Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, July 12, 1949, Page 14, Image 14

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    14 Capital journal, Salem, Oregon, Tues4ar, July 12, 1949 ALLISON CLAIMS-
Bums' on Way Out
Set for Spokane
By Af newsfeatures
Glass Boat Floats Sl Hall " sm. cm -
WVBI IIUBIJ hu monlded fiberrlaM diDthr
which U tlx feet lonf, welrbl II poundj, hu i 4-inch beam
and will hnld ( adnlt.
Capitol Posters Edge
lels on One Hitter
We. Alii- F i ' I
ts a dIjv- 1 J.jJ
Ainin. Tex. Take it from AUUon. the old Davif
cupper, the dayi of the "ten.iii
o-jir-" are about over.
Allison ought to know. He
played the gan-.e with the
world ! bet in the time of Til
den and other tennis immortals
and has kept a close connection
with the iport throu jh the years.
The dub ho was national
champion and was on the Da
rts cap team for nine rears
now sells airplanes. Bnt he
still gets in his licks on the
Ke was referee of the Nation
al Collegiate Athletic association
j tournament in Austin and ob
served that while tennis play
ers of today are probably no
better than 25 years ago there
are many more good players
than there were then. The jun-
:or program is responji
son says.
The rule that Drohibi
er from taking part in more jptf e:ght tournaments w;th ex
perse paid has cut dow
na!!y on the "tennis bums,
lUon dec-ares. Tnis doesn't in- WILMER ALLISON
elude play aoroad. .... Cono
did aauh things bnt there were
some who nude tennis a pro
fession allhongk classed as
r T i. Danes Go for Sports ishooticg 48.000. badminton 10, 5
OOlt I OUrnOITienr, Cczni-.nta Uok of Den- 000. track ind fld 23,000, aa4 r
mark s four milhoo innaor-arjts swimming za.oyo.
are members of one or more
2CO&aCe. JUiy H '- 1 - C n.-nic. , r trim '-.vrr-p r.y wnrlH phsmnlm rrt-i-
Atiieue Roundble announces . -t" ,7, , ' , h3i,.mju. trark h!
eighth annual Esmeralda .- i4iftrn ir.'h. innu mn w th luti u,
golf tournament will be Pjared . 212 000 inactive mem-Sum. The six-year-old will re-&
at Hayden laJe Aug-
Tnere wUl be S25C0 in prizes
for the pros ar.d more Iran 100
of the northwest"! top pros ana
It actuary coh me t5 000 to amateurs, including defending:
play tennis 1 2 years." he com- Tiilist Bud Ward, are expected-;
mented. 'But I think it was a
good inver-ment. That! pretty r Bi.l.l T--, i
cheap to get to go all over the TOP DOtTie I OSS
worid. I visited 20 countries." kA f es. C,.-
In AIlisoD. day the players MO" UOSt Oil tye i
were allowed a maximum of SS Dallas. Texaj. July 12 . A
a day to live on. plus traveling pop bottle hurled at a Texas
expenses. Now they are allowed league basecaU game Suncav
$12 a day. Even that, Allison night may con Lloyd K. Webb.!
says, will not meet the actual 13 an eye. 1
expense but it won't cost near- The bottle splintered when It
iy as mucn irom m ic;iow i o a mi a cement waiX. a si-ver
pocket as it did when the stars struck the youth's right eve. Kc-s-
berr. hancbail 75.000 members. ! turn to the races next year.
Med Rose to Rememler...
Melrose Rare
SYnaM of Grarions Dung
3.95 tM
i could play as many tournaments pital attendants said it will be
mid-week before they know
whether tight can be saved.
jms." A!- CiTtrinnmfintrffrA l nii
With Sonny Walker giving up but one hit. Salem's Capiiol . .
posters ckcq oui ma nmri it 1 j lcsiuu juujur wjn tt er mi.
Angel at Waters park Sunday afternoon, 2 to 1. It was the
l5th win of the season for lo-
dav a player could
year-round proposi- supplied ail the equipment
tennis bum. He chiseled on the the golf course and told
j 3S they wanted during a year
"In other words, the Incen
tive to be a tennis bun has
been removed Allison says.
