Senators Begin Long Home Stand after Unhappy Tour The Salem Senators with a record of two wins in seven en gagements on the road, will open a two weeks' stand at Waters park Tuesday night, with the Wenatchee Chiefs their initial op ponents. During the home assignment, the somewhat crippled Solons will meet the Chiefs, Pick Astoria for B Hoop Tourney; A Mix at Eugene Portland, July 11 m High school class B basketball state tournament play will be staged at Astoria next winter and the class A play will again be at Eu gene. The Oregon School Activities association said the three years run of the B school playoff at Arlington and at Union last year failed financially. Attend ance was off at both places. Tom Pigott, O.S.A.A. secreta ry, said the Astoria Athletic as sociation will sponsor the tourna ment in the 2500 capacity arm ory. A shift of the class B meet to Oregon State college was consid ered, but the University of Ore gon site has proved financially successful and popular, OSAA officials said. Lumberjacks Top Albany Juniors, 13-4, on Sunday The West Salem Lumberjacks of the city Junior B league trounced the Albany Juniors Sunday, 13-4, for the second time in a game played at din ger field. Don Agnew was the winning pitcher, allowing no hits for his 4IMa J i .... riA Pnntnin T-iiD sel collected three for four, one of them being a long home run. Hustle and taking advantage of the slightest break accounted lor Lumberjack success. After the ball game the Lum berjacks chose teammates Floyd Trussel, center fielder, and Ray Puhlman, third baseman, co captains. The Lumberjacks will have their axes sharpened for the Sa lem Realtors when they meet them Tuesday at dinger field to decide league leadership. Albany 000 119 0 4 6 Lumberjack 227 200 013 14 1 Robinson Defends Welter Title in Philly Stadium Philadelphia, July 11 (U.B Ray (Sugar) Robinson, threat ened as much by weight-weakness as by his challenger's fists, was scheduled to defend his world welterweight champion ship tonight against Cuban Kid Gavllan in the huge Municipal stadium. Favored by the forecast of fair, clear weather, the promo ters hoped for a crowd of 35,000 and a gate of $165,000. Softie Lead at Stake on Monday A City Softball league game of considerable importance is booked for Leslie field at 8 o'clock Monday night. The contest will feature Mootry's currently tied with Oregon Fulp for the loop leadership, against the Pheasants. The 9 o'clock contest will pit Oregon Pulp against 12th Street, Neale Wins 4th State Net Title Portland, Ore., July 11 (U.B Emery Neale of Portland won the Oregon state tennis singles championship yesterday by de feating scrappy Glenn Bassett of UCLA, 9-1, 3-6, 6-4, 7-5. It was Neal's fourth state sin gles title. RED SOX PLAYER HURT IN MONMOUTH ACCIDENT Silverton Sllverton folk have learned of the serious injury of Chris Christenson, first baseman for the Silverton Red Sox, a val uable asset to the team. It was reported that he was Spokane, Tacoma and Bremerton "in successive series. Winning Sunday afternoon's encounter with the Indians at Spokane, 4-3, the Senators were the victims of a home run at tack Sunday evening with Jack Parks and George Valine clout ing circuit blows. Claude Buck ley, recent addition to the Solon squad, hit a round tripper in the afternoon and again in the eve ning but the Spokes took the nightcap 8 to 4 with Ray Mc Nulty getting the loss. He gave up but seven hits as against 12 collected off Bill Werbowski but the six bases on balls issued by balem s prize right hander prov ed extremely costly. Bill Osborn chalked up the win during the afternoon as he limited the Spokes to eight hits and struck out six. Stu Freder icks was charged with the loss of Saturday night's encounter which