12 Capita Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, July 11, 1949 Worhmf as a ICMON.' OPEN UP, T FISHINGS FINE! BEFOfiM JUST A MINUTE) - f ID BETTED GET RID OF THESE - specurunitr- STEVE -1 WANTA TALK THf Mir MX T7UF m ilftL " -J OGAQETTES I TOOK OUT WHEN I HID M averment tor TO VOJ ABOUT MONEVJHr THE WATER GET P''SS M CAMEPA IN THE PACKAGE t r- T the -EASY MONEVJ O) STRIKE THAT'S THE J, B&iV"3l Wit it - " 1 - Secnt Senna, r tt C fgS-, BABY WHO 1 ';! fc" rr- " STEVE I ( T&4 BOUGHT A RIH6 iUjU A PU3ruftl J V ROPER I )) from mv ml Jf K'f . fl3 RADIO PROGRAMS Only the Brave By PAUL EVAN LEHMAN . MONDAY P.M. KGW .2 K0C0 T KSLM ISM HBO (Chapter 38) Connie sped to the back of thi Itable on winged leet. Her neai. was thumping madiy. her checfc. were hot and tiie tears on he. laahes were tears of Joy. Chuck dear, dear Chuck I She seized the shadow which wat Jeff by an arm. clinging to It tight ly. "You must go at once. Jeff. When this thing's settled you can come back. You must come back!" "Connie, I can't go until some things are clear to me. How do you know I'm not guilty?" "Because I know who isl It's ' Bhe stopped. "Yes. Slug Benjamin, of course. I've got to find him, get the truth from him. And if he won't con fess, I'll prove that he murdered John Stover by that broken shoe on his horse's left hind foot." She could not hide her distress. "Jeff. I wish you wouldn't. It's not safe to stay near Cougar; It's only a matter of little time be fore they find you've gone." "T'vfl ant to. Connie." "If you stay, I'll stay with you," (he said iirmiy. ' wnere are you going to look for Slug?" "I've a hunch I can locate him through Mike Pacheco. Mike knows all the riff-raff in and around Couaar. He took her arm and they went out the rear entrance and turned to follow a course parallel with the alley. They were behind Pa- eheco's saloon, "I've got to get him out here, laid Jeff. "But how?" "I'll get him for you. I can send aomebodv in to tell him that man is waiting In the alley for him." Jeff got the gun which Chuck had put in the saddle bags, and with it In his hand went to the back door of Mike's Place. The door swung wide and Mike Pacheco stood limned in the en trance. "Who ees?" he said, and stepped outside. Jeff reached out a long arm and clutched him by the shirt collar. He Jerked Mike away from the en trance and kicked the door shut. "Not a peep out of you, Pacheco," he warned. He heard light footsteps behind him and turned his head. "It's me," came Connie's voice. They entered the building which was partly filled with empty beer and whiskey kegs. "Where's Slug Benjamin?" "Wat you wan' weeth heem?" "I'm going to pin a few mur ders where they belong." "Slug ees not keel Tolson or Stover. I swear eetl" "If he can prove that, he has nothing to fear from me." "I'm take you to heem I" Mike stepped Into the alley and turned to the left. Jeff followed closely, still gripping him, and Con nie marched beside Jeff. Mike pick ed his way along the alley for some fifty yards, stopping behind a dark ened cabin. He gave a peculiar rap on the door and almost Instantly Jeff heard the noise of a bar being removed. The door opened. "That you Mike?" It was Slug Benjamin's voice. Jeff couldn't see the man, but he knew Slug was standing Just with in the doorway, Slug spoke again, and there was ludden suspicion In his voice, "Who's that with you?" Jeff gambled, With one swift motion he thrust Pacheco aside and leaped through the doorway. His arms went around a bulky body and the two of them staggered back into tne darkness. The suddenness of his assault took Slug off guard. He whirled the fellow around and brought his gun barrel down on Slug's head. He sagged to the floor. "Light the lamp, please." The wick caught and the shad ows drew back. Slug lay on the floor, but his lens moved slightly. Pacheco stood wide - eyed and cared. Connie had drawn the thirty-two-twenty Colt she usually car ried. "Sit down on the bunk, Mike," Jeff directed, and Mike obeyed. Connie watched him closely, her gun still in her hand. Slug RToaned and opened his eyes. For a few seconds they gaaed at Jeff without the light of recog nition In them; then Slug abrupt ly sat up, his hand feeling for his gun. "I took your gun," Jeff told htm. Get up and sit in that chair." Slug slowly raised himself. His ,aze was on Jeff. He backed slow y to the chair and sat down. Jeff pressed his question home while .he man was still groggy, "Slug, you killed Sam Tolson and John Stover, didn't you?" The effect of this was electric. Slug's torpor vanished and he got up from the chair. "No, by Ood irey! That's a lie." Jeff stood before him accusing ly, the Colt pointed at his heart. "I tell you I didn't do itl" cried Slug. "You're tryln' to make me own up to it to save that skunk of a brother." Jeff made a threatening motion with the gun and Slug went on de fiantly. "Go on and cock your gun I I ain't goln' to confess to somethln' I didn't do. I shot Orub. yes; shot him before he could kill me. And I squeezed down a mite too hard on that night deppity of John Stover's. But it was that louse of a Glenn Gleason that fixed it so's I could escape. Why? So's he could blame me for the dirty Jobs he aimed to do!" "You're lying like a dog!" cried Jeff, and the hand which held the gun was shaking. Jeff turned his gaze on Connie. She was watching him. her eyes clouded with pain. He said. "Connie, you must not believe this. You Just can't. No matter what Slug savs. the man who did those murders rode a horse with a broken shoe. I'll bet my life we'll find that horse be longs to Slug." Slug cried, "You crazy? You think I'd carry an advertisement like that around with me? For weeks? Good Godfrey. Tvlerl Mv hoss is In the shed out back; go out and ex amine his shoes for yoreself. (To Be Continued) 3010 jS, SIZB f Mh?) 'I PATTERN No. R2737 Dottle Dm-klinr These flrlni-nhlel rieslfms are fun to embroider nnri thp stitches are simple and the colors gavi you i want to mnkc several sets of towels, for Dottle Duckling is me Dene 01 an snower parties ana Dazaars. Pattern Envelope No. M737 con tains hot-Iron transfer for 1 de signs, color chart, stitch Illustra tions, material requirements and emDroidering directions. To obtain tne pattern tend JOc in i;uiN3 giving pattern number vour name, address and Bone num ber to Peggy Roberts. Capital Jour nal, 828 Mission Street. San Fran cisco 3 Calif. ja In Smart Sheer Choose one of the resilient sheers for this lovely I young dress with the more sugges tion of a sleeve. The slim walsted basoue dlDs becomlntrlv In back. (To! make a slip order No. 2902, sup pat tern cut in sizes 10. 12. 14, 18. 18. 20. 36, 38. 40. No. 3010. dress pattern Is cut In sizes 10. 12. 14. 16 18. 20. Size requires 3 yds. 39-in. fabric. (Two separate patterns?. Send 26o for PATTERN with Name. Address and Style Number state size desired. SUMMER is the time for nrettv styles the Fashion Book the place k una tncin. Kvcrytning you need for that wonderful two weeks wlth pay, plus plenty of charming and wearable fashions for town, country, home. The SUMMER FASHION BOOK brings you over 150 Dattern designs ior an ages ana occasions, and all designed for easv sewlna.l rrice just m cents, urner your oopy now. Address Capital Journal. 652 Mis sion St.. San Francisco 5, Calif. o 1 1 . i vr n i 1 1 1 I jjji iji 1 ' 7-11 Csics o.ri O O nim$& ( yeah? snoopers! scmmVTmsm-weI LETiffi off, eh? ""1 VOO MEON "TO BK I'VE 7 WEIU.THEWE W SPENT A FEW MEASLY I I THINK IIP I6NT THrtT CO560NE THAT REMINDS ME K CJOTTA ACCOUNT FOR EVEW JUST ABOUT DONE 1 THOUSAND O' TH HUNDRED I THEVUL LET t I Big OF 'EM ! WHO I THEY SWVOU MUST 9 D PENNY fVE SfiEtfT ALREADY, . THE ACCOUNTING 9 MILUON-SO WHAT NOW? I YOU OFF f tj I FOUND THAT MONEV. OPEN THE CAVE I YT rH NY? THAT'S THE 1 VSEfiM ,NOW IF.t MA.U 1 I POOR WILBUR-HE DOESVItl I HERE COMES WILBUKl J WAV IT GOES. J WILBUR NEBBS DOOSH J I EVEN KMQW WHETHER OR J NOW -HE SAID HE'D 94 THE SUV WHOl COULD REALLV Jf I MOT THAT WAS OIL HE J MEET US PDR LUNCH L I T DONT CAREABOUTM SO TO TOWM-JBSt I STRUCK AND THE ll AFTER HE SOT THE 1 ru MOKlEV ALWAYS fiv--T J WHOLE TOWN ISSPEHOV I "rw CHEMISTS REPORT ! 1 I Irll iT-V Tf I J? INS HIS MONEVJ ,, ; E iM Uffik '" ' r r Y ' fv? v ! i ir WE HkYEkfV ENOUGH HOW I "V "- I I POWEB TO RESIST ABOUT II I HOOKIO tTfT rr7TT 1 I - f i ) ST5 I I IT.T-WE'LL BE BUCWM lTRYING J 17 WHATEVERy( , , I 1 W K nlMIIPMni 1 r 1:1 JSIidUl ?, - I I .THIS IS FUM PLAYING S I cno VOI l AH VES.50N. IWy BEEN IN THE MUTT f OM. MV GOSH I '.J I Of f I LA WITH POPS 60LFCLUBS. J KrlOW THAtTtHAT'S A VERY PHJ? FAMILV FOR YEARSUVEHll My CLUBS i I J I 3U I .. OH-OH WHAT 5 I VASE ON (HISTORICAL MCAn HANDED POWN fTTU ATS grltt Mi, tTUtt f JXlt 0O6GOHE IF FT DON'T I I AND THAT MAN IN THE CAVE VWELL, I'LL BE A I I THAT SETTLES IT I'LL TAkTE OUR r TIx BEAT ANVTHIN6 I EVER I I HE KNOWB THOSE TViO AdCVI I PK5EON-10EP VWRO ABOUT THE CAVE.' IF THEM 0 HUtsi,.mte,"ewnui HEARD OF." I CAN SEE WEN AT THE RANCH WE H6ARP SOPHER.' THAT5 HOMBRES IE IN CAHOOTS, WE'D BETTER 7 MAXIN6 IT UP ABOUT THE CAVE AND 1 you ANT KIDDIN1.' S HIM TALKING "ID THEM ON A WHY" THEy" HAD 6ET BACK TO THE RANCH CCWE II THE COVERED WAGON J IF XX) WANT A. RADIO.' J ' TO HAVE THAT ON.' THE HORSES'LL HAVE TO X 7i n ' ilia.ih ma 1 1 1 . s i i : - zrj 1 i 4 crrr irDvm I - -a-agSg-Tll Ifarr II Ij COMPANION TO unuotii cuaiii ruc BUT VOU'Ll KEEP 'nV n ,., ,. Mf ?. . t THI1..C lT'Wti7tniKii I A YOUNG ARTI4T, If KNOWN COULDN'T FOOL KM THIS- -THI6 MARRIAGE vjii ri RF WIAI i I TO LIKE TO RUSH IN AND SAV."BlE5i A J tl BEBlLACROSSE. II YOU ABOUT WHAT WA P PROJECT--A SECRET ..mnTILVOUR i'-T VOU.MVCHIlDRENl--AND MAY VOUR At j I M MART VIEWS UN- II ON MV MIND. - ai'mi'iI J SON IS BETTER h ilC0 l?? , Tt. PULL 2C . EASILY THE GROW- mt.WRTH! rSjrli0, E" A ADJUSTED TO Lgk-'JOV AS YOUR FIRST! yABK J ''1 51 r.tU. Uwb Jr. W..' Stent Bhylhw inck Crt Mw It lnk BeMiw Sbom hflh Banc tltlto Shaw M Paulu rr4 Newi Bla Crwfcj Bn ml Pralrl. M Mule H. V. mitubiri St Larry U8ur m M TA Drak Hailsal SalrM Candltllht Bn Manln L At Te4 Drake MaiUal Salrca BUter Bandi en Farade 1: AdT. f Cbanplaa Velee af Na Chel Baalley J Curly Bradley Flreitene Treptcana Newa 7: Gabriel Healler Telephone Hear Pa O'Brlea Leare It ta Joaa la Nartkweat Neve Telephone Bear Bandstand Leave It la Jeaa t Mule Jane Pickens Duf.ul Depc Breakfast Wltk M Hasle Jane Plekena Baseball Barwi 8 04 Anerleasi Fornm Centented Rear Baseball Straw Hat Can. :1a American Feraa Contented Hoar Baseball Straw Hat Can. :4a Clseo Kid Badla City Baseball Chloagoans ;M Cisco Kid . Flaybeasa Baseball Chleatoana 9:00 Let Ocorce Do It Sapper Club Baseball World Tenlaht ;lft Let Oeorca Da It News of World Baseball Orebestra :80 Tbe Saint One Man's Family Baseball Younc Hate :4a The Saint One Man's Family Baseball Talent Stoats sj a :H News News News Fla Star Final lfl:l Select Leeal News Sports Pats Final Track 1490 Inner Sanetaas lyrliaO News Orchestra Traek 1400 Inner Sanctum Musle Orchestra Track 14P0 Let's Dance n:00 Fulton Lewis, Jr. H"rM Traek 1490 Serenade :1A Bob Poole Show Waa Muscnm Track 1480 Yon and World :80 Bob Poole Show Wax Museum Traek 149 Orchestra This Day Wai Museum Track HBO News H:W Sign OH alrn OH glp Off wlleat TUESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4;45 P.M. 6:00 News Hodte Podio News id Dawn Patrol nodie Podge KOIN Klock SO NW Farm Newa News ' KOCO Klock KOIN Kleek :45 March Time Hodio Pedge KOCO Klock KOIN Klock 7:00 Dawn Patrol Farm Time Tci Bitter KOIN Klock I Dawn Patrol Farm Time New A Spurts News :S0 Dawn Patrol The Old Songs Top o Hernias News :4ft News News News Fred Beck iob Nowi Smooth Music Western Melodies Consumer News ;IB Breakfast Gam Smooth Musle Western Melodies Art Baker :SU Breakfast Gang Riders of Sage Stars Sins: Eobcrt Lewis :4ft Top Trades Sam Hayes Church In Wild Robert Lewis 9:00 Bargain Counter Second Cup Time for Melody Feature Story :1ft Morning; Special Second Cup Time for Melody News :80 Sons el Pioneers Jack Berth Musle Wltboul Grand Slam :46 Musle iews J. Charles Thomas Rosemary . I a :00 Northwest News' Tommy Dorsey Coffee Cup Wendy Warren 111 l& KaU S.ulth Tommy Dorsey N.W Retort Aunt Jenny 111:30 Pastor's Call Tommy Dorsey Concert Miniature Helen Trent !-45 0hartle Sphrak Tommy Dorsey Concert Miniature Our Gal Bandar asj :00 News Lopes Orchf GU, Big Sister l ift Three Sons Lopes Orch. GI" w Ma Perkins U:fl6 Wiles OrganaL Today's Children Was Dr. Malane ": Walts Serenade Brighter Day Glass Wax Guiding Light fla9:00 Top Trade Doable or Nothing Hollywood Muslo Dunean" MrLeod" "l ift News Doable or Nothing Hollywood Mnsle Come A Get It j :I0 Queen for a Day News Npwi Nerab Drake 4 :ft Queen tor a Day Light at World Ted Dale Presents Brighter Day 1:00 Ladies Firsl Life Beautiful Melodies 2nd Mrs. Burton lo Ladies First Ma Perkins Mac's Melodies perry Mason :S0 Nortbwrst News Pepper Young M,e' Melodies pt O'Brien Show 46 Bob Eberly Show Happiness Mac's Melodies Alr-flo r, iM Tell Neighbors Backstage Wlfo Me's Melodies Newspaper of Air Ulfl Johnson Family Stella Dallas Mc' Melodies Newspaper of Air , :S0 Organ Reyerles Lorenso Jones Mao Melodies Winner Take All ksa:4ft Hint Sings Widder Brow Mac's Melodies Tunefully Yonrs 4t :( Asnlnss tbo Storm A Girl Marries Mm'b Melodies News mJ, :ia Against the Storm Portia Faces Life M,e' Melodies Meet the Missaa .1):S0 Muslo Just Plain Bill 1Uc' Melodies Meet tbe Missus J 'At Musle Front Page Farrell Mac's Melodies Arthnr Godfrey 4:00 Say It With Music Welcome Trayelers Women's Pago Arthur Godfrey 15 Say It With Music Welcome Travelers Phtlojopher Arthnr Godfrey 30 Songs of Tlmo Aunt Mary Spotlight Musle Arthur Godfrey , :4B News We Love Learn Spotlight Musle Arthnr Godfrey DIAL LISTINGS: KEX 1190: KOAC. 550 KClAC Monday P.M. (Jpboat; 5:50, If CY Mndl1' 6:00, Sejalrrel IX LA cage; 5:30, Green Hornet; 0:00, Keeping Up With Sport; 1:15, Homo Edi tion; .6:30, .Modern .Romance: .7:00, Edwin O HU1; 7:19. Elmer Davlsi 7: SO. President; 8:00, Lone R anger 1 8:110, Dream Girl; 8:45, Arthur Gaeth-0:OO( Railroad Hour! 9:30, Ella Mae Morse: 9:45, Henrv J. Taylor! 10:00. Richfield Report er: 10:15, Intermetxoi 10:80, Concert Heart II :0, Memo to Tomorrow; vtim, Aira Houri 1:00, Sign Off. 1:00. Early Bird; . Band Bozi 7:80, I 7:45, Time Tempos 8:00, The Stars Sing; 18:15, Martin Agrlnskyj 8:30, Zeke Man- ntrsi 8:45. Tronloana: 9:00. BreaRiast Clubt 10:00, Newst 10:15, Stars of Today; 110:30, Kay ttyscrs tioueget mm, xcu Malonet 11:15, Galen Drakei 11:30, My I True Story t 19:00, Betty Crocker; 18:15, Newst 12:30, Baukhage Talking! U:49, I Club Time) 1:00, North westerners i 1:80, 1 CV Tuesday A.M.- fb 7:00, Newst 7:15, On the 550 Sports Clubi 0:00, Newst 0:15, Dinner Melodies i 0:30, Musle of Cseoboslovaklat 7:15, Evening Farm Hourj 8:00, The Beaver Talet 8:15, Great Songst 8:45, Loggers' Fire Weather Foecast; 9:00, Musle That Endurest 9:45, Lift Up Thy Volcei 10:00, Newst 10:15, Serenade) 10:45, News) 11:00, Sign Off, lAAT raesMv am. in 0:45 p.m.l " wnV 10, Newsi 10:15, Far Women t 11:09, Concert Hallt 12:00, Newst U:15, Noon Farm Honrt 1:00, Rlde'em Cowboy; 1:15, Variety Timet 1:30, Melody Laaci 2:00, Cvalcade of Dramat X:16, Memory Book of Musloi 3:00, The News. Kay West: S:M, Breakfast In Hollywood; 8:30, Easy Acssi 3:46, Myrt and Marget 3:00, Surprise Packagat 8:30, Bride anal Groomt 4:00, Welcome Travelers) 4:80, -Art Llnkletter Briar Injures Eye Zena Elmer Terril has a badly injured eye which was penetrated by a briar when he was cutting growth from a fence row. At last reports the condi tion of the eye was improving. ACROSS 1. Existence 4. Complete cot l&tloni 8. Dronea Smooth: comb. form 13. Chief 15. Article 16. Spike of corn 17. Eternity 18. Note of the scale IS. Woman' weapon 31. Turkish title 22. Part of a bridle SI. ram in Ins) name 14. Evergreen tree 25. Intertwine 26. Cereal 27 Small barred 28. Harmonised 39. Tran agression 30. Undermine 3L Hurried 34. Floor covering 35. Tears of one's tits) 28. Land measure 29. Sport 40. Point 41. Boil on the eyelid 42. Rainy 43. Odor 44. Jumbled type 45. Manner 46. Deep hole 47. Perform 48. Verdant through the winter 51. Pronoun 52. Writing table 53. pull suddenly 54. Depiction of the beautiful A oBa s s e m at E s )CE 5 BJBE lisl MORON CQT READ OP A UQP A CHR A N T E TON0MOL EST S M A N6 R O V E Sj AlP 3k J& B E C Ejp A 5Y s1ethUp1osUe1pIaIr Solution of Saturday's Puzzle DOWN 1. Click beetle 2. Number 2. Thus 4. Mineral print L Makes mistake :"' ' p p m lFp 1 1 1--wrl rrr 7- . Palm illy 1. Ei press contempt f. Hebrew measure I. Toward the source of a stream 10. HI will 1L Due for ap pointment 14. Affectedly shy 16. Age 20. Corroded 21. Large 22. Forbid 24. Swamp 25. Cut off 27. Young goat 28. Children's game 29. Understand 30. Orb of day 31. Grated 32. Bnergetle . 33. Shout 34. Deep track 35. Copy 38. Grammatical sex distinc tion 17, Obtain by compulsion 39. Carry across water 40. Behave 42. Peruke 43. Kitchen ap purtenance 45. Large flat boat 48. Write 49. Plural ending 60. Babylonian deity SL Exclamation ROOM AND BOARD Bv Gen. Ah.rn . THE EARL SOLD 75 OF THE CORERS TO A LUNCH COUNTER WHERE HE EATS, AND THE OWNER IS GOING TO GIVE THE WcfcNEc'rU A FRANKFURTER. BAKES IN A. POTATO "THE FEATURE BILLING ON HIS MENU.'- ARLW-I THINK HE SHOULD GIVE ME A COURTESY MEAL OR. TWO EACH WEEK, EH 7 THAT 5 UP TO HIM BUT DON'T SPOUT auv np rt id VEST-POCKET LAW UN HlV " THE FRANKFt IRTPO AND POTATO ARE FREE AGENTS IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN if