14 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, July 11, 1949 IFOR SALE HOUSES IFOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES IFOR SALE HOUSES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING! Par Line IX Par Una S tlmea 40a Par LlDa tlmej 60o Par Llna 1 month 12.00 Outatdo of Bslem 15a per Una par day. altn. loci I tlmea mln. tea tlmea mln. 81J0. No Relunda SIADUU-In Local Newa CaL Onlyi To Flace an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNER: Lovely Fail-mount Hill home. Liv. rm., din., kitchen St nook, 3 bdrm., ; lull basement, St play rm. Dbl. gar. 1870 John flt. Ph. 3-8226. 6167 ST OWNER. Modern 2 bdrm. home. Oil heat, good location. Splendid bargain. ' Inquire 645 N. cnurcn i. ami BY OWNERi 3 bdrm. home. J150 James . 8t. Kelser. Price reaucea. KINGWOOD panoramic view home locat , ed on one of Ktngwood' highest points. .. ft rooms, basement, automatic heat, on acre. For appointment phone owner, x-6363. Price 113.500. al67 ilftOO WILL HANDLE nice little 16850.00 highway buslnes, one acre with build- tags. Inquire l miie no. nuiuiu 98 B L. Brink. al63 BY OWNER: Price $5000, 81600 down. 2 bedrm. home with lull basement. Would Tot.H t fifiO N. Front St. If Interested aee Vandy Hooley at Ford Oarage. a 163 16500 Modern t bdrm. home with utility St garage at 540 Norway. Inquire nt 771 No. Winter after 7 p.m. Ph. 2-4836 af ter 1 D.m. al6B ahr.rvAR Tn Enirlewooo. scaool. a 3 bdrm home with bath, living room, dining rnm. kitchen, automatic heat, base ment, attached garage. Imm. po&s. Price S BEDROOMS, bath, living room, dining room, kitchen, fireplace, utility room, garage. Near Englewood school. Imm posa. S6.000. tt A. WITH plenty of garden apace, aome fruit, and a nice 3 bdrm. home with bath, living room, kitchen, nook, at tached garage, oil heat, insulated and weather stripped. Bus service. Price Is $8500 or will trade for city property. A NEAT suburban 2 bedroom home with bath, living room, dining room, kitchen, attached garage, unfinished attic, oil floor furnace, fireplace, A block to bus. Price 17850. ' P. H. Bell, Realtor 181 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3-4698, 2-1545. Evca. 2-6086, 3-7565. 1.163 Wallace Road Home LOVELY, DIGNIFIED, OLD 3 BR MANSE ON 4 HIGH St DRY ROLLING ACRES! GREAT BEARING NUTS. CHERRIES, St FRUIT! FLOWERS, SHRUBS. GARDEN! NICE VIEW OF SALEM! SALEM CITY WATER I ELEC TRIC PUMP ON GOOD WELL! FULL BASEMENT St FURNACE IN HOU8EI 2 CAR GARAGE AND NOBLE OLD BARN READILY CONVERTED TO 2ND HOUSE, STUDIO OR WHATEVER! UL TRA EXCLUSIVE DISTRICT! CLOSE! FIRST TIME OFFERED IN U CEN TURY I ONLY 310,0001 C. W. Stuller, Excl. Agt. Salem, Ore. - WALLACE ROAD, MI. N. of BRIDOE ami 9WNED LEAVING. Sacrifice 3 bdrm. home. Falnnount Hill close to Leslie. Bus to Bush. Basement, fireplace, oil floor fur nace. Corner lot. 16950. Ph. 8-0603. 1505 Saginaw St. WALNUT PARK BY OWNER Nearly new home. Full basement. Fire place In basement St living rm. Large lot. , Plenty shrub At flowers. Over 1,400 ft. floor space. Besides garage. Immed. poas. Price low. For. appointment Ph. ' 1-3734. MALL NEW house, tenth, garage, paved street. Some fruit, 12900.00. 884 7th St.. Independence, Ore. 187 FOUR BEDROOMS. Large L.R., fireplace, D.R., den, reception hall; all hdwd. firs., excellent location. A bargain at 313,600. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service , 164 S. Oom'l Phone 8-8389 Eve. 3-7440 THREE BEDROOMS T.arira llvlne room, din Ina room, fire place, hdwd. floors throughout, lovely kitchen St nook, nut trees ana inna- gcaped. 630 Illinois St. off Center. a 164 t BD. RM. modem home $8200, down pay- men. 11450. Halancee on GI loan. 1435 tltK-rge Bt.. Woodburn Blue 352. am fcEW MODERN 4 room house, garage, chicken house St A acres. Also furni ture for sale. On highway 7 miles east or Stayton. Contact Mrs. J. Lingasa, Manama, or write Ella Key. 2422 H.K, Yamhill, Portland, Ore. al6S 4 Bedrooms Ni elean l'A fltory all modern home. Lge. gar. St utility rm. TfcxlOQ ft. lot. Close to school, bus tit store. Attractive term to responsible parties. Price 16500. Garage House acre of ground, elec. St city water, and an extra 10x16 bldg. for laundry or storage. Price 11800. Call Bon Clear. Walter Musgrave, R'ltors 1311 Edgewnter. Ph. 8-6109. Eves. i-otttD a!63 Owner Living In California SACRIFICE NEW 4 BEDROOM HOME Tile kitchen, bath upstairs and down. Hardwood floors throughout. Pull plas tered basement St plastered garage. Lots of storage space. Terraced back yard. Cost over 318,000 to build. Will sell for 814,600. Terms, Would consider cheaper house or oar in trade. For more Infor mation Inquire at Stevens ' Used Cars. 678 8. 13th St.. Salem. al80 FOR SALE BT OWNER: New 3 bd rm. home, FH. terms, (600 down. Phone 3-28R0. 542 Bliler. alflS tMM OR TRADE tor 1 or 2 A. & 3 bdrm Mod. house near Salem. 51 A. 3 ml. out of Sheridan, IB A. prunes, 1 A. orchard, 7 rm. mod. house, bnrn, farm qulpt. School bus at door. Creek tomu prop. J. W. Wright Kt. 1. Box 1 Red Prairie Rd. Sheridan, Ore. a 163 LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS MISSION BOTTOM 36 acre farm. Good 6 room plastered modern house. Family or chard. Tractor, etc. included In price. 118,000. 4 ROVE THK AVERAGE. I rm. home. Fire placet full eement basement, furnace. Large floored attic. Large fenced bark yard; lota of ahrubs. Engltwood district. Ft ice 136,500. Consider, trading for Portland homt, LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 44 State St. Ph. J-36M Evening call: 3-4007 or 3-6789. a 1(15 BrT BUY OP ALL iniW, ROOMY t bdrm. home with 1. R . DR., kitchen, bath, hdwd. firs., taint. with oil furnace, piped to all rooms. Lee. aloplng lot. Bus by door. Price $9750. FHA TERMS. VERY SMALL DOWN PAYMENT. COLBATH LAND CO., REALTORS (OPEN EVES. TILL 8:O0 1MI Center St. Phone 2-4553 a!63 DRIVF RHYS 133001 bedrm, home. 715 Columbia St. $3500 a bdrm. home, 875 McUtlchrtst Bt. 14050 9 bdrm. home. 473 N. 17th St. $18.000 NEW BEAUTY. 1395 N. 24)h Bt. COLRATII LAND CO., RFAI.TORS (OPEN EVES. TILL 8:001 1683 Center St. Phone 3-4553 163 BUILT TO LAST Beautiful new 7 rm. home with double plumbing, on i acre view lot. Oil pipe furnace, fireplace, large lovely kitchen St utility. Built with best ma terial St workmanship. Actually priced below cost. For particular call Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. COMMERCIAL Ph. 2-3849 'Eve. 2-5260 aUS- h BDRM. houaa; extra room lor 3rd bed room If deMred. Garasr. i lota. Mak, Ifar. O. W. Shatter, 1)67 Uoody Ava. a HI Win a Guest Ticket to See "Neptune's Daughter" AT WARNERS ELSINORE THEATRE HERE ARE THE RULES: Read the Capital Journal Want Ads and find the title of this picture cominR soon to Salem. Clip out the want ad in which the picture title appears and ac company it with a simple state ment of 23 words or less on "Why I Read The Capital Jour nal Want Ads," with your name and mailing address, and deliver or mail to the Capitol Theater boxoffice. Contestants will be judged on sincerity and originality. The THREE best statements received each day will each re ceive a nair of guest tickets to see "Neptunes Daughter" com ing soon to the Elslnore theater. All entries become the proper ty of the Capital Journal, and decision of the judges is final. FOR SALE HOUSE1 NICE NEW 2 B.R. home, hdw. lira., Ina. and vj bullt-ln breakfast bar, large lot. Will 10 PMA. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS 484 Court Phone 1-4707 Eve. 3-4773, 2-7183 a!04' .Flower Garden ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL yard. in Salem. All In well planned flower beds. This is really worth seeing. It Is almost like a park. Lot la 75x135. House 1 beautiful 8 yr. old, 2 B.R, home. Fireplace, breakfast nook, din ing room, patio. Street paved. 17700 FHA loan can be assumed. Full price 1I. ODD. 2 Bedrooms and Den Lot 84x118. Several nice walnut and poach trees. Very nicely finished In side. Rooms are all large. Lota of bulltlns and closet apace. Attached garage. Large utility room. Has Its own well. Price 112,600. Home Comfortable year old, 2 B.R. plastered home. Coved ceil Inns, hardwood floors, oil floor furnace, attached garage, new lawn Just In. Full price 17500. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 North Capitol Phone 3-8218 Eves. 3-8518 or 3-8476 al63 NEARLY new bungalow, Ins, and w.s namwood rjoors, llreplace. A refill j nice home with a year round creek at back of lot. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS 484 Court Phone 3-4707 Eve. 2-4773, 3-728.1 al64 TAKE A LOOK TODAY 600 Falrvlew Ave. (Vi acre) .... 6,950 3360 Rawlins Ave. ( 3 bdrm.) I 1,400 down. 795 Waldo Ave. (brand new) 3 8,250 750 N. 16th St. (3 blk to senior high) 110,500 740 Ben Lomond Dr. (Salem' best view) 110.500 Wallace Hd. (810 ml. from bridge) new home $1,630 down 530 Wild Wind Dr. (3 bed rooms) 13,350 down IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A GOOD HOME DON'T FAIL TO SEE THESE. Mattson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE Phone 3-583B 231 North High ffive. Fn. J-7831, 3-7433 a 163' SAVE MONEY i bdrm., bjinit.. f'plnce, 5 yr. old. Larae native trara. View. Qutet secluded loca tion. Flno for young children. Juat out alde city llnilla. Near large Rtorea and ous line, ror oargaln aee owner. 3260 a. uommercial St. ,164 HIGHLAND DISTRICT This one B. R. home was designed ior comrort ror a couple, clean & neat, well const. St close to bux Si store. You can't nils on tlil bnv nt in unn MADE FOR CHILDREN Three B. R. eight year old North sub burban home on one acre of dandy soil. Excellent dLst, lovely yard, fnm lly fruit St berries. The owner would like you to see this home St no reason able offer will be refused. Sullivan Realty Co. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-3255 Eves 3-1778 ; al63 FOR HALE OR LEASE BY OWNERS Convenient for buslnrss and residence or house can be removed 8 rm., full basement 41 by 100 lot. Handy to Sears New Shopping Center, on State Highway 99E. 875 N. Capitol St. Phone 3-4540 for appointment. a!74 BV OWNER. 2 bdrm. house, modern, elec. neai. inaui. unol 5t rugs Included. Large pump house, jlfioo.00 dn. Bal. 39.25 mo. Total price $4500. Ph. 3-1375. 1050 Dirt Ave. Keler. Ri68 WHro, CI. KAN modern 2 bdrm. home. Hdwd. noors, fireplace. Large yard with fruit trees. Approx. 6 miles North. Terms. Call Hlnnlpy Brown with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 163 S. High St. Ph. 3-4131, Eve. 3-5561 al66 OPEN All day, new beautiful 3 bdrm. home Comer lot. 953 Hyland Ave. $9000. See builder for term as place. al63 "TWO SALEM HOMES" To be moved or wrecked. 