16 Capita Journal Salem. Oregon, Taeedy, July 12, 1949 Only the Brave By PAUL EVAN LEHMAN It i "soo rooc ita; ao.-; i jcisu &t:ort join SUiTcr as r,..rr.. ' la aj jtrt uci. Vjo.- -Woo wat K? He dra4 oat te worci st aster tiftir-i. WlA. He t:ood riiii. svrr.KL Did JjK at cire u be kied Bus :x?;Te in tcbi he cJd to me. out never :or waal ce cua lo DM. He rtc rar-Jiij to trie iooc, Thir.rr.j 61u cci7 wiien be icc ioc the oc. Ee irbeeied :nca Terr u.tc -je. j. Jace ttem. tcu are & thief and ii"r 07 ;c-r om coctstxxi: but niayoe you d-d aoool Grace in vta: I tou tfioiit (u seif -defease sod unjj tou. "Tes rrrj Ccaaosi; jT to cea; ir.Ui you for ! ce oad jaccsure: r M ! "j:hat, IX ther erer a'ii you. Bin I to teu ice tr--; fc&sr, i lax jo- : vjt tfcin I axe you. I ortxta you to Jmo. W ea fat t e-p 0.4 , xito lie adders oi "Poison acd Irca, tise iiL in oxut lo stt tad Iii r'.i to cier you." ZLDzej. He j g-jess In wori ar-.n He out us. aid Corbie 6.ie. lies tar, i-aeeco, jcutb ite i-m a::er tia S.ur and ezooc lou :m r-arj i-r wjasi loc? glasses, teen thel do tome sort. Tie, uxe Je.l s j Utter raaed ius uoulert In toe oovt ard sell L2m to CiuC Oa. i iiirr.iaole tiirug. , and you fcTide ta tie motey cei Tai ticeax se'd better go. no?" geevea tor u-eac uicii-j 5,- ir?r.t orer to t.-. bjni aad I t et toe ocder fcaJ.' 1 zo: hs jun. He exasued it briei-1 -So I llid itaiu 1 or to co tcea-iy. sipaed It lz.-j tu b&Jier. woric. but toe oesor Ga net re-j -Go Nat fus; ye- Mue. Me. tuse to buy the cost. Den you i I come to Ccuiir to do a Uttle chore come op In fce ceeis and nearby jaod I asn'i dene it ye:." you iui' the cow, aod t stam Mlie codded. "Soon they fin' try to drive you over the cir. Denisenor Tyier ees zone; therf there tiiey put the 001 back on uieieea was you caa eli to pay!" range, ana w-en ko tai tta-.i -guia rce cear covm to thel be cant tea the cots, net putlhoekt." taid Slu and went out! pouon een tee aier. tte go met unto toe dark a-ey. neerrje. iot &o o.ir y u eet tor beers. He't the much bad bombre. I'm betcha my ooo'o." "Giennl" Je.'f taid It throusrh ttlif list He took a ttep backrarda and teit with one hand (or the wall. Hit face wat ba;ard. Tr.e gun nuns with lu mu2r pointed at the fjoor. and If 5Uk had got up and vaJted rrom oe room be would have made no more to re atraui h:m But S.J tat where he was. nit t'ady eaze on Jefl't ajronized face at thouzh to read vnat wat passing m Tyr s mind He glanced over at Connie, and then back at Jeff; then he cleared hit throat, got up slowly and, walk ed to Jeff, put an unexpectedly xnenorr nana on nis snouicer. 