was dropped 4 to 3 with the Indians collecting all of their runs in the third. Although Salem lost five out of their road trip games they managed to retain filth position, just a half a length ahead of the fast coming Victoria Athletics. McNulty's mates gave him a good working margin as they collected four runs in the first frame, largely due to Buckley's home run with two men on base. But they couldn't get another. The Spokes came back in the fourth to tie the count as Mc- Nulty walked the first three men to face him. George Valine then smacked a double to the fence to clean the bases. The In dians scored two in the fifth and two more in the sixth. Bob Cherry showed up with a migrane headache Sunday af ternoon and was taken out af ter one appearance at the plate Bill Beard has been on the side lines during the entire week i.ursing an injured hand. Business Manager George r-mign announced that Ray Mc Nulty has been swaDDed to Port. land for Cal Mclrwin who has been used principally as a bench warmer for the Beavera. ThP trade will give the Senators badly needed left hander. How ever, the swap means that the locals lose the services of their Dest moundsman. Official Box FlMt cama: Salem (4) (8) Spokane BHOA BHOA W.Petran.J 4 0 14 Patmer.lf 5 10 1 KruB, 1 8 1 1 1 Rowland.2 4 13 5 o.reiran.M 4 l I s Zaby, rt i 0 1 0 -iwrTjr,ci looo Barton, 1 4 2 10 0 OLsnn. If lOM Pnrltji a i n Carlson, e 3 0 5 0 Raul, 3 3 2 11 Hedlnstn.S 4 10 2 s Dsn Buckley.rf 4 2 10 Vallne.u 4 13 4 Oaborn.p 2 0 0 0 Weaver.p 4 0 0 1 Zurcher.of 1140 Total 11 137 11 Total 33 8 17 12 Salem 001 003 0004 7 2 Spokane 200 000 0103 8 0 Pitcher: IP Ab H R Er so Bb Oaborn 0 33 8 3 9 4 Weaver 0 31 7 4 4 8 8 Left on base: Salem 6, Spokane 7. Home run: Buckley. Three baae hit: B. Peterson. Two baae hlta: Rout 2, Palmer. Rune bat ted In: Parka, Buckley, B. Peteraon, Ziir oher, Hedlnoton. Double playa: Spokane 1, Salem 9. Umpire: Sandt and Young. At tendance: 647. Salem (4) ((8) Spokane BHOA BHOA W.Petran.I 6 13 4 Palmer, If 6 13 0 Krui, 1 8 3 14 0 Rowland.2 4 118 113 4 Zaby, rt 3 13 0 OUen, If 6 11 0 Barton, 1 I Oil i Hedlnitn,3 6 1 0 3 Parks, o , 9 14 0 Oarlaon.c 8 S 9 0 Haul. 3 3 0 3 3 Buckley.rf 4 3 10 Stalnbok.of 4 0 3 1 3 0 10 Valine, as 3 3 1 8 McNulty.p 1 0 0 3 Wrbwjkl.p 4 10 3 Total J0 13 34 13 Total 30 7 37 15 Salem 040 000 0004 12 1 SpokBne 000 432 00X 8 7 1 Pitcher: Ip Ab H R Er So Bb McNulty 8 30 7 8 7 3 6 Werbowakl 31 12 4 4 3 6 Hit by pitcher: Roasl by McNulty. Wild pltchea: McNulty. Home rune. Buckley, Parka, Valine. Two baae hits. Valine, Krua, Buckley, Olaen. Runs batted In: Buckley 3, W. Peterson, Roasl, Valine 4, Parka 3, Rowland. Sacrifice: McNulty. Double plays: B. Peterson to W. Peterson to Krus 2: Werbowski to Valine: Stalnback to Barton. Errors: Rowland, B. Peterson. Time 2:09. Umpires: Sandt and Young. Attendance 3,321. The shortscoras: Bremerton 000 000 001 1 7 2 Tacoma 105 000 3 (10IX 19 15 9 Plrack, Halstead (8) and Neal; Kerri gan and Warren. Bremerton ,...001 001 34 8 1 Tacoma ..000 100 01 8 0 Dahle and Ronnlng; Laaor, Fortter (7), Johnson (7) and Warren. (Second game) Yakima 102 000 0206 13 2 Wenatchee 010 000 1004 8 2 Savarese and Tornayi Oreenlaw and Pesut. hurt at Monmouth, late Friday afternoon in an automobile accident. WIL Standings (By the Associated Press) W. L. Pet. Yakima 58 28 .67-4 Vancouver 50 32 .610 Spokane 47 39 .547 Wenatchee 41 46 .471 Salem 38 47 .447 Victoria 37 47 .440 Bremerton 38 50 .432 Tacoma 35 55 .389 Sunday's Results Tacoma 19-1. Bremerton 1-4. Salem 4-4, Spokane 3-8. Yakima 4-5, Wenatchee 2-2. (Only names scheduled) Saturday's Results Wenatchee 25. Yakima 10. Bremerton 7-5, Vancouver 3-6. Victoria 10-9. Tacoma 3-12. Spokane 4, Salem 3. Chieftain Club Franchise May Go to Tri-City Kennewick, July 