945 and 975 Chemeketa street. Bidding form available 503 State Office Building. OREGON STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT aisa DOWN. Saw a bdrm. homa. Thii'i nlre. S7B0O. l!UO DOWN. 1 bdrm. homa. Hollywood dlat. Bnl. 147 mo. THK BKST M'V In a beautiful home only lai.soo. Thla muat be aern to be anpre. elated. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 0 N. Church flt. Ph. J-7M2. B.a. a-01J alw ATTRACTIVE! 3 bdrm. modern new home. Oak floors throunhout. attach. d garage. Close to school. Oood alBeii attic. 37,500 with 12.000 down. No. 257 CIRCLE THIS! 3 bdrm. pumice utone modern attractive home on our 6 acres or land on BB-E. Lane, drep well. Price $9,000 with $2, 000 down. SEE THIS! 3 bdrm. home with basement, auto, oil furnace, fireplace, extra utility rm. ideal yard for children. Private drive! Oood terms to riant party. No. 304 REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 301 South High St. Ph. 3-0303 Sun. St Eve. 3-3738, 3-B713, 3-8241, 2-2533 a 163 CLEAN plastered 3 bdrm. home. Unfinished upstair North. Basement. Venetian blinds. Lame lot. Immediate powwlon. tlioo down. CaU Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 191 . Hlih St. Ph. 1-1131, Cvm. J -Mm OMHART & CALABA, REALTORS Want to Trade in a Trailer House? Wa hava a, ver: attractive auburban i bedroom home, only 1 rear old, with oil heat and hardwood floors, huge lot, rood location. Owner will take In aood trailer noma (up to 13500.11 a part payment. Don't Miss This Buy A modern aurb urban 2 bedroom home complete with basement, furnace and fireplace, over Hi acre land, good chicken house and barn excellent location owner ha Just reduced to 19800. for quick sale. Another Tempting Buy Fully Furnished Yea, this la a good buy, it' a modern 5 room homa with basement, oil furnace, fireplace and hardwood floora, the lot la extra lane and the loca tion la fine If fully furnished, all you have to do U bring your clothes, duties, linen and move In lt'a only 110,600. complete. Just Think Only $7950 For This A dandy 2 bedroom home with 3 bedrooms, oak floora, fireplace, oil floor furnace and garage, lane lot lt'a cute 31800. move you In. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 417 Court St. Eve. Phone 3-8053 FOR SALE HOUSES $750 DOWN! Less than 146 per month Including taxes and insurance. New 2-bdrm. plastered home with auto. heat, paved atreet. 1 htocb to bus and store. 38750. No. 200 REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 201 South High St Ph. 3-6203 Sun. it Eve. 2-3738, 3-11712, 2-8241, 2-2532 aioj $7950. NEW modern 2 bdrm. home close In East. 11,000 down. Balance FHA. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 8. High 6t. Ph. 3421. Eve. 2-5561 a!68 NOTICE OF SALE BUILDINGS IN SALEM Sealed bids will be received by the State Highway Commission In Room 325, Hint nrflri. Hnlldlnir. Salem. Oregon, un til 2:00 p.m., Monday, July 25. 1949, for the purchase of two residence buildings in aaiem, at tne iouowing locu-uuna. 945 Chemeketa Street 5-room, bath, furnace and garage. 975 Chemeketa Street B-rootn, bath, furnace and it a race. Full information for bidders regarding the buildings may be obtained by address ing or comncung Mr, u. w. rartr.er. nuum 503, State Office Building, Salem. Oregon. OREGON STATE HIGHWAY COMM. al63' BY OWNER: 2 Bdrm. home. Priced for quick sale. 622 N. 17th St. a 166 85351). A nice home for couple. Living rm., dining rm., bedroom, kitchen, bath, basement, furnace. OMER'S REAL ESTATE 460 N. 13th Ph. 2-5001 a!65 $K?n. NICE clean 3 bdrm. home In city. Living room, dinette, kitchen. Excellent basement, furnace, large lot. OMER'S REAL ESTATE 460 N. 13th Ph. 2-5001 al65 I7:,S0. VERY good 2 bdrm. sub. home E. Mice living room. Kitcnen. Datn. a. OMER'S REAL ESTATE 4flfl N. 13th . Ph. 2-5091 al FOR SALE LOTS NKAlt GLEN Ck. Dr $ 350 ma lHtOADWAY 50x120 $905 ;fl sn.VEKTON Rd. Wire frontage Business or residence property. Smnll barn $905 KING WOOD HTB. 175 ft. front. view 11150 R. E. MEREDITH. Rlt. or B. M. MASON 176 8. Commercial Ph. 3-8841 aal64 CHOICE VIEW LOTS ON FAIRMOUNT HILL In the Fairmount View Addition Priced at Only $2500 Each These choice view lots are all restricted and within the city limits with city facilities. Come in and let us show you the most exclusive building sites in Salem. LARSEN HOME & LOAN CO Exclusive Listings Prreonn Service 164 8. Com'l Phone 3-8389 Eve. 3-7440 aal66' VtKW LOT, 90x98, restricted. City water. Opp. MS Vlnta Ave. Ph. 3-4284. aa FOR SALE FARMS SPECIAL $27.500 Stock, grain and poultry ranch, consisting of 133 acres or beautiful farm land. 9 acres now under Irriga tion, more can be. Larue modern home, spacious view, best of sol). Con sider trade for Snlem home or income property. Call Rny Da via. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. COMMERCIAL Ph. 2-3849 Eve. 2-8658 bl63- ATTRACTIVE BUY Fine 60 acre tract that could be subdiv ided. Few miles out on paved highway. About 40 acres in fruit; balance In tim ber and pasture. Creek on corner. This year's crop will help pay for place. Price only $7500. Part terms. For more infor mation call Oscar Srderstrom 3-6780 LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 2-3683. bl63 6y, ACRES $1500 down will handle this little farm. 3 B.R. home, modern, cement founda tion. 3 -car garage, barn, chicken house, 3 acres in cultivation. Raise cows, chickens or rabbits and really live high. Located south. Good in vestment. Full p.'ice 36700. See Warn berg or phone evil., 3-8518. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Phone 3-6316 b!63 3 OOOD FARMS 300 acres Wil. St beaver dam soil. Excel bldg., with or without crop. North. 133 ACRES POLK COUNTY 110 cult., good bldgs., part Irrigated. Crop goes. 84 ACHES. HOWELL PRAIRIE All Wit. soil. Fair bldgs. Crop goes Phone 2-6fiao. ED LUKINBF.AL REAL ESTATE 440 N, 14th St b166 aTalaaaJ FOR SALE ACREAGE IIIOIIWAY FHONTAC.K 00E south 2i mile to Salem, 4'.s acres. 1 bedroom home, other bid us. Garden, nice trees. $fi500. Terms. Owner. Ph. 2-8110. Rt. 4. box 496. bb!67a A ACRKS NORTH E. 16 mln. drive to down town Salem, new ground all cult., Wil. soil, fruit St shade trees, dandy wtr. ., barn, inch shop, brooder house, g a.. 4 br. plast. mod. home, hdw floos, auto oil fur. piped to all rm.. din. rm., nook. dan. all bulVd'a are under 8 yrs. old. not often we get a place with good soli St builds, both for this rea. price of $13,300. No trade Ph. 3-6880. ED LUKINHEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14 St. bbl68 NELSON NEWS GARDEN ROAD Vi ACRE Oood a new 2 bdr. home, large LR, dlnnette, alt. garage. LR St DK have hardw. firs. For sale at FHA apprai sal 18500. CREEK FARM $9350 30 A. In cult. 6 A. pasture, family orchard St homeslte with all year creek, on pvd. rd., elec pump. rm. mad. home with fire pl barn St chicken hse. Let us show you this. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Personal Service by Men Who Bpeclalle 703 N. High Ph. 34623 bbl63 rOR SALE: 20 acres near Aumsvllle, Reas onable. Write Joe HUla. Rt. 3, Aberdeen. S. J3. bM63 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 Phone 2-4115 or 3-4118 . 1-3632 2-3488 eias FOR SALE ACREAGE 800 DOWN 4 rm. hae. with 2 acre. Electric well. Located north. Price $3154. 5 ACRES Modern 2 bdrm. home with unfinished upstairs. L.R., bath, kltch., etc. Small barn, garage, crop in, you get Mi. Located north. Price $8150. Terms (2000 down. COLBATH LAND CO., REALTORS (OPEN EVES. TILL fi) 1683 Center St. Phone 2-4562 bbl63 21 ACRES NORTH All Willamette Silt St Beaverdam. will grow anything. 10 A. Just being cleared, nice all year creek, lots of timber St wood, small house, barn, chicken house St workshop. Full price 16.000. Terms. 8 ACRES NORTH Located just North of Salem and all Willamette Soil. About one acre of Bartlett pears Ac balance all cleared and In grain crop with li crop to pur chaser. You can't miss on land like this priced at only $3,500. and term to suit you. Sullivan Realty Co. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-3255 bbl63 REAL ESTATE Sale or Trade Beaut, new $15,000 beach home all utll. Also 160 acre ranch fam ily orchard, 40 cleared, 'fenced, 'im crlsed timber. Ph. 2-7071. c!64 BEST BUYS $600 DOWN 2 bdrm. home. Very close in. lM acre. Modern. Immediate possession. Total price only $4500. Ev. Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. UNFINISHED HOUSE 2 bdrm. house tn Kelster dlat. Room for 2 rooms upstairs, garage. Total price only $3150. EV. ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. KEIZER Almost new 2 bdrm a, with unfinished up stairs. Attached garage, hardwood floors. Owner leaving city. Only $1300 down. Total price $7400. Needs some touching up but Is worth the money. Ev. ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. FOUR CORNERS Almost new 2 bdrma, extra sleeping room over garage. Very cvlean. Extra lot, prlv. well. Total price $6950. Ev. ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. WE HAVE SEVERAL CLIENTS with 2 or 3 bdrms. homes who would be willing to trade for other properties. What have you? FARMS 10 ACRES 5 rm. mod home. Building In good con dition. Family orchard. Price reduced for nulck sale. $7700, Ev. ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. 22 ACRES 4 rm. mod. house. 3 acrrs In berries. Amity soil. Oood out buildings. Every thing goes Including stock St equipment ior tHUU. EV. pll. 3-0403 or 3-3558. Al Lsaak & Co., Realtors 3025 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7820 or 2-4596 C1631 POK YOUR SAVINGS investment buy a first mortgnge on real estate. Salem & vicinity. Examine security yourself Amount $500 to several thousand dou lar. net investors 5 We make all col lections for you If desired BTA'l E FINANCE CO.. 153 fi High. ONLY $2950 Near Hopmere. North, fr acre Sz older 3 BR hse, Needs some remodeling. Lse. trees. ONLY $3250 In 1800 blk. on 8. 12th St. Business lot Si 20x30 bldg. Has water & lltes. ONLY $3500 ose in location. 3 BR ho good condition. Oood close in location. 