Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, July 11, 1949, Page 5, Image 5

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    Local Paragraphs
MIn Your Paper? If the
Capital Journal carrier fails to
leave your copy please phone
22406 BEFORE 6 P.M. and a
copy will be delivered to you.
Tomlinson to Report T.
Harold "Tommy" Tomlinson,
lieutenant governor for Oregon
Kiwanis, will report to the Sa
lem club during Tuesday's
luncheon concerning the recent
international convention in At
lantic City, which he attended.
The Kiwanians will visit Camp
Silver Creek the evenng of July
19 where dinner will be served.
Firemen to Picnic A Marion
county firemen's picnic will be
held at Woodburn Wednesday
evening, starting about 7
o'clock. Notice of the picnic is
posted at Salem fire department
Victory Club Meeting Town-
send Victory club No. 17 will
meet Tuesday night at 8 o'clock
at the home of Mrs. Olive Red-
daway, 1421 North Church
Hatchery Contract Awarded
The Oregon state game commis
sion has awarded a contract to
' Henry Den-Herder of Lebanon
i on a low bid of $7928 for work
at the Roaring river trout hatch
ery near Scio. A bid of $9388
was submitted by Archie R. Av
erill of Portland.
Leave Salem General Dis
missed from the Salem General
hospital over the week-end with
recently born infants were Mrs.
Richard Costello and daughter,
645 E; Mrs. Robert Coates and
daughter, 1811 Cross; Mrs. Har
lan Loving and daughter, 360 S.
21st; Mrs. Robert Powell and
son, 2895 S. Commercial; Mrs.
John Crumley and daughter. In
dependence; Mrs. John Craft
and daughter, 535 Maple and
Mrs. Carroll Harlow and son,
1862 N. Winter.
Police , School Opens A
three-week school for state po
lice officers opened on the cam
pus of OSC at Corvallis Monday.
Officers slated for the courses
will be confined largely to those
hired during the last two years
with instructors to include head
quarters officials, together with
captains and other officers of va
rious police districts throughout
the state. Courses will cover
virtually every angle of police
Cooking Competition Mrs.
Gladys Turnbull, Salem, will
be superintendent of the cook
ing competition at the Oregon
State fair, which opens Septem
ber 5, Fair Manager Leo Spitz
bart said today. Mrs. A. J. Ull-
man, Salem, will supervise the
textile entries.
To Lay Tile Empire Con
struction company of Portland
has been granted permit by the
county court to lay six 8 and 12
inch tiles at the state tuberculo
sis sanatorium, one at each of
the driveways, one midway be
tween them, one at the east end
of a market road intersection
and one on county road 835
about a quarter of a mile north
of its intersection with market
road 56.
Will Move Combines Com
bine moving permits have been
issued by the county court to
Lewis Judson, 1000 Judson
street; Russell M. Williams,
route 5; E. M. Phillips, 1635
Lancaster drive, all Salem, and
Paul Townsend, Gervais.
Threat Alleged Lowell Eu
gene Wilson has been booked
at the sheriff's office on a justice
court warrant charging threat
ening commission of a felony.
Salem's inspector - instructor
office for the U. S. Marine Corps
Reserves Monday morning re
ceived word that Brig. Gen. Wil
liam L. McKittnck, who is to
represent the marine corps at
the dedication ceremonies for
the Naval and Marine Corps Re
serve training center here July
26, has been named inspector
general for the department of
Pacific U. S. Marine corps and
deputy commander, chief of
staff. The appointment, accord
ing to the release was effective
June 24, 1949.
Salem Boys Jarred Two Sa
lem boys in Portland for a free
ride at a neighborhood civic aid
show Sunday were badly shaken
when a plane skidded at the end
of an airstrip and bounced into
the spectators. The boys were
Elmo Good, 14, of 2330 Lee, and
Don K itches. 14, also of Salem
A third boy from Portland was
also shaken; The pilot, George
Putnam, Portland, was one of
20 giving free rides to children
during the third annual air ex
hibition sponsored by the South
east Portland Optmist club.
