i 8 Capital Journal, Salem, Only the Brave By PAUL EVAN LEHMAN i (Chapter 27) j "Hank made compact parcel of , her purchases. She paid him ana went out. cnucx was not in signi. The dim shape ol the Town Hall I stable loomed up on her left. She ) rounded the building and went I through the back door. A shadow ; appeared before ner and l-iiucke ; VQice saia, -vonnier !,'Yes." s i'Got the stuff? Good. My hoss : 1 In the end stall. Tie the bundle ; behind the saddle. Then stay right ' there. You hear me? If things ' don't go wrong, I'll be back here pretty soon with Jeff Tyler. You ' still aim to keep yore bargain?" , ilYes." Her voice caught, but : one said it. Vjr the first time she heard him chuckle. "Said I always got what I wanted, didn't I?" She didn't answer that. "What are you going to do?" "Try my luck at throwin' tones." Jeff sat on his bunk In the Town Hall jail. There had been no visi tors. Jeff was forced to the con clusion that Frothingham had not delivered his message to uienn; and, ' as he thought over his own pre carious position, even his courageous nature came close to despair. B Glenn would only cornel He could assure the bov that his se cret was safe and have him change the shoes on his horse. Then he could tell about those tracks on the creek bank, could prove by them that another was present and at. least raise some doubt as to his own guilt. When one got right down to the heart of the problem, it was plain to see that Slug Benjamin held the key. Force the truth from Slug and the pendulum of public opinion must swing abruptly the other way. But the search for Slug woutd be neglected now, aban doned perhaps, because men thought that they had the culprit safe. Their sympathy would be with Slug as a man who had borne the stigma of another's misdeeds. He heard the grate of a key in the lock. Ed Wade came In, gun in hand, looked sharply at Jeff, then came over and tested the cell door. It rattled, but was se curely locked. Ed let his gaze roam over tne interior or the cell, then turned away. Jeff said. "Did Bill get word to Qienn yet?" "Bill's been right busv. There was a mob outside yellin' for your oiooa ana ior a wnne it looked like they might get it." "I've got to see Glenn. Ed, get Rrord to him Just as quick as you san." "I'll tell Bill," promised Wade, ind went out. He heard a little ping as a stone same through, and he caught It before it could strike the floor. Tied about It was a string. He drew In the string, turning nls head and cocking his ears to ward the door. He saw the some thing tied to It had caught against the bars. It was the blade of a hacksaw! Jeff kept hauling In the string, winding It about his hand as he did so. The other end was tied through the honda of a lariat. This too he drew Into the cell, collinpr It swiftly. Climbing up on the bunk, he went to work. There was n time to work cautiously; he had to get out of there before the mob returned. He sawed through four ACROSS IS. Mountain i Closing mini- !" cal meaure . w yonilm i. Animal's foot 88. DlaturbH 40. And not 42. So. African ferry ooat 48. Tropical trees 47. Sinn) soft maaa 80. Bovorafte 61. Alphabet book fi3. Mexican coin 65. Animal of the deer family EC. Canal In New York state B7. Son of Adam 8R. Dowry 89. Biblical tower DOWN 1. Shorten! x: Flaut IX Rubber trow 