-The United States Lawn Ten
nis association doesn't want a
player to come ost ahead on
expenses or equipment. It
doesn't want to make the
game financially attractive. It
wants everybody to play for
j the lore of the game."
Allison recalls the first year
he made a tennis tour. He bor-
Tne bottle thrower
was at
In my
make it
;ion although the expense wanted ar.d would sell it. I re-1 rowed $300 and played in nine rooy
money nc goi c;a no. ir.i tne memDer one instance 01 a man ujurnaaiEiiij. wtuuiug wuj vwc
actual cost." Allison observes offering a nlaver S100 if he set. When he started home he
i K-rr. i tlrVet which he had noufht in .. ' i r-"r'
...... a in, IWf
Castoff Infield
Pittsburgh . The Pitts
bur gil Pirates have six infielders
who have played with other
major league clubs. Danny Mur-:
taugh has been with the Phillies
and Braver. Stan Rojek with
Brooklyn. Joe Bockman with!
the Yankees, Les Fleming with!
the Indians. Ed jjsevens with.
ana eoooy Khawn.
with the GianU. Monty Bas-I
gall- who plays some second!
T - 1 M Hi nt
v Mfi nnsE
t ill" -r"7-r
5j Every drop of whiskey in this
rare product is 6 and 7 years old . . .
blended itb choice grain neutral spirits
... mild .. . mellow . . . mature . . .
There's nothing to compare
with Melrose Rare!
the Dodgers.
Wl .ViOiS WniSKFf. 90 P'CC. T st-i fM wV-s's W" yodtict an 6 jears or
rore o-iC si's pi imsirr. 60 r " Ji'l S5"ts 15 sfa pt wt.sm6 jus
v4, 25S stn rt w kj 7 o-a. Metfose sr Cwpan, lot, Hitawe, Warjiarl
Use Copitol Journo I Wont Ads. They Will Sofisfy Your Needs.
unsanctioned tournaments, took chance',
money for this and that. He was Not
many of the players .back to Texas.
jhe had 10 eat during the tnp
Paper, Mootry
Teams Continue
Softball Pace
cals as against one reverse.
Salem tallied one in ,h. KA.AL B-,..- KOtM COS I PUN ti BUU I
and again in the third f or , nw- 'T""a' ON SHO
West SDrmg.':eld. Mass, July SlOned DV ROIDS
12 i-f The scheduled bout be- 3 '
locals' four hits as he doubled in A score of more racing cars tween Rocky Graziar.o of New JOS Angeles. July 12 :JP
the first to drive Jim tf-x-art of the midget type will be seer. York former middleweight ' . .. . .t 1
k ,,- ,,0 llv in the fourth , .1 1 ..,.."..:.; u.-., ..j t. . -' "1 Norman an tsroctam, tne uni-
gin that proved sufficient. Gor- Roll VefJriiSSfJa V
don Sloan collected half of the, "
A four run rally in the lourtn across the plate and then in the in action Wednesday night in champion, and Jo Agosta of '
on the part of the 12th Street third scored as the result of a the Hollywood bowl, under the New York today was postponed ; versity of Oregon s great passirg,, .... V
club threw a momentary scare passed ball. direction of a Portland pro- unlil Julv 18 because Graziano star, will toss them for the Los j SSSSSSSS:-
Into the opposition but order" j jjl Angel scored in the sixth moter. suffered a shoulder injurv in, Angeles Rams next season
sine back in the next trame to a, u,e result of a walk, stolen! Time trials for the speed training. J Van Brocklin signed with the
tally three markers on their base and two errors. merchants are slated for 7 30 National Professional Football
own behalf to win a 8-4 Cityj Salem moves to Stayton Wed- with the races to follow an hour : Pitti-burgs W Johnny Hopp eague club yesterday. Terms
league softball game at Leslie esday evening for another dis- later. coulcn t buy a hit as a Brooklyn were not disclosed but it was re-
field Tuesday night I trict contest. The drivers will include Gor- Dodger. After the Pirates dealt poned that Van Brocklin re-
. The Papermakers win, cou- Mt Angel 2 1 2 don Livington and Lou Sher- him io Brooklyn for Man-in cejved a handsome offer from
pled with Moo try's 5-2 decision Salem 4 2 2 man. currently tied for top hon- Rackley. Hopp played eight RAM president Dan Reeves. Van
over Golden Pheasant kept the Wellman and Turin; Walker or as the result of competition games and went hitless in 15 groitjin. was the leading passer
druggists and the pulpers out in, and Jones. .here and in Portland. trips to the plate. When the , the p'acjf jc Coast conference
front. .v T " I ' teams switched piayers, Hofp . j igag
Jim Rawlins had a shutout' n cmn football season! There are nine night football blasted out four hits, including ln 19,1 3 ' - .