11 VP) A tentative agreement has been reported for the transfer of the Wenatchee Western Interna tional league franchise to the Tri-City area. The Tri-City Herald report ed the recently organized Tri City Athletic association met with the Wenatchee franchise holders this week-end to dis cuss the deal. The paper re ported the association is pro ceeding with plans for con struction of a $75,000 baseball park on a 10-acre site just out side the Kennewick city limits. The area includes Richland and Pasco as well as Kenne wick. The proposal Is expected to come before a meeting of Western International league directors tomorrow at Yakima. Silverton Sox To Host Bearded David Ball Team Silverton The Silverton Red Sox, leaders of the State league, will host the House of David nine at McGinnis field Wednes day night. The Sox and Sweet Home en gaged in a heavy hitting league game Sunday afteriioon with the former emerging the winner, 8-6 with Bill Hanauska the winning pitcher. An unusual incident occurred during the contest, played at Sweet Home. A batted ball hit the Sweet Home third baseman on the leg and Bounced to the second sacker in time for the latter to retrieve it and throw to first to catch the runner. Silverton 8 14 3 Sweet Home 6 13 1 Hanauska and Kerr; Hanna, Berg (4), Brightwell (7) and Smith. Kodros Is Named Whitman Mentor Whitman College, Walla Walla, Wash., July 10 Archie J. Kod ros, 1948 Whitman coach and one-time Michigan university football captain, has been named head football coach at Whitman college, President Chester C, Maxey announced today. Kodros, who also is assistant professor in physical education succeeds Dave Strong, resigned. Prof. Leo C. Humphrey will continue as acting athletic direc tor, Dr. Maxey said. "We think Arch will do a fine job,'' the president commented "And we're happy he accepted." HYAMAKI AND WILLIAMS PAIRED FOR TUESDAY GO Sugi Hyamaki and Al Williams have been paired for Tuesday night's professional wrestling production at the armory. The first preliminary, starting at 8:30 will pit Yaqui Kid against Bill McEuin. The special event will match George Dusette against Buck Weaver. THE BASEBALL "GREATS' All-Star Baseball Game American-National League STARTING 10:15 A.M. TUESDAY JULY 12TH Hear Play-by-Play of the summer's greatest game on the station that brings you the best in Major Sports Events. 1390 KILOCYCLES MUTUAL - DON LEE REGIONAL Kim gwijsy f JV,,m i , . ...i.l.iummwnix) jjuiin is. 1 1 y fcjllll . Ill) I Onfichof WlllC Pharme (2) (foreground), P. Roberts up, .UllljJIIWa 11 IIIJ ,eads as the field enters the stretch be fore going on to win the $2,500 first race at Monmouth Park racetrack at Oceanport, N. J. The William Weeneman horse paid $130 for each $2 win bet, the longest price at the track this year. Yocum (5), ridden by C. Martens, is running third at this point but passed Crystal Pass (8), (directly behind Pharme), jockeyed by F. Pannell, to place second. Crystal Pass came in for show money. (AP Wirephoto) Sacs Take over Second; Beavers Nab Twin Bill (By the Associated Press) The Sacramento Solons are the newest sensation in the Pacific Coast league, and the big question today is: Where did they come from? Nobody is sure exactly, but six days ago and about 20 Burma Shave signs out of Seattle the Solons were somewhere in the vicinity of fifth place. Today I' Sacramento is number two the standings, 10 games behind Hollywood. They arrived Sunday by tak ing both ends of a double head er with Seattle, 8 to 0 and 3 to 2. The Solons swept the six game series from the Rainiers, who now have lost nine in a row. The shutout belonged to Kenny Holcombe, who, like Tom rose in the second game, twirl ed six-hit ball. And what of Seattle? The Rainiers' two-week