The Capital Journal Welcomes
the Followinc Ne Citizens:
HARTLEY To Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Hartley. 1005 N. Summer, at the Balem
General hospital, a clrl, July 11.
LANDT To Mr. and Mrs. Fred Landt,
879 N. Hlth, at the Salem General hos
pital, a boy, July 10.
WOOD To Mr. and Mrs. John Wood.
3095 University street, a son, July 9,
at Salem Memorial hospital.
SHAHPE To Mr. and Mrs. oarron
Bharpe, 1830 North 94th street, a son.
July 10, at Salem Memorial hospital.
LISTER To Mr. and Mrs. Archie Les
ter, 3058 North Warner street, a son, July
10, at Salem Memorial hospital.
BRANSON To Mr. and Mrs. James
Branson. lMt Leslie street, a son July
f, at (aim Memorial koapltal.
Hearing Set Earl Knothe,
Silverton, booked under a jus
tice court warrant from that
city, charging contributing to
the delinquency of a minor, was
held by the sheriff in lieu of
bail with hearing set for Tues
day at 11 a.m.
Tax Lien Paid Payment in
full of a tax lien warrant for
$1190.39 has been entered by
the county tax collection de
partment in favor of the Fash
ion Lounge.
To Move Logs Log hauling
permits have been issued by the
county court to Tom R. Burton,
route 5, Salem, and W. L. Slall
ings, route 1, Aumsville.
Dance Permit Given The
county court has issued a per
mit to Joe L. Himmel and Carl
L. Morrison to operate a dance
hall at Aumsville in Aumsville
pavilion hall a building 40x127
with 4880 square feet.
Oiling Bridge The county
oiling crew Monday was laying
the oil surfacing on the 1650
foot bridge on the million-dol
lar highway over little Pudding
river in the Labish area. This
was thought to be about a day's
job and the crew will then start
patching the old Silverton road
from the end of the new im
provement on that highway into
Silverton. The bridge in the
Labish country is the longest
county bridge in the county and
was completely redecked last
Maples Return Mr. and Mrs
Howard Maple have returned
home after spending several
days fishing at Pillar lake in
the Okanagan country of Brit
ish Columbia.
Loses Glasses H. L. Farrine-
ton, 635 North Summer, re
ported to Salem police Sunday
that he had lost a pair of eye
glasses on the courthouse lawn
Terrorized by
Drunken Man
A stiff penalty was meted out
against John E. Funston Mon
day in police court for drun
ken actions which terrorized i
woman motorist who was halt
ed by him on the Marion-Polk
county bridge.
Funston was fined $50 and
sentenced to 10 days in the city
jail for being drunk and disor
derly: The arresting officer sug
gested in his report that Fun
ston be given a second mental
His arrest took place Sunday
after Mrs. Carey Martin, still
shaking after her experiences,
rushed to police headquarters
and related how a man had
jumped in front of her car to
halt it on the bridge.
When she stopped, the man
opened the door, pushed a ba
by aside and climbed in. He told
Mrs. Martin to "get going." She
did, but drove into a filling sta
tion where the man leaped out.
Funston was arrested on her
description, and later identi
fied at police headquarters as
the man by Mrs. Martin.
New Bank
(Continued from Page 1)
Edwin C. Boal, Rex Ohmart, Le
Verne C. Bell, Dale Esch, Miss
Rosella M. Dalke, Miss LaVina
Harder, Miss Hazel R. Edwards,
Mrs. Lelia M. Pearson and Lu
ville Jaskoski.
Many kinds of banking ser
vice will be available to custom
ers including loans of all types,
regular and special checking
accounts, savings and safe de
posit boxes.
Call 2-3639 for Venetians or
roller shades. Reinholdt &
Lewis. 183
$25.00 rewa'rd for informa
tion leading to the conviction
of persons depositing garbarge
on the highway. By the order
of the County Court. 163
Place your order now for this
season's canned fruits and veg
etables. Aufranc's Custom Can
nery. Ph. 3-8487. 163
Ralph Maddy, formerly con
nected with the Stewart Realty
Co., now with Ohmart Sc Calaba,
Realtors, 477 Court St., Salem,
Oregon. 184
Win a guest ticket to the El
sinore theatre. Raad the Capital
Journal want ads.
