installation serrtce . MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. SALEM. OREGON NEW SHIPMENT piast board V 8ci fe". 6e tq ft Rock lathe 43 aq. ft. 11.75 MONTGOMERY WARD 8U.EM AETNA STEEL Door Frame, assembled, one unit. Low installation cost. PUM ILTTE, West Salem. mal64" Cedar Shingles - Shakes May we supply you with Tillamook Coast, Grande Ronde Inland, and Cas cade High mountain No. 1 shingle, 18.25 sq. No. 3. 15.00. Sidewall 18-ln. shake painted with undercourse 113.80 sq., unpatnted 19.00 sq. Ted Muller Building Supplies. Pb. Salem 2-1196. H IN SHEET Rock. Wall board 44c ft. H m. a-i 11. m. rock lathe solid sheet 31c yd. Hard water proof wall board 71.ae ft. Used toilets. C. G. LONG Ph. 35821 One Mile North of Kelzer mal67 CEDAR SHAKES, primed and with under t.uui9c, n.ou sq. riywood ior cabinet, flooring and wall. Lowest price. 2 pan el door 86.50. 3 & 5 panel door 84.78. Screen door $6.50. Flrtex 5c per ft. C. O. LONG Ph. 25821 One Mile North of Kelzer mal66 NURSERY STOCK FUCHSIAS See them In bloom. 180 Varie ties. Mrs. p. e. Ward. 4380 Cherry Ave. mb!77 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FULLER brushes. 1745 Grant. Ph. 3-8357. nl83 DROP LEAF breakfast table & 2 chairs. uu range coot stove, 30 gal. hot water tank, 18x30 kitchen sink. Ph. 39429. nl8 USED sewing machine. Ph. 33139. nl8 SALEM SAND & GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing Dltchlnc Sewer A Basement Equipment Rental 13 B 4 yd. 12.00 per hT. 10 B H yd. 9.80 per hr. D-7 Cat A Dozer 10.50 per hr. D-8 Cat & Dozer 8.40 per br, D-4 Cat it Dozer 7.00 per by. Phone Days 1-9408 Eve. 3-8246 or 2-4400 Salem Oregon n USED Washing machines, ranges, refrig- eiiwrs, water neaierg. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. nlBO NO WAXING requrred when you use PlastU Kote. the cellophane-like finish for your floors or linoleum. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. n!80" HOTPLATES, fans, pressure cooker. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. nl80" FARMERS : Attention-Fence Controller. milk paateurlxers, close-cut prices. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. M80 ELECTRIC Sewing Machines. Ft ee -Wes ting nouse. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. n!80" EXHAUST fans. Close out price. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. nl80 DEEPFREEZE Home Freezers 1129.96 A up YEATER APPLIANCE CO. nlBO FENCE POSTS, poles, all types. Shingles, fertilizer A flatrock. Phillips Bros, Rt. 6. Box 118. Ph. 68F22. D' GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosley, Gibson and Mootag Appliance at Gevnrts 40 GAL. elec. hot water heater. Excel lent condition. 145. Eve. 935 Oak St. nlS4- HOYT ST. SURPLUS Closing Sale Irrigation Pump with Wisconsin motor, Electric water heaters. Delux washer. Caat Iron Enameled 20" x 18" Wash Basins new complete at less than wholeesale 125.00. a Galv new pipe 115.00 per hundred. Serv Entrance con duit, fiue boxes, house and outside wire. Wall Safe 15.00. Bum seats $10.00, 8 x20' 10-ton trailer 8200.00, Spud peeler 160.00, Bakery elecetric oven 8 bun pan sire priced to sell, Hotel size Cham pion dishwasher $200.00. folding metal chairs $2.48. Swivel chairs $5.00. OU circulators $20.00. Hay tar pa. Kitchen sinks, toilets $37.50. soil pipe, caulking lead 18c lb. hammer mill for feed grinding $45.00, 1943 International K-5 Truck IS Ton $925.00, 1947 G. M. C. lung wheel base dual range like new $1400.00 International K-8 4x4 with power take off $2000.00. Laundry dryer 160.00, 5 Ton Herculese new chain hoist $92.50, Elec. Air compressor unit. Oar age hydraulic lift for pulling trans missions and motors $150.00, Wards 600 Watt farm lite plant $65.00, Lots more and all priced to sell. acre with RR frontage 4000 sq. ft. buildings zone 4 for sale or long term lease. Come south on 12th to large HOYT aign. Torn EAST cne block. Tel 3-7916. B168" PACIFIC SAWDUST burner, auto, con- troi g5. Rt. 5 Box 135. Ph. 27393. D165 LIGHT FIXTURES, below wholesale. Ph. jjjij octwecn 6 it 7 p.m. nl65 INNERSPRING mattress with Flexolator .op. rree rrom coil leel. Special, s$19.95. Qreen stamps. Salem Home Furn. Co.. 137 South CommerclaL nl64 LARGE Relaxon hassock. Green, red. blue gingham check effect. 85.95. Green stamps. Salem Home Furn. Co. 137 South Commercial. nl64" MAPLE arm davenport A chair. Coil spring cushion. Reduced to $89.95. Maple arm love seat A chair, $69.95. Green stamps. Salem Home Furn. Co 137 South Commercial. nl64 GREEN VELOUR Davenport. Fair condi tion 815. Ph. 20606. nl64 MONARCH ELEC. apt. range. White ena mel. 771 8. 21st St. mec- DAVENO A Chair. Ph. 25322. PRACTICALLY NEW 9 ft. Mont. Wards refrigerator. Also studio couch. Ph. nip 'v CAMERA, tripod, extension A lock type. J U( Phone 2-5000. nl t J (Continued on Page 19) i