II -. 1 ,t -,l 111... - ... May Ayurvedic physicians don't support their formulas with any real scientific proof. But they invite skeptics to try them and see. For cold drinking water, most Indians still depend on an an cient and ingenious kind of jug called the "chatti." Moisture seeps through the porous earth enware of the jug and evapor ates, and the evaporation chills the water inside. It works as well in the scorching Indian sun as in the shade, You can set a cnatti out doors at noon and in an hour or so the water will be as cool as a mountain brook. Indians use a similar evapora tion principal to cool their houses and offices. Windows and doors are covered with mats of thick, heavy grass known as "khus-khus" and soaked with water. Hot air passing through Fretted by muni Do ai your doctor advises and for quick relief from the burning itch keep handy a jar of soothing Resinol Oint ment. Used by many nurses, and proved invaluable to mothers for over 50 year. Tele-fun by Warren Goodrich "I'll dash ever and look up our next number. That'll fltv party-Una neighbors tlma to mako calls."... And folks can reach you easier, too, if you apace your calls. . . . Pacific Telephone, Beating the Heat Robert A. Todd (above) is shown ad- justing a revolving lawn sprinkler head atop the roof of his Dayton, Ohio, home to cool the inside. An ordinary length of garden hose and sprinkler is used. In preliminary tests the temperature dropped from 92 to 84 degrees. "If you began the spray when the roof is still cool, you've got a head start in whipping rising temperatures," Todd claims. (AP Wire photo) OLD-TIME HOT-WEATHER REMEDIES How They Cool Off in India Give Ideas for Here New Delhi U.R If you can't take hot weather, you might try some home-made heat remedies that were invented in India a long time before anyone thought of electric refrigerators or air condi- Innlne. The treatment, as prescribed by the ancient Hindu medical system known as Ayurveda, calls for buttermilk, lemons, al monds and green mangoes. You start the day with a but termilk drink called "lassi." It is the most popular breakfast drink in India during the hto months, and it's made by whip ping buttermilk, cold water and salt into a white frothy It looks loke a vanilla milk shake and tastes like cottage cheese. Taken in the morning, an Ayurvedic practioner ex plained, it "cools the blood" and "prepares the system." Before lunch you drink a mixture of lemon juice, sugar and water. The summer popu larity of lemonade all over the world is no accident, according to Ayurveda. Hindus believe firmly In the "indigenous cool ing powers" of the lemon. In mid-afternoon you drink a cloudy combination of ground almonds, water and a little sugar. The almonds, soaked and peeled the night before, should be crushed into a paste just be fore the water is added. At bedtime you have a mango shake. This takes more doing. The mangoes should be young and green, and they have to be baked in an oven beforehand. Then the dried meat is crushed and powdered, mixed with sugar or salt (or both) and stirred into a tall glass of cold water.' . r : to Bible Classes Open In Keizer Church Week-day Bible classes got under way Monday at the Keiz er community church and will continue for two weeks. Classes are from 9:15 to 11:45 o'clock with a toy orchestra a feature for beginners and the primary department. Mrs. Jennie Hick man, Mrs. Paul Geil and Mrs, Lee Wiens are in general charge, Mrs. Geil is assisted by Star Hancock with the pre-school age group with Mrs. Walter Woodcock and Iris Woodcock directing the primary depart ment. Gordon Geil and Bonnie Greenwood have charge of the juniors with Mrs. Hickman and Marvin Black the intermediates. Priest Killed by 'Psycho' Negro New Orleans, July 11 (U.R) A 68-year-old priest, member of an order which is devoted to work among Negroes, died late last night of a skull fracture caused by a bludgeoning he re ceived from a "psychopathic" Negro longshoreman. The Rev. Fr. John F. Neifert, priest of the Order of St. Jo seph, underwent an operation Saturday . to relieve pressure from the fracture, but he failed to rally. The aged priest was beaten early Friday morning with a 10 pound cargo hook as he knelt at prayer in the Holy Redeemer church. Police were holding Frank Bates, 42-year-old Negro, who confessed the beating and asked for penance. They described Bates as a "psychopathic" case. The first public showing of a recorded sound motion picture was at ' Schenectedy, N. Y., in 1927. Snapshot Queen "Miss Snapshot" is title bestowed on Jean Roosler of Woburn, Mass., by amateur photogra phers who spent a day snap ping her at Hampton Beach, N. H. them is cooled several degrees. Us S. Ambassador Loy W. Henderson had the American Embassy in New Delih blanket ed with khus-khus coolers this summer, and said he was so im pressed with the results he thought he might try the system at his home in Colorado. Warnings Issued To Protect Bathers Warnings are being placed in the North Lincoln county beach areas for the protection of surf bathers from incoming and out going tides with 12 of the flags being used in the Delake area Red flags indicate an outgo ing tide and bathers are warn ed to keep out of the surf. Yel low flags denote an incoming tide with caution tOjbe shown Dy me earners. Safe swimming is Indicated by a green flag, but this will not be used locally because, accord ing to the coast guard officials, the ocean is never safe unless a life guard is on duty. Flags are located at Taft Heights, Roads End, three in the Oceanlake area, Delake at Can yon Drive, Nelscott, Taft, Glen eden and Lincoln beaches. 