13. Wins 14. Silkworm lit, Motlerato 18. Gelid II. Annameie measure 10. Convenes 2H." food staplo 11. Long narrow Inlet IK. Feebleminded 28, Part of a tire it East Indian - vine 88. Moccasin 15. Hindu urlncees '--r-T w r r if N-HJ '7 J p55 53 P55 W" jiWj pPP is pr n i IR2838 rasT Dolly Here Is the heirloom lolly so many readers have been valtinir to knit. Made of either Inen or cotton the finished dollv ncasures einht inches In diameter. !asV knlttliiR, even for a novice nd the finished piece Is so lacy iveryone loves ltl Pattern Envelope No. R2838 con alna complete knitting instructions, Oregon, Saturday, July 9, 1949 of the bars close to the lower sill. then almost through the four near the top of the window. Strong, steady pulls on the nearly severed bars broke them off with but little noise. The rope was a forty-foot one; he slid the ends one on each side of a sound bar and paid out tne siacK until it was ai gone. Hon ing the string into a wad, he put It into a pocket with the stone, The blade he stuck beneath his shirt. He slid to the ground, land ing in the dark alley. He pulled on one end of the lariat and the rope came free of the bar and fell at his feet. A vague shadow stood near him. The shadow spoke In a low voice. "Come along and maice it quietl" Jeff sucked In his breath sharp ly. Chuck Gale I He followed the other across the alley and Into the stable. Clear to the far end tney waiKed. Another shadow gilded from the last stall, "Jeff I" The second shadown hurled it self at him and he automatically opened his arms to receive it. "Conniel What in the world are vou doing here?" "Chuck's horse is in that stall. There's a rifle and blanket roll on the saddle. Go. Jeff. Don't wait." Connie and Chuck had gone to the front of the stable and were talking in low tones. He couldn't hear what they said. He waited. Connie had told him to go, but he wanted to talk to her again. Chuck was standing Just Inside the front entrance, his hawklike gaze on the blackness outside, when she tolned him. "He gone?" Chuck asked with out turning. "I told him ont to wait." "Still aim to keep yore bargain?" "I gave you my word." The tears came, but she woould not let him know she was crying. "You love him?" She knew whom he meant. "Yes." "Yes." "And still you'd marry me?" "Yes." He chuckled a low. rasping chuckle deep In his throat. Then he spoke, and his voice was dry and hard. "Well, you won't. I'm . releasin you from yore promise." She couldn't believe it. "Chluckl" "Uh huh. You know I told you the other day that when I want somethin' I always get it. I want ed you. well. 1 got you. you prom ised to marry me and you would 'a.' You were mine for two hours. Reckon I've kent my rec ord for gettln' what I want." You release me? you won't Oh, Chuck I" Her voice was low and thrill ing. Impulsively she stepped for ward, drew down his head and kissed him on the lips. Chuck sprang back as though She had struck him. Huh I" he exclaimed. And then again, "Huh!" He put his fingers to his lips, caressed them lightly. Then, as though he must find relief for his emotions In violent action, he grin ned her by both shoulders and shook ner roughly. "Now get him outa here! Go on, dang It! Get him out!" He released her abruptly, spun on his heel and walked out Into the night. (To Be Continued) Solution