'Loot here, Tyler. Dont take It to hard. There t no reason why you anouia. ine man s a louse. Jeff looked at him duliy. "Why ahouidn't I take it hard? I helped hang that boy'i father, and him an Innocent man. Right there I wrecked Glenn Gleasont life And. like a fool. I thought I could make It up to him." "You wrecked nobody's life. The boy had it In him. Dreu a skunk in tllk and sprinkle him with perfume and you've still got a skunk. I'm goln' to tell you tomethln'. Take a good look at me. You knew me once, fourteen years ago, at Dutchman's Gulch. But under another name." Jeff lerked bis head up and ttared at him, and suddenly recognition came. "You you're Ben Short I Ben Short, the marshal! You're the man who told us Doug Gleason wat in nocent!" "Yeah. Know why? Because Doug wat liftin' gold from care les miners and handin' me a cut out of each haul. When your fa ther got up his vigilantes it made me sore. It promised to hurt my business. I rode after the gang that was chain' Doug, and when they told me Doug tned to explain where he was and you wouldn't listen to him, I saw my chance to bust up that vigilante bunch nzni there, bo I auDied uoue laid he wat with me when that miner wat knifed and that you'd banged an Innocent man. Well, a uea. uoug uieason wat at guilty as hell. He got what wat comln' to Dim. xour oatn was given under false pretenses: It ain't blndln' on you and never wat. And Glenn Oieason't a natural born killer Just like his father was before him." Slug clapped him awkwardly on the shoulder and went back to his rtialr. "You hear, Jeff? You understand? Tou owe nothing to Glenn Gleason nothing at all! It's he who owes you: owes you for all these years of heartbreak und worry and sac rifice. He't a murderer. Jeff, twice over. And he ttole the gold, didn't he?" Jeff nodded dully. "Yet. I caught him when he tad tawed the hasp through. He knocked me out and" "And Dad Olenn drove him to hit grave. Drove him there with hard work and remorse. He killed ITo Be Continued) 1 The Cool Crbo Look Sewing Is Pleasant won lor summer wnen no problems In construction are in volved. Certainly nothing could be simpler to make than this cool com- lortaole dress. Little tucks nlD in the waistline, a back sash snugs It in. No. 5404 Is cut In sties 1, 14, IS, id n ?c to is, ,0 iB ,0 Sla 18 requires JH yds. 3J-ln.'fab ric. Send J5c for PATTERN with Name. Address and Style Number State Size desired. SUMMER Is the tuns for nrettr stylet the Fashion Book the place to find them. Everything you need for that wonderful two weeks with pay, plus plenty of charming and wearable fashions for town, country, home. The SUMMER FASHION BOOK brings you over 160 pattern designs for all ages and occasions, and all designed for easy sewing. rrice just w cents, uraer your copy now. Address Capital Journal. 552 Mis sion St.. San Francisco 5. Calif. R2847 7 vY5c0 PATTERN No. RM47 Perennial Pineapple Here Is your lavorlte crochet motlff work ed Into a versatile H Inch square. With this pattern your crochet hook turns Into a magic wand for you may turn out a beautiful bedspread, handsome table cloth, festive run ner and the decorative chair set pictured. Pattern Envelope No. RSM7 con tains complete crocheting instruc tlons. stitch illustrations, material requirements ana iinisning airec tlons. To obtain me pattern send 30c IN COINS giving pattern number ; your name, address and zone nura- 'h " I!-,. .... DnW, P.nH.I 1 . nal. 88 Muulon Street. San Fran cisco 3 Calif. . 1X1 y eA.Cry d Tr-EM VXSTiv-T0 vtX'TH.HK I TEA LEAVES IWtfOOH z MMtMAiMni.OUKaETaLK oaO-T A X9-NEePTHe C3? OOANArTV ME. iVS I T ( ITTvjPtJ p"77"6 cave A-y--c cam xcn5 aAsFELtAS.' : P " u fcJ c.r.! ( I I -m - . ... . A-DE-feo-- 0 Cn Tver kjow so"T etrr TVEy &T vah? well, vdltd ewtufc W wut? i exrrm ooct j tch-tch! rrs All mjch ! iet tjr we j vtxj go e o I twm wmbt perhpps tvevd es wsxrc " TH' COfS FOR "31 I A COLtTT OBDB?, U( tl JL-1 CM B OS OJT T1Y KMCW I DO TVCV TO OS&SJXK THE PSW I let & CPe rr J vte Tvecx os th nqct ws fve mai I vest cet tmcoswos vou took I 'tW"j " f'gj Jt j4 WMATS THE NOPE-THE REPCCT FROM Ua!j tW jU UU I-TUt. DOOeWf'DOJT WW?. lttTFl I VEROiCTViLftUC?! TUE CUEM1ST SAiOCCOL, TCO BAD.) IS UMIMPORTANT yiENO VCOTWE mmC DID YOU STRIKE w CLEAR WATER ja I RcALLV U&JT IP 1 CAxfT 1; MONEY SO NO TUAKS. T -v OTl J- ijPEDYOO.BUtLOBGCAOSeVcw0 V'RUPi'-l NEVER 1 u v lr. 777,' , : MAosTRuoaoeTMATWArea maketme Iborrow fromI " F ' t Y " V-s ' V'T RlOA rAMBYU PORE-i PAYMEK1T 1 PKEWDS CR J E p , I . ' '- f ), ' ' , E" rY COSE THE VOL) OWE VsRELATlvESt im'fM " " : : it -v, PV; ( MOKTSASE AMD TV POTTS -t-t ilgX f2j tt?? '-3.'" C 'T? V vS1 5 O F I VJU- LOSE THE lOTfV r-r-ry ": '' -- y': r MA.T-LET THE GALE. T' jA IftASP'rvIioa?D'T f I'M WISE TO -rtX CHEAP J: , f ON TO aOMtTHWS.'?' , HAPPEX-, HOWV iisSH iJfWW A S HIE7X J 1 PAi-a.WTHAT BAUJJOKTMAT J; M '- SO--aSy' BILL'S BEES SUSWCCLS CC "S"' E.ATTS XC3 S7A7KH f-A j A.. -V T CA? lyrV. CrC I TEX AS7 BCL 0U6WT TO BE SOTHiN!3 RjSUT ALON6, rtaL,El?E S Aag.TATE. "V" HEBE COMES A H5V,UXV,TEX-THr BH.L.' THE OTHER R ac bv now. ro uct to Jk7 dibt say what, nc to c.s? someone to car. wyBe we 6uv on the station I man is mr.miles.' f " t' li rF aSii 0 RETURN TlllSHATMj'STATEi T E STOSTeS -fl'(r (VOU WON'T RETURN .T h WTI---CAN YOU PlAY rrr f r rut pcctin ,TlMf 1 I'tl 0L0 Ou TIGHT, INCA5E A mf u. .Hf M ARt FREE.5ANC ANO AND - r 7 HOOKfy KSOM THft GARDEN CAR THE MfYlF JtJMinfi ' A .WOON FROM 5H0CJ- wFFl MAVf Vwr. WE'RE NOT WAITING ANY MORE GOLDEN "g" L Of BU00IN6 GENIUSES?- A flp Jsin BE8E BABY- DAD IS GOING TO pfr m take th afternoon WE TAKE A S M ive got page-one jr-rj I' p.i , QTiLC marry MRS. worth' I ear-J carf of hfem' cR've across the state line--to l, , news! rTir-LiT a OTvNj tapped a little confab -.it?.5t . tudy church architecture! RADIO PROGRAMS TUESDAY f.M. KSLM o KGW aSiKOCO 'aT 'KOIN c3 ralua Into Jf. IKnui'i tmtt BkrthB Sauk Cart Xum imat taknu hui IM Sanaa but Lttua tkn e&utu Fuii, i ttm ftcas Craatr W Praitit ,jttwi iawhart lirtnn inn fw Larrr L5wr ft-tu Brsai kfuitsj CklaH CuSWIlsbl sat bu fctaaatas : tvaar Brut Jtasical C-fclll SUw Bmi Sfa4 W Ckaaa. SU sat Jaala Kevt CW( BaUn XiW M aat JaaW bast Ifilf Xrg ( GlkrM BealUr Mwtta A Lvts Baatitaat Ltu Cla !HUM Km Kartts a Vtwtt Baatstamt Brt Inai Ban Xuk Kiaf'l Ha Dut D It r u ha Haiti Blaj-I at BaxaaB Uaataat Xtelttaa'Draaa HUrat Tttr SaMbafl Bit tbc Jakt Hull BaUrvMt Tkaaara Baictall Bit Ula JhSM ?Bttn hi tat Skr