12 Capita Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, July 12, 1949 ;Mercy Plane Falls TIN PRICE HIGH High Canned Goods Prices Charged to Good Will Policy By SAM DAWSON New York, July 12 MV-Credit part of the money you speed for canned goodj to the dollar crisis abroad and Uncle Sam'i good ; will policy. Americans are spending about $85 million a year for the tini to coat their cans of fruit, vegetables and beer. Tin might cost considerably less, if the law of? ciinnlv and demand were ai- lnweA to o Derate. But the price of tin is being owmg0sUiuridt,ta.iWifh 11 Men Aboard of our aid to dollar-snort Bn- tain, which controls a third of San Francisco. July 12 VR the world tin output, and ourt k"' giuttu v", good - neighbor policy toward ' to aid a 70-year-old woman who Accused Siugetsagu Tiu- Bolivia another chief tin source. I became sick on a freighter 500, neishi (above), former officer ' . . Brit)l,iniiles off the Golden Gate, crash-i in the Japanese imperial army bSTp B!ddri . 1,0,1 .he op! appearing as a government IL7 J 1 v..rr,;. , sea yesterday. i witness in tne treason trial of vv f0! The 11 men aboard the Mar-j Mrs. Iva Toguri D'Aquino 0 govern ! "okyo Rose, in San Fran- ,V.,. ,.; Hnllan rescued 8,1(1 uken aard the; cisco, has been accused by to Brutal .SuX fof u. ! merehant fhiP . Aurora. Mark Streeter of Idaho Falls, for Britaui and security tor us were uninjured j Jda aJ the perpetrator of m , , ' uiJ The plane left San Franciscoj atrocities against allied pris- With the new food packing carTying medical supplies to! oners of war at Bunka prison season at hand the price of ton; Mrs. Teresa Luling. who was in; in Tokvd, where Streeter was is up for much debate among condition from the ef-i held. (Acme Telephoto.) American businessmen, parti cu-fect5 of a trop disease. i - larly since sum oioct uicwi prices have skidded this year' x and the world now mines I ft- n,lflr 14 ; g i ii i ! Ill Children Found in Cabin Portland, July 12 VP- Two youngsters were in a hospital here today after seven brothers and sisters, aged 10 years to 14 months, were found alone in a 12-foot square cabin east of the city. The sheriffs office said a two-year-old girl had lobar pc-eumo- nia and a 14-month-old siner (also was fH. The others nursed sores attributed to malnutrition. Parents of the children were believed in the Pendleton area, selling berries picked east of Gresham over the week-end. A neighbor was supposed to be earing for the youngsters, but the sheriffs investigators said the woman was employed else where all day. The family moved to Oregon recently from Red Bluff, Calif, Wolves apparently mate for life, and the father aids in rear- ;ing the family. Red Cross Reports Made at Meeting Routine reports featured the meeting for the board of Marion county chapter, American Red Cross, last evening. The home service department reported a caseload of 160 for the past month, with S545.95 ex tended in loans and grants. ;Much of the caseload was as sistance to veterans in making lout and filing claims. The finan cial assistance was given to vet :erans or their dependents and ! servicemen or their dependents, j James Wiles, first aid chair man, stated two first aid classes were completed recently for state police personnel, one in standard first aid, the other in the advanced work. Eighteen were in each class. He also stat- ed the Red Cross first aid group had been requested to set up a : first aid booth during the Ame rican Legion convention in ear- i ly August. hire Conditions in Linn County Critical Albany, July 12 Linn count fire conditions were classed at , 'critical1 Monday by E. G. Brut. scher, dispatcher at the Linn county fire warden's office ii; Sweet Home. Brutscher stated 7 that humidity at Sweet Home and was expected to drop below tne JU martc .Moncay afternoon; If it does all logging operations in the area will cease. Baker S1.85; Benton $2; Clacka 'mas S2.02; Douglas $1.93; Jack ;son $1.83; Josephine SI. 88; Kla math S1.88; Lake SI. 84; Lane SI. 97; Linn $1.99; Marion $2.01; PnlV C9H1- Trmt;ii,, 1 o-a. TT Portland, July 12 W Wheat ion $1.86; Yamhill S2.02.' ' loan rates for county points will average 4 cents a bushel below tin than it uses. The TXS. buys all the tin we i TL. ' 4010 use from the British, the Bolivi- LgSS I ndll in 1 7H0 ans ana tne iyu.cn. onwin w the price by What it pays the Malayan mines, and our agree- wTS iTvt. About i70,000last year, the state production Detroit Bids Open Aug. 26 tons of tin will be mined this!"""