of yesterday's Puzilt I. Genua of ollvea S. Member of a certain po litical party 4. Serpent 5. Vegetable) 6. Alack 7. Irripnt 8. Myself U, Seed covering 10. Cereal U. Uttera 16. Kecelve a salary 17. Give forth 21. Unproductive 23.' Kind of tea 25. Wittlclam 2fi. Poem 37. Eccentric rotating piece 3. Toward the riding Bun 30. Insect 31. Apart: prefix 34. Rus.tliin coltii! variant 37. Irmen character 39. Miss from one'g possession 41. Itlchly dreuud 43. Charts 44. On the sheltered Bide ifi. Cozy home 46. Unit of light velocity 43. Melody 4fl. Stalner S2. Scotch river 64, Exclamation 7-? material remitrementa. stitch Illus trations and actual slr picture of nony, To obtain trie pattirn send 30c IN COINS nlvlns pattern number. your name, address and zone num-l ber to Pewry Roberts. Capital Jour nal. 828 Mission Street, San Fran- cuco 3, Cam, IS I ! If ? W E Ilk AW cika IbMi A elf iAjWNHM E tH a In dJy lo RlX Ha IMa yE3 cJjT wTjo dbT e sm OAS ifsllA Sp"F Npa 35 A cJt or r a eTs IJo oe yvfElio Vl Wt STefEUwpUpEl.lTA I "BO" KAY- VOU HEA0D "BFAVFC" SAY WF M VP AH- WHV-? T HF WFMT INTT) TWP 1 fvi ". II 1ST HADPFMCO 7T) NTSTirp "HI1H?-SUPE . WANTED ANOTHER PHOTO6RAPHER?-WELL, V7 fLMS HOTEL A BUT YA COULD TELL ME EVERYTHIN6 EXCEPT A FELLA TELLS ME ONE CAME CUTA S V I MINUTE AGO-i JUST HOW MANY FILLINGS HES GOT IN HIS BACK T AUGIE'S BAR. JIST BEFORE I WENT IN- BIG,. APPEHED TO NOTICEI TEETH-WAIT HERE ' r TOUGH GUY, TbO-WTTH A RECORD-, 4 jkM ' J5g T 7 HJ? M ,iwSjB! I 1 CHEESY BLM? ffiJ ffl IdHZMttiA ifM-rl : IjLi r., n jSmpT iTfflffi' Nil FIRES ' , Jfi,, WU vc.1 -vri i-Jjr?. ' . K.V 7 h, V rV-N 4 W wwm 1 7-9 IcrT; ,,. ,,.,,. h. , I ' ANoepooH O . r m!wiiw1mI f ujHV, HUNDREDS O" TH'Y' ( lyf BUT YUH SAY, CSH-H-HDONTSBT O HUMDREDS O THCXJSflNDS O' DOLLARS I OWE H "TOUGHEST CROOKS IN TH' WORLD TTC LAW, YOURSEU; NOBODY KNOWS 60 DCOTeD, ANNIE " i ALREADY-CHICKEN FEED, IF I OOULO GET 1 COULDNT GET IT- BUT THS I ANNiey-" UtHT TH" LAW 18 ON A REMEMBER TPS ONiy P ffT THAT CtfWG BUT THOSE TWO CHARACTERS I I QUYS CALL OUT TH'figMY- fy. DEAL LIKE THIS-WHAT MONEY-" FOUND H TTET S RK3HT HPWE HSy GOT?' MONE T THAT" If OO VOU SUPPOife f 1 WOULUNT KMOW, FAMNV.-l' IS IT SOOO Y'COURSE IT'S I DOWT BE V If YOU LiLiSJl Jit could be oil lorn never caw tell what J to strike sco,yoo mpe) sore, Jwant r jo1--. r I f THAT WILBUR VWILBUR WILL COME UH si. lOlLUAULiy Iweu. oc J yy- Zty?zi "-l I I V. STRUCK RUDY?Jrv WITH NEXT- rT-i Sv UT MILLIONAIRES J WE HAVE) BE -MV WILLIE h I KRuuvv, r-vH :jQ-renmn!j to wait can do any- J ri. 1 Y T1 I NOTHATONtsTnKE: IN CASE. l WO.. -VOU I BUT-MAH LEFT k ' YOO'FtE. OW.V-MERELY -s RKSHTT-AND, IM CASE 1 IS TH' CHOCK-FULL OF AH IS DISHONEST rOO.!,f X FOOT ITCHE.T ) PERMITTED J NINE MORE HOURS YOU'RE. TEMPTEU TO OTHER J OO-C ALI6RE, A ENUFF T' , YOU'RE TO SHIFT 4 O' THIS UNBEARABLE .SCRATCH DURING S? ONE STKEL-JACKET Y SNEE2C HUH?) t SUPPOSED!-. ,M y FEET-OMLY j TORTURE, HUH? , WORKING HOURS - 1 LOADED ) ANTI-TANK J . cf Oilerr ,r 1 TO STAND ON) ' AFTER ' i I'VE GOT THIS TRAINED WlF BULLETS-IN 1 T-' SOB." J ' YOUR LEFT J MIDNIGHT' JkL9A J, ON YOU. IT'S LOADED BUCKSHOT CASE. OF A J L L Foar EAJ. 