home stand was their most disastrous in years. They won only three out of 15 games, dropping 11 of their last 12 starts. Seattle's skid is reminiscent of last year when a mid-season drive carried the Rainiers within one game of the top before they cooled off, Today, in fifth place, the Rainiers are colder than the waters of Elliott Bay. At Hollywood, the Stars split with San Francisco, dropping the opener, 4 to 2 and winning the abbreviated nightcap on Art Schallock's 4 to 2 shutout. Hol lywood annexed the series, four games to three. San Diego also hit the skids Sunday, dropping to fourth place on a double defeat at Port land. The Beavers took the opener, 9 to 4, then held off a Padre uprising in the finale to win, 7 to 6. Portland took the series, 4 to 3. Oakland split with Los An geles, dropping the first game, 4 to 3, and beating the invaders to 8 in the nightcap. The Acorns are in third place, 11 games off the pace. In deference to the annual All-Star game at Seattle tonight, there will be no other activity among Coast league teams until Wednesday. Official Box Ftrat Bume box: San Diiio Portland BHOA BHOA Clay, cf B 3 2 0 Harquei.K 3 2 6 0 R. Wilson. 2 5 4 3 5 Shupe.l 5 1 7 0 Mlnoao,.f 5 14 0 Thomaa.S 5 3 4 2 West, 1 3 0 10 1 4 3 2 0 Rosen, 3 4 2 0 1 Brovln.rf 4 2 3 0 SAVE UP TO JVr 3 FARMERS 1 J,L yM INSURANCE y Hew Reduced Rates On Your Auto Insurance! NO AGS. MILEAGE OR BUSINESS VSB UPCHARGS IIAIIIITY INSUKANCI $9,000110,000 ledlly lry SS.000 Property Damaaj Similar Savings m all form a4 Collision Insurance "Tht IVul'i Lndint Auto rauranc Carrier" FARMERS INSURANCE EXCHANGE BILL 466 Court St PCL Standings (By the Associated Pre&s) W L Pet. W L Pet. Hollywood 67 42 .615 Seattle 55 54.605 Sacramnto 55 50 .524 Portland ' 50 56 .472 Oakland 55 52 .514 SnPrncsco 47 60 .439 San Diego 55 53 .509 LosAnsclea 45 62 .421 Results Sunday Sacramento 8-3, Seattle 0-2. Portland 0-7, San Diego 4-6. San Francisco 4-0. Hollywood 2-4. Los Angeles 4-8, Oakland 3-9. Moore, e 4 2 E.Adams.rf 4 2 Wietelmn, 3 0 Savase.p 3 0 0 Mullen,2 6 11 0 Femanda.c 10 3 4 Austin, 4 114 0 Saltzman.P 6 1 I Klpp, p 0 0 0 Lazor.rf 10 0 0 Thompsn.p 0 0 0 0 Storey 10 0 0 Totals 37 13 24 11 Totals 37 14 37 10 Storey grounded out lor Thompson in 9th. San Diego 020 200 000 4 Hits 111 322 10213 Portland 002 011 14x 9 Hits 113 011 25x 14 Runs: West, Rosen, Moore, E. Adams. Murquez 3, Shupe, Thomas 2, Rucker 2, Fernandes. Errors: Clay 2, Marquez. Los ing pitcher: Savage. Pitchers: Ip Ab R H Er So Bb Savage 6& 27 6 9 6 1 5 KIpp :.l 6 2 3 4 0 2 Thompson 4 2 3 0 1 1 Saltzman 9 37 4 13 4 2 2 Huns batted in: E. Adams 3, Rucker 2, Thomas 2, Saltzman, Brovia, Shupe, Mul len, Austin. Two base hits: Rucker, Mar quez, Saltzman. Home run: E. Adams. Stol en bases: Marquez 2, Mullen. Left on bases: San Diego 8, Portland 12. Wild pitch Saltzman. Passed ball: Fernandes. Umpires: Gordon, Orr and Ford. Time 2:18. Second game box 7 Innings: San Diego Portland BHOA BHOA 2 110 Mar que I, if 4 2 2 0 4 2 0 2 Shupe.l 4 1.41 Clay, cf R.Wilson,2 Minaso.U West, 1 Rosen, 3 Hltcvhey.c E.Adams.rf Wletelmn, Llnde, p Mooty, p Storey Thompsn.p Meflner Reitclftno.p R. Adams0 Moore00 3 14 0 Thomas,! 3 2 6 0 2 2 11 Brovia, rf 4 13 1 Mullen, 3 4 110 Oladd, c 3 0 2 2 Austin, ss 1 0 0 0 Brldges.p 0 0 0 0 Lynn, p 1 0 0 0 Helser.p 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 oooo 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Totals 26 10 18 6 Totals 28 9 21 10 Storey forced Wletelmann for Mooty In 4th. Meaner walked for Thompson in Ith. R. Adams ran for Rltchey In 7th. Moore grounded out for Rescigno In 7th. San Diego 102 003 06 Hits 202 103 210 Portland 241 000 x 7 Hits 441 000 X 9 Runs: Clay 3, R. -Wilson. E. Adams, Meaner, Marquez. Shupe, Thomas, Ruck