la Taaf Baata BajaaaB Orchtra Bitafl ta laa Sky la Taar Baata Baiefcafl Dfl r-arata -Kaau mm Saaaa Oak Bataaan Warlt Tamlsaa Vaaiu Crtfia Km f Wartt BwaU Oraaartra Faiarlta ttary Haaaa'l Daaabtar Baiaaaa Mr. A Mr. Bank rararlta Starr Baaaa'i Paaaaiar BaaaaaB Mr. A Mrs, Wank Mrwa Yrva BaaaaaB Flra Sua Flaal Stwt Saarta faaa FlaaJ Vawi Beaat Vw Mritarr Tbaaira Saarc Uaal Bawl Baata af Laat Traak 1M t'a Daaaa Mail Baat Waaaa Traak U Saraaaaa 'Panaa Lavti. Jr. Saa Bam Trark W Calaabta Taatara Bah r4a Sha Waa Maaaaa Traak laaa Orakaaira Ba r-aaaa SWt Waa Maaaaa Tract KM Orckaatra Malta Waa Maaaaa Trark lit Sa 'Slra Off lira Off tlta Off a Uaal WEDNESDAY A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. M Sm Ba4a laaa Naara la 11 Diva Patral Ba4ra Paara KOL1 Daat W. rwa Xawa KOCO Ktaak SOU Black j w J Martk Tiaaa Hadya Paaiaa KOCO aUack KOUI Black I ztn bawa fatral Fara Tlaa Taa Blttar KOIN Ktack il , Din Palral Kara Tlaa Kaira A tparta -aa M Diva ratral Tka 014 taasa rap O Maralaa Nrwi awa "aai Waa frta Back 8tStVawa Jaaaak Maala Weatara Mtladlaa taaaaaaar Kaws" liBraakfaal Caas Saaalk MaaU Waatara Malaaiaa Art Bakar M . Braakf aal Gaas Bltara af taaa Tba Slara Slar Bafcerl Imt is t Taa trataa Saa Baraa Charak la Wild Baaart Lawla 9 :t' Baraala Caaatar tacaat Ca Malatr TIsm Vacaj Tatiataaa '. ,j j Maralaa Saaclal Saaaat Malaa Tiaaa Naa a ! Saaa af Ptaataara faak Barak Maala Graat tlaai ""ta J. Charlaa Tkaaaa Baaaaarr A .. Taaaar Daraar CaffM Caa Want, Warraai 11111 5" J-1,'- I"' ?" ,", Bapart Saal Jaaai IU "iwJrT. C""rt "lalatara Bala. Ir. W :1 Wuca Wara rial Taaar Daraar Caaterl MlnUlara Oar Gal Saaaar a a laaa Orak. Glaaa Was Bil Slnar 11 , Oreh. olaa u Ma raraiaa P I ""! laaar'a CiOSraa Glaaa Waa Taaaa DrTMaraaa 1 " -U "I" Hraaa BrUktar Par CUa Wa, Gau", LUM 1 A J1" " I-"?! Hallrat Mail. nTV, 171 far a Ba, SS " ?, lj;iaa fW a Par LUk, at W.r.1 'p.u Bri.MT I J Ufa Baaatlfal Mac'. Malatla. rat Mrs. Bartaa 14 i Stl? M M'' llaa P.'rr W.l aa I Paarar Taaas Mac'a Maladlaa Pat OVrat? L B ia.r.1 Str. B.waaaa Mac'a MaladiS Sr-ni 2 " IS.JllVttla- Baakataaa Wlf. Waa'a MeTadlca V. 11, u iakaaaa raaor staila Dallaa Mac'a Malstlcs s,.,..' . " " ,2'!".," !"' Mac. MalaiE wa,r.ktatl ;Sl'"s saw Wltto B,..a M..-a Malama, T.f.'l, i.." 3:M;Aralail Ika ttara A Girt Marriaa Mac'a Malodlaa l :A",Uu Partla r.a Ufa M'a MatoJS mm n. Ml aa:"'' Jan ruia bui , si, .3 H Mt!. ,?. aSSlT l Pr. PW Farran ..'. k:!: fAhar 0.? I m M Sar II wtlk Maria WrUaaw Traralara w aaaa 'a Paaa Aria nar I li is jSar It artik Maata Watcaaa Traaalara Prtaatlr ArthS oHfr!. 4 a Tlaa Aaat Man Sa.ui,, Hlt J" SJ." Ta ttlar DIAL LISTINGS: KKX. 1190: KOAC, 6M M.SeimlrT. Cwti tar L With 8rrU; :!, Hbm EdlllMii -. Xlera Braaarctt B4ta C. Hill; 1:1, Elner D-rtoi l:Jt, Kert U the Pepli 7:4$. Mule br Bt-t; S:M, Co ttnpT : Ten Mettinx ; t Mnitr Nw: t:, BMk AdTtntares: Richfield Btptrttr: l:t5, iBtermu--: 1:3. Concert Hear. 11:S, MtaM U Tmrrv; Hr Btui SUB Wretnesai. A M. :M, E.rlr Bird! :, Dirt DtwUri Newsi Mi, B.d Bxi ?:. Bh Bun