Bv the PhetsanU un il the!' Ume Yale games slated on the All-America three double,, in his first 10 at'
two runs. John Hoffert'i 3 for
4. including double and Al
Wickert's 2 for 4 with a triple
Included, spearheaded the Moo
try attack.
Clear Lake edged Teamsters
2-1 ln an Industrial league tilt.
Michael for the losers and Kil
llnger for the winners, each
hurled one-hit ball. None of the
runs was earned.
rttm-l to) 1M -! I 1
r;ttr L9 tOS M J S I 1
IfkbMl 4 C. B f k ; Xliitsttr ftod
nnunu WtMl S 4 I
Wto'.rri mows I
Ulikr aad Wtcscr; alla sad Mm ,
f X lUHt VA f S 1 1
bee oil i i 1
W;nkr,trdar t4 Wtvti; Kslftat mod
Woodniff. !
President Truman
Will Bt Heard on
t 8:00 P. M. Discussing
"The Domestic
Economic Situation"
1390 0Valur
8(1156 4f
Handy, bigl tub
how Uv
No othr hunpoo ea Imt
your biir more beautifullr
clean! And oolyTuawr Cream
Shampoo contain iVterartol.
TbkcxcltnuTel'uM ingredient
more effective than lanolin
leaves your nair soft, lustrous,
eaay to manage. And Tuny
Cream Sbampoo now cemm in
a convenient tube can't leak,
can't spU. You'll want several
tubes at this get-acquainted
sale price. Get tnean todaj I
4tS ItaU Btreet
.4 i'l
inlay V
mi nciti n: nmiui tun
CrK, for only $762 00 down you
il, con drive home the smartest
looking, eotitst-handling cor on the
rood the powerful new 1949 Mer
cury. And you'll save money every mile you
drive' Mercury owners report 17, 18,
19 miles per gollon and up! Even
more with Overdrive!
So come in today ... for todoy's best
buy, the 1949 Mercury! Liberal trode
in! No extros! Prompt delivery!
HKl INCLUMSs 5 Suprr-Cushion Balloon Tires, Grill.
Guards. Air Cleaner, Oil Filter, Tbeel Trim
Rints, Electric Clock. Does not include license fee,
state or local tas, if any.
(Aak im mt m tfa pwub 1949
430 North Commercial St. Salem, Oregon
Sensational Low Pressure
fle tor less w
S Convention a Vresf
Owners of Plymouths,
Chevrolets, Fords (and
other light ccr t) Don't
Miss This Sale!
Super-Cushions give
you ALL this
Softer Ride
Safer Ride
Smoother Ride
Quicker Stops
6.70x16 SIZE
(tax extra)
HMlSt 111 i
These are the same LOW-PRESSURE SUPER-CUSHIONS every
one's raving about the tires that give new cars that sensa
tionally smooth, floating ride AND THEY'LL DO THE SAME
FOR YOU! Put Super-Cushions on your car now! You can do it
during this sale or less than the list price of conventional higher
pressure, harder riding tires. Switch today to
Superushion by goodyear
Cnnttr and Commercial
Capital and Court
Gorman Shrll Servic
1103 6. Commercial St.
Lyle Shell Service
State and Cottaze St.
Warrick Shell Service
12th and Mission St.
Warner Motor Co.
450 N. CommereiaJ St.
Robinson Shell Service
Center and Cot Use St.
Dauenhauer Shell Service
3990 E. Center St.
Priem Caspell Shell
Xth and State St.
Shrock Motor Co,
31 N. Church St.
Salem Auto Co.
435 N. Commercial St.
W. L. Anderson, Inc.
360 Marion St.
Stan Baker Motors
S2S Chemeketa St.