Road oiling. Call Tweedie
2-4151 days and 3-5769 eves.
Federally Insured Savings
Current dividend 2. See
FIRST Federal Savings FIRST
142 S. Liberty. Ph. 3-4944.
Chin up store has rummage
ON SALE every Friday and
Saturday. 1275 N. Church St
Ph. 3-3018. Salem. 166
Win a guest ticket to the El
sinore theatre. Read the Capital
Journal want ads.
2Vi current rate on your
savings. Salem Federal, 560
State St. Salem's largest Savings
A. W. Thornton
Dies at Dallas
Dallas, Ore., July 11 Alvin
Walter Thornton, 77, for 24 years
in charge of the American Rail
way Express agency here, died at
his home Saturday night from a
heart attack.
Thornton was born in the En
terprise district of Polk county,
May 28, 1872, the son of William
H. and Angelina Sergeant Thorn
ton, pioneers of 1862 and 1852.
He was married to Minnie M.
Flanery at Perrydale, May 15,
1898 and observed their golden
wedding anniversary last year.
In 1902 he went to Portland as
clerk with the Southern Pacific,
remaining there until 1906 when
he moved to Willamina and en
gaged in the hardware business
until 1914 when he returned to;
the Southern Pacific and was at!
Sheridan, Portland and in Dallas
in 1918 as chief clerk for the
railroad. He took over the ex
press agency in 1922 and also
owned the Star Transfer compa
ny which he sold in 1942. He
was retired from the express ag
ency in 1946.
Thornton was a member of the
Presbyterian church and the IO
OF lodge. Surviving are his wi
dow, of Dallas, and a son, Orel
A. Thornton, Warrenton, and
five grandchildren. Funeral ser
vices will be held Tuesday at 2
o'clock from the Henkle and
Bollman chapel, Dr. Earl W. Ben-
bow officiating and burial in the
Sheridan Masonic cemetery.
Tutfle Chairman
Of Pear Control
Portland, Ore., July 11 (U.F9
The winter pear control commit
tee announced today that S. M.
Tuttle, Medford, has been named
chairman for the 1949-50 winter
pear marketing season.
In its annual crop estimate,
the committee predicted that An-
jou, Bosc, Cornice, Nelis, Easter
and Clairgeau varieties were ex
pected to yield 5,212,975 boxes
this year, with those outside the
order boosting the total for the
three western states to ,6,155,
955 boxes of winter pears. Bart
lett tonnage for the same area
was estimated at 382,300 tons
To Oppose Reds
(Continued from Pane 1)
Japan's participation was con
sidered "out of the picture at
present" because a state of war
technically exists, until the sign
ing of the peace treaty.
Korea Participates
Earlier informed sources had
listed Dr. Syngman Rhee, presi
dent of Korea, as an immediate
participant. Invitations were
extended to Siam, Indonesia
Korea, Australia and New Zea
land. It was felt that the soon
er the union could be brought
into being the sooner the Unit
ed states would take an interest
Military aid was ruled put in
the discussions between Quirino
and Chiang.
There was no official state
ment on the military aspect of
the two-day old talks which
brought the Chinese nationalist
leader from his Formosa retreat
to Quirino's summer capital.
Banjo Plucked A black ban
jo valued at $80 was stolen from
an automobile parked at 11 3D
Mill street, a report to police
showed Monday. The instrument
was the property of Lindley
The record for the final 54
holes of the U.S. Open is the
207 carded by Jimmy Demaret
in 1948.
Do your home canning of
fruits and vegetables at Blum-
dell Kanning Kitchen, 1305 S.
13th or Phone 3-3582.
Air-steamship tickets,
735 North Capitol. Ph.
The Flower Basket.
Lauderette, 1255 Ferry. 163
Eola Acres Florist. Ph. 3-5730.