Shv. 7:45, Farm News; S:M. Tbe Str Sine; :15, Mart la Arr-aikrs l:M. ekt M&aatm i:45, Trtic&iisi IM, Br&atf &at Clih: Nm; 1:15. Un f T4r: Kmr IrNr1! KelWot UM, Te4 HalDt 11:15, Galea Drtkt UM. Mr Trma IMrrt 1I:M, Bettr Crtxheri lt:li, .Newt; 1!:SI. Baakhace Tallinn ltrii. Nancy Craiii 1:M, itrthwt,Unnni 1:M, Kr Wetti S:. BrMvfa.it la BUrodt Art Linklelter. Booster Club Meets Siiverton The Dan HiUman home was the scene of the an nual Brush Creek Booster club ACROSS L Dip 6. Kilter tetch S. So mar it be 12- Of a bitoricJ period IS. Snip ClUDBtl 14a.' Short lor a man's Qaun li. Remedy to counteract poison 17. Top card 13- Tranquillity 19. Vocalist 21. Demon 13. At no timet contr. 24. Hipher 25. American Indian 11. BeveraE t Rerale .4. Wine cut 16. all! Us rr atudent XI. Make belirra II. ParadlM 41. Before 42. Ridicule 4&. Draw a coa eluilon 4. Esf-ihap4 W. Story 2. Appointment 63. Chum fri. God of tor 55. Cnlta 56. Watch fecretlT 17. Let DOWN L Soric M I 0 U Pi R l NCj Ta C A I N RE A I R n E ; Q gju A T E A , If IS H B: g V Q B7f gT TlAH F I !RyLA CE RYE BK E.'G InTl 01 N E P R A C Dp R U 6HA a 81TvPwg!T FiUNBa-PE SC E NT Pt I tA! ! Rfcl Pi I ITllDiOj EjV,EiRlG R EiEiNglHiTlR PiEiSlKnYiAlNlKUAiRiT 8olution of Yesterday's Puzzle English composer Relevant facts t P I3 K WMf I4 p Y I" -r P W z iz p IKl-lI33 : 24 la lafc' ar 8 a w Wmi II" lg m M f Ssi ',, 1 1 v I I 4, Call tank a. Self C Exclamation 7. Drinking Taaaal t. PTOTarba t. Staap 10. ConataaUy IL Cap It. Raaltna 20. .Saw 11. Br 14. Ingraclltnt af Tarn tab li. Palm leaf 15. Unlta In a leafua 17. Corded dotB 13. Firearm 10. Ftntak U. Hi lit IS. Ancient Romaa officials la. LocomotlTt serrica car 0. Waon tonvnaa (. Extinct blrt O. Uaacollna name 14. Break anddanty ft. Front 47. Short jacket 41. Remainder L Enslisb catb adral tJtr AND BOARD Bv Gene Ahem TH' EAP.L SAYS you SOLO 600 CORERS AT 7S EACH w-VOUV MX, AH OOO TIAE5 75 IS SM-M -iy ca.jh akin Cii.m.. ru.u.. c AerC SA-AV YOUltE UP TO ,N MXlR. SECOND CHIN M CLOVER.- YES, S'R, TmATS A BUAAPE.R. CROP rfa i. I j ! UW -I KNOW WHATS COMING- HE'S GETTING MIS STANCE TO THROW THE LmN WASPOOI AT ME BUT I'LL ' DtFLECT IT RIGHT NOW . (listed as raelfle StandaH Tint) VCkC Tneadar P.M. :, Oa the fWay-VVa l-txali S:M, fts SserU Qahl :t. Sewtt Dinner Melodies; ;, 'sUaod the Campfirei ?:1S, ETenlnc Pant Been B:t. Art li try la Claiiles; S:, Great Soar: S:i5, Lessen' Fire Weather .retail; t:S(t, Muie That En da re. 1:45. Lift Cp Thr Vefee; It:, EzcnnicBB tm Seteaee; 1:15. Serenade! 19:45, Km I U:44, Slsa Off. (Lined as Pacific Standard Ttaie) IfOAr ffeo- A H IS, Kt-rs; lWMV. ipelaUr for Women: lim, Ceneert HaU: 1:W. Kent 12:15, Paras Hear; 1:M. Bid 'em Cewber; 1:15, Va riety TlBftCi 1:M, This Dari 1:44, Meledr Laaei tM, Caraleade f Draana; 1:14, Meaierrei. ef MaaJei SjOt, yews. lasy Acts: 1:45, UtH and M arret , Sarprise Paekare: S:3. Bride and Greeait 4:4. Welcome TraTelersi 4:M, , picnic Sunday with a basket lunch served at noon. The busi ness sessions was followed by a program. i