Vikings Sail Again The "Hugin," a Danish reconstruc tion of a Viking ship, which is to reenact the first invasion of England 1500 years ago, is tested near Copenhagen. Rent Decontrol Demanded n Resolution by Council moved that the matter be tabled until results of the survey are known. The motion lost. Voting against the decontrol resolution were Gille, Niolson and O'Hara. On reconsideration, moved by Alderman Tom Armstrong, the ity council Monday night reversed itself and adopted a resolu Ition asking for decontrol oi. rents in baiem. The resolution will now go to uovernor uougias MCft.ay, ana ml approved by him will be forwarded to the housing expediter Slin Washington, who presumaoiy Iwould decontrol the area if no ir regularities in procedure were found. Council action has to do only with rents in the city, but decontrol of the entire area would follow decontrol in the city. i Salem property owners, de manding decontrol, were repre sented by Louis DuBuis, who isaid the apartment owners did not want to increase rents, but ithat "we are getting tired of jbeing run from elsewhere." Ray Albers, attorney for the housing expediter, predicted 'that rents would go up "at least 50 per cent" when control is (taken off. ! The whole question, he said. Jwas one of whether the housing situation can be met. He warned the council by saying that if control is lifted by the expediter, on recommendation of the local advisory committee, it can be restored if it is found a mistake has been made, "but if lifted by local option, as you propose to do, it can never be put back." "We all know," he said, "that the reason decontrol is being asked is so rents can be raised. Otherwise they wouldn't be ask ing for it." He said a survey of the hous ing situation had been made here, but the results not yet made public. Alderman Gille Methods of Transmission Of Polio Subject of Talk The subject of transmission of poliomyelitis and the matter of whether or not public gatherings should be prohibited should an outbreak of polio occur were discussed at a recent meeting of officials of the Marion county chapter, National Paralysis Founda tion, Inc. : Medical representatives on the committee discussed extensive ly the mode of transmission. Pointing to recent large epi demics in the middle west and south they reported evidence of transmission from one person to another by direct contact is strikingly absent, and, they add ed, studies reveal attendants, by airplane spraying. In further discussion it was pointed out many research proj ects are being carried on con tinually in trying to find the nurses and other professional people almost never acquire it from their contact with those stricken. The medical representatives repeatedly pointed out that spread of the disease is not stopped by prohibiting public gatherings or staying away from swimming pools or killing flies Fast Time Petitions Need 1500 Names Portland, July 12 P) Day light saving time advocates said today they were within 1500 names of success. Lee Stidd, Jr., state daylight saving time committee chair man, said only 1,500 signatures were needed by Saturday to halt a state ban on fast time. Petitions calling for a remer endum on the legislature's stan dard time bill, which outlaws Petitions calling for a refer ernor's decree, need 15,926 sig natures. The vote would come in November, 1950. Boy Drowns La Grande, July 12 W) Larry A. De Graw, 10, drowned in Catherine Creek near Union yesterday while cooling off in a shallow pool with two brothers. More than 30 million persons receive their mall from R.F.D. carriers. HUSBANDS OUGHT TO BE BABIED? Women Should Give Up Seats So Men Could Live Longer? By PATRICIA CLARY Hollywood (U.R) California women are getting a good laugh over Dr. Morris Fishbein's statement that women should give up their seats on streetcars so men can live longer. A California man is healthy enough to stand up by himself, and no California woman wants a man who isn't. You Chicago girls can keepS Dr. Fishbein. You can keep him as long as you want to stand up and give him your seat. The doctor, editor of the Jour nal of the American Medical as sociation, claims women are bio chemically more durable than men. Consequently, they have to baby the poor dears to keep them living long enough to sup port them. Movie Director Lloyd Bacon, whose hobby is home movies, Hook out a camera to record how this theory goes over with Hol lywood dames. It fell flat. l Men should live longer, one 'lady told Bacon. "And the best way for them to HVe longer," she added, "is not to come around expecting me to stand up so they can sit down." "Most of the older women op posed the suggestion in princi ple, action and angry words," Bacon said, shuddering in me mory. "They said, in not very nice language, that Dr. Fishbein is barking up the wrong tree. "Younger women are more tolerant. They're willing to stand up if a man looks like he needs to sit down." A stenographer said she of fered her seat on buses and trol leys to anyone who is loaded down with groceries or looks wearier than she does. "I have even given up my seat to big strong-looking men who looked like they had been work ing hard all day," she said. One teen-ager was willing to stand up "if the fella was cute." Another . young thing said she'd give up a street car seat on two conditions if Van Johnson or Gregory Peck asked for it. Bacon shot the film just for fun while waiting to start work on "The Good Humor Man." He plans no commercial release. ft iiur men are fine About repairs They knock on doors They find upttairf. PIMPLES OF ACN E? fo relieve the unsightly ap pearance and discomfort ol this and other externally caused surface skin disorders you should know about the new 3action "wonder for mula" of ENCA CREAM developed by doctors in the research laboratories of a fa mous medical university. Sec our ad on Page 8 Fred Meyer Drug Ttowmdf tt ! Iwvt voted in favor of Recommended by physicians and sur goons for three decades, these tebntrfie sup ports have helped thousands of men. Widely used In the treatment of sprain. They are a blessing tn helping to take strain off muscles. Improve appearance, tool Available In all sizes, these famous belts are comfortable, easy to put on and are moderately priced. Ask your doctor about them. We hove expertly trained fitters In attendance. V -V I. tfl Capital Drug Store Stare & Liberty "On the Corner" WHY PAY MORE! When You Can Have e Completely Automatic e 5 Year Warranty (on sealed-in transmission) 9) Exclusive Water Saver e No Bolting Down Cleans Itself Westinghouse Laundromat 299.95 Trade-in allowance for your old washer for only " SALEM'S EXCLUSIVE APPLIANCE STORE YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty Street mode of transmiss'on. The discussion came about when the chapter revived a past stand of the group to set up an emergency committee to func- Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, July 12, 1949 11 tion should any polio outbreak I break, come in this area, or should gency there be threat of such an out-!lected. Personnel of this emer group is now being se Terrific in traffic . jy? - - -- . J',.. I Ping-Free Power... for today's high-compression engines CHEVRON Here's a high-octane motor fuel as modern and powerful as the latest high-compression engine off the production line. Here are quicker warm-ups, faster pick-up, steadier cruising power in Chevron Supreme Gasoline. And you get them wherever you buy premium-quality Chevron Supreme, because it's tailored for each altitude and climate zone in the West. Try a tankful and you'll agree you can't buy a better gasoline. We take better care of your car SUPREME CASOLINB IIBERIL THERE IS NO EASIER WAY TO BUY DENTAL PLAT "YOU be the judo. of what Is the EASIEST ... MOST CONVEN IENT WAY to pay for your Dental Plates," says Dr. Stmler. "I Invite you to MAKE YOUR OWN CREDIT TERMS... I'll accept any reasonable credit arrangement you suggest. My Liberal Credit Policy It friendly and flexible, and I am always glad to adjust it to the needs of the individual patient. NO MATTER WHAT YOUR BUDGET MAY IEI Come in NOW and learn for yourself the SMALL WEEKLY or MONTHLY PAYMENTS you can arrange en Dr. Semler's Easy, Long-Term Credit Plan. There is no delay or red tape ... no third party or finance company to deal with when you use your credit at Dr. Semler's. Get your new Dental Plates RIGHT NOW... Enjoy Wearing Them While You Pay YOUR WAY. Remember, YOU DON'T HAVE TO PAY CASH at Dr. Semler's." EOTDSTTLIY "Y.r H.altli comas IST," iiya Dr. Semler . . "Paym.nt can WAIT. Cam in without daliy for whatev.r dental coro yon nood, and pay In Small Weakly or Monthly Amonnta AFTflt your word la completed. Moire your own rooaonnblo er.dlt forma at Dr. Stmler's." .1 TO 3 DAY SERVICE . . . difficult cai.i oicopfod. Out-oMow Mtloota uro parflcalarly Invited to ton advantage of Dr. Somlor's Speedy Sorvleo. NEW -Plates IN 1 DAY In cases where no extraction is re quired. Dr. Semlor offers 1-DAY PLATE SERVICE. Come in by 10 a.m. (except . Saturday) your new plates will be ready by 5:30 p.m. THE SAME DAY. .... SmuiifuL jMMpwumL fiahdiL CkniaL filaisLL . . . are created to help you Look Younger, Feel Better, Enoy the Maximum in Comfort and Vigorous, Healthful Chewing Power. Ask Your Dentist about the many advantages of these modern plates ... or visit our offices any time and see the samples. EXAMINATION WITHOUT APPOINTMENT Cm 1 my Him ! fur we cmviiIiic f f liantliietlM r CtfttvHe Mm bn your Dttfal pVmUmi. WATERS-ADO LPH ILDG STATE t COMMERCIAL Salem, Oregon HOUKS: B-.JO AM fo 5.-30 M . . . SatwoWa: 1:30 AM to 1 PA1 Only WATERS-ADO LPH ILDG STaEilfs (CZ STATE t C0MMERC1AI irem 3 33 1 1