'A DREAM COME TRUE' Bob Cummings Has Idea For Practical Bathroom By PATRICIA CLARY Hollywood (U.R) Robert Cummings has designed a new kind of bathroom in his new home which he claims is an answer to an "impractical, non-utilitarian blight on American life.1 Cummings' bathroom of the future has no door between it and the bedroom, has a mirror built out over the sink and in cludes a steam bath, exercise room and workshop. "The bathroom is one of the most important rooms in the house," Cummings said. "People have never given it any thought Embarrassed to mention it to their architects, I guess." Cummings, who plays an In ventor in the Universal-International movie "Free for All," de signed his own bathroom in his new 10,500-square foot mansion. "The average bathroom is a monstrosity in miniature," he he said. "Mine is a dream come true." There are no doors between bathroom, bedroom and dressing room for Cummings. "People shouldn't expose themselves to colds by going from a hot bathroom to a cold Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, July 11, 1949 lS Polio'Victim After Operation Marybelle Reed, 12, rests in the special iron lung flown to Spokane, Wash., by the Air Force from Los Angeles after a throat operation. Marybelle was stricken with polio while vacationing with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Paul Reed of Los Angeles. Attendants pictured beside Marybelle Reed in iron lung are (left to right): Mary Ruth James, Kim Hallemore, Los Angeles respirator expert, and Catherine R. Helbling. HITS NOTE-TAKING bedroom, or vice versa," he said "With no door between, there's not difference in temperature.' The walls of the entire room are of marlite, a white marble. "to get away from the ugly joints and cracks in tile." The worst thing about shaving in Cummings' life is bending to lean over to the mirror.t Cum. mings now has the mirror built over the sink so he stand up straight as he carves. In the wall of the bathroom is Summings' workshop. It pulls down to disclose a workbench with electric drill, soldering iron, vise and vacuum to clean up. ' "My wife always has some odds and ends to be mended, he explained. "I hate to get dressed so I'll just do all my fixit work in this nice comfortable bath room. "If I installed a small grill, I could take my vacations right here." Youngest College Prexy Knocks Education Plans Chicago U.R) The new president of Rollins college, Winter Park, Fla., says that Laurence Olivier is the best teacher of bliake speare of our times." The president is Paul A. Wag ner, an industrial executive. who, at 31, will become tne na tion's youngest college presi dent. Wagner, educated at the Uni versity of Chicago, Yale and Harvard, puts special emphasis on the communication of ideas, in education as in business. "Education must find a way to compete successfully with radio, television, and the mov ies in stimulating the student's interest," he said. "Olivier communicates more and makes the average person more aware of what Shakes peare was trying to get across than many English teachers have succeeded in doing." Wagner proposes that educa tional institutions fully utilize audiovisual methods in "putting the message across" to the stu dents. The role of the college in pre, paring students for taking part in society is a subject that Wag ner has thought about a lot. "What we need is to develop well-rounded and educated stu dents not just specialists in one field or another, he said. "America is fast becoming a nation of specialists. We leave economic problems to the econo mists, political problems to the politicians, and educational problems to educators, while we sit on the sidelines. "Citizenship in the modern world demands general under standing, not only special under standing." The role of the college presi dent, Wagner said, should be Beauty by Chrysler 1 Me3Sm0(yM I f m,,' IP ' "wai.ii ii i s - -v f i - vri - v yvvv zjt hew Worker convkr tibia sedan with Pmlomatic Fluid Dnw Tnaumtnin . . . Dtim mikemi tkUttmg. Beauty In Appearance! Every clean, lovely line has purpose and meaning. Beauty that is useful is the Chrysler idea. A striking line of chrome along the fend- t era may please your eye, k V i but it's there to act as a rub Chrysler design there's a story of common sense and imagination tn