Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, July 09, 1949, Page 7, Image 7

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    Wedding Sunday .
Jason Lee Methodist church will be
the scene for a wedding Sunday after
noon when Miss Velora Venita Williams
will be married to Gordon Morris of
Pendleton, the ceremony to be solemn
ized at 4 o'clock with Rev. S. Darlow
Johnson of Pendleton officiating, assist
ed by the Rev. Louis C. Kirby of the
Jason Lee church. Miss Williams is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Williams,
Salem, Mr. Morris the son of Mrs. . C.
G. Morris of Cave Junction and the
late Rev Mr. Morris.
White gladioluses and larkspur with
touches of pink will decorate the church,
together with palms and ferns and light
ed tapers in candelabrums.
Mrs. Gordon Leonard of Cave Junc
tion sister of Mr Morris, will be solo
ist, Mrs. John Lovejoy of Albany,
cousin of Miss Williams, to play the
piano. Lighting the tapers will be Miss
Alice Mae Lovejoy and Lloyd Lovejoy
of Albany, cousins of the bride-elect.
Mr. Williams is to give his daughter
in marriage.
In White Satin
The wedding dress is of heavy white
satin, fashioned with a, sweetheart neck
line, long sleeves pointed over the hands,
a row of buttons down the back and a
train. The fingertip veil is arranged
from a coronet of lace. For her flowers
the bride will carry a colonial bouquet of
roes, bouvardia and sweet peas.
Miss Betty Mann of Portland as maid
of honor will wear a light blue nylon
net gown with matching mitts, and hat
and her flowers will be a colonial bou
quet of sweet peas and roses. Her dress
is similar in design to that of the bride.
Best man for Mr. Morris will be Don
Schmidt. Ushering will be Anton Post!
of Monmouth, Frank Lovejoy of Leb
anon and Lloyd Lovejoy of Albany.
For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Wil
liams is to wear an old-rose gown with
corsage of pastel blooms.
At Reception .
The reception following will be in
the church. Mrs. Melvin Johnson is to
pour. Serving the bride's cake will be
Mrs. Harry O. Smith and Mrs. John
Smith, both of Cave Junction and both
sisters of the bridegroom. Mrs. Manie
Porter of Roseburg, also a sister of Mr.
Morris, is to serve the (bridegroom's
cake. Passing the candy will be Miss
Helen Johnson. Assisting with the serv
ing will be Miss Mary Lois Cotton of
Canby, Miss Margaret . Forsythe, Mrs.
Aaron Dumbeck, Miss Marcella Pam
brun, Miss Peggy Gabriel, Mrs. Archie
Gardner, Mrs. Donald R. Judson, Miss
Cherle Ross, Mrs. Frank Lovejoy of Leb
anon. Miss Alice Mae Lovejoy of Al
bany, Miss Ina Monroe of Portland is to
pass the guest book.
For traveling the bride will wear
gray wool crepe suit, black hat with
Watermelon pink trim and black acces
sories. Following a trip to Yellowstone
the couple will be at home in Pendleton.
Mrs. Lloyd V. Bell has returned from
pending the winter in Washington, D.
C, with her son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk V. Bell, and their
ion, Larry.
Woodburn The contest by the wom
en of the Woodburn Golf club Thursday
was for the fewest putts in nine holes
of play with Mrs. Marion Henning win
ning in class A and Mrs. Dean Bishoprick
in class B.
Awards for the June eclectic went to
Mrs. Ivan DeArmond in class A, Mrs.
Ray Glatt in class B and Mrs. Harold
Ticknor In class' C.
Hostesses at the luncheon hour were
Mrs. George Timm and Mrs. David Cav
ette. For next Thursday the hostess com
mittee will be Mrs. P. C. McLaughlin
and Mrs. Ivan DeArmond.
. Hostesses last evening were Mrs. Rich
ard Sullivan and Mrs. E. D. Spencer,
honoring Mrs. Darrell V. Gemmell. The
party was at the home of Mrs. Sullivan's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bell,
and a shower feted the honoree.
