' - , I- 1 fc..A Si .-. - r" 4 V, ft J - , ' . ! New Noble Grand Mrs. Justina Kildee is the new noble grand for the Salem Rebekah lodge. Installation will be held next Monday evening. (Jesten-Miller studio photo) Jackson-Shafer Wedding ot Aurora Aurora Miss Bessie Sylvia Shafer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Shafer, was wed recently to Willis Duane Jackson, of Orchard, Wash., at a candle light double ring ceremony in the Canby Church of the Naz arene, Friday, June 24. Rev. Joseph Shafer of Waitsburg, Wash., brother of the bride read the vows. Rev. Eugene Mc Dowell, pastor of the Canby church assisted. The bride wore a white satin eown with long train. Her fin gertip veil edged with lace was held in place by a tiara of seed pearls. Her father gave her in marriage. Attending the bride were Mrs. Don Krafe, matron of honor, wearing a blue taffeta gown and bridesmaids were Miss Dorothy Shafer of Nampa, Idaho, and Miss June Shafer of Hubbard, in pink faille and pink marquisette, respectively. All three attendants are sisters of the bride. They carried nose gays of sweet peas. Preceding the ceremony, Miss Jo Keller of Kelso, Wash., and Don Kraft both sang. Mrs. David Keller, aunt of the bride played the wedding music. Candlelighters were Miss Helen Westwood of Salem and Miss Mary Jane Hall of Gervais. Ushers were the bride's brothers, Paul Shafer of Hubbard and Prentiss Shafer of Nampa. Serving at the reception in the church parlors were Mrs Wayne Oldsaker of Eugene, who cut the cake. Serving were Miss Bonnie Zimmerman, Mrs Guy Sargent and Miss Doris Mc- Arthur. In charge of the gift table were Miss Beverly Curtis and Mrs. Don Rabe. Miss Carol Wolf of Woodburn had charge of the guest book. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson will be at home to their friends in Van' couver, Wash. AMITY Yamhill County Fed eration of Women's clubs will hold its annual picnic at La fayette Locks, Thursday, July 14 All officers and members are in- vited. There will be a no-host luncheon, coffee to be furnished. Mrs. L. B. Alderman, Dayton, is the president this year; Mrs A. W. Newby, Amity, is vice president. ROYAL Neighbors of Amer ica sewing club meeting Wed nesday for a no-host luncheon at 12:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Charles South, 629 North Winter. Certain products tend to make refrigerator desserts such as ice creams or mousses or sherbet: smoother since they help to pre vent the formation of large ice crystals. These are gelatin, corn syrup, evaporated or condensed milk, eggs and marshmallows MissGubbels Recent Bride Silverton On Saturday morning, July 2, at 9:00 at St. Paul's Catholic church in Sil verton, Miss Cecilia C. Gubbels daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gubbels of Silverton was wed 'o Charles A. Schiedler son of Mrs. Mary Schiedler of Scotts Mills. Rev. John J. Walsh offi ciated at the nuptial mass and performed the ceremony. The altar was decorated with white lilies and greens. Misses Eustelle Bauman and Pauline Saalfeld of Mt. Angel sang accompanied by Felix Shultz, also of Mt. Angel. Fran cis Gubbels, brother of the bride, and Michael Gander serv ed as altar boys. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of white slipper satin fashioned with sweetheart neckline design with beaded flowers, long sleeves pointed over the wrists, a fitted bodice and full gathered floor length skirt which termin ated into a long court train. The finger-tip veil was held in place by a cornet of seed pearls. The only jewelry was a three strand pearl necklace, a gift of the bridegroom. She carried a bri dal bouquet of white sweepeas and red roses. Miss Alice Gubbels was her sister's maid of honor, wearing a yellow formal of net over taf feta. Her. cornet was of the same material trimmed with seed pearls. Mrs. Joseph Borschowa of Mt. Angel, was her sister's bridesmaid wearing a peach taf feta gown. She wore matching headress. Raymond Schiedler of Mt, Angel was his cousin's best man ana Joseph Borscnowa was groomsman. rne Driae's mother wore a gray dress with black accessor les while the bridegrooms mother wore a black sheer frock with white accessories. Both wore corsages of white and pink carnations. A dinner was served to the bridal party and immediate families and friends at Toney's Cafe at Silverton. The bride's table was centered with a decor ated wedding cake flanked by lighted candles. Miss Alice Gub bels assisted by Mrs. Joe Borschowa cut the wedding cake. Mr. and Mrs. Schiedler left Now! Toni Home Permanent TWICE as EASY TWICE as FAST Wed Here Recently Mr. and Mrs. Donald LaVern Thorn were married here in mid-June. The bride is the former Barbara Dillon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert S. Dillon. Mr. Thorn is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Thorn. (Mc Ewan studio photo) Mrs. THorn Visits Here Visitor in Salem today ii Mrs Mitchell Thorn of The Dalles. state president of the American Legion auxiliary. Mrs. Thorn is here to attend a meeting this evening for all committee chairmen and offi cials of the Legion and auxil iary working on plans for the state convention of the two groups in Salem in early August The meeting is to be at the Legion club. Because of the meeting the Capital unit No. 9 auxiliary an nounces its executive board meeting planned for this eve ning has been cancelled. MR. AND MRS. Clyde S. Ev erett left by plane Monday for Knoxville, Tenn., where they will visit Mr. Everett's mother and family. While in the south they will tour the Great Smokey Mountain National park and visit spots on the eastern sea board, including Washington, D.C. and Miami, Fla. The trav elers will return by plane the end of July, stopping In Chicago en route home. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, July 11, 19497 Reception Given For Newlyweds Aurora In welcome to their son and aaugnrer-in-iaw, mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Wendt (Marguerite Keonlg) of Oak land, Calif., who flew from a honeymoon stay in Hawaiian Islands, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Brusch arranged a reception at their Macksburg home recently. Guests In addition to the hosts, included the bride's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Koenig of Oakland, who flew up from the California city, as a com plete surprise to the couple were Mr. and Mrs. E. Wiekmann and Linda, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Faunt and Ricky, Mrs. M. Faunt Mr. and Mrs, Philip Sheer, Mr and Mrs. George Moore, Miss Margaret Brusch, Les Ferdig and Mrs. Birdie Haney all of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. George of Clatskanle. Mr. and Mrs. Werner Scheer and Elaine of Molalla, Mr. and Mrs. E. D Gribble of Oswego, Mr. and Mrs, Nate Welch and Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Lorenz, Salem, Mr and Mrs, C. H. Lorents and Mr. and Mrs. Luther Lorenz, Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. Josn R. Nieland, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morris, Mrs. Otto Bernklaus, Tom Coo per, Mrs. Dora Collins, Miss Lizzie Collins, Earl Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brusch, Mr. and Mrs. Melvln Bany, Miss Jean Ann Bany, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Brusch and Miss Sheryl Brusch all from Canby. HOME from two weeks' vaca tion in Klamath Falls and vicin ity are Mr. and Mrs. Monte Jones and family. the same day on a wedding trip back east. For traveling the bride wore an aqua dress with white accessories. They will make their home in Scotts Mills Are You Familiar With Ultra-Modern Modernfold Door Investigate! Consult Your Architect! SEE IT AT PUMILITE-West Salem Phone 2-5643 Learns from Experience 1 m g mi - ii'Mili 2 She doesn't try experiments. She trusts experience. That's why her hormone cream is Endocreme, product of the .specialist in hor mone .cosmetics. Originated and tested by doctors. Used and ap proved by many thousands of women since 1937. Many see re sults in 30 days smoother, firmer, younger-looking skin. Why not you? . . . Trust experience. . . . Try Endocreme.. J3.60 plus lax at IJUISGDD6 WW aptrttt tt urn' NOW READY to serve West Salem NEW TONI REFILL KIT Guaranteed to give you the moat naturaWookini wave ever. New Photo Method Directions show how Toni waves many types of hair in as littlt as 30 minutes. 00 COMPLETE SET NEW TONI SPIN CURLERS No more rubber bands all plastic all-in-one I Grips . . . spins . . . locks with a flick of the linger. Makes every wave from now on twice as easy 1 Included In this offer Toni Creme Rmse to make your Toni wavt Yen lovelier 1 29 ($2 whan aught parattly) im auittfhtnr conh JF, MfOfCAl CfNrCS 1MNCH mm ittm i 5 ' Vffriju ? a a Lht optratt as om WEST SALEM BRANCH off 74 UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK located at 71 77 Edgewater Street M. HEX OISSON Manager Wut Mm Iran West Salem's first banking office our new West Salem Branch is now serving the banking needs of this rapidly growing community. Complete banking facilities ... in modern, up-to-the-minute quarters ...have been provided. Maintain your checking or savings account here . . . protect your valuables in a safe deposit box . . . arrange a low cost,"personalized"loan if you need financial assistance. Whatever your banking need, you will find the staff of our West Salem Branch eager to assist you. Mr. Rex Gibson, formerly associat ed with our Lidd & Bush-Salem Branch, has been named manager of the West Salem office. Mr. Gib son and his entire staff invite you to stop in and get acquainted with the complete banking facilities available. After serving Salem for many years at historic Ladd & Bush - Salem Branch, it is a pleasure to extend this service to West Salem. UJLUfliii) 0Q3B0 39 BRANCHES IN OREGON MEMBIR P. IDIRA1 DIFOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION 155 N. Liberty Phone 3-3191 TUESDAY One day super specials . . sharply priced to save you money! One Group Playsuits Reg. 2.98 Bright washable print In an as sortment of clever 2 and 3 piece stylet. Versatile ... for wear many ways. 12 to 18 . . SECOND FLOOR 244 Dotted Marquisette Values to 45c yd. 42" and 44" widths! Red and white, blue and white, green and white pebble dot! en white ground. Hurry! YD. SECOND FLOOR 19c Loop-Pile Shag Rugs Reg. 4.49 24"x3tf" (Ize. All other sizes also reduced. 27"x48", reg. 6.95, now 5.88. 30"x60", reg. 11.95, now 9.88. 4'x6', reg. 18.95, now 15.88. 3" Children's Anklets Originally 29c One group of all white, elastic top anklets in fixes 6Yi to 814 only. On sale Tuesday, while they last. PAIR MAIN FLOOR Oc Sale! Lawn mowers Reg. 16.95! 14 inch Lakeside quality mower with rubber tires, 5 blades, ball bearings. Wooden handle. TUES DAY ONLY! BASEMENT 088 3" Rock Wool Batts Reg. 3.29! Carton covert 42 tq. ft. Ideal for walls or ceiling. Esty-te-handle; . 16"x24" tize batts. Insulate now! SAVE! CTN. BASEMENT 288 On Sale Tuesday 9:30 A.M.