Ralph Maddy, formerly con
nected with the Stewart Realty
Co., now with Ohmart & Calaba,
Realtors, 477 Court St., Salem,
Oregon. 164
Phone 22406 before 6 p.m. If
you miss your Capital Journal.
Ralph Maddy, formerly con
nected with the Stewart Realty
Co., now with Ohmart & Calaba,
Realtors, 477 Court St., Salem,
Oregon. 164
Dance Cottonwood every Sat.
Nite. "Urs" Wolfer and his or
chestra. Dancing 9:30 to 1:00.
Get your frozen food locker
now at the Marvin Lewis Cold
Storage. West end of the bridge
FUCHSIAS: See them
bloom. 180 varieties. Mrs. I
Ward, 4380 Cherry Ave.
. E.
Win a guest ticket to the El
si nore theatre. Read the Capital
Journal want adj.
i."',""m-i" i , '.f.j'n
"" 'l I I "T1 "
. tutt org cm'rm.
Needle Removed from heuri- -n.c...,ra i..i-a.e, j a u...,
son of a San Diego policeman, is held by Nurse Ruth Baker
in Children's hospital, Los Angeles, where he is recovering
from an operation in which a broken needle, five-eighths of
an inch long, was removed from his heart. Surgeons theorized
that a needle was in the baby's crib and was imbedded directly
into the heart when the baby rolled over. Below is a close-up
of the needle. (AP Wirephoto)
Vandalism Reported Detec
tives were summoned Monday
to investigate activities of juven
iles at the Burrell auto service
stop at 565 N. High street.
Smashed outer plaster board on
the building showed marks of
bicycle tires where it was as
sumed juveniles had been rid
ing into the building to see how
hard they could strike it.
Completing Resort Mrs.
Jacqueline Manolis, widow of
the late George Manolis, of Sa
lem and Silverton, plans to com
plete the resort her husband was
starting when he was stricken
by a heart attack recently. The
property is on the North San
tiam highway above Gates and
will include drive-in restaur
ant faculties and cabins. A res
taurant license was issued to
Mrs. Manolis last week by the
county court.
Paper Opens Drive The Ore
gon Beacon, official newspaper
of the Chin-up club of Oregon
is opening a three-months dircu
laton contest Tuesday under the
drection of Mrs. Anna Wymore,
Rt. 2, box 317, who is offering
a $20 prize for the person turn
ing in the most subscriptions
with the club providing the sec
ond prize of $10. Officers and
trustees of the club are not eli
gible to compete.
Meeting Monday The Prac
tical Nurses' association is to
meet Monday at the home of
Mrs. Smil Yohner, 2419 State
street at 7:30 p.m.
Circuit Court
Carrie J. v Charles A.
Harwood, appll-
cation for trial.
J. K. Weatherford, Jr.. administrator,
vs Pioneer Trust cclmpany, executor,
plaintiff's motion for reconsideration of
an order sustaining: demurrer to the com
plaint on the around the court commit
ted an error as a matter of law.
w. F. and Lora E. Gray vs F. o. and
Margaret K. McKenney, dismissal on mo
tion of plaintiffs with preiudlce to plain
tiff and without costs to either party.
Probate Court
Ernesth J. Hemp! estate, final order
to Anna Hempel, administratrix.
Joseph S. McDonald estate, inheritance
tax determined at 190.05 on 119,605.48
net taxable estate.
Joseph O. Roier estate valued at 1600.
Rosle J. Roler named administratrix and
Jessie Waaeman, Frank Patterson and
Lloyd, A. Rlckert, appraisers.
Hans J. Falnes estate, report by O.
H. Tansen, executor, showlnx personal
property sold for S803.38. Petition for sale
of real property filed.
Charles Mullen, Jr.,
83300 by S. J. SmlUl,
and Peter Murphy.
estate appraised at
Raymond P. Smith
Milton J. Ferguson estate, Opal Courter,
administratrix, directed to sell real prop
erty. Report filed on sale of personal
Mnttie G. Shipley estate, order names
Clarence M. Byrd, Johanna W. Byrd and
Claude Steusloff as appraisers.