3 BR home. Mod ern. In good condition. B. Isherwood, Realtor 2007 N. Capitol St. Office Ph. 2-3862. Eve. 3-2147 or 3-8836 ONLY $1100 Nearly completed garage house on lot 75x170. Kelier. Septic tank Installed. This 1 a steal. Terms. $9950 Consider your kiddies. Radiant heat guarantees warm floors even on the coldest days. Large living rm.. Dining rm., kitchen, bath, 2 fine bedrooms, gar. Lot 65x150. FHA terms. This is the best buy In Salem. Chas. Hudkins & Son Over 27 Years in Salem 250 N. High St. Phone 2-4129. cl65 WILL TAKE CAR 3 bdrm. unfinished, home with furni ture, grand location. Owner leaving town. Full price. $4300. Vi ACRE $5500 2 bdrm. modern home. Bus by door. Chtx house. Nice yard. 31000 down, bal ance term. Call Mr. North or Mr. Hrlm. RAWLINS REALTY Hollywood Dist. Open eve. until 8. Ph. 3-4664. Eve. 2-5737 - 3-7138. c!65 SMALL PIANO, fine condition, reasonable. ifimi so. cottage st. clBft WANTED REAL ESTATE WE ARI In need 01 tooe nouaea to aall In or near flalera II you wlah to llat your property for Bale aee RRARENIIORST BROS BIALTOH IS4 3 Libert, St. Phone 1-3471 ea General Real Estate cal4 NEW rm. house by July 1. Will pa; 17000 caah. Ph. 301. cal3 NOTICE! If your property la for aale. rent or exchanta, llat It altn ua We hava all klnda of eaab buyera. TATI FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 193 8. Blab Bt EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE EXCHANUE modern 3 bd. rm. house on Fairmont Hill for home near catholic school. Ph. 3-4963. CM65 SELL OR TRADE: li Acre suburban tract, best of land, partly Irrigated. Lovely 5 rm. home, 15x21 llv. rm., 3 spacious bdr mi., 3 fireplaces, full base ment, party rm.. nice lawn and shrub bery, city bus at door. 113.650. Small down payment. Would accept mortgage at part payment. R. E, Meredith Rlt. or R. M. Mason, 176 8. Commercial. Ph. 3-6841. cbl64a 1100 EqriTY In 3 bedroom modern home in Turner lor ai tt. or larter house trailer. Balance 13360 at $35 per month. See Clota at 540 Hood, Salem. eblM' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SMALL DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT Oood business for man and wife. I7S0 U sow by Tueeday. call 3-0311. edit 4 GRABENHORST SPECIALS ON EDGE OF CITY 3 bdrm., lge. kitchen, attached garage, well built small home, 17400. Go out Liberty Road and turn right to 335 South view Place. CALL ROY FERRIS ONE OF SALEM'S FINEST RESTAURANTS Best of location, new equipment, long term lease. Don't miss it. Call Coburn L. Orabenhorfit. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Street Office Phone 3-2471 Sundays and Evenings ..Call Roy Ferris 2-8010 1 Peter H. GeUer 3-9988 Earl West 2-1232 elflS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ONE OF THE BEST grocery store In Sa lem, Oood residential and business dis trict. Gross $150,000. Stock at Inventory. Box No. 290 Capital Journal. cdl64 We have some good buys In Apt, house. A nice Gro. business at only $6850. CaU Harvey Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtor Phone 3-6371 341 Chemeketa at. Eve. 3-9441 cdl83' COURT APT! 12 units hardwood floors, permanent construction. Each unit pay own util ities. Good return on Investment $65, 000. No. 777 GARAGE With living quarter. Large lot on main thorofare. Price Include stock, equip ment, building and lot. $17,500 will trade for house. M. L. No. 712 REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 201 South High St. Ph. 3-8203 Bun. it Eve. 2-3738, 3-9712. 2-8241, 2-2532 Cdl63- HOME AND INCOME $10,500 Very good 6 rm. home with ex tra one to. apartment it bath. Only 6 blocks from downtown. No. 3 zone, excellent location for business in your home. Nice basement, new oil fur nace, fireplace, hdw. floors. Geo. A. .Walters, Realtor 960 S. COMMERCIAL Ph. 2-3849 Eve. 2-5260 . cdl63 SERVICE station tor lease with Inven tory and equipment. Hollywood district United Petroleum. Call EAst 1106. Port land. Ask for Mr. Moore or Mr. Sykes. cd OUT OF TOWN PROPERTY Albany Investment Property. By Owner. Building 1 block long, lh block wide. Concrete and Brick Construction. 'M block from center business district. 2 railroad sidings adjacent. 3 year lease $355 a month. Write PO Box 53. Phone S-F-6 Shedd. Ore. cdl65 RETIREMENT INCOME Well located 15 rm. apt. hae. 5 ren tals plus lge. owners apt. High net re turn on Investment. Well furnished and price reduced. Must Inspect tc anorectal. No Phone information, please. Shown anytime by Strout Realty. 959 s. 12th St. cams GROCERY STORES $6850 Walk-in Cooler, well ecru I., for cutting meat, good flxt., pkg. beer lies. located in Salem on busy st. Down town location $25,000 good clean stock dandy fixtures, cash busl. gross $200,000 yr. Owner retiring Ph. 26680 for appt. ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14 St. cdl66 FURNITURE FOR SALE UNPAINTED furniture, close out WOODROW'S, 450 Center St. prices. d FURNITURE for sale Be boy's bicycle. 3480 Liberty Road. dl63 WINE DAVENPORT and chair. Ph. 2-6662 dl64 wantVdTu UIGHEt'T PRICES paid Phone Glenn at Woodry Auction Mamet Ph 3-5110 da FI'RNITIiRE Household Item wanted. Ph. 3-8558. TRADER LOUIE 3055 Portland Rond da 167 AUCTIONS AUCTION OWNER LEAVING TOWN Real Estate and Furnishings Thursday Evening July 14 Commencing at 7 p.m. sharp. 1985 Ox ford St., Salem, Oregon. The following property: ALL MODERN 4 room home with utility room and shower, wired for elec. range, elec. water heater. Newly constructed Lot 50x100. FURNITURE to be sold first to the highest bidder regardless of price. SO COME buy everything a cheap as you can. Open for inspection , from 12 noon till 7 p.m. prior to sale. B. M. BOONE, OWNER L. J. STANLEY, Auctioneer ddl63 FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE AUCTION Tuesday, July 12, 8 p.m., Glenwood Ball room, 5 miles north of Salem on Port land highway. See Monday' list Includ ing elec. sewing machine, appliances, shot nun, tools, furniture of all kinds. GLEN WOODRY, Auctioneer ddl64 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK TWO GENTLE pinto saddle horses. One child's pony. One lady's St one man's western saddle. 