er, Oladd 2, Bridges. Errors: None. Win ning pitcher: Bridges, Losing Pitcher: Llnde, Pitchers: Ip Ab R H Er So Bb 30 123 70 Cvrcaf Raf lack MaaKs Mat SI a rss.rrlag Pallr N "On h Soot" Claims Servic National Standard Polic OSKO Phone 3-5661 Speedway Driver Killed in Crash On Portland Oval Portland, Ore., July 11 (U.B Les Anderson, 38, nationally known auto race driver, died last night after a two-car crash at the Portland Speedway. Anderson crashed into a car driven by Art George of Los An geles' while trying to pass on a turn. Both drivers were trapped in the wreckage. George suffered a broken shoulder and burns. His condi tion was fair. Anderson competed three times in the Memorial Day race at Indianapolis, Ind.; in 1947, he finished eleventh. At the time of last night's crash, Anderson was driving the No. 5 car, a Hudson 8, owned by Eddie Heitkemper of Port land. He was a last-minute en try according to officials. George was driving the No. 48 carr a Do-Hal model. Anderson is survived by his wife and three children. He was president of the Clackamas Lum ber company at Clackamas, Ore. Salem, Oregon, Monday, July 11, 1949 Junior Golf Meet Is Postponed Because not a sufficient num ber had registered to make the affair worth while, the proposed golf tournament for teen agers has been postponed one week, ac cording to announcement by Howard Wicklund. Registrations will be accepted at Maple's through July 18. WIN WVL GAMES SUNDAY Mt. Angel and Sublimity were winners in Sunday's Willamette Valley league. Submility beat Aumsville, 4-2, while Mt. An gel downed Stayton, 11-2. Other league results: Lone Elder 10, Aurora 2; Sherwood 11, Carlton 5; Tigard 3, Newberg 15. Lind lVn 10 Mooty 1 7 Thompson 2 6 Rescigno 1 3 Bridges B's 20 Lynn 6 Helser 1 3 7 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 Runs batted in: Clay, Brovia 3, Mar quez, flhupe 2, West 3, Rltchey, Gladd, Mlnoso. Two base hits: Rucker, Oladd, Shupe, West. Home runs: Clay, Gladd. Double play: Bridges to Mullen to Shupe; Left on bases: San Diego 9, Portland 4. Umpires: Orr, Ford and Gordon. Time 2:05. Attendance 7,510. The shortscores: Sacramento 000 200 4113 12 0, Seattle 000 000 000 0 6 0 j Holcombe and Ralmondi; Karpel, Ardi- zola (91 and White. I (Second game 7 innings) Sacramento 101 010 03 7 0 Seattle 000 200 02 e 2 Rose and Plumbo; Hofmann, Besse (6) and S. White. Los Angeles .000 301 000 4 9 2 Oakland 000 001 1013 9 0 Kelly, Carlsen 9) and Malone; Buxton Candlnl (8, Jost (9) and Kerr. (Second game 7 innings) Los Angeles 202 400 08 9 1 Oakland 304 000 29 12 0 Watkins, Anthony (1), Gables (4) and BurbrJnk; Nelson, Jones (1) Candlnl (3) Thompson (7) and Padgett. San Francisco 000 000 310 4 6 1 Hollywood 00fl 000 0202 8 1 - Lien and Partee; Moulder, Seats (7). Maltzberger (9) and Unser. (Second game 7 innings) San Francisco 000 000 00 4 1 Hollywood '..300 100 x 4 7 0 Feldman and Jar vis; Schallock and sandlock. 0M 0 Enjoy the whiskey that's CmjSb CM Casting around for Kentucky whiskey enjoy ment? Try Old Sunny Brook brand it's a prize catch I To net yourself rich drinking plea sur come "over on the Sunny Brook side"! Is"Dlf6iioa I J iook roe THS WATCHMAN ON every eorne Kentucky Whiskey Card Southpaws Press Brooklyn for Pennant (By United lock on Brooklyn's first-place The day by forms. Left the St. a sure-handed bank ol soutnpaws in 01. v-a..... handers Harry (The Cat) Brecheen and Alpha Brazle did t .,i, v,rfi7nrV vssterdav. beating Cincinnati, 4 to 2 and iuuib j Major Standings (By United Press) NATIONAL LEAGUE W L Pet. W L Pet. 47 31 .603 New York 38 38 .500 47 32 .595 Pittsburgh 35 42 .455 43 36 .544 Cincinnati 31 45 .408 i ir .819 Chicago 30 50 .375 Rrnnlrlvn St. Louis Phi I ad el Remits Sunday: Boston at Philadelphia, postponed, rain. , n