! marketing administration, Portland, July 12 'JPi Bids year and consumption may not top 138,000 tons, me interna tional study group says the sur plus will grow in the next few years. The tin that the reconstruc tion finance corp. buys is sold through the commerce depart ment to American -manufac turers of cans, solder and bear ings. So far, the world sur plus U no burden because we, and others, are putting it into strategic stockpiles The British want to keep the price of their Malayan tin high for the obvious reason that thereby they can get more dol lars to help them balance their dollar area trade books. They would do the same with rubber. probably, except that our large production of synthetic rubber forces down the price of natural rubber in Mayala. Just before the war, tin brought 50 cents a pound. In 1932 it was only 21 cents. In those days, American consumers did their own buying, rather than through their government. but they dealt in large part with foreign cartels that kept a firm hand on production and prices of tin and rubber. Congress has just passed, and the President signed, a renewal of U.S. government control over tin imports and the allocation of tin among domestic users for an other 12 months. The govern ment also controls the opera tion of the big tin smelter at Texas City, Texas. The British and Bolivians in sist the price of tin Is not too high. They say mining costs have gone up both labor and machinery 1 higher than pre war. A price cut, they argue, would mean drop In production. The American tlnplate indus try is no longer plagued by shortages there Is no longer any moaning by food packers about tin being allocated for beer cans. This summer the food pack is likely to be smaller than last. This is due to fairly large in ventories left over from last year's pack. To move this sur plus, canners have trimmed prices. They now say they plan to pay farmers less this year, and to be more choosey In what they buy, since they plan to can less. The weather, however, could still play hob with their plans In fact, the drought In the east already has restricted eastern cannery activity and sent Call fomians scurrying to revise up ward their quotas for vegetable packs this summer. In the meantime, the hou wife can benefit from the lower prices on canned goods. She can also tell herself that part of her food bill is a contribution to our foreign relief program through the maintenance of $1.03 tin. niAIIK HEAVEN If-' TJ&$ffi I HUD lYUT ijf.y" WOtO THI fiTUAam SAIDI tjlf IT"' "Aoloh,whti iM T". Af f WMiogiti! l-jljL-" -.W J lnUMooihiog T&My& Wk M c'rarcD or iT f ""O'ie" tL'.' ' oeTir ask "A ... "B"o lor me wben a mirrellous free book (old nit II about correcting bearing Ion." You too, thould leva tb full Ucu. Come in for free demonstration today. JAMES TAFT ASSO. 128 Oregon Bldg. Salem Dial 2-4491 Batteries for All Aids reported today. . ;will be opened here Aug. 26 for Terminal loan rates for Port- two 55,000 kilovolt generators to land, Astoria, Longview and be installed at the Detroit dam Vancouver will be $2.16, down Son the North Santiam river. The 3 cents irora last year. bids were called by the army County rates were listed as: corps of engineers. i 3 a i, i .. ,ts . m mil b m i """"" i r i i i . i ii i iw I n k 550 N. 1 jSf V J - after your first sip you'll be glad it was fnl Gibsons i i selected II Reduced I now 3 45 Quart $930 A. one of A""10 $ quality whiskies,' Try this smooth, rich whiskey. You'll enjoy the clean, mild taste, the robust flavor, the hearty goodness of famous GIBSON'S SELECTED 8. Buy it today and you'll be glad it was Gibson's. on every pint on every fifth on every case GIBSON'S SELECTED BLENDED WHISKEY 86 1 pftOOF gSJIGJtAW NEinrn.SraUTS. GIBSON DlSTliJJ.'a COMPANY. N.Y.N.T. HIGH SPEED HEAVY DUTY ad DDov (oik Reg. 3.66, now Less Tires Ny 13.50 month I 2. , . S)(Q)50 Here's the rake that's years ahead in design and n,;,.j lu c u i i . ; t i:. l& i ft ifctu ij nun iui less, naj inro lignr,ti fluffy windrow for better curing; handles hay with ' minimum leaf shatter; can be operated or trans. ported at high speeds without caster wheel wobblt or drift. .See it today; examine its strengthened" new features. DAVID BRADLEY IH SIGHT WAY -: IOSAY FARM QtJIPMIIIT Farm Master Six Inch Bleached Cotton Discs Box of 100 for Only Limit, 2 Boxes 29c Here's top quality at Sears famous money-saving price! Sturdy, bleached cotton fiber milk discs are uniform in size, thickness! Give you fast . . . thorough . . . efficient filter ing. Also used for soups, jellies, coffee, cooking oil. Come in, save today at Sears. 6V2 inch Discs-Limit 2 Boxes-35c . ' J' Craftsman Hay Fork 12-in. Oil-Temoered Steel Tmes Ree. 2.09 NOW ... 77c Extra strong eomtrydioH. Tubtjtor smJ ferrvks. Sol cOatcs resnforc for foot hardwood hondlM. Se It) Guard Bolts Teat Cup Shells Fa.rm Master Reg 69c 1A R 1 25 AO 'er PQ,'S Boxo?20Now lUC GNow 4C Reg 12.95 1 ft lona and 1 0 short. Fits most popular moke Teat cup shells for Form Master Milker. Made Tin milk pails for all new or old style Farm- of nickle-plated bran. Easy to clean. Master Milkers. Seomless, smooth - as - glass finish. Cover not included. Complete Lid For Farm Master Purina Roost Paint Farm Master Milker Branch Connection Reg. 1.05 lq, Reg. 14.95 10 Reg. 3.98 QO, H Pint Now 0C Now 1 4T Now 70i Rf9- L90 1 9O j Bolonced for correct milking. Designed for Pint NOW Single or double unit lid. Easy turning spigot easy cleanina win. i- . i . . ' K 3 7 "mn9- Kills lice. Just paint or spray on roosts. zjzea fflyfi Farm Store, 249 S. Liberty St. Phone 3-6333