4310 SUverton Rd. el63 OKNTI.E SORREL mare: Good home es sential. Ph. 24280. e!65' FAMILY COW for sale. Ph. 2-3061. el63a LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer, k -C. McCandllsh. 1127 8. 35. Ph. 3-8147. eal79 RABBITS 7-unit hutch. 630 ebl63 WING'S RABITRY needs fryer rabbit. Top prices. 3985 State St. 109F5. ebl77 PETS TROPICAL FISH several kinds. Ph. 3-7321. Rt. 5, box 483 on the McClay rd. 3 miles from Lancaster Dr. Visitor welcomo. ec!67 COCKER PITS, purebred $10 & 315. 1745 Haxer bi. rn. 3-6hb. eciea BEAl'TIFVL Cocker puppies, after 3:30 p.m. 1363 Ruge fCl64 SYRIAN GOLDEN HAMSTERS Educational Wonder Animals from the Holyland. Gentle, clean, cunning, apt. sine pets. Only J 1.50 for hours of fun. Llteraturee. For pets with personality. HEART-O-GOLD HAMSTERY 396 S. 31st Cor. Mill Ph. 2-0638 Glover ecl63 FUEL West Salem Fuel Co 16 IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER END8 OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD. 16-IN. CLEAN NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OH Phone Salem 3-4031 Also pick up wood at 1533 Edgewater St., West Salem ee Oak Weea 1 sue. Bight. Phone Judd 3-3129 Mil FUEL Summer Special Buy your winter fuel bow and save Good screneed sawdust $4.00 unit Good clean block wood S8.00 load Dry slab for furnace $8.80 load Dry edging for cook stove $8.00 load Oregon Fuel Co. - Phone 35533 "1891 PHILLIPS BROS. Old fir, oak. Ph. 68F22. ce TRI-CITY FUEL Fresh cut sawdust. Prompt delivery. Ph 27442. We give S St H Green Stamps Green 16 In. mill wood. ee OLD GROWTH FIR $14 cord. Ph. 3-1705 or 1370 Neebraska Ave. eel74 CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oil. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer End St Block Wood, Ph. 36444 FOR SALE POULTRY RED FRYERS, all sizes. Rt. 7, box 434A. wciain Ave, on auverton Rd. al64 NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thur- aay. rn. n-aaHi. ijee's Hatchery. t PRODUCE RASPBERRIES, Frlgaard'a Fruit Stand, U ml. N. Kelzer School. Ph. 24262. ffl71 LARGE MONTMORENCY cherries. U pick. v. w. oniTBgo an Yucona, rn, J-U44. . ffl63 CHOICE Royal Ann's U pick. Sign 1 ml. on Auburn rd. r canning, 2c Lancaster dr. ff 164 TILTON APRICOTS from The Dalle $1.40 lug. ureen Apple Market. 3 miles on vv. iiifi6. WE WILL have our tree ripe Tilton aprl- iwin iio Aunea on or bdoui JUiy it. runun twiner worg, west Salem. ffl68' HELP WANTED BOOKKEEPER. Exper. some typing, no nnorinana. unaerwooa Dining machine. Box No. 2B9 Capital Journal. g!63 HELP WANTED Sign up now. Need 10 or 15 reliable steady Thornle.is Evergreen berry pick ers. Will start in a month. Joe W. Oppek. Rt. 2, Box 252, Salem. 6 ml. north on River Road, VI ml. west and 40 rods south of Quinaby. gi63 3 ROOM furnished house, country. Rent iree in exenange ror house work and yard work. Wood St water furnished. Middle aged couple preferred. Write box 342 Capital Journal. gl64' MAN OR woman to drive bus to St from bean yard St pick beans during the day. beginning about 1st of Aug. Write Lowell Brown. Rt. I, Turner. gl64 HELP WANTEDMALe""'"' EXPERIENCED Gardner-caretaker want ed. Reasonable salary, attractive liv ing quarter for two. All utilities furn ished. Give references and qualifica tions. Write box 343 Capital Journal. gal65 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED: Experienced orfice girl with knowledge of acct. rec. and accts. pay- aoie. uapitai Journal, Dox No. gbl63 WHY WORRY about layoffs and under pay? You may be Just the person we are looking for to direct our silver pro gram among sponsored girls and wo men. In this full time, steady career, which requires a car, you are really paid what you are worth on a percent age oasis. National advertising and na tional sponsor, plus the guildance of skilled Advisers,' can build the kind of secure profitable future that you want. Don't postpone your future any longer. Write today to L. Boreman, Empire uran uorporation, Newark, New York State, gbl65 WANTED Sales lady In ladles ready to ware dept. Experienced preferred but not -necessary. Good salary plus com mission Apply Montgomery Wards Sz Co. Kb WANTED; Beauty operator. Ph. 3-6327. gb!64 CHRISTIAN m 1 d d 1 e-aged housekeeper ' "iiiwi, uuroin Ave. goio3 NEAT ATTRACTIVE girls for usherett. Appiy in person. Grand Theatre. gb!65 WOMAN OR GIRL for housework. 