Ditt.vinroh fl-fl (2nd same called end 6th; Sunday curlew). St. Louis -(. iiibuhium New York 3, Brooklyn 7. i., t tJ ' w L Pet. Mw York SO 27 .649 Detroit 41 39 .613 Cleveland 44 32 .579 WMhlngta 33 42 ,4 IPhlladel 44 35.557 Chicago 31 47.397 Boston 42 36 .538 St. Louis 24 53 .331 AMtKILAn Juu Remit! Sunday: wo .h not nn At New York, two games postponed .rain. game called end 8th, darkness). Detroit a-i, nicBuu Cleveland 7, St. Louis 4 (called tnd 6th, rain. 2nd game postponed, wei grounds. Woodburn Legion Trims Silverton 5-4 on Sunday Woodburn The Woodburn American Legion junior baseball team decisioned Silverton Sun day afternoon, 5 to 4. A sixth inning attack with Diller, mc Laren and McCall each hitting a double for a net of three runs, decided the issue. Each side col lected four hits with Woodburn out-booting the visitors 6 to 3. The two teams will meet on the Silverton diamond Wednes day evening at 6:30. It will be Woodburn s last scheduled con test. Silverton 4 4 3 Woodburn 5 4 6 Owens, Lincoln and Soder- guist; McCall and Henderson. OREGON TIDES Correct for Newport Hi!h Low July 13 2:06 a.m. 8.4 ' 9:06 a.m. 1.1 3:30 p.m. 6.0 9.10 p.m. 3.8 July 13 3:18 a.m. 8.8 9:38 a.m. -1.3 3:37 p.m 6.8 9:34 p.m. 3.3 Jul; 14 3:01 a.m 8.3 10:11 a.m. -0.8 4:41 p.m. 6.8 10:16 p.m. 3.4 July 15 3:47 a.m. 7.8 10:54 a.m. -0.3 S:25 p.m. 6.9 11:12 p.m. 3.4 July .16 4:36 a.m. 7.3 11:36 a.m. 0.3 6:0B p.m. 7.0 July 17 3:30 a.m. 6.6 0:10 a.m. 3.3 6:33 p.m. 7.3 13:18 p.m. 0.8 July 18 6:31 a.m. 6:1 1:10 a.m. 3.9 7:37 p.m. 7.3 1:04 p.m. 1.3 WRESTLING Tuesday Night 8:30 MAIN EVENT Al Williams vs. Sugi Hyamaki OPENER Yaqui Kid vs. Texas Bully McEuin SPECIAL George Dusette vs. Buck Weaver SALEM ARMORY ltd Hajmsb 130 - A Blend WliooVTi Vb SfAW.0.! Press) , . . , stronghold was picked to- - ..... uni rri j I to 4, in a iwiu-um. inc uuu ble triumph moved the Cardinals to within a scant half-game of the Dodgers. In yesterday's opener, Bre cheen scattered 11 hits for hii sixth decision while his team mates nicked Ken Raffensberger for 13, including three-for-three by Catcher Del Rice. Brazle, never behind, limited the Reds to nine safeties in the nightcap while earning his eighth victory. Brooklyn, with first place in the balance, came from behind to defeat the New York Giants, 7 to 3, in a game played amid per sistent rain. Chicago snapped Pittsburgh's eight-game winning streak by humbling the Pirates, 8 to 6, in the first game and 9 to 6 in the second game, called at the end of the sixth because of Pennsyl vania's Sunday curfew law. The Braves and Phillies were rained out. Joe McCarthy's red-hot Red Sox rolled to their sixth and. seventh straight victories by Beating Philadelphia twice, 8 to 5 and 11 to 10. The nightcap was halted at the end of seven-and- a-half frames on account of dark ness. Cleveland climbed to within five-and-a-half games of the top by beating the Browns, 7 to 4, in a six-inning game curtailed by rain. The scheduled second game, of course, was wiped out. In a battle of southpaws, Bill Wight of the White Sox topped Hal Newhouser of Detroit, 4 to 2, in the opening game of a twin bill. Despite Kandy Cumpert's two-hitter in the second game, Detroit won, 1 to 0, behind Art Houtteman's four-hitter. A doubleheader between Washington and the Yankees was rained out. SALEM LAUNDRY TO PLAY KEIZER MERCHANTS TUES. The Salem Laundry club of the junior baseball league will play the Keizer Merchants in Keizer Tuesday evening. Transportation will be provided for the laundry players who are asked to be at 263 South High street not later than 5:30. '1 PANETELA Tlit Cool Cigar The Country Needed ! PANETELA Also available in handy 5 pacts r t 1&C PANETELA Distributed by I McDonald Jandy Company, Portland WIliV ; r 1