Shirley. Irene, Monta and Alan Res
nlcsek. minors, second annual account
of Rose Reznlcsek, guardian.
Police Court
Reckless driving-. Honor Involved: Walter
Hanson, Rt. 8, fined 8150. committed.
Drunk and disorderly: John B.
ston. transient, fined 950 and
fenced to 10 days in Jan.
Disorderly conduct:
Dayton, fined 135.
Orral L. Ross,
Reckless driving: Donald OhBffe
Terre Haute. Ind.. pasted 850 ball: Clar
ence c. Hughes, 1595 N. Commercial, fin
ed 850.
Marriage Licenses
Bill Purvlne, 18, nary, Independence,
and Elslt Plena, 17, route 8, Salem.
Marvin Goodman, 37, teacher, Balem,
and Phyllis Freres, 31, student, Stayton.
Leander E. Keck. 31, case worker, Sa
lem, and Ellnar B. Tlrre, case worker, Dal
las. Lyle Ash Knower, 35, student. West Sa
lem, and Josephine Ruth Haury. 31, switch
oard operator, route 6, Salem.
James 0. Theodore, 47, grocer, route 7.
and Emma o. KUngbell, 61, saleswoman,
both Salem.
Orvflle B. Lular, 95, lumberman, end
Drusllla Mlnden, 10. at home, both Sub
limity. Solon P. 8hlnkle, 31, student, and Elsie
Cannon, 19, clerk, both Balem.
Richard D. Hartley. 74. student, Sa
lem, and Barbara M. Nelson, 92, student,
Can Cut Rates
(Continued from Page !)
the private utilites to meet com
petition by PUDs was legal so
long as the proposed rates do not
create any injustice to other
areas in which the private com
pany operates.
Flaggs order is considered
far reaching, because it might
set a pattern whereby other
power companies can reduce
rates in order to meet PUD com
petition. Phillips Rites Held Final
services for Mrs. Mary E. Phil
lips, Aurora, were held from the
Canby funeral home Monday
afternoon with burial in the
Belle Passi cemetery at Wood-
burn. She is survived by her
husband, Jack F. Phillips; two
children, W. H. Phillips, River
side, Calif., and Marie Brown
Napa, Calif. She was a sister
of Mrs R. L. Boan, Broadacres
W. H. Phillips, Silverton, and
Bert and Joseph Phillips, both of
Illness Halts Trip Because of
illness, Charles Saucy, 86, was
forced to cancel a long-planned
trip to his old home in Switzer
land and with a daughter
planned to start Monday. He is
at the home of his daughter
Mrs. L. T. Reynolds, 4015 Port
land Rd., with whom he has
lived for many years. Visiting
him over the week-end was Ro
bert Saucy, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Marc Saucy, who is stationed at
Fort Lewis.
Finds Skirt Perhaps the of
ficer had visions of a visit to
Salem by Lady Godiva when he
prepared a report dealing with
a "large grey wool skirt." The
officer found the skirt in the
300 block on North High street,
block from the police station
His study of the problem was
summarized with the report that
he "brought the skirt to the sta
tion to see if it might tie in
with some new development not
of his (the writer's knowledge."
Emigh to Yakima George
Emigh, business manager for the
Salem Senator baseball club,
will fly to Yakima Tuesday
where a Western International
league meeting is to be held. The
league will discuss a tentative
plan for moving the Bremerton,
Wash, franchise elsewhere.
Babies Taken Home Dismiss
ed from the Salem Memorial
hospital over the week-end were
Mrs. Henry Hall, Rt. 4 Box 86
and infant daughter and Mrs.
Dean Hayes, Turner, and infant
Mrs. Skiff III Mrs. Ada V.
Skiff, 439 Court, who has been
ill at her home, is now hospital
ized at the Salem Memorial hos
pital. Conference Scheduled The
Marion county health depart
m e n t is conducting a parent
nurse conference at the Wood
burn public library Tuesday
from 11:30 to 2:30 o'clock.
Detroit Gets Doctor Dr. A.
C. Willcutt has opened an office
in Detroit in the Hanan build
ing and has office hours every
day except Sunday. His family
is remaining in Salem for the
Sealed bids will be received br the
Stale Hlfhwar Commission in Room 325.
State Oftlct BullOInt, Salem. Oreaon,
until 3:00 p. m., Monday, Julr 38, 1949.
for tha purchase of two residence build
inks In Salem, at the following locations:
95 Chemeketa atreet j-:oom, bath,
furnace and earafe.
975 Chemeketa street 9-room, bath,
furnace and karate
Full information for blddere resard
Ink ahe bulldlnas may be obtained by
addresslna or contactlna Mr. C. W. Parker,
ttoom 503, State Office Bulldlni, Salem,
Baldock Plan
(Continued from Page 1)
The provisions do not apply to
trucks entering the city to re
ceive or discharge freight with
in the city.
The same bill makes it unlaw
ful to park vehicles on South
Commercial between Oxford
and Hoyt.
This act will be effective when :
Pine street has been extended)
and opened, when South Liber-!
ty has been widened to 40 feet
between Superior and Oak, and
a diagonal street has been ac
quired, opened and improved
connecting Liberty and Com
mercial between Superior and
Center Street Plan
Another of the three bills de
signates Center street, from
Commercial to Capitol, the Cen
ter street bridge, and the new
bridge to be built across the ri
ver, and the street leading from
the new bridge to Capitol as
one-way traffic thoroughfares.
It prohibits driving west on
Center from Commercial to Ca
pitol, or on the Center street
bridge. It prohibits driving east
on any new bridge to be built
north of Center street, or on the
street leading from the new
bridge to Capitol.
This act will be effective af
ter construction of the new
bridge and reconstruction of the
Center street bridge and the op
ening of both for use.
Vehicular Parking
The third bill is mainly about
vehicular parking. It is made un
lawful at any time to park on
Fairgrounds road between Tile
road and a point 380 feet south
of Woodrow, or on Fairgrounds
road between Hall and a point
180 feet south of Smith street,
or on Fairgrounds between
Smith and Beach streets. There
is some uncertainty as to wheth
er the parking restrictions apply
to one or both sides of the street.
Some off-street parking provi
sions will be made.
This act shall be effective af
ter the state highway commis
sion shall have comDleted the
widening of parts of Fairgrounds
and Portland roads as provided
by agreement between the city
and the commission.
Portland Road Widening
I he widening of Portland
road is to be on the west side
between Lana avenue and a
point 350 feet south, and on the
east side between Lana and
Beach, and for about 180 feet
south from Smith, and also be
tween Hall and Woodrow, and
juu teet south from Woodrow.
Proposed agreements between
the city and the highway depart
ment are attached to the bills.
Among other business before
the council will be a resolution
providing for a new city ward to
cover the Kingwood annexation,
ana west saiem if it is merged
with Salem.
If this is done the member
ship of the city council will be
increased from seven to eight
aldermen, in addition to the
A petition will be received by
the council asking an annexa
tion election of about 420 acres
south and southeast of the city.
The annexation was Dreviouslv
defeated by five votes but what
appeared to be irregularities in
tne vote were discovered.
To Move Combine Claude C.
Ashby, route 5, Salem, has been
granted a permit to move a com
bine over county roads.
Steam Attachment
You are invited to coma to ROBERTS BROS. APPLIANCE DEPT. and register
your old electric iron today, Tuesday and Wednesday (July 11, 12, 13), The
person registering the oldest electric iron will receive a BETTY CROCKER
Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, July 11, 19495
'Gussle' Changes Gertrude
(Gorgeous Gussie) Moran dis
plays the new plunging neck
line in her dress for the Wim
bledon ball, London, follow
ing British tennis matches.
Tacoma Funeral for
Donald L. Spalding
Funeral services were held in
Tacoma last Tuesday for Donald
Leon Spalding, former Salem
man and son of Mr. and Mrs
J. S. Spalding of Chemawa, who
died unexpectedly in that wash
ington city July 1.
Spalding, born in Salem Oc
tober 8, 1921, attended Salem
schools and was a member of
the Salem senior high school
band for three years. In, 1940
he enlisted in the 218th field
artillery of the National Guard,
a Portland unit, and entered
federal service September 15
that same year with the 41st di
vision when it was called for
duty. Later he transferred to
the air force, with which he
served until discharged in 1945
with the rating of a sergeant,
Surviving besides the parents
are his wife, Clare Jrrancis
Spalding of Tacoma; three broth
ers, Virgil R. Spalding of Sa
lem and David N. Spalding and
Harold E. Spalding, both of Che
mawa; and a sister Louisa J. S.
Spalding of Chemr.wa.
Cbest Office Opens The cam
paign office for the 1949 Salem
Community Chest drive will be
opened next Thursday morning
in offices adjoining chest head
quarters at 241 North Liberty
street. C. A. Kells has been re
appointed director for the cam
paign which will have at its head
Joe Dodd. Office secretary will
be Barbara Williams Turner.
5 Our New Phone Number f.
4028 East State St
177 North Liberty
Monday, July It
Company u. lrj'jna lnianiry regr
ment and headquarters detach
ment, Oregon National ouarn. at
Salem armory.
Organized Marine Jorns Reserve.
Unit at Navy and Marine Corps Re
serve trainins: center.
Salem post No. ut, American u-
Marion post xno. ooi, vrw. at
VFW hall.
409th quartermasters ana aoutn
engineers, at Army Reserve quonset
Tuesday. July 1Z
Military law class at wuiameiui
University law .school. Subject:
Moot trial. Instructor. MaJ. Charlei
Jens. ....
Third Battalion. 4i:n miantry
regiment, Army Reserves at Army
Reserve quonset hut.
Btmn Aru-iype-r-. Army re
serves, at Army jteserve quonset
High Score for Danlelson
Boiling Air f orce Base, wasning-
ton. D. C. Pfc. James a. uaniei-
son. son of Mr. ana Mrs. a. k.
Dnmelson or 18 Norm lain street.
Salem, Ore., recently achieved a
near record high score ol ioj on
the army general classification test.
The Salem man. wno is a lormer
University of Oregon student and
was a radio announcer at station
KASH in Eugene, Oregon, prior to
his induction under the selective
service act of 1948, the first week
of July was assigned to the radio
and television section oi tne air
force headquarters in the Pentagon
Danlelson, In the armed forces
since November. 1948, took his basic
training at ShepDard Air Force
Base, Wichita Palls. Texas. Belore
being assigned to the puDiic reia
:lons office of the headquarters
command of the air force. At head
quarters he has been contributing
articles to the command's weekly
oicture-news magazine and partlcl
oattng in the weekly Air Force
Hour heard over the Mutual net
work on Thursday nights
Going to Crete
SA Louis A. DuQuette. USN. son
of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred M. Du
Quette of Wecoma. is among those
men slated to arrive on the Island
of Crete. July 16. The Wecoma man
is a member of the crew of the
USS Juneau, which is to be at th,
island on a five-day visit.
O'Shav Acquires Plant Jo
seph H. O'Shay has acquired the
Standard Cleaners & Dyers es
tablishment at 362 North Com
mercial, and announces that he
will install a new dry cleaning
unit to cost about $5000. The
plant was established in 1913 by
O. F. Franklin, and O'Shay
started as an apprentice under
Mr. Franklin in 1926. The plant
has remained in the same loca-
Licenses Are Issued Mar
riage licenses have been Issued
at Vancouver, Wash., to Toy V.
Jackson and Alta Amburgey,
both of Salem; Nels W. Slpola
and Agatha L. Allen, both of Sa
lem; Cecil W. Whelchel, Mon
mouth, and Ruth Whelchel, Gas
ton and to William F. Brooks
and Sadie M. Beck, both of
Sweet Home.
$$ MONEY $$
tViVc Real Estate Loans
Farm or City
Personal and Auto Loans
State Finance Co.
IU 8. High St. Lie. Sit 3-52181