695 N. Lioerty. uan mornings. gbl63 WANTED SALESMAN LONG NEEDED INVENTION Established Company. Every home, fac tory, store, farm a prospect. Low price, long profit. Exclusive. Fine outfit. No deposit. Information sent Air Mall. Write 151 R. C. Building, Red Comet. Inc., Littleton. Colorado. ggl63 WANTED: Reliable man or woman for Rawieigh business. Easy to sell House hold Product to 1500 families. We help you: supply sales, advertising litera ture all you need. Rawlelgh', Dept. ORG 155-Q. Oakland, Calif. ggl63 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 360 state st Ph 3-1488. gf WANTED POSITIONS Bulldozing & Grubbing Contract or by the hour. L. O. Mitchell Ph. 3-5337. h!66 EXP. AUTO Sz house painting. Free esti mates. Ph. 3-15072. h!74 PLASTERING, PATCHWORK and chim ney building. Ph. 2-4389. Free estimates. h!87 PAINTING, Inside or out. mates. Phone 3-8518. Free estl hl67 WOULD LIKE to train Into a permanent post linn as receptionist St assistant In a dental office or for an optometrist. Phone 2-1626. M67 CARPENTER WK. New. Repair. Ph. 2-2093. hl87 CARPENTER, A-l. fast. Ph. 3-8825. h!77 PUMICE BLOCK expert. Ph. 3-8835. hl77" TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Ins. op. Work guar. W. H. McAllis ter, 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496 hl75 INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 3-6796 hl75 HOUSE WORK by hr. Ph. 8 a.m. 39901 before h!79 Cfr.MF.MT WORK wanted. Ph. 3-4850. n CHILD CARE. 183 S. 18th. Ph. 2-6876. M71" TYPING In my home. Neat work guaran teed. Call 3-3911 day or eve. h!70 WILL CARE for children in my home From I to 5 daily. Ph. 2-0513. M78 Mimeographing-Typing POB'S 665 North 16th. Phone 3-3643. hisi" TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 34 hr. serv ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. h!78 BABY SITTER. Ph. 3-0580. PAINTING & DEC. Expert color harmonising. Ph. 3-7552. M66 CHILD CARE. 1180 Shipping- Ph 3-9934 h!68 WANT HR, WORK. Ph. 3-4767 after 5 hl74 TRUCK SALE New and Used We Have Them All Priced To Sell DUMP TRUCKS 1948 Ford 4-5 yard, 2 speed 8.25x20 tires. 1941 Chevrolet 4 yard, 2 speed, 8.25x20 tires. 1940 Chevrolet 4 yard, 2 speed, 8.25x20 tires. CHASSIS AND CAB 1946 Ford 2 speed, 8.25x20 tires. 1946 Chevrolet 2 speed, 5 speed Clark, 8.25x20 tires. 1942 Ford with stock rack. PICKUPS 1947 Chevrolet 4 speed transmission, '2 ton. 1946 Ford y2 ton. 1948 International Panel. TRAILERS 1 19 ft. semi-trailer, 5th wheel landing gear, lumber roll and apron. Make us an offer. Valley Motor Truck Dept. Union at Liberty Ph. 8-S147 1S1 RESORTS Spend Your Vacation At Breeze Hill Apt. Ocean front, plate glass windows. Strictly modern, elec tric refrigerators, etc. You'll enjoy your vacation Just a little more at Breeze HIU. Write Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hogue Box 66 Taft, Ore. ha!65 EDUCATION DIESEL is going places. Come alongl Pre pare for this good pay trade now. We will personally interview mechanically inclined men. Full information furnish ed no obligation. Wrltee Utilities Diesel Training, Registrar 2521 Shef field, Chicago 14. hhl64 GRAB THIS opportunity. Auto Body- Fender Repair Shops are busy: pay high wage. Trained men are needed; have your own shop when experienced. liable school offers practical training in few hours weekly. Write Auto-Crafts Training, Registrar. 2523 Sheffield, Chi cago 14. hhl64 FOR RENT ROOMS SLEEPING ROOMS, hot and cold water. 401 JN. Hlgn. J 11163 HOLLYWOOD rm. 2035 McCoy. 3-6093. Phone jkl73 ROOMS: Ladles only. Kitchen privilege, 520 Statesman St. jkl67 GROUND FLOOR sleeping room with kit chen privileges, on bus line. To em ployed person or person. Ph, 2-3028 from 6 a. m. to 12. Jkl65' SLEEPING rooms for men. 385 N. 14th. Jkl66a SINGLE SLP. rm. Close in. Private ent. .rn. 37240. jkl3 CLEAN, PLEAS, rm. Some ck. pv. For rent by wk only. Reas. Tel. 37370 after 5 p.m. jkl63 WELL FCRN. sleeping rm. Close In. H&C water, men only. 737 center. JK165 SLEEPING RM. Prlv. ent. On 3 bus lines. Near coffee shop. Ph. 3-9076. Jkl65 FOR RENT APARTMENTS ROOM turn. apt. elect, refrigerator St Stove. Private bath, private entrance. 2-3747. jpl65 NICELY FUNRN. Apt. All elec. Utilities furn. 365 S. 16th. Jpl64 CLEAN FURN. apt. 118 Ruge, W. Salem. Jpl64 UNFURN. 8 RM. apt. Close In. 386 Bcllevue. JPl64 MOD. FURN. Apt. for 2 adults only, Lights, garbage service, hot As cold wa ter. 335 per month. Inquire rear apt. 824 N. Front St. Jpl65 MOD. 3 rm. furn. apt. 643 Union. Jpl64 MODERN 3 rm. apt. Adult, heat, prl. bath. Call 2-1073. Electric JP163 RM. furn. apt. Close In. Share bath. Ph. 37240. jP163 upstairs apt. unfurn. Pb. 34896. Jpl65' 1 RM. furn. apt. Adults. Ph. 38626. West etaiem. JplcS RM. furn. apt. to employed couple or single near State House. 460 N, 13th. 165 RM. furn. Hams Ave. 140 Wll jpl68. 3 RM. APT. Shower, refrigerator. Adults only 1130 Madison. Jpl64 UNFURN. Apt. 2 rm. tit bath 145. 4 rm. Sz bath 160. Refrlg., range, St utili ties furn. 450 S. Capitol St. Ph. 3-9221. JP3 RM. FURNISHED cottage St garage. Hayesville dist. 125. C. E. Andresen. Rt. 7 box 175 Jpl64 ? FURN. APT8. for rent. Ph. 3-7034. 640 N. commercial. Jpl64 1 BDRM. unfurn. apt. Adults. Ph. 3-6853. JP164 LARGE PARTLY Furn. hsekeeplng rm. in basement. Elec. heat. 450 Rooemont. West Salem. Jpl65 NEW APT. 3 rmi. Si bath. Partly furn. i n' jpifij" FOR RENT HOUSES NICE SUBURBAN house. Ph. 2-2374. Jml4 NEW 1 BDRM. King wood Heights view house. Auto heat. Hdwd. fir. Range St refrlg. 165 a mo. Ph. 2-4538. Jml64 BDRM. house, 160. Near Swegle school. Box 68. Jml64 FOR LEASE: Mod. 2 bdrm. house. Furn. apt. m nasement. Ideal family set-up. After 6 p.m. Ph. 35103. ' Jml63 Why Fatten the Landlord BUY A NEW HOME WITH RENT MON EY. 2 Sz i BDRMS., HDWD. FLRS.. ELEC. WTR. HTR.. GARAGE, CITY WATER, SEWER. PAVED ST. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church St. Ph. 2-7643. Re. 2-0126 Jm- 3 ROOM unfurnished modern cottage, all eiectric at renn rour (corners, 1 or 2 adults.' No dogs. 130. Ph. 24304. Jml65a FURN. COTTAGE. 