1 10 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, July 12, 1949 l-I J. MYSTERIOUS WAVES DO TRICK Twin Appcul The Lindsey twins uuiom ut,nw aim maid want to compete in the "Miss Washington" contest as a single entry and, if they win, go to Atlantic City for the "Miss Amer ica" pageant as "Misses Washington." The twins, 20 years old, are waiting a ruling from officials of the national contest. (AP Wircphoto) Assessed Value of Marion. County Increases 40 Figures released by the state tax commission today showed that Oregon's assessed valuation this year amounts to $1,543,- 526.159, an increase of about 10 per cent over the 1948 level. The total includes $1,290,432,435 in locally assessed property compared with $1,179,335,811 S reported by county assessors in 1948. Assessed value of public utilitv property is estimated at $244,093,724, as against $222,- 093,724 a year ago. Ratios of assessed value t6 real cash value as determined by the tax commission showed percentage changes in only 11 of Oregon's 36 counties. Slight increases were noted in Marion, Clackamas, Deschutes, Harney, ane, Multnomah and Yamhill jounlies. Slight reductions were oted in Baker, Hood River, Til lamook and Washington coun ties. Valuations reported by a number of valley county asses sors, increases over 1948 valua tion and 1049 ratios of assessed valuation compared with real valuation include: MARION Assessment, $58, $511,030; gain $10,000,000; ratio, 44. Assessment, $56,- $1,195,875; ratio, Assessment, $4,504,010; BENTON 149,760; gain, 49. CLACKAMAS $56,149,760; gain, ratio, 59. LINN Assessment, $36,685, 210; gain, $2,650,260; ratio, 47. POLK Assessment, $14,- 848,669; gain, $1,843,299; ratio, 37. WASHINGTON Assess ment, $31,935,755; gain, $2,207, 540; ratio, 45. YAMHILL Assessment, $26,805,500; gain, $2,240,404; ratio, 50. British Tommy Killed Trieste, Free Territory, July 12 VP) A british soldier was killed by a Yugoslav patrol Sun day along the border of the Tri este Free Territory and Yugo slavia, British headquarter! an nounced today. If IV4 :: i. ' I v, t wr ' I I i .(jf""'"1' I i WiHMt: Dog Shows Judgment Laddie, the 11-year-old shep. herd, owned by the S. W (Lee) Selmans of McClaine street, Silverton, insists on a hand-shake with the Capital Journal carrier, Fritz Skirvin before he is given the after noon paper to carry to the home folks, a privilege he de mands. Radio 'Diviner' Locates Lost Persons, Metals Paris (U.R) Jules Calte, a radio diviner, and an inventor, Andre Coatrieux, claims they have perfected a process for discovering metals and even lost persons with the help of mysterious "radio waves." Using Calte's divining properties, which are "controlled" by kind of Geiger counter invented by Coatrieux, the pair claim to have helped Pans police -dis cover a body last march. Police, they said, had given up all hope after a vain search of two months, but the team, using the machine which works by short waves, found the body without any trouble. 'Every metal and every per son, living or dead, sends out short waves of different lengths," Coatrieux said. 'Personal wave lengths are as individual as fingerprints. The only problem is to know how to receive them. We have not solved this problem," he said. Coatrieux said the pair work ed together to find water and metals, rather than bodies. "Here is how we work," he said. "We limit the region of our search through the efforts of Calte, using a ring or watch. Then, with, my electric counter, which has an antenna and ear phones, I wait for an interrup tion of the low hum which shows the presence of an object. Each metal, gold, silver, copper, must have a special machine keyed to its waves." He said he thought once he had stuck gold, but on digging, found a body with gold teeth. In looking for water, he said, the low buzz was interrupted by a zzzeee sound like a mosqui to if there was water and a whis tling sound if he was near a cave without water. Coatrieux said his process was very similar to radar. "Eventually I hope to develop it for diagnosing diseases," he said. "We surely can invent machine keyed to the waves of microbes or cancerous cells, for example." Calte and Coatrieux already have invented a practical ap- Iication of "personalized waves They have constructed a safe which opens automatically by a counter device when the own er approaches it. The owner wears a "sending apparatus" on his arm, keyed to his own per sonal wave length, and nobody else can open the safe. And if the person dies? "One would have to blow the safe up," Coatrieux said. Coatrieux, who works with scientific X-ray, radio and tele- Eagle Eye Placed On Red Spy Suspect Philadelphia, Pa., July 12 (U.R) -Federal authorities took un usual precautions today to pre vent Russian spy suspect Valen tin Gubitchev from jumping $100,000 bail and fleeing this country on the Soviet freighter Dmitry Donskoy. A coast guard patrol boat circled the ship where it was anchored in the Delaware river before sailing for Baltimore, Md Gubitchev is free on $100,000 bail awaiting trial in New York on a charge of conspiracy to commit espionage with Judith Coplon. vision equipment for a living, said he and Calte were planning a trip through France s Vendee region this summer. "During the battle between French Royalists and the Bre tons in 1795, Royalists were ru mored to have bullets made of gold and silver," he said. "They also were supposed to have gold medals for identity We also think there may be some gold veins there, but very slight. Our trip should prove very in terestlng." HERBS 1 1 1 1,10 vs THE LOWER-PRICED CAR Ml WATTED FOR ! r t 1 Ny' w,.liii hm n .1 i, i wr-;--y . .gS.iSSSlMaw! i TM . w...-.;-,. .1 t.V..WMkh.tJ.i l lirMMM J Nw Wayfartr Two-Door Stdan Treat your eyet to something special in style and beauty . , your pocketbook to the biggest car value in yearsl and LUnVFRRER with gynl F1vit Oryt "Gr-Awoy" tngtn Kn9-Lvl SattfuK floating Crodlid tick SvprCv(h(M Tift . . . ml M tirtro coiff Tn the new Podge Wayfarer you get roominens for six . . . with el how room for all. You get room to stretch legs, room for your head and hat . . , seats that ire knee-level to support your body tn relaxing comfort. You get the flushing pick-up of the more powerful Dodge "Get-Away" engine . . . plus the proven smoothness of Dodge All-Fluid Drive. Nimble as a polo pony, the 115-inch wheelhasa Wayfarer is easy to maneuver in traffic . . . easy to handle in tight parking. Come in today. See this luxurious new Wayfarer backed by the priceless Dodge reputation for delivering years of satisfying, money-saving miles. And remember the Wayfarer costs just a few dollars more than the lowest priced carsl Court Street Gets Building Flans of Don Young to put up a one-story building on Court srtreet property between the YMCA and the Court apart ments, to be occupied mainly by himself and Robert DeArmond as law offices, were revealed at the city council meeting Mon day night. DeArmond placed before the council a petition, signed by Blanche Rodgers and others, for a change of zone classification from Class II residential to Class III business for Lots 3, 4 and 5 of-Block 70, which includes that property. The change would permit construction of the build ing. It was referred to the plan ning and zoning commission, and a public hearing will be held within 30 days. At the same time it was re vealed that the Court apart ments had been sold by Mrs. Rodgers and Mrs. Cornelia Mc Nary of Washington, D.C., to Lawrence N. Brown and Edwin Keech, and that Young had bought a strip of the vacant property from Brown and Keech as location for the law building It is understood that Brown and Keech paid about $85,000 for the property, and the por tion was sold to Young for about $20,000. The building to go up on the property will cost about $50,000. It will be a one story, of Geor gian type, with 11 rooms for of fices, library and conference rooms. The exterior will be of white washed brick. Lyth Kaye will do the decorative work and the contractor will be H. G. Hummell. Construction will start about August 1. Lawrence Brown said there would be no change in the oper ation of the 24-unit Court apart ments. DeArmond told the council, as an argument for change of zone, that the YMCA plans ultimately to expand. Glacier Study Begins Juneau, Alaska, July 12 UP) A study of ice and snow for mations in Taku glacier will be started about midweek by 18 geologists who have established bases on the glacier's surface. Maynard Miller is field director of the survey, sponsored by thej American Geographic society. I MILLION BARRELS OF FISH BAIT 'Cricket Catcher' Offered To Help in Locust Plague Winnemucca", Nev., July 12 (U.R) Comes now a Paul Revere and a cricket-catcher to rescue Nevada from its