engineering. Beauty In Comfort! A chair at home is beautiful if fine design gives it grace and comfort. Chrysler chair-height seats have this kind of beauty, too. Perfectly proportioned for comfort, they seat you at the proper height to see the road and to enjoy your drive. Comfort that has beauty through fine design that's the secret of Chrysler engineering and the relaxing' pleasure of driving a Chrysler. r i Beauty In Performance! You know what we mean the moment you feel the smooth response of the great Spitfire High Compression engine. With Prestomatic Fluid Drive Transmission, driving is wonderfully easy. Start in third, a slight lift of your iot) uaca you inio cruising range, iou rarely touch the gear shift lever. A few minutes in this car gives you pleas- ure it would take a book to describe. Phone for a demonstration today. ofre) Rufd Drlvs You Will Enjoy 435 No. Commercial St. SALEM AUTOMOBILE CO. that of the "chief questioner," asking questions such as "What are we trying to do in this course?" and "Is this really worthwhile?" Like Socrates, Wagner in tends only to ask the questions, not supply the answers. "Obviously, a 31-year-old kid can t tell a professor of abnor mal psychology, for instance how to conduct his class. But I can pose the questions which will help us to improve the course continually so that the student gets the maximum from it," Wagner said. ... The fault with many educa tional programs is that "they fail to get the message across to the student," Wagner said. "Too often a professor simply reads to his class from his notes and the class simply puts them down in their notebooks, "All that happens is that the notes are -transferred from one notebook to another without any of it getting into the stu dent's head. This is card cata- Salem Firm to Build School Contract for the Lyle grade school at Dallas has been award ed Barham Bros., of Salem, on a bid of $227,209 with work to start immediately upon award of the contract by the Dallas school board. It is expected the new building will be occupied at mid-year of the 1949-50 term. Three other Salem firms sub mitted bids, Viesko and Post quoting $233,794; Erwin E. Bat terman, $240,751, and H. G. Carl $240,416. The contract, according to S. E. Whitworth, school superin tendent, will be awarded after the board consults with Francis Jacobberger, Portland architect, who designed the eight-unit elementary plant. Sand, Gravel Strike Hits Valley Towns Corvallis, July 11 (If) Plants producing sand, gravel and con crete products over most of the mid-Willamette valley were shut down today in a dispute with the teamsters union over wages of truck drivers. Affected were firms in Cor vallis, Albany, Lebanon and Sweet Home. Salem plants have been shut down for a week. Spokesmen for the employers here said the wage controversy had been going on since Jan uary, with the companies offer ing a 10 cent per hour wage increase and the union asking 12 Ms cents retroactive to the first of the year. Negotiations with the union are under way in Salem. Within a few days the shut down is expected to halt most building operations using the af fected materials. S : PLUMBING 5; CONTRACTING ;! J Featuring Crane !! and Standard Fixtures .J Call 3-8555 Salem Heating & ;? : Sheet Metal Co. 1085 Broadway !! FREE ESTIMATES ! W".:".".".".".".".:".".:::.::.::.".".::.i' logue memorizing, not real learning. "What I want to do is to stim ulate the student's interest In American political, social, and economic trends, not fill him full of useless Information." 7 I ALWAYS RECOMMEKf Johns-Danville ASPHALT SHINGLES You get long life, fire protection and good looks when you choose J-M Asphalt Shingles. There are colors and styles to meet every choice. Ask for a free estimate. 10-Year Guarantee Nothing Down and Up to Three Years to Pay MATHIS BROS. ROOFING CO. 164 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-4641 Keep your Furs looking fresh and glossy. Place them now in our fur storage vaults. AGAINST PROTECTION MOTHS FIRE BURGLARY HEAT - . DR. PAINLESS PARKER Dentist DR. PAINLESS PARKER MliM EMU 15 Months to Pay IMMEDIATE RESTORATION . . . enables yotf to wear your plates IMMEDIATELY after teeth are extracted. NOW you don't have to go toothless while waiting for Dental Plates ! Modern, convenient "Immediate Restoration Service" eliminates the em barrassment and annoyance of "Toothless Days" prevents loss of valuable time from your job. Ask Your Dentist NO APPOINTMENT IS NECESSARY Come to the office when convenient for an ex amination. Credit terms apply to all types of dental work ... Plates, Extractions, Fillings, Crowns, Inlays or Bridgework. Get needed dental work NOW., .use your CREDIT. DR. L B.WARNICKER Manager Now associated with Dr. Painless Parker, Dentist 125 N. Liberty Street Salem, Oregon Salem, Ore. DR. PAINLESS PARKER Dentist 125 N. Liberty Street, Salem, Oregon Telephone Salem 3-8825 Offices in Eugene and Portland also in all principal Pacific Coast cities V