'd-U HEY MUTT THESE ) THOSE AIN'T PUMPED P HEReS A .tsk-tsk- Y vnu CuIkiNI SUCH A BEAUTIFUL. V' M FUMPED-UP PEAS ( UPPE-AS-THEYRE J PICTURE OF I WHAT A ABOUT? BIR0'S e0TTA. D1E U AN' THIS CHICKEN ) OL VESJ ANDTH AT ( A PHEASANT! ( SHAME I J&ZJ SO T. CAN EAT C T ' d'Vl WNNER IS A!5 oueVaJIn'tI ) ITS A VERV J 7 SUCHAWFUU- N j 1 "gMJEEPBRBBWrrWU i IpOVOUMEAN WP8.6B WHIZ,NO,Mg. IICJ ..,... A EVEN KNOW THERE tM YOU'RE NOT JUST MAXIN' I PALMER COME ON WE'RE COMING INTO CACTUS KNOB, WHAT'S THIS ABOUT A MAN WAS A CAVE THEITEffH. THIS UP I WELL SHOW VOU 6ENTLEMEN. I'LL SENP THE J&S, R IN A CAVE ? WHAT kTE YOU k. V i'-H. PORTER FOR YOUR BASS. J0 wsss y&L& jkw !&jmMx.airm3gsK r wu ., rmk. I I laaNp r. I v ,w I I Jf Itiwee H tot a I I I BUT, MY DEAR ONE!--I ) wnTTIll MUHFABTH II I RUTHEHEEMSELFHAiPOOTl-rupMH, KNOWS I I NOW, D0NT THINK- -THAT THE ) iU5 TEU VOU VOUR PA jtrONOErX IveN EET EENTO WORDS, JUNIOR! JSoUT UJi-HAT MEMORY OF YOU IS FADING, I Kl FEEL FOR ME A 6REAT I) S FSnD OF WU.T 2ZTvV f .SNVI 'Fn0 M ULTj M TENOERNESS.'-NOWy HE MISHT RESENT IT THAT iiX?, 1 HE EXPECTS TO LIVE R'I. JHUJL jdWM YOU SHOULD TELL I KADNT TALKED IT0VER J X W,TH j rminS f?i v SS' RADIO PROGRAMS i . j SATURDAY CM. v 'KSLM 'o0KGW MIK0C0 "." 'KOIN 0 S;ft DriTCrt PUyhouse Unlvltr Theatre Round D Time Treas. Ba.ndatnd ill Frank Hcmlaiway UniTcraHr Theatrt Round U Timt Tras. Banditand :20 Smoke Blns Bandt t Land Dancer Ahead sU Smoke Mlnta Banda ( Land Curtain Calli Columbia Featura m :M Hawaii Calls Banda of Land CanaiellrUt and Red Barbtr JLilA Hawaii Calla Banda af Land Silver Columbia Featura rW:36 Greaory Hood Here'a to Vela Round U Time Orcbeatra Oretory Hood Elmer Peterson Newa Newt 7:6a Music Hit Parade Drlver'a Playbouee Philip Marlawe ;IA Tabernacle Echo Hit Parade Troplcana Philip Marlaw :S Comedy Playhouse T B A Temp Time Muafe Hm'" :4a Comedy Playhouse T B A Top Band Columbia Featura 8' Take a Number tTa Top Band Sini It Aral. 1 Take a Number T B A V ce of Army ni It Ara a 130 Voice of Truth Grand Ole Opry Volee of Army Sin It Aiaia Voice of Truth Grand Ole Opry Time Waa Sinf It Again 9 100 Life Berlm at SO Vie Danane Show Banditand Vaurtn Honraa 115 Life Betini t 80 Vie Damont Show Bandstand Vaurhn Monraa :? Meet the Presi T B A News Gene Autry J Meet the Press T B A Purout Dope Gene Autry l T:0n News NBC Theater Baseball Fire Mar Final ll: It's the-Top NBC Theater Baseball Ganr Busters -it a iNews T B A' Baseball Gana Busters 4B Music T B A Baseball Jantsen Beaeh Open House Wax Museum Baseball Janlren Beach :1 Open House Wax Museum Baseball Serenade , ' ISO Open House Wax Museum Dancing Party Orchestra , Open House Wax Museum Dancing Party Orchestra Sltn Off Sltn Off Slaa Off 3lgn-o; SUNDAY . 7:00 (News News :I6 Story te Order Blgrs, Oranlst :80 Cameos of Musle Bltrs, Oranlst " :IB Cameos of Music Trinity Choir 4 :00 Muile Bible Hlthllirhts Deep River Boys Church of the Air V :1B MUflc Bfblc Hlghllrhta News Church of the Air r :80 Musle Church In Homo Fellowship Voice Chureh af the Air i4fl Cent. Lutheran Church in Home Fellowship Voice Church of the Ale 9 t00 ll Baptist Ch. Newa Chapel of Air News :A Ut Baptist Ch. Morn, Serenade - Clark Oennls Howard Smith :80 Voice of Prophecy j0hn Doe's Ave Harla Rout Gallery Gossip 146 Voice of Prophecy Musle Ave Maria Hour Newa fl - 100 RBd, BiDl8 claH News Church In Wild. Invitation igVlB Bdlo Bible Class T B A Ernest White to Learning If! t80 Lutheran Hour Sterna Ltrht Wayne King People's Platform ' Ul Lutheran Hour Eternal Light Wayne King People's Platfraa :00 News Glenn SLelley First Baptist h Salt Lake Taber. I 1 :1ft Orchestra Glenn Sholley First Baptist Lb Salt Lake Taber. I :fl0 News Chicago Bound First Baptist Ch Treas. Bandstand :4ft Milt Berth Trio Table i-irsi H,mut Oh. Treas. Bandstand a i00 Tone Tapestries News Serenade for Chorallers I JP :10 Tone Tapestries David Rose Orch. Strings Chorallers (f :80 Sunday Favorites T B A News . Magic In Musi 1 m.)46 Canary Pet Show T B A Guy Lorn bar do Newa 1:00 News T B A Words A Musle CBS Symphony tlft Voice of Array T B A Words A Musle CBS Symphony ISO Mystery Hall Who Said That Words Music CBS Symphony : Mystery Hall Who Said That Words Muslo CBS Symphony 7:0t House of Mystery Living In 1049 Sammy Kaye CBS Svmphony " lift House or Mystery Llvinr In 1949 Sammy Kaye CBS Symphony :80 Truo Detective Newa Sunday Music Musle for You t True Detective T B A Sunday Muslo Muslo for You 3:00 Under .Arrest Music of Masters Warwick Theatre My Serenade" tlft Under Arrest Music of Masters Warwick Theatre News :S0 Mr. Fix-It Hollywood , Calls Sunday Serenads Symphonette !4tt,..Con'fc" BP0 Hollywood CIIs Sunday Serenade Symphonettc 4:00 Roy Roger Hollywood Calls Donald Stewart Family Hotir U Roy Rogers Hollywood Calls Donald Stewart Family Hour 1ft Nick Carter T B A Donald Stewart Otsie A Harriet Nick Carter T B A Donald' Stewart Oziie A Harriet 5:0U Muslo for Sunday Voice A Events Dallas Ministerial Hit Parade .-15 Muslo for Sunday Voice A Eventa Land or Free Hit Parade :30 For Christ Orchestra Music for America Call the Police M For Orchestra Muslo for America Call the Police 6100 wings of Healing Star Playhouse Frontier Town Rocky Jordan :1 Wings of Healing Star Playhouse Frontier Town Rocky Jordan :S0 VD Radio Proj. NBC Symphony Kank Race t NBC Symphony FrHnk Ka George Fisher 7:M Seoret Mission NBC Symphony Warwlok Theatre Earn Vaeatiost flo f"6 "ssion NBC Symphony WaPwlck Theatre Earn Vacation 80 J I?CaJre 'bum r"l Sunday Concert Our Miss Brooks :4S Fwlly Theatre Muslo Sunday Concert Our Miss Brooks 8100 Charmer A Dell Take or Leave It Sunday ConTerT" Columbia Featura :10 Charmer A Dell Jake n Lnvi It Sunday Conoert Columbia Featuro :30 Medical Hilltes Horace He dt Frank DeVa, Hit Parade :4ft Northwest Newa Horace Heldt Frank DeVal Hit Parade 9:00 Twenty Questions T B A Bandstand Philip Marlowe :1B Twenty Questions IB A Bandstand Philip Marlowe sflO Walter Winohell Symphony Hob? News Round Up TI Whistler 4S T B A Symphony Hoar Baseball The Whistler jp. :00 News Symphony Hoar Baseball Fl" Star Pinal lJri:lft Musio Symphony Hour Baseball Sam Spade IE :S0 Muslo Cnthollo Honr Baseball Sara Spade 7:4fl News Catholic Hour Baseball Citizens of World mm 00 Sign Off News Slgo Off Serenade 1 1:15 Mary Ann Mercer Orchestra a r :30 Wax Museum Orchestra :4ft Wax Museum Orchestra 12:00 Sign Off Slrn-Off lCY Saturday P.M. 5:00, It's In the lCaA Family i 0:15, Let Freedom Ring, 5:30, Dixieland! 