locust plague. Cliff Jones of Del Mar, Calif., wrote the Humboldt county commissioners requesting detailed information about Nevada's much-described locust infestation. Jones asked for a description of the 'hoppers, or locusts, and for information as to their size and variety the latter being a point over which the experts have argued for the past 11 years. If the 'hoppers satisfy Jones, he told the commissioners in a letter, he will bring his patented cricket-catcher and scoop up a hundred barrels or so for use as fish bait. The cricket catcher, which Jones said would work fine with grasshoppers, locusts or what have you, is a wooden contrap tion about 32 feet wide which rambles along the ground scoop ing up insects left and right. The commissioners began gathering information to fill the strange request. They agreed that what with 'hoppers ankle deep in an area embracing 3,00' square miles in northern KtM. vada. the California bait-seeker could have a million barrels full of the clicking insects if he wants 'em. Millipeds or "thousand legged worms" have developed many different species in moist "islands" in the deserts of the U. S. southwest where they were isolated from other similar "islands." Yrtlll" M . ; 3-1 SAFETY for Hard Earned Dollars! Your SAVINGS ore Fed-1 c I erally Insured Safe to $5000 g g by the Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corpora- m W tion. an agency of the ly El j United States Government. SSI Invest with confidence 1? J today. of Earn Our Current M 11 iievirn un savings i. Now! Toni Home Permanent TWICE as EASY TW ICE as FAST NEW TONI REFILL KIT Guaranteed to give you the most natural-looking wave ever New Photo Method Directions show how Toni waves many types of hair in as Littlt as 30 minutes. $OQ COMPLETE SET NEW TONI SPIN CURLERS No more rubber bands all plastic all-in-one ! Grips . . . spins . locks with a flick of the finger. Makes every wave from now oa twice as easy I Included in this offer Toni Creme Rinse to make your Toni wavt even lovelier I 29 ($2 wht bought tprattly) Capital Drug Store State and Liberty Sts. Htnuan ACT BEFORE AUG. 31 AND GET THIS LOVELY W 00 JWY COLEMAN HEATER BY DAY AND JfX V JLA" i THIS BLANKET BY NIGHT GIVE -vyf yV C V ' ME PERFECT COMFORTI Mf ' (Jj Get Your Guaranteed J W1' f; -i i OIL HEATER NOW! Yf, Guaranteed to give you warmer floors in more rooms than your present heater of equal size and rating or money back. These Coleman models not only bum fuel better they move the heat down to that important 3 -feet next to the floor where you sit and where babies play! Give .you more usable heat, save fuel, increase comfort. Get This Famous North Star $I5.95-Value Blanket As A Bonus For Buying Early! Yes, if you buy before August 31st we give you this beautiful, top quality, North Star blanket as an extra gift. Soft, fluffy, 100 wool! Choice of eight lovely colors. Full 4 Vi pound weight, ample double bed size 72x90. Get winter comfort for day and night by seeing your Coleman dealer 'for your Cole man heater and your gift blanket in the next few days. Yours With Any Coleman Heater Priced Over $59.95 COMf W...find out about AMAZING LOW PRICES in Start jutt a few dollar mor than fh hwst priced cart NEW WAYFARER ROADSTER the smart Rood look of a convert i Me without the tush price tat;! New light-weight top easilv raised or lowered. I'lexiglas windows go on or off in jiffy. NEW WAYFARCR BUSINESS COUP! the personal ear with amazing storage space behind front seat, huge luggage compartment under rear deck. Lower in price yet every inch a dependable Dodge! STAN BAKER MOTORS 525 Chemeketa St. Salem, Oregon Say Goodbye To Dirty Solid-Fuel Heat! NO WORK, NO DIRT, And WARMER FLOORS With a Coleman! Here are the three blessings you've looked for in a heater! 1'iiis Coleman heater tends itself! There are no ashes to carry, no dirty solid-fuels to clean up after, no fires to build. And remember Coleman is the heater that has won a million users by packing the heat down at the floor where you live. You get greater fkj Down comfort, better health. W TT Payment itrr. If yon preff, I Up JSX ft, ?S H'P' V. So. 1 lrr ft SWITCH TO f r I America's Leading Oil Heater Because It's Z(cHRimtie Oil-Saying Oil Heater K YOU Don't Know Your Nearest Coleman Dealer, Write or Phone Us Now For His Name and Address. MARSHALL-WELLS CO. P.O. Box 4200 BR-6421 D.ii j r rornana, uregon j