3315 Portland Rd. Jml71 ROOM AND BOARD RM. BOARD. 629 N. Winter. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SPACE, excellent location, espe cially aesiraoie ior aocior or aenttst. 218 North Liberty. Phone2-3923 J164 RENT Singer electric sewing machlna by month in your home. No extra charge for delivery A pickup of machine 16.00 per mo. Ph. 33513. J166 OFFICE spaces and desk apace. Ph. S5flD2. FOR RENT Location for Physician, chiro practor, optometrist and den 1st in new Post Office building in Delake, Oregon. A permanent population of 10,000 to be served, call at 637 E 14th St.. McMlnn vllle for appointment Phone 135. J185 GROUND FLOOR rooms, suitable for of fice or stores. Also alley warehouse with elevator. STATE FINANCE CO. Ph. 34131 U DRIVE truck car Ph 3-9103 POWER TOOL rentals for bom St In dustriai use Bowser Broa Pb 1-3646 TRAILERS. 13.00 per day Howser Bros 1410 S. 13th, West Salem J BUSINESS RM for rent. H. L. Stiff. ) GOOD USED PIANOS H L Stiff FLOOR SANDER rent. Monti omen Ward. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS TO DO a good Job rent a good floor eand er. We aell everything to complete the Job. HOWSER BROS. Ph, I-S. SKIL-TOOL rental service. Vally Farm Store. 4345 Silverton Rd. J178" WANTED TO RENT 8 BDRM. unfurn. house by responsible couple with two children. Reasonable rent and references. Ph. 20784. Jal65" WANTED TO rent by local business man: 4 or more bdrm. house with basement. Have 3 bdrm. south suburban mod. house. Would consider change of rental. Ph. 2-3324. taws- WANTED nice unfurn. house with 1 or 3 bdrms. Ph. 2-0504. Jal63" LADY ALONE wishes unfurn. apt. by Aug 1st In vicinity St. Joseph church. Ph. 3-5535. Ial63" 8 BR HOUSE by July 15th. No children. J a 163 Local business man wishes to lease for one year or longer ft or 6 rm. mod. unfurn. home. Must belouth side of city. Ad ults. Might consider option to buy during lease If desirable. Call 3-4018. Eve. 3-8213. Jal66 nr,uKAi. unrurn, house. 2 responsible adults. No children. To occupy after July 16. . Write Box 291, Capital Journal Jal67 WANTED Christian couple to rent or ue, wnn oasement. Must be close In on a main St. C. L. Dexter. 966 CPiiter Ph. 3-6833. Jal63 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Our big Collie dog, July 4. Swe de Dist. E E. Brandt, Rt. 6, Box 431. Phone 3-1546. rial L-SLIN Salem: Hamilton pocket watch. -X , on dbck. Meward. Paul Bollman, Dajlas. Ph. 3286 collect. kl64 Lusi-UBr iceys in Post Office. W, L. jwmerson Motors on keys. Reward If found ph. 2-3887 or 3-3416. kl65- LOST: Red St white personality glaases. wnniu. tttu a-tudj. ask iot Berntce. MISCELLANEOUS DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bldg. state St Commercial St. ' SALEM Phone 3-3311 m HAVE YOUB SINGER Sewing machine cvairou oj a quaiuied singer represen-taV-e. Ph 8-3513 for free pick up and delivery service on all make of ma chine. Pre 3 estimate given before work Is started. Singer Sewing Machine Co 130 N. Com'l. ?i LES SPRINGER, men' hatter. 464 Court. ,,c "iw oamroaysriz:30. ml82 NEED 3 nice playmate for my two chil dren between 2-5. Under constant sup ervision. 31.25 per day, further informa- BUILDING MATERIAL ROOFING Willamette Valley Roof Co., 20 Lana ave. mal63 ROCKLATH, PLASTER and Stucoo mater-1 v-omiJieie nne. quality material. PUMILITE - West Salem. mal63 si-eviAi,. uedar siding, K"x8". Random lengm. c-graae. isft thousand. Keith Brown. Front St Court St Salem. ma CEMENT MIXER for rent. Ph. 3-0409. tnal6 HARDWOOD flooring, ah grade, from .; . orown. rront St Court bt., Salern. SAVE ON ROOFINO STALLED price on your roofing need. Wide range of color Call our outside 3-319?aD !M f"C Mtlm'tt' P00" MONTGOMERY WARD CO SALEM. OREGON Dll ALUMINUM ROOFINQ 3 ft. width In the following lenxttui Z -74 3.32 3.90 13- 1.41 Ask about Installation aerrice MONTGOMERY WARD CO SALEM. OREGON NEW SHIPMENT plast board H" tkt'i (1.75 rU MONTGOMERY WARD SALEM Cedar Shingles - Shakes May we aupply you with Tillamook Coaat, orange Ronde Inland, and Caa cade Hlah mountain No. 1 ehlnelea, .8.25 ao. No. 3, 15.00. Sldewall ls-ln! shakes painted with undercourse 112 30 an., unpalnted 39.00 so. Ted Muller BuUdlnt Supplies. Ph. Salem 3-1198 !a IN SHEET Rock. Wall board ;e It M In. S'i ft a, m. rock lathe solid sheets 31c yd. Hard water proof wall board It. Used toilets. C. O. LONO Ph. 25831 One Mile North of Kelzer ma!07 STEEL AND Aluminum Window Frames. Casement. Double Hung & Commercial Types. PUMILITE. West Salem. mal3' FIREPLACE MATERIALS Superior Heatform & Bennett-Ireeland llreplace circulators. All fireplace and mansonry materials. PUMILITE - West Salem. ma!63 C,i',?!" BtoCKS foundation Blocka. PUMILITE. West Salem. mais?' CEDAR SHAKES, primed and with under course. 312.80 sq. Plywood for cabinet,, tloorlng and walls. Lowest prices. 1 pan el doora 36.50. 3 & 5 panel doora 35.78 Screen door 36.50. Flrter. 5c per ft C. O. LONG Ph. 35821 OnaMlle North of Kelzer mal86- NURSERY STOCK FUCHSIAS-See thenfin bloom. 180 varle tlea.. Mrs. F. E. Ward. 4380 Cherry rrw.i ., ... mbW FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FILLER brushes. 17(5 Grant. Ph. 3-8337. nl82 DROP LEAF breakfast table & 1 chairs' r.iwr?;',5;k. 30 nil. hot water (Continued on Page 15)