6:00, Here's to Vetsf 6:18, Home Edition Newsj 6:30, Modern Ro mances) 7:00, Musical Etchings) 7:30, John ny Thompson t 7:45, Bert Andrewst 8:00, Lone Ranger) 8:30, The Eyei 0:00, Break the Banki 9:30, Pat Novak for Hire) 10:00. Newst 10:16, Some Like It Hot; 11 -.30, Bev erly Hills Orch.) 13:00, Extra Houn 1:00, Sign Off. e It PY Sunday A.M. 7:00, Morntng Mel lL odlesi 8:00, Fine Arts Quarteti 8:30, Music Time) 8:00, Revival Hourt l(-:00, Parade of Hltst 10:30, Voice of Prophecy i 11:00, James Roosevelt; 11:18, Romance of the Highways) 11:30, National Vespersi 19:00, Constnat Invadert 12:15, Guest Stan 1S:30, Piano Playhouse) 1:00, Editor at Home; 1:15, Society News) 1:30, Hour of Falthi t:00, Opera Album) 2:30, Message of Israel) 8:00, This Changing Siiverfon Library Benefitted by Tea Silverton The annual gar den tea for the benefit of the local library was considered a financial success with almost D cleared. The affair was held in the home gardens of the Earl J. Adams an dthe Lowell Brown homes in McCaline street. I Pouring were the president, Mrs. P. A. Loar and the vice president, Mrs. Theodore Hobart, during the first hour, Mrs. Re ber Allen and Mrs. F. L. Brown the second houn and later, Mrs. Harry Riches and Mrs, Errol Ross. Many guests were present from Salem, others were present from the Hawaian Islands, Phil adelphia and Boston. Birthdays Celebrated Lyons Mrs. Walter Bevier and Mrs. Floyd Bassett attended a. family reunion held at the Lincoln Henness home in Gates Tuesday afternoon. The occasion honored Henness on his 86th ROOM AND BOARD if I SOLD 25 MORE CORING GADGETS if WONDERFUL JUNIOR. 0 TUH DA OWNER OF A LUNCH !L ' COUNTER WHERE I EAT HE- JgS HW -MAYBE I A BOUGHT 'EM AFTER I SHOWED ( CAN GET THE . HOW TUH CORE A PERTATO AN 4 . RESTAURANT PUT IN A FRANKFURTER TUH Y-; TO GIVE ME A . A MAKE OK BAKED 'WEENEE-PO'- , COUKTESY MEAL --HE WAS SO 2?S,EACM.- 5H DERUGHTED HES . WEEK .' V"A GONNA FEATURE- , f ? BILLEMCjND lfSAC Saturday P.M. 5:00, On tha IXWMV Upbeat; 5:00, 550 Sports Club; f 00, News! 6:16, Look at Australia) 6:80, ' London Letter) 0:45, Holland Today and Tomorrow) 7:00, Light Opera Tonight) 8:45, Loggers' Fire Weather Forecast! 9:00, Dance Parade; 10:45, News) 11:00, Sign Off. World! 8:15, Song Salesman) 8:80, Sunday With You; 4:00, Music Moods; 4:80, Betty Clark! 4:45, Honeydreamers) 6:00, Stop the Music) 6:00, Little Herman) 6:30, Think Fasti 7:00, Walter Wlnchell; 7:16, LoueUa Parsons) 7:30, Go for the House) 8:00, -Jimmle Pldlert 8:15, Ted Malone; 8:30, Dick Toddi 8:45, Roadside Chapel; 6:00, Drew Pearson! 9:15, Monday Morning Headlines! 9:80, Walter Wnchelh 9:45, Intermeizot 10:00, Richfield Reporter! 10:15, Drew Pearson; 10:30, Jantzen Beach Orch.) 11:00, Nocturne) 11:30, Claremont Oreh.t 12100, Xtra Hourt 1:00, Sign Off. birthday anniversary, his broth er, T. Henness who will soon be 95. Another brother, Ep hriam Henness who recently passed away would have been 100 years old his next birthday. The Henness brothers are uncles of Mrs. Walter Bevier. Mill City Purchases Area for Playground Mill City Mill City school district No. 129 J, has purchased the remainder of the property of Glenn Shelton for use as play grounds. Shelton's property join ed that of the new grade school and the purchase now gives the school unbroken grounds. The pumice structure which is being erected where the school play shed has been (alongside the school gym) is for the school dressing room and shower. Berry Harvest Good Grand Island Boysenberry and youngberry harvest is in progress in various fields here. The weather has been conducive for perfect fruit and an adequate number of pickers is to be had. Bv Gent Ahern