AT A SERVICE July 2 In ML Ansel, Miss
Mary Traeger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
A. 6. Traeger. was wed to Jack Schurr,
on or Mrs. Charles Bochsler. the err Ice
being In St. Mary's church. (Jesten-Muler
tudio photo.)
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H ACTIVITY enlisting the inter-
a large group of women
this summer will be the residen
tial campaign for the Salem Hospital
De"elopment program. The division
launches its work on Tuesday, July 19.
Mrs. Ralph E. Moody and Mrs. Chand
ler Brown are co-chairmen for the wo
men's division.
Their five commanders appointed this
week include Mrs. Donald Burke, Mrs.
Ward Davis, Mrs. Arthur Roethlin, Mrs.
Ralph Schlesinger, Mrs. Robert F. Wulf.
Captains and workers will be an
nounced later.
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THE WEDDING of Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Sandau was a Jjne c: lemony. The bride
is the former Mlna Lee Spr-ngr . dai'-'.:cr of i', . and Mrs. Aino C. Spranger. Mr.
Sandan is the son of Mr. and Mis. Dan ?n-7nu of St. Louis, Mo. (Jesten-Miller studio
Miss Marilyn Hjort, who is to be wed
September 4 to Raymond H. Crumme of
Berkeley, Calif., will be honored at a
buffet supper and kitchen shower for
which Miss Margaret Moritz will enter
tain Tuesday evening at her home.
Honoring Miss Hjort will be Mrs. Har
old Gardner, Misses Janice and Jeanne
Myers, Mrs. Gerald Robison, Miss
Grace Shields, Mrs. William Dunn, Miss
Anita Hager, Miss Sally Ann Barr, Miss
Sara Ann Ohling, Miss Margaret-Jane
Emmons, Mrs. Robert Siddoway of Port
land, Miss Evelyn Hilfiker, Mrs. Lloyd
Brough of St. Helens, Mrs. J. J. Moritz,
and the hostess.
Marion auxiliary, Veterans of For
eign Wars, is meeting. Monday at 8 ip.m.
in the VFW hall. There will be Initia
tion. Miss Katherine Schissler will be pre
sented in a recital of piano music in Wal
ler hall, Willamette university campus,
Wednesday at 8:15 p.m. The program
is under the auspices of the Willamette
summer school series.
Miss Schirsler was graduntcd from
Willamette college of music in 1948, and
was well known to Salem audiences for
her solo work, chamber music perform
ance and as an accompanist. While a
student at Willamette she held the Hol
man scholarship and the Presser scholar
ship. She is a member of Mu Phi Epsilon
music honorary. This past year, Miss
Schissler has been studying at Univer
sity of Michigan graduate school toward
a master of music degree.
The public is invited to the Wednes
day recital.
Following is the program:
French Suite No. 3 in
B Minor J. S. Bach
. Menuet
Sonata K 570 in B flat
Major Mozart
Sonata Op. 78 in G Major . . Schubert
Molto moderate e cantabilt
Menuetto ,
A DESSERT luncheon and bridge
party are planned for the meet
ing of Sojourners club next
Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock in the
Salem Woman's club house.
Mrs. Thomas Bagan is chairman for
the afternoon and serving with her as
hostesses will be Mrs. Del Binkley,
Mrs. Mason DeNeff, Mrs. Arthur Lewis,
Mrs. Theodore Lynn, Mrs. Robert Upson.
Members of the Oak Knoll Ladies
Golf club will be entertained at Corvallis
next Thursday for a return match there.
The Woman's Society of Christian
Service in the Jason Lee Methodist
church is to meet at the church on Wed
nesday. Mrs. Joe Klinger will preside
over the business meeting at 11 o'clock.
Luncheon will be served at 12 o'clock
noon by the January-July circle, Mrs.
E. W. Gallagher as chairman.
The afternoon session will take up at
1:30 o'clock. Devotions will be given by
Mrs. Roy Roberts. The lesson will be
Mrs. Lloyd Hockett. There will be
special musical numbers. Following the
meeting, Mrs. Marie Putnam will re
view the first "chapter of "The Bible
and Human Rights." All women of the
community are invited to attend.
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AMONG recent engagement announcement! was that of Miss Ruth Lynch, daughter
of Mrs. Hilda Lynch of Salem and J. A. Lynch of Dallas, to LaVern Hardy, ion of
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hardy. (Jeatcn-MiUer studio photo.)
WEDDING last evening In St.
Mark Lutheran church was that
of Miss Ardana D. Phelps and
George M. Grinde, the vows being read
at 8 o'clock by the Rev. M. A. Getzen
daner. The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Truman Phelps, Mr. Grinde
the son of Filing Grinde.
Baskets of the cream and green Lady
Jane gladioluses and lighted tapers in
candelabrums decorated the church for
the service.
Miss Gladys Quesseth sang and at the
organ was Bernie Phillips.
Miss Emerald ' Pickett lighted the
The bride, given in marriage by her
father, wore an avocado green gabar
dine dressmaker suit with white hat and
gloves and black accessories. She car
ried a bouquet of the Lady Jane gladi
oluses. Mrs. Marion Fernau (Evelyn Egel
hoff) was the matron of honor. She
wore a skipper navy blue fitted dress
maker suit with white accessories and
her bouquet was of pastel gladioluses.
Albert Lindbeck was best man and
the ushers were Sidney Smith and Bob
For her daughter's wedding, Mrs.
Phelps wore a navy blue crepe costume
with pink hat and navy accessories, and
a corsage of Rubrum lilies.
The reception following was in the
church parlors. Miss Kreta Janz passed
the guest book. Miss Emerald Pickett
served the cake and at the punch bowl
was Mrs. William Hicks. Mrs. Larry
Trupukka (Betty Kipple) and Mrs.
Gwen Morley had charge of the gifts
The couple will be at home in Salem
after July 17.
Town Club Dance
A summer sports dance for Town
club members is on the social calendar
for next Saturday evening, July 16, the
event to be at Glenwood ballroom, danc
ing beginning at 9 o'clock.
Eight couples are on the committee of
hosts, including Robert White, retiring
president of the club, and Mrs. White;
Robert Drager, incoming president, and
' Mrs. Drager; Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Roth, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Perry, Mr.
and Mrs. Emery Hobbs, Mr. and Mrs.
Ward Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Helt
zel, Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Cooley.
The dance concludes the season for
the club, the new year starting in the
Executive board of Capital unit No. 9,
American Legion auxiliary, is to meet
Monday at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs.
Robert Gahlsdorf, 955 North 17th.
Members of Chadwick chapter, Order
of Eastern Star, are sponsoring a picnic
Sunday at 1 p.m. in the Dallas eity park
for members and families. The coffee
and ice cream will be furnished.
The Pike-Baxter clan met in the Dal
las city park recently for its annual pic
nic. After the lunch a short business
meeting was held. Officers elected for
next year are; Chet Gillam, president;
Charlotte Von Forell, vice president;
Etta Warren, secretary-treasurer. Next
year's picnic will be at Ecola state park
on the coast.
Present were Mrs. Jane Baxter, Mr.
and Mrs. George Woods, Mr. and Mrs.
Art Woods, Carol and Jane, Mr. and
Mrs. C. E. Trent, Beverly and Billie
Trent and Don Fischer of Dallas; Mrs.
Jessie Gillam and Mrs. Alice Crabtree
of Perrydale; Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Moore,
Mrs. Theresa Scovell Henderson, Mrs.
Melissa Barber, Edwin and Priscilla
Barber of Nehalem; Mr. and Mrs. Aaron
Pike of Monmouth; W. J. Edgar and Mar
garet Edgar of Portland; Mrs. Charlotte
Von Forell, Claudia and Lester Hanna
and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gilman of
McMinnville; Frank Pike, Charlie Pike,
Mrs. Bessie Williams, James Hobson,
and Gloria Bushnell of Bay City; Miss
Ora Scovell of Corvallis; Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Lampitt, Ralph Lampitt, Lois and
Jimmie Lampitt of Hoquiam, Wash.;
Rhuben Lampitt of Winlock, Wash.; Mr.
and Mrs. Archie Lafountain, Hoquiam,
Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Warren,
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Conner, Mr. and Mrs.
C. M. Warren of Salem; H. L. Conner,
Paul and Virginia Conner of Orchards,
Wash.; Barbara Lee Duke of Sacramen
to, Calif.
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A JUNE wedding was that of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Allyn Rand. Jr., the ceremony
being June 20. The bride is the former Phyllis Ann Howard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Albert Howard of Portland. Mr. Rand Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey A.
Rand of Salem. (Logan-Markham photo, Portland)
Mrs. Melvin Johnson and Miss Helen
Johnson were hostesses for a bridal
shower in honor of Miss Velora Williams
at their Cottage street home. Roses and
green boughs decorated the rooms. Miss
Williams is to be married tomorrow to
Gordon Morris.
Those invited were Mrs. Gene Cook
sey, Mrs. John Lovejoy and Miss Alice
Mae Lovejoy of Albany, Miss Margaret
Forsythe, Mrs. James Purdy, Mrs. Beu
lah Buckingham, Mrs. Robert Adams,
Miss Bernice Boyce, Miss Janet Boyce,
Miss Vivian Boyce, Miss Peggy Gabriel,
Miss Marcella Pambrun, Mrs. Archie
Gardner, Miss Toyoko Kawata, Miss
Hesako Kawata, Miss Irene Kawata and
- Miss Kathryn Kawata of Portland and
Mrs. E. J. Williams.
In Seattle this week-end are Dean and
Mrs. Melvin Geist as guests of Dr. and
Mrs. R. Ivan Lovell.
Mrs. Bruce Buell and children, Susan,
Sandra and David, have left for San
Pedro where they will join Mr. Buell
who is a chemist for the Union Oil com
pany. They were accompanied south by
Mrs. Ed Booth, Mrs. Buell's mother,
who will spend a few weeks with her
daughter's family at San Pedro.
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THE MARRIAGE of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lee Kucbler (Doris Jean Larson) was sol
emnized June 17, the couple being shown here at the reception. The bride is the
daughter of Mrs. Ilnttle I-arson, Mr. Kuebler the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. U Kucbler.
(Jeiten-Miller studio photo.)
AAUW Group !;
Committee chairmen for the new
year's work in the Salem branch of th
American Association of University Wo
men are announced by the new presi
dent, Miss Elise Schroeder. The list of
chairmen is as follows:
Art Mrs. M. K. McCann.
Bulletin Mrs. John H. Hann.
Decorations Mrs. W. O. Mills.
Education Mrs. P. L. Calvert.
Fellowship Mrs. W. F. McBee.
Historian Mrs. Guy N. Hickok.
Hospitality Mrs. H. Gordon Carl, Jr.
International relations Mrs. John
Legislative Mrs. Ridgeley C. Miller.
Membership Miss Mabel P. Robert-
program miss jwuarea unristenson. ,
Publicity Mrs. Mary Thomas.
Social tttudie; Mrs Reginald 8. Wil-. '
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year inciuae, Desmes miss senroeaer ai
nrpsidpnt Mrs Frvin W Pnttpr. vlrm .
nntciriant1 lUTce liAPrinn A K iiiifTf)l CM
retary; Miss Constance D. Weinman, "
treasurer; Mrs. Albert A. Cohen, chair-
man, Mrs. Tom Wolgamott